V International Scientific and Technical Conference. “Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction”. | Georgian Technical University, C. Mirckhulava Institute of Water Management, Tbilisi, Georgia. | 2015 | 16/07/2015-19/07/2015 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. | Impact of Hydrogeological Conditions on Dynamics of Ground Water and Maintaining Ecological Stability | oral | The article discusses the impact of hydrogeological conditions on the dynamics of groundwater and the maintenance of ecological stability | https://evergreen.tsu.ge/eg/opac/record/155281 |
VI International Scientific and Technical Conference. “Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction”. | Georgian Technical University, C. Mirckhulava Institute of Water Management, Tbilisi, Georgia. | 2016 | 22/09/2016-25/09/20-16 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. | Review of methods on increasing ecological safety of hydro-reclamational events | oral | The article discusses the assessment of the determinants of environmental security | https://atsu.edu.ge/index.php |
VII International Scientific and Technical Conference. “Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction”. | Georgian Technical University, C. Mirckhulava Institute of Water Management, Tbilisi, Georgia. | 2017 | 25/08/2017-27/08/2017 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. | Surface Waters Diversion by Using Double-stage Drainage | oral | In the article is used existing practical filtration calculation methodic for upper tier of combined drainage, which is located at the water resistant. This type of the drainage may be use for protection of productive soils from the logging with atmospheric precipitation. For arise affectivity of the drainage is necessary to conduct measure for arise water permeability at the upper half meter layer of soil. Key words: fissure drainage, combined drainage, filtration, soil. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/237369/1/Konferenciis_Masalebi_2017_VII.pdf |
5th International conference: Debris flows: didasters, risk, forecast, protection | Georgian Technical University, C. Mirckhulava Institute of Water Management, Tbilisi, Georgia. | 2018 | 01/10/2018-05/10/2018 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. | Forecasting colloidal fractions value transported by floods on the example of Duruji Basin | oral | The Duruji River considered as one of the most debris flow dangerous river of Georgia, which no one create danger for town Kvareli. For Kvareli danger is debris flow formed in river basin, that difficult is inert mass which is accumulated in the river bed. In article is considered modern condition of river Duruji basin and is provided recommendation about river bed cleaning necessity. The anthrophogenic impact on the environment often became cause formation of the anomalies, particularly, debris flow, the result is dramatically changing the existing situation and ecological balance. Currently the most effective measure performed for debris flow prevention in Kvareli is a river embankment. After its construction, debris flows have taken place for several times, but the town was not affected. | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36974326 |
VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference. “Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction”. | Georgian Technical University, C. Mirckhulava Institute of Water Management, Tbilisi, Georgia. | 2018 | 01/11/2018-05/11/2018 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. | Study of receiving opportunity of water soluble and non-ballast micro fertilizer on the base of manganese-containing materials (Georgia) | oral | From the raw material base existed in Georgia (manganese ores, manganese containing mud), particularly, within the point of view of production availability, especial interest is paid to micro- fertilizers containing manganese. As a result of conducted investigation, there was established receiving of such manganese containing materials on the basis of manganese raw-material base (ore, mud) existed in Georgia, which shall be able to maximally provide assimilation ability of manganese, as microelement, in the desired period of time. And also, determinant of effectiveness and competitiveness of received materials with new composition shall become high content (more than 30%) of microelements in them (in comparison with existed similar products), when the total sum of useful components presented in them (active i.e. assimilated) is more than 50-70%, i.e. received materials belong to the materials having low-ballast and functionally revealed possibilities | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/299956/1/Konferenciis_Masalebi_2018_VIII.pdf |
IX INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CONFERENCE „MODERN PROBLEMS OF WATER MANAGEMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION“ | Georgian Technical University, C. Mirckhulava Institute of Water Management, Tbilisi, Georgia. | 2019 | 25/07/2019-27/07/2019 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. | Study of morphometric characteristics of the debris flow river-bed | oral | The most important task in the modern world is the problem of managing the dangerous processes taking place in nature. One of the main focus of natural disasters (floods, landslides, floods, snow avalanches, etc.) on the territory of Georgia is floods, which occur in almost all mountainous and foothill regions. Floods cause great damage to many sectors of the national economy, reducing the total area of agricultural land. Today, on our planet you can hardly meet a mountainous country that does not suffer from the devastation caused by avalanches. In nature, the components of mudslides are presented in a wide range such as (stone, gravel, solid inserts of different sizes, colloidal masses). In relation to each other. In the case of volumetric floods, the volume of the solid tab in it is 80-90%, the water in it varies in the range of 10-20% and the colloidal characteristic part of the link varies in the range of 3-6%, these types of floods are known as link floods. These avalanches are characterized by great destructive force and their safe transit is related to the morphometry of the duct. Given the above, this event in itself leads to a weakening of the safe and reliable operation of the canal, leading to the disruption of coastal infrastructure and the depletion of a significant portion of land resources. The main determinants of the stability of the constituent soils are the internal friction angle and the bond, the range of changes of which depends on the categories of soils. Assessing sustainable forms of runoff beds and describing them with mathematical models requires differentiated approaches. Concentration values have been established for the possible rheological type of soils constituting the mudslide based on laboratory and natural data using standard and modified methods of laboratory studies. Based on the maximum imitation of current processes in nature, the dynamics of changes in the initial impedance and internal friction angle were determined for the turbulent ground and the computational relationships between them in the form of algebraic polynomials were derived. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/312929/1/Konferenciis_Masalebi_2019_IX.pdf |
Internactional conference on agricultural science, teqnology and engineering Amsterdam the Netherlands. | Amsterdam the Netherlands. | 2019 | 06/08/2019-07/08/2019 | International research conference proceedings | Approximate Assessment of Ecological Threats Related to Surface Irrigation | oral | quantitative assessment of the actual state of safety (security) of facilities. Ecological stability can be achieved by increasing ecological reliability. To solve the task, observation data on the ecosystem are required, as well as the conditioning parameters that will be most complete. The scientific value of the research results and the potential applicability of the research results, the economic criteria for the functioning of ecosystems allow to determine the marginal condition of the system based on maximum, reasonable economic efficiency during the operation of the system, which allows estimating the approximate value of ecological irregularities. | http://waset.org/Publications |
Priorities for Stabilization and Development of Georgia's Agro-Engineering Sector in and After the Coronavirus Pandemic | Georgian Technical University, C. Mirckhulava Institute of Water Management, Tbilisi, Georgia. | 2020 | 17/09/2020 - 18/09/2020 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. | Hydrological properties of the feeding sources of water reservoirs and their role in integrated water management | oral | The paper provides empirical relationships with complex theoretical and field scientific studies, which are used to calculate the maximum costs of turbulent and hyperconcentrated floods, taking into account the main hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the Mtkvari River Basin. Proposed methodology - allows to determine the volume of the mass transported by the mudslide, which allows to accurately predict the dead volume of sediment in the reservoirs at a later stage. | ISBN 978-9941-8-2603-0 |
| Tbilisi | 2021 | 06/12/2021 - 06/12/2021 | | | oral | Impact of flow on the resistance encountered in floodplain beds Given for the purpose of predicting capacity and its transportability A methodology that makes a connection between the flow of work spent and the form Considering the portable stones. | http://www.thu.edu.ge/ka/news/675 |
The 1 st Online International Scientific-Practical Interdisciplinary Conference | Tbilisi | 2021 | 27/05/2021 - 27/05/2021 | Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University | Cohesive debris flow phenomena, morphometry and theoretical basis of processes assessement | oral | Climate change on Earth has led to global warming which primarily in the foothills causes intense melting of the ice cover and intensification of such disastrous processes as avalanches, floods and catastrophic floods. A special place among the anomalies is occupied by floods and according to the malfunction of the facilities under its spheres, economic damage and human casualties, it can be attributed to the category of the highest risk of danger. Current processes of leachate washing in floodplains, prediction of changes in their computational characteristics, assessment of traffic conditions at transit sites and outlet cones, deepening of methods used in theoretical-experimental studies Assessing sustainable forms of runoff beds and describing them with mathematical models requires differentiated approaches. Concentration values have been established for the possible rheological type of soils constituting the mudslide based on laboratory and natural data using standard and modified methods of laboratory studies. The main task of the formation of mudslides is the rational organization of the interaction of the banks and the flow. Large canal slopes, solid runoff dynamics, and non-stationaryness of bedrock processes are often overlooked when designing floodplains. They are divided into three types: 1. According to the change in the longitudinal profile of the slope and the bed 2. According to the change in the slope 3. According to the curvature of the profile. Based on the above data, we can say that the floodplains with their characteristics and hydraulic elements differ from the morphometric, hydraulic characteristics of rivers and require scientific research. The solution of flood control tasks is complexly interdependent on many factors and therefore determines the selection of the type of anti-flood measures. A system of both theoretical and engineering measures has been developed to regulate and prevent landslides. Based on the prediction of the flood processes and the defining equation of the traffic conditions, the parameters of the morphometric characteristic of the riverbed are calculated, which can be used to develop scientifically substantiated norms and rules for the design of stormwater regulation facilities. There are also changes in morphometric characteristics in some sections of the floodplain, which are often not evaluated. The methods of their calculation should be based on a full reflection of their nature and peculiarities. | http://www.thu.edu.ge/ka/news/675 |