Aleksandre Shangua

Academic Doctor of Science

Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics

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Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Sample behavior and laws of large numbers for Gaussian random elements. Georgian Math., J., 10, 4, 2003, 637-676State Target Program

Criteria for almost sure boundedness and convergence to zero almost surely of Banach space valued independent Gaussian random elements are found. The obtained statements can be viewed as vector-valued versions of the corresponding results due to N. Vakhania. Moreover, from the obtained statements a strong law of large numbers is derived in the form of Yu. V. Prokhorov.
Some remarks on weak convergence on a Banach space. Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci., 168, 2, 2003, 14-15State Target Program

In terms of almost surely convergence in weak topology in a Banach space a characterization of finite-dimensionality of the space is obtained. An analogy of Kolomogorov's three series theorem for the weak topology convergence in Banach spaces is given
Permutations and convergence in probability. Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. Vol. 172, 1, (2005)State Target Program

The following results are announced: If a sequence of random elements tea normed space converges to zero in probability, then there exists a permutation of the given sequence, which is Cesáro convergent almost surely. Every bounded in L, sequence of random variables allows a permutation under which it satisfies the strong law of large numbers. A statement about Banach spaces with the Banach-Saks property is also given.
Two permutational versions of the Banach-Saks property. Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. Vol. 173 (2006), 229–232State Target Program

The permutational and the weak permutational Banach-Saks properties are introduced and their relationship with the usual Banach-Saks and Weak Banach-Saks properties is clarified

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus