Gurami Grigolia
Institute of Hydrometeorology
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article | Publishing House TSU/ Transactions of Mikheil Nodia Institute/2019/67-68 | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-899-7 | http://openlibrary.ge/handle/123456789/8919 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Assessment of the variability of individual month levels on the Enguri River station Khaishi | Grigolia G., M.Alaverdashvili, G.Bregvadse | article | Publishing House IHM/Pressing Problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology/2019/127/25-29 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0906 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Dynamics of changes in minimum levels and expenses on the Mtkvari River (Minadze) | Grigolia G., Alaverdashvili M. | article | Publishing House IHM/Pressing Problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology/2018/125/5-8 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0905 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment and analysis of variability of Mtkvari River runoffs and precipitations of different intervals and periods against the background of global climate changes | Grigolia G., Kereselidze D.,. Alaverdashvili M., Trapaidze V., Bregvadze G. | article | Publishing House IHM/Pressing Problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology/2017/124/22-27 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0904 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Effect of global climate warming on variability of monthly average and seasonal water discharge of Vere river | Grigolia G., Kereselidze D., Alaverdashvili M., Trapaidze V., Bregvadze G., | article | Publishing House IHM/Pressing Problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology/2016/123/68-71 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0903 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment and analysis of tendencies of variability ofloows for diferent periods against thev background of global climate changes (by the example of Mtkvari and Potskhovi rivers | Grigolia G., Kereselidze D. Trapaidze V., Bregvadze G. | article | Publishing House IHM/Pressing Problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology/2015/121/15-18 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of dynamics (trend) of variability of annual and monthly maximum water discharges at Vere river | G. Grigolia, D. Kereselidze, K. Bilashvili, V.Trapaidze, G. Bregvadze | article | Institute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University Collected papers/2015/70 | - | ISSN – 1512-2344 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of variability of floods and freshets frequency in separate month of some Georgias rivers | G. Grigolia, D. Kereselidze, K. Bilashvili, V.Trapaidze, G. Bregvadze | article | 5th Intrenational Scientific and technical Conference Modern problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction Conference Proceedings/2015 | - | ISBN 1512-2344 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/105346/2/SamecnieroShromataKrebuli_2015.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of variability of floods and freshets frequency in separate month of some Georgias rivers | G. Grigolia, D. Kereselidze, K. Bilashvili, V.Trapaidze, G. Bregvadze | article | Proceedings International Conference Applied Ecology: Problems, Innovations/2015 | - | ISBN 978-9941-0-7644-2 | https://docplayer.net/120655798-Abstracts-book-international-conference-applied-ecology-problems-innovations-icae.html | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of frequency of floods and high waters at Kura River (Likani) | G. Grigolia, D. Kereselidze, V.Trapaidze, G. Bregvadze | article | Institute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University Collected papers/2014/69 | - | ISSN – 1512-2344 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The Characteristics of Formation of Inundations, special –temporary Changes | Ts.Basilashvili, S.Gorgijanidze, G.Grigolia, G.Pipia | article | Publishing House IHM/Pressing Problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology/2014/120/69-72 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of the risks of floods and flashfloods in a river delta depending on the climatic conditions on the example of the river Rioni | G. Grigolia, D. Kereselidze, V.Trapaidze, G. Bregvadze | article | Kolkhety Lowland Water Ecosystems –Protection and Efficient use/ Collected papers/2013 | - | ISBN 978-9941-0-5792-2 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Flooding of river floodplains and Evaluation and management of the risk of washout | G. Grigolia, D. Kereselidze, V.Trapaidze, G. Bregvadze | article | Institute of Geography of Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University/2013/#5 (84), | - | ISSN – 2233-3347 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/312484 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Evaluation of the risks of floods and flashfloods in the rivers Chorokhi and Ajaristskali on the background of the climate change | G. Grigolia, D. Kereselidze, V.Trapaidze, | article | Institute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University Collected papers/2013/68 | - | ISSN – 1512-2344 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Problems Posed by the Changes of River flow and Ways of Overcoming Them | Ts. Basilashvili, G.Grigolia, S.Gorgijanidze | article | Basic Paradigms in Science and Technology Development for the 21st Centery/2012/22-26 | - | ISBN 978-9941-20-096-0 ISSN 1512-0996 | https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/conf_gtu90/en/index_en.php | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Forecasting catastrophic freshets | D.Kereselidze, V.Trapaidze G. Bregvadze, G.Grigolia G.Dokhnadze M.Alaverdashvili | article | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Trend, cyclicity and periodicity of flow of riv. Natanebi for the different period of year | G. Grigolia, T. Tsintsadze, V. Trapaidze, N. Khupenia, G. Bregvadze, O.Shvelidze | article | Publishing House IHM/Pressing Problems in Hydrometeorology and Ecology/2011/116/49-51 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | doi.org/10.36073/1512-0902 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
5th International Scientific and technical Conference -Modern problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 21-23 IX | Institute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University | Assessment of tendencies of variability of average monthly discharges of Alazani River and of their annual shares | oral | With the purpose of establishment of tendencies of variability of average monthly discharges of Alazani River and their annual shares, computation of intra-annual flow of most important water artery – Alazani river that is one of the topical issues of supply of Kakheti region with irrigation water, has been carried out. Average monthly discharges Q, modulus coefficients K, percentage share P%Q , correlation coefficients of discharge trend RQ and correlation coefficients of share trends for period of 1966-1986 years where computed by us for Alazani river (near Shakriani). Computation reveals that any trend is registered in none of months, the variability according to separate months is of almost the same nature and tendencies of increased or decreased variability according to discharge and percentage give us nearly identical picture. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/105346/2/SamecnieroShromataKrebuli_2015.pdf |
International Conference -Applied Ecology:Problems ,Innovations- Proceedings ICAE - 2015 | Tbilisi - Batumi, Georgia | 2015 | 7-10/V | Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. - Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences - Department of Geography | Assessment of variability of floods and freshets frequency in separate month of some Georgias rivers | oral | Not all the floods and freshets observed every year on rivers in Georgia, lead us to destructive effects, lots of them don’t grow into catastrophes. The catastrophic nature of floods and freshets is basically caused by the excessive intensity of snow melting, which becomes even stronger, when during snow-melting period take place atmospheric precipitations of considerable extent in the form of rains. Detailed investigation of this phenomenon is very important for mitigation of results of floods and freshets. Variability of frequency of floods and freshets on Georgia’s rivers (Rioni, Chorokhi, Atcharistskali, Mtkvari, Potskhovi) has been compared. Main attention is focused on the amount of water maximum discharge’s hitting in different ranges in separate months every year during the observation period. Ranges for separate steps are selected using module coefficient, in order to make possible receipt of unified results for different rivers. Also the coefficient of freshet activity is studied, which is getting smaller with an increase of the catchment basin area. All the mentioned gives us an opportunity to compare the range of maximum discharge variation according to separate months. | https://docplayer.net/120655798-Abstracts-book-international-conference-applied-ecology-problems-innovations-icae.html |
International Scientific-Technical Conference - Kolkhety Lowland Water Ecosystems –Protection and Efficient use | Tbilisi - Poti, Georgia | 2013 | 28-30,V | Institute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University | Assessment of the risks of floods and flashfloods in a river delta depending on the climatic conditions on the example of the River Rioni | oral | Following the climatic changes, the increased frequency and severity of the natural calamities (storms, floods and flashfloods) is observed, and the eustasy (rising level of the black Sea in respect of land) is followed by increased risks of flooding at the river mouths, what on its turn, reduces the reliability of the coast-protective structures evidenced in the mouth of the river Rioni. The risky periods (months) of floods and flashfloods were identified by using continuous observed data of the river Rioni, and besides, average monthly, instant and daily water peak discharges were assessed. the risk of floods and flashfloods in the 1st and 9th months is little, while in other months it is significant with almost identical frequency. As a conclusion, we can say that the maximum of the coincidence of the river Rioni peak discharge with over 800 m3/sec reoccurrence and stormy phenomena during the year takes place in the months of February to April what will result in the intensified washout processes in the river Rioni delta | https://issuu.com/geowetlands/docs/___________________________________ |
International Scientific–Technical Conference -Basic Paradigms in Science and Technology development of the 21st Century | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2012 | 19-21/IX | GTU | Problems caused by Alazani River settlement changes and ways of overcoming them | oral | There has been ascertained the vegetation period of the Alazani river according to individual month, quarters, maximum and minimal water discharge, extremes, alteration and other statistical qualities. By using the dynamics through years the trends and tendencies of the changes have been identified. the figures are of scientific value and can be used in designing and economic organizations for calculating water resources. Due the warming trend, water evaporation will increase and the river flow will decrease, which will ultimately lead to the lack of water supply in irrigation period in summer. For the aim of mitigation of negative consequences of drought, a set of measures is recommended so as to slow down turning the territory into a desert, increase agricultural produce and improve economic well-being of the population. | https://gesj.internet-academy.org.ge/conf_gtu90/en/index_en.php |
Web of Science: - Scopus: - Google Scholar: Google scholar Citation index -9.00 h-index-2.00 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
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National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
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Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |