Ketevan Solomonishvili
Doctor of Science
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Born in Tbilisi, Georgia. In 1988 graduated with honors from the Faculty of Architecture of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute. In 1988-89 worked as an architect in the "City Construction Project". In the competition announced by the Patriarchate in 1990 "Project of the Holy Trinity Cathedral" was awarded by the Patriarch. In 1991 was invited to the United States of America, to Atlanta by renowned American architect Rufus Hughes. Got acquainted with the Contemporary Architecture of Atlanta, the work of Rufus Hughes, and the teaching methods of the College of Architecture at Atlanta Technical University. In 1991-2000 worked as an artist and curator of exhibitions at the Museum of the Georgian Technical University. Had close cooperation with the famous art galleries and the Embassy of Georgia in Moscow, where group exhibitions of Georgian artists were held. In 2000-2007 worked in Moscow for development and construction-design corporations, as an architect and the head of the design department. Led the implementation of the project from the zero stage - to the operation of the facility. Coordinated the organizations participating in the project. In 2004 received the award of the magazine "Sovremenny Dom" in the project "Residential House" - "Pyramid". (Annual competition of the Moscow Union of Architects - "Alphabet of construction"). In 2004 graduated from Bauman Moscow Technical University with a degree in Modern Interior Design. In 2005 organized a personal exhibition at the House of the Central Artist in Moscow - "Любовь спасет Мир". In 2006-07 received a business education “Management of a modern organization”, at the Moscow Academy "National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. From 2000 to 2007 became the author of multiple residential and public facilities built in and around Moscow. In 2007 moved to Kyiv, Ukraine and worked in the company "Magnat Design Center" as a chief architect. Completed the planning and design project of the office of the company "Lukoil- Ukraine". In 2007 founded a design studio "RED HOUSE" in Kyiv. From 2007 to 2010 have built residential and public buildings in various cities of Kiev and Ukraine. In 2010 - returned to Georgia and founded the design studio "RED HOUSE". In 2017 – founded the creative training studio "Apollo". Have been a member of the Georgian Architects Union since 2017. In 2020 reorganized the "RED HOUSE" to "Prime House" - www.primehouse.ge In 2019 became a PhD student in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design (in GTU). From 2019 to present – a GTU Researcher at the Jordania Center for Industrial and Natural Resources.
Avtandil Asatiani, Revaz Dzneladze, Ketevan Solomonishvili | article | GTU Magazine | - | ISSN 2346-8300 | Georgian | Contract | ||
The role of architects in the development and management of sustainable development projects in the country | Ketevan Solomonishvili, Merab Bolqvadze | article | Georgian Technical University. Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design. Journal "Modern Problems of Architecture and Urban Planning". 2021. Scientific-Technical Journal №14,15 p. 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 | - | ISSN 2233-3266 | Georgian | Contract | |
Atlanta - Tbilisi brother-in-law | Ketevan Solomonishvili, Tamaz Gogoladze | article | Publishing house of magazines and newspapers "Samshoblo". Journal "Flag".03 / 03/1993. №3. P. 11,12,13 | - | ISSN 0130-1624 | Georgian | Contract |
Modern problems of architecture and urban planning | Tbilisi Georgia | 2020 | 16/12/2020 - 23/12/2020 | GTU The Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design | The sustainable development policy of a state, the dangers of a degraded environment and ecological problems in the regions (on the example of Lake Bazaleti development) | poster | My conference topic will address an important issue for our country, such as the ecological problems of a unique area, namely Lake Bazaleti. I analyze the dangers that threaten this area due to the emergence of new degraded settlements. At the conference, we will present the existing degraded facilities, which reduce the potential of this resort, tourist area. I divided the topic into 3 parts: 1. Description of the current situation; 2. Analysis of the causes of problems; 3. Ways to solve problems. To specify the broad material, I used the approach 10-10-10 for the conference, which involves analyzing 10 important issues. The topic is discussed in an architectural context. In such an assessment, the architect acts as an environmental expert as an arch supervisor and analyst. Discussing the situation in such a context is the basis of my doctoral dissertation, the main purpose of which is the rational use-development and planning of the natural wealth of the country's greatest wealth, its unique territories. The scientific work is created for practical use and is a kind of concept for the development of a future master plan and a detailed development plan. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/სერტიფიკატი ახალი.pdf |
International Scientific-Practical Conference D «Georgia's Natural Resources and Prospects for Sustainable Development of Manufacturing Forces» | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 17 ნოემბერი - 18 ნოემბერი | I.Zhordania Center Studying Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia of the GTU | Development of the concept of Georgian Natural Resources Information-Electronic Platform | oral | The concept for an electronic information platform of natural resources of Georgia has been developed at the I.Zhordania Center Studying Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia of the GTU. The platform will reflect the complete data available to us for today about the natural resources of any region of Georgia, such as: minerals, construction raw materials, fuel-energy, renewable and non-traditional energy resources, geothermal and mineral waters, land, water and forest resources, recreational and tourist resources, their location, stocks, field of application, efficiency and possible scale, economic characteristics of the region, etc. The platform will enable us to provide complete information about the resource potential of the region to the stakeholders in a visual accessible form that will help to develop a state policy for their active involvement in economic turnover and attract local and foreign investment. Key words: electronic platform, natural resources, productive forces, economy, region. | https://gtu.ge/cspfnr/News/?ELEMENT_ID=18329 |
Web of Science: 0 Scopus: 0 Google Scholar: 0 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget |
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |