Institute 'Techinformi'
Email:, Phone: (032) 2-33-53-15; (995) 599541416 Address: 47, Kostava St., 0179 Tbilisi
About Institute
Intelligence Property
Techinformi’s Mission, Goals and Objectives Techinform's mission is to function as advisor to the government and monitor of the state of the system in the field of information support of research, development and innovation management. The fulfillment of this mission is based on the doctrine of the OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), which explicitly states the importance of the R&D system for research, management and analytical studies in any country for the purposes of economic development and effective management of R&D. In line with the OECD Doctrine, a list of key objectives relevant to Techinform's mission has been developed to enable TechInform to fulfill its mission. Techinformi’s goals and objectives include: Participating in the development and implementation of the state policy development of the scientific-technical information system of Georgia; promoting the establishment of the country's information resources and infrastructure, the development and improvement of information communication, and the improvement of the quality and efficiency of information services; participating in the preparation of governmental and departmental decisions on scientific and technical information, information and library policy issues; Promoting the economic growth and development of the country on the basis of scientific research and innovation, as well as improving the quality and efficiency of information support to management; Comprehensive support for current scientific activities in the country, including For the purpose of providing information to scientific-research institutions, education and science institutes; creation of a fund of all kinds of scientific-technical information sources (including electronic sources), distribution of scientific products; conducting seminars, conferences, presentations, exhibitions and other events in the country and abroad; Determining the age status of the scientific-technical staff employed in the scientific fields of the country and determining (developing) the conditions promoting the employment of young scientists; Participation in the training and retraining of scientific staff - training and upgrading specialists in the field of information and etc. Obtaining data on activities and key trends in research, technology and education in other countries; Analysis of data regarding research and technology contributions to economic development, social change, national security, international cooperation, etc.; Comparative analysis of Georgia's innovative situation and opportunities in relation to other countries of the world; Analysis of scientific periodicals of Georgia; Selection and application of methods for calculation and evaluation of scientometric indicators for the assessment and evaluation of the current state of science in Georgia, as well as the development and analysis of innovative development models by mathematical, statistical and numerical modelling techniques
Structural Units
Analysis and Information Resources Department; Development of Information Technologies Department; Electronic publications and Reference Service Group; Technical and Technology Support Group.
Scientific Equipment
Title of the equipment/device | Technical characteristics | Date of issue | Exploitation staring year | Usage/application | Purpose of usage/application | Technical condition |
Scientific buildings
International Scientific Works
Project number/ID | Project title | Name of the grant call | Funding organization | Grant budget (total) | Start/end dates | Principal investigator | Key personnel | Project Summary | Detailed description | Achieved results |
32 05 04 | Database of new technologies and innovative proposals | State grant | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia | 2100 ლარი | 2019 | T. Chubinishvili | D. Gabunia, A. Phatsatsia, M. Ghogheliani, N. Shotashvili | The goal of forming a database of technologies and innovative proposals and its operation is to promote the creativity of Georgian inventors, scientists and researchers and, in case of interest of Georgian or foreign organizations, to provide information support to their commercialization process. | In order to achieve the goal of functioning of the database of new technologies and innovative proposals, the authors and potential users of new technologies and innovative proposals are being searched and the relevant primary data, i.e. proposals and projects, are being obtained. The data is mainly collected directly from research organizations, the International Center for Advancement for Research Technology and Innovations (ICARTI), and the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia SAKPATENTI. | The operation and update of the DB of New Technologies and Innovative Proposals is under way. Currently, the DB contains 872 records in the Georgian and English languages. The DB information can be retrieved through a scientific-technical subject heading lists, as well as keywords and phrases. |
32 05 04 | Development of a registration-deposit system of small-circulation and unpublished scientific works, creation of a corresponding deposit collection and formation of a bibliographic-abstract database. | State grant | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia | 2200 ლარი | 2019 | T. Chubinishvili | N. Chkhaidze, E. Misabishvili, M. Ghogheliani, N. Bachilava | In recent years, significant attention has been paid to scientific gray literature and gray documents as an important part of the scientific products created in the country; therefore it is necessary to take them into account in the analysis and evaluation of scientific activity. | Taking into account the importance of scientific gray literature and gray documents requires their accounting and registration through such materials as: reports of conducted studies, materials of conferences, seminars, symposia, meetings, theses, unpublished works, etc. Considering this fact, it is necessary to raise the status of the deposited works and the new rules of the system of depositing scientific gray literature and documents. Along with this, it is necessary to update the relevant deposit collection and form a bibliographic and reference database. | A new statute for the registration of the deposit of works has been developed, and the digital format of the deposited works in the Techinformi information collection has been completed. This allows the inclusion of scientific gray literature in the ongoing IT-based research work. |
#317-05-SG | Generation of an online electronic system for university/state registration of scientific research projects | Individual grant | GTU Center ERTAD (Together) for Supporting Innovative Activity of Young Scientists and Students | 1200 Gel | 2019. 20.03 – 2019. 20.09. | T. Chubinishvili | E. Misabishvili, N. Bachilava, A. Patsatsia, A. Beridze | The goal of the project was to create an electronic system for mandatory registration of ongoing and completed scientific-research projects at the university/state levels in scientific organizations of Georgia. | The project provided for the development of an electronic system for mandatory registration of current and completed scientific research projects in Georgian scientific organizations at the university/state level. Along with mandatory registration of research projects, the system will permanently update the abstract-bibliographic database of scientific studies in the country, increase the possibility of operational dissemination of research results in electronic networks, filing of registration application and its registration in the register. Loading data into the system is done in interactive mode. With the works carried out within the framework of the project, the software and informational provision of the electronic system for mandatory registration of research projects at the state/university level in the on-line mode, their functionality testing and the rules (regulations) for the registration of projects have been fully completed. | As a result of the works carried out within the framework of the project, the software and informational provision of the online electronic system of compulsory registration of research projects at the state/university their functionality testing and the rules of project registration have been fully completed. The commission accepting the project positively evaluated the work done and supported the feasibility of implementing the developed system. |
#705-05-SG | Implementation of an online electronic system for registration of scientific and research projects in GTU | Individual grant | GTU Center ERTAD (Together) for Supporting Innovative Activity of Young Scientists and Students | 1200 Gel | 2020-2021 წწ. | T. Chubinishvili | E. Misabishvili, N. Bachilava, A. Patsatsia, A. Beridze | An online electronic, system for mandatory registration of scientific and research projects at the state/university level has been developed at the research institute TECHINFORMI with the participation (facilitation) of the GTU Center ERTAD (Together) for Supporting Innovative Activity of Young Scientists and Students for generating and updating the information fund at the state/university level. | To describe and evaluate the current state of the country's scientific system and innovative activities, it is very important to have a permanently updated information base on current and completed research projects in the country. For the purpose of forming such a fund at the university level and its actualization in 2020-2021, an online electronic system of mandatory registration of scientific-research projects was introduced. The system ensures the formation of an abstract-bibliographic database of scientific research conducted in the country/university, its permanent updating and increasing the possibility of operational dissemination of research results in electronic networks. | With the participation (facilitation) of the GTU Center ERTAD (Together) for Supporting Innovative Activity of Young Scientists and Students, an online electronic system for mandatory registration of scientific-research projects at the state/university level was introduced at Techinformi. |
#5-02/16.01.02 | Creating a database of promising research and technologies and placing it in international databases | Grant of ISTC | International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC) | 7 500 USD | 2002-2005 წწ. | T. Chubinishvili | N. Makhviladze, P. Tsotskolauri, E. Pawlowicz | The goal of the project was to describe promising research and scientific technologies in Georgia and send them to the ISTC database. The result of the project is the free distribution of the works of Georgian researchers by ISTC in many foreign countries, both in universities and government institutions, as well as in private companies. The database was also available to interested persons through the Internet. | Techinformi has been cooperating with scientific and research organizations of different countries for many years. It is also connected with scientific and technical information centers. One of these was the cooperation with the International Scientific-Technical Information Center (ISTC), namely the cooperation with the database of promising scientific researches and new technologies of this center. Meetings were held and seminars were organized for representatives of scientific organizations and higher education institutions. Research description requirements, research selection criteria, and questionnaires were prepared. Questionnaires were prepared separately for promising scientific studies - Promising Research Abstract (PRA) and separately for scientific technologies - Technology Abstract (TA). Based on the performance of preparatory work, an agreement was signed and cooperation with promising scientific research and new technology databases began. Questionnaires were sent to users along with requests for study descriptions. Questionnaires for scientific technologies and prospective scientific research included the following fields: a brief description of the scientific research, information about the status of the research, foreign partners involved in the research, equipment used in the research, opinions about the directions for the continuation of the research, and the budget request for the research. Forms containing information about the scientific organization and contact person data were also attached to the questionnaires. | According to the Project, 67 scientific organizations of Georgia were involved in the work. Among them: 8 universities, 3 academies, 42 institutes, 11 scientific research centers. Scientific research descriptions of about 400 Georgian scientists were sent to the ISTC database. In total, about 500 promising scientific studies and about 500 new technology abstracts were submitted and placed in the ISTC database. |
C5-728-017-SG | Analysis and coding of the pre-election programs of the winning parties in the parliamentary elections in the South Caucasus countries | Grant Competition | Berlin Center for Sociological Research | 5 000 USD | 1992-2005 | O. Shatberashvili | T. Chubinishvili, N. Makhviladze, N. Chkhaidze | Pre-election programs are considered as the main indicator of the basis and content of the parties' policies and are used as material for quantitative analysis of the content. The analysis methodology is based on the so-called "qualification scheme", the first version of which was developed by David Robertson (1975). Which is aimed to compare the features of competition between parties using the example of British and American parties. In 1979, the European Consortium Political Research Group "Manifesto Research Group" (MRG) was founded by researchers who were interested in analyzing the content of the foundations of party politics. During the work of the group, the "qualification scheme" or "standard coding system" was developed and expanded. | The total number of program documents is 62. The programs are available in Georgian, Russian, Armenian and Azerbaijani languages. The coding principle was as follows: each program is divided into separate thoughts, the so-called As "quasi-sentences", each of which is assigned one of the 56 codes of the "qualification scheme" according to the content expressed in it. E.g. if the "quasi-proposal" contains a call for the protection of democracy and its content is suitable for the qualification scheme code (category) 201, it is assigned this code. A "quasi-sentence" represents a certain argument (opinion). An argument is a verbal expression of a political opinion or issue. Code quantities are tabled. Thus, the coding procedure includes determining the quantitative (how many opinions does the party have) indicators and qualifications (what are the party's opinions) of election programs. The quantitative assessment of content makes it possible to decipher and compare the parties' ideology, political goals, their compliance with society's demands, to keep an eye on the change in the ideology of individual parties (if the same party participated in several elections). The following analytical comparative work was carried out on the basis of the programs coded in the presented project. This is possible in three ways: a) comparing the changes in the political positions or views of bordering parties. b) comparing changes in political positions or views between parties; c) analysis of differences between countries. 56 coding categories are grouped into seven main political areas: 1. Foreign relations; 2. Freedom and democracy; 3. Political system; 4. Economy; 5. Welfare and standard of living; 6. Public structure; 7. Social groups. | The original copies of the pre-election program documents were delivered to the Center for Sociological Research in Berlin. |
GNSF/ST08/1-368 | Development and Adaptation of Bibliometric Tools for the Study of Scientific Products of Georgia | Basic Sciences | Shota Rustaveli national scientific foundation of Georgia | 94 855 Gel | 2009-2011 | O. Shatberashvili | Pikria Tsotskolauri (Project manager), Levon Chobanian (Chief Researcher), Nelly Makhviladze (Chief Researcher) | The reformation of science, current management and long-term development significantly depend on the assessment of the current situation in this field. It means both the evaluation of the organizational and personnel-age system of science, as well as the thematic evaluation of scientific researches going on in the country. Thematic assessment involves the analysis of the distribution of scientific products according to fields and subfields, i.e. scientific disciplines, the share of interdisciplinary studies, the assessment of the productivity of individual scientists and scientific groups, the formation of science maps - the image of co-citations according to individual directions, etc. All this is the basis for determining the country's scientific potential, prospective and priority directions of research. The tool for such evaluations is the methods of bibliographic research, which is based on a combination of national (local) and international bibliographic databases. | At the modern stage, the methods of bibliometric analysis are actively used to study the state of science. This grant project also aimed to carry out certain works in this direction. The project took into account the description of scientific products using bibliometric research methods, drawing up science maps, determining and evaluating citation indices and other indicators. Accordingly, the task of the research was set - the thematic evaluation of the current scientific researches in the country. Most of the works of Georgian scientists are published in Georgian and are not reflected in international databases. Most of the works are published in Russian and their representation in English-language databases is modest. Considering all this, it is necessary to create national databases in the country. In addition, the database system should include data on current and completed scientific-research works in the country, publications of scientists, reports made at conferences, defended theses, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to provide access to international databases. The goal of the research was: creation of a bibliographic database system describing scientific products in Georgia; In order to analyze the state of science in Georgia, to create a trial package of software products, which would make possible the correlation processing of TECHINFORMI databases with international databases; according to the information of national and international databases, the development of the methodology for determining the "information portrait" of Georgian science as a whole, individual scientists and scientific collectives. Within the framework of the project, the system of databases, the structure of the databases, and the sources of their filling were defined. The index of citations of publications was reflected in the database; DB of dissertations by Georgian scientists; a trilingual DB of articles published by Georgian scientists in local journals. When conducting scientometric research, the .Net, SQL technology was used, which provides the possibility of building and analyzing a wide range of scientific indices. Three levels of bibliographic data aggregation were defined: micro-level - publications of scientists and research groups; meso- level - publications of institutions and; macro-level - publications of countries and regions, international scientific associations. Indicators of distribution of publications in subject areas were developed for the meso and macro levels. Through the relative index of citations, the scientific directions were identified, in which the indicators of citations of Georgian scientists' publications are high. According to the levels of aggregation, the methodology of creating three types of "informational portrait" was developed. The reliability of the methodology was checked according to several selected trial research groups: a) groups with outstanding bibliographic data; b) groups with an average flow of publications; c) groups working in different areas of science. In order to create an "information portrait" of researchers, criteria independent of bibliometric recognition methods were also selected. Bibliometric analysis was carried out and data input and information output interfaces were checked; basic scientific indicators were created. Taking into account the specificity of citations in scientific fields, a methodology for the analysis of citation activity in the publications of individual scientists or scientific collectives was developed. An effective citation index was introduced. Based on the mentioned methodology and index, bibliometric analysis of individual sciences and scientific groups was carried out. Groups with high rates of scientific activity were determined by field. | The conducted work has shown that a special approach is needed to study the productivity of small research groups and individual researchers when using existing bibliographic tools. Unlike the calculation of the characteristics of research systems, when we deal with large arrays, during the calculation of the characteristics of an individual researcher or a small group, factors such as the unreliability of complex processing algorithms, inaccuracies allowed when referencing articles, non-uniqueness of translation, and others appear much more strongly. Therefore, all available tools should be used to minimize errors. In case of large differences in data obtained by different tools, we should refer to the original records and, if necessary, manually process them, including semantic evaluation of records, exclusion of different descriptions of the same work, and other similar operations. All trial groups are represented in Scholar Google and SCI SEARCH (StN International), allowing citation counts for their articles. Accordingly, they are presented in the DB Publications of Georgian Scientists in Highly Ranked Foreign Journals (Techinformi), which was created within the framework of this project. Although the characteristics calculated from the three databases (number of articles, average citations per article, maximum article citations) differ, they are quite high in all three databases, although below the world average characteristics. All four groups successfully participate in various grant competitions, some of them also in the competitions of the SRNSF. What is the cause of the success of these groups compared to similar groups is a subject of special study. |
C05-4115 | Comparative Analysis of Pre-election Programs of Political Parties of the South Caucasus Countries | 2006 Grant Competition | CRRC-Caucasus Research Resource Center, Georgia | 2 000 USD | 2005-2006 წწ. | N. Chkhaidze | G. Kuprashvili, N. Makhviladze | The research is based on the analysis of pre-election programs of political parties elected to the highest legislative bodies (at least 2 mandates) in the elections held in the South Caucasus countries in 1992-2004, which was conducted in Techinformi, using the methodology "Standard Coding System" provided by the Institute of Sociological Research in Berlin. The opinion expressed in the pre-election program (quasi-sentence) was given a certain numerical code, which the pre-election program converted into quantitative (how many opinions does the party have) and qualitative (what are the party's opinions?) reflections. Number of program documents - 62. | The coding system includes 56 codes. Within the framework of the project, 10 codes (categories) were selected, which reflect the views of the parties on democracy and human rights protection. These are: freedom and human rights, democracy - positive, promotion of environmental protection, social justice and its protection, promotion of growth of general welfare, promotion of expansion of education, promotion of social harmony, labor groups: positive, protection of interests of middle class and professional groups, protection of interests of non-economic demographic groups. The so-called classification of these categories and the weighting through expert polling and ranking of category weights were made. Finally, the values of the categories were calculated in the dimensionless quantities denoting the quality, taking into account the weighting of the categories in the desirability coefficients. | For separate elections, charts were created for all three countries, through which we can compare the views of different parties in terms of democracy and human rights protection.rights protection. |
# 4500003909 | Establishmen t of the Portal „Observatory of the Information Society for CIS Countries“ | Grant of UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), France | 10 000 USD | 2002-2004 | O. Shatberashvili | T. Chubinishvili, M. Kopaleishvili, I. Bedinashvili, N. Javakhadze, M. Lebedeva | The project aimed to update the document base of the UNESCO portal "Observatory on the Information Society" ( with materials from Russia and the CIS countries. The work resulted in a database that included national policy, legislation, news, events and other issue-focused materials. The website was promoted and developed at relevant conferences and meetings. The database was updated with at least 20 new entries per week. Daily news updates (except weekends) in Russian and weekly updates of the events sector were provided. A newsletter was issued once a week, and a report on the work performed for every 6 months was published. | In order to generate an international base on information technologies, information policies of countries, legislation and normative documents, news and events in the field of informatics, UNESCO developed the portal "Observatory on the Information Society" In order to create an international base on information technologies, information policies of countries, legislation and normative documents, news and events in the field of informatics, UNESCO developed the portal "Observatory on the Information Society" ( This database was updated with materials from Russia and the CIS countries by Techinformi. The following CIS countries were considered: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. The site menu consisted of the following sections: Cryptography; Digital-divide; E-commerce; Freedom of Expression; Infostructure; Intellectual Property; Multilinguism; National and International Bodies; National Law; National Policies; Online Governance; Publication. Information in the Observatory was provided in Russian, French, English and CIS languages. Techinform provided coverage of news and events in the Observatory according to geographical regions, as well as took into account copyright obligations when citing foreign sites. The DB materials reflect the period after 1995. The document preparation and transfer scheme for the UNESCO DB "Observatory on the Information Society" was developed for two types of documents: 1) ready-made sites; and 2) documents selected by source processing. In the case of ready-made sites, the work consisted of the following stages: The site retrieval; document selection on the site; annotation of the selected document; translation of the annotations into English; sending the document to UNESCO. Documents selected according to the list of transmitted sources and procession of other additional sources were placed on the special website of Techinformi The documents were included in the database according to the following stages: document selection; document scanning; proof-reading of the scanned text; placing the document on the Techinformi website; document annotation; translation of the annotation into English; sending the document. Description of the communicated documents: title; URL (Internet address); short description; category; date of sending; author of the selected document and annotation; translator; proofreader; note. | Update of the UNESCO portal "Observatory on the Information Society" with information from the countries of the former Soviet Union according to relevant topics in the field of informatics. |
# 4500010669 | Creating a Russian-language Portal "Cultural Heritage of New Independent States" | Grant of UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), France | 10 000 USD | 2003-2004 | O. Shatberashvili | T. Chubinishvili, M. Kopaleishvili, I. Bedinashvili, M. Abaishvili, N. Javakhadze, M. Lebedeva | The creation of the portal "Cultural Heritage of the Newly Independent States" provided for the generation of a Russian-language analogue of the cultural heritage of the former Soviet Union republics - Russia and the CIS countries on the UNESCO World Heritage Portal (GHP - Information on the portal was updated daily and edited in Russian/English languages according to the agreed plan (total number of documents - 2000 on the topics "Documentary Heritage, Intangible Heritage, Tangible Heritage" and at least 700 documents on the topic "Natural Heritage"). Documents selected in accordance with the list of sources submitted to UNESCO and by processing other additional sources were placed on the special website of Techinformi | The project was carried out on the basis of the general scheme of the World Cultural Heritage Portal, the study of basic facilities and navigation, consultations of the head of the GHP group, and familiarization with existing materials and documentation. The portal menu consists of the following sections: Websites; Projects; News; Multimedia; Legal Instruments; HP-files; Heritage by Types; Heritage by Programs; Heritage by Country; Exhibitions; Events; Discussion. Out of the works carried out, the following is of importance: • Finding, preparing and posting materials for the thematic sections of the World Cultural Heritage Portal; • Preparing a virtual exhibition; • Arranging a discussion forum; • Preparation and publication of the collection of legislative acts regulating the field of cultural heritage; • Providing assistance in organizing the participation of cultural heritage specialists in UNESCO trainings on multimedia/database issues; • Dissemination of information about the Cultural Heritage Portal in all relevant forums and online; • Presentation of excerpts from the CD-ROM of the cultural heritage created in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia on the portal; • Conducting the first virtual conference of the South Caucasus on cultural heritage protection and multimedia issues. | • A Russian-language analogue of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage portal was created; • Information about the cultural heritage of Russia and the CIS countries was studied and placed on the portal; • Information about the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage portal was disseminated on various forums; • The geographical area of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage portal was expanded; • Techinformi specialist participated in the GHP training, organized by the UNESCO Alma-Ata office, where the portal was demonstrated; • World Cultural Heritage portal newsletter was oublished; • Techinformi specialist visited UNESCO Headquarters in Paris to master the GHP's Know-how Simplify. |
# 86/DD-37 | Creation of the United Information Network of the ISTC Member Countries | Grant of ISTC | Joint project #86/DD3-37 of Techinformi and International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC) | 2500 USD | 2002-2004 | T. Chubinishvili | N. Makhviladze, P. Tsotskolauri, M. Gogeliani | As a result of the creation of the united information network of the International Science & Technology Center (ISTC), it was possible to involve the Member Countries in the enrichment and strengthening of the network's information base. | In connection with the creation of an information network, the joint project #86/DD3-37 of Techinformi and the ISTC has been implemented since 2002, the purpose of which is to describe the new, promising researches and technologies in Georgia and place them in the relevant database. | According to an agreement of the parties, ISTC is provided with researches performed in biochemistry, cytology, genetics, molecular biology, ecology, immunology, microbiology, nutrition, public health, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, radiobiology and other fields. Studies are selected based on appropriate criteria. The purpose of the DB of new technologies is to distribute the works of researchers of the CIS countries for free in many foreign countries (USA, EU countries, Japan), in universities and government institutions, as well as in private companies. The database is also available over the Internet. |
90425-06-TB | Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship Program - STEP (entrepreneurial realization of scientific research projects, 2004) | Grant of CRDF | US Civil Research and Development Fund (CRDF)/Georgia Science and Technology Development Fund (GRDF) grant | 1700 USD | 2004-2005 | T. Chubinishvili | N. Makhviladze, E. Pawlowich, M. Gogeliani | In order to provide information support for the commercialization of research results conducted by Georgian scientists, Techinformi since 2004 has participated in the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program (STEP) of the US Civilian Research and Development Fund (GRDF). The purpose of the program is to promote the commercialization of scientific and technological products and deepen ties with the US industry | The STEP program envisages the organization of trainings, meetings of scientists, specialists and entrepreneurs, and finally, awarding a successful scientist with the Business Partnership (BPP) small grant. BPP grants finance groups of scientists who, together with partner companies (business partners), will be able to realize scientific-business projects. At BPP's 2004 grant-making event, 18 scientists and their business partners presented innovation proposals and projects. | Projects were presented at a venture conference, where 4 winning projects were selected. For the implementation of these projects, each of them was allocated a grant in the amount of 5000 US dollars. |
86/D3-37 | Internet portal "Human Habitat: Air, Water, Soil" | individual grant | International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) | 360 USD | 2004-2006 | T. Chubinishvili | N. Makhviladze, L. Chobanian. I. Bedinashvili, M. Ghogheliani | Since 2004, Techinformi has been involved in the implementation of the ICSTI’s project "Human Habitat: Air, Water, Soil". | The goal of the project is to create an internet portal that contains the data of all the organizations of the ICSTI participating countries, whose main activities are related to the topic of nature protection. The function of Techinformi in the project is related to the formation of the part of information provision of the system. The main purpose of the portal is to provide information on the ecological situation of the country and information about the experts working in this field for the EU’s 6th and 7th framework programs (FP6, FP7) for Research and Technological Development, as well as for the scientific ecological projects of NATO. | In November 2006, information about 40 Georgian organizations and 40 experts was placed on the Internet portal. |
10040-06-TB | Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship Program - STEP (promoting the commercialization of scientific research results) | GRDF grant | US Civilian Research and Development Fund (CRDF) / Georgian Scientific and Technological Development Fund (GRDF) grant | 1700 USD | 2005-2006 | T. Chubinishvili | N. Makhviladze, E. Pavlovichi, M. Gogeliani | In 2005-2006, in order to provide information support for the commercialization of research results conducted by Georgian scientists, Techinformi participated in the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program (STEP) of the US Civilian Research and Development Fund (GRDF). The purpose of the program was to promote the commercialization of scientific and technological products and deepen ties with the US industry. | The STEP program provided for the organization of trainings, meetings of scientists, specialists and entrepreneurs and awarding the successful scientist's business partnership (BPP) with a small grant. BPP one-year grants funded groups of scientists who, together with partner companies (business partners), were able to implement scientific-business projects. Within the framework of STEP in 2006 Techinform held 3 seminars, training of scientists and one scientific-technological conference. Three round table events were held in the fields of agriculture, energy, information technology and materials science. | 123 scientists participated in the event; 43 scientists presented innovative proposal (presentation) and project; projects were presented at the venture conference, where six winning projects were selected’ for the implementation of these projects, each of them was allocated a grant in the amount of USD 5000. |
# 204943552 | "Sustainable Development of the Mountainous Regions of the Caucasus - Local Agenda 21" - development of a bilingual database on the mountainous regions of the Caucasus | State grant | Regional Environmental Centre – REC Caucasus | 14 367 Gel. | 2005-2006 | T. Chubinishvili | N. Makhviladze, L. Chobanian, M. Abaiashvili, M. Ghogheliani | The goal of the project is to implement the first stage (2005-2006) of the working out of the local management strategy for the development of the mountainous areas of the Caucasus, which involves the development of the information system core - such information and software of the DB, which will combine and conveniently present the information collected during the implementation of the project, reveal the development potential and issues for the development of the mountainous areas of the Caucasus. | The DB structure, a potential list of user requests were developed; lists of parameters according to hierarchical levels and a list of maps and illustrations were prepared; the form of presentation of results, the DB update procedure, etc. were developed; within the framework of solving the problem, the experience of creating similar systems was analyzed; data presentation standards were proposed; information sources and available data were analyzed; an agreement on thematic and technological (format) issues was reached; Integration of the datasets presented by the regional groups took place; the task ends with writing (composing) a detailed work assignment for programmers. | By performing the first works stipulated by the agreement, the basics of the DB management system were developed; the DB parameters, architecture and hierarchical structure were determined; an analysis of the existing data system and their unification was carried out; data entry and editing interface, CD and a design of Internet versions were created. |
1/D7 | 600 USD | 2007 | T. Chubinishvili | N. Makhviladze, M. Kopaleishvili, I. Bedinashvili, M. Gogeliani | Information resources are nowadays considered as the national wealth of the country, which can turn into the biggest potential source of the country's development. Currently, Georgia is significantly behind the European level of development and, most importantly, the pace of informatization. There is a spontaneous redistribution of already insufficient scientific-technical and innovative informational resources. Therefore, it is necessary to create such a scientific-technical and innovative information system in the country, which will enable the use of modern information techniques and technologies. | The Project considers the issues of the implementation of preparatory works for integration into the European information system and the formation of an appropriate base are discussed. In particular, the preparation of information publications provided by the action plan of the European Neighborhood Policy, both printed and electronic publications, and the contractual works. In addition, it deals with the preparation of electronic versions of scientific information, formation and update of databases and, most importantly, cooperation with international information centers and dissemination of information through international databases. | In order to analyze the state of science and innovation, indicators harmonized with the data describing the state of science of European countries were determined; research registration systems in different countries were studied. The analysis showed that it is necessary to create a system, which means recording/registration of the results of scientific research performed in the country according to international standards (European standards). Unified accounting of research results is needed in terms of organization and coordination of scientific activities, funding of research activities and their dissemination through international channels. | |||
1/D2 | Preparation of the Georgian segment of the international abstract collection "Analytical Materials: Science, Technology, Business". | individual grant | International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) | 1200 USD | 2013-2015 | N. Makhviladze, T. Chubinishvili | M. Kopaleiashvili, M. Lebedeva, I. Bedinashvili, V. Sarjveladze | Preparation of analytical information for the international databases of the International Center for Scientific-Technical Information (ICSTI) based on reports and published materials of scientific researches performed in the fields of agriculture, business, pharmacology and biotechnology in Georgia. Publication and distribution in the form of compact discs. | Preparation of analytical information for the international databases of the International Center for Scientific-Technical Information (ICSTI) based on reports and published materials of scientific researches performed in the fields of agriculture, business, pharmacology and biotechnology in Georgia. Publication and distribution in the form of compact discs. | Information on the topic: "Analytical materials: science, technology, business" was prepared for placement in international DBs; 40 analytical materials on the topics of science, business, agriculture, biology, biotechnology, and ecology were prepared; under an agreement between ICSTI and AGRIS, the information was distributed through compact discs. |
33-1 | Raising awareness in scientific publishing in agriculture and providing capacities to access to information in agricultural research through Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture (ASIRA) | N/A | Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Italy | 70,000 Gel | 2019 დეკემბერი-2020 ნოემბერი | N. Makhviladze M. Razmadze | N. Makhviladze M. Razmadze T. Chubinishvili M. Ghogheliani E. Pavlovichi I. Bedinashvili M. Lebedeva V. Sarjveladze C. Dosmishvili | Raising awareness in scientific publishing in agriculture and providing capacities to access to information in agricultural research through Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture (ASIRA) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. | The Project aimed to organize a regional workshop on “Raising awareness in science publications in agriculture and providing access to information in agricultural research through ASIRA (Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” and reinforce the capacities of researchers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries through AGORA and AGRIS, with the involvement of organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia. | ASIRA held a two-day online event on AGRIS and AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture) programs to increase knowledge sharing and improve visibility and access to agricultural science and technical content materials in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia. The event was led by the full composition of the Institute together with FAO representatives. Certificates were prepared and an award ceremony was held. |
11-22 | Enhancing awareness about scientific publishing in food and agriculture and providing capacities to access to agricultural research through AGRIS and AGROVOC in Georgia | N/A | Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Italy | 40,000 Gel | 2020 დეკემბერი-2021 ნოემბერი | N. Makhviladze M. Razmadze | N. Makhviladze M. Razmadze T. Chubinishvili M. Ghogheliani E. Pavlovichi I. Bedinashvili M. Lebedeva V. Sarjveladze C. Dosmishvili | Enhancing awareness of scientific publications in the fields of food and agriculture and providing access to scientific research in Georgia through AGRIS and AGROVOC. | The service provider within the project aims to increase awareness and improve the use of AGROVOC and AGRIS in Georgia. Online trainings will be used to expand access by training selected target audiences and librarians in different organizations to improve their skills that can be used to train others and ultimately improve user experience and uptake of AGRIS and AGROVOC programs in their organizations. | Enhanced awareness of the benefits of using semantic tools for information and data exchange: enriching the Georgian version of AGROVOC with new terms; expanding the collection of AGROVOC concepts with new Georgian concepts; increased awareness of AGRIS capabilities in the Georgian agricultural community; increased visibility and accessibility of Georgian scientific research in the field of food and agriculture; demonstration of the benefits of indexing in AGRIS; increased visibility and accessibility of Georgian scientific research in the field of food and agriculture at the international level; development and dissemination of relevant guidelines and recommendations on compliance with AGRIS data reporting standards; increasing the amount of data submitted to AGRIS; an increase in the number of records sent to AGRIS |
11-35 | Consolidating the AGRIS National Hub in Georgia to increase awareness about open science in agriculture and train researchers and practitioners in new trends on agricultural research | N/A | Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Italy | 60,000 Gel | 2021 დეკემბერი -2022 წლის ნოემბერი | N. Makhviladze M. Razmadze | N. Makhviladze M. Razmadze T. Chubinishvili M. Ghogheliani E. Pavlovichi I. Bedinashvili M. Lebedeva V. Sarjveladze C. Dosmishvili | Consolidating the AGRIS National Hub in Georgia to increase awareness about open science in agriculture and training researchers and practitioners in new trends on agricultural research. | Dissemination of all available and latest technologies and data collection tools developed by FAO to provide the best agricultural information to the agricultural community of Georgia in a timely manner. | More than 10 local and international awareness open science trainings for agricultural specialists and researchers; 2 round tables and increased demand on and usage of the AGRIS system; involvement in the organizing committee of the AGRIS annual conference and presenting the importance and experience of the National Hub among the representatives of the global network of data providers worldwide. Today, this network represents more than 150 countries and more than 400 data providers. |
Phone: (032) 2-33-53-15; (995) 599541416
Address: 47, Kostava St., 0179 Tbilisi
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Irina BedinashviliDoctor of Science / Senior Researcher |
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Levon ChobanyanDoctor of Science / Principal Researcher |
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Pikria TsotskolauriAcademic Doctor of Science / Principal Researcher |
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Nani ChkhaidzeAcademic Doctor of Science / Senior Researcher |
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Teimuraz ChubinishviliAcademic Doctor of Science / Principal Researcher |
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Madona KopaleishviliDoctor of Science / Principal Researcher |
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Ewa PawlowiczAcademic Doctor of Science / Researcher |
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Nelly MakhviladzeAcademic Doctor of Science / Principal Researcher |
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Ekaterine MisabishviliAcademic Doctor of Science / Researcher |
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fgff fdgdgDoctor of Science / Senior Researcher |