Besarion Shanshiashvili

Doctor of Science

Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems of the Georgian Technical University

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Education: Geogian Polytechnical Institute, Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering, Speciality – Automatics and Teleautomatics. Qualification – Electrical Engineer (1964-1969); Georgian Polytechnical Institute, Day Postgraduate Studies. Speciality – Automatic Regulation and Control Theory (1970-1973); Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Speciality – Mathematics. Qualification – Mathematician, Teacher of Mathematics. Scientific Degree: Candidate of Technics Sciences (1974); Doctor of Technics Sciences (2001). Scientific Title: Senior Research Assistant (1990), Assistant Professor (1991), Professor (2004). Academies of Sciences Membership: Corresponding-member of the Engineering Academy of Georgia (2007), Full Member (Academician) of the Engineering Academy of Georgia (2011). Research Interests: System Identification, Control Theory, Dynamical Systems Theory, Optimal Control, Adaptive Control, Ordinary Differential Equations.

Structure and Parameter Identification of a Certain Class of Nonlinear Systems of the Second DegreeShanshiashvili B.articleGeorgian Academy of Sciences. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. 2002, № 6, pp. 29-38- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Parameter Estimation of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Systems with Feedback by Least Squares MethodShanshiashvili B.articleGeorgian Academy of Sciences. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. 2002, № 6, pp. 39-472002, № 6, pp. 39-47- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Structure and Parameter Identification of a Certain Class of Nonlinear Systems with FeedbackSalukvadze M.E., Shanshiashvili B.G.articleV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences. Proceedings of the II International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’03. Moscow, 2003, pp. 572-582- ISBN 5-201-14947-2 -RussianState Targeted Program
Structure Identification of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Stationary SystemsRurua A.A., Shanshiashvili B. articleV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences. Proceedings of the II International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’03. Moscow, 2003, pp. 583-592- ISBN 5-201-14947-2- RussianState Targeted Program
Parameter identification of certain class of linear dynamical systems with variable parametersSalukvadze M.E., Shanshiashvili B. articleGeorgian Academy of Sciences. A.Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, № 7. 2003, pp. 5-10- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Structural Identification of Certain Class of Nonlinear Systems with Feedback in Transient RegimeShanshiashvili B.articleGeorgian Academy of Sciences. Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2003, № 7, pp. 21-32- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Parameter Identification of a Certain Class of Non-Stationary Linear Dynamic SystemsSalukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B.articleV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences. Proceedings of the III International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’04. Moscow, 2006, pp. 1520-1527- ISBN-5-201-14965-0 -RussianState Targeted Program
Synthesis of Binary Control Systems of Non-Stationary Linear Processes in Conditions of NoiseRigishvili T., Shanshiashvili B.articleGeorgian Academy of Sciences. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings of the international Conference “Problems of Control and Power Engineering” 2004, № 8, pp. 320-324- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Identification of One Class of Nonlinear Systems on the Set of Continuous-Time Block-Oriented Models Shanshiashvili B.articleGeorgian Academy of Sciences. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings of the international Conference “Problems of Control and Power Engineering” 2004, № 8, pp. 315-319- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Identification of One Class of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Positive Feedback Salukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B.articleGeorgian Academy of Sciences. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings of the international Conference “Problems of Control and Power Engineering” 2004, № 8, pp. 54-58- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Identification of Nonlinear Continuous Systems in The Frequency DomainShanshiashvili B.articleGeorgian Academy of Sciences. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2005, № 9, pp. 60-67- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Structural and Parametric Identification of a Certain Class of Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency DomainShanshiashvili B.articleV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences. Proceedings of the V International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’06. Moscow, 2006, pp. 189-202- ISBN-5-201-14985-5 -RussianState Targeted Program
Parametric Identification and Model Validation of Linear Non- Stationary Systems Shanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2006, № 10, pp. 52-59- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Identification and Modeling of Nonlinear Systems with FeedbackShanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2006, № 10, pp. 60-65- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Parameteric Identification of Heat Conduction ProcessNarimanashvili N., Shanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2006, № 10, pp. 66-69- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Identification of One Class of Non-Stationary Linear Dynamic SystemsShanshiashvili B.articleV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences. Proceedings of the VI International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’07. Moscow, 2007, pp. 370-378- ISBN-5-201-14992-8 -RussianState Targeted Program
Parametric identification and model validation of linear non-stationary multivariate systemsSalukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B.articlePublisher House: "Technical University". Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Information technologies in control". ITC’ 07. Vol. I, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 191-196- ISBN 978-99940-954-0-7. ISBN 978-99940-954-1-4 -RussianState Targeted Program
Identification of Nonlinear Systems on the Set of High Order Block-Oriented ModelsShanshiashvili B., Shanshiashvili N.articlePublisher House: "Technical University". Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Information technologies in control". ITC’ 07. Vol. I, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 197-202- ISBN 978-99940-954-0-7. ISBN 978-99940-954-1-4- RussianState Targeted Program
Investigation of Structural Identification Algorithm of Nonlinear Systems with Feedback with the Help Computer ModelingShanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2007, № 11, pp. 38-44- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Identification of Nonlinear Systems with Determined and Stochastic Block-Oriented ModelsBolkvadze G., Salukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2007, № 11, pp. 24-34- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Structural Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Linear Hyperbolic Part Narimanashvili N., Shanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2007, № 11, pp. 45-49- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Synthesis of Binary Control Systems in the Presence of Non-Idealities in Regulation ChannelsRigishvili T., Shanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2007, № 11, pp. 50-57- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Structural Identification and Computer Modeling of One Class Nonlinear Systems with Feedback Shanshiashvili B., Rigishvili T.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2008, № 12, pp. 45-50- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Parametric Identification and Model Validation of Linear Dynamical Systems with Variable ParametersSalukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2008, № 12, pp. 38-44- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
Automatic Optimizer on Sliding ModesRigishvili T., Shanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2008, № 12, pp. 55-59- ISSN 0135-0765 -RussianState Targeted Program
About identification of nonlinear continuous systemsShanshiashvili B.articleProceedigs of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician V.A. Melnikov (Moscow, Russia, February 19 - 20, 2009). (Plenary report). 2009, pp. 39-41- ISBN 978-0-543-57700-9- RussianState Targeted Program
Structural identification of nonlinear continuous dynamic systemsShanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M.articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2009, № 13, pp. 40-45- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Parametric identification of nonlinear continuous dynamic systemsShanshiashvili B., Shanshiashvili N. articleLEPL Archil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Proceedings. Tbilisi, 2009, № 13, pp. 46-52- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Water pollution estimation in flows by identification of solute oxygenSalukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B., Gabisonia V. articlePublisher House “Universali”. Chemical Georgian Journal. Vol. № 4, 2010, pp. 158-159- ISSN 1512-0686 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems with positive feedbackShanshiashvili B.articleThe Third International Conference “Problems of Cyberernetcs and Informaticcs” PCI’ 2010 (Ba-ku, Azerbaijan, september 6-8, 2010). Volume II. Baki, “Elm”, 2010, pp. 156-159- ISBN 978-9952-453-15 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Increase in the speed of automatic optimizers on sliding modesRigishvili T., Shanshiashvili B.articleThe Third International Conference “Problems of Cyberernetcs and Informaticcs” PCI’ 2010 (Baku, Azerbaijan, september 6-8, 2010). Volume III. Baki, “Elm”, 2010, pp. 160-163- ISBN 978-9952-453-15-7- EnglishState Targeted Program
About the Use of Parallel Computing in Problems of Identification of One Class Of Nonlinear SystemsShanshiashvili B.G.articleV. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Science Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Proceedings of the fifth International Conference “Parallel Computing and Control problems” PACO’2010, 2010, pp. 227-240- ISBN 978-5-91450-064-8 -RussianState Targeted Program
Identification and Modeling of Linear Non-Stationary Systems Shanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M., Maisuradze V. articleLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Georgian Technical University. Procee¬dings. № 14. Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 9-16- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Methods of Multicriterion Identification for Dynamic systemsMaisuradze V., Salukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B. articleLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Georgian Technical University. Procee¬dings. № 14. Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 36-60- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Identıfıcatıon and Modellıng of Complex Dynamıcal SystemsShanshiashvili B.articleLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Georgian Technical University. Procee¬dings. № 14. Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 61-72- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Identification of one class of the nonlinear open-loop systemsShanshiashvili B., Mchedlishvili N.articlePublisher House “Technical University”, Information and computer Technologies, Modelling , Control - Proceedings. 2011, pp. 101-103.- ISBN: 9789941149422 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Identification of One Class Nonlinear Systems with Closed CycleSalukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B. articleIFAC Proceedings Volumes, Volume 44, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 5627-5632Impact factor - 1.13 ISSN 2589-3653 Targeted Program
Identification of one class nonlinear dynamic systems with closed cycleShanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M. articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Georgian Technical University. Proceedings. № 15. Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 28-38- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Identification and Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamic Open Systems Shanshiashvili B., Maisuradze V., Bolkvadze G., Mchedlishvili N.articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Georgian Technical University. Procee¬dings. № 15. Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 60-66- ISSN 0135-0765 -State Targeted Program
Parametrical Identification and Control in the Closed Contour in the Class of Models WienerBolkvadze G., Shanshiashvili B. articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Georgian Technical University. Proceedings. № 15. Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 79-84.= ISSN 0135-0765 =GeorgianState Targeted Program
Identification and Modeling of the Nonlinear Dynamic Open Loop SystemShanshiashvili B., Bolkvadzame G. articlePCI’ 2012. IV International Conference “Problems of Cyberernetcs and Informaticcs” (Baku, Azer-baijan, september 12-14, 2012), vol. IV. 2012, pp. 159-162- ISBN 978-9952-434-39-2, ISBN 978-1-4673-4501-9 DOI:10.1109/ICPCI.2012.6486342EnglishState Targeted Program
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Adaptive Systems Identification and Control with Power Objects on the Basis of Wiener-hammerstein ModelBolkvadze G., Shanshiashvili B. articlePCI’ 2012. IV International Conference “Problems of Cyberernetcs and Informaticcs” (Baku, Azer-baijan, september 12-14, 2012), vol. IV. 2012, pp. 159-162- ISBN 978-9952-434-39-2, ISBN 978-1-4673-4501-9 DOI:10.1109/ICPCI.2012.6486342EnglishState Targeted Program
Identification of one class of the nonlinear open-loop systemsShanshiashvili Besarion, Mchedlishvili NinoarticleNova Science Publishers, Information and Computer Technologies – Theory and Practice. In Series: Computer Science, Technology and Applications. New York, 2012, pp. 167-174- ISBN: 978-1-61324-870-6 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Structural identification of nonlinear systems Using block-oriented modelsShanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M.articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Georgian Technical University. Proceedings. № 16. Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 31-36- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Parametrıc ıdentıfıcatıon of one class of the lınear nonstatıonary systemsShanshiashvili B.articleArchil .Eliashvili Institute of control systems. Georgian Technical University. Procee¬dings. № 16. Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 37-42- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Identification of Nonlinear Continuous Dynamic Systems with Closed CycleSalukvadze M., Shanshiashvili B. articleInternational Journal of Information Technology & Decision making, vol. 12, no. 2, 2013, pp. 179-199იმპაქტ ფაქტორი - 1.94 ISSN (print): 0219-6220 | ISSN (online): EnglishState Targeted Program
Model validation at identification of one class of nonstationary systemsShanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M. articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings. № 17, Tbilisi, 2013, pp. 27-33- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Structural identification of nonlinear dynamical systems on the set of continuous block-oriented modelsShanshiashvili B.articleV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences. Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Conference on Control Problems. (Moscow, Russia, June 16 – 19, 2014). Moscow, 2014, pp. 3018-3028- ISBN 978-5-91450-151-5- RussianState Targeted Program
Structure Identıfıcatıon and Modellıng of Nonlinear Continuous Dynamıcal Systems Shanshıashvılı B., Salukvadze M., Gabısonıa V.articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings. № 18. Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 13-18- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Identification of one class of dynamic systems with variable parametersShanshiashvili B. articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings. № 18. Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 130-135- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Parameter identification of one class of non-stationary dynamic systemsShanshiashvili B.articleV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Proceedings of the X International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’15 (Moscow, Russia, January 26-29, 2015). Moscow, 2015, pp. 887-895- ISBN 978-5-91450-162-1 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Parameter identification of one class of non-stationary systemsShanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M.articlePubl. house: Technical University. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference - Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, Control. Tbilisi, 2015, pp. 262-267. - ISBN 978-9941-20-575-0 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Model validation at identification of linear dynamical systems with variable parametersShanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M., Dadiani N., Gabısonıa V. articlePubl. house "Universali". Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings. № 19. Tbilisi, 2015, pp. 14-20- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems with feedback of manufacturing processesPrangishvili A., Shanshiashvili B., Tsveraidze Z.articlePreprints, IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, MIM '2016 (June 28-30, 2016, Troyes, France), 2016, pp. 608-613- - -EnglishState Targeted Program
Estimation of system matrix at identification of linear dynamical non-stationary systemsShanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M., Gabısonıa V. articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings, № 20. Tbilisi, 2016, pp. 9-18.- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems with feedback of manufacturing processesPrangishvili A., Shanshiashvili B., Tsveraidze Z. articleScienceDirect. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2016. Volume 49, Issue 12, 2016, pp. 580-585იმპაქტ ფაქტორი - 0.63 ISSN: 2405-8963 Targeted Program
Structure identification of continuous nonlinear dynamical systemsShanshiashvili B., Prangishvili A.articleElsevier Science Publishers. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference, Procedia Computer Science. Volume 112, 2017, pp. 1032-1043.იმპაქტ ფაქტორი - 1.16 ISSN:1877-0509 EISSN:1877-0509 Targeted Program
Parameter identification of linear non-stationary dynamical systemsShanshiashvili B., Salukvadze M. articleNova Science Publishers, New York. In series: Computer Science, Technology and Applications. 2017. (Chapter 27), pp. 271-286- ISBN: 978-1-53612-075-2 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Estimation of Wiener- Hammerstein Model Parameters in The Frequency DomainShanshıashvılı B., Chelıdze B.articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings, № 21. Tbilisi, 2017, pp. 16-21- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
System Matrix Identification at Modelling of Linear Dynamic Systems with Variable ParametersPrangishvili A., Shanshiashvili B., Tsveraidze Z. articlePublishing House "Technical University", Transactions Automated Control Systems Dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Unesco Chair “Information Society” of GTU. № 2(26). Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 35-43- ISSN 1512-3979 (Print), EISSN 1512-2174 (Online) -EnglishState Targeted Program
Parameter Identification of Hammerstein-Wiener Systems in the Frequency DomainShanshıashvılı B., Salukvadze M.articleArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings, № 22. Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 14-19- ISSN 0135-0765 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Frequency domain identification of block-oriented nonlinear systemsShanshiashvili B., Kavlashvili N., Dadiani N., Omiadze K. articlePubl. house "Matsne Print". Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings, № 23. Tbilisi, 2019, pp. 15-23.- ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Structure Identification of Continuous-Time Block-Oriented Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency DomainShanshiashvili B., Prangishvili A., Tsveraidze Z.articleScienceDirect. IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 52, Issue 13, 2019, pp. 463-468.იმპაქტ ფაქტორი - 1.18 ISSN 2405-8963 Targeted Program
Frequency domain parameter identification of expanded wiener modelShanshiashvili B., Kavlashvili N., Avazneli B. articlePubl. house - ISSN 0135-0765 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Parameter identification of nonlinear dynamic systems of industrial processesShanshiashvili B., Kavlashvili N. articleBiological and Chemical Research. Science Signpost Publishing Inc. Vol.7, Issue 2, February 2020, pp. 21-34.- ISSN 2312-008 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Parameter Identification of Block-Oriented Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency DomainShanshiashvili B., Rigishvili T. articleScienceDirect. IFAC PapersOnLine Volume 53, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 10695–10700იმპაქტ ფაქტორი - 1.13 ISSN 2405-8963 Targeted Program
System IdentificationShanshiashvili B.textbook- ISBN 978-9941-28-785-5 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Modelling of Industrial Processes Using Wiener ModelsShanshiashvili B., Avazneli B. articleTransactions Automated Control Systems Dedicated to the 50th Foundation Anniversary of the Chair "Automated Control Systems" of GTU (1971-2021), № 1(32), Vol. 1.1. Tbilisi, 2021, pp. 86-91.- ISSN 1512-3979 (Print), EISSN 1512-2174 (Online) -EnglishState Targeted Program
Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Structured by Expanded Wiener ModelShanshiashvili B., Avazneli B. articleSpringer Link, Advances in Production Management Systems. Part of the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology book series (IFIPAICT, volume 630). 2021, pp. 546-554. იმპაქტ ფაქტორი - 0.665 ISBN 978-3-030-85874-2 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Features and models of operation of closed-loop nonlinear systemsShanshiashvili B.articlePubl. house "Sachino". Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. Proceedings, № 25. Tbilisi. 2021, pp. 9-15 ISSN 0135-0765-EnglishState Targeted Program

II International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’03 Moscow, Russia200329-31 იანვარიV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of SciencesStructure and Parameter Identification of a Certain Class of Nonlinear Systems with Feedbackoral

The problem of structure identification of nonlinear stationary systems on the set of continuous-time block-oriented models is considered. Methods of structure identification in steady state with input periodical influences having Fourier's uniformly and absolutely convergent series, and input random processes with normal distribution are proposed. According to the developed criteria of the model structure identification it is possible to choose certain subsets of the models' set for the presentation of the investigated system's model structure
II International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’03 Moscow, Russia200329-31 იანვარიV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of SciencesStructure Identification of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Stationary Systemsoral

The problem of structure identification of nonlinear stationary systems on the set of continuous-time block-oriented models is considered. Methods of structure identification in steady state with input periodical influences having Fourier's uniformly and absolutely convergent series, and input random processes with normal distribution are proposed. According to the devoloped criteria of the model structure identification it is possible to choose certain subsets of the models' set for the presentation of the investigated system's model structure.
III International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’04Moscow, Russia200428-30 იანვარიV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of SciencesParameter Identification of a Certain Class of Non-Stationary Linear Dynamic Systemsoral

The problem of parameter identification of linear dynamic systems with variable parameters is considered. Stated is the problem of parameter identification as, in a certain sense, an inverse problem of Cauchy’s problem for linear ordinary equations. Under some restrictions on the system’s parameters, and input and output variables the existence theorem of such interval, in which a continuous matrix of coefficients is identified, is formulated and proved. The parameter estimation algorithm, and also the question of the model’s confirmation are investigated on the example of the second order system identification.
International Scientific Conference “Problems of Control and Power Engineering” PCPE – 2004Tbilisi, Georgia200427 სექტემბერი - 1 ოქტომბერიInternational Scientific Conference “Problems of Control and Power Engineering” PCPE – 2004Synthesis of Binary Control Systems of Non-Stationary Linear Processes in Conditions of Noise poster

Behavior of binary control systems of linear finite-dimensional dynamic processes in conditions of noise is studied. The results obtained make it possible to estimate the effect of limited noise on the dynamics of controlled processes and realize synthesis of binary control systems if there is uncontrollable noise in information on regulated coordinates of the process.
International Scientific Conference “Problems of Control and Power Engineering” PCPE – 2004Tbilisi, Georgia200427 სექტემბერი - 1 ოქტომბერიGeorgian Academy of Sciences, A. Eliashvili Institute of control systemsIdentification of One Class of Nonlinear Systems on The Set of Continuous-Time Block-Oriented Models poster

Problems of structure and parameter identification of nonlinear stationary systems with the system’s input sinusoidal functions, on the set of continuous-time block-oriented models are considered. The criterion defining the model’s structure on the basis of application of a numerical harmonic analysis is worked out. The problem of the parameter identification, which is directly related to the problem of structural identification, is reduced through the numerical harmonic analysis and Fourier approximation to the solution of the algebraic equations systems.
International Scientific Conference “Problems of Control and Power Engineering” PCPE – 2004Tbilisi, Georgia200427 სექტემბერი - 1 ოქტომბერიGeorgian Academy of Sciences, A. Eliashvili Institute of control systemsIdentification of One Class of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Positive Feedbackoral

Structure and parameter identification of nonlinear systems with positive feedback on the set of continuous-time block-oriented models with feedback is considered. Methods of structure identification in steady and transient states on the basis of observation of the system's input and output variables with input periodical and sinusoidal influences are proposed. Solution of the parameter identification problem, which can be immediately connected with the structure identification problem, is also carried out in steady and transient conditions by the method of least squares.
V International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’06Moscow, Russia200630 იანვარი - 2 თებერვალიV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of SciencesStructural and Parametric Identification of a Certain Class of Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domainoral

The problems of structural and parametric identification of nonlinear systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models under the system’s input sinusoidal influences is considered. The nonlinear static element being part of the block-oriented models is described by the n - degree polynomial function, and the linear dynamic elements are steady. The model structure definition criterion is developed. For the second order systems the solution of the problem of parametric identification, which is directly connected to the problem of structural identification using the expressions and the experimental data received for the last, is reduced to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations.
VI International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’07Moscow, Russia200729 იანვარი - 1 თებერვალიV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of SciencesIdentification of One Class of Non-Stationary Linear Dynamic Systemsoral

The problem of parameter identification of one-dimensional linear dynamic systems with variable parameters is considered. Stated is the problem of parametric identification as, in a certain sense, an inverse problem of Cauchy’s problem for linear ordinary equations. Under some restrictions on the system’s input and output variables the existence theorem of such interval, in which system’s continuous parameters are identified, is formulated and proved. The parameter estimation algorithm, and also the question of the model’s confirmation are investigated on the examples of the second order systems identification as analytically, and also with the help of computer modelling.
International Scientific Conference "Information Technologies in Control". ITC ’07Tbilisi, Georgia200710 -12 ოქტომბერიMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia. Georgian Technical UniversityParametric Identification and Model Validation of Non-Stationary Linear Multidimensional Systemsoral

The problem of parameter identification of linear dynamic systems with variable parameters is considered. Stated is the problem of parameter identification as, in a certain sense, an inverse problem of Cauchy’s problem for linear ordinary equations. Under some restrictions on the system’s parameters, and input and output variables the existence theorem of such interval, in which a continuous matrix of coefficients is identified, is formulated and proved. The parameter estimation algorithm, and also the question of the model’s confirmation are investigated on the examples of the two-dimensional systems identification as analytically, and also with the help of computer modelling.
International Scientific Conference "Information Technologies in Control". ITC ’07Tbilisi, Georgia200710 -12 ოქტომბერიMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia. Georgian Technical UniversityIdentification of Nonlinear Systems on the Set of High Order Block-Oriented Modelsoral

The problems of structural and parametric identification of nonlinear systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models under the system’s input sinusoidal influences is considered. The nonlinear static element being part of the block-oriented models is described by the n - degree polynomial function, and the linear dynamic elements are steady. The model structure definition criterion is developed. The solution of the problem of parametric identification, which is directly connected to the problem of structural identification, the last, is reduced through Fourier approximation to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations.
The 2nd International Conference on “Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications” COIA-2008Baku, Azerbaijan20082-4 ივნისიAzerbaijan National Academy of SciencesIdentification and modeling of nonlinear dynamic systems with closed cycleoral

Nonlinear dynamical systems with a closed cycle are widely spread in chemical, oil industry, mining and metallurgical industries, in the production of cellulose-paper and cement, in ecology and other areas. Structural and parametrical identification of nonlinear dynamical systems with a closed cycle, with the system’s input determinate functions on the set of continuous-time block-oriented models with feedback is considered. The problem of structural identification in state and transient state is considered. This problem is set issuing from the classical definition by L.Zadeh – the classes of the input signals and of the models are known and design of the model determination criterion from the class is needed. The problem of parametric identification considered issuing from harmonic analysis, Fourier approximation, numerical differentiation, least squares methods.
The international scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician V.A. Melnikov Moscow, Russia200919 - 20 თებერვალიRussian Academy of SciencesAbout identification of nonlinear continuous systemsoral

Problems of identification of non-linear continuous control systems are considered. Methods for the structural and parametric identification of nonlinear systems on a set of continuous block-oriented models, the elements of which are different modifications of the Wiener and Hammerstein models, are presented. Criteria for determining the structure of a model from the set of models have been developed. The problem of parameter estimation is reduced to solving systems of algebraic equations.МНК80ВАМ%20Сборник%20докладов.pdf
Major Ecological Problems of the Moderns and the CaucasusTbilisi, Georgia20104-6 ივლისიSt. Andrew Georgian UniversityWater pollution estimation in flows by identification of solute oxygenoral

Content of the solute oxygen in some sections or in a particular place of the flow, shortage of the solute oxygen or its biological demand often characterize water quality in the flows. Concentration of the solute oxygen in water is the general index of the pollution (if it is not a toxic poisoning), but there exists a lot of variables which may directly or indirectly influence it. In the given work adapted algorithm of nonlinear systems’ static model structure and of the parameter identification is used for construction of the linear and nonlinear static models of solute oxygen. The solution about the choice of the ‘’best’’ model structure is made not only on the multiple correlation coefficient and the analysis of regression coefficients by the t-criterion. At the model’s “best” structure the estimation of parameters is done using least squares method.
The Third International Conference “Problems of Cyberernetcs and Informaticcs” PCI’ 2010 Baku, Azerbaijan20106-8 სექტემბერიAzerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Anas)Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems with positive feedbackoral

In the given work the problems of structural and parametric identification of the nonlinear systems with positive feedback on the set of block-oriented models with the feedback are considered. The problem of structural identification is posed as follows: classes of models and input signals are given; it is required to develop a criterion identifying the model structures from the class of models. The method of parametric identification, which allows to determine two types of parameters - static characteristics in the steady state, and dynamic characteristics in the transitive state on the basis of the least squares method is offered.
The Third International Conference “Problems of Cyberernetcs and Informaticcs” PCI’ 2010 Baku, Azerbaijan20106-8 სექტემბერიAzerbaijan National Academy of SciencesIncrease in the speed of automatic optimizers on sliding modesoral

One of the most essential parameters of any optimal system is the time of finding an extremum, especially if the exact kind of optimized functional and the functions that set constraints, is not known in advance and there is no biunique correspondence between its values and controlled variables. These circumstances have led to the necessity of development new schemes of automatic optimizers. In the work one of them is considered, in which, the value of optimizable variables approaches an extremum with enough high speed without a reverser of effector. Increase in the speed of the automatic optimizer allows reducing the time of search of an extremum.
The fifth International Conference “Parallel Computing and Control problems” PACO’2010 Moscow, Russia2010 26-28 ოქტომბერიV. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Science Russian Academy of SciencesAbout the Use of Parallel Computing in Problems of Identification of One Class of Nonlinear Systemsoral

The problems of structural and parametric identification of nonlinear systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models under the system’s input sinusoidal influences are considered. The problem of structural identification is put according to the classical definition of identification of L.Zadeh. The criterion of determination of the model structure is developed. The solution of parametrical identification problem is reduced to the solution of algebraic equations’ systems. Because of an opportunity of use of the same experimental data, it is possible to do parallel computations according to the developed algorithms of structural and parametrical identification that allows reducing duration of model construction process.
The International Scientific Conference Devoted to the 80th anniversary of Academician I.V. Prangishvili “Information and computer Technologies, Modelling , Control” Tbilisi, Georgia20101-4 ნოემბერიGeorgian Technical University Georgian, Engineering AcademyIdentification of one class of the nonlinear open-loop systemsoral

The problems of structural and parametric identification of nonlinear systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models, elements of which are: various modifications of Wiener and Hammerstein models, at the system’s input sinusoidal influences are considered. The problem of structural identification is put according to the classical definition of identification of L.Zadeh. On the basis of application of the numerical harmonious analysis the definition criterion of model structure on the set of models is developed. The problem of the parametric identification of the second order nonlinear systems is considered at their representation by the simple and generalized Hammerstein and Wiener models. Estimations of parameters are obtained by the least squares method.
18th IFAC World Congress Milan, Italy201128 აგვისტო - 2 სექტემბერიIFAC – the International Federation of Automatic ControlIdentification of one class nonlinear Systems with Closed Cycleoral

Structural and parametric identification of the nonlinear systems with a closed cycle on the set of continuous block-oriented models with feedback is considered. The method of the structural identification in the steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input periodic influences is proposed. The solution of the parameter identification problems, which can be immediately connected with the structural identification problem, is carried out in the steady and transient states by the method of least squares. The structural and parametric identification algorithms are investigated by means of both the theoretical analysis and the computer modelling.
IV International Conference “Problems of Cyberernetcs and Informaticcs” PCI’ 2012Baku, Azerbaijan201212-14 სექტემბერიAzerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Anas)Identification and Modeling of the Nonlinear Dynamic Open Loop Systemoral

The problems of structural and parametric identification of nonlinear systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models, elements of which are different modification of Hammerstein and Wiener models, at the system’s deterministic input influences are considered. The problem of the structural identification is considered according to the classical definition of identification of Zadeh. The structure definition criterion of the model is developed. Parameters’ estimations are received by the method of the least squares by using Fourier approximation.
IV International Conference “Problems of Cyberernetcs and Informaticcs” PCI’ 2012Baku, Azerbaijan201212-14 სექტემბერიAzerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Anas)Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Adaptive Systems Identification and Control with Power Objects on the Basis of Wiener-hammerstein Modeloral

In this article problems of mathematical and computer modeling of adaptive systems identification and control in the class of Wiener-Hammerstein models nonlinear stochastic dynamic power objects are considered. The problem of identification is reduced to minimization of criterion of quality identification on parameters where the optimal two-stage recurrent algorithm of identification - on the basis of the average method of the least squares is applied. The model of Wiener-Hammerstein constructed in this way is applied in the closed contour of identification and control.
XII All-Russian Conference on Control ProblemsMoscow, Russia201416-19 ივნისიV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of SciencesStructural identification of nonlinear dynamical systems on the set of continuous block-oriented modelsoral

The problem of structural identification of nonlinear dynamical systems on a set of continuous block-oriented models with input periodic actions having uniformly and absolutely convergent Fourier series and with input harmonic actions is considered. The problem of structural identification is posed on the basis of the classical definition of Zadeh's identification. Criteria for determining the structure of the model have been developed. Questions of the reliability of the obtained results are investigated.
X International Conference “System Identification and Control Problems” Sicpro ’15Moscow, Russia201526-29 იანვარიV.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of SciencesParameter identification of one class of non-stationary dynamic systemsoral

The problem of parameter identification of linear non-stationary dynamical systems is consid-ered. Stated is the problem of parameter identification as, in a certain sense, an inverse problem of Cauchy’s problem for linear ordinary differential equations with variable coeffi¬cients. Under some restrictions on the system’s parameters, and input and output variables the existence theorem of such interval, in which a continuous matrix of coefficients is identified, is formulated and proved. The parameter estimation algorithm, and also the question of the model validation are investigated on the example of the second order system identification.
Swedish-Georgian conference in analysis and dynamical systems (15-22 july, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2015)Tbilisi, Georgia201515-22 ივლისიGeorgian National Academy, Swedish Mathematical Society, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State of Sciences University, A. Razmadze Mathematical InstituteIdentification and modeling of one class of dynamic systemsoral

Structural and parametric identification of the nonlinear continuous dynamic systems with a closed cycle on the set of continuous block-oriented models with feedback is considered. 

Models of systems with closed cycle, taking into account the peculiarities of their operation, are described by the ordinary nonlinear differential equations – Riccati and Duffing equations. Input signals are periodic functions, having absolutely and uniformly convergence trigonometrical series.  

The method of the structural identification in the steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input periodic influences is proposed. According to the system stability conditions and Diulak criterion, for the solution of Riccati and Duffig equations, corresponding to the models, it is possible to use the method of a small parameter. On the basis of application of the numerical harmonious analysis the definition criterion of model structure on the set of models is developed.

The solution of the parameter identification problems, which can be immediately connected with the structural identification problem, is carried out in the steady and transient states by the method of least squares.
The International Scientific Conference Dedicated to Academician I.V. Prangishvili’s 85th Anni-versary “Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, Control” Tbilisi, Georgia20153-5 ნოემბერიGeorgian Technical University, Georgian Engireening AcademyParameter identification of one class of non-stationary systemsoral

The problem of parameter identification of linear non-stationary dynamical systems is consid-ered. It is supposed that direct observation of the state vector of system is not possible and elements of the output matrix are variables. Stated is the problem of parameter identification as, in a certain sense, an inverse problem of Cauchy’s problem for linear ordinary differential equations. Under some restrictions on the system’s parameters, and input and output variables the existence theorem of such interval, in which a continuous matrix of coefficients is identified, is formulated and proved. The parameter estimation algorithm, and also the question of the model validation are investigated on the example of the second order system identification.

IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, MIM '2016Troyes, France201628-30 ივნისიIFAC – the International Federation of Automatic Control, University of Technology of TroyesIdentification of nonlinear dynamic systems with feedback of manufacturing processesoral

Structure and parameter identification of the nonlinear systems with positive feedback on the set of continuous block-oriented models with feedback is considered. The method of the structure identification in the steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input periodic influences is proposed. The solution of the parameter identification problems is carried out in the steady and transient states by the least squares method. The structure and parameter identification algorithms are investigated by means of both the theoretical analysis and the computer modeling. According to the proposed identification method the model of the ball-tube mill of the concentrating factory, working in a closed cycle with the classifier, has been determined.
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 21st Interna-tional Conference, KES-2017Marseille, France20176-8 სექტემბერიKES International and the Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systemes, Aix-Marseille UniversityStructure identification of continuous nonlinear dynamical systemsoral

A problem of structure identification of continuous nonlinear dynamical systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models is considered. Methods of structure identification in steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input sinusoidal influences, at the input periodical influences, having Fourier's uniformly and absolutely convergent series, and at the input random processes with normal distribution are proposed. The criteria determining the model structure are developed. The structure identification methods are investigated by means of both the theoretical analysis and the computer modelling.
International Scientific - Technical Conference: „information Society and Technologies for Inten-sification of Education"Tbilisi, Georgia201827-29 სექტემბერიGeorgian Technical University, UNESCO Chair „Information Society"System Matrix Identification at Modelling of Linear Dynamic Systems with Variable Parametersoral

The problem of parameter identification of linear dynamic systems with variable parameters is considered. Stated is the problem of parameter identification as, in a certain sense, an inverse problem of Cauchy’s problem for ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients. Under some restrictions on the system’s parameters, and input and output variables the existence theorem of such interval, in which a continuous matrix of coefficients is identified, is formulated and proved. The parameter estimation algorithm, and also the question of the model validation are investigated on the example of the second order system identification.
11th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Su-perconducting, Multifunctional and Nanomaterials Batumi, Georgia201916-19 ივლისიBatumi Shota Rustaveli State UniversityParameter identification of nonlinear dynamic systems of industrial processesoral

The problem of parameter identification of nonlinear dynamic systems of industrial processes on the set of continuous block-oriented models, the elements of which are different modifications of the Hammerstein and Wiener models, is considered. Method of parameter identification in steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input sinusoidal influences is proposed. The solution of the problem of parameter identification is reduced to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations by using the Fourier approximation. The parameters’ estimations are received by the least squares method. Reliability of the received results, at the parameter identification of the nonlinear system in industrial conditions at the presence of noise depends on the accuracy of the measurement of system output signals and mathematical processing of the experimental data at the approximation.
21st IFAC World Congress (Virtual)Berlin, Germany202012-17 ივლისიIFAC – the International Federation of Automatic ControlParameter Identification of Block-Oriented Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domainoral

A problem of parameter identification of nonlinear dynamic systems of manufacturing processes on the set of block-oriented models in the frequency domain is considered. Method of parameter identification in steady state at the input sinusoidal influences is proposed. The solution of the problem of parameter identification is reduced to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations by using the Fourier approximation. The parameters estimations are received by the least squares method. The identification method is investigated by theoretical analysis and computer modelling.
The international scientific-technical conference „information society and technologies for intensification of educationTbilisi, Georgia202120 - 22 მაისიGeorgian Technical University (Tbilisi), UNESCO Chair „Information SocietyModelling of industrial processes using wiener modelsoral

Structure and parameter identification of nonlinear dynamic systems in the frequency domain on the subset of continuous block-oriented models, elements of which are simple, generalized and expanded Wiener models is considered. Method of structure identification in steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables is proposed. The solution of the problem of parameter identification is reduced to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations by using the Fourier approximation. The parameters estimations are received by the least squares method. The identification methods are investigated on accuracy.
Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2021Nantes, France20215 -9 სექტემბერიInternational Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). IMT Atlantique, a French engineering school (Grande Ecole, a sort of Ivy League School)Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Structured by Expanded Wiener Modeloral

A problem of parameter identification of nonlinear manufacturing systems represented by expanded Wiener model, linear elements of which are described by the ordinary differential equation, in the frequency domain is considered. Method of parameter identification in steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input harmonic influences is proposed. The solution of the problem of parameter identification is reduced to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations by using the Fourier approximation. The parameters estimations are received by the least squares method. Reliability of the received results, at the identification of the nonlinear systems in industrial conditions at the presence of noise, depends on the accuracy of the measurement of system input and output signals and mathematical processing of the experimental data at the approximation. The parameter identification method is investigated by means of both the theoretical analysis and the computer modelling.

Web of Science: ციტირების რაოდენობა - 26, h ინდექსი - 3
Scopus: ციტირების რაოდენობა - 16, h ინდექსი - 3
Google Scholar: ციტირების რაოდენობა - 39, h ინდექსი - 4

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Automation of measurement of physical parameters of superconducting samplesGeorgian Technical University

Master Theses Supervisor

Identification of continuous dynamic systems of a certain classGeorgian Technical University
Identification of nonlinear feedback systems of a certain classGeorgian Technical University
Identification of linear non-stationary dynamic systemsGeorgian Technical University
Parameter identification of linear dynamic systems with variable parametersGeorgian Technical University

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Development of optimal algorithms and devices using sliding modesGeorgian Technical University

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Georgian Academy of Sciences. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. ProceedingsGeorgia01/01/2004
LEPL. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. ProceedingsGeorgia01/01/2006
Georgian Technical University. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. ProceedingsGeorgia01/01/2011

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Identification and Modelling of Nonlinear Control Systems and Mathematical Modeling and Multidirectional Optimization of Complex Physical (Technical) and Social Systems Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. State Targeted Program 2021-2023Project Manager
Research of complex systems modeling, identification and optimization problemsArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. State Targeted Program 2018-2020Executor
Research of Control Systems Identification and Vector Optimization Problem Tasks Based on Modern Information TechnologiesArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. State Targeted Program 2015-2017Project Manager
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Optimization in Partially Ordered SpacesArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. State Targeted Program 2013-2014Executor
Development of General Optimization Problems and Numerical Dialogue MethodsArchil Eliashvili Institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University. State Targeted Program 2010-2012Executor
Research of Control Systems Optimization and Identification Problems Based on Modern Information TechnologiesLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. State Targeted Program 2007-2009Executor
Investigation of Problem Tasks of Continuous Dynamic Systems IdentificationLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of control systems. State Targeted Program 2005-2007Project Manager
Investigation of the various problems of stationary and non-stationary systems identificationვGeorgian Academy of Sciences. A. Eliashvili Institute of control systems. State Targeted Program 2001-2003Executor and its stage II manager
Identification, Control and Modeling of Complex Dynamic SystemsState Scientific Grant (funded by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation) 2009-2011Research Director / Project Manager
News in Nonscalar Optimization Theory and Differential GamesGeorgian Technical University Grant (nominated by Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems) 2011Executor
Decision Making Based on Quantitative Information and Weakly Conical Optimization Conditions in Nonscalar Optimization TasksScientific grant of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2004-2005Executor
Development of multi-criteria optimization methods and algorithmsScientific grant of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2002-2003Executor

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

Jubilee session "Energy and Control Processes" dedicated to the memory of Vakhtang Gomelauri and Archil Eliashvili (held at the Georgian Technical University)17/11/2014 - 18/11/2014
International Scientific Conference "Information Technologies in Control" (held at the Georgian Technical University)10/10/2007 - 12/10/2007
International Scientific Conference "Control and Energy Problems" (held at the A. Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems of the Georgian Academy of Sciences)27.09. – 1.10 2004

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Jubilee session "Energy and ContMedal of Academician V. A. of Melnikov Science Foundation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (№ 59/12) "For High Achievements in Science" 2012

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Identification of nonlinear Continuous Dynamic Systems with Closed Cycle. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision making, vol. 12, no. 2, 2013, pp. 179-199. State Target Program

Structural and parametric identification of the nonlinear continuous dynamic systems with a closed cycle on the set of continuous block-oriented models with feedback is considered. The method of the structural identification in the steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input periodic influences is proposed. The solution of the parameter identification problems, which can be immediately connected with the structural identification problem, is carried out in the steady and transient states by the method of least squares. The structural and parametric identification algorithms are investigated by means of both the theoretical analysis and the computer modeling.

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus

Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Structured by Expanded Wiener Model, 2021, IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems APMS 2021, Springer.State Target Program

A problem of parameter identification of nonlinear manufacturing systems represented by expanded Wiener model, linear elements of which are described by the ordinary differential equation, in the frequency domain is considered. Method of parameter identification in steady state at the input harmonic influences is proposed. The solution of the problem of parameter identification is reduced to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations by using the Fourier approximation. The parameters estimations are received by the least squares method. Reliability of the received results in industrial conditions at the presence of noise is investigated.
Shanshiashvili B., Rigishvili T. Parameter Identification of Block-Oriented Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domain. ScienceDirect. IFAC PapersOnLine Volume 53, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 10695–10700. State Target Program

computer modelling.

A problem of parameter identification of nonlinear dynamic systems of manufacturing processes on the set of block-oriented models in the frequency domain is considered. Method of parameter identification in steady state at the input sinusoidal influences is proposed. The solution of the problem of parameter identification is reduced to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations by using the Fourier approximation. The parameters estimations are received by the least squares method. The identification method is investigated by theoretical analysis and computer modelling.
Structure Identification of Continuous-Time Block-Oriented Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domain. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2019. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2019, vol. 52 (13), pp. 463-468.State Target Program

A problem of structure identification of nonlinear dynamic systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models with nonlinear elements in the form of polynomial functions of finite degree and stable linear elements in the frequency domain is considered. Method of structure identification in steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input sinusoidal influences is proposed. The problem of the structure identification is considered according to the classical definition of identification of Zadeh. The structure definition criterion of the model is developed. The identification method is investigated by theoretical analysis and computer modelling.
Parameter identification of linear non-stationary dynamical systems. 2017. Information and Computer Technologies, Modeling, Control. Nova Science Publishers, pp. 271-286. State Target Program

The problem of parameter identification of linear non-stationary dynamical systems is consid­ered. It is supposed that direct observation of the state vector of system is not possible and elements of the output matrix are variables.  Stated is the problem of parameter identification as, in a certain sense, an inverse problem of Cauchy’s problem for linear ordinary differential equations. Under some restrictions on the system’s parameters, and input and output variables the existence theorem of such interval, in which a continuous matrix of coefficients is identified, is formulated and proved. The parameter estimation algorithm, and also the question of the model validation are investigated on the example of the second order system identification.
Structure identification of continuous nonlinear dynamical systems. 2017. Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems. KES-2017. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 112, pp. 1032-1043.State Target Program

A problem of structure identification of continuous nonlinear dynamical systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models is considered. Methods of structure identification in steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input sinusoidal influences, at the input periodical influences, having Fourier's uniformly and absolutely convergent series, and at the input random processes with normal distribution are proposed. The criteria determining the model structure are developed. The structure identification methods are investigated by means of both the theoretical analysis and the computer modelling.
Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems with feedback of manufacturing processes. 2016. SIFAC- 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2016. PapersOnLine, vol. 49 (12), pp. 580-585.State Target Program

Structure and parameter identification of the nonlinear systems with positive feedback on the set of continuous block-oriented models with feedback is considered. The method of the structure identification in the steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input periodic influences is proposed. The solution of the parameter identification problems is carried out in the steady and transient states by the least squares method. The structure and parameter identification algorithms are investigated by means of both the theoretical analysis and the computer modeling. According to the proposed identification method the model of the ball-tube mill of the concentrating factory, working in a closed cycle with the classifier, has been determined.
Identification and Modeling of the Nonlinear Dynamic Open Loop System. 2012, IV International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics”, PCI’ 2012. vol. III. pp. 42-45. State Target Program

The problems of structural and parametric identification of nonlinear systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models, elements of which are different modification of Hammerstein and Wiener models, at the system’s deterministic input influences are considered. The problem of the structural identification is considered according to the classical definition of identification of Zadeh. The structure definition criterion of the model is developed. Parameters’ estimations are received by the method of the least squares by using Fourier approximation.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Adaptive Systems Identification and Control with Power Objects on the Basis of Wiener-hammerstein Model. 2012, IV International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics” PCI’ 2012, vol. IV, pp. 159-162. State Target Program

In article problems of mathematical and computer modeling of adaptive systems identification and control class of models Wiener-Hammerstein on the basis of personal computers for such nonlinear stochastic dynamic power objects. The problem of identification is reduced to minimization of criterion of quality identification on parameters where as algorithm the optimum two-stage recurrent algorithm of identification - on the basis of the average method of the least squares is applied. The model of Wiener-Hammerstein constructed thus is applied in the closed contour of identification and control at creation Ad SIC to tracking active power desirable value by means of TSRIA, AMLS and adaptive algorithm of control - AdAC. On concrete to statistics it is checked up effective functioning constructed Ad SIC.
Identification of one class of the nonlinear open-loop systems. 2012. Information and Computer Technologies – Theory and Practice. Nova Science Publishers, 2012, pp. 167-174. State Target Program

The problems of structural and parametric identification of nonlinear systems on the set of continuous block-oriented models, elements of which are different modification of Hammerstein and Wiener models, at the system’s input sinusoidal influences are considered. The problem of the structural identification is considered according to the classical definition of identification of Zadeh. The structure definition criterion of the model is developed. For the second order systems the solution of the problem of parametric identification is reduced to the solution of the systems of algebraic equations. Parameters’ estimations are received by the method of the least squares by using Fourier approximation.
Identification of One Class Nonlinear Systems with Closed Cycle. 2011. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 44, issue 1, pp. 5627-5632.State Target Program

Structural and parametric identification of the nonlinear systems with a closed cycle on the set of continuous block-oriented models with feedback is considered. The method of the structural identification in the steady state based on the observation of the system's input and output variables at the input periodic influences is proposed. The solution of the parameter identification problems, which can be immediately connected with the structural identification problem, is carried out in the steady and transient states by the method of least squares. The structural and parametric identification algorithms are investigated by means of both the theoretical analysis and the computer modeling.