Vaja Zeikidze

Academic Doctor of Science


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Vazha Zeikidze 12.02.1959 In 1976 I graduated from the 16th secondary school in Rustavi, in 1976-1981 I was studying at the Georgian Zootechnical-Veterinary Research Institute, Faculty of Zooengineering. On June 22, 1988 I defended my dissertation at the Institute of Economics and Law of the Georgian Academy of Sciences and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. (Diploma of Candidate of Sciences ЭК №027366 (Decision of the Council of the Institute of Economics and Law of the Georgian Academy of Sciences of June 22, 1988, Protocol №3) In 1981-1992 I worked as a junior researcher at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics and Management. In 1992-1996, the Ministry of Education of Georgia studied at the Georgian Institute of Agribusiness and held the position of Dean of the Faculty. 1998-2006 Ministry of Economy of Georgia. Senior Research Fellow, Academic Secretary and Deputy Director at the Research Institute of Economics. 2007-2008 Ministry of Defense of Georgia, st. Gori Military Hospital, Head of Financial-Economic Service (Manager) 2009-2014 Georgian National Defense Academy, Junior Officer Training School, Department of Analysis, Planning and Experience Sharing, Senior Officer. In 2015-2019, Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Transport Machinery, Department of Management, invited hundred. Professor. From 2021 to present Georgian Technical University, I. Jordania Georgian Industrial Forces and Natural Resources Research Center, Department of Land, Water and Forest Resources, Senior Researcher

Problems of health policy formation in a pandemic.v.zeikidzearticleThe first international conferense future of healtn in the 21 centure. 25-26 june 2021_ ISSN 69-57-119 _EnglishContract
Public Health and Management (Handbook) 10th Editiono.gerzmava, v.zeikidzetextbooktbilisi 2021_ ISSN 973-821-5 _GeorgianState Targeted Program
Development of knowledge-based economyV. Zeikidze, L. Gegenava, M. LomishviliarticleGeorgian Technical University, V International Conference "Globalization and Modern Business Challenges" 28-29 May 2021_ ISSN-68-116-05 _GeorgianContract
Development of public-private partnership in GeorgiaV. Zeikidze, G. Maisuradze, M. ZurikashvilimonographPublishing House "Technical University" 2017_ ISBN 978-9941-20-788-4. 338. 8/83 _GeorgianContract
Public Health and Management (Handbook) 9th Editiono.gerzmava, v.zeikidzetextbooktbilisi, 2016_ ISSH291-5 _GeorgianGrant Project
Areas of Improving Municipal Management in Georgiav.zeikidze, g. maisuradzearticleZh. Economics, # 5, 2017._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
Peculiarities of formation of the loan portfolio of the Georgian banking sectorV. Zeikidze, G. Maisuradze, T. KamkhadzearticleZh. Economics, # 2, 2017._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianGrant Project
Development of Georgian Railway transport potentialV. Zeikidze, G. Maisuradze, T. Kamkhadze, T. RukhadzearticleGeorgian Technical University. Georgian-Polish scientific-technical conference Transport Bridge Europe-Asia 2016_ ISSN 58-115 _GeorgianContract
Establishment and development of public-private partnership in railway transportV. Zeikidze, G. Maisuradze, T. Kiladze, T. RukhadzearticleCollection of Scientific-Research Papers of the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University # 2, 2016_ ISSN-118-24-9 _GeorgianContract
Problems of public-private partnership development in GeorgiaV. Zeikidze. G. Maisuradze, Ts. ElgendarashviliarticleCollection of Scientific-Research Papers of the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University # 1, 2016_ ISSN-118-24-9 _GeorgianContract
Priorities of state support for small business in GeorgiaV. Zeikidze, G. Maisuradze, T. KamkhadzearticleCollection of Scientific-Research Papers of the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University # 1, 2016_ ISSN 55-791-6 _GeorgianContract
Criteria for evaluating the credit portfolio of banksv.zeikidzearticleZh. Economics, # 10-12, 2015._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
Improving corporate governance in the healthcare systemv.zeikidzearticleZh. Economics, # 7-9, 2015._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
Priorities of state regulation GeorgiaV. Zeikidze, T. Lachkepiani, M. Tsintsadze, G. NatroshviliarticleBulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, # 34, 2015_ ISSN 114-57-35 _GeorgianGrant Project
Human resource management in the field of defensev.zeikidzearticleZh. Economics, # 5-6, 2014._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
The role of human resources in business developmentV. Zeikidze, T. Lachkepiani, M. KhutsishviliarticleZh. Business and Legislation # 2, 2014_ ISSN 56-71. 02 _GeorgianContract
Leadership Principles (Guide)v.zeikidzetextbookNational Defense Academy - Gori 2012_ ISSN 54-112-3 _GeorgianState Targeted Program
Directions of development of the defense economy of Georgiav.zeikidzearticleZh. Economics, # 5-6, 2012._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
Public Health and Management (Guide)o.gerzmava, v.zeikidzetextbooktbilisi 2011_ VDC612.6-65.01 _GeorgianGrant Project
Military Leadership (Lecture Course)v.zeikidze, n.axalashvilitextbooksamxedro akademia , Tbilisi 2011_ ISSN-118-24-9 _GeorgianState Targeted Program
Agrarian activity of households in Georgiav.zeikidzearticleZh. "Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies". - 2011, # 2,_ ISSN 973-821-5 _GeorgianContract
Human resource management in healthcarev.zeikidzearticleZh. Economics, # 3-4, 2011_ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
Municipal financial control and peculiarities of its implementationv.zeikidzearticleZh. Economics, # 1, 2011._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
Personal characteristics of commander-leader formationv.zeikidzearticleZh. Economics, # 12, 2009._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
Command - Establishment and development of a leader in a military unitv.zeikidzearticleZh. Economics, # 11, 2009._ E-ISSN 2733-3361 _GeorgianContract
Methods of forecasting budget revenuesv.zeikiZe, s. sanaZearticleZh. "Social Economy" -2009, # 4_ ISSN 144-21-8 _GeorgianContract
Predictive-econometric model of agrarian sector developmentv.zeikiZe, s. sanaZearticleZh. "Agrarian-Economic Science and Technologies". - 2009, # 2,_ ISSN 515-23-6 _GeorgianContract
Methodological-organizational aspects of food safety level assessment and state regulation. V. Zeikidze, M. VanishviliarticleProblems of formation and functioning of market economy in Georgia. Sepski's collection of works. Volume 6.- Tb. 2002_ ISSN 973-821-5 _GeorgianContract

Methodological bases of the development and formation of the regional tourism cluster of GeorgiaTbilisi Georgia202128/05/2021 - 29/05/2021Georgian Technical UniversityMethodological bases of the development and formation of the regional tourism cluster of Georgiaposter

The paper analyzes the strategy for the development of regional tourist clusters in Georgia, gives the specifics of the formation of tourist clusters and outlines the ways of development of tourist clusters. The possibilities of forming tourist clusters according to the regions of the country are described and the possibilities of their formation are given
Issues of effective management of green bondsTbilisi Georgia202008/10/2020 - 10/10/2020Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State UniversityIssues of effective management of green bondsposter

We have submitted a stand report on the formation and use of green bonds in municipalities. Green economy is one of the main directions of sustainable development of the country and the investments made in this field are very important both for the development of municipalities and for the country as a whole, and the investments made in this regard are very attractive and promising.
Methodological foundations for assessing corporate governance information transparencyKutaisi, Georgia201619/05/2016 - 20/05/2016A. Tsereteli Kutaisi State University,Methodological foundations for assessing corporate governance information transparencyoral

The methodology for assessing corporate governance information transparency developed by us in the paper is characterized by the following features:

· Selection of important characteristics (risks) of corporate governance information transparency, which are determined by the national legislation in the field;

· Analytical information collection is remote and accurate public information is used;

· The assessment of corporate governance information transparency risks of research companies (societies) is carried out by accruing penalty points for the negative aspects of corporate governance information transparency;

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Doctoral Thesis Referee

Peculiarities of land market formation and development in GeorgiaGeorgian Technical University
Problems of food security methodological base in GeorgiaGeorgian Technical University

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Peculiarities and perspectives of industrial development in a market economyGeorgian Technical University

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings


Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

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Patent authorship


Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences


Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus