Manana Janikashvili

Doctor of Science

Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems of the Georgian Technical University

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“Smart” networks and the structure of generating power plantsT. Magrakvelidze, Kh. Lomidze, M. Janikashvili, I. ArchvadzearticlePubl. house Sachino / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2021 / N 25, p. 74-79- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
The effect of the height of the roughness elements on the intensification of heat transfer at water film flow on a vertical pipeT. Magrakvelidze, Kh. Lomidze, M. Janikashvili, I. Archuadze, L.MakrakhidzearticlePubl. house Macne-printi / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2020 / N 24, p. 56-60- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On some issues of providing Georgia with electric power in the coming decadesKh. Lomidze, M. Janikashvili, I. ArchvadzearticlePubl. house Macne-printi / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2019 / N 23, p. 53-59- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On some issues of providing Georgia with electric powerT. Magrakvelidze, Kh.Lomidze, M.Janikashvili, I.ArchuadzearticleScientific-technical journal Energy, Series: Modern Energy Problems and Ways to Solve Them, 2019 / N3, pp.190-193- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On some questions related to the provision of Georgia with electricity and consumer tariffsarticleLtd Poligrapi / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2018 / N 22, p. 54-59- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On some questions of energy security of GeorgiaT. Magrakvelidze, Kh. Lomidze, A. Mikashavidze, M. Janikashvili, I. ArchvadzearticleLtd Poligrapi / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2017 / N 21, p. 53-61- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
For power definition of hydroelectric power plants on small riverKh. Lomidze, M. Janikashvili, I. ArchuadzearticleLtd damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2016 / N 20, p. 109-113- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Development of the electric power system of Georgia taking into account the current trends in the worldT. Magrakvelidze, Kh.Lomidze, M.Janikashvili, I.Archuadzeconference proceedingsProceedings International Scientific Conference Energy: Regional Problems and Development Perspectives, 2015 / p. 26-31- ISSN 1512-0120 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Finding optimal power of power plant taking into account uneven seasonal streamflow of the riverT.Magrakvelidze, V.Chichinadze, Kh.Lomidze, M.Janikashvili, I.ArchuadzearticleLtd damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2015 / N 19, p. 44-48- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On current trends in energy and development of the power system of GeorgiaT. Magrakvelidze, V. Chichinadze, Kh. Lomidze, M. Janikashvili, I. ArchuadzearticleLtd "damani" / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2014 / N 18, p. 74-82- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Modern trends of power engineering development and the problems of optimal usage of Georgian energy resourcesT. Magrakvelidze, V. Chichinadze, Kh. Lomidze, N.Bantsadze, A. Mikashavidze, M. Janikashvili, I. ArchuadzearticleLtd damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2013 / N 17, p. 75-80- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
About necessity of usage of energetic potential of river Enguri and social and ecological problems relatedT.Magrakvelidze, V.Chichinadze, Kh.Lomidze, I.Archuadze, M.JanikashviliarticleLtd damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2012 / N 16, p. 105-111- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On some actual of development of Georgian power generating systemT. Magrakvelidze, V. Chichinadze, Kh. Lomidze, A. Mikashavidze, M. Janikashvili, I. ArchuadzearticleLtd damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2011 / N 15, p. 134-139- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On problems of energy security and optimal use of Georgian energy resourcesT.Magrakvelidze, V.Chichinadze, Kh.Lomidze, M.Janikashvili, I.Archuadze, N. KurkumuliarticlePubl. House Inteleqti / Proceedings of the LEPL Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems, 2010 / N14, pp.131-136- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On some issues of Georgia's energy security and power system optimizationT. Magrakvelidze, Kh. Lomidze, A.Mikashavidze, M. Janikashvili, I. Archuadze, N.Kurkumuliconference proceedingsKutaisi International Scientific Conference Energy: Regional problems and development prospects, Proceedings. 2010. Pp.29-34- - GeorgianState Targeted Program
On some problems of rational use of Georgian water power resourcesT. Magrakvelidze, Kh. Lomidze, M. Janikashvili, I. Archuadze, J. RusishviliarticlePubl. House Inteleqti / Proceedings of the LEPL Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems, 2009 / N13, pp.113-1117- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Automated heat and cold supply systems based on pump installationsN.Mirianashvili, G.Zakareishvili, K.Vezirishvili, M.Janikashvili, V.Khatashviliconference proceedingsInternational Scientific Conference - ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Prospects for using nonconventional renewable power sources in the world and the role of heat pump plants in saving fuel-energy resourcesN.Mirianashvili, M.JanikashviliarticlePubl. House Inteleqti / Proceedings of the LEPL Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems, 2007 / N11. pp.132-137- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Energy-Economic Efficience of Energy Saving Systems of Heat-Cold Supply Using Heat Pump PlantsN.Mirianashvili, K.Vezirishvili, M.JanikashviliarticlePubl. House Inteleqti / Proceedings of the LEPL Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems, 2006 / N10, pp.134-138- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Optimization of Technical and Economic Indices of Heat Pump Plants in the Air Conditioning Systems for Different Climatic ConditionsN.Mirianashvili, M.JanikashviliarticlePubl. House Inteleqti / Proceedings of the Georgian Academy Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems, 2005 / N9, pp.118-120- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Optimization of Technical and Economic Indices of the Heating System Using Heat Pump PlantsN.Mirianashvili, M.JanikashviliarticlePubl. House Inteleqti / Proceedings of the Georgian Academy Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems, 2005 / N9, pp.121-124- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On the ways of rational utilization of Georgian hydropower resourcesT.Magrakvelidze, Kh.Lomidze, M.Janikashvili, I.ArchuadzearticlePubl. House Sani / Proceedings of the Georgian Academy of Sciences Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems. 2002, N6, pp.72-75- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program

International Scientific-Technical Conference - "Modern Energy Problems and Ways to Solve Them"Tbilisi, Georgia201907/10/2019 - 11/10/2019Georgian Technical UniversityOn some issues of providing Georgia with electric poweroral

It is shown that the current level of electric power generation and consumption is completely insufficient for the normal development of the country. Opinions are expressed on the need for a sharp increase in electric power generation and on some issues of overcoming the existing resistances to the construction of new power plants
Kutaisi International Scientific Conference "Energy. Regional problems and development prospects."Kutaisi, Georgia201524/10/2015 - 25/10/2015Akaki Tsereteli State UniversityDevelopment of the electric power system of Georgia taking into account the current trends in the worldoral

In the article discusses the development trends of electric power in the world. Appropriate data are presented and analyzed. It is shown that for the economically sustainable development of Georgia it is necessary to reach the level of annual electric power production in the coming decades to 40-45 billion kw/h.
Kutaisi International Scientific Conference "Energy. Regional problems and development prospects."Kutaisi, Georgia201021/05/2010 - 22/05/2010Akaki Tsereteli State UniversityOn some issues of Georgia's energy security and power system optimizationoral

The article provides data on both traditional and so-called non-traditional renewable energy recourses. Some issues of the country's energy security are discussed. A mathematical model of the Georgian electric power system has been developed, on the basis of these model the task of proper optimization has been solved. Based on the solution, It is shown that Georgia can satisfy the demand for electric power at the level of 45 billion kWh/year using its own energy resources
International Scientific Conference - Management and Energy ProblemsTbilisi, Georgia200710/10/2007 - 12/10/2007Georgian Technical UniversityAutomated heat and cold supply systems based on pump installationsoral

Prospects for the development of non-traditional renewable energy sources in the world are analyzed. The role of heat pump installations in saving fuel and energy resources is shown. The current level of use of heat pump installations in Georgia is presented and the important results achieved in this field of energy are presented. The effectiveness of the widespread introduction of heat pump systems in various sectors of agriculture has been proven

-30/04/2007 - 02/06/2007

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

The role of non-traditional renewable energy resources and energy-saving technologies in the energy sector of GeorgiaLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems 2007-2009Performer
Investigation of the effect of artificial roughness on the intensity of heat transfer of a film flowing down a vertical surfaceGeorgian Technical University 01.01.2011-31.12.2011Performer
Investigation some of the problems of increasing the efficiency of the heat transfer appliancesLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems 2010-2012Performer
Modern trends in energy development and problems of optimal using of Georgia energy resourcesArchil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems of the Georgian Technical University 2013-2014Performer
Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems of the Georgian Technical University 2015-2017Performer
Investigation of some actual energy problems of GeorgiaArchil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems of the Georgian Technical University 2018-2020Performer
Investigation some of the problems of electric power and power installationsArchil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems of the Georgian Technical University / "Scientific Research Facilitation" Program (Program Code 32 05 04) 2021-2023Performer

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus