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Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals Sample behavior and laws of large numbers for Gaussian random elements. Georgian Math., J., 10, 4, 2003, 637-676 | State Target Program | Criteria for almost sure boundedness and convergence to zero almost surely of Banach space valued independent Gaussian random elements are found. The obtained statements can be viewed as vector-valued versions of the corresponding results due to N. Vakhania. Moreover, from the obtained statements a strong law of large numbers is derived in the form of Yu. V. Prokhorov. | |
Some remarks on weak convergence on a Banach space. Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci., 168, 2, 2003, 14-15 | State Target Program | In terms of almost surely convergence in weak topology in a Banach space a characterization of finite-dimensionality of the space is obtained. An analogy of Kolomogorov's three series theorem for the weak topology convergence in Banach spaces is given | |
Permutations and convergence in probability. Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. Vol. 172, 1, (2005) | State Target Program | The following results are announced: If a sequence of random elements tea normed space converges to zero in probability, then there exists a permutation of the given sequence, which is Cesáro convergent almost surely. Every bounded in L, sequence of random variables allows a permutation under which it satisfies the strong law of large numbers. A statement about Banach spaces with the Banach-Saks property is also given. | |
Two permutational versions of the Banach-Saks property. Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. Vol. 173 (2006), 229–232 | State Target Program | The permutational and the weak permutational Banach-Saks properties are introduced and their relationship with the usual Banach-Saks and Weak Banach-Saks properties is clarified | |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |