Nathalie Fokina
Doctor of Science
'Talga' Institute
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Data and place of birth: 22.11.1947, Tbilisi, Georgia; Education: M.S. Physics, 1970, Tbilisi State University; Dr. Sci. (Phys.&Math). 1995, Institute of Applied Problems of Physics, Erevan, Armenia (DIPLOMA No. 00036, 01.03.1995, Erevan); Employment: Tbilisi State University, junior and senior researcher, 1974-2006; 2013 till present – researcher and main researcher at the Institute “Talgha” of the Georgian Technical University; Publications: About 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals; Postgraduate students directed: 1986-1990 – Nonlinear Low-Temperature Spin Dynamics of Multilevel Paramagnetic Systems; 1988-1992 – Nuclear Relaxation and Low Frequency Absorption Amplification in Solids at Low Temperatures; 1988-1993 – Radiofrequency Radiation by the Inverted Spin System Connected with Resonator; 2002-2005 – Spin Relaxation of non-common Metals and Isolators and Methods of its Investigation; Area of expertise: Low-temperature spin dynamics, nonlinear phenomena, superradiance, longitudinal response, spin relaxation in non-common metals, dynamics of spin triplet states. Language Proficiency: Russian (native); Georgian (sufficiently), English (well), German (sufficiently).
55Mn spin relaxation with the participation of mobile carriers in doped perovskites | N. P. Fokina, M. O. Elizbarashvili | article | Springer/ Physics of the Solid State (S-Petersburg), March 2005/ vol. 47, pp. 513–516 | Impact factor: 0.895 | ISSN:1063-7834; E-ISSN:1090-6460 | http://doi.org/10.1134/1.1884714 | English | State Targeted Program |
Determination of Magnetization Dynamics of the Material with Spin Triplet States under the Action of a Weak Varying Field and Spin-Lattice Interaction in Zero Constant Field. | N. P. Fokina and M. O. Elizbarashvili | textbook | B P International/ Newest Updates in Physical Science, August 2021/ vol.15, chapter 14, pp. 145-152 | SJR 0.271 | ISBN: 978-93-91882-51-8 eBook ISBN: 978-93-91882-58-7 | https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/nupsr/v15/12205D | English | State Targeted Program |
Pure Superradiance from the Inverted Levels of Spin Triplet States Coupled to Resonator. | N. P. Fokina and M. O. Elizbarashvili | article | Springer/Applied Magnetic Resonance, May 2021/vol 52, No. 7, pp.769-780 | Impact factor 0.831 | ISSN: 0937-9347 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00723-021-01346-x | English | State Targeted Program |
Free Induction Decay and Spin Echo Signals from Spin Triplet States of Axially Asymmetric Objects in Single Crystals in Zero Constant Magnetic Field: Application of Single Transition Operators. | N. P. Fokina and M. O. Elizbarashvili | article | EUROPA Publishing/ EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science, July 2020/ vol. 5, No.7, pp. 813-821. | SJR 0.148 | ISSN: 2506-8016 | https://doi.org/10.24018/ejeng.2020.5.7.2018 | English | State Targeted Program |
Magnetization Dynamics of the Material with Spin Triplet States under the Action of a Weak Varying Field and Spin-Lattice Interaction in Zero Constant Field. | N. P. Fokina and M. O. Elizbarashvili | article | IOP Publishing (UK)/ Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019/vol 1353, 012010 (6 pp.) | Impact factor 0.547 | ISSN: 1742-6588 | https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012010 | English | State Targeted Program |
Anisotropic Evolution of the Spin-Triplet States Under the Action of the Varying Fields and the Lattice in a Nonzero Constant Field. | N. Fokina, E. Khalvashi, M. Elizbarashvili | article | Springer/ Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, October 2019/ vol. 32, No10, pp. 3093-3095. | Impact factor 1.506 | ISSN: 1557-1939 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10948-019-5014-7 | English | Grant Project |
Anisotropic Evolution of the Spin-Triplet States at Magnetic Resonance Conditions in the Non-Weak Constant Field: Application of Single Transition Operators. | N. Fokina, E. Khalvashi, M. Elizbarashvili. | article | Georgian Technical University/GESJ: Physics, 2018.07.01/ No.1 (19), pp. 86-96 | 0 | ISSN: 1512-1461 | https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2018-07 | English | Grant Project |
The low-frequency method to measure the longitudinal relaxation rates of the separate transitions of the spin-triplet states | N. Fokina, E. Khalvashi, M. Elizbarashvili | article | Georgian Technical University/GESJ: Physics, 2017.12.31/ No.2 (18), pp. 93-97 | 0 | ISSN: 1512-1461 | https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/en/list_artic_en.php?b_sec=phys&issue=2017-12 | English | Grant Project |
Angular and temperature dependencies of EPR linewidth and Gorter relaxation rates in concentrated paramagnets: Application to La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 and La0.875Sr0.125MnO3 | E. Kh. Khalvashi, N. P. Fokina, M. O. Elizbarashvili | article | Department of Theoretical Physics, Physics Faculty, Kazan State University/ Magnetic Resonance in solids. Electronic journal (MRSej), 2017/ vol. 19, No 1, 17101 (17 pp.) | SJR 0.170 | ISSN: 2072-5981 | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313738487_Angular_and_temperature_dependencies_of_EPR_linewidth_and_Gorter_relaxation_rates_in_concentrated_paramagnets_Application_to_La09Sr01MnO3_and_La0875Sr0125MnO3 | English | Grant Project |
Angular and temperature dependencies of EPR and paramagnetic relaxation characteristics in KCuF3 single crystal. | N. P. Fokina, E. Kh. Khalvashi, and M. O. Elizbarashvili | article | International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), Vol. 5, Issue 3, 20 (2016). | SJR 0.208 | ISSN: 2319-5967 | http://www.ijesit.com/Volume%205/Issue%203/IJESIT201603_03.pdfhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/304821143_ANGULAR_AND_TEMPERATURE_DEPENDENCIES_OF_EPR_AND_PARAMAGNETIC_RELAXATION_CHARACTERISTICS_IN_KCuF3_SINGLE_CRYSTAL | English | Grant Project |
Paramagnetic relaxation in anisotropic materials in zero and weak constant fields | N. P. Fokina, E. Kh. Khalvashi, and K. O. Khutsishvili | article | AIP publishing/ Journ. Appl. Physics, December 2014/ vol. 116, 233902 (8pp) | impact factor 2.546 | ISSN 0021-8979 | https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4904072 | English | State Targeted Program |
Colossal Magnetoresistance Mechanism in Doped Manganites Based on the Canted Ferromagnetic Phase. | K. O. Khutsishvili, N. P. Fokina | article | AIP publishing/ Journ. Appl. Physics, May 2010/ vol. 107, p. 09B109 | impact factor 2.546 | ISSN: 0021-8979 | https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3352575 | English | Grant Project |
Static and dynamic double-exchange effects in doped manganites | K.O. Khutsishvili and N.P. Fokina | article | Springer/ Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , December 2009/ vol. 109, Article number: 794 | Impact Factor 1.29 | ISSN: 0044-4510 | https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063776109110090 | English | Grant Project |
FMR linewidth and resonance frequency shift caused by double exchange in doped lanthanum manganites. | K.O. Khutsishvili, N.P. Fokina | article | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Single Crystals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine/Functional Materials (Kharkov) 2008/ vol. 15, No. 2, pp 209-217 | SJR -0.18 (2018) | ISSN 1027-5495; E-ISSN 2218-2993 | http://functmaterials.org.ua/contents/15-2/fm152-02.pdf | English | Grant Project |
Spin Relaxation of Quadrupole Nuclei in Paramagnetic and Magnetically Ordered Insulators. | N.P. Fokina, M.O. Elizbarashvili | article | Springer/ Physics of the Solid State (S-Petersburg), March 2005/ vol. 47, pp. 513–516 | Impact factor : 0.895 | ISSN:1063-7834 | "http://doi.org/10.1134/1.1884714 " | English | State Targeted Program |
Longitudinal Response of the Spin System of a Metal to Modulated EPR Saturation at Arbitrary Modulation Frequency and Detuning of the Saturating Field | N. P. Fokina, M. O. Élizbarashvili, V. A. Atsarkin, V. V. Demidov. | article | Springer/ Physics of the Solid State, November 2003/ vol. 45, pp 2017–2024 | Impact factor : 0.895 | ISSN: 1063-7834 (print) 1090-6460 (online) | https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1626731 | English | State Targeted Program |
ESR and Longitudinal Response in Metals Containing Localized Paramagnetic Centers with Spin S>1/2. | N.P. Fokina, K.O. Khutsishvili, and V.A. Atsarkin. | article | Springer/ Appl. Magn. Reson., June 2003/ vol. 24, pp. 197-213 | Impact factor 0.831 | ISSN: 0937-9347 | DOI:10.1007/BF03166660 | English | State Targeted Program |
EPR and longitudinal response signals in spin systems consisting of localized (s=1/2) and delocalized spins. | K.O. Khutsishvili, N.P. Fokina | article | Springer/Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, January 2003/ Vol. 123, No. 1, pp. 98-108 | Impact factor 1.255 | ISSN: 0044-4510 | https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1545387 | State Targeted Program |
6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism. | Antalya, Turkey. | 2018 | 29/04-04/05 | International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) | Anisotropic Evolution of the Spin-Triplet States under the Action of the Varying Fields and the Lattice in a Non-Zero Constant Field. | oral | Some questions of the dynamics of the spin-triplet states (STS) are investigated. The equations of motion of the magnetization components related to the separate transitions of the EPR fine structure (FS) under the action of the constant and varying field are derived in the common case. Further consideration of the magnetization motion effects, including EPR, is restricted to the case of a non-zero constant field. It is demonstrated that at the definite condition fulfillment, the free motion of the sample magnetization after the excitation of one of the FS transitions is the precession at the frequency of the excited transition with an ellipse in the plane transverse to the constant field. At that, the square module of the magnetization vector contains as the constant part, so the part, oscillating at the double frequency of the excited transition. The tensor of the dynamic susceptibility of the spin-system (SS) to the microwave field is written at the creation of the resonance conditions for each transition of the well resolved FS. At the same condition, as above, the matrix elements of this tensor reflect the elliptical character of the magnetization precession at the stationary excitation by the transverse microwave field. Some aspects of the spin-lattice relaxation (SLR) of STS are analytically studied in the common case. The rate of the one-phonon SLR is obtained under conditions when SS is described by a single spin temperature. The SLR rates of the separate transitions of the FS are calculated at the same one-phonon mechanism. The low-frequency method of their finding is proposed with the help of the Gorter type experiment in the constant field, transforming the three-level SS into the two-level one. Three non-zero diagonal elements of the corresponding low-frequency susceptibility tensor are analytically obtained. | https://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:51083256 |
VIII International Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union. | Batumi, Georgia | 2017 | 04/09-08/09 | Union of the Mathematicians of Georgia | Dynamics of the Electron Spins S = 1 with the Zero-Field Level Splitting in the Molecular Crystals in a Strong Constant Field. | oral | Some questions of the dynamics of the electron spins S=1 possessing the zero-field splitting are investigated in a strong constant magnetic field. The equations of motion of the magnetization components related to the separate transitions of the EPR fine structure (FS) are derived. It is demonstrated that the free motion of the sample magnetization is the precession at the frequency of the excited “allowed” transition with an ellipse in the plane transverse to the constant field, which is accompanied by the longitudinal magnetization component oscillation at the frequency of the “forbidden” transition. The tensor of the dynamic susceptibility of the spin-system (SS) to the microwave field is written at the creation of the resonance conditions for each transition of the well resolved FS. The matrix elements of this tensor reflect the elliptical character of the magnetization precession at the frequency of the very same transition, for which the resonance conditions are created. The SLR rates of the separate transitions of the FS are calculated at the same mechanism. The low-frequency method of their measurement is suggested with the help of the Gorter type experiment in a strong constant field transforming the three-level SS into the two-level one with the analytically derived expressions for the three non-zero diagonal elements of the low-frequency susceptibility tensor at the three directions of the constant field. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/#10_Fokina_conf_2017.pdf |
II International Conference - | Batumi, Georgia | 2016 | 08/09-09/09 | Batumi State Maritime Academy. | Angular and temperature dependencies of the weak field EPR and paramagnetic relaxation characteristics in KCuF_3 and lightly doped Lantanum Manganite single crystals. | oral | The EPR broadening model conditioned by the one-phonon mechanism of the anisotropic spin-spin reservoir spin-lattice relaxation in the weak constant field is suggested by us for the concentrated paramagnets with the dominating exchange interaction. It is shown in the given presentation that under the definite conditions the EPR linewidth by this model can be presented as the EPR linewidth by the Kubo-Tomita (KT) exchange narrowing theory, multiplied by the spin-phonon factor, proportional to the lattice temperature. The analytical results are reduced to the form suitable for the application to the obtaining of the anisotropic Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) and crystal field (CF) interaction constants in materials with such interactions. The plots of the temperature and angular dependencies are built for the weak field EPR in the lightly doped lanthanum manganite (LM) single crystals agreeing with the experimental ones. The corresponding angular dependencies of the zero-field relaxation rates measurable in the Gorter type experiments are also plotted allowing at the availability of such experiments duplicating the EPR results. Тhe temperature and angular dependencies plotted according to the KT exchange narrowing theory with the subsequent account for the short range spin correlations in the case when the nature of the EPR broadening is of the pure spin-spin type (DM interaction) well agree with the experiment in KCuF3. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/#12_Fokina_conf_2016.pdf |
11-th JOINT MMM-Intermag Conference | Washington, DC.,USA | 2010 | 18/01-22/01 | MMM-Intermag | Colossal Magnetoresistance Mechanism in Doped Manganites based on the Canted Ferromagnetic Phase. | oral | The expression for the double exchange Hamiltonian means that the energy density of the Hamiltonian longitudinal part includes the energy of the mobile electrons with the regard for the possibility of their being in one of the two states. That is to say, if the hopping of the mobile electrons takes place, the given magnetic system at the absence of the polarizing external field can never be the completely saturated ferromagnet, what is unambiguously confirmed by the experimental data. It is demonstrated by us that in the doped manganites the antiferromagnetic phase transforms into the ferromagnetic canted phase under the action of the mobile electron hopping. It is shown that the colossal magnetoresistance effect can be conditioned by the change of the magnetization canting angle at the application of a constant magnetic field. The evaluation of the magnetoresistance value in the ferromagnetic canted phase model is carried out and it is shown that it qualitatively and quantitatively agrees with the experiment. | "https://ieeemagnetics.org/index.php?view=details&id=3%3A11th-joint-mmm-intermag-conference&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=117 " |
Material Science days | Tbilisi,Georgia | 2009 | 8-10 June | French CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and Iv. Javakshishvili Tbilisi State University | "CMR mechanism in Doped Manganites based on the Canted FM Phase Presence " | oral | As is well known, the hole-doping of lanthanum manganites leads to the appearance of the nonzero spontaneous magnetization. Ferromagnetic coupling in these compounds is found to arise from a double exchange (DE) process due to -electron hopping from Mn3+ ion via O2- ion to Mn4+ ion. Basing on this fact, the possibility of the FM canted phase stimulated by DE was stated by other authors. Recently, it was also shown that in doped manganites the transition from the antiferromagnetic (AFM) state stipulated by the interaction to the ferromagnetic (FM) state can occur by the conversion of magnetic sublattice magnetizations into the FM canted state. It is demonstrated by us that in the doped manganites the antiferromagnetic phase transforms into the ferromagnetic canted phase under the action of the mobile electron hopping. It is shown that the colossal magnetoresistance effect can be conditioned by the change of the magnetization canting angle at the application of a constant magnetic field. The evaluation of the magnetoresistance value in the ferromagnetic canted phase model is carried out and it is shown that it qualitatively and quantitatively agrees with the experiment. | https://www.tsu.ge/data/file_db/faculty_zust_sabunebismetk/TSU_2009_MSD-web.pdf |
International Conference „Functional Materials" | Kharkov, Ukraine | 2007 | 0 | Institute of the Single Crystals | FMR linewidth and resonance frequency shift caused by double exchange in doped lanthanum manganites. | oral | The mechanism of FMR broadening and resonance frequency shift in a ferromagnetic conducting sample (hopping conductivity) of a doped lanthanum manganite, caused by the double exchange (DE) under FMR conditions (by the dynamic double exchange, or DDE) is presented. It is shown, that the given mechanism causes the resonance frequency shift and the FMR decay (linewidth). This shift and broadening mechanism is effective, when the variable field frequency is of the order of the mobile electron relaxation rate . For the validity of the offered mechanism the fulfillment of the inequality is necessary. The obtained expressions at are in the qualitative agreement with the observed dependence of FMR linewidth on the variable field frequency, and also at the definite suppositions with the experimental data on temperature dependence of FMR spectrum. We believe, that the given research can promote the obtaining of the quantitative information on DE constants. | http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/134542?fbclid=IwAR0VyqAyKYtBhshX2B_aGC8_rBkMDJ8uzAJaY5n2jFpu5wdifgE1H7v_5AQ |
Study of non-common metals of practical interest: ESR investigations, Workshop, EPF Lausanne | Lausanne, Swiss | 2004 | 10-11 June | Lausanne Federal Polytechnic School | Spin Relaxation of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Paramagnetic and ordered Isolators and that Realized with the Participation of Mobile Carriers in the Doped Perovskites | oral | Expressions are derived for the relaxation rates of both the transverse nuclear magnetization components when individual transitions are excited in the quadrupole structure and the total longitudinal nuclear magnetization component. These expressions are reduced to a form that contains the Fourier transforms of the time correlation functions only for the electron spins. Given the specific form of these correlation functions corresponding to different phase states of the electron spins and different origins of their fluctuations, the temperature dependences of the nuclear relaxation rates are ascertained in various cases, including those for dipole and isotropic hyperfine interactions. Calculations are performed for arbitrary electron and half-integer nuclear spins by taking into account the possible quadrupole splitting of the NMR spectrum without any restriction on the smallness of the ratio ћωs/kBT (ωs is the resonance frequency of the electron spins). The derived expressions are compared with available experimental data on the longitudinal and transverse nuclear relaxation in colossal-magnetoresistance lanthanum manganites in the part of their phase diagram where the corresponding samples are either paramagnetic or magnetically ordered insulators and near the points of transition to an ordered state. Interpretations alternative to the existing ones are offered. | https://www.epfl.ch/en/ |
Web of Science: 143 Scopus: 143 Google Scholar: 143 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
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Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |