Merab Zhghenti

Doctor of Science

Biotechnology Center

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Comparison of characteristics of sweet cherry varieties grown in Georgia and their changes during the storageMerab Jgenti, Tamar Turmanidze, Irma KhoravaarticleScientific Council of the National University of Food Technologies, Ukrainian Food Journal,2022, Volume 11, Issue 2, 259-268Scopus, WoS ISSN 2313–5891 (Online) 10.24263/2304- 974X-2022-11-2-6EnglishState Targeted Program
Impact of combinations of Calcium chloride and extract of eucalyptus on the storability of pearz.Shapatava, M. Zhgenti, g. DvaliarticleScientific referred Journal " Science and Technology" Tbilisi , 3(737), pp. 86-92. 20210 ISSN 0130-7061 Index 76127 GeorgiaState Targeted Program
Respiration rate and the activity of malichenzyme during the ripening of peach fruits.M. Jgenti, Z.Shafatava, G.ZedginidzearticleStorage and Procceding of Agricultural Products, 2006. # 5, pp. 25- ISSN 2072-9669.  -RussianState Targeted Program
Effect of freezing on growth and development of subtropical fruit crops. I. Vasadze, M. Jgenti, V. GogitidzearticleAgriculture Science, 2006, №4, pp. 24- ISSN 0869-8155 (Print) -RussianState Targeted Program
Morphological and biochemical study results of introduced apple varietiesZ. Shafatava, M. JgentiarticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences,2009 year. №26pp. 55-58.Journal Impact Factor- 0.274 ISSN - 0132 - 1450 -GeorgiaState Targeted Program
The effect of treatment before drying on plum product qualityZ. Shafatava, M. Jgenti, K.DzeriaarticleGeorgian Engineering News 2010 №1 (vol 53) p 109-111. - ISSN 1512-0287)[MFN: 20034]. -GeorgiaGrant Project
Criteria or assessing the physiological condition of apple fruitT.Ortoidze, M. Jgenti, Z. Shafatavaarticle"Scinec and Technology" 2010 №1-3, pp.-104-107- ISSN 0130-7061. Index 76127. -GeorgiaState Targeted Program
Transpiration losses of apple fruit during storage Z. Shafatava, M. JgentiarticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe), 2015,№25 pp.38-40Journal Impact Factor- 0.274 ISSN - 0132 - 1450 -GeorgiaState Targeted Program
Fast freezing technology of some berry fruitsM.Jgenti, L. Gulua, T.Turmanidze, Z. BoboqashviliarticleGeorgian Engineering News 2013, #2, 140-141 - ISSN 1512-0287)[MFN: 20034] -GeorgiaGrant Project
Preliminary Inquiry to Forecast Apple Storage Ability on the Base of Fruit Calcium Content.Z. Shafatava, Z. Boboqashvili, M. Jgenti, K. DzeriaarticleActa Horticulture, 2014, # 1032. pp. 265-269.- (ISSN 0567-7572 print and ISSN 2406-6168 electronic -EnglishState Targeted Program
Biochemical parameters of perspective varieties of Peach, plum and nectarine and study of their storability T.Turmanidze,M.Jgenti, Q. BeruashviliarticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe), 2015,№35 pp.111-113Journal Impact Factor- 0.274 ISSN - 0132 - 1450 -GeorgiaGrant Project
Impact of fast freezing method on polyphenols content and antioxidant activity of strawberries fruitsM.Jgenti, L. Gulua, T.TurmanidzearticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe), 2015,№35 pp.114-116Journal Impact Factor- 0.274 ISSN - 0132 - 1449 -GeorgiaGrant Project
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of raspberry perspective varietiesM.Jgenti, V.Kvaliashvili, L. Gulua, T.TurmanidzearticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe), 2015,№35 pp. 112-114Journal Impact Factor- 0.274 SSN - 0132 - 1447 -GeorgiaGrant Project
Change of some oxidative enzymes in the storage process of berries.M.Jgenti, M.Garuchava, L. Gulua, T.TurmanidzearticleGeorgian Engineering News 2016, №1(vol77), გვ.119-123. - ISSN 1512-0287)[MFN: 20034]. -GeorgiaGrant Project
Raspiration rate of some stone fruit during storageM.Jgenti, T. Turmanidze, V.K. GuluaarticleGeorgian Engineering News 2016, №1(vol77), გვ.115-119. - ISSN 1512-0287)[MFN: 20034]. -GeorgiaGrant Project
Influence of fast freezing on berry fruit microflora M.Jgenti, M.Gurielidze, T. Turmanidze, V.K. GuluaarticleGeorgian Engineering News 2016, №1(vol77),pp. 111-115. - ISSN 1512-0287)[MFN: 20034] -GeorgiaGrant Project
Storage capacity of some varieties of common nectarines in GeorgiaM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. L. Gulua, V. KvaliashviliarticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe), 2015,№35 pp.27-29no ISSN – 0132 - 1447 noGeorgiaState Targeted Program
Biochemical and morphological study of some berry cropsM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. M. MeliqishviliarticleGeorgian Engineering News 2013, #2, 142-143no ISSN 1512-0287)[MFN: 20034]. noGeorgiaState Targeted Program
nfluence of agro-climatic conditions on the quality of peach fruit on the storage conditionsM.Zhgenti, articleScience and Technology" 2010 №4-6, pp.-117-120no ISSN 0130-7061. Index 76127. noGeorgiaState Targeted Program
Распространение некоторых плодовых культур по вертикальной зональности в ГрузииI. Vsadze, M. Zhgenti, V. GogitidzearticleGeorgian Engineering News 2006, #5, pp.297-298. no ISSN 1512-0287)[MFN: 20034]. noRussiaState Targeted Program
Влиание фунгицида зато на толерантность плодов сливz.Shapatava, M. Zhgenti, L. TsxvedadzearticleStorage and Procceding of Agricultural Products, 2006. # 4, pp. 26-27no ISSN 2072-9669. noRussiaState Targeted Program
Influence of temperature on peach fruit During storage.M.Zhgenti, I. Vasadze, K. DzeriaarticleScience and Technology,2010 №1-3, pp.-114-115no ISSN 0130-7061. Index 76127 noGeorgiaState Targeted Program
Зоны плодоводства Грузии и их общая агроклиматическая характеристика.M.Zhgenti, I. Vasadze, V. GogitidzearticleAgriculture Science, 2006, №3, pp. 19-20no ISSN 0869-8155 (Print) noRussiaState Targeted Program
Effect of Sulfur Anhydride on Plum Fruit storage conditionsM.Zhgenti, I. VasadzearticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe), 2006,№35 pp.39-40No ISSN – 0132 – 1447NoGeorgiaState Targeted Program
Influence of exogenous calcium on the physiological state of the peach fruit during storage.M.Zhgenti, I. Basilia, M. MaghalashviliarticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Moambe), 2006,№35 pp.35-38no ISSN – 0132 – 1447 noGeorgiaState Targeted Program
Влияние фунгицида зато на физиологические покпзатели плодов слыв.z.Shapatava, M. Zhgenti, L. TsxvedadzearticleAgriculture Science, 2006, №1, pp. 15-16no ISSN 0869-8155 (Print)noRussiaState Targeted Program
Обработки плодов яблок и груш экстрактом эвкалипта и хлоридом кальция.z.Shapatava, M. Zhgenti, V. KvaliashviliarticleАграрная наука,2005. №5. 27-28no ISSN 0869-8155 (Print) noRussiaState Targeted Program
Effect of Calcium Chloride Treatments on Quality Characteristics of Blackberry, Raspberry and Strawberry Fruits After Cold StorageM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. L. Gulua, L. WickerarticleTurkish Journal of Agriculture – Food Science and Technology, 4(12): 1127-1133, 2016 SJR 0.543 ISSN: 2148-127X DOI: Project
Effect of Calcium Chloride Treatments on Quality Characteristics of Blackberry Fruit During StorageM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. L. Gulua, L. WickerarticleInternational Journal of Food and Allied Sciences, 2016, 2(2): 36-41no ISSN: 2415-0290 (Print) ISSN: 2413-2543 (Online) DOI:10.21620/ijfaas.2016236-41EnglishGrant Project
Potential antioxidant retention and quality maintenance in raspberries and strawberries treated with calcium chloride and stored under refrigerationM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. L. Gulua, L. WickerarticleBrazilian Journal of Food Technology, v. 20, e2016089, 2017Scopus (IS) 0.82 ISSN online version: 1981-6723 EnglishGrant Project
Effect of ascorbic acid treatment on some quality parameters of frozen strawberry and raspberry fruitsM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. L. Gulua, V. ShaiashviliarticleAnnals of Agrarian Science, Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2017, Pages 370-374no ISSN : 2524-1737 ISSN: 15121887 Project
Chemical constituents, antioxidant and anti-lipase activity of some wines produced in GeorgiaM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. L. Nikolaishvili, L. Gulua, M. Beziashvili, R. PicjeraldarticleUkrainian food journal, 2018. Volume 7. Issue 2WOS-ESCI 2015-2019 ISSN 2313-5891(online) DOI: 10.24263/2304- 974X-2018-7-2-3EnglishGrant Project
Polyphenol content, anti-lipase and antioxidant activity of teas made in GeorgiaM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. L. Nikolaishvili, L. Gulua, g. DzneladzearticleAnnals of Agrarian Science,Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2018, Pages 357-361no ISSN : 2524-1737 ISSN: 15121887 Project
Effect of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid and ascorbic acid on quality parameters of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) fruit during cold storageM.Zhgenti, T.Turmanidze. L. GuluaarticleUkrainian food journal, 2018. Volume 7. Issue 3WOS-ESCI 2015-2019 ISSN 2313-5891(online) DOI: 10.24263/2304- 974X-2018-7-3-3EnglishGrant Project
Effect of Eucalyptus Extract and Calcium Chloride on the Storage Ability of Pear T.Shamatava, M. Zhgenti, G. DvaliarticleScientific journal “Science and Technlogeis” Tbilisi,N3 (737) pp. 86-92. 20210 ISSN: 0130-7061 Index 76127 " "GeorgiaState Targeted Program
Effect of Eucalyptus Extract and Calcium Chloride on the storage ability of grape M.Kukhaleishvili, T.Shamatava, M.Zhgenti,,G.Dvali,,E.Bulauri,T. ChipashviliarticleScientific journal “Science and Technlogeis” N 1 (733) TBILISI 2020 page 22-270 ISSN 0130-7061 Index 76127 GeorgiaState Targeted Program
AntioAntioxidant activity of the drades of grapefruit widespread in the Georgiaxidant activity of the drades of grapefruit widespread in the GeorgiaG.Kaishauri, M. Zhgenticonference proceedingsFirst international scientific-practical conference “New innovations”. Kutaisi. Published by Akaki Tsereteli State University. 14-15 November, 2019. pp. 77-81 0 ISBN 978-9941-484-84-1 GeorgiaState Targeted Program
The results of establishment of guaranteed term of staging the cans of actinidiaG.Kaishauri, N. Lomtadze, M. ZhgentiarticleBulletin of Georgian Academy of Agricultural sciences (International Scientific-Methodological and Applied Referenced Scientific Papers). Tb.: Publisher “Agro”. 2019. 2 (42). p.98 - 100Journal Impact Factor- 0.274 ISSN 1512-2743 GeorgiaState Targeted Program
Effect of eucalyptus extract and calcium chloride on grape storage abilityTamar Shamatava Maia kukhaleishvili, Merab Jgenti, Sopio Japarashvili, Iveta MegrelishviliarticleJournal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology June2018 Volume10 pp.500 ISSN:1948-5948 " /proceedings/effect-of-eucalyptus-extract-and-calcium-chloride-on-grape-storage-ability-12442.htm "EnglishState Targeted Program

First International Scientific Practical Conference " New Initiative"Kutaisi, Georgia20196-7 ივნისიAkaki Tseretheli state UniversityAntioxodant activity of grapefruit varieties distributed in Georgiaposter

Grapefruit is a source of the whole complex of biologically active substances, which is insufficiently studied in Georgia and is the less used local resource. The real general available data does not give a full picture about full use of grapefruit in industrial scale. The object of the research served grades of grapefruit ‘Duncan” and “Narinji”. Which are grown in the west part of Georgia.researches showed that fruits had rounded shape(the index of form 0.85 for the grade “Duncan”) and oblong, piriform (the index of form 1.12 for the grade “ Narindji”) and a rough surface, an orange peel and yellow juicy pulp and aroma peculiar to citrus fruits.

In the studied grapes of “Duncan” and “Narinji” the total amount of polyphenols was respectively 180mg/100g and 164 mg/100g.

The grades are estimated in therms of antioxidant activity. Their antioxidant activity is respectivly 378 mg and 344 mg 100 g of a exemple (mg of ascorbic acid equivalent). Thus, studies have established the feasibility of using grapefruit grades in the processing industry.The studied grades are characterized by the high content of the total amount of polyphenols and high antioxidant activity, especially grade “ Duncan”.

Actual problems of food production and modern technologiesKutaisi, Georgia201412-13 ივნისიAkaki Tseretheli state UniversityCOLD STORAGE TECHNOLOGY THE PERSPECTIVE BREEDS OF STRAWBERRIESposter

The present paper analysis the results of cold storage technology the perspective forms of strawberries of long rang breeds. It is also shown what kind of influence have the calcium ion made on the process of storage length of same breeds and on the losses during the storage process. As a result the optimal concentration of the solution of calcium chloride is established

ISNFF 2017— The 10th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals & Functional FoodsSeoul, South Korea2017ნოემბერიGSCOBioactive compounds of Georgian flora as bases for functional beveragesoral

V solution Kiev, Ukraine20175-6 აპრილიNational University of food Technology Development of rational storage technology of stone fruitoral


Innovative technologies and modern materialsKutaisi, Georgia20136-7 ივნისიAkaki Tsereteli State University,Biochemical study of some berry crops and rapid freezing technology.oral

შესწავლილია კალციუმის იონის ზეგავლენა მარწყვის შერნახვის უნარიანობაზე. გამოვლენილია კალციუმის იონის დადებითი ეფექტი როგორც შენახვის ხანგრძლივობაზე ასევე დანაკარგებზე შენახვის პროცესში.

nternational Young Chemists Conference "Chemistry Today-2013"Tbilisi, Georgia201313 მარტიTechnical University of GeorgiaThe Impact of Calcium Ion on the Biochemical Parameters of Berries During Preservationposter

შესწავლილია კალციუმის იონის ზეგავლენა მარწყვის შერნახვის უნარიანობაზე. გამოვლენილია კალციუმის იონის დადებითი ეფექტი როგორც შენახვის ხანგრძლივობაზე ასევე დანაკარგებზე შენახვის პროცესში.

International scientific conference of young scientist and students-Youth scientific achievements to the 21st century Nutrition problem solutionKiev, Ukraine201612-14 აპრილიNational University of food TechnologyChange of activity of polyphenols and antioxidant potential during fast freezing in blackberry fruitsoral

საკონფერენციო თეზისში განხილულია პოლიფენოლების და ანტიოქსიდანტური აქტივობის ცვლილება სწრაფი გაყინვის დროს, მაყვლის ზოგიერთ ჯიშში. შესწავლილია რიგი ბიოქიმიური მაჩვენებლები. გამოვლენილია სწრაფი გაყინვის გავლენა პოლიფენოლების შემცველობაზე და ანტიოქსიდანტურ აქტივობაზე.

International conference of food and agricultural engineeringRome, Italy2016მარტი 6-7Institute of research engineers and Scientists, Chemical Constituents, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Novel food Additives Derived From Plant materialoral

შესწავლილი იყო მცენარეთა ექსტრაქტებიდან ორი კომპოზიტი, როგორც ახალი ბიოაქტიური საკვები დანამატები. ერთი კომპოზიტი შედგებოდა მწვანე ჩაის ექსტრაქტი და წითელი ღვინის ფხვნილისგან, მეორე კომპოზიტი შეიცავდა ლიმონის ქერქის ექსტრაქტს და მწვანე ჩაის. კომპოზიტები აფერხებდნენ

გრამდადებითი ბაქტერიების Staphylococcus aureus და Rhodococcus sp, გრამუარყოფითი ბაქტერიების Esherichia coli და

Pseudomonas aeroginasa, პათოგენური სოკო Rhizoctonia sp. და Streptomyces glaucus 71MD.  მოქმედებას. ანტიოქსიდანტური პოტენციალი

პირველი და მეორე კომპოზიტები იყო შესაბამისად 2.3 და 1.8 [Fe2+] მმ, რაც დაახლოებით 4-ჯერ ნაკლები იყო ასკორბინის მჟავას ანტიოქსიდანტურ პოტენციალზე.

International Conference on Food and Agricultural EngineeringParis, France2018სექტემბერი 20-21Institute of research engineers and Scientists, Anti-lopase activity of Georgian Teasoral

შესწავლილ იქნა ქართულ ბაზარზე არსებული შპს გეოპლანტის წარმოებული სხვადასხვა ტიპის ჩაის ანტილიპაზური და ანტიოქსიდანტური აქტივობები,  მათი მოქმედების კინეტიკა და მექანიზმი: (მწავნე ჩაი, მწვანე ჩაი ჟასმინის ყვავილებით, შავი ჩაი, შავი ჩაი ხილით, ალპური კენკრა და საშობაო ჩაი. ტრადიციულ მწვანე ჩაის და მწვანე ჩაის ჟასმინის ყვავილებს ჰქონდათ ყველაზე მაღალი ანტიოქსიდანტური აქტივობა - 2,35 და 2,32 მგ ასკორბინის მჟავის ექვივალენტი 1 მლ ნაყენზე. შავ ჩაის ჰქონდა საშუალო ანტიოქსიდანტური აქტივობა - 1,24 მგ ასკორბინის მჟავა 1 მლ-ზე. შავ ჩაის ხილის ნაყოფებით ჰქონდა 0,53 მგ ასკორბინის მჟავის ექვივალენტური აქტივობა 1 მლ-ზე. ალპური კენკრას ჩაის ნაყენს ჰქონდა ყველაზე ნაკლები აქტივობა - 0,35 მგ ასკორბინის მჟავას ექვივალენტი 1 მლ-ზე. ანტიოქსიდანტური აქტივობა კორელაციაში იყო პოლიპენოლების შემცველობასთან R2 = 0.81.  ტრადიციულმა მწვანე და შავმა ჩაიმ აჩვენა ყველაზე მაღალი ანტილიპაზური აქტივობები, 70,6% და 70,3%  ინჰიბირება 1 მლ-ზე ანგარიშით შესაბამისად. მწვანე ჩაიმ და ალპურმა კენკრამ აჩვენეს 66,8% ინჰიბირება 1 მლ ნაყენზე. საშობაო ჩაის ინჰიბირების მაჩვენებლი იყო 65,1% 1 მლ-ზე. ანტილიპაზურმა პრეპარატმა, ორლისტატმა აჩვენა ჩაის პრეპარატებზე 30%-თ უფრო მაღალი აქტივობა. 

International conference of food and agricultural engineering Brussel, Belgium2018მაისი 12-13Institute of research engineers and Scientists, Effect of Ascorbic acid , salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate combined application on Cherry (Prunus Avium L) fruits cold storageoral

საკონფერენციო თეზისში წარმოდგენილია ბლის ზოგიერთი ჯიშის ნედლად შენახვისუნარიანობა ახალი კომბინირებული ხსნარით დამუშავების დროს, გამოვლენილია მისი დადებითი ეფექტი როგორც შენახვის ხანგრძლივობაზე, ისე დანაკარგებზე შენახვის პროცესში.

International conference of food and agricultural engineering Brussel, Belgium201812-13 მაისიInstitute of research engineers and Scientists, Effect of Combined Solution (Ascorbic acid, Salicylic acid and Methyl Jasmonate) Application on Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosul L) Fruits Cold Storage oral

განხილულია ახალი კომბინირებული ხსნარის გავლენა მოცვის ნედლად შენახვის ხანგრძლივობასა და დანაკარგებზე. გამოვლენილია ახალი კომბინირებული ხსნარის დადებითი ეფექტი მოცვის შენახვისუნარიანობაზე, დამუშავებულ ნაყოფებში მეტად არის შენარჩუნებული შენახვის ბოლოს რიგი ბიოლოგიურად აქტიური ნივთიერებები, შემცირებულია დანაკარგების ოდენობა და საკონტროლოსთან შედარებით გაზრდილია შენახვის პერიოდი.

12th World Congress on BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGYAmsterdam, Netherlands2018ივნისი 28-29Conferenceseries LLC Ltd poster

In this study, the effect of Eucalyptus extract and calcium chloride (CaCl2) on grape storage ability was investigated. The treatment includes control (Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 20-30 minutes exposure, once a month) and two combinations: I. 1% CaCl2+0.5% Eucalyptus extract; II. 2% CaCl2+1% Eucalyptus extract. Two grape varieties: Italia and Alphonse Levallee were selected for the study, which are the most popular cultivars among consumers in Georgia. After the treatments grape were stored at 0-1°C, relative humidity of 85-90%. Evolution of qualitative features such as percentage of decay caused by microbiological and physiological diseases was done in the middle of the storage (60 days) and at the end of the storage (120 days). Results showed that the loss caused by microbiological and physiological diseases in the middle stage of the storage (60 days) on two species grapes was unimportant control- 0.9%; with the 1% CaCl2+0.5% Eucalyptus extract-1.5% and 2% CaCl2+1% Eucalyptus extract-1%. Therefore, at the end of the storage (120 days) control loss was 6.1%; on condition 1% CaCl2+0.5% Eucalyptus extract-11.4% and 2% CaCl2+ 1% Eucalyptus extract-7.3%. Thus, 2% CaCl2+1% Eucalyptus extract solution showed the best result from the combined compounds, loss after storage was 7.3%. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) condition loss was less but it is noteworthy that the solution of 2% CaCl2+1% Eucalyptus extract is an ecologically pure mix and the stored grapevines are ecologically pure products, which is a key factor in choosing a storage facility.

Web of Science: 3
Scopus: 3.0
Google Scholar: 104

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Qualitative indicators and storage capacity of some selective varieties of peachesAgricultural University of Georgia
Production of dessert liqueur using medicinal plants common in GeorgiaTelavi state University

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Comparative evaluation of biochemical composition of some berry crops and storage technologyAgricultural University of Georgia

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Development of nanotechnology for the production of plant nano extracts and their Study of antioxidant and antitumor activityUkrainian Center for Science and Technology, Ukraine საქართველო 2011-2013Key personnal
Development of rational technology of storage of curcumin fruitKnowledge Foundation საქართველო 2012-2013Principal Investigator

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Study of storage ability of table grape varieties and development of storage methodsMinistry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia 2018-2022Project Investigator
Fruit quality evaluation, storage and receipt of ecologically clean product (registration number: # GNSF / ST07 / 8-266)Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Georgia 2008-2010Key personnal
Development of rational technology of stone and berry fruit based on biochemical-technological studiesShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Georgia 2014-2016Principal Investigator
New technology of raw fruit storage Development and theoretical justificationShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Georgia 2016-2018Principal Investigator
Development of a new specific inhibitor of pancreatic lipaseShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Georgia 2016-2018Koordinator

Patent authorship

U1327Georgian Patent+995Merab ZhgentiHow to store plum fruitno20100
P5671Georgian Patent+995Merab ZhgentiMaking a sauce from plum fruitno20120
AU 2018 14621 U Georgian Patent+995Merab ZhgentiHow to store blueberries rawno20180

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus