Pikria Tsotskolauri

Academic Doctor of Science

Institute 'Techinformi'

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Doctor of Economics; Associate Professor of Business Administration of the St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia; Principal Researcher of Institute TECHINFORMI of the Georgian Technical University. In recent years, the main field of research is the study and analysis of the state of science in Georgia. Has Participated in the following projects: Information Science and Technology Center’s (ISTC) project “Forming a Database – Advanced Research and Technologies”, International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information’s (ICSTI) project “Formation of National Information Resources”, Georgian National Science Foundation’s project “Development of Bibliometric Tools and their Adaptation to the Study of Georgian Scientific Products” (Project manager), The European Union (EU) Lifelong Learning Program, Jean Monnet Program’s project “Improvement of the European Innovation Policy Study in Georgia” - Expert. Member of Editorial Boards of the Journals: Georgian Abstract Journal, Georgian Abstract Journal (Humanitarian Sciences) - Deputy Editor-in-Chief. Delivers a course of lectures for PhD Study and Master Degree Program Students in such disciplines as Business Strategy and Policy, Modern Concepts of Management, Corporate Management, Anti-crisis Management, Marketing-Management, Operation Management. The scope of her research activity includes Issues of the non-entrepreneurial sector’s economics and organization, marketing, management, application of information technologies in scientific research. Author of over than 60 scientific works and co-author of five Textbooks prepared and published for higher education institutions.

Methods and Mechanisms for Assessing Scientific ProductivityP. TsotskolauriarticleProceedings ІV International Scientific-Practical Conference -- ISBN 978-9934-588-33-4 in RussianState Targeted Program
Georgian Science and Prospects of its DevelopmentP. TsotskolauriarticleScientific Journal “Economics and Finance”, issue 5, 2019, pp.165-171-1???-- ISSN On-line: 2663-7952 in EnglishState Targeted Program
Transformation of South Caucasus Countries During 25 Years of IndependenceP.Tsotskolauri L.Korganashvili N.Mammadova, L.Kochlamaza-shvili article12th International Conference on Social Sciences Amsterdam, 19-20 May 2017, Proceedings Volume II, pp. 329-339-- ISBN 9788890916144 in EnglishState Targeted Program
Bibliometric Indexis to the Study of Georgian Scientific ProductsP. TsotskolauriarticleProceedings of International Scientific Conference “Integration of Business Structures: Strategies and Technologies”, 2017, pp.68-71-- ISBN 978-9934-8643-3-9 RussianState Targeted Program
Electronic BusinessP. Tsotskolauri, R.AbuladzetextbookPublishing House “Universal”, 2016, pp.257-- ISBN 978-9941-22-737-0 in GeorgianState Targeted Program
Small Enterprise Management Problems in the Process of GlobalizationP. TsotskolauriarticleJournal “Globalization & Business” № 1, 2016 pp.233-236-- ISSN 2449-2396 https://doi.org/10.35945/gb.2016.01.042 in GeorgianState Targeted Program
Mobile Commerce Market Development Trends in GeorgiaP. Tsotskolauri, R.AbuladzearticleJournal "Business Engineering, #1-2, 2016, pp. 89-91-- ISSN 1512-0538 in GeorgianState Targeted Program
Social Commerce Development Problems and Prospects in GeorgiaP. Tsotskolauri, R.AbuladzearticleProceedings of Scientific works of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics of TSU, VIII, 2015 pp. 353-356-- ISBN 978-9941-13-495-1 in EnglishState Targeted Program
Electronic CommerceP. TsotskolauritextbookPublishing House -- ISSN 978-9941-9273-8 in GeorgianState Targeted Program
The unification of bibliometric indices to assess the level of scientific productivity at the micro- and mezo levelsP.Tsotskolauri O.Shatberashvili L.Chobanyan N.MakhviladzearticleJournal “Georgian Engineering News” (GEN), #3, 2013 pp. 28-30-- ISSN 1512- 0287 in EnglishState Targeted Program
Motivation - Management FunctionP. TsotskolaurimonographPublishing House "Saunge", 2012-- ISSN 978-9941-9273-8-6 in GeorgianState Targeted Program
Principles of ManagementP.Tsotskolauri , G.Shubladze, B. MghebrishvilitextbookPublishing House “Universal”, 2011-- ISBN 978-9941-12-295-8 in GeorgianState Targeted Program
Education System for Innovation in the European UnionP. Tsotskolauri, I.GagnidzearticleMulti-Level Innovation Policy and European Integration-Goidebook, 2010, pp. 141-168-- ISBN 978-9941-0-2452-8 EnglishGrant Project
Bibliometric Study of the Georgian Research SystemP. Tsotskolauri, O.ShatberashviliarticleTSU, Journal “Economocs and Business, #2, 2009, pp. 99-110-- ISSN 1987-5789 GeorgianGrant Project
The Essence of Business and its Definition P. Tsotskolauri, G.ShubladzearticleTSU, Journal “Economocs and Business, #6, 2009, pp.130-141-- ISSN 1987-5789 EnglishState Targeted Program
The Role of Internet in Commercial Operations of a FirmP. TsotskolauriarticleTSU, Journal “Economics and Business”, #2, 2008 pp 97-101-- ISSN 1987-5789 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Issues of functioning in small enterprisesP. Tsotskolauri, M.Mikashvili, N.ChivadzearticleProceedings "Problems of commodity circulation in the transition period to a market economy, TSU, 202, pp. 89-109-- -- GeorgianState Targeted Program

International scientific- practical conference „Integration of business structures: strategies and technologiesGeorgia-Ukraine202020/02/2020 New Higher Education InstituteMethods and Mechanisms for Assessing Scientific Productivityoral

In the development of the country's economy, great importance is attached to scientific research. Accordingly, special attention is paid to the study of the state and determination of directions for the development of science in the country. In recent years, many changes have been made in the field of regulation of science and scientific activities in Georgia. The status of research organizations, the system of financing science, the system of training scientific personnel, etc. have been changed. Under the conditions of the science reform in Georgia, these issues become more relevant, especially during the period of management reorganization. the effectiveness of scientific activity is reflected in the application of its results. Therefore, in recent years, special attention has been paid to the issue of research commercialization.

The most important issue for the construction of scientometric indicators is to determine the quantitative relationship between the indicators. Therefore, the analysis of these indicators helps us to determine not only the priority areas of science, but also active (growing) areas for research, both for science in general and for individual regions and countries.

One of the areas of research is the theoretical development of a method fo+A2r comparing the bibliometric indicators of scientists working in various fields of science, and its practical implementation.

Publication and the process of citing it are closely interrelated over time. Thus, this new online tool reduces the time factor and gives us information that is of interest for publication.

Altmetrics is also a good tool for evaluating scientific journals.

12th Internatioanl Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, Workshop “Scientometrics in Practice "Yerevan, Armenia201923/09/2019 - 27/09/2019Center for Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring (CSIAM)Bibliometric methods for scienti-fic produc-tivity evaluation Experience of the institute Techinformi of the GTU”oral

In the development of the country's economy, great importance is attached to scientific research. Accordingly, special attention is paid to the study of the state and determination of directions for the development of science in the country. Under the conditions of the Georgian science reform, these issues become more relevant, especially during the period of management reorganization.

The analysis should be based on information bases that describe scientific research and scientific publications, and on bibliographic databases that reflect the state of science in the world.

A group of scientists and specialists has been created at the TECHINFORMI Institute, which has been working on these issues for many years. The activities of this group are carried out on the basis of information from the database created in TECHINFORMI describing the science of Georgia, and information reflected in the Web of Science databases. These databases have become the basis for some of the work on the evaluation of the results of scientific products.

It should also be noted that the effectiveness of scientific activity is reflected in the application of its results. Therefore, in recent years, special attention has been paid to the issue of commercialization of research.

International Scientific-Practical ConferenceBaku, Azerbaijan201803/05/2018 - 04/05/2018Baku Business UniversityTrends in the development of science in Georgiaoral

The situation in science and directions of its development in the country are largely determined by the relationship between the following two spheres - science and education. The scientific potential of the country depends on its heritage, how it is developing and also, what is the staff training system in the field. The next step is outlining the priorities on the directions of the application of the scientific potential and the development of science. 

The article briefly describes the state of science in Georgia, the dynamics of its development, the system and practice of staff training in this field. Therefore, it is important to determine the mechanisms for assessing the activities of the scientists, to develop a methodology for the productivity of scientific groups and, more importantly, to define the scientific products’ evaluation criteria.

12th internatioanl conference on social sciencesAmsterdam, Holland201719/05/2019 - 20/05/2019Center for Social and Educational Research (CSER)Transformation of South Caucasus Countries During 25 Years of Independenceoral

More than 25 years have passed since countries of the South Caucasus gained independence. During this time, they underwent a serious transformation, their geopolitical and economic significance, as well as the relationship with the outside world has changed. The countries of the South Caucasus are small and their role in the world economy is negligible. However, because of the important geopolitical location, they attract the attention of many major powers and thus external factors play an important role in their development.The purpose of this work is to study the peculiarities of the transition of countries of the South Caucasus from the socialist system to the capitalist, to identify the problems of this transformation and to show the ways of their solution, and to determine the influence of regional and non-regional countries on the economic development of these countries.The paper analyzes the trends in the economic development of the countries of the South Caucasus, the features of their transformation, the degree of economic interdependence and the possibilities for deepening cooperation, shows the structural features and international competitiveness of national economies, the prospects for economic development of these countries, taking into account external factors, the possibilities of globalization and modern geo-economic conditions.

International Scientific Conference “Integration of Business Structures: Strategies and Technologies (on-line conference)Tbilisi, Georgia201724/02/2017 - 24/02/2017Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University, Georgia, Black Sea Research Institute of Economy and Innovation, UkraineBibliometric Indexis to the Study of Georgian Scientific Productsoral

The most important tool for solving the problems of science management is the analysis of the effectiveness of the scientific activity of each scientist, large scientific teams and the state as a whole. In recent decades, the analysis of parameters, such as publication activity, citation index, has mainly become widespread. Of particular importance is the consideration of the scientific direction of the scientist's activity. The average citation indices of scientists working in different scientific fields will differ significantly, and a formal comparative analysis of their activities will give a distorted picture.

To obtain a real characteristic of a scientist's activity, it is necessary to use independent expert assessments, and when calculating numerical scientometric characteristics, it is extremely important to take into account such parameters as self-citation, the number of co-authors, and the temporal distribution of published works. National citation indexes are more effective.

www.sabauni.edu.ge; www.iei.od.ua
International Scientific-Practical Conference Tbilisi, Georgia201619/06/2016European University, GeorgiaSmall Enterprise Management Problems in the Process of Globalizationoral

The paper discusses the role and importance of small business in the development of national economy. Issues related to small enterprises functioning generated by the global changes, such as technological innovations, international agreements, and small business regulatory changes in the country etc. as well as requirements under the agreement with European Union on Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas (DCFTA), which off er new opportunities for small enterprises, also described in the paper. The organizational structure of enterprises, innovation activity and the system of retraining of workers are characterized.

International Scientific Conference “Formation of Modern Economic Area: Benefits, Risks, Implementation Mechanisms”Tbilisi, Georgia201629/04/2016 - 29/04/2016Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University, Georgia; Black Sea Research Institute of Economy and Innovation, UkraineIssues of Training of Scientific Personnel in Georgiaoral

Science and education is a rather difficult problem for small countries, but at the same time a very powerful lever for the development of the country. That is why small countries, like big countries, are constantly concerned about the development of these two large areas. How they cope with this is determined by the characteristics and specifics of small countries. Georgia is one of the small countries with great traditions and great scientific potential.

The transition to a market economy has accelerated the integration of teaching and research. Legislative provisions on the system of higher education have been changed. Research institutes have become more actively involved in the personnel training system. Thus, science and the education system were united within the country, in a single space.

As the process of globalization has accelerated the internationalization of science and teaching, the requirements for the qualifications of scientific personnel have also increased. It was also necessary to introduce mechanisms for evaluating the activities of scientific personnel employed in science, in particular, the use of the latest methods for evaluating their scientific activities.

www.sabauni.edu.ge; www.iei.od.ua
International scientific and practical conference "Financial, economic and accounting and analytical support of entrepreneurial activity"Cherkasy, Ukraine201620/04/2016 - 21/04/2016East European University of Economics and ManagementProblems of change management in Georgian business companiesoral

Strengthening the quality of competition is one of the indicators of globalization. This process not only expands the scope of companies' activities, but at the same time also changes their area in the markets, attitudes towards the workforce, etc. Consequently, the process of globalization entails significant changes in the activities of companies.

Change is not a one-time event, it is a process. In business companies, this issue is quite complicated. Both managers and employees are included in the change management process. Change often calls for resistance. Both sides are opposed to the change. Organizational factors also hinder the influence on changes: structural structure, the desire to maintain stability, a limited range of changes.

All this raises the question of the need to manage knowledge about how the organization should be changed, what role is assigned to managers, what work should be done by hired workers

II Scientific Conference of the Georgian UniversityTbilisi, Georgia201618/11/2016 - 18/11/2016St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of GeorgiaGeorgian science and its management problemsoral

In the development of the country's economy, great importance is attached to scientific research. Accordingly, special attention is paid to the study of the state and determination of directions for the development of science in the country.

In the development of the country's economy, great importance is attached to scientific research. Accordingly, special attention is paid to the study of the state and determination of directions for the development of science in the country.

First Scientific Conference of the Georgian UniversityTbilisi, Georgia201521/10/2015 - 21/10/2015St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of GeorgiaManagement of the changes in business companieoral

tregthening the quaity of competition is one of the characteristics of globalisation. This process is not only broadening the scale of the companies’ activities, but also is changing its areal in the market, its dependance to the labour force and etc. Thus, process of globalisation is causing significant changes in the companies’ activities. Understanding the changes and timely response to them is the main concern of the management team. During the process of management it is important to determine the driving forces and reduct the actions by restrictive forces. Resistance to changes occur quite often in business companies. The company managers are against the changes, the organisational factor also affects it. 

Changes can be managed through the organisational development. There is a need for knowledge management, stress management, identification of the risks in the management process and reaction to them.

The Intern. Scient. Conference to the 80 anniversary of Academician I.V. Prangishvili “Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, control"Tbilisi, Georgia201001/11/2010 - 04/11/2010Georgian Technical UniversityDevelopment of bibliometric tools and their adaptation to the study of georgian scientific productsoral

Seminar - Innovation Policies in European IntegrationTbilisi, Georgia201009/07/2010 - 09/07/2010Association European Studies for Innovation Development of GeorgiaEducation System for Innovation in the European Unionoral

The Article deals with such issues of the education sphere reorganization in the EU-member countries as: the necessity of creating a common education area, reforming of the system of education and manpower retraining, European innovation policy in the sphere of education. Characterized are the European Union’s programms in the sphere of education, the interconnection between the Bologna Process and Lisbon Strategy and the education system reorganization process on their basis. The course of the Lisbon Strategy implementation in the field of education and the strategic goals of the European Union education system to be reached by 2020 are considered. The role of European universities is characterized and the recommendations for improvement of their curricula are indicated. The cluster policy designated to ensure the achievement of the innovate economic growth goals is considered in relation to the issues of education.

International Scientific-Practical ConferenceBaku, Azerbaijan200915/05/2009 - 15/05/2009Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, The Innovation Agency of AzerbaijanScientific potential and its management problems in Georgioral

The scientific potential of the country plays an important role in the accelerated development of the economy. Especially if the potential is high, its use becomes one of the top priorities. Determination of the state of science and strategic directions of development in the country is primarily preceded by its assessment and analysis.

For many years, a wide and varied network of scientific organizations functioned in Georgia, which were subordinate to various departments. In 2005, along with direct state funding of scientific research, a system of state grant funding for research was launched in Georgia.

Techinformi has developed a draft regulation on the registration of research papers. Thanks to this system, organizations are now able to register their own research papers via the Internet.

Such an accounting system will not only speed up the process of registering scientific papers, but will also help create a single database of research.

International scientific conference “Moderrn Technologies and Materials”Kutaisi, Georgia200814/05/2008 - 16/05/2008Akaki Tsereteli State UniversityInformation technologies in the science reforming processoral

The reforming of the research and innovations management process is an essential part of an economic reform. This process is being actively implemented in Georgia, beginning with the restructuring of research institutions and ending with the state support to research and innovative activities. 

In view of perfecting management in the science transformation area, the dissemination of scientific products will not suffice. It is necessary that the assessment of the effectiveness of using such products would also become possible. This can be achieved by means of citation index establishing systems created by international organizations. The identification of the scientific research efficiency and applicability index will make practicable the process of assessment of research activity of Georgian scientists and help financial bodies prioritize funding of the most economically feasible researches.

All the above will make it possible to reorganize the system of funding of research and innovative activities as well. 


I International Scientific ConferenceTbilisi, Georgia200822/10/2008 - 24/10/2008Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, The Faculty of Economics and BusinessProblems of science reform and management in the context of globalizationoral

Characterized Indicates the state of science in Georgia, a network of scientific-research organizations. Methods for evaluating scientific publications are discussed. The problems of higher education staff training systems in the context of globalization are related to these issues.


Web of Science: -
Scopus: -
Google Scholar: Citations – 21, h-index – 2, i10-index-1

Doctoral Thesis Referee

E-Retail website Layout Influence on Customer Buying Behavior, 2017 (Official Reviewer)Georgian University
Secondary School as a Self-Developing Organization and its Management Motivation Strategy, 2018 (Official Reviewer)St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia

Master Theses Supervisor

Modern foreign trade policy and export orientation conditions, 2006Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Freight transportation and organization of customs control, 2007Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Iefinement ways for management functions interplay, 2011St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Current problems of management in construction business, 2011St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Innovative project management, 2012St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Mineral water companies: innovation and manage-ment, 2012St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Competivieness problems of export industries (Georgian wine making industry case), 2012St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
The banking system and its management (Evidence from commercial banks), 2013St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Formation of organi-zational culture and organi-zational development (Evidence of TBC Bank), 2013St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Competitiveness and its contributing factors: the case of "Aldagi" insurance company, 2013St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Management of communicative process and using internet (by considering e-auction), 2014St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Enterprise marketing service and its peculiarity (by considering publishing companies), 2014St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
The banking system and its mana-gement features (commercial bank’s example), 2015St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Service marketing in the market if Georgian vehicles, 2015St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Small Enterprise Management Problems in the Process of Globalization, 2016St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Ways to development human resources formation and management, 2019St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Catering Management and Marketing Strategies, 2020St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Directions to increase the efficiency of service management enterprises (on the example of hotel business), 2021St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Effectiveness of using Internet technologies in the marketing activities of business companies,2021St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

System Providing Informationon Logistic Processes, 2015 (Scientific Supervisor)St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Control-the basis for management solutions, 2016 (Scientific Supervisor)St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Tourism Sector and its Influence on Development of Regional Economy, 2018 (Scientific Supervisor)St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Role and Importance of Vocational Education and Business Sectors, 2018 (Scientific Supervisor)St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia
Effectiveness of marketing strategies in the Georgian wine market, 2021 (Scientific Co-Supervisor)Georgian Technical University

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Mind Your Manners, Managing Business Cultures in Europe ISBN 99928-810-1-1 (In Georgian, Translation Editor)John MoleMultimedia CenterGeorgia01/05/2001
The Professional Secretary – Communication Skills, Volume I ISBN 99928-810-5-4 (In Georgian, Translation Editor)John Spenser, Adrian PrussMultimedia CenterGeorgia01/05/2002
The Professional Secretary – Management Skills, Volume II ISBN 99928-810-5-4 (In Georgia, Translation Editor)John Spenser, Adrian PrussMultimedia CenterGeorgia01/09/2002
Operations Management, Volume II (Text book) ISBN 978-9941-9186-6-7Associate professor M.KharkheliTSUGeorgia01/09/2010
Operations Management, Volume II (Text book)ISBN 978-9941-9186-6-7Associate professor M.KharkheliTSUGeorgia06/09/2011
Internet-marketing ISBN 978-9941-17-216-8 (Professor N.Todua, R. AbuladzeTSUGeorgia05/09/2011
Risk management in commercial banks, ISBN 978-9941-9457-6-2 (Reviewer)L.Kistauri, G.TsutskiridzePublisher "Georgian University"Georgia08/09/2015
System Providing Informationon Logistic ProcessesD.KhazhomiaPublisher Ltd "Geo clin+"Georgia03/11/2015
Control-the basis for management solutions, ISBN 978-9941-0-9182-7I.ChibirovPublisher House "Iverioni"Georgia05/09/2016
Management of Advantages ISBN-978-9941-457-34-0 (Reviewer)Professor T.MaisuradzePublisher House "Nekeri"Georgia06/10/2016
Logistics ISBN 978-9941-8-3740-1 (Reviewer)D.KhazhomiaLtd „DIZING STUDIO"Georgia10/11/2021

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Proceedings of I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - Economics, ISSN 1512-1313 (Executive Secretary)Georgia02/09/2001
Techinformi, Georgian Abstracts Journal - Humanitarian Sciences, (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)Georgia14/06/2022

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Operations Management, Volume I (Text book) ISBN 978-9941-9145-1-5Georgia05/09/2002

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Proceedings of I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - Economics, ISSN 1512-1313 (Member of editorial board)ry)Georgia01/12/2005
Techinformi, Georgian Abstracts Journal, ISSN 1512-0775 (Responsible publisher)Georgia06/12/2004
TSU, Journal "Economics anf Business, ISSN 1987-5789 (Member of editorial board)17/06/2010
ISSN 1512-077515/06/2022
Techinformi, Georgian Abstracts Journal, ISSN 1512-0775 (Member of the editorial board)Georgia15/06/2022

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Data Bases The Interfnational Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) საქართველო 2007-2010Researcher
Improvement of the European Innovation Policy Study in Georgia (Project Number - 154014-LLP-1-2009-1-GE-AJM-IC)European Union (EU), EACEA , Lifelong Learning Programme ბელგია 2009-2010Expert

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Forming of a Data Base - Advansedv Research and Technologies - GeorgiaThe Information Science and Technology Center's (ISTC) 2003-2005Researcher
Development of Bibliometric Tools and their Adaptation to the Study of Georgian Scientific Products (Project 08/1-368)Georgian National Science Foundation 2009-2011Project Manager
The Study of the Level of Development Georgian Science and Technology Based on Distributed Information Resource, Project Number №11-1Georgian Technical University 2011Proncipal Researcher

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus