Nazi Alkhanashvili
Academic Doctor of Science
Georgian research institute of food industry
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In 1956 I graduated from the Tbilisi Second High School for Women with a silver medal. In 1961 I graduated with honors from the Faculty of Energy of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute. In August 1961 I started working in the main energy department of the Transcaucasian Metallurgical Plant in Rustavi. From December 1961 I continued working at the Georgian Food Industry Scientific Institute. I enrolled in 1964 and in 1967 graduated from the Institute of Heat and Mass Change of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences and continued to work at the same institute as a senior engineer, senior engineer, leading designer. In 1968 I defended my dissertation and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. I have been working since 1969 and I still work at the Georgian Food Industry Scientific Institute in the following positions: Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Heat Processing of Raw Materials and Food Products, Head of the Department of Food Concentrates, Additives and Drying Technology, Head of the Food Safety Research Unit Employee, since 2018 - Head of Laboratory of Drying Technology (Chief Scientist).
Compilation of spice composition for sausages cooked on the basis of Georgian spice-aromatic raw materials and technology of its inclusion in sausages. | N.Baghaturia,N.alKhanashvili, M.Demeniuki | conference proceedings | International Scientific-Practical Conference Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Academician of the SSMM Academy, Professor Guram Tkemaladze. Aspects of Innovative Research in Agrarian Sciences. Tbilisi, November 20-21, 2021, pp. 39-41 | - | ISBN 978-9941-28-858-6 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Components of the spice composition for cooked sausages. | N.Alkhanashvili | conference proceedings | International Scientific-Practical Conference Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Prof. Guram Tkemaladze, Academician of the SSMM Academy. Aspects of Innovative Research in Agrarian Sciences. 2021 year. Pp.22-25. | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-28-858-6 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of Begondara artificial drying process. | N.Baghaturia, N.Alkhanashvili, M.Demeniuki | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies, # 1-2 Tbilisi, 2020 pp.67-73. | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Problems of post-processing of wheat harvest in Georgia and recommendations for their solution. | N.Baghaturia, N.Alkhanashvili, M.Demeniuki | conference proceedings | Wheat in European countries and Georgia as one of the centers of wheat origin. 02-04 October, 2019, Tbilisi, Georgia. Pp.127-130. | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-8-1687-1 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Preparation of thyme for drying | Alkhanashvili N. Demeniuk M. | article | Agrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2013year,№1, p. 37-43 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Thyme as a drying object | Alkhanashvili N. Demeniuk M. | article | Agrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2019 year,№1, p.31-36 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Ground specie red paper sorption properties | ალხანაშვილი ნ. დემენიუკი მ. | article | Agrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2017 year,№4, p.30-34 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Properties of specie red paper as drying object | ალხანაშვილი ნ. | article | Agrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2017 year,№4, p.23-30 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the production of ecologically pure spice-aromatic products. | N. Begiashvili, N. Alkhanashvili, G. Gurashvili. | conference proceedings | International Scientific Conference Modern Technologies for Production of Ecologically Clean Products for Sustainable Development of Agriculture, Tbilisi, 2016, p. 537-539. | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-0-9909-8 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On drying of aromatic medicinal-aromatic medicinal-prophylactic herbal raw materials | N.Alkhanashvili, M. Demeniuki | conference proceedings | Modern technologies for the production of ecologically clean products for the sustainable development of agriculture, Tbilisi, 2016, pp.525-527. | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-0-9909-8 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Biodiversity of mountain agroecosystems - a source of functional food raw materials. | N.baghaturia, N.Begiashvili, N. Alkhanashvili | conference proceedings | International Conference on Global Warming and Agrobiodiversity, Tbilisi, 2015, pp.81-84 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-0-8178-1 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimizing the drying process of spice-aromatic fruits. | N.Alkhanashvili, M. Demeniuki | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies №4, Tbilisi, 2015. Pp.24-30 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Crushing the dried spices. | N.Alkhanashvili, M. Demeniuki | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies №3, Tbilisi, 2015, pp.25-30 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of drying process of lemon-balm | N.alkhanashvili M.Demeniuki | article | Agrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2014 year,№4, p.71-75 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Raw lemon-balm as an object of desiccation and its preparation for desiccation | Alkhanashvili N. Demeniuk M. | article | Agrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2014 year,№4, p.65-71 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Modeling of tourist routes. | N.Biritskaia, N.kvaratsxelia, N. alkhanashvili | article | Universal Publishing House, Tbilisi, 2013. | 0 | ISBN 978-9941- -22-136-1 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Current problems of drying agricultural products in Georgia. | N.Alkhanashvili | conference proceedings | Innovative technologies for sustainable and safe development of the agricultural sector. International scientific-practical conference. Tbilisi, 3-4 October, 2013, pp.351-352. | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Development of rational technology of artificial drying of savory | N.Alkhanashvili, M. Demeniuki | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies №3, Tbilisi, 2013, pp.51-58 .. | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Hygroscopic properties of dried savory and velvet. | N.Alkhanashvili, L. Ejibia | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies №3, Tbilisi, 2013. Pp.45-50. | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Perspectives of Barambo cultivation in Georgia and areas of application of dried Barambo. | N. Alkhanashvili | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies №2, Tbilisi, 2012. Pp.43-47. | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Dried citrus extract as a food additive and semi-finished product in the production of pectin and vitamin P. | N.Alkhanashvili | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies №2, Tbilisi, 2012, p. 39-42. | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Ecological tourism. Second revised edition. | N.Alkhanashvili | monograph | Universal Publishing House. Tbilisi 2012 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941- 17-776-7 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Hygroscopic properties of dried asparagus fruits. | N.Alkhanashvili | article | Journal of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Moambe, Volume 29, 2011, p. 196-199 | 0 | ISSN 151-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Requirements for the quality of raw asparagus fruits. | N.Alkhanashvili | article | Journal of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Moambe, Volume 29, 2011, pp.193-196 | 0 | ISSN 151-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Extreme tourism | N. Kvaratskhelia, N. Alkhanashvili | monograph | Manuscript, 2010, 95 pages | 0 | 0 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On drying vegetables on a farm | Alkhanashvili N. | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies, № 4, 2010, P. 69-74 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of the drying process of Aesculus fruits | Alxanashvili N. | article | Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies, № 4, 2010, P. 66-68 | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Dryers for drying fruits and vegetables. | N.Alkhanashvili | article | Journal of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Moambe, Volume 23, 2009 p. 359- 362. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of the drying process of the seed components of the concentrates of medicinal-prophylactic drinks. | N.Alkanashvili | conference proceedings | International Scientific Conference Problems of Food Safety Tbilisi, 2009. P. 256-259. | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the production of concentrates for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. | N.Alkanashvili | conference proceedings | Republican Scientific-Practical Conference on Regions and Ensuring the Country's Food Security Batumi, 2008 pp.505-511. | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimize the process of preparation for fruit drying | Alkhanashvili N. | article | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2008. №22, p.198-200 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Investigation of heat and mass metabolism processes during drying of herbal spice aromatic raw materials. | N.Alkhanashvili | article | Periodical Scientific Journal Intellect 3 (32), Tbilisi, 2008, pp.45-48. | 0 | ISSN 1512-0333 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Quality characteristics of dried and dried fennel and fennel. | N.Alkanashvili | article | Journal of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Moambe, Volume 21,2007 pp.206-210 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Raw usup and fennel as a drying object. | N. Alkhanashvili | article | Journal of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Moambe, Volume 21,2007 pp.203-206. | 0 | 0 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Technology of industrial production of dry rye and fennel. | N. Alkhanashvili | article | Periodical Scientific Journal Intellect 3 (29), Tbilisi, 2007, pp.41-44. | 0 | 0 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Waste and resource-saving technologies are an effective way to tackle a reductant crisis. | N. Kvaratsxelia, N. Alkhanashvili | article | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 19, 2007. Pp.268-272 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Investigation of the drying process of apple press. | N. Alkhanashvili, D. Zautashvili | article | Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials, №5 2004. Moscow, p.27 | 0 | 0 | In Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Technology of drying the fruits of the nightshade. | N.Alkhanashvili, D.Zautashvili | article | Food Industry, №9, 2004, Moscow, p.22 | 0 | - | In Russian | State Targeted Program | |
For the question of the production of dried fruits of ascidia. | N. Alkhanashvili, D. Zautashvili | article | Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials№10 2004, Moscow p.12 | 0 | 0 | In Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Citrus press drying technology. | N. Alkhanashvili, D. Zautashvili | article | Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials № 9,2004. P.27 | 0 | 0 | In Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Hygroscopic properties of soybean syrup and soy food supplement | N. Alkhanashvili, D. Zautashvili | article | Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials №7. 2004, Moskov, p.17 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Ecological aspects Sh. In Rustaveli Vepkhistkaosani. | N.Alkhanashvili | article | Moambe of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, # 17, Tbilisi, 2006. Pp.12-15 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Technology of production of concentrates for mixed soup dishes | N.alxanashvili. D zautashvili, G maghradze | article | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2006. №16, p.156-158 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Prospects for the use of food concentrates in mining tourism | Alkhanashvili N. | article | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2006. №15, p.161-163 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Investigation of sorption characteristics of dry kisel concentrates. | ნ. Alkhanashvili, D. Zautashvili, D. Skhulukhia | article | Proceedings of the Georgian Food Industry Research Institute. Volume 7, st. Tbilisi, 2004, pp.156-160. | 0 | 0 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On expanding the base of vegetable raw materials for aromatic spices. | N. Alkhanashvili | article | Proceedings of the Georgian Food Industry Research Institute. Volume 7 st. Tbilisi, 2004, pp.133-135. | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Waste technology for the production of ground red pepper, semi-finished, roasted peppers | Alkhanashvili N | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 129-131 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Investigation of the semi-finished formation process of red hot chili peppers | Alkhanashvili N | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 105-107 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the Industrial Production of Dried Monolayers | N.ALkhanashvili | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 98-101 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the release of steroid genins from Ulumbo | Alkhanashvili N Rekhviashvili M. | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P.96-98 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Quality characteristics of raw and dried mint and ulumbo | Alkhanashvili N Rekhviashvili M. | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 94-96 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the production of dried mint and ulumbo | Alkhanashvili N | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 90-92 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Technology of dried fruit production from Kiefer seed oil | Alkhanashvili N. Zautashvili D. | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 85-87 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Technology of production of dried Udeslbudo apples | Alkhanashvili N. Zautashvili D. | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 82-85 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the production of garlic concentrate | Magradze G. Alkhanashvili N. Zautashvili D. | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 76-78 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of eggplant drying mode in production conditions | Alkhanashvili N. Zautashvili D. | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 74-76 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
For the issue of technology for the production of dry concentrates for dinner dishes | Alkhanashvili N. Zautashvili D. Skhulukhia d. | article | Proceedings of the Georgian Food Industry Research Institute. Volume 7, st. Tbilisi, 2004, pp.71-74 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Production of dry aromatic spice products from Begondara, Barambo and Usupi | Alkhanashvili N. | article | Georgian Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute, Collection of Scientific Papers, №7, 2004. P. 39-42 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of heat transfer temperature during artificial drying of condensate and mint | Alkhanashvili N. | article | Proceedings of the Georgian Food Industry Research Institute. Volume 7, st. Tbilisi, 2004, pp.27-31. | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Artificial drying technology of subtropical persimmon | Alkhanashvili N. Zautashvili D. | article | Proceedings of the Georgian Food Industry Research Institute. Volume 7, st. Tbilisi, 2004, pp. 16-19 | 0 | - | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the artificial drying of velvet flowers | Alkhanashvili N | article | Moambe of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, # 12, Tbilisi, 2004, pp.113-115. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the artificial drying of velvet flowers. | N.Alkanashvili | article | Moambe of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, # 12, Tbilisi, 2004, pp.106-109. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the industrial production of dry spices - aromatic products | Alkhanashvili N. | article | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, № 12, 2004. P. 138-142 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimization of technology for the production of dry monolayers from Barambo and Begkondara. | N.Alkhanashvili | conference proceedings | Green Earth, Energy Forum, Proceedings, 2003, Tbilisi. Tbilisi, pp.118-122. | 0 | 0 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Technology of waste production of ground red hot pepper. | N.Alkhanashvili | conference proceedings | Green Earth, Energy Forum, Proceedings, 2003, Tbilisi. Tbilisi, pp.122-127. | 0 | ISSN 1512-3936 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Drying equipments for drying of wild fruits | N.Alkhanashvili | conference proceedings | Green earth, Energy forum, Collection of papers, 2003 . Tbilisi, p 14-18 | 0 | ISSN 15-12-0120 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Investigation of the soybean drying process by the conductive method. | N.Alkhanashvili, D.Zautashvili | article | Science and Technology, Collection, # 4-6, 2004. Pp.109-111. | 0 | ISSN 1987-6335 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Investigation of qualitative characteristics and hygroscopic properties of concentrates for the first dishes of dinner. | N.Alkanashvili | article | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2003. №11, pp.175-177 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Optimal drying modes for Barambo, Usupi and Begkondara on a five-point cover dryer | N.Alkhanashvili | article | Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2003. №11, pp.182-186 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2743 | In Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Aspects of Innovative Research in Agricultural Sciences | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 09/11/2021-12/11/2021 | Georgian Technical University | COMPOSITION OF SPICES FOR SAUSAGES BOILED ON THE BASIS OF GEORGIAN SPICE-AROMATIC RAW MATERIALS AND THE TECHNOLOGY OF INCORPORATING IT INTO SAUSAGES | oral | Mechanical, physical and chemical as well as organoleptic characteristics of spices widely distributed in Georgia have been studied for composition of spices for boiled sausages on the basis of local raw materials. On the basis of the conducted studies, traditionally produced and widely distributed spices were selected for composition of spices for boiled sausages, and Muscat was selected from classical spices. The given article presents the recipe of mono spices in the composition, the ratio of their spending for the composition of 1 ton boiled sausages and the technological scheme of its production. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/ნაზ.pdf |
Modern technologies to produce ecologically pure products for sustainable development of agriculture | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2016 | 28/09/2016-30/09/2016 | Georgian academy of agricultural sciences | ABOUT DRYING OF HERBACEOUS RAW MATERIALS OF AROMATIC SEASONINGS HAVING MEDICINAL PREVENTIVE SIGNIFICANCE | oral | Dried aromatic seasonings products are used in all areas of food industry. A majority of them, due to having biologically active substances in their composition, is recognized as a medicinal product and included in the official pharmacopoeia, as a neutral raw material. Georgia, due to its geographical location and nature/climatic conditions,is rich in cultured and wild aromatic seasonings medicinal plants, a large group of which is represented by herbaceous seasonings. When harvested they are characterized by high content of moisture (60-92%) and are perishable. In order to extend their storage and consumption periods they need to be dried to 8-12% moisture content right after harvesting. The Food Industry Scientific-Research Institute has developed the technologies for production of dry mono-seasonings traditional for Georgia, such as mint, savory, foreign spices, ulumbo (velvet, Imereti saffron), barambo, thyme and many others. Medicinal aromatic plants are getting special importance in modern conditions in the background of dramatically developed allergies to synthetic medicines. | https://www.gaas.dsl.ge/images/2018_PDF/Konferenc_Shromebi_2016.pdf |
Innovative technologies for secure and Sustainable development of the Agrarian sector | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 03/10/2013-04/10/2013 | Georgian academy of agricultural sciences | Actual problems of drying of agricultural products in Georgia | oral | An article is about the actual issues of drying the agricultural products in Georgia. There are presented the recommendations in order to reduce the losses during gathering the harvest of fruit, vegetable and cereals.
| https://www.gaas.dsl.ge/images/conference_materials/Konferencia_shromebi-%202013.compressed.pdf |
Web of Science: 0 Scopus: 0 Google Scholar: 0 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |