Giorgi Omsarashvili

Doctor of Science

Georgian Technical University Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology

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Evaluation of the Quality of Waters Formed in the River Cheremiskhevi Bed for the Purposes of Drinking and Domestic Water SupplyGiorgi OmsarashviliarticleTechnical University. Works of GTU, 2021. No. 1 (519) p. 136-147. ISSN 1512-0996 GeorgianGrant Project

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Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-10, H-ინდექსი-2

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget


Patent authorship

P 2022 7361 BGeorgian National Intellectual Property Center "Sakpatenti"PCTGurgenidze D., Klimiashvili L., Omsarashvili G.Underwater river intake facility28.02.2022
U 1946 (GE U 2017 1946 Y)Georgian National Intellectual Property Center PCTTevzadze T., Omsarashvili G.Underwater water intake building17.10.2017

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

river Assessment of the quality of waters formed in the Cheremishkevi bed for the purposes of drinking and agricultural water supply, 2021. Collection of scientific works of the Technical University of Georgia. No. 1 (519); გვ. 136-147.Grant Project

The numerical growth of the population, the development of industry and agriculture caused a systematic increase in the demand for water. Despite the fact that Georgia is rich in natural water resources with high-quality drinking properties, in many regions of the country, and especially in its semi-arid and humid zones, the issue of supplying the population with clean drinking water is quite acute. The article refers to the town located on the northeastern slope of the Tsiv-Gombori ridge. For prospective water supply of the villages of Gurjaani municipality (Veliscikhe, Zegaani, Mukuzan), the river The issue of using the waters formed in the bed of Cheremiskhevi. For this purpose, in 2013-2020, we investigated the river in field and stationary conditions. Chemical and sanitary microbiological characteristics of surface (river) runoff and alluvial-proluvial sediments of Cheremiskhevi. As a result of chemical analysis, it was determined that the water belongs to the hydrocarbonate-calcium type and the total mineralization does not exceed

0.5 g/l. Seasonal change of main ions

According to the dynamics, all the investigated indicators range within the limits of permissible concentration. However, the results of the microbiological analysis revealed that the examined water is polluted by anthropogenic influences.

and does not comply with the sanitary norms established by the drinking water technical regulations.
tudy of the drinking properties of the filtered waters in the alluvial-proluvial sediments of the Cheremishkevi River. For the purpose of Gurjaani water supply, 2017. Mining magazine. 1(38)Grant Project

The article presents Md. The prospect of receiving drinking water from the filtrates of Cheremi gorge. For supplying Gurjaani with drinking water. For this purpose, from November 2015 to October 2016, the river As a result of monthly field and laboratory studies of the surface river runoff and filtrates of Cheremi Gorge, it was concluded that there are no processes of drastic changes in the chemical composition and their physical properties. Bacteriological tests carried out in March and July 2016 were also discussed, as a result of which it was revealed that certain types of pollution are observed in the water. An increase in colony-forming bacteria and coli index indicators was observed in July, however, after carrying out cleaning measures, it will meet the requirements of the state norms.
Prospective alluvial geostructure selection criteria for drinking water supply of urban areas of arid zone". 2016. Mining Journal. 2 (37)Grant Project

he main criteria necessary for the arid zone are presented and analyzed

For supplying drinking water to urban areas. In turn, these criteria are determined by those

On the basis of prognostic signs, the selection of which depends on the specific project

for performing tasks. For example, when hydropower, hydromelioration

Urban utilization of territories, construction of railway tunnels and highways, high

arrangement of voltage transmission lines or harmonization of slope processes and other types

It is necessary to select different prognostic signs for design-construction.

Prognostic signs can only be considered on the basis of a detailed, multifaceted analysis

the consideration and evaluation of expected negative processes of formation-development, which

It forms the basis for highly qualified selection of protective measures. This is the basis of object stability and reliable operation. The fold of mountainous regions of Georgia is discussed

The method of selection of the prospective alluvial geostructure of the arid climatic zone, which is based on the consideration of prognostic signs.
Noosphere, processes of noogenesis and aspects of its harmonization". 2015. Science and technology. Publishing House Technical University, #1 (718)Grant Project

he article presents the famous French scientist P. Teilhard de Chardin, E. Leroy and the Soviet scientist,

Academician V. Vernadsky's opinion that a person's impact on the environment becomes his

An increasingly powerful factor of development. According to this opinion, the noosphere

should be imagined not as a society that exists in a certain environment,

Not simply as an environment that has experienced strong human impact, but

into a single, integrated society in which the developed are united

Society and changing environment.

The term "noogenesis" was first recorded by the authors in 1999 at the Institute of Aquaculture and Engineering Ecology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.

In the collection of jubilee works dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the institute

In the same year, the Moscow International Conference ("Theoretical Engineering Geology

problems'') in the collection of works.

The authors consider the ongoing noogenic processes in the noosphere as processes initiated in connection with the creation of natural-technogenic complexes, while

rocks obtained as a result of the impact of the mentioned processes, as noogenic rocks,

The new, noogenic underground water received by the reservoir by flooding the territory

Horizon, in connection with the construction of technogenic objects of various purposes

relief forms created by slope processes, etc.

The influence of society on the environment, especially such as geological

It is equivalent to the initiation of processes, hydromelioration and hydropower technogenic

Complexes represent. Such natural-technogenic complexes (btk) lead to the formation of noogenesis processes. Consequently, rocks of noogenic origin different from the environment, relief forms, hydrogeological conditions, microclimate, seismic conditions, etc., are formed, which are strongly influenced by the human mind.

created Harmonization of noogenesis processes and safety of natural-technogenic processes is based on their highly professional design, quality construction and under conditions of strict observance of the rules of operation.
Methods of bioreinforcement of the coastal aquatic slope of the Black Sea shelf, 2015. Science and technology. Publishing House, Technical UniversityGrant Project

The article presents erosive and abrasive-erosive processes

Methods of protection against negative events caused by the impact.

Humans have been using methods of protection against erosive events on the earth's surface since time immemorial and have developed many types of protective means.

For example, the best way to protect against wind erosion is a tree-shrub shelter

Arrangement of grass strips, planting of perennial trees on eroded slopes,

Barrage on high rock ravines, etc. Recently, the Technical University of Georgia

A new method of soil erosion protection was developed at the Institute of Water Management -

Geocarpet "Nesgeo". All of the methods listed above, except for barrage, are biophytogenic protective means.

Not only terrestrial relief and natural-technogenic objects experience erosion

areas, but also the bottom slopes of the aquatic part of the shelf. especially

Abrasion-erosion processes cause great damage to the coast of the shelf slopes

in the lane. Sediments in the bottom part of the sandy-gravel aquaria of the shelf slopes

Displacement is caused by storm surges and south-north currents along the coastline, accompanied by silty, sandy, loamy,

Gravel, gravel, etc. Subsoil migration on the continental slope is large

Substantial areas have been taken away from deep and coastal urban areas.

Protection from negative abrasive-erosive events and ongoing on the shelf slope

Harmonization of negative engineering-geological processes with other traditional methods

together with the implementation of biozoogenic or biozoogenic-phytogenic measures

possible. For example, one of the successful protection measures against erosion-erosion events is the artificial reproduction of coral polyps, which will contribute to the protection of reefs.

forming and creating lagoons.

The viability and reproduction of reef-building corals is related to many specific environmental factors that require detailed study.
Study of the natural complexes of the mountainous regions of the arid zone of Eastern Georgia for the purpose of supplying drinking water to urban areas, 2014. Mining Journal, # 2(33)Grant Project

he article presents the results of investigations of the natural hydrogeological complexes (geostructure-surface runoff) of the mountainous region of the arid zone of Eastern Georgia for the purpose of water supply to urban areas. A new innovative method has been developed, - (accumulation of underground water in alluvial soils by means of a bed diagram and regulation of their supply for the supply of drinking water in the period of low water). The manifestation of complex hydrogeological systems will give us the opportunity to create new drinking water supply facilities using such energy-saving technology in real conditions. Such objects can be considered Telavi ravine, Sarsh ravine, Kisi ravine, Turdo ravine, Kardenakh ravine and others. Areas located on high hypsometric marks, where precedents of accumulation, water intake and self-current transportation of significant masses of water will be created using the presented technological method.

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus