Elene Kalatozishvili

Academic Doctor of Science

Georgian research institute of food industry

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My field of scientific interest is to study the rational use of wine products, to perfect (refine) the technologies of wine and chacha vodka. As a result of many years of theoretical and practical research, extracts rich in biologically active compounds, extracted from grape clematis, have been processed from winemaking wastes (leek, beet, claret) and up to 25 new biologically active substances have been identified. Developed and introduced anti-alcoholic drink "Золотое руно" from grape clematis; Biologically active extract "Koprim", on the basis of which non-alcoholic beverages, "Горный ключ" are developed; Женыиеневый; Pero has developed state-of-the-art technologies for the extraction of fruit and berry raw materials - their range has been expanded: for the prevention of iron deficiency (anemia) iron-rich bechamel is obtained from zinc, its physicochemical composition is studied.

New bread wheat products of high nutritional valueE.Kalatozishvili, G.grigorashviliconference proceedingsInternational Scientific Conference, Wheat in European Countries and Georgia as one of the centers of wheat production, 2019. P. 153- ISBN 978-9941-8-1687-1 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Some Chemical technological of red vine sorts in Samtske-JavakhetiMamasakhlisashvili, E.kalatozishvili, L.VashakidzearticleBulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2004, No. 1, pp.125-1270.18 ISSN 1321447 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Influence of natural biostimulators on the yield of high quality grafted seedlingsE.kalatozishvili, L.mujiri, M.Ormotsadzeconference proceedingsO.I.V. Thirteenth World Congress on Vine and Wine, 2018, p. 8-11- ISBN 978-285-038-0105 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Determination of pectinesterase activities in endogenous enzyme complexesKhomasuridze M. Kalatozishvili E. Mujiri L. articleScience and Technology , 2002, #4-6, page 96-980 ISSN 0130-7061 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Production of bio-ethanol from the recycled products of agriculture by using alcohol-generationg bacteriaMujiri L.A. Ormotsadze M.L. And Kalatozishvili E.I. articleGeorgian Engineering News, № 4, 2007 y, p.98-1000 ISSN 1512-0287 In RussianState Targeted Program
Improving technologies for processing fruit and berry raw materials by regulating biochemical processesMujiri L. Ormotsadze M. Kalatozishvili EarticleAgrarian-Economic Science and Technologies, № 4, 2010, P. 63-650 ISSN 1987-6335 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Study and use of secondary processing products of some fruits (turmeric)Mujiri L. Ormotsadze M. Kalatozishvili E. Uturashvili E. Iluridze N.articleAgrarian-Economic Science and Technologies, № 4, 2010, P. 58-620 ISSN 1987-6335 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Processing of rational technological conditions for the production of chacha vodka by means of pectolytic enzymesMujiri L. Tokhadze M. Kalatozishvili E. Godabreliodze A.articleBulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, № 12, 2004. P. 36-380 ISSN 1512-2743 In GeogianState Targeted Program
Examination of essential oils obtained from the old and young leaves of eucalyptusBaghaturia N. Begiashvili N. Ormotsadze M. Kalatozishvili L. Baghaturia b.articleBulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2008. №22, p.190-1920 ISSN 1512-2743 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Changes in the chemical composition of protein essential oils on ontogensBaghaturia N. Begiashvili N. Ormotsadze M. Kalatozishvili L. Baghaturia b.articleBulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2003. №11, pp.185-1880 ISSN 1512-2743 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Results of agricultural-technological study of new hybrid vine varieties in KartliKalatozishvili E.articleBulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2003. №11, pp.65-680 ISSN 1512-2743 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
Study of hydrolitikal complex of fermental preparation with the purpose of technological processes grapes Mujiri L. Kalatozishvili E.articleBulletin of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2003. №11, pp.47-500 ISSN 1512-2743 In GeorgianState Targeted Program
The mathematic method definition of biological value of combined proteinGrigorashvili G., Kalatozishvili E., Iluridze N.articleAgrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2020year,№1-2, p. 62-660 ISSN 1987-6335 GeorgianState Targeted Program
The perspective ways to use the citrus (tangerine)debrisGrigorashvili G., Kalatozishvili E., Iluridze N.articleAgrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2020year,№1-2, p. 57-610 ISSN 1987-6335 GeorgianState Targeted Program
New approaches to fortification of bread products using secondary resources in the food industryGrigorashvili G. Kalatozishvili E., Iluridze N.articleAgrarian-economic Science and Technologies, 2019year,№4, p. 29-330 ISSN 1987-6335 GeorgianState Targeted Program

Aspects of Innovative Research in Agricultural SciencesTbilisi, Georgia202120/11/2021-21/11/2021Georgian Technical UniversityResearch of the influence of grape seeds on the data of red wine chemical composition and organoleptic indexesoral

It is established that grape seeds negatively influences on the quality of red wine. The new technology of red grape processing is suggested, which considers the removing of seeds from the dreg of grapes separated from bunches, conduct alcoholic fermentation and the following ageing in the aboveground Georgian fermentation jugs (Qvevri).

Sericulture Challenges in the 21st CenturyTbilisi, Georgia200718/09/2007-21/09/2007Black, Caspian Seas and Central Asia Silk Association Mulberry’s Fruit treatment Properties and Its Many-sided Applyoral

Technological scheme for reception of concentrates containing biological-active substances of

mulberry fruits is elaborated.

 By studying organoleptical and chemical contents of mulberry fruits and its concentrates; It

is possible to use them as additional products in food-industry.

 By analysis, it is established, that fruits of mulberry and its concentrates have high-contents of

iron and maybe recommend for treating in case of anemia . 

Viticulture and wine-making in Europe countries –historical aspects and prospectsTbilisi, Georgia201725/10/2017-27/10/2017Georgian academy of agricultural sciencesPROSPECTIVE TRENDS OF RATIONAL USE OF WASTELOUS WASTE OF WINE MAKING poster

   Grape wine of processing of secondary product so called (waste): combs, spies, seed, yeast, stone

wine. The efficient processing is possible as a result of ethyl alcohol, wine acid, seed oil and

monalcoholic and low alcoholic drinks, polyphenoliney and polyvitaminnye concentrates, other food

cosmetic and pharmaceutical products as a destination. In this Scientific work is analyzed the experience

of advanced countries. There is clear main directions how to process wine making wastes to non-waste

products and then utilize it. This process help to our wine making companies to become much more



Modern technologies to produce ecologically pure products for sustainable development of agricultureTbilisi, Georgia201628/09/2016-30/09/2016Georgian academy of agricultural sciencesDEVELOPMENT OF WASTELESS PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF MULBERRY FRUIT PROCESSINGoral

Technological sheme for receiption of consetates containing biological-active substances of mulberry fruit is elaborated.

By studyng organoleptikal and chemical contents of mulberry fruits and concentrates; it is possible tu use them as additional products in food-industry.


By analysis, it is estabilished, that fruits of mulberry and its concentrates have high-contents of iron 

and may be recommended for treating in case of anemia. 

Georgian Wine an vineTbilisi, Georgia201909/05/2019 - 12/05/2019Caucasus International University, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State UniversityIncestigation of Wine Destillates (Georgian Spirit Chacha) received from Tsolikouri and Rkhatiteli Grape Varietiesposter

Georgian spirit -ChaCha -can be produced both via processing of grape residues -pomace and from Kakhetian type wine, produced via grape must fermentation on pomace. Due to its quality Georgian Spirit Chacha became close to brandy, which as known, is produced from European type wine - via distillation of wine produced from dry fermentation of grape juice and further maturation of the distillate in oak. The aim of the study was conduction of the alcoholic fermentation of the industrial Georgian grape varieties -Tsolikouri and Rkhatsiteli musts with presence of various percentage of destemmed pomace, preparation of distillates from the received wines and their chemical and organoleptical investigation. In various test samples of Tsolikouri and Rkhatsiteli was added destemmed pomace to the must before fermentation in amount of 1,2,3,5,10 and 30 % . Alcoholic fermentation of the mentioned samples was carried out in Qvevri. According to these variatios, there were prepared distillates from the fermented wines; It was cpnducted chemical and degustation evaluation of the distillates. The analysis of the results obtained has shown the bes result during of the 5 % destemmed must in process of alcoholic fermentation . furthermore, the wine distillates received from grape varieties above meaningfully differ from each other in chemical and organoleptic characteristics. In wine distillate received from Tsolikouri grape, when compared to the Rkatsiteli grape variety wine distillate, the following characteristics are higher in amoint as: total amount of esters - by 24 %, acetals - by 21.8 % . aldehydes -by 83.6 %. ethylacetate -2- times. sensorial evaluation - 0.88 rate. Wine distillate received from Tsolikouri grape varienty is much higher in quality in comparison to Rkatsiteli distillate. These distillates are used for the new type Chacha spirit production.


Web of Science: 0
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Google Scholar: 23

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Chemical-technological characterization of different types of wines obtained from Rkatsiteli grapesGeorgia Technical University
Chemical-technological characterization of Koloshi and Machkvadina red wine varieties spread in SamegreloGeorgian Technical University

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Research of the citrus fruit processing innovative technologiesResearch institute of food industry 01.01.2018-31.12.2023executant
Research of the new technology of vodka production from ChachaResearch institute of food industry 01.01.2019-31.12.2023executant
To develop the optimal conditions for the purification of ethyl alcohol obtained from sugar sorghum and to determine the ways of its practical useResearch institute of food industry 01/01/2002-31/12/2004executant
To perfect the technology of alcohol production in Georgia (common) from technical varieties of adult fruits Research Insitute of Food Industry 01/01/2005-31/12/2007executor
Development of waste technology for peach fruit processingResearch institute of food industry 01/01/2012-31/12/2013executant
Development of waste technology for industrial processing of mulberryResearch institute of food industry 01/01/2012-31/12/2014executant
Development of technology for the production of environmentally friendly ethyl alcoholFood science and research institute 01/01/2007-31/12/2009executant
Intake of preventive foods for the correction of iron deficiency anemia in the pediatric contingent.Research institute of food industry 01/01/2014-31/12/2015executant
Investigation of rational technology for making antioxidant non-alcoholic wine using grapes and wine processing wasteResearch institute of food industry01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017executant
Development of complex processing technology for citrus fruitsResearch institute of food industry 01/01/2017-31/12/2017executant
Study of a new technology for the production of distilled essential oils in order to reduce energy costs by 50-60%.Research institute of food industry 01/01/2017-31/12/2018executant
Investigation of innovative technologies of Kolkhetian bio wine and bio alcoholic drinksFood science and research institute 01/01/2017-31/12/2023executant

Patent authorship

P 5253საქართველოს ინტელექტუალური ქონების ეროვნული ცენტრი საქპატენტი995Levan Mujiri, Elene Kalatozishvili, Medea OrmotsadzeA method of stimulating plant growthActive14/07/2011A01N 51/00

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Farmer Information-Consulting Service Center10/05/2013-17/08/2020

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus