David Zarnadze
Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics
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On a central algorithm for calculation of the inverse of the harmonic oscillator in the space of orbits | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Journal of Complexity, Volume 68, February 2022, 101599 | IF-1.397 SJR - 0.779 | ISSN: 0885-064X | https:// doi.org. 10.1016/j.jco.2021.101599 | English | State Targeted Program |
Ill posed problems and associated with them spaces of orbits and orbital operators | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Reports of Enlarged session of the Seminar of I.vekua Inst. Of Appl. Math., 2018, v.32, pp. 79-82 | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-0066 | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
New mathematical models of computerized tomography based on SVD of Radon operator | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Inform. and Computer Technology, Modeling and Control. Nova Science publishers, Ch.29, New York, 2017,10 p. | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
The 3-input gates circuits corresponding to the material implication operation in the digital electronics | D.Zarnadze, S.Tsotniashvili, M.Sakhelashvili | article | Proc. tenth Intern. Conf. of Gori University. Nov. 18-19, 2017 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
David Zarnadze | textbook | არ აქვს | ISBN-978-9941-0-9645-7 | არ აქვს | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
D.Zarnadze T.Turashvili S.Tsotniashvili | article | Proc. ninth Intern. Conf. of Gori University. Nov. 18-19, 2016, p. 82-88.J19 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
ქართულ ენაში „ან“ და „ან მხოლოდ“ კავშირების მრავალჯერადი და მონაცვლეობით გამოყენების შესახებ | D.Zarnadze T.Turashvili S.Tsotniashvili | article | Proc. ninth Intern. Conf. of Gori University. Nov. 18-19, 2016, p. 82-88 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
3-input Circuits in Digital Electronics coresponding to Logical operations | D.Zarnadze T.Turashvili S.Tsotniashvili | article | Proc. ninth Intern. Conf. of Gori University. Nov. 18-19, 2016, p. 88-92 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On a new mathematical model of computerized tomography | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Intern. Scientific Conf. Dedic. to 85-th anniv. of Acad. I.Prangishvili. Inform. and Comp. Texn., Model., Control. Proc. Tbilisi,2015 pp. 433-435 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
The least squares method for harmonic oscillator in Schwartz space | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Proc. of Tbilisi International Conference on Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (TICCSAM), 21-23 March, 2015. | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On a linear generalized central spline algorithm of computerized tomography | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute Vol. 168 (2015), 129–148. | SJR-0.26 | ISSN 1512-0007 | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On a problem of basing some logical terms | D.Ugulava, D.Zarnadze, I.Tsotniashvili | article | Proc. seventh Intern. Conf. of Gori University. Nov. 28-29, 2014 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On a linear central spline algorithm in the space D(K) | D.Ugulava, D.Zarnadze, I.Tsotniashvili | article | The sixth annual Intern. Conference, Gori University, Georgia, 2013, 15-16 Nov., pp. 191-193 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On some Freshet space and operator arising in computerized tomography | D.Ugulava, D.Zarnadze, I.Tsotniashvili | article | The fifth annual Intern. Conference, Gori University, Georgia, 2012, 16-18 Nov., pp. 108-110 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
Generalized spline algorithms and condition of their linearity and centrality | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute. V. 160 2012, pp. 134-164 | SJR-0.26 | ISSN 1512-0007 | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On the generalized Minkowski functiona | D.Ugulava, D.Zarnadze, I.Tsotniashvili | article | Fourst Intern. Conference, Gori University, Georgia, 2011, 1-2 Oct., pp. 28-32 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On the stability of ill-posed problem with noninjective compact operator | D.Ugulava, D.Zarnadze, I.Tsotniashvili | article | Third Intern. Conference, Gori University, Georgia, 2010, 1-2 Oct., pp.233-234 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On notion of generalized spline for a sequence of elements sets | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences v.4, N 1, 2010, pp. 12-16. | SJR - 0.192 | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
On the condition of the centrality of Ritz's method and its generalization | D.Ugulava, D.Zarnadze, I.Tsotniashvili | article | First annual intern. Conference, Gori University, Georgia, 2008, pp.31-35 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program | |
On the application of Ritz's extended method for some ill-posed problems | David Zarnadze Duglas Ugulava | article | Reports of Enlarged session of the Seminar of I.vekua Inst. Of Appl. Math., 2006-2007, v.21, pp.60-63 | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-0066 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Selfadjoint operators and generalized central algorithms in Frechet spaces. | David Zarnadze | article | Georgian Math. Journal, 13, N2, 363-382 (2006). Published Online: 2010-03-10 | SJR: 0.325 IF:0.79 | SSN: 1572-9176 | https://doi.org/10.1515/GMJ.2006.363 | English | State Targeted Program |
The problems of J.Dieudonne and L.Schwartz, G.Albinus, K.Floret and M.Wriedt, the Theorem of James and extension of classical algorithms | David Zarnadze | article | საერთაშორისო პერიოდული ჟურნალი "ინტელექტი", 2(25), 2006, p.23-25. | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-0333 | English | State Targeted Program | |
On homomorphisms, open operators and their adjoints | David Zarnadze | article | Georgian Math. J. v.8, No.4, 2001, 823-844 | SJR: 0.325 IF:0.79 | SSN: 1572-9176+L2 | English | State Targeted Program | |
article | არ აქვს | ISSN 1512-0333 | State Targeted Program |
XI International Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi Georgia | 2021 | 23 August - 28 August | Georgian Mathematical Union and Batumi state University | A Generalization of the Canonical Commutative Relation in the Quantum Fréchet–Hilbert Space | oral | In this presentation the canonical commutation relations between this operators in the Fréchet–Hilbert space are generalized. As well the canonical commutation relations between extensions of creation and annihilation operators in the Fréchet–Hilbert space are also generalized. | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2021/Conference_Batumi_2021+.pdf |
XI International Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi Georgia | 2021 | 23 August - 28 August | Georgian Mathematical Union and Batumi state University | About concept of orbital quantum mechanics | oral | The mathematical model of orbital quantum mechanics is constructed which significantly expands classical quantum mechanics | http://gmu.gtu.ge/Batumi2021/Conference_Batumi_2021+.pdf |
XI Conference of Georgian Mechanical Union | Batumi Georgia | 2020 | 27 August - 29 August | Georgian Mechanical Union and Batumi state University | Approximate solution of Schrodinger equation in the space of orbits | oral | A linear spline central algorithm for the orbital equation with the orbital operator of the Hamiltonian in the Hilbert space of finite orbits is considered. The convergence of the sequence of approximate solutions to the generalized solution is proved. | https://atsu.edu.ge/index.php/en/teqnikuri-news-eng/1988mqanikosta-kavshiris-saertashoriso-konferencia-eng |
International Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi Georgia | 2019 | 2 September - 6 September | Georgian Mathematical Union and Batumi state University | On calculation of the inverse of harmonic oscillator in the space of finite orbits | oral | The least squares method is generalized for Frechet spaces and used fo approximate calculation of the inverse of classical harmonic oscillator in Schwartz space. | http://gmu.ge/Batumi2019/index.php/book-of-abstracts/ |
X International Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union | Batumi Georgia | 2019 | 2 September - 6 September | Georgian Mathematical Union and Batumi state University | On linguistics and set interpretations of Logical operations with corresponding 3-input circuits in Digital electronics | oral | In this paper the classification and interpretations of statements by synthetic using of conjunctions “and”, “or”, “either. . . or . . . ”, “if. . . then. . . ” into English, German and Russian languages is discussed and their applications in the digital electronics is given. | http://gmu.ge/Batumi2019/index.php/book-of-abstracts/ |
Batumi Georgia | 2019 | 2 September - 6 September | Georgian Mathematical Union and Batumi state University | On an ill-posed problem in the Hilbert spase of finite orbits | oral | The problem of approximate solution of an ill-posed equation of first type with the operator admitting a singular value decomposition is considered. An algorithm for the generalized solution in the sense of Moore-Penrose I constructed. | http://gmu.ge/Batumi2019/index.php/book-of-abstracts/ | |
Int. Sci. Conf. dedicated to the 85-th anniversary of academician I. V. Prangishvili- "Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, Control | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 3 November - 5 November | Georgian Technical University | On a new mathematical model of computerized tomography | oral | A new spline central algorithm of computerized tomography with the help of singular decomposition is constructed. The problem of convergence of sequence of approximate solutions is studied. | "http://ict-mc.gtu.ge/ კონფერენციის შრომები გვ.433-435" |
International Conference “Modern Problems in Applied Mathematics” Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University & 45th Anniversary of the I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of TSU | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 21 March - 24 March | Sokhumi state University | The least squares method for harmonic oscillator operator in Schwartz space | oral | The lest squares method for approximate calculation of the inverce of classical oscillator in Schwart space is used and the convergence of a sequence of a approximate solutions to the exact solution is proved. | |
International Conference “Modern Problems in Applied Mathematics” Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University & 45th Anniversary of the I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of TSU | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 4 September - 7 September | Tbilisi state University | A linear generalized central spline algorithm of computerized tomography | oral | The problem of approximate inversion of Radon transformin in the mulridimensional Euclidean space is considered. A spline central algorithm for approximate solution of problem is constructed | https://www.viam.science.tsu.ge/conferences/tsu95_viam45; |
SCGCCW 2014 Tbilisi. Third ATLAS South Caucasus Grid & Cloud Computing worshop | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 20 October - 24 October | Georgian Technical University | A central algorithm for the calculation of Radon's inverse transform in computerized tomography | oral | Ill- posed problem for the problem for computerized tomography problem is considered. A central algorithm for the calculation of Radon's inverse is constructed. | https://indico. Cern.ch/event/33418/ |
საქართველოს მათემატიკოსთა კავშირის მე-2 საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია | Batumi Georgia | 2011 | 15 September - 19 September | Linear central algorithms for the first kind integral equations | oral | It is considered ill-posed problem with a selfadjoint, positive, compact, one-to-one operator, having everywhere dense image in a Hilbert space. A central algorithm for an approximate solution some Frechet space is constructed. | https://www.bsu.edu.ge/main/page/2519/index.html თეზისების კრებული, გვ. 125-126 | |
"International Conference «Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics», dedicated to Professor M. M. Lavrentiev on the occasion of his 75-th birthday" | Novosibirsk, Russia | 2007 | 20 აგვისტო - 25 აგვისტო | Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University... | On stability and approximate solution of invese and computerized tomography problem | oral | The Computerized Tomography problem transferred in some Frechet space, where it has unique and stable solution. | http://www.math.nsc.ru/conference/ipmp07/main.html |
The International Scientific Conference Devoted to the 80-th anniversary acad. I.V.Prangishvili's date of birth will be held | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 1 November - 4 November | Tbilisi state University | On the generalized spline algorithms and the condition of it’s linearity and centrality | oral | It is proved that the proposed approximate method is both a generalized central and generalized spline algorithm. Examples of self-adjoint and positive-definite strong degenerate elliptic differential operators satisfying the above conditions are given. The validity of theoretical results in case of the harmonic oscillator operator is confirmed by numerical calculations. | http://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/conf/en/program_en.php?conf |
International Conference on Modern Problems in Applied Mathematics Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University & 40th Anniversary of the I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2008 | 07/10/2008 - 09/10/2008 | Tbilisi state University | On the generalized spline algorithms and the condition of it’s linearity and centrality | oral | It is proved that the proposed approximate method is both a generalized central and generalized spline algorithm. Examples of self-adjoint and positive-definite strong degenerate elliptic differential operators satisfying the above conditions are given. The validity of theoretical results in case of the harmonic oscillator operator is confirmed by numerical calculations. |
Web of Science: 65 Scopus: 39 Google Scholar: 160 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget |
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
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Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
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Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |