Liana Samsonadze

Academic Doctor of Science

Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems of the Georgian Technical University

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On the Lexical environment of the Word HeartL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house Sachino / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2021 / N 25, pp. 124-128- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On the Lexical environment of the Word ArtL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house Sachino / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2020 / N 24, pp. 111-116- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Модель автоматического грузино-английского перевода сентенциальных примитивовсодержащих имя прилагательное N. Amirezashvili, L. Samsonadze.articlePubl. house mac'ne printi / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2019/ N 23,pp.126-130- ISSN 0135-0765 RussianState Targeted Program
Роль квази-синонимов в усовершенствовании переводаL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house poligrafia / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2018/ N 22,pp.138-141- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Syntax Annotation of the Georgian Literary CorpusLortkipanidze L., Amirezashvili N., Chutkerashvili A., Javashvili N., Samsonadze L. conference proceedingsSpringer/ Logic, Language and Computation, 11th International Tbilisi Symposium, TbiLLC 2015, Revised Selected Papers 2017 / LNCS 101148, pp 89-97- ISSN 0302-9743/ E-ISSN 1611-3349 /ISBN 978-3-662-54331-3 / ISBN 978-3-662-54332-0 (e-book) EnglishState Targeted Program
Description of a Word mic’a (land) for Explanatory-Combinatory DictionaryL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house poligrafia / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2017/ N 21, pp. 133-137- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Types of Parallel Corpora and Fields of Their UsageN. Amirezashvili, L. Samsonadze, N.JavashviliarticleLtd damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2016 / N 20, p. 142-147- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Lexical Functions as an Important Component of Combinatorial Dictionary G.Chikoidze, N.Amirezashvili, L.Lortkipanidze, L.Samsonadze, A.Chutkerashvili, N.JavashviliarticlePubl. house universali / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2015 / N 19, pp. 98-104- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Database of Derivation AffixesN. Amirezashvili, L.Samsonadze, N.JavashviliarticlePubl. house damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2014 / N 18, pp. 194-203- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
CES Encoding Standard System and a Georgian Linguistic CorpusN. Amirezashvili, L. Samsonadze.articlePubl. house damani/ Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2013/ №17 ,pp.136-141- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianGrant Project
The Computer Communication System for Persons with Special L. Lortkipanidze, L. Samsonadze.articlePubl. house damani/ Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2012 / N 16, pp. 166-170- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Derivation As the Function of Lexical SubstitutionL.Margvelani, L.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2011 / N 15, pp. 216-220- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianGrant Project
On Double Character of some DerivatesL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house damani/ Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2010 / N 14, pp. 200-204- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On Formation of Some Noun Plural FormsL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house damani/ Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2009 / N 13, pp. 172-175- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Modeling of derivation in the multilingual expert system.N. Amirezashvili , L. Lortkipanidze, L. Samsonadze.articlePubl. house inteleqti/ Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University/2008/ №12/ 176-182 - ISSN 0135-0765 EnglishState Targeted Program
About Algorithms of Georgian Language Computer Models L.Margvelani,L.Samsonadze, N.Javashviliconference proceedingsPublic house teqnikuri universiteti/ Works ofinternational scientific conference Verbal Communication Technologies, 2008 / pp. 190-196- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianContract
Computer Dialogue System Construction Georgian Noun Forms for English-speaking UsersL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house inteleqti/ Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2007/ №11, pp.187-190- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Computer Based Realization of Indexation For Members of a SentenceL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house inteleqti / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2006წ. / №10 / გვ.256-263- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Computer Dialogue System for Georgian Names Forms TeachingL.Margvelani, L.Samsonadze, N.JavashviliarticlePubl. house inteleqti/ Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University,2005 / N 9, pp. 256-263- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Computer Dialogue System for Georgian Verbal Forms TeachingL.Margvelani,L.Samsonadze, N.JavashviliarticlePubl. house inteleqti/ Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University,2005 / N 9, pp. 236-255- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Metod of Automatic Compilation of Morphologic DictionaryL.SamsonadzearticlePubl. house damani / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili institute of control systems of the Georgian Technical University, 2012 / N 16, pp. 166-170- ISSN 0135-0765 GeorgianState Targeted Program

III International Scientific Conference "Current Issues in Applied Linguistics"Baku, Azerbaijan201825-26 ოქტომბერიAzerbaijan University of LanguagesModel of Georgian-English Automatic Translation of "Sentential Primitives" contaning Adjectivesoral

In the article the essential characteristics of the role relations of “sentential primitives” and specifically primitives, containing the adjectives of the Georgian language and a model for their automatic translation into English are considered. According to the fact which member of the sentence the adjective is connected with and what role it plays in the sentence, types of sentential primitives are separated. If during the translation process both languages are provided with means of partitioning into primitives and vice versa, compiling an expression from primitives, then the process will be brought up to the level of translation of primitives, and the translation will be significantly simplified.
International Conference “Language and Modern Technologies – 2015”201510-15 მაისიArnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Frankfurt UniversityGeorgian language computer modelsoral

Fundamental scientific researches in Computational Linguistics have been carried out at the Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems, Georgian Technical University, for many years. Various combination methods (lexical functions, synonymous series, semantic roles and superparadigms) were developed for the Georgian language; A computer dictionary of the Georgian language has been created, which, at the same time, carries out functions of a morphological generator, in other words, it produces the full paradigm for each lexical unit. Within the framework of the fundamental issues of language modeling, a means of presenting linguistic algorithms has been developed, that allows the formulation of a bi-directional analysis-combined processor. For some languages, the filling-widening process of dictionaries ​​has been simplified with the help of a grammar compiler, which is the most modern tool for the automatic realization of a formal language model. It is possible to compile morphological processor libraries of individual languages ​​for different variations of any language (according to time, space, origin, genre, etc.) and so on. Automatic machine translation can be considered as the main achievement. To solve this task completely it is necessary to create lexical translator. This type of system is rather valued among the ordinary users, as it makes it easier for them to learn foreign-language texts intensively thus is much more useful while composing text. The strategy of our team is to provide reliable support for future language technologies by the theoretical and practical key issues that have been worked up in separate projects for the past years. The computer products created by our team are used in various linguistic areas. It is a challenge for linguists to create computational model of a language, taking into account its multi detections and changes. We have created main components to compile a national corpus manager.
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Faculty of Education and Sciences; TSU Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics; Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 201218-20 მაისიBatumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Faculty of Education and Sciences; TSU Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics; Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Lexicographic Center; Shota Rustaveli National Science FoundationGeorgian language explanatory-combinatorial dictionary generator.oral

Language modeling is one of the most important directions in modern linguistics. Linguistic models are characterized, on the one hand, by the division of the linguistic system into several levels (morphological, syntactic, semantic), and, on the other hand, by the establishment of direct connections between these levels. It is possible to rely on the "explanatory-combinatorial dictionary" for the agreed functioning and effective operation of different levels of the Georgian language model. In the computer explanatory-combinatorial dictionary of the Georgian language, all the information around the lexeme is divided into zones: first - the word commander, second - the definition of the word, third - the morphological model, fourth - the semantic-syntactic model of the word; the fifth zone is devoted to the list of lexical functions of speech. With the support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, a generator of the Georgian Explanatory-Combinatorial Dictionary was developed. To create it, we use the modern approach to the syntax and semantics of the Georgian language: "layered" syntactic structures; I. Melchuk - Theory of lexical parameters; J. Apresian - method of synonymous sequences. From the point of view of Kartvelology, this is an extension, strengthening and updating of the Georgian language description methodology in accordance with the new international standards; for the above modern theories - a new test of their cross-linguistic suitability; In terms of computer linguistics, this work provides a strong basis for creating a complete functional model of the Georgian language.
THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "THE GEORGIAN LANGUAGE AND MODERN TECHNOLOGIES `2011"20117-8 ივლისიArnold Chikobava Institute of LinguisticsSome Questions of the Formation of the Plural in the Georgian Morphological Processororal

The article discusses the peculiarities of declination of some georgian language nouns in plural. Linguistic events are subject to certain regularities, but besides the general rules there are exceptions. The focus is on the forming issues of some noun plural forms. According to the already established rule, the nouns of a certain group do not use plural forms. They are called uncountable nouns. Such are the nouns of substances, abstract, collective, but it is not uncommon to use such nouns in the plural during different semantic loads. Some adjectives are turned into nouns in plural forms (reds, greens, rich, poor, etc.). In the article for ilustration a lot of word combination – collocation are presented which have already been well-established in the Georgian language, such as „ქართული ღვინოები“ - Georgian wines, „მარილების დაგროვება“- salt accumulation, „მინარალური წყლები“-mineral waters - (nouns of substances); "ფიქრები”-Thoughts, „მოტივები“-Motives, „არჩევნები“-Elections - (abstract nouns); „გუნდები“-Teams, „კრებები“-Congregations - (collective nouns): and others.
THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "THE GEORGIAN LANGUAGE AND MODERN TECHNOLOGIES `2009"Tbilisi, Georgia200920-21 ოქტომბერიArnold Chikobava Institute of LinguisticsGeorgian Computer Prompteroral

Georgian computer prompter is a software which can assist the disabled to write in Georgian on the computer. As is known this problem cannot yet be solved by any current software. This system suggests the correct forms of the word and makes it easy to use the keyboard with the minimum of effort.The development of the Georgian morphological processor is provided by means of knowledge collection MESLM Multilanguage expert system. MESLM can be regarded as an instrument which imitates the human mind and creates morphological rules for any language processor. Development of the Georgian language processor by means of the MESLM system software includes three components. These are: verb, noun and other parts of speech. By this time the Georgian text corpora has been filled with about one million words. The software will assist the users to select grammatically correct words while keying in Georgian texts by means of specifying the sequence of words.
International Scientific Conference on Verbal communication technologiesTbilisi, Georgia200816-19 ოქტომბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityAbout algorithms of Georgian language computer modelsoral

The computer based language research serves as means for creation of theoretical-conceptual and algorithmic-applied basis of the language. We think that our models satisfy these requirements. We have fundamentally elaborated morphologic synthesis and analysis for Georgian language, which include the quite exhaustive stem dictionary. The essential problem of semantics syntax and lexicology are also investigated. It’s worthwhile to consider some general or concrete questions, for example, such as: some suppositions about two kinds of the synonymy - arbitrary (on the syntactic level) and restricted one (on the morphologic level); we think that arbitrary synonymic is a source of language enrichment (the examples of this are paraphrases, style, poetry, ..., and some other characteristics which confirm the flexibility of language); moreover we think that homonymy performs a positive function, particularly, the language economically uses its building materials. The morphologic synthesis of Georgian word forms is computerized together with its stem dictionary.


Web of Science: Web of Science-Citation index -1, H-index-1
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Google Scholar: Google scholar-Citation index -2, H-index-1

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

English-Georgian computer dictionary with attached morphological processorsGrant of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2002-2003Key Personnel
Network representation and computer realization of the morphological level of the generative grammarGrant of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2004-2005Key Personnel
Creating automatic syntactic analysis of Georgian textrchil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences 2004-2006Key Personnel
English-Georgian automatic translation systemLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems 2007-2009Key Personnel
Automatic explanatory-combinatorial dictionary as the basis of modeling of the Georgian languageShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 2009-2011Key Personnel
Georgian Computer prompter for disabled personsShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 2009-2011Project Manager
Support of Georgian Language Teaching Program (Morphological Level) Georgian Technical University 2011Key Personnel
Creating a computer model of Georgian language synonymsLEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems 2010-2012Key Personnel
The Full (Morphological, Syntactical, Semantical) Annotation System of Georgian Language CorporaShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 2013-2016Key Personnel
Computer analysis of Georgian sentence in interactive modeArchil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems of the Georgian Technical University / "Scientific Research Facilitation" Program (Program Code 32 05 04) 2015-2017Key Personnel
Georgian Word Net Compiler – GeWordNetShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia 2015-2017Key Personnel
Development of a combinatorial online dictionary of the Georgian languageArchil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems of the Georgian Technical University / "Scientific Research Facilitation" Program (Program Code 32 05 04) 2018-2020Key Personnel
Georgian language interface of dialogue systemsArchil Eliashvili Institute of Control systems of the Georgian Technical University / "Scientific Research Facilitation" Program (Program Code 32 05 04) 2021-2023Key Personnel
ქართულ-ინგლისური გრამატიკული ლექსიკონის კომპაილერიShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia 2022-2025Key Personnel

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Syntax Annotation of the Georgian Literary Corpus, 2017, SpringerState Target Program

It is very important to draw out deeply annotated text corpora in order to solve theoretical and applied tasks of the Georgian language. While syntactically annotated corpora are now available for English, Czech, Russian and the other languages, for Georgian they are rare. The environment, developed by our research group, offers several NLP applications, including a module of the morphologic, syntactic and semantic level, a Universal Networking Language interface and a natural language interface to access SQL type databases.

The paper gives the description of the automatic syntactic analyzer of the Georgian Language. It includes syntactic and morphologic levels of the Georgian language model. The basis of the linguistic model of the Georgian text syntax annotation is the dependency grammar

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus