Jemal Kakulia

Academic Doctor of Science


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Specialty: Mining Engineer-Technologies Scientific Degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences. Education: 1948-1958 St. 30th Anniversary of Tbilisi 1958-1963 Georgian Polytechnic Institute. 1972-1975 Postgraduate Study of the Georgian Academy 1976 - Candidate of Technical Sciences. Work experience: 1966-1975 Junior scientific worker of enrichment of the minerals mining institute of Tbilisi Mining Mechanics. 1975-1989 Production Union "Mining Chemistry" Laboratory of mineral wealth enrichment. Head of the sector. 1989 - present. Industrial Forces and Natural Resources Center Department of Mineral and Energy Resources Senior Research Fellow. 2009 - present. Biotechnological Scientific-Research Division of the Institute of Mineral Resources of Al. Tvalchrelidze Caucasus. consultant. Scientific Works, Publications, Conferences, Grants: 75 scientific work. 26 participation in the conference Grants: 1. 2001 Georgia's solid fuels, mineral, geothermal 4 mills, solar and wind energy and prospects of their use. (Grant of Georgian Academy of Sciences). 2. 2009-2011წწ "Development of the rational use of barite and carbonated technogenic deposits with ecological issues" (shota rustaveli national science foundation, the main performer). 3. 2015-2017 FR/43/9-220/14 „ Development of Wasteless Technology to obtain deficit potassium admixtures and potassium biofertillzers from natural and technogenic waste of trachytes in Georgia to utilize them in agriculture and industry“. (shota rustaveli national science foundation). Budget Reports State target program "mineral resources of Georgia, including gold, nonferrous metals, building materials, solid fossil fuels and fuel gas potential of geological, technological, ecological assessment of the market forces and engage in constructive analysis of investment proposals for the formation." Sub-program " possibilities of using the bacterial leaching method for utilization of Georgian mining waste disposed. " Languages: Georgian native) Russian well) English (with lexons help).

Imereti natural resources and prospects for their useI. Jordania, N. Mirianashvili, K. Makharadze and others.monographPublishing House of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2008, 328- ISBN 978-9941-0-5112-8 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Natural resources of Kakheti and perspectives of their useI. Jordania, N. Mirianashvili, K. Makharadze and others.monographPublishing House of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2008, 312- ISBN 978-9941-0-5112-8 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Determining the bioavailability of tracts for the production of potassium compoundsC. Magalashvili N. Lomidze, J. KakuliaarticleMaterials of the Second International Conference-Exhibition of Georgian Ceramics Association 2009. Tbilisi, 4- - GeorgianState Targeted Program
Opportunities to use Georgia's mineral resources to obtain essential fertilizers for agricultureR. Kvatashidze, V. Totibadze, Sh. Malashkhia, L. Kartvelishvili, J. KakuliaarticleMining Magazine, 2009, N2 (23)- ISSN 1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program
Pre-bioprocessing of barite sludges for barite flotation intensificationR. Kvatashidze, V. Totibadze, J. KakuliaarticleMining Magazine, N2, Tbilisi, 2009- ISSN 1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program
Investigation of the possibility of obtaining barite and barite-calcite concentratesJ. Kakulia, L. Kartvelishvili, V. Totibadze, N. LomidzearticleScience and Technology. Tbilisi, 10-12, 2009- ISSN 0130-7061 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Investigation of the possibility of obtaining barite and barite-calcite concentratesJ. Kakulia, L. Kartvelishvili, V. Totibadze, N. LomidzearticleScience and Technology. Tbilisi, 10-12, 2009- ISSN 0130-7061 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Shida Kartli natural resources and prospects for their useI. Jordania, K. Betaneli, I. Tsintsadze and others.monographPublishing House of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2009, 276- ISBN 978-9941-0-5112-8 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Determining the possibility of bacterial leaching of copper and zinc from ore-containing wastesJ. Kakulia, L. Kartvelishvili, V. Totibadze, N. LomidzearticleProceedings of Telavi University, 2010- ISSN 1512-0600 , E-ISSN-2667-9949 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Selection of chord barite-containing waste enrichment modeJ.kakulia, V. TotibadzearticleProceedings of Telavi University, 2010- ISSN 1512-0600 , E-ISSN-2667-9949 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Natural resources of Samegrelo and perspectives of their useI. Jordania, N. Mirianashvili, K. Makharadze and others.monographPublishing House of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2010, 287- ISSN 978-9941-0-5112-8 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Investigation of the possibility of obtaining humate preparation from coal industry wasteV. Totibadze, L. Kartvelishvili, J. Kakulia and others.articleScience and Technology. Tbilisi, 2011. №1-2-3- ISSN 0130-7061 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Mtskheta-Mtianeti natural resources and prospects for their useI. Jordania, N. Mirianashvili, K. Makharadze and others.monographPublishing House of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2011- ISBN 978-9941-0-5112-8 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Natural resources of Svaneti and perspectives of their useI. Jordania, N. Mirianashvili, K. Makharadze and others.monographPublishing House of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2011- ISSN 978-9941-0-5112-8 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Natural Resources of GeorgiaI. Jordania, Z. Lomsadze, O. Paresishvili. J. Kakulia et al.monographPublishing House of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 1173 p.- ISBN 978-9941-0-8386-0, ISBN 978-9941-0-8387-7 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Possibilities of using biotechnology to obtain potassium compounds from non-metallic raw materials containing potassiumL.Kartvelishvili, J.kakuliaarticleMining Journal, N2 (35), 2015- ISSN 1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program
Prospects for intensification of complex enrichment of mineral resources of Georgia using combined technological schemesL.Kartvelishvili, J.kakuliaarticleMining Journal, N2 (37), 2016- ISSN 1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program
Wastewater treatment by sorption methodL. Chochia, S. Jalaghania, J. KakuliaarticleGeorgian Scientist National. Herald of the Academy, Chemistry Series, 2016- ISSN 0132-60-74 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Perspectives on the use of bio- and electrochemical extraction methods in the processing of flotation tailings for gold-containing sulfide oresJ. Kakulia, N. Lomidze, Z. ArabidzearticleGeorgian Engineering News, N1, 2017- ISSN 1512-0287 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Extraction of potassium from natural and man-made wastes of Georgian tracts using biotechnological methodsJ. Kakulia, L. Kartvelishvili Sh. Malashkhia, M. Kandelaki, N. Lomidze, S. JalaghoniaarticleMining Magazine, N1 (38), 2017- ISSN 1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program
Investigation of the possibility of obtaining Al2 O3 concentrate from Tkibuli coal waste using biotechnological methodJ. Kakulia, L. Kartvelishvili, Sh. Malashkhia, N. Lomidze, N. Chkhobadze, N. ChubinidzearticleMining Magazine, N2(41), 2018- ISSN 1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program
Problems related to Tkibuli-Shaori depositG. Magalashvili, Z. Lomsadze, j.Kakulia, A. Suladze, D. Kupatadze, A. Dvaladze, I. AkhvledianiarticleMining Magazine, N1 (42), 2019- ISSN 1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program

International Scientific-Practical Conference «Georgia's Natural Resources and Prospects for Sustainable Development of Manufacturing Forces» Tbilisi, Georgia202117.11.2021-18.11.2021I.Zhordania Center Studying Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia of the GTUProspects for the use of residual argillites from the Tkibul-Shaori coal depositoral

The article provides laboratory data, based on which it is concluded that the so-called “waste rocks” in Tkibuli-Shaori coal deposit – using argillites, clays, enrichment plant “tails”, sludge and ash, can produce a number of necessary constuction and “reftactory” bricks, Types of tiles, cement, clay-soil, aluminum and its alloys – ferrosilicoaluminum, silumin, sialon, and the most important fertilizer for agriculture from coal sludge “humates”. All this will contribute to the development of the economy and the creation of hundreds of jobs.
Tbilisi, Georgia201011-13 ოქტომ. 2010 წ. Georgian Technical UniversityOpinions on the disposal of chord barite wasteoral

The article presents the results of a laboratory study, based on which the conclusion is made that the barite-containing waste from the core (the so-called calcined waste) can be utilized by removing the barite in the form of overflow in a hydrocyclone.

Web of Science: 0
Scopus: 0
Google Scholar: 2

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Natural resources of the regions / regions of Georgia and prospects for their useState budget 2004-2012Performer
"Study of Georgia's Natural and Human (Labor) Resources Potential and Sectoral and Regional Problems of Its Use"State budget 2015-2021Performer

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus