
mziana nachkebia
Doctor of Science
Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics
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Forecasting the real estate market using a Bayesian model | L. Bezhanishvili, M. Nachkebia, G. Devnozashvili | article | Publishing House "Technical University"/Transactionns Automated Control Systems, 2022/№ 1(33), 106-113 | --- | ---- | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Big Data Analysis Technologies in E-Learning System | M. Nachkebia, L. Bezhanishvili | article | Publishing House "Technical University"/ Transactionns Automated Control Systems, 2020 / № 2(31), 19-25 | ---- | ---- | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Cryptographic System of high Stability | D.Ugulava, T.Chantladze, Z.Kipshidze,M.Nachkebia | article | Comp. Sciences and Telecommunications, 2017/No.2(52), 46-52 | --- | --- | English | State Targeted Program | |
Work in MS SQL Server environment | M. Nachkebia, L. Bejanishvili, E. Abesadze, N. Tavberidze | textbook | "Universal", 2017/124 p. | ---- | ---- | ---- | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Search for objects in the area | M. Nachkebia | article | GEN - Georgian Engineering News, 2015/№3, 9-14 | ---- | ----- | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
An optimal object search model for flat tasks | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, N. Ciskarishvili | article | Publishing House "Technical University", Proceedings of the International Conference "Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, Management", 2015/ 465-468 | --- | --- | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Tasks of decision-making theory and operations research | M. Nachkebia, G. Beltadze, N. Mchedlishvili | textbook | Publishing House "Technical University", 2011/258 p. | --- | --- | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Dynamic Model of Smoothing Problem in Water Power Systems | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, W. A. Lodwick | article | Denver University press (USA) , 2008/4p. | ---- | --- | English | State Targeted Program | |
A stochastic model of the ecological pollution process | M. Nachkebia, M.Tutberidze | article | LEPL ArchilEliashvili Institute of Control Systems/Proceedings of Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems, 2007/№11, 138-141 | --- | ----- | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Cooperative game modeling for a single market task | M. Nachkebia | article | Publishing House "Innovation"/ International Scientific and Practical Journal "Social Economy", 2004/№4, 116-121 | WoS | ------ | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of the subway underground route | M. Nachkebia | article | Georgian Engineering News, 2005/ №3, 137-141 | WoS | ----- | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimal management of water and fuel supplies in the energy system | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, M.Gegechkori | conference proceedings | Proceedings of the IMP of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia 2005/9, 132-137 | WoS-0 | --- | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Mathematical model of optimization of long-term operation of complex energy system | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia | conference proceedings | Reports of the International scientific conference - "Problems of management and energy", 2004/ 8, 533-536 | Wos | ---- | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Mathematical model of energy system development | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia | article | Inteleqti 2002/ 2(13), 11-13 | WoS-0 | ----- | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Basics of building databases | M. Nachkebia, T. Djvania | textbook | "Universali", 2013/140გვ. | WoS-0 | ------- | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
One Approach to the Regime Optimization of Water-Power System | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, G. Giorgobiani | article | GESJ: Computer Science and Telecommunications. , 2013/No.2(38). p. 120- 124 | Wos | ISSN: 1512-1232 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Markov decision process for the long-term control of hydro station with reservoir | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, G. Giorgobiani | conference proceedings | Georgian Technical University. 2012/p. 444 - 447 | Wos | ISBN: 978-1-61324-870-6 | English | State Targeted Program | |
A decision-making Markov process for a flow control problem | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, G. Giorgobiani | article | Georgian Engineering News, 2012/ N 1, 17-20 | WoS-0 | ISSN: 1512-0287 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Game-Theoretic Models of Dynamic Duopoly | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, G. Giorgobiani | article | GESJ: Computer Sciences and Telecom. 2012/No. 2(34), 34-38 | Wos | ISSN: 1512-1232 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Mathematical models of ecological pollution processes | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, G. Giorgobiani | article | GESJ, Computer Sciences and Telecom, 2011/No 1(30), 78-86 | Wos | ISSN: 1512-1232 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of long-term control of hydropower stations | M. Nachkebia, J. Giorgobiani | conference proceedings | Proceedings of the A.Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems, 2009/#13, 136-140 | WoS-0 | ISSN 0135-0765 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Mathematical model of one process of environmental pollution | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, G. Giorgobiani | article | Georgian Engineering News. 2009 /N1, 90 – 92 | Wos | ISSN: 1512-0287 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Mathematical Models of Some Control Problems of Power Engineering | M. Nachkebia, J. Giorgobiani | article | Bulletin of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2008/ v.2, no.2, 34-37 | Wos | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Mathematical Model of optimal Long-term Functioning of the energy System | J. Giorgobiani, M. Nachkebia, A. Toronjadze | conference proceedings | AMIM V.5,N1, 28 - 34, 2001 | WoS-0 | ISSN 1512-0074 | English | State Targeted Program |
VIII Annual Int. Conf. of the Georgian Mathematical Union. | Batumi, Georgia | 2017 | 8-12 სექტემბერი | Georgian Mathematicians Union | Energy control issues | oral | A joint study with energy experts on some issues of energy control is presented. Practical implications are discussed based on real, existing data | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2017/ |
International Scientific Conference "Information and Computer Technology, Modeling and Control" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 3-5 ნოემბერი | Georgian Technical University | An optimal object search model for flat tasks. | oral | The tasks of area (region) search and search by call, which depend on the nature of the information about the location of the search object, are discussed. | http://www.gtu.ge/ |
International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Georgian Technical University | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2012 | 19-21 სექტემბერი | Georgian Technical University | A Markov decision process for managing a reservoir hydroelectric plant | oral | The problem of river runoff management is discussed in terms of queue and stock management theories. A mathematical model in the framework of the Markov decision process is established | http://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/conf_gtu90/en/index_en.php |
International Scientific Conference "Information and computer technologies, modeling and management" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 1-4 ნოემბერი | Georgian Technical University | Dynamic models of competitive economy. | oral | One dynamic problem of mathematical economics is discussed, namely, competition with two suppliers and many small consumers (actually one consumer). The process is step-by-step - at each stage, producers bring a certain amount of products to the market from their limited resources, on which their profit depends. The total winnings are determined by the sum of the winnings in the stages. We describe the competition as a two-person multi-player game. Two approaches - antagonistic and cooperative - are discussed. In an antagonistic game, solutions are sought in pure strategies (the game is complete information); In the cooperative variant, Nash and Shapley solutions are sought. Numerical realization relies on mathematical and dynamic programming methods. | http://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/conf/ge/index_ge.php |
საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია „ინფორმაციული და გამოთვლითი ტექნოლოგიები“ (ეძღვნება პროფესორ ე. დეკანოსიძისა და მ. წულაძის ხსოვნას). | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 2-6 მაისი | Niko Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics/Saint Andrew the First-Called Patriarchal University of Georgia | Duopoly game type models | oral | The dynamic task of a duopoly, i.e., a market served by two producers in stages, and the demand determined by many small or single consumers, is discussed. The product is uniform and the price is determined by the total quantity of goods imported at each stage. The task is presented as a two-person game. This is a multiplayer game with full information. Solutions are sought in pure strategies. Two approaches - antagonistic and cooperative - are discussed. In the cooperative variant, Nash and Shapley solutions are sought. Calculations are based on dynamic programming method. | http://micm.edu.ge/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Abstracts_CONF_MICM_2010.pdf |
V Congress of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia | Batumi-Kutaisi, Georgia | 2009 | 9-12 ოქტომბერი | Georgian Mathematicians Union | Mathematical Model of One Process of Ecological Pollution | oral | The process of spreading oil pollution in the seas and oceans, taking into account the wind factor, is discussed. The process is described as a random stochastic linear motion when the wind speed and direction are stochastic. | http://www.rmi.ge/~gmu/ |
Extended sessions of seminars of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathemati | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2009 | 22-24 აპრილი | Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics | Two mathematical models of the sea pollution process | oral | 2 models of sea pollution are presented. One model is deterministic and is characterized by ordinary differential equations. The second model is stochastic. Formulas of pollution density and distribution under different conditions are obtained. Numerical solutions for specific examples are described. | http://www.viam.science.tsu.ge/geo/enlrg |
IV Congress of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2005 | 14-16 ნოემბერი | Georgian Mathematicians Union | A Cooperative Game Model for a Market Single Task | oral | "We consider a one-product market with infinitely divisible production and n participants, of which n-1 participant is a seller, and one n-th participant is a buyer. Each seller has xi (i=1,2,..., n-1) quantity production, the buyer's demand is Y. Y is the maximum quantity of products that the buyer can purchase. The task is how to conduct the trade and how to distribute the profit between the parties. We present this task in the form of a cooperative game: we have a set of players I=(1,2,...,n), of which the nth player has a special priority, it is the main player. If the main player does not enter the coalition K, the profit of this coalition will be zero, and if he enters, then the profit of the coalition K will be determined in proportion to the purchased products. We used Shapley's principle of "fair distribution" to solve the obtained cooperative game. In different cases, the components of the Shapley vector - payoff for each player are calculated. | ----- |
International Scientific Conference "Management and Energy Problems - PCPE- 2004" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2004 | ---- | A. Eliashvili Institute of Management Systems of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. | Mathematical model of long-term performance optimization of complex energy system | oral | A mathematical model of the long-term optimal functioning of the energy system of the region is proposed. A mathematical programming type model. The minimum total annual costs or the minimum weighted sum of electricity shortages were taken as optimality criteria. | ---- |
III Congress of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2001 | ---- | Georgian Mathematicians Union | Operations research methods in extreme tasks of energy economy | oral | ----- | ---- |
Web of Science: 0 Scopus: 0 Google Scholar: 3 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |