Giorgi Magalashvili
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Georgia's non-traditional mineral resources | G. Magalashvili, I. Akhvlediani | article | Mining Inst. 3rd Open Science. Conf. "Current problems of mining and geology". 2016. p.14 | 1 | ISSN 1512407-X | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Georgian gemstones | G. Magalashvili, I. Akhvlediani | monograph | Technical University Press. Auxiliary guide. Tbilisi, 2017. p.151 | 1 | ISSN 978-9941-20-821-8 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Prospects for increasing the country's mineral-resource potential at the expense of secondary minerals, raw non-traditional species and some "waste" rocks | G. Magalashvili, I. Akhvlediani | monograph | 3rd Open Science. Conf. "Current problems of mining and geology". Mining Institute. "Mining Journal". # 1 (38), Tbilisi, 2017. pp.8-14 | 1 | ISSN 1512-407X | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Prospects for the production of chemical and medical preparations and the construction of a balneological complex on the basis of the Azambour sodium-sulfate lakes | G. Magalashvili, I. Akhvlediani | article | საქ. Tech. Un. "Chemistry - Achievements and Per-Perspectives". Acad. Birth of G. Tsintsadze. I am 85 years old. International Scientific-method. Conf. 2018, 182-184p. | 1 | 1 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
About one more Possible model of Oil Ceneration. | G. Magalashvili, I. Akhvlediani | article | 5-the INTERNATIONAL Scientific-Prac-tical Conf. on Up-to-date Problems of Geology. Mineralog. Society of Georgia. Georg. Technic. Univ. Bock of Abstracts. Tbilisi, 2019.p.77 | 1 | ISBN 978-9941-28-432-8 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Agricultural Dictionary, Vol.1 and Vol.2. | G. Magalashvili, G. Urushadze And so on. | monograph | Published by Forma, Mining Magazine, # 1 (42), 2019. p.4 | 1 | ISSN 1512-407X | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Problems related to Tkibuli-Shaori deposit | G. Magalashvili, Z. Lomsadze, J. Kakulia A. Suladze, D. Kupatadze, A. Dvaladze, I. Akhvlediani | article | Published by Forma, Mining Magazine, # 1 (42), 2019. p.4 | 1 | ISSN 1512-407X | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Georgian Natural Resources (Brief Review) | G.Magalashvili, Z.Lomsadze, N.Chitanava, O.Paresishvili et all. | monograph | Annals of Agrarian Sience. Georgian Technical Univ., Irakli Jordania Center for Stading Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia. 2019. pp.59-74 | 1 | ISSN 1512-1887 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Mining-Metallurgical Encyclopedia | G. Magalashvili, G. Kashakashvili, Z. Lomsadze and others. | article | Published by "Form". Mining Magazine, Tbilisi, 2020,, 1 vol. - p. 639 | 1 | ISBN 978-9941-8-2463-0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Ore-Metallurgical Encyclopedia | G. Magalashvili, G. Kashakashvili, Z. Lomsadze and others. | article | Published by "Form". Mining Magazine, Tbilisi, 2020, 2 vols. - p. 527 | 1 | ISBN 978-9941-8-2464-7 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
International Conference “Applied Ecology: Problems, Inovations”. | Georgia, Tbilisi-Batumi | 2015 | მაისი 7-10 | Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili University | ,,Issue of Wastes Use Causing Questions in ore Mining Complex“. pp.286-287. Jssue | oral | The article states that along with the processing of minerals, a large number of "waste rocks" remain, which with the introduction of certain technology can be used in various fields. | |
International Scientific Conf.,,Modern Researches and Prospects of their Use in Chemistry, Chemistral Engineering and Related Fialds.” | Georgia, Ureki | 2016 | 15-20 სექტემბერი | The confer. is dedicated to the 60-th anniversary of Institute Chemistry and Electrochemistry. | „Ascertainment of the mechanizm of Forming of zonal concentrie ,,agate structures”. pp.611-617. | oral | The article deals with the decipherment of the mechanism of formation of zonal-concentric structures of agate, the solution of which has been debated for centuries by famous geologists - Academician A. Fersman, Prof. Pilipenko et al., Chemists - Heinz, Link, R. Liezang, Naken. The evidence is confirmed by experiments conducted and recognized by world science and researchers. | |
3rd Open Scientific Conference | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2017 | დეკემბერი 17-18 | Mining Institute. | "Prospects for increasing the country's mineral-resource potential at the expense of secondary minerals, raw materials of non-traditional species and some" waste "rocks." Pp.8-14 | oral | The article discusses the large amount of unused minerals and rocks in Georgia, which can be mastered through modern technologies (using biotechnology, complex enrichment methods, etc.). We chanted the motto - "There are no waste rocks, just the appropriate technologies are not yet sophisticated to master them"). | |
Acad. Tsintsadze was born. Dedicated to 85 years. International Scientific-method. Conf., | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2018 | ოქტომ. 19-20 | GTU | "Prospects for the production of chemical and medical preparations on the basis of the sodium-sulfate lakes of Azambur and the construction of a balneological complex." Pp.183-184 | oral | The material obtained from the results of 3 years of studies of 2 lakes in Sagarejo district showed that on their basis we can produce a number of chemical and medical preparations as well as build a balneological complex to treat various pathologies of the respiratory organs and joints. | |
5 th INTERNACIONAL Scientific-Practikal Conf. on Up-to-date Problems of Geology | Tbilisi , Georgia | 2019 | May 29-30 | Mineralog. Societi of Georgia. Georg. Teqnik. Univ. Bock of Abstracts. Tbilisi | Book of Abstracts. p.77. | oral | The complete new model of oil production proposed in the article, which produces liquid soap similar to dead biot (mainly lipoproteins) emulsions of the oceans and seas similar to Montmorillon, duration according to Taliafero and Ogiben, according to volcanoclasts (mainly lipoproteins) |
Web of Science: 0 Scopus: 0 Google Scholar: 6 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget |
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |