Nelly Makhviladze
Academic Doctor of Science
Institute 'Techinformi'
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Adult education in Georgia | N. Makhviladze, E. Pawlowicz, L.Kajaia | monograph | Techinformi, 2003 | - | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
International requirements to raw silk thread quality | N. Makhviladze, N. Chkhaidze | article | Proceedings of GTU " Light Industry Problems", 2003 | - | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Multimdia and web-publications of the world heritage of Georgia and other Silk Road countries | T. Chubinishvili, N. Makhviladze | article | TELESOL - Proceeding of International Seminar, 5-6 February 2004 /Baku, Azerbaijan | - | - | - | English, Russian | State Targeted Program |
Information support to commercialization of research outcomes | N. Makhviladze, T. Chubinishvili, E. Pawlowicz | article | Proceedings of International Conference "Modern Technologies and Materials“ / A. Tsereteli University, 14-16 May, 2008 | - | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Problems of Creation of a national innovation system in Georgia | N. Makhviladze, T. Chubinishvili, M. Kopaleishvili | article | Proceedings of the 3rd Baku Practical Conference / 23 October, 2009 | - | - | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Legal Regulation of Innovation Activity in Post-Soviet Countries | N. Makhviladze, M. Kopaleishvili, I. Bedinashvili | monograph | Techinformi, 2010 / 31 p. | - | ISBN 978-99928-995-7-1 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Production of Natural Silk (History, Technology, Information Research of Development, World Statistics) | N. Makhviladze, T. Chubinishvili, N. Chkhaidze | monograph | Techinformi, 2010 / Dep. work #1258 | - | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Legal Regulation of Innovation Activity in Post-Soviet Countries | N. Makhviladze, T. Chubinishvili, M. Kopaleishvili | article | International Journal ICSTI, Information and Innovations 2010 / #3-4, pp. 15-25 | - | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Teaching business engineering at foreign universities | N.Makhviladze, M.Kopaleishvili | article | Business-Engineering, 2012 / #4, pp. 12-16 | - | ISBN 1512-0538 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Knowledge assessment methods and Georgia’s innovation potential | N. Makhviladze, M. Kopaleishvili, I. Bedinashvili | article | Business-Engineering, 2012 / #2, pp. 35-43 | - | ISBN 1512-0538 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The Unification of Bibliometric Indices to assess the Level of Scientific Productivity at the Micro-and Mezzo-Levels | N. Makhviladze, L. Chobanyan, O. Shatberashvili, P. Tsotskolauri | article | Georgian Engineering News, 2013 / #3, pp. 28-30 | - | ISSN 1512- 0287 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Creation of Information Resources and ICT Management in the Field of Agriculture in Georgia | O. Shatberashvili, N. Makhviladze, L. Chobanyan | article | Inter. Conf. "Innovative Technologies for Sustainable and Safe Development of the Agrarian Sector“ / Acad. of Agric. Scienc., Proc. Tbilisi, 2013 / pp. 444-446 | - | - | - | English | State Targeted Program |
A network approach to the processes of information support, marketing, promotion and search for partners in the commercialization of scientific outcome | T. Chubinishvili, N. Makhviladze | article | Business Engineering, 2013 / #1, pp. 41-46 | - | ISBN 1512-0538 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
History of Silk Production Development in Georgia | N. Makhviladze, N. Chkhaidze, L. Lursmanashvili, T. Chubinishvili | article | - | ISSN 0130-7061 Index 6127 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Recommendations for Editorial Boards | M. Kopaleishvili, N. Makhviladze, L. Chobanyan | monograph | Techinformi, 2015 | - | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Analysis of scientific productivity at the meso- and macro-levels | L. Chobanyan, T. Chubinishvili, N. Makhviladze, A. Patsatsia | article | Matsne / Proceeding of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Chemical Series, 2016 / v. 42, #3, p. 425-428 | - | ISSN 0132-6074 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Classifiers of international databases of scientific publications | M. Kopaleishvili, N. Makhviladze, T. Chibinishvili, L. Chobanian, I. Bedinashvili, E. Pawlowicz | monograph | Georgian Technical University (GTU), 2017 / 74 p. | - | ISBN 978-999-28-995-0-2 | - | Georgian-English | State Targeted Program |
The state of standardization of scientific-technical terminological vocabulary in Georgia | M.Kopaleishvili, N.Makhviladze, E.Pawlowicz, I.Bedinashvili | article | Proceedings of Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Terminology Problems III, 2018 / pp. 117-126 | - | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Directory of Scientific-Periodicals of Georgia (As of 2020) | M. Kopaleishvili, N. Makhviladze, I. Bedinashvili | monograph | Techinformi, 2021 / p. 159 | - | - | https://doi.org/10.36073/DSPG | English | State Targeted Program |
Directory of Scientific-Periodicals of Georgia (As of 2020) | M. Kopaleishvili, N. Makhviladze, I. Bedinashvili | monograph | Techinformi, 2021 / 176 p. | - | ISBN 978-99928-810-7-1 | https://doi.org/10.36073/978-99928-810-7-1 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Analysis of the Georgian Science Journals for Being Indexed in International Databases | M. Kopaleishvili, N. Makhviladze, I. Bedinashvili | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Science, 2021 / vol. 15, #4, pp. 201-207 | - | ISSN 0132-1447 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Round Table in FAO AGRIS and FAO AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 12 ნოემბერი | FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Techinformi | Summarizing the results of 2021 and collecting the feedback for sustaining the achievements in 2022 and beyond | oral | ||
Regional Workshop Research4Life | Chisinau, Moldova | 2019 | 3-4 ოქტომბერი | FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Moldova State Agrarian University | Development of Agro-Information System - Experience of Technformi | oral | The International Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) hosted the first Regional Workshop on Research4Life. The aim of the workshop was to strengthen the links with the leading institutions of the Eastern European agro-sphere and to provide access to free or low-cost databases of the system Research4Life. The participants of the workshop (Georgia, Armenia, Serbia, Moldova, Northern Macedonia and Ukraine) discussed specific issues related to the on-line access to scientific resources in their region. The workshop was led by FAO representatives. | |
AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 29-30 ოქტომბერი | FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Techinformi | Material placement requirements in AGRIS system | oral | ||
Regional Workshop - FAO AGRIS and Thesaurus AGROVOC | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 25 ივნისი | FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Techinformi | Increase the visibility and accessibility of the agricultural data produced in Georgia through the FAO AGRIS International information system and AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus | oral | ||
The 3rd Baku Scientific Practical Conference | Baku, Azerbaijan | 2009 | 23 ოქტომბერი | Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Department of Scientific Information and Innovation | Issues of creating a national innovation system of Georgia | oral | Issues of generating legal bases and a system of innovation activity in post-Soviet countries are considered. Opinions concerning activities for information support of innovation activity in Georgia are voiced. | ბეჭდური გამოცემა |
The Intern. Scient. Conference | Tashkent, Uzbekistan | 2010 | 13-14 ივლისი | CACAARI | The state of information-communication management for the development of agricultural research in Georgia | oral | www.cacaari.org/rais | |
The Intern. Scient. Conference to the 80 anniversary of Academician I.V. Prangishvili “Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, control” | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 1-4 ნოემბერი | GTU | Development of bibliometric tools and their adaptation to the study of georgian scientific products | oral | www.gtu.ge | |
International Practical Conference | Baku, Azerbaijan | 2011 | 3 ნოემბერი | Center for Scientific Innovation under the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan | Issues of forming the information environment for supporting innovation processes | oral | ||
Regional Training Workshop CACAARI: ICT/ICM applications for AR 4D for Reference and Information Centers of National Agroinformation Systems - Central Asia and the South Caucasus | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2012 | 12-16 დეკემბერი | CACAARI | Information and communication management in agricultural research for development | oral | ||
International Conference "Innovative Technologies for Sustainable and Safe Development of the Agrarian Sector" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 3-4 ოქტომბერი | Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences | Creation of Information Resources and ICT Management in the Field of Agriculture in Georgia | oral | Georgia has accumulated a wide experience of creation of information resources in the field of agricultural research. One of the most active organizations in this area is TECHINFORMI, who actively uses in its operations the basic standards and regulations of the FAO – CIARD initiative. In the Central Asia and the Caucasus region, a determining role in the development of agricultural information and communication is played by GFID. Its report on the state and prospects of 447 development of information and communication in the region for international organizations (GFAR, FAO, CACAARI) was presented on the Global Forum on Agricultural Research for Development. | www.gaas.dsl.ge |
The state of standardization of scientific-technical terminological vocabulary in Georgia | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2016 | 13 დეკემბერი | Techinformi | Using classifiers of international databases of scientific publications in Georgian scientific publications | oral | Classification schemes of several internationally recognized multidisciplinary international databases, the issues of compatibility of the thematic rubrics of the classifiers are discussed; the English-Georgian dictionary of terms used in the classifiers is given. | სემინარის პროგრამა |
International Conference | Ureki, Georgia | 2016 | 21-23 სექტემბერი | TSU R. Agladze Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Electrochemistry; Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) | Reflection of the rezults of researchers carried out in chemistry and chemical technologies in scientific periodicals of Georgia | oral | The work reflects the publications in the field of chemistry and chemical technologies published in thematic and multidisciplinary scientific publications of Georgia, which are published as abstracts in the Georgian abstract journal. It has been shown that this field is distinguished by special publishing activity - it is preceded only by the field of medicine. Based on the results of research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology, recommendations have been developed for editorial boards whose adherence is necessary (but not sufficient) to their international scientific databases, such as Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS), Elsevier's Scopus. Recommendations were developed on standardization issues of scientific periodicals such as publication of publications, articles and abstracts, requirements for drafting abstracts in Georgian and English, etc. Materials were presented at the stand for comparative visibility of the results of studies conducted in various fields of science. | www.conference.iice.ge |
International Scientific Conference „Modern Researches and Prospects of their Use in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Related Field | Ureki, Georgia | 2016 | 21-23 სექტემბერი | TSU R. Agladze Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Electrochemistry; Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) | Analysis of Scientific Productivity at the Meso- and Macro-Levels | oral | სამეცნიერო საქმიანობის ეფექტურობის ანალიზი როგორც მიკროდონეზე, ასევე მეზო და მაკრო დონეზე: სამეცნიერო ჯგუფებისა და დეპარტამენტებისთვის, დიდი სამეცნიერო კოლექტივებისთვის (უნივერსიტეტები, ინსტიტუტები და ა.შ.) და მთლიანად სახელმწიფოსთვის. ასეთი რაოდენობრივი პარამეტრების ფორმალურმა ანალიზმა შეიძლება წარმოქმნას მეცნიერის საქმიანობის დამახინჯებული სურათი. მკვლევარის საქმიანობის რეალური მახასიათებლის მისაღებად საჭიროა დამოუკიდებელი ექსპერტის მოსაზრებების გამოყენება, ხოლო რაოდენობრივი მეცნიერმზომელობითი მახასიათებლების გამოთვლისას ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვანია ისეთი პარამეტრების გათვალისწინება, როგორიცაა თვითციტირება, თანამონაწილეების რაოდენობა - ავტორები, გამოქვეყნებული ნაშრომების დროში განაწილება და ა.შ. ჩვენი აზრით, განსაკუთრებული მნიშვნელობა აქვს მკვლევარის სამეცნიერო სფეროს/დისციპლინის გათვალისწინებას. პუბლიკაციების მსოფლიო ნაკადში თითო სტატიაზე ციტირების საშუალო რაოდენობა, დისციპლინის მიხედვით, შეიძლება განსხვავდებოდეს. შედეგად, მათი საქმიანობის ფორმალური ანალიზი მისცემს დამახინჯებულ სურათს. მსგავსი პრობლემები წარმოიქმნება მეზო- და მაკრო დონეზე სამეცნიერო საქმიანობის მახასიათებლების შედარებისას. ჩატარებული ექსპერიმენტული კვლევის საფუძველზე ავტორები მივიდნენ დასკვნამდე, რომ ეფექტური ციტირების ინდექსი I*, რომელიც მიიღება I- ინდექსის მოდერნიზაციით, რომელიც ერთდროულად შემოიღეს კოსმულსკიმ და პრატაპმა, ყველაზე მიზანშეწონილია მეზო-და მიკრო დონეებზე. ქართული მეცნიერების მხარდაჭერის პრობლემის სრულფასოვანი გადაწყვეტა მოითხოვს, რომ გაანალიზდეს ქართველი მეცნიერების მიერ ქართულ სამეცნიერო-პერიოდულ გამოცემებში გამოქვეყნებული სტატიები. ეს მოითხოვს ქართული სამეცნიერო-პერიოდული გამოცემების მომზადებისა და გამოცემის პროცესების სტანდარტიზაციას და ციტირების ინდექსის შემუშავებას.
| www.conference.iice.ge |
Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics’ 5th Terminology Conference - "Scientific Terminology" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2017 | 14-16 ნოემბერი | TSU Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics | The state of standardization of scientific-technical terminological vocabulary in Georgia | oral | The difficulties that accompany the creation and establishment of scientific-technical Georgian terminology are discussed. It is noted that several international organizations and commissions are working on the issues of standardization of scientific-technical terms. Among them are the UNESCO Terminology Information Center INFOTERM (established in 1971, head office in Vienna) and the International Organization of Specialized Terms (ISTO) (Warsaw). The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is working to create standards for scientific terms. The European Commission Bureau of Terminology (Luxembourg) has created the largest international database of terms EURONET, which contains terminological databases of different countries and focuses on the translation of scientific and technical literature in standard and recommended terminology. The terminological differences found in the Georgian language versions published on the website of the Shota Rustaveli National Foundation of Georgia, a classifier of scientific disciplines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and published in the Georgian Technical University edition. In some cases this difference is synonymous, and sometimes it expresses a completely different point of view. | ბეჭდური გამოცემა „სამეცნიერო ტერმინოლოგია“ – V ტერმინოლოგიური კონფერენციის მასალები |
Web of Science: - Scopus: - Google Scholar: 2 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |