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სტატია მაღალ რეიტინგულ და ადგილობრივ ჟურნალებში

A new look at the structure of the universe, 2011, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 2(6), pp. 18-47სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

According to modern concept about the so-called " hot model " of the Universe, a distribution of density of a substance in Friedman space is homogeneous and also the space extends. The space previous to Friedman space, consists of Fermi gas and photons. Such space (space of gravitational plasma (graviplasma)) is a typical object of research of the modern theory of a field of theoretical physics. The result of such research is stated in the given work.

The primary result is that a density distribution of a substance in the space of graviplasma is non-uniform, and the space of graviplasma is not extended and is not compressed.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2011-12; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/1892.pdf
The universe structure from a new perspective. Part 2, 2012, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 1(7), 3-14სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

In the first part of the work “The Universe Structure from a New Perspective" the formulas for potential and density of graviplasma have been deduced. In the given work the detailed analysis of these formulas is considered. If to accept, that the heterogeneities considered in reality in the Friedman space are the rest of heterogeneities of graviplasma space, then a possibility of experimental check of offered by us the model of structure of the Universe arises.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2012-06; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/1894.pdf
Quantum structure of a gravitational field and space time, 2012, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 1(7), 49-66სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

Secondary quantization of a spinor field in a formalism of associative hypercomplex number is done.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2012-06; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2039.pdf
Quantum structure of a gravitational field and space time. Part 2, 2012, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 2(8), 41-58სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

Quantization of a gravitational field in a formalism of associative hypercomplex number is done.In this case, neither the gravitational field nor space are quantized separately - only the gravitational field with its four-dimensional volume in the form of an "elementary four-dimensional cell" is quantized, and the elementary four-dimensional volume - "four-dimensional cell" - with its own gravitational field acts as a quantum of the gravitational field.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2012-12; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2075.pdf
Topological Interaction, 2012, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 2(8), 10-40სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

In the physics there is a number of processes in case of which distinction between left and right directions of movement is essential: an interference of electrons on two cracks, availability of left and right isomers of biological macromolecules, for example, biological fibers contain only left isomers, and sugar - only right. Despite all efforts of physicists to find out, how the nature provides such selection, it yet was not possible to them. Searches of the decision of this question also have led us to an indispensability of introduction of definition of new type of interaction (interoperability) which we name topological interaction (interoperability). In the given work we propose a mathematical device of theory of topological interaction (interoperability), that is needed for the decision of the above-stated problems, and these problems in some detail are considered.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2012-12; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2064.pdf
The constructive theory of space-time and metric spinor, 2013, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 1(9), 46-54სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

For construction of geometry a geometer needs to specify a coordinate space-time. Additionally, there is only a philosophical definition of a space-time which is poorly productive in physics. Definition of a space-time from a position of physics - so-called constructive definition of space-time - is introduced. In particular, in ОТО - as a reflection of a set of material points to numerical set. However such reflection has certain lacks. More productive is a reflection of a set of material points to an algebraic system of spinors. For this purpose special - metric – spinors are introduced as solutions of a nonlinear system of vacuum spinor equations, that is a particular decision of Dirac equation.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2013-06; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2129.pdf
Realization of a quark model of elementary particles on the solutions of spinor vacuum equations, 2013, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 1(9), 55-65სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

Vacuum spinor equations arise on the basis of Dirac equation and their solutions are particular, specific solutions of Dirac equation. These solutions look like a known polynomial on which space of values concepts of Lorentz group are realized. Accordingly, on these solutions it is mathematically correctly possible to realize the known compound quark model of elementary particles.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2013-06; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2130.pdf
New sight at the structure of the universe. Part 3, 2013, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 2(10), 107-116სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

It is shown, that there exist spinors without weight of rest in n-dimensional space at any n, however spinors with weight of rest exist only in space with n =4,8,16... In black holes the particles with weight of rest do not exist. Consequently, n ≠4. It is possible to enter the fifth coordinate corresponding to the dimensionality of weight - x_5=(h’c/E), where E is a full energy of a black hole. The interval of the five-measured space

ds^2=[1-(v/c)^22 -(H/ h’)^2] c^2 dt^22,

H=-( h’/ E)^2(dE/dt) is a black hole action, h’=h/2π

If energy accretion in the black hole stops, we obtain (dE/dt)=0, H = 0 In the point H = 0 a black hole space passes in 4- measured Minkowski space. Thus, a black hole disappears and on its seat appears a new star, the supermassive star or a galaxy, it depends on the black hole mass. The point H=0 is similar to the initial point of a so-called Model of a Big Bang. However, now there is not only this point, rather a whole black hole space. If a point H=0 for different black holes comes independently, the Universe will remind a boiling copper in which black holes and stars, the supermassive stars and galaxies continuously arise, develop and disappear.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2013-12; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2179.pdf
The theory of dark energy and elementary particles, 2014, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 1(11), 13-17სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

Einstein's equation with an energy-impulse tensor of a matter is a heterogeneous nonlinear differential equation. Its decisions are defined by gravitation fields of the material environment. However Einstein's homogeneous nonlinear equation (without an energy-impulse tensor of a matter) also possesses a solution. The last defines an 'initial' nonlinear free gravitational field which forms the general background, so-called vacuum. If energy of the 'initial' free gravitational field is positive, it will carry all properties of the so-called Dark energy, observable in Astrophysics.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2014-06; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2286.pdf
Branching solutions of nonlinear second order differential equations in the physics, part 1, 2014, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 2(12), 8-12სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

Definition of the Branching of solutions of nonlinear differential equations 2-nd order: scalar meson field equations, equations for graviplazm, the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac (TFD)

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2014-12; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2339.pdf
Branching solutions of nonlinear second order differential equations in the physics, part 2, 2014, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 2(12), 13-26სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

The theory of the electronic gas in a limited volume is constructed. The variation problem of the construction of the equation of the electronic gas condition contained in impenetrable volume V is solved. The density of the electronic gas in this case and a type of generalization of ТFD equation in various approximations is defined. There are received precise branching solutions of ТFD generalized equation.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2014-12; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2340.pdf
Branching solutions of nonlinear second order differential equations in the physics, part 3, 2015, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 2(14), 3-23სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

It is shown, that in case of the heterogeneous system, there are two types of phase transition of the second order, that corresponds to two types of accidents in such system. In the first case the length of the period of the periodic solution of the corresponding equation is constant and coincides with the length of a crystal grid of a system, in the second case the length of the period of the periodic decision is not a constant. In the first case in a point of accident k121k_1^2\to1 parameter of the order η=0, in the second case η=(α0 /2β0 )\ne 0. In the first case, in a point of accident phase transition of the second-order takes place in the isolated points and in their environments, in the second case phase transition occurs in the whole system. Transition of the first type when in a point of phase transition η=0, is an analogue of phase transition of the second-order of L. D. Landau in case of homogeneous system. Transition of the second type, when in a point of phase transition η=(α0 /2β0 )\ne0, is a new type of phase transition of the second-order. Phase transition of this type occurs in all system at the same time.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2015-12; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2505.pdf
Branching solutions of nonlinear second order differential equations in the physics, part 4, 2016, GTU, GESJ: Physics, No. 1(15), 3-13სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა

The experimental possibility of verification of the theory of a prediction of phase transition of the second order through accidents in the case of the heterogeneous environment is considered. In particular, we distinguish in the case of heterogeneous system the phase transition of the second order with η=(α0 /2β0 )\ne 0 from phase transition of the second order with η=0. For this experimental problem solution three versions of an experiment is proposed. Phase transition of the second order of a new type in three-dimensional, two-dimensional and one-dimensional heterogeneous systems is also considered.

https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2016-06; https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/2506.pdf

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