Monograph |
Handbook Discrete mathematics, Georgian Technical University, 2012 (in Georgian) | State Target Program | The book consists of the following parts: set theory, Combinatorics, graph theory, Boolean algebra, mathematical logic, probability theory, algebraic structures and number theory. | |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals On 0scillation and nonoscillation of a second order half-linear equation, Georgian Mathematical Journal. v.7. N3, 2000, 329 – 346, Published Online: 2010-02-18 | State Target Program | New oscillation and nonoscillation criteria are established for the equation u″ + p(t)|u|α|u′|1–α sgn u = 0, where α ∈]0, 1] and the function p :]0, +∞[→] – ∞, +∞[ is locally integrable. | |
On the saturation problem of some convolution type operators, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, v.163. no.2, 2001.pp. 217-219. | State Target Program | The saturation problem in the space Lp(Rn), 1 £ p £ ¥ for some multidimensional operators of convolution type with a radial kernel is studied. | |
Some problems of approximation on locally compact Abelian groups, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, v.163. no.3, 2001.pp. 440-443 | State Target Program | The direct and inverse theorems for the approximation of functions defined on some locally compact Abelian Hausdorff group G with Haar measure m are given. As the capacity of the approximating subspaces analogs of exponential type entire functions are considered. | |
On an analogue of the Paley-Wiener theorem, Izvestia VUZ, Mathematika, 2002, N 8(483), pp.65-71 | State Target Program | Let G is locally compact abelian group. For connected G one characteristic is given, which can be considered as an analogue of the Paley-Wiener theorem. | |
Gaussian distribution and Dirichlet series, Proceedings of A.Razmadze Math. Institute, v.135, 2004, pp. 49-56 | State Target Program | A relation between Gaussian complex random vectors and Dirichlet L-series is established. | |
On some matrix Clifford algebras, Georgian Mathematical Journal v.12, N 1, 2005, pp.15–25 | Grant Project | A sequence of matrices is constructed, these are used to construct representations of a Clifford algebra for special quadratic forms. | |
Approximation of functions and measures on locally compact abelian groups, Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute. V. 140 (2006), pp. 65-74. | State Target Program | Problems of approximative nature are studied for some spaces of real or complex valued functions, and also measures defined on a locally compact Abelien group. | |
On the application of Ritz's extended method for some ill-posed problems, Reports of Enlarged session of the Seminar of I.vekua Inst. Of Appl. Math., 2006-2007, v.21, pp.60-63 | State Target Program | Let H be a Hilbert space and K:H→H be a compact, selfadjoint and one-to one operator, having everywhere dense range. From the elements of the space H on which the inverse to K operator K^(-1) can be applied an infinite number of times, a Frechet space D(K^(-∞)) and an acting from this space in H operator F_(∞ ) are constructed. Instead of the equation Ku=f we consider the equation K_∞ u=f which has in D(K^(-∞)) an unique and stable solution. It is proved that the sequence of approximation solutions constructed by Ritz’s extended method converges to exact solution in the space D(K^(-∞)) and also in the energetic space of the operator F_(∞ ) . | |
On stochastic model for the struggle against malaria, Computer Sciences and Telecommunications 2007 | No.2(13) [2007.09.30] | State Target Program | In this work is described one stochastic model for the struggle against Malaria which reduces Anopheles reproducing dynamics on the Markov’s Chains. For illustration is considered the simplest two factored situation. On the one hand this gives us an opportunity for the foundation of multifactor models in future and on the other hand for the development of preliminary and correcting prognoses theory in parallels with the well approbated models. | |
On notion of generalized spline for a sequence of problem elements sets, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences v.4, N 1, 2010, pp. 12-16 | State Target Program | In the present paper the notion of spline is generalized for the case where not one set of problem elements, but a decreasing sequence of problem elements sets on a linear space is given. The generalized interpolation spline realizes a minimum not only of the metric, but also of the corresponding Minkowski functional. The necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of generalized spline for arbitrary nonadaptive information of cardinality 1 is given. | |
Some approximation properties of Feier's generalized integrals, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, v.6, No.1, 2012, pp. 32-38 | State Target Program | Problems of approximation in spaces of p-integrable for some p 1 , as well as essentially bounded functions defined on a locally compact Abelian group are considered. Analogs of Fejér wellknown positive operators are taken as approximate aggregates. | |
Generalized spline algorithms and condition of their linearity and centrality, Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute. V. 160 2012, pp. 134-164 | State Target Program | The worst case setting of linear problems, when the error is measured with the help of a metric, is studied. The notions of generalized spline and generalized central algorithms are introduced. Some conditions for a generalized spline algorithm to be linear and generalized central are given. The obtained results are applied to operator equations with positive operators in some Hilbert spaces. Examples of strong degenerated elliptic and their inverse operators satisfying the conditions appearing in the obtained theorems, are given. | |
Approximation of functions on local compact abelian groups, Georgian Mathematical Journal v.19, N 1, 2012, pp.181–193 | State Target Program | Problems of approximation nature are considered for some spaces of real and complex valued functions and also measures defined on a locally compact abelian group. The approximating subspaces are analogs of the spatial entire functions of exponential type. The problem of convergence of a sequence of Fejér type positive operators is studied. | |
An application of the congruent numbers in criptography, Applied Mathematics, Informatics, Mechanics, v.18, N2, 2013, pp.3-8 | State Target Program | Points of infinity order for elliptic curves related to θ-congruent numbers are found. A cryptosystem created by reduction of such curves over finite fields is considered. An example illustrating the cryptosystem is given. | |
Summation of Fourier series of almost-periodic functions on locally-compact Abelian groups, Izvestia VUZ, Mathematika, 2016 , N 12, pp. 82-95(in Russian, English translation in Russian Mathematics, 2016,v.60. 12,pp.67-78) | Grant Project | The paper generalizes some results related to the summation of the series Fourier continuous 2π-periodic functions, for almost-periodic functions on locally compact Abelian groups. | |
On a linear generalized central spline algorithm of computerized tomography, Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute Vol. 168 (2015), 129–148 | State Target Program | The worst case setting of linear problems, when the error is measured with the help of a metric, is studied. In [5], a linear generalized central spline algorithm is constructed for the approximate calculation of solution operators of equations, containing positive differential and integral operators. In this paper an algorithm is constructed for same form equations with the operators admitting a singular value decomposition. In particular, a linear generalized central spline algorithm for computerized tomography problem is constructed and studied. | |
Approximation in mean on homogeneous compact space, Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical institute. V.171, 2 2017, pp.231-237 | State Target Program | Jackson’s type theorem on approximation of square integrable functions is proved for functions defined on homogeneous spaces with a compact transitive transformation group actions. An example is proved which illustrates the theorem.
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Criptography system of higt stability, GESJ Computer Sciences and Telecommunications, N 2(52), 2017, pp.46-52 | State Target Program | A symmetric algorithm of high stability of information encryption is considered, in which the best properties of American standards DES and RINDAEL are used. On the positive side, we note the complete identity of the processes of encryption and decryption. Relevant fragments of practical implementation of algorithm in the medium of MATLAB is given. | |
Ill posed problems and associated with them spaces of orbits and orbital operators, Reports of Enlarged session of the Seminar of I.vekua Inst. Of Appl. Math., 2018, v.32, pp. 79-82 | State Target Program | The ill-posed equation Ku = f is considered, where K : H → H is a linear compact selfadjoint injective positive operator and H is a Hilbert space. The Hilbert space D(K−n) of n-orbits of the operator K−1 is introduced taking into account the topology. We transfer the considered equation in this space and construct a linear central spline algorithm for approximate solution of transferred equation (Theorem 1). It is proved that the projective limit of the sequence of n-orbits spaces is the space of all orbits D(K−∞) in which the transferred equation becomes well posed.
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On a central algorithm for calculation of the inverse of the harmonic oscillator in the space of orbits, Journal of Complexity, Volume 68, February 2022, 101599 | State Target Program | The equation Au=f with a linear symmetric positive definite operator A:D(A)⊂H→H having a discrete spectrum and dense image in a complex Hilbert space H is considered. This equation is transferred into the Hilbert space of finite orbits D(An) as well as into the Fréchet space of all orbits D(A∞), that is, the projective limit of the sequence of spaces {D(An)}. For an approximate solution of the inverse of A, linear spline central algorithms in these spaces are constructed. The convergence of the sequence of approximate solutions to the exact solution is proved. The obtained results are applied to the quantum harmonic oscillator operator Au(t)=−u″(t)+t2u(t), t∈R, in the Hilbert space of finite orbits D(An), and in the Fréchet space of all orbits D(A∞) that in this case coincides with the Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing functions. Some quantum mechanical interpretations of obtained results are also given. | |
Orbitization of quantum mechanics, // GESJ: Computer Sciences and Telecommunications // 2022 | No.1(61), pp. 59-63 | State Target Program | In this article some results are collected about finite orbits and orbits of observable operators at the states of quantum mechanical systems, orbital Hilbert spaces of finite orbits and Frechet-Hilbert spaces of all orbits, orbital operators acting in the Hilbert space of finite orbits and in the Frechet-Hilbert space of all orbits. Moreover, the problem of the approximate solution of equations containing orbital operators in the Hilbert space of finite orbits and in the Frechet-Hilbert space of all orbits is considered. The creation of operators orbits, orbital spaces, orbital operators, we call as orbitization of quantum mechanics or quantum mechanics with orbital operators and the totality of the results obtained as orbital quantum mechanics. | http://gesj.internet- |
On linear spline algorithm of computerized tomography in the space of n-orbits. Georgian Math. Journal, 2022, p.1-15 | State Target Program | We fix a continuous linear operator A:H→MA:H→M acting between the Hilbert spaces H and M that admits a singular value decomposition (SVD). We consider the following ill-posed problem: for an element f∈Mf∈M , find u∈Hu∈H such that Au=fAu=f and a generalized solution in the sense of Moore–Penrose u is sought that satisfies the equation A∗Au=A∗fA*Au=A*f . Moreover, we fix an integer n∈N0={0,1,2,…}n∈ℕ0={0,1,2,…} and transfer this equation to a special Hilbert space D((A∗A)−n)D((A*A)-n) of n-orbits. For an approximate solution of this equation in the case of a nonadaptive information on the right-hand side f, a linear spline algorithm is constructed. The specificity of the considered norm is that the approximate solution is the truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) and does not depend on n. In the case n=0n=0 , the space D((A∗A)−n)D((A*A)-n) coincides with H and we obtain the results for the latter space. In the limiting case of the Fréchet–Hilbert space of all orbits D((A∗A)−∞)D((A*A)-∞) , the equation A∗Au=A∗fA*Au=A*f becomes well-posed and was considered in [D. Ugulava and D. Zarnadze, On a linear generalized central spline algorithm of computerized tomography, Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. 168 2015, 129–148]. It is also noted that the space D((A∗A)−∞)D((A*A)-∞) is the projective limit of the sequence of Hilbert spaces {D((A∗A)−n)}{D((A*A)-n)} . The application of the obtained results for the computerized tomography problem, i.e., for the inversion of the Radon transform Rℜ with the SVD of Louis [A. K. Louis, Orthogonal function series expansions and the null space of the Radon transform, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 15 1984, 3, 621–633] in the space D((R∗R)−n))D((ℜ*ℜ)-n)) is given. | |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus New mathematical models of computerized tomography based on SVD of Radon operator, Inform. and Computer Technology, Modeling and Control, Nova Science publishers, Ch.29, New York, 2017 | State Target Program | The worst case setting of linear problems, when the error is measured with the help of a metric, is studied. After transferring of ill-posed problem of computerized tomography from Hilbert space to some Frechet-Hilbert space, this problem become well-posed. In this paper for transferred computerized tomography problem a linear generalized central spline algorithms is constructed and studied. First algorithm is based on singular value decomposition (SVD) of the Radon operator introduced by A. K. Louis and Ditz ]. Second is based on a SVD introduced by M. Davison . The used for inversion of Radon operator spaces, norms, metric, operators and approximate methods are original, quite different from the classical and was not considered up to now. | |