Ludmila Ghlonti
Academic Doctor of Science
Georgian Technical University Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
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I have been working at the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology since 1979, I have been an Academic Doctor and Senior Scientist since 2006. I have 42 years of experience in thermal and mineral water ores within Georgia. I participated in the monitoring of helium and radon content in the waters of southern and western Georgia, in the calculation of temperature distribution in the Black Sea oil-rich zone and in the Tbilisi oil field, in the dimensions of uranium and totium content in Georgian sedimentary rocks and in the properties of thermophysical rocks. I am the co-author of publications on hydrothermal conditions in the Caucasus and Georgia, thermal field modeling, metallurgical industry waste leakage problems and geo-ecological problems. I measure the content of microelements (heavy metals) in the water of Georgian springs, lakes and rivers, the thermal properties of rocks, I participate in the studies of natural tracers to assess karst water resources in the territory of Georgia. I participate in field and laboratory work within the framework of projects of our institute and national foundations. I am a member of the Georgian Group of the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG), the Georgian Group of the International Geothermal Association (IGA) and the Georgian Group of the International Hydrogeological Association (IAH)
Thermal Characteristic of Prospect Oil-Bearing Costal Zone of Adjara and Guria (Georgia). | G. Buachidze, L. Glonti | article | LEPL H / G and E/ G Institute, Proceedings, 2005/vol. XV, pp. 75-86 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Characterization of groundwater hydrophysical zoning of the Caucasus region | G. Buachidze, L. Glonti | article | LEPL H / G and E / G Institute, Proceedings, 2007/vol. XVI,pp. 40-45 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-405-01-3 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Distribution of temperatures in prospective oil-gas structures in the eastern part of the Black Sea. | G. Buachidze, L. Glonti | article | Georgian Oil and Gas, 2007 / №21, pp. 29-34 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0457 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Research into Rocks’ Thermalphysic Characteristics by the Method of Impulse Flat Heat Source. | E. Sakvarelidze, L. Glonti | article | Journal of the Geophysical Society of Georgia / Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Cosmic Plasma, 2008 / Volume 12A, pp. 61-64 | 0 | ISSN 1512-1127 | English | State Targeted Program | |
About relation between seismicity and anomalies of thermal field in the eastern part of the Black Sea water area. | E. Sakvarelidze,S. Amanatashvili, V. Meskhia, L. Glonti | conference proceedings | University Bremen /Abstract book 9th International Conference on Cas in Marin Sediments, 2008/ pp. 55-56 | 0 | ISSN: 0276-0460 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Modeling of the thermal field on the example of the Lisi-Saburtalo section of the Tbilisi thermal waters region. | L. Glonti, E. Sakvarelidze, G. Melikadze, G. Kobzevi | article | M. Nodia Proceedings of the Institute of Geophysics, 2008 / Vol. LX, pp. 92-97 | 0 | ISSNN 1512-1135 | Russian | Grant Project | |
Patterns of temperature distribution along the boundaries of the aquifer complex of the Tbilisi thermal water deposit. | L. Glonti, E. Sakvarelidze, G. Melikadze | article | M. Nodia Proceedings of the Institute of Geophysics, 2009 / Vol. LXI, pp. 66-69 | 0 | ISSNN 1512-1135 | Russian | Grant Project | |
Study of the thermophysical properties of some rocks of the Tbilisi region | L. Glonti, E. Sakvarelidze | article | M. Nodia Proceedings of the Institute of Geophysics, 2009 / Vol. LXI, pp. 70-75 | 0 | ISSNN 1512-1135 | Russian | Grant Project | |
Temperature parameters of delivery and temperature distribution in the water complex Central part of Tbilisi thermal power plant location. | L. Glonti, E. Sakvarelidze, G. Melikadze, G. Kobzevi | article | Georgian Ministry of Education and Science, LEPL H / G and E/ G Institute, Proceedings,2009 / Vol. XVII, pp. 54-58 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 | Russian | Grant Project | |
Comparative characteristics of the parameters of three sections of the Tbilisi thermal water deposit. | L. Glonti, E. Sakvarelidze | article | Georgian Ministry of Education and Science, LEPL H / G and E/ G Institute, Proceedings, 2009 / Vol. XVII, p. 59-62 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 | Russian | Grant Project | |
Comparation of Datas by 3D Unsteady Temperature Model (mathematical modeling of the Earth Crust) and by Observed Temperatures on the Bottom of Sedimentary Layers in Georgia | G. Buachidze, L. Glonti, J. Gogiashvili, J. Kiria, E. Gugunava | article | Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society / Earth Physics, 2010 / Volume 14A, p. 62-69 | 0 | ISSN 1512-1127 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Investigation of the Heat Condition of Tbilisi Thermal Water Deposit. | E. Sakvarelidze,L. Glonti | conference proceedings | Ilia state University, Institute of GeophysicsTU Clausthhal/ Abstract book ” Exploration and Exploitation of Ground Water System in Georgia”, Research Workshop, 2010/ p.12 | 0 | https://www.gbv.de/dms/clausthal/E_BOOKS/2011/2011EB1129.pdf | English | Grant Project | |
Temperature Distribution in Middle Eocene Aquifer Interfaces of Tbilisi’s Thermal Waters Deposit (Republic of Georgia) | L. Glonti | article | International Association of Hydrogeologists U.S. National Chapter Newsletter, 2010/ Vol. 39, no. 2, pp.15-16 | 0 | https://iah-usa.org/wp-content/uploads/newsletter/october10.pdf | English | State Targeted Program | |
Changes in the electro-magnetic weather in the biosphere and its impact on human health. | article | M. Nodia Proceedings of the Institute of Geophysics, 2013 / Vol. LXIV, p. 79-90 | 0 | ISSNN 1512-1135 | Russian | State Targeted Program | ||
Composition of gases released during the microbiological extraction of metals from ores containing copper and manganese ores and production wastes | T. Dzadzamia, D. Chutkerashvili,L. Tsertsvadze, Sh. Petriashvili, L. Glonti | article | Georgian Technical University / Science and Technology, 2014 / I (491), pp.93-97 | 0 | ISSN 0130-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Some results of experimental studies of metal extraction and their geoecological significance. | M. Mardashova, T. Dzadzamia, D. Chutkerashvili, U. Zviadadze, Z. Kakulia, Sh. Petriashvili, L. Glonti | article | Energy, 2014/1 (69), p. 78-81 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0120 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
On the issue of using the bacterial leaching method to extract silicon from quartz ore. | M. Mardashova, T. Dzadzamia, D. Chutkerashvili, U. Zviadadze, Z. Kakulia, Sh. Petriashvili, L. Glonti | article | Energy, 2015/1 (73), p. 82-87 | 0 | ISSN 1512-0120 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Prospects for increasing and using the resources of mineral and thermal waters of the Adzharistskali Gorge | B. Mkheidze, A. Songulashvili, Z. Kakulia, I. Nanadze, M. Kopadze, L. Glonti | article | Georgian Technical University / Science and Technology, 2016/1 (721), pp.54-61 | 0 | ISSN 0130-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
About some results of Adjara-Trialeti mineral water monitoring | B. Mkheidze, A. Songulashvili, Z. Kakulia, I. Nanadze, M. Kopadze, L. Glonti | article | Technical University, Tbilisi / Science and Technology, 2017/2 (725), pp.105-110 | 0 | ISSN 0310-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Determination of physiological groups of microorganisms causing biocorrosion on the metal pipe of the rehabilitation pipeline and their location in the ground (Digomi field) | M. Mardashova, T. Dzadzamia, D. Chutkerashvili, U. Zviadadze, Z. Kakulia, L. Glonti | article | Georgian Technical University / Science and Technology, 2017/1 (724), pp.45-54 | 0 | ISSN 0130-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Rational Use of Ajara-Trialeti Mineral Waters - One of the Reliable Ways to Resolve Social and Economic Problems or the Region. | B. Mkheidze, A. Songulashvili, Z. Kakulia, I. Nanadze, M. Kopadze, L. Glonti | conference proceedings | Georgian Technical University /3-rd International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Geology, book of Abstracts, 2017/,pp.89-92 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-20-832-4 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Prospects for the use of mineral waters of the Adjara-Trialeti mountain-fold zone in the development of balneological resorts and bottling plants for bottling water. | B. Mkheidze, A. Songulashvili, Z. Kakulia, I. Nanadze, M. Kopadze, L. Glonti | article | Georgian Technical University / Science and Technology, 2018/1 (727), pp.69-76 | 0 | ISSN 0130-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On the method of measuring the thermophysical parameters of rocks by the method of a flat pulsed heat source | E. Sakvarelidze, L. Glonti | article | M. Nodia Proceedings of the Institute of Geophysics, 2018 / Vol. LXIX, p. 149-152 | 0 | ISSNN 1512-1135 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Chemical Survey and Reservoir Temperature Estimations of Tbilisi Geothermal Deposit by Application of Silica-Enthalpy Mixing Method | N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze, I Forizc, S. Vepkhvadze, M. Todadze, L. Glonti | article | Journal of the Geophysical Society of Georgia / Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2019 / Volume 22, № 2, p. 10-15 | 0 | ISSN 1512-1127 | English | Grant Project | |
Using Stable Isotopes for Karstic Water Origin Assessment in Georgian Caucasus Mts. | article | Journal of the Geophysical Society of Georgia / Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2019 / Volume 22, № 2, p. 10-15 | 0 | ISSN 1512-1127 | English | Grant Project | ||
Chemical Survey and Reservoir Temperature Estimations of Tbilisi Geothermal Deposit by Application of Silica-Enthalpy Mixing Method | N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze, I Forizc, S. Vepkhvadze, M. Todadze, L. Glonti | article | Journal of the Geophysical Society of Georgia / Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2019 / Volume 22, № 2, p. 10-15 | 0 | ISSN 1512-1127 | English | Grant Project | |
Thermal Field in the Sedimentary Complex of the Eastern Black Sea Region and Gas Hydrates Content in the Guria Deflection | E. Sakvarelidze, G. Kutelia, L. Glonti | article | Journal of the Geophysical Society of Georgia / Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2019 / Volume 22, № 2, p. 5-9 | 0 | ISSN 1512-1127 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Geology and hydrochemistry of mineral waters sources in Upper Racha (Georgia) | B. Mkheidze, A. Songulashvili, L. Khvichia, L. Glonti | conference proceedings | SCIENCE, RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, 2021 /№45 p. 37-45 | 0 | ISBN 978-83-66401-91-4 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Geothermal potential assessment of West Georgian Lowland | N. Kapanadze, G. Melikadze, I. Fórizs, L. Ghlonti, M. Todadze, E. Tsutskiridze | conference proceedings | International Symposium on Geofluids / Theses, 2021 / p. 13 | 0 | ISBN978-615-81297-2-5 | English | Grant Project |
9th International Conference on Cas in Marin Sediments | Bremen, Germany | 2008 | 15/09/2008 - 19/09/2008 | University Bremen | About relation between seismicity and anomalies of thermal field in the eastern part of the Black Sea water area. | oral | In order to determine the thermal properties of the rocks (the method of horizontal impulse heat source), an experimental device has been developed. The thermal properties of the rock from the study area have been measured taking into account the influence of humidity on them. Based on experimental and published data the mean value of a heat flow as well as the heat conductivity was determined. The obtained data were used to calculate the temperature at the surface of the aquifers and the depth of the existing of thermal waters (~70 ºС) and water-steam mix (~130 ºС). | https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/4546210/ninth-international-conference-on-marum |
Research Workshop Exploration and Exploitation of Ground Water System in Georgia | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 27/10/2010 - 28/10/2010 | Ilia state University, Institute of GeophysicsTU Clausthhal/ | Investigation of the Heat Condition of Tbilisi Thermal Water Deposit. | oral | In order to determine the thermal properties of the rocks (the method of horizontal impulse heat source), an experimental device has been developed. The thermal properties of the rock from the study area have been measured taking into account the influence of humidity on them. Based on experimental and published data the mean value of a heat flow as well as the heat conductivity was determined. The obtained data were used to calculate the temperature at the surface of the aquifers and the depth of the existing of thermal waters (~70 ºС) and water-steam mix (~130 ºС). | https://www.gbv.de/dms/clausthal/E_BOOKS/2011/2011EB1129.pdf |
3-rd International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of Geology | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2017 | 01/06/2017 - 02/06/2017 | Georgian Technical University, Mineralogy Society of Georgia | Rational Use of Ajara-Trialeti Mineral Waters - One of the Reliable Ways to Resolve Social and Economic Problems or the Region. | oral | Based on the data obtained as a result of the monitoring of Adjara-Trialeti mineral waters and the reconciliation and analysis of the fund and published materials, the potential of the region's hydrothermal-mineral resources has been assessed. Rational utilization of mineral water resources with diverse chemical composition and healing properties of Adjara-Trialeti will undoubtedly contribute to a significant increase in the production of bottled medicinal water and to the development of a balneological and balneo-climatic climate. In solving the social problems of the local population, first of all, in the problem of employment. | |
International Conference on Science, Research, Development | Poznan, Poland | 2021 | 29/08/2021 - 30/08/2021 | Sp.z.o.o Diamond trading tour, Ukraine, NGO Bulletin. Science and Practice | Geology and hydrochemistry of mineral waters sources in Upper Racha (Georgia) | oral | Upper Racha is one of the mountainous parts of Georgia. It is a part of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Z. Racha is rich in carbonated mineral waters, which are distinguished by both species diversity and chemical composition. , Therefore, is common in the area of development of this sequence. Mineral waters containing chlorides are formed in the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonate flysch complex and are therefore distributed over an area composed of carbonate flysch rocks. | http://xn--e1aajfpcds8ay4h.com.ua/files/117_01s_x_2021.pdf |
International Symposium on Geofluids | Budapest, Hungary | 2021 | 07/07/2021 - 09/07/2021 | ENERAG H2020 project | Geothermal potential assessment of West Georgian Lowland | oral | West Georgia is rich in natural thermal waters and has a long history and traditions in their exploitation. These water resources have been used locally for balneological purposes only. The increasing exploitation caused decrease in pressure and flow rates of wells. Due to the abovementioned circumstances, it became necessary to study the thermal water resources on the territory of West Georgian lowland. In order to determine the hydraulic parameters of aquifers (hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, etc.) hydrodynamic tests - closing/opening tests correspondingly were carried out on the out-flow of selected wells or pumping-injection tests on the negative wells; and their influence on the other wells (interference) were determined too. The heat flow and major ions composition of thermal water were studied as well. For the realization of numerical model by software “Feflow”, using existing and newly obtained data a conceptual model of thermal water aquifer was created, that implies the description and outlining the recharge and discharge areas, property of aquifers. Numerical model defined hydrothermal resources, analyzed the possibility of creation of geothermal circulation systems, on the base of a pair of production and injection wells, to keep pressure in aquifer and avoid its total depletion. It will help to replace the traditional heat supply of the area with geothermal one in future. | https://geofluids2021.hu/index.php |
Web of Science: 0 Scopus: 0 Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-1, H-ინდექსი-1 |
Freshwater samples were taken within the framework of the project Superior Natural Drinking Water, the flow rate of wells and spring waters, temperature, geological conditions were visually described. | Mtskheta-Mtianeti region | 07/12/2016 - 21/12/2016 | state budget |
Determining the regularities of formation and distribution of Adjara-Trialeti mineral waters, cadastre development and mapping were carried out within the project. Chamber, laboratory, field-expedition works were also carried out. | Mtskheta-Mtianeti region | 28/09/2016 - 27/10/2016 | state budget |
In the frame of the project chamber, laboratory, field-expedition works were carried out. Brief chemical analyzes of mineral waters were performed on the field, volatile components (CO2, Fe divalent) were identified on the site, geological conditions of mineral water outlets were described, water debits, water taste, color, odor, transparency, water temperature were measured and stationary laboratory complete analysis of the water with the atomic-absorption spectrometer | Borjomi-Khashuri | 21/07/2016 - 19/08/2016 | state budget |
High quality natural drinking water Freshwater samples were taken within the project, wells and spring water flow rates, temperatures were measured, and geological conditions were visually described. | Mtskheta-Mtianeti region | 18/04/2017 - 02/05/2017 | state budget |
Project Adjara-Trialeti mineral water formation and distribution regularities, cadastre development and mapping. Guria-Adjara mineral water solutions have been studied, hydrogeological planning has been done. | Guria-Adjara | 05/06/2017 - 04/07/2017 | state budget |
Study of mineral water resource potential in the vicinity of Stepantsminda-Jvari Pass section of the Georgian military road Within the framework of the project, Mtskheta-Mtianeti mineral water solutions have been studied, hydrogeological planning has been done. Chamber, laboratory, field-expedition works have been carried out. Brief chemical analyzes of mineral waters were performed on the field, volatile and volatile components (CO2, Fe divalent) were identified on the site, geological conditions of mineral water outlets were described, water debits, water taste, color, odor, transparency were measured, water temperature was measured, stationary laboratory Complete analysis of the water by atomic-absorption spectrometer MGA-915MD determined the exact content of important micro-components. | Borjomi-Akhaltsikhe | 07/09/2017 - 06/10/2017 | state budget |
Study of mineral water resource potential in the vicinity of Stepantsminda-Jvari Pass section of the Georgian military road Within the framework of the project, Mtskheta-Mtianeti mineral water solutions have been studied, hydrogeological planning has been done. Chamber, laboratory, field-expedition works have been carried out. Brief chemical analyzes of mineral waters were performed on the field, volatile and volatile components (CO2, Fe divalent) were identified on the site, geological conditions of mineral water outlets were described, water debits, water taste, color, odor, transparency were measured, water temperature was measured, stationary laboratory Complete analysis of the water by atomic-absorption spectrometer MGA-915MD determined the exact content of important micro-components. | Mtskheta-Mtianeti region | 21/08/2018 - 19/09/2018 | state budget |
Study of mineral water resource potential in the vicinity of Stepantsminda-Jvari pass section of the Georgian military road Within the framework of the project, Mtskheta-Mtianeti mineral water solutions have been studied, hydrogeological planning has been done. | Mtskheta-Mtianeti region | 21/06/2018 - 20/07/2018 | state budget |
Project Research on the resource potential of Svaneti and Mountain Racha mineral waters. Debt of mineral water wells and springs was measured in field conditions, water temperature, pH was determined at the site and non-volatile components. | Mestia region | 23/08/2019 - 21/09/2019 | state budget |
Svaneti and Mountain Racha Mineral Water Resource Potential Survey The project explores 25 solutions for Upper Svaneti Mineral Waters. Five of them are covered with material brought in by river floods and could not be tasted. Sources studied on the river. It is located in the valleys of the right tributaries of the Enguri. They are all carbon dioxide type waters. Their part is low mineralization 2.0-5.0 m / l. The second part is weak mineralization. All are saturated with CO2. One part of the mineral springs has a very small debit, but this is an easily overcome problem. 50-150 m. With the help of deep exploration-exploration wells it is possible to increase their debit a hundred times and more. A good example of this is the village. Well drilled in Nakra, 1.5 m from which. A mineral water fountain rises to the heights. Its debit is 230 m3 per day. General Characterization of Upper Svaneti Mineral Waters: Carbon dioxide type is sodium bicarbonate-calcium or calcium-sodium. Does not contain trace elements harmful to health in the form of heavy metals. | Mestia region | 10/06/2019 - 09/07/2019 | state budget |
In the fResource potential study of Zemo Svaneti and Mountain Racha mineral waters The project explored the sources and wells of Mountain Racha mineral waters (12 solutions in total), springs in the village of Glola, Ghebi well and Lashichala mineral water group. Field-chemical analyzes of mineral waters were performed, determination of water flow, pH and temperature.ramework of the project | Racha-Lechkhumi | 11/08-9/09/ 2020 | state budget |
Resource potential research of Zemo Svaneti and Mountain Racha mineral waters The project explored the sources and wells of Mountain Racha mineral waters (16 solutions in total), conducted field-chemical analyzes of mineral waters, determined water flow and temperature. | Oni region | 17/06/2020 - 16/07/2020 | state budget |
Mineral water resource potential study on the south-eastern slope of the Caucasus main ridge Mineral water sources and wells were studied as part of the project. Geological conditions of the solution were studied in the field conditions, field chemical analyzes of the mineral waters were performed, temperature and flow rate were measured. | Dusheti Municipality | 12/07/2021 - 10/08/2021 | state budget |
Mineral water resource potential study of the south-eastern slope of the Caucasus main ridge The project explored 25 mineral water solutions (source and well). Mineral waters are almost all carbon dioxide, which was expected, as the study area is part of the carbon dioxide province of the southern slope of the Caucasus. According to the chemical composition, mineral waters in the region are mainly mixed mineral waters with alkaline-saline; Most of which by the ratio of the main components and the total amount of mineralization can be attributed to the type of healing water - Essentuki. | Dusheti Municipality | 24/06/2021 - 23/07/2021 | state budget |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus