Monograph საქართველოს სამეცნიერო - პერიოდული გამოცემების ცნობარი (2020 წლის მდგომარეობით), 2021, გვ. 176, ინსტიტუტი ტექინფორმი | State Target Program | The directory contains the bibliographies of 149 international scientific periodicals that have been assigned ISSN by the ISSN International Centre and the Georgian National Centre and which reflect to a certain extent their preparedness for entering international scientific literature databases. The publication details are taken from official journal websites, are publisher-checked and certified. The directory data served as a basis for the Georgian scholarly journals’ monitoring and identifying the international scientific literature database entry criteria: publications’ peer-review, periodicity, independent website, international editorial board membership, DOI (Digital Object Identifier) assignment, the state of indexing in academic databases, etc. | |
Directory of Scientific-Periodicals of Georgia (As of 2020 in English), 2021, გვ. 159, ინსტიტუტი ტექინფორმი | State Target Program | This dictionary is a translation of the Georgian edition of the same name into English. The directory contains the bibliographies of 149 international scientific periodicals that have been assigned ISSN by the ISSN International Centre and the Georgian National Centre and which reflect to a certain extent their preparedness for entering international scientific literature databases. The publication details are taken from official journal websites, are publisher-checked and certified. The directory data served as a basis for the Georgian scholarly journals’ monitoring and identifying the international scientific literature database entry criteria: publications’ peer-review, periodicity, independent website, international editorial board membership, DOI (Digital Object Identifier) assignment, the state of indexing in academic databases, etc. | |
სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაციების საერთაშორისო ბაზების კლასიფიკატორები, 2017, გვ. 74, ინსტიტუტი ტექინფორმი | State Target Program | Classifiers of Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, Essential Science Indicator and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Field of Science Classification (OECD FOS) are reviewed in this paper. The aim of the paper is to help editors/publishers of scientific journals to select an acceptable classifier for the systematization of articles, which will contribute to the inclusion of Georgian scientific publications in the international space and the introduction of international standards in this field. The Georgian terms presented in the classifiers are agreed with the scientists of the Terminology Department of the Institute of Linguistics. | |
უცხოეთის ქვეყნების ეროვნული საინოვაციო სისტემები, 2009, გვ. 56, ინსტიტუტი ტექინფორმი | State Target Program | The monograph discusses the innovation systems of the United States of America, large and small countries of Western Europe, Finland, Japan, Thailand, Turkey, Israel, Hungary, the countries of the former Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The purpose of the publication is to assist specialists interested in the field of innovations in determining the level of innovative development of Georgia and creating a modern national innovation system. |უცხოეთ. ქვ. საინოვ. სისტ..pdf |
საქართველო ინტერნეტში - GEORGIA IN INTERNET, 2004, გვ. 232, ტექინფორმი | State Target Program | The directory includes the web addresses of Georgian organizations systematized according to the following topics: general information, state and politics, economy, activities related to computers, environmental protection, mass media, tourism, science and education, medicine and health, history, religion, culture, traditions, public organizations , sports, entertainment and recreation, foreign sites about Georgia. The directory is Georgian-English and includes up to 2500 web addresses. |საქართველო-ინტერნეტში 2004.pdf |
Georgia Today - Investor's Guide, 2003, გვ. 131, ტექინფორმი | State Target Program | The Investor's Guide is compiled on the basis of official data of the State Department of Statistics, the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank and other experts. It is designated for foreign investors interested in starting business in Georgia. The guide contains statistical data on the state of Georgia's natural resources, industry, economy and other branches of public science. | today 2003.pdf |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals Analysis of the Georgian Science Journals for Being Indexed in International Databases, 2021, ტ. 15, #4, 201-207 გვ., საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა ეროვნული აკადემიის მოამბე, საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა ეროვნული აკადემია | State Target Program | We aimed to study bibliographies of the science journals of Georgia, reflecting their readiness to be included into the international academic publication databases. 149 active science journals registered in the ISSN National Centre of Georgia and certified by the ISSN International Centre have been reviewed. Information about a journal is taken from the journal’s official website, verified and confirmed by the publisher. 66% of Georgian science journals are found to have a print ISSN (p-ISSN), 14% have an electronic ISSN (e-ISSN), and 20% have both. 76% of publications are mono-disciplinary and 24% are multidisciplinary. Over a third of science journals highlight natural sciences. Most numerous publications deal with such disciplines as economics, law and medicine. Relevance with the inclusion criteria of international science databases has been studied. The criteria include: peer review policy, publication frequency, journal’s independent website, international editorial board, assignment of a digital object identifier (DOI), status of indexation in scholarly databases, etc. The study results evidence that significant number of science journals fail to meet the requirements of the international science databases. | |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |