მერაბ ფხოველიშვილი
აკადემიური დოქტორი
ნიკო მუსხელიშვილის სახელობის გამოთვლითი მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტი
The abilities representation to Georgian language in WINDOWS System. | N.Archvadze, I.Beridze, M.Fkhovelishvili, I.Qoqrashvili. | სტატია | Bulletine of the Georgian Academy of Science. volume 161, number 2, p.240-24 | არ აქვს | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Universal programming issues. | N. Archvadze, M. Pkhovelishvil | სტატია | Science and technology. 2003. №7-9 pp.49-52 | არ აქვს | ISSN 0130-7061 | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
On automation of Distance Education. | Pkhovelishvili M., Shetsiruli L. | სტატია | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Science. v.172. n.2,p.222-224 | არ აქვს | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Testing in the System of distant learning. | Archvadze N., Pkhovelishvili M., Shetsiruli L. | სტატია | "Bulletin of the Georgian Academy Sciences, 173, 3, pp. 468-470." | არ აქვს | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Data representation with list structures. | Archvadze N., Pkhovelishvili M., Shetsiruli L. | სტატია | Science and technology.№7-9 pp.18-24 | არ აქვს | ISSN 0130-7061 | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Object-oriented Programming on LISP Basis. | Archvadze N., Pkhovelishvili M | კონფერენციის კრებული | Tbilisi State University science conference "COMPUTING 2008", Proceedings.pp.99-102 | არ აქვს | "ISBN 978-9941-0-1511-3 " | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
The parallel programming on the LISP – base | Archvadze N., Pkhovelishvili M | სტატია | Electronic Scientific Journal: “Computer Sciences and Telecommunications”N1(18), pp. 13-15. | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-1232 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Programming paradigm and information processing aspects in functional paradigm | Archvadze N., Pkhovelishvili M | სტატია | Electronic Scientific Journal: “Computer Sciences and Telecommunications” No.2(19), pp. 118-149. | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-1232 | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
A recursion forms and their verification by using the inductive methods | Natela Archvadze , Merab Pkhovelishvili, Lia Shetsiruli,Mziana Nizharadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | ECC'09: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on European computing , June 2009 Pages 357–361 | არ აქვს | ISBN:978-960-474-088-8 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
The interplay of imperative and functional paradigms. | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili | სტატია | Bulletin of St.Andrew First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchy of Georgia. №2, pp.. 122-126. | არ აქვს | ISSN 1987-734X. | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Comparison of imperative and functional paradigms | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili | სტატია | Bulletin of St.Andrew First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchy of Georgia pp. 127-130 | არ აქვს | ISSN 1987-734X. | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Problems of Verification of Functional Programs | Natela Archvadze , Merab Pkhovelishvili, Lia Shetsiruli | სტატია | BULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol. 3, no. 3, 2009. pp.57-60 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Representation of trees by means of lists in functional programming languages and modern search realisations. | Natela Archvadze , Merab Pkhovelishvii, Lia Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference eRa-4 (The Conference for the contribution of Information Technology | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Program Recursive Forms and Programming Automatization for Functional Languages. | N. Archvadze, M. Pkhovelishvili, L. Shetsiruli, M. Nizharadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS. 2009. Volume 8, pp. 1256-1265, | SJR 0.117 (2017) | ISSN: 1109-2750 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Problems of proving the correctness of programs | N. Archvadze, G.Silagadze, L.Shetsiruli, M. Pkhovelishvili | კონფერენციის კრებული | Book of abstracts The international scientific conference devoted to the 80th anniversary of academician I.V.Prangishvili “Information and Computer technologies, Modelling, control”.pp.77-78 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-994-14-855-2. | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Several issues of program verification. | "N. Archvadze, G.Silagadze, L.Shetsiruli, M. Pkhovelishvili." | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the Third International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics.Volume I. pp.71-74 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
A universal approach to program verification | N. Archvadze, G.Silagadze, L.Shetsiruli, M. Pkhovelishvili. | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the 12th International conference on science and technology “System analysis and information technologies” p.4-3 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-966-2153-41-5(print) ISBN 978-966-2153-42-2(ebook) | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Construction of generalized recursive forms for functional languages and their application in program verification tasks | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, L.Shetsiruli | სტატია | Electronic Scientific Journal: “Computer Sciences and Telecommunications” No. 3(26), pp. 133-141. | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-1232. | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
The complexity of program synthesis from examples. | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, L.Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference Pattern Recognition and Informaton Processing (PRIP’2011).pp275-279 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-985-448-772-7. | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Several issues of programs synthesis | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, L.Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the International Conference on System Analysis and Information Technologies.p.403 | არ აქვს | "ISBN 978-966-2153-56-9 (print),ISBN 978-966-2153-57-6 (ebook) " | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Several issues of programs synthesis | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, L.Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the International Conference on System Analysis and Information Technologies.p.403 | არ აქვს | "ISBN 978-966-2153-56-9 (print),ISBN 978-966-2153-57-6 (ebook) " | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Universal attitude to the program verification. | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, L.Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies.pp.652-656 | SJR 0.112 (2014) | ISBN 978-1-61284-832-7 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Automatic construction of the "main recursive" part of the program based on the description of data structures. | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, L.Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the System Analysis and Information Technologies 14-th International Conference SAIT 2012 . p323 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-966-2748-07-9 (ebook) | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Reforming the Trees – C# and F# Comparison. | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the IV International Conference on “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics" (PCI'2012). pp .93-96 | SJR 0.108 (2015) | "ISBN 978-9952-434-39-2, ISBN 978-1-4673-4501-9. " | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
POSSIBILITY OF FUNCTIONAL | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili | სტატია | Electronic Scientific Journal: “Computer Sciences and Telecommunications”2013, No.4(40) pp51-58 | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-1232 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Model Checking for Functional Programs | L.Shetsiruli, N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili | კონფერენციის კრებული | Modern trends in the development of mathematics and its applied aspects | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Solving planning tasks using Model Checking | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, L.Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the System Analysis and Information Technologies 15-th International Conference SAIT 2013. pp391 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-966-2748-32-1 (print),ISBN 978-966-2748-33-8 (ebook) | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Function Templates for the Synthesis of Functional Programs | Natela Archvadze, Merab Pkhovelishvili, Otari Ioseliani,Lia Shetsiruli | სტატია | International Journal of Computer and Information Technology Volume 03 – Issue 06, pp1241-1244 | არ აქვს | ISSN: 2279 – 0764 | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Function Definitions with Accumulators in Functional Languages. | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, L.Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the System Analysis and Information Technologies 16-th International Conference SAIT 2014 pp. 335-336 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-966-2748-50-5 (print),ISBN 978-966-2748-51-2 (ebook) | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
THE AUTOMATIC SYNTHESIS OF HASKELL FUNCTIONS | Natela Archvadze, Otari Ioseliani, Lia Shetsiruli, Merab Pkhovelishvili | სტატია | Computer Sciences and Telecommunications. N3(43)pp 20-26 | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-1232 | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Georgian natural language Interfaceto database | N. N. Archvadze, M. G. Pkhovelishvili, L. D. Shetsirul | კონფერენციის კრებული | APPLIED LINGUISTICS IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATION. Proceedings of the VII th International Biannual Conference. pp.83-86. | არ აქვს | ISNB 978-5-94777352- | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Verification issues for parallel applications using Kripke schemes for functional languages | N.Archvadze, M.Pkhovelishvili, | კონფერენციის კრებული | The International Scientific Conference "Information and Computer Technologies, Modelling, Control". Proceedings | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-991-20-575-0. pp.545-547 | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Usage of Logic for Parallel Verification of Haskell Programs | Natela Archvadze, Merab Pkhovelishvili, Lia Shetsiruli, Otar Ioseliani | სტატია | Computer Sciences and Telecommunications. 2016, No.4(50)pp. 86-92 | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-1232 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
The modern approaches in parallel programming. | Natela Archvadze, Merab Pkhovelishvili, Lia Shetsiruli, Otari Ioseliani | სტატია | Computer Sciences and Telecommunications. 2016 | No.3(49)pp. 30-33 | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-1232 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Templates for Haskell functions with infinite recursive argument types | Natela Archvadze, Merab Pkhovelishvili, Lia Shetsiruli, Otar Ioseliani | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the System Analysis and Information Technologies 17-th International Conference SAIT 2015 pp 222-225 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-966-2748-68-0 (print),ISBN 978-966-2748-69-7 | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Features of parallel programming in the Haskell language | Natela Archvadze, Merab Pkhovelishvili, Lia Shetsiruli, Otar Ioseliani | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the System Analysis and Information Technologies 18-th International Conference SAIT 2016. pp. 324 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-966-2748-83-3 (print),ISBN 978-966-2748-84-0 (ebook | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
The algorithm of parallel programming using | Natela Archvadze, Merab Pkhovelishvili, Lia Shetsiruli, Otar Ioseliani | კონფერენციის კრებული | SCCTW’2016 South-Caucasus Computing and Technology Workshop pp 1-17 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-966-2748-94-9 (ebook) | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
About one parallel sorting algorithm | N. Archvadze,M. Pkhovelishvil.L. Shetsiruli | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the System Analysis and Information Technologies 19-th International Conference SAIT 2017.p.244 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-966-2748-93-2 (print) | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Prediction of Events by Means of Data Parallelism | Merab Phkhovelishvili, Natela Archvadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of International Conference on Matematics, Informatics and Informtional Technologies (MITI2018).pp.119-121 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-9975-3214-7-1 | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Application of parallel data to predict complex processes | Merab Phkhovelishvili, Natela Archvadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of the System Analysis and Information Technologies 20-th International Conference SAIT2018,p.210 | არ აქვს | "ISBN 978-617-7619-05-4 (print) ISBN 978-617-7619-06-1 (ebook" | არ აქვს | რუსული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
A New approach to Constructing Parallel Algorithms | N. Archvadze, M. Pkhovelishvil | სტატია | Computer Sciences and Telecommunications. 2018 No.1(53),pp.30-34 | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-1232 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Modern Forecasting Models in Economy | M. Pkhovelisvili, M.Giorgobiani, N. Archvadze, G. Pkhovelishvili | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings of Materials of International Scientific Conference „Modern Tendencies of Development of Economy and Economic Science“.(6-7 July, 2018).pp 219-224 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-9941-13-690-0 | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Usage on Different Types of Data to Solve Complex Mathematical Problems | Zurab Gasitashvili, Merab Phkhovelishvili, Natela Archvadze | სტატია | WSEAS Transactions on Computers. Volume 18, 2019, Art. #7 pp. 62-69 | არ აქვს | ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2750 / 2224-2872, | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Usage of heterogeneous data and other parallel data for prediction problems. | Merab Phkhovelishvili, Nato Jorjiashvili, Natela Archvadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP'2019) : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, 21–23 May. 2019, Minsk, Belarus ,pp.178-181 | არ აქვს | UDC 004.931(082). ISBN 978-985-90509-3-0 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Using Different Types Data Operations for Solving Complex Mathematical Tasks. | Merab Phkhovelishvili, Nato Jorjiashvili , Natela Archvadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | Computer Science and Information Technologies IIAP NAS RA 2019pp.,187-190 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-9939-1-0998-5 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Prediction of Events Means of Data Parallelism | Zurab Gasitashvili; Merab Pkhovelishvili; Natela Archvadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | Proceedings - Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering, MACISE 2019, pp. 32-35, 8944725 \ / | SJR 0 (2021) | ISBN: 978-1-5386-9204-2 | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა | |
New algorithm for building effective model from prediction models using parallel data | Zurab Gasitashvili, Merab Phkhovelishvili, Natela Archvadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP'2021) : Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, 21–24 Sept. 2021, Minsk, Belarus ,pp.25-28 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-985-7198-07-8. | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
Use additional cryptography in blockchain and its implementation in the electoral system | Nika Philia, Merab Pkhovelishvili, Natela Archvadze | სტატია | ARCHIL ELIASHVILI INSTITUTE OF CONTROL SYSTEMS OF THE GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY.PROCEEDINGS.№25, 2021,p.p 167-176 | არ აქვს | ISSN 0135-0765 | არ აქვს | ქართული | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
New Algorithms for Improvement of Prediction Models Using Data Parallelism | Zurab Gasitashvili, Merab Phkhovelishvili, Natela Archvadze | კონფერენციის კრებული | Computer Science and Information Technologies IIAP NAS RA 2021pp.,17-21 | არ აქვს | ISBN 978-1-1339-5. UDC 004. IIAP NAS RA 2021 | არ აქვს | ინგლისური | სახელმწიფო მიზნობრივი პროგრამა |
The Internacional Scientific Conference eRa-4 | სალონიკი,საბერძნეთი | 2009 | 24/09/2009-26/09/2009 | 0 | Representation of trees by means of lists in functional programming languages and modern search realisations | ზეპირი | A method of fast parallel information retrieval is proposed - the wave method . Representation of trees using lists in functional programming languages and modern search implementations. | http://ikaros.teipir.gr/era/cont.html |
WSEAS Transactions on Computers | თბილისი,საქართველო | 2009 | 26/06/2009-28/06/2009 | WSEAS | Program Recursive Forms and Programming Automatization for Functional Languages. | ზეპირი | The automatic programming system has been considered by means of which it becomes easier to carry out traditional programming stages. There is discussed both recursive forms: parallel, interrecursion and recursion of high level that exist for functional programming languages and induction methods for the purpose of their verification. The way how to present imperative languages easy and double cycles by means of recursion forms is shown, the possibility of verification has been studied for each recursion form. | http://www.wseas.us/e-library/transactions/computers/2009/29-531.pdf |
Information and Computer technologies, Modelling, control | თბილისი,საქართველო | 2010 | 01/11/2010-04/11/2010 | GTU | "Problems of proving the correctness of programs. " | ზეპირი | The article discusses the problems of proving the correctness of programs for functional programs. For these purposes, a recursive generalized form of lisp programs is given, which makes it possible to verify or prove the incorrectness of the checking programs. | http://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/conf/ge/index_ge.php |
Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics | ბაქო, აზერბაიჯანი | 2010 | 06/09/2010-08/09/2010 | AZ.Nac.Acad. sc. IIT | Several issues of program verification. | ზეპირი | The method of verification offered by us is mainly applied for the functional languages.However, considering that the majority constructions of these languages are reducible for the constructions of the functional languages, the same methods can be applicable for the verification of the imperative languages. | https://ict.az/uploads/konfrans/PCI2010/PCI%202010%20V%201/18.pdf |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 12-th International Conference SAIT 2010 | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2010 | 25/05/2010-29/05/2010 | "Institute for Applied System Analysis, at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " | . A universal approach to program verification | ზეპირი | We propose an approach to program verification that is universal in the sense that it can be used for both functional and imperative paradigm languages | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/72/3f/723faf86-8454-403f-a92a-4c232bccd9c8/sait2010ebook.pdf |
International Conference Pattern Recognition and Informaton Processing (PRIP’2011). | მინსკი, ბელორუსია | 2011 | 12/10/2011-14/10/2011 | BGU | The complexity of program synthesis from examples. | ზეპირი | is deemed to be the highly practical one | http://lsi.bas-net.by/conferences/prip2011/ |
The System Analysis and Information SAIT 2011 | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2011 | 23/05/2011-28/05/2011 | "Institute for Applied System Analysis, at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " | Several issues of programs synthesis | ზეპირი | The synthesis problems for recursive functions based on the program examples are discussed. The new algorithm of the Automated Synthesis System (ASS) is presented, which | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/14/fb/14fbc6d6-43dc-4be4-a41e-e237a780be39/sait2011ebook.pdf |
The 5th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies. | ბაქო, აზერბაიჯანი | 2011 | 12/10/2011-14/10/2011 | AZER.Cavcas Univ. | Universal attitude to the program verification. | ზეპირი | synthesis problems for recursive functions based on the program examples are discussed. The new algorithm of the Automated Synthesis System (ASS) is presented, which is deemed to be the highly practical one. In the beginning, two examples are presented and the differences are calculated between the arguments and results. | http://www.aict.info/2011/ |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 14-th International Conference SAIT 2012 | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2012 | 24/04/2012 | "Institute for Applied System Analysis, at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " | Automatic construction of the "main recursive" part of the program based on the description of data structures. | ზეპირი | The structure of recursive forms of functional programs is investigated. Two main generalized forms for automatic program synthesis are defined | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/cd/0a/cd0a3b0a-82b1-45a1-8ba2-507f157bdcf6/sait2012ebook.pdf |
The IV International Conference on “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics" (PCI'2012 | ბაქო, აზერბაიჯანი | 2012 | 12/09/2014-14/09/2012 | AZER.Cavcas Univ. | Reforming the Trees – C# and F# Comparison. | ზეპირი | During the recent years, creation of parallel secure programs has become one of the main goals since microprocessors are no more a rarity. Functional languages are assisting us to keep up the parallelism enabling inclusion of unchangeable structures of data, which can be transferred between streams and computers, even without additional security for the streams or atomic access. Besides, functional languages simplify creation of libraries, supporting parallel processing (for example, asynchronous working streams F#). In this article we consider the information on trees and main operations: finding elements in the tree, inserting and removing elements and also traversing the tree by means of two programming languages F# and C#. We will compare calculation process time parameters. | https://ict.az/uploads/konfrans/PCI2012/PCI%202012%20V%201/27.pdf |
Modern trends in the development of mathematics and its applied aspects | დონეცკი, უკრაინა | 2013 | 21/05/2013 | DGU | Model Checking for Functional Programs | ზეპირი | the features of the application of the Model Checking the presence of functional programs are considered | http://elementy.ru/events/431054 |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 15-th International Conference SAIT 2013 | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2013 | 26/05/2013-31/05/2013 | "Institute for Applied System Analysis, at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " | Solving planning tasks using Model Checking | ზეპირი | The planning process presented in the article is very similar to the verification process. The description of the system is a finite set of states and transitions, as well as the description of the property being checked is the input to the verification system. The verifier either concludes that the specified property is executed, or, if it is not executed, it gives a counterexample - such a path from the initial state on which the property is not executed. | http://sait.kpi.ua/books/sait2013.ebook.pdf/view SBN 978-966-2748-32-1 (print) ISBN 978-966-2748-33-8 (ebook) |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 16-th International Conference SAIT 2014 | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2014 | 26/05/2014-30/05/2014 | "Institute for Applied System Analysis, at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " | Function Definitions with Accumulators in Functional Languages. | ზეპირი | including information in the Georgian language | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/5f/94/5f946055-4609-486f-b292-c12e5443c6dc/sait2014ebook.pdf |
APPLIED LINGUISTICS IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATION. Proceedings of the VII th International Biannual Conference. pp.83-86. | სანკტ-პეტერბურგი,რუსეთი | 2014 | 10/04/2014-12/04/2014 | Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, | Georgian natural language Interfaceto database | ზეპირი | The need for natural language interfaces for the database has become increasingly | http://istina.msu.ru/media/publications/article/939/bbd/8423419/Trudy.pdf |
The International Scientific Conference "Information and Computer Technologies, Modelling, Control". Proceedings | თბილისი, საქართველო | 2015 | 03/11/2015-05/11/2015 | GTU Tbilisi | Verification using clusters. | ზეპირი | The issues of verifying parallel programs for functional languages using Kripke schemes are discussed. The possibilities of reflecting parallelism in Kripke schemes are shown, which gives the ability to solve verification problems for parallel programs | http://www.ict-mc.gtu.ge/conference.pdf |
The International Scientific Conference "Information and Computer Technologies, Modelling, Control". Proceedings | თბილისი, საქართველო | 2015 | 03/11/2015-05/11/2015 | GTU Tbilisi | Parallel programs.Verification using clusters | ზეპირი | Parallel programs are Verification using clusters. Developed form of claspsfunctionaliru for parallel applications | http://www.ict-mc.gtu.ge/conference.pdf |
2nd Eurasian Conference on “Innovations in Minimization of Natural and Technological Risks” (RISK-2020), | თბილისი, საქართველო | 2020 | 12/04/2020-19/04/2020 | AMIR Technical Services LLC (Georgia), Georgian Technical University | An Algorithm of Improved Prediction from Existing Risk Predictions | ზეპირი | The technologies of traditional parallel programing MPI (Message Passing Interface) and OpenMP will be discussed, in addition the role of these technologies and inabilities. The directions of modern parallel programming which appeared by using functional languages will be presented. The parallelizing of the programs using competition will be reviewed. | https://books.aijr.org/index.php/press/catalog/view/93/26/466-1 |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 17-th International Conference SAIT | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2015 | 22/06/2015-25/06/2015 | KPU | Templates for Haskell functions with infinite recursive argument types | ზეპირი | In this paper, using the example of Haskell, we consider templates for infinite data structures. Infinite data structures can be defined based on infinite lists, and a recursion mechanism can also be used. Recursion in this case is used as an appeal to recursive functions. The third way to create infinite data structures is to use infinite types. This last method is the most interesting for us. In the Haskell language, the data keyword is used to define recursive types , which makes data structures of such types potentially infinite | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/f8/7e/f87e3b7b-b254-407f-8a58-2d810d23a2e5/sait2015ebook.pdf |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 18-th International Conference SAIT | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2016 | 30/05/2016-02/06/2016 | KPU | Features of parallel programming in the Haskell language | ზეპირი | The features of parallel programming in the Haskell language are considered. To organize parallel computing, two constructions have been introduced into the language that provide explicit control. The combinator par, receives two parameters that are functions executed in parallel. The expression p ‘par‘ e has a value defined by e. In addition, the construction indicates that p can be executed by a new thread parallel to the parent thread continuing the execution of e. Support for "lazy" calculations imposes its own specifics on parallelism. It is believed Hat the function p can be executed then, when its result is required. In this case, an additional thread will be created | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/73/32/7332a68e-e93b-4c57-a3c8-66f11ee074cd/sait2016ebook.pdf |
SCCTW’2016 South-Caucasus Computing and Technology Workshop pp 1-17 | თბილისი,საქართველო | 2016 | 04/10/2016-07/10/2016 | GTU, MICM,CERN | The algorithm of parallel programming using "small delay" | ზეპირი | A “small delay” algorithm | https://indico.cern.ch/event/572800/#37-the-algorithm-of-parallel-p |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 19-th International Conference SAIT 2017 | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2017 | 22/05/2017-25/05/2017 | "Institute for Applied System Analysis, at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " | About one parallel sorting algorithm | ზეპირი | This article discusses a new efficient sorting algorithm using parallel programming, which is referred to as | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/38/b9/38b90ff9-322e-4190-b445-e58ff05759fc/sait2017ebook.pdf |
MITI 2018 | ბელცი,მოლდავეთი | 2018 | 19/04/2018-21/04/2018 | Alecu Russo Balti State University, Republic of Moldova | "Prediction of Events by Means of Data Parallelism " | ზეპირი | The article discusses a new approach to difficult-to-predict events. For this reason, the so - called parallel data is used-data of different types of precursors, which with a certain probability predict a certain single event. The gradual, "live" mode of operation of the forecasting process is also considered. The use of parallel data allows large supercomputers to be used not only for their original purpose - for large volumes of calculations, but also for processing parallel data in "Live" mode and as the main tool of the parallel data paradigm. | www.miti2018.usarb.md |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 20-th International Conference SAIT | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2018 | 19/04/2018-21/04/2018 | "Institute for Applied System Analysis, at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " | Application of parallel data to predict complex processes | ზეპირი | The article discusses the development of two algorithms operating on this principle-the Transponated ribbon algorithm for sorting (“equilateral”) and Matrix Multiplication. | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/6e/80/6e804b3f-ae13-4899-b336-4daddbd45584/sait2018ebook.pdf |
The System Analysis and Information Technologies 20-th International Conference SAIT | კიევი, უკრაინა | 2018 | 19/04/2018-21/04/2018 | "Institute for Applied System Analysis, at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " | Application of parallel data to predict complex processes | ზეპირი | The article discusses the development of two algorithms operating on this principle-the Transponated ribbon algorithm for sorting (“equilateral”) and Matrix Multiplication. | http://sait.kpi.ua/media/filer_public/6e/80/6e804b3f-ae13-4899-b336-4daddbd45584/sait2018ebook.pdf |
XI International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union | ბათუმი, საქართველო | 2021 | 23/08/2021-28/08/2021 | "Georgian Mathematical Union " | Model of Coronavirus Spread in the Light of Vaccination | ზეპირი | The main principle of the parallel algorithm proposed by us is: the division of data into parts and processing of nuclei should be done in parallel, thus minimizing the waiting of nuclei. | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2021/Conference_Batumi_2021+.pdf |
Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering, MACISE 2019, | მადრიდი, ესპანეთი | 2019 | 18/01/20190-20/01/2019 | WSEAS | Prediction of events means of data parallelism | ზეპირი | The new approach created for forecasting is discussed. The main essence of which lies in the joint use of the existing forecasting methods on supercomputers in real time and in the selection of several models for achieving the given goal from the existing models, the joint probability of which gives the best result. The practical application of this approach to solving such problems as earthquake forecasting and economics is discussed | http://wseas.org/wseas/ cms.action?id=4026 |
Modern tendecies of development of economy and economy science | თბილისი, საქართველო | 2018 | 06/07/2018-07/07/2018 | "Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Paata Gugushvili Institute Of Economic" | Modern Forecasting Models in Economy | ზეპირი | The article discusses a new approach to Business Forecasting tasks, which implies the use of parallel data paradigm in programming. Parallel data are different types of forward data that predict a certain single event in a dynamic mode. Also, step by step, online operation of the forecasting process will be discussed. The presented method allows supercomputers to be used not only for their original purpose - for large volumes of calculations, but also for online processing of parallel data, and also to be used as the main tool of the parallel data paradigm. | http://www.pgie.tsu.ge/contentimage/konferenciebi/2018_konferenciakrebuli.pdf |
PRIP’2019. Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (Proceedings of 14th International Conference | მინსკი,ბელორუსია | 2019 | 21/05/2019-23/05/2019 | BGU | Usage of heterogeneous data and other parallel data for prediction problems. | ზეპირი | On the basis of parallel data theory, the issues of prediction of events are discussed. The data to be used form a heterogeneous matrix, the question of determining universal elementary operations on heterogeneous types of data is discussed | https://prip.bsuir.by/m/12_126980_0_136591.pdf |
Computer Science and Information Technologies. Proceedings of the conference | ერევანი,სომხეთი | 2019 | 23/09/2019-27/09/2019 | "The National Academy of Science of Armenia " | Using Different Types Data Operations for Solving Complex Mathematical Tasks. | სტენდური | The possibility of solving problems arising when using different types of forecasting systems on modern supercomputers simultaneously is discussed. In particular, the new nontraditional is considered, The Matrix where there are homogeneous data in the columns, but not necessarily numbers. When performing operations on matrices, there is a question of the necessity of determining new(extended) operations on heterogeneous data. New operations on texts are introduced. On numbers and texts, and a.Sh. Subsequently, it is possible to perform various operations on the equilateral matrices (addition, multiplication, comparison, etc.).), Which makes it possible to solve some complex tasks in mathematics. | https://csit.am/2019/proceedings/PDC/PDCp1.pdf |
2019 International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering (MACISE) | მადრიდი, ესპანეთი | 2019 | 18/01/2019-20/01/2019 | WSEAS | Prediction of Events Means of Data Parallelism | ზეპირი | A new approach to the events, which are difficult to predict is considered in the article. For this so-called parallel data is used - data of various precursors, by means of which the certain event is predicted with some low probability. A "live" functioning of prediction process is also reviewed. Using of parallel data allows to use supercomputers not only for their initial purpose - performing many computations of high volume, but also for "live" processing of parallel data and as a main instrument fundamental style of parallel data. | https://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings-article/macise/2019/920400a032/1grNw1Lzqi4 |
Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP'2021) : Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, | მინსკი, ბელორუსია | 2021 | 21/09/2021-24/09/2021 | BGU | "New algorithm for building effective model from prediction models using parallel data " | ზეპირი | Construction of much more efficient new hybrid models using parallel data from predictive models is considered. The algorithm for choosing pairs of models and its advantages over any of the best models for forecasting are given. The advantage of the pairs of the larger number of prediction models over the smaller number of pairs is shown and the algorithm for taking into account the "approximate coincidences" of forecasts when choosing pairs is considered | https://www.prip.by/2021/assets/files/papers/2124092021PRIP_proceedings_A1-5.pdf |
Reliability: Theory and Applications | თბილისი, საქართველო | 2021 | 25/09/2021 | GTU, AZ.NAC.AC.SC. | REDUCING RISKS THROUGH IMPROVEMENT OF PREDICTION MODELS | ზეპირი | Management or avoidance of risks or mitigation of undesirable outcomes are linked to specific actions, as well as to prediction models. These prediction models should be improved to obtain ‚better‛ predictions and thus, manage risks, and take measures for their reduction. We consider such algorithm of event prediction, which, using parallel data, can obtain prediction with high reliability that, in its turn, helps to reduce risks or completely avoid them | http://www.gnedenko.net/Journal/2022_3%20SI.htm |
13th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies CSIT 2021. Proceedings. Armenia, Yerevan, September 27 - October 1, 2021. | ერევანი,სომხეთი | 2021 | 27/09/2021-01/10/2021 | The National Academy of Science of Armenia | New Algorithms for Improvement of Prediction Models Using Data Parallelism | ზეპირი | The article discusses the issues of improving existing forecasting models, for which parallel data are used. These are data that simultaneously influence the prediction of any event. The article describes the following stages of the application of this method: delimitation of the accuracy of the prediction by depicting the forecasts of the elements of the object in the equilateral space and the algorithm for calculating the error in this space between them, and an improved algorithm for using parallel data in dynamic forecasting tasks. | https://csit.am/2021/index.php |
Web of Science: 1 Scopus: 1 Google Scholar: 42 |
დისერტაციის რეცენზირება
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომების ხელმძღვანელობა
სადოქტორო თემის ხელმძღვანელობა/თანახელმძღვანელობა
უცხოურ ენებზე მონოგრაფიის სამეცნიერო რედაქტირება |
ქართულ ენაზე მონოგრაფიის სამეცნიერო რედაქტირება |
რეფერირებული ან პროფესიული ჟურნალის/ კრებულის მთავარი რედაქტორობა |
სამეცნიერო პროფესიული ჟურნალის/ კრებულის რეცენზენტობა |
რეფერირებული სამეცნიერო ან პროფესიული ჟურნალის/ კრებულის სარედაქციო კოლეგიის წევრობა |
საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციის მიერ მხარდაჭერილ პროექტში/გრანტში მონაწილეობა |
სახელმწიფო ბიუჯეტის სახსრებით მხარდაჭერილ პროექტში/ გრანტში მონაწილეობა
პატენტის ავტორობა |
უფლება ქართულ ან უცხოურ სასაქონლო ნიშანზე, სასარგებლო მოდელზე- |
საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა ეროვნული აკადემიის ან სოფლის მეურნეობის აკადემიის წევრობა |
საერთაშორისო პროფესიული ორგანიზაციის წევრობა |
კონფერენციის საორგანიზაციო/ საპროგრამო კომიტეტის წევრობა |
ჯილდო ეროვნული/ დარგობრივი პრემია, ორდენი, მედალი და სხვ. |
საპატიო წოდება |
მონოგრაფია |
სახელმძღვანელო |
სტატია მაღალ რეიტინგულ და ადგილობრივ ჟურნალებში
პუბლიკაცია სამეცნიერო კონფერენციის მასალებში, რომლებიც ინდექსირებულია Web of Science-ში და Scopus-ში |