Giorgi Baghaturia

Doctor of Science

Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics

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A general integral of a quasilinear equation and application to solving a nonlinear characteristic problem.G. Baghaturia, M.MenteshashviliarticleSiberian Mathematical Journal, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 940–951. New York, USA Pleiades Publishing, Inc.IF 0.778, SJR-0.81 Electronic ISSN 1573-9260 Print ISSN 0037-4466 DOI: 10.1134/S0037446619060028 Russian,EnglishState Targeted Program
Numerical Algorithms for a Solution of Quasi-Linear Second Order Partial Differential Equation of Mixed TypeG. Baghaturia, M.MenteshashviliarticleInformation and Computer Technology, Modeling and Control. Chapter 25. Nova Science publishers, 2017 SJR-0.26 ISBN: 978-1-53612-075-2 EnglishState Targeted Program
The Numerical Algorithm for the Quasi-linear Differential Equation of Mixed Type.G. Baghaturia, M.MenteshashviliarticleInformation and Computer Technologies, Modelling, ControlSJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-1232 EnglishState Targeted Program
Numerical Algorithms for a Solution of Quasi-Linear Second Order Partial Differential Equation of Mixed TypeG. Baghaturia, M.MenteshashviliarticleComputer science and information technologies", Proceedings. 2015, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 267-269.SJR - 0.166 ISSN 1512-1232 EnglishState Targeted Program
The Numerical Algorithm for the Quasi-linear Differential Equation of Mixed Type.G. Baghaturia, M.MenteshashviliarticleInformation and Computer Technologies, Modelling, Control" , Proceedings , pp. 402-405, 2015.SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-1232 EnglishState Targeted Program
Non-linear versions of hyperbolic problems for one quasi-linear equation of mixed type.G.BaghaturiaarticleJournal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer), August 2015, Volume 208, Issue 6, pp 621-634.Scopus, SJR - 0.33 ISSN 1072-3374 EnglishState Targeted Program
Some non-linear versions of hyperbolic problems for one quasi-linear equation of mixed type.G. Baghaturiaarticle Contemporary Mathematics and its applications Vol. 90, Differential Equations and Mathematical Analysis, 2014.SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-1712 RussianState Targeted Program
Cauchy problem for a quasi-linear hyperbolic equation with closed support of data. J.Gvazava, G. Baghaturia, M. Menteshashviliarticle Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer), vol.193, issue 3 (2013), page 364-368.Scopus, SJR - 0.33 ISSN 1072-3374 Targeted Program
On Characteristic Problems with a non-compact Support of Data.Jondo Gvazava, R.Bitsadze,Giorgi Baghaturia, Marine MenteshashviliarticleProceedings of A.Razmadze Institute of Mathematics Tbilisi, 162, 2013, pages 130-135.SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-0007 EnglishState Targeted Program
The Curves of Strong Parabolic Degeneracy as a Part of Boundaries of Domains of Propagation for Some Non-linear Waves. J. Gvazava, G. Baghaturia, M. MenteshashviliarticleSeveral Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” Nova science publishers, inc. 2012, pp 113-121.SJR-0.26 "ISBN-13: 978-1620816035 ISBN-10: 1620816032" EnglishState Targeted Program
The Anti-plane problem of propagation of crack in compound elastic strip. Giorgi Baghaturia, Guram BaghaturiaarticleBasic paradigms in science and technology development for the 21st century”,Transactions, vol. II, pp.142-146, 2012.SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-1232 EnglishState Targeted Program
The Cauchy Problem for quasi-linear hyperbolic equation with closed support of data. G. Baghaturia, J. Gvazava, M. MenteshashviliarticleProceedings of the International Conference "Modern Algebra and its applications,2011 Batumi, Georgia, v.2, p.5-10SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-1232 EnglishState Targeted Program
On one version of non-local problem for quasi-linear Hyperbolic Equation. G. Baghaturia, M.MenteshashviliarticleOnline Journal “Computer Sciences and Telecomunications”, No. 3(32), p.35-38, 2011, Tbilisi.SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-1232 EnglishState Targeted Program
On the Domains of Propagation of Waves Determined by Perturbations on the Closed Support. G. Baghaturia, M.MenteshashviliarticleReport of enlarged Session of the Seminar of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Volume 24, 2010.SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-0066 EnglishState Targeted Program
On a Non-linear Version of Goursat Problem With Partially Free Characteristic Support. G.BaghaturiaarticleSeminar of I.Vekua Instutute of Applied Mathematics Reports,Vol.34, 2008, p.37-42.SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-0058 EnglishState Targeted Program
On The Cauchy Problem For One Quasi-Linear Hyperbolic Equation With Order And Type Degeneracy.G.BaghaturiaarticleProceedings of A. Razmadze Institute of Mathematics, Vol. 141, 2006, p.15-27SJR-0.26 ISSN 1512-0007 EnglishState Targeted Program

XIII Annual International Meeting of the Georgian Mechanical UnionBatumi, Georgia202222/08/2022 - 26/08/2022Georgian Mechanical Union, Batumi State Maritime Academy, Akaki Tsereteli State UniversityOn a Cauchy problem with closed support of dataoral

We consider the Cauchy problem on the closed data support for one class quasi-linear equations of mixed type. We have proved that the Cauchy problem is well posed. The families of characteristic curves are described and the area of definition of the solution is constructed.,XIII%20Annual%20International%20Meeting%20of%20the%20Georgian%20Mechanical%20Union,Corona%20Virus%20situation%20in%20Georgia.
XII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical UnionBatumi, Georgia202229/08/2022 - 03/09/2022Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi State UniversityOn a Cauchy Problem with Closed Support of Data and its Discrete Analogueoral

We consider the Cauchy problem on a closed data support for one class quasi-linear equations of mixed type. We have proved that the Cauchy problem is well posed. The families of characteristic curves are described and the area of definition of the solution is constructed. To solve the problem, a difference scheme is constructed, the approximation and stability of the scheme is studied. Calculation results are given for concrete examples.
9 th international workshop on Surface engineering and 5th international workshop on applied and sustainable engineeringKoszalin, Poland202121-26 ივნისიKoszalin University of TechnologySome problems for partial differential equations of mixed typeoral

Some Hyperbolic problems for quasi-linear equations of mixed type are considered.
Analytical and Numerical Methods in Differential Equations .Virtual conference on occasion of the 100th birthday of Academician Nikolai N. Yanenko.202123-26 აგვისტოSuranaree University of Technology Nakhon Ratchasima, ThailandDouble Waves and Yanenko Equationoral

One of many fields of scientific activity of academician Yanenko was searching for special solutions of PDE’s, especially for solutions with degenerate hodograph of Euler equations of gas-dynamics. The simplest example is given by so called double waves.The solutions are mappings of R3 into R3 in general of rank 3. However, there are also solutions of rank 1 - simple waves and rank 2 - double waves.When searching for double waves one can determine at first the 2-dimensional hodograph surface S, which is the set of values of the double wave solution. The double wave hodographs are rather exceptional surfaces.
XII Annual International Meeting of the Georgian Mechanical Union Kutaisi, Georgia20219-11 სექტემბერიKutaisi state universityInverse problems for the second order equations of mixed typeoral

For one class of quasi-linear partial differential equation a non-linear version of Inverse Problem is considered, The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants. In some cases the problem is reduced to characteristic Goursat problem and the algorythm for finding of numerical solution of Goursat problem is constructed.
XI Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical UnionBatumi, Georgia202123-28 აგვისტოBatumi state universityInverse Problems and Their Discrete Analogs for the Second Order Quasi-Linear Equations of Mixed Type oral

For one class of quasi-linear partial differential equation a non-linear version of Inverse Problem is considered, The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants. In some cases the problem can be reduced to characteristic Goursat problem and the algorythm for finding of numerical solution of Goursat problem is constructed.
XI Annual International conference of the Georgian Mechanical Union Batumi, Georgia202027- 29 აგვისტოBatumi state universityDirect and inverse Cauchy problems for second-order equations of mixed type.oral

For some classes of quasi-linear partial differential equations general integrals are constructed, which have the form of sum of two arbitrary functions. Some non-linear variants of direct and inverse problems are posed and solved. Specific examples are also investigated and Domains of propagation of solutions are described.
16th Conference “Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences”Kościelisko, Poland201930 ივნისი - 5 ივლისიKrakow University of Science and TechnologyGeneral Integrals and Inverse Problems for the Second Order Quasi-Linear Equations of Mixed Type. oral

For some classes of quasi-linear partial differential equation we constructed general integrals in the form of sum of two arbitrary functions. Some non-linear variants of inverse problem are posed and solved. Specific examples are also investigated and Domains of propagation of solutions are described.
16th Conference “Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences”Kościelisko, Poland201930 ივნისი - 5 ივლისიKrakow University of Science and TechnologyInvolutive exterior Differential Systems and Nonlinear superposition of Solutions. oral

Problem of Integrability of Some type of quasi-linear equations are considered. Solutions are constructed in the form of double waves. The concept of non-linear superposition of solutions is introduced
9th International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical UnionKutaisi, Georgia2018 11-13 ოქტომბერიKutaisi state universityNon-stationary anti-plane problem of crack propagation in elastic strip. oral

We solved a non-stationary problem when a semi-infinite crack propagates along the line of connection of two elastic strips having different characteristics of elasticity. We obtained the Solution of the problem of crack propagation in elastic strip by means of Fourier transform and the method of Wiener-Hopf.
9th International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical UnionBatumi, Georgia2018 3-7 სექტემბერიGeorgian Mathematical Union, Batumi State UniversityNon-classical problems for second order quasi-linear equations with rectilinear characteristicsoral

We considered some non-classical problems for one class of quasi-linear partial differential equations. The theorems of existence and uniqueness of solutions are proved and domains of definitions of solutions are described.
VIII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical UnionBatumi, Georgia20174-8 სექტემბერიGeorgian Mathematical Union, Batumi State UniversityNon-linear versions of Characteristic Problems for the Second Order PDEs of Mixed Type.oral

For some quasi-linear partial differential equations a non-linear version of Characteristic Problem is considered. The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants. The Analogue of Assgeirson theorem is proved.
VII International Joint Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union and Georgian Mechanical Union “Continuum Mechanics and Related Problems of Analysis ”Batumi, Georgia20165-9 სექტემბერიGeorgian Mathematical Union, Batumi State UniversityThe General Integrals of Quasi-linear equations and domains of propagation of the solutions of non-linear Cauchy Problemsoral

For one class of quasi-linear partial differential equation we constructed general integrals by means of a characteristic method. The general integral is constructed in the form of sum of two arbitrary functions. Some specific examples are also investigated Domains of propagation of solutions are described.
International Conference " Computer science and information technologies"Yerevan, Armenia201528 სექტემბერი.-2 ოქტომბერიThe National Academy of Science of Armenia The Institute for Informatics and Automation ProblemsThe Numerical Algorithm for the Quasi-linear Differential Equation of Mixed Type.oral

For one class of quasi-linear partial differential equation a non-linear version of Cauchy Problem is considered, The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants and the algorythm for finding of numerical solution is constructed. Book of Abstracts of the Conference -
The International Scientific Conference Dedicated to Academician I.Prangishvili's 85th Anniversary "Information and Computer Technologies, Modelling, Control" Tbilisi, Georgia2015 3-5 ნოემბერიGeorgian Technical University, Shota Rustaveli national science foundation of GeorgiaThe Numerical Algorithm for the Quasi-linear Differential Equation of Mixed Type.oral

For one class of quasi-linear partial differential equation a non-linear version of Cauchy Problem is considered, The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants and the algorythm for finding of numerical solution is constructed.
7th Symposium on Integrable SystemsKrakow, Poland2014 27-30 ივნისიKrakow University of Science and TechnologyOn Integrability of Hydrodynamic Type of Equations.oral

Problem of Integrability of Hydrodynamic type of equations are considered. Solutions are constructed in the form of double waves.
International Conference “Basic paradigms in science and technology development for the 21st century”,Tbilisi, Georgia2012 19-21 სექტემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityThe Anti-plane problem of propagation of crack in compound elastic strip. oral

We solved anti plane problem when a semi-infinite crack propagates along the line of connection of two elastic strips having different characteristics of elasticity. We obtained the Solution of the problem of crack propagation in elastic strip by means of Fourier transform and the method of Wiener-Hopf.
International Conference "Modern Algebra and its applications"Batumi, Georgia2011 19-25 სექტემბერიBatumi state universityThe Cauchy Problem for quasi-linear hyperbolic equation with closed support of data.oral

For one class of quasi-linear partial differential equation a non-linear version of Cauchy Problem is considered, when the support of initial data is a closed curve. The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants.

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International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied MathematicsTbilisi, Georgia201021-23 აპრილიIlia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Iv. Javakhishvili State UniversityOn the Domains of Propagation of Waves Determined by Perturbations on the Closed Supportoral

For one class of quasi-linear partial differential equation a non-linear version of Cauchy Problem is considered, when the support of initial data is a closed curve. The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants.
International Conference “Information and Computation Technologies”Tbilisi, Georgia20102-6 მაისიGeorgian Technical UniversityOn non-linear Cauchy problem with closed support of data. oral

For a quasi-linear partial differential equation a non-linear version of Cauchy Problem is considered, when the support of initial data is a closed curve. The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants.
International Conference “Information and Computation Technologies”Tbilisi, Georgia20102-6 მაისიGeorgian Technical UniversityOn non-local problems for Quasi-linear hyperbolic equations.oral

For one quasi-linear partial differential equation a version of non-local Problem is considered. The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants.
Ukrainian Mathematical Congress − 2009 (Dedicated to the Centennial of  Nikolai N. Bogoliubov) Kiev, Ukraine200927-29 აგვისტოInstitute of Mathematics of NASUOn Quiet Zones in Nonlinear Wave Propagation Regionsoral

The structure of the characteristic areas of the mixed type equation is studied.
International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied MathematicsTbilisi, Georgia200822-24 აპრილიIlia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Iv. Javakhishvili State UniversityOn a Non-linear Version of Goursat Problem With Partially Free Characteristic Supportoral

For one quasi-linear partial differential equation a non-linear version of Goursat Problem is considered, when one characteristic is unknown. The problem is solved by using of characteristic invariants.

Web of Science: 3
Scopus: 2
Google Scholar: 11

Poland-2017 ივნისი-ივლისიAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied MathematicsAGH University of Science Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Georgian Technical University
Poland-2016 ნოემბერი-დეკემბერიAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied MathematicsAGH University of Science Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Georgian Technical University
Poland-2016 აპრილი-მაისიAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied MathematicsAGH University of Science Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Georgian Technical University
Poland-2015 ივნისი-ივლისიAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied MathematicsAGH University of Science Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Georgian Technical University
Poland-აპრილი 2013 - აპრილი 2014University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, informatics and MechanicsEurounion

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Thermodynamical equilibrium of thick elliptical plate and its parts Georgian Technical University

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Journal of Mechanical and Energy EngineeringPoland25/10/2018

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Post-Doctoral research Fellowship პოლონეთი 2013 აპრილი-2014 აპრილიPost-doctoral researcher
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching programmeEurounion პოლონეთი 2018 ოქტომბერიTeaching staff member
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching programmeEurounion პოლონეთი მაისი 2022Teaching staff member

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

On The Cauchy Problem For One Quasi-Linear Hyperbolic Equation With Order And Type Degeneracy, Proceedings of A. Razmadze Institute of Mathematics, Vol.141,2006, p.15-27State Target Program

On a plane, we consider the Cauchy problem for one quasi-linear second order hyperbolic equation whose order and type degenerate on some set of points. The conditions for which the Cauchy problem has no solution, are established. In the case if these conditions are not fulfilled, the solution of the problem is constructed explicitly. The structure of the domain of definition of the solution is described.
On a Non-linear Version of Goursat Problem With Partially Free Characteristic Support, Seminar of I.Vekua Instutute of Applied Mathematics Reports,Vol.34, 2008, p.37-42.State Target Program

 On the plane is given one quasi-linear second order hyperbolic equation whose order and type degenerate on some set of points. For this equation we consider the Goursat problem with the partially free characteristic support. There are established some conditions which are sufficient to define the unknown characteristic line and to reduce the Goursat problem with the partially free characteristic support to known nonlinear Goursat problem (see [1]), when there are given the both of characteristics coming from common point and in this point the value of unknown solution is also given.
On the Domains of Propagation of Waves Determined by Perturbations on the Closed Support, Report of enlarged Session of the Seminar of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Volume 24, 2010.State Target Program

The Cauchy problem with closed support of data for quasi-linear hyperbolic equation with the possible parabolic degeneracy is investigated. The structure of the domain of the solution is studied. Initial conditions stimulating the formation of areas impenetrable for non-linear waves are founded.
On one version of non-local problem for quasi-linear Hyperbolic Equation, Online Journal “Computer Sciences and Telecomunications”, No. 3(32), p.35-38, 2011, Tbilisi.State Target Program

Certain version of non-local characteristic problem is considered for second order quasi-linear hyperbolic equation. The characteristic curves of this equation are straight lines. The question of existence of the solution is studied.
The Curves of Strong Parabolic Degeneracy as a Part of Boundaries of Domains of Propagation for Some Non-linear Waves, Several Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” Nova science publishers, inc. 2012, pp 113-121.State Target Program

On Characteristic Problems with a non-compact Support of Data, Proceedings of A.Razmadze Institute of Mathematics Tbilisi, 162, 2013, pages 130-135.State Target Program

In this paper we consider some versions of the Goursat problem for which the data supports are not compact. We find particularly interesting and unexpected cases, where the support (or some part of it) remains outside of the area of definition of a solution. Considering these problems from such a point of view, we can compare them with the problems of control.
Cauchy Problem for quasi-linear hyperbolic equation with closed support of data, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer), vol.193, issue 3 (2013), page 364-368State Target Program

The Cauchy problem with closed support for a quasi-linear hyperbolic equation with a possible parabolic degeneracy is studied. The structure of the domain of solution is studied and initial conditions for which there exist areas of impenetrability of waves are found.
Non-linear versions of hyperbolic problems for one quasi-linear equation of mixed type, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer), August 2015, Volume 208, Issue 6, pp 621-634.State Target Program

The Cauchy and Goursat problems for a quasi-linear second-order hyperbolic equation with admissible order and type degeneracy are considered. The conditions for nonexistence of a solution of the Cauchy problem are established. However, in conditions of the existence, the solution of the problem is constructed explicitly. In addition, nonlinear versions of the Goursat problem are examined and solutions of these problems are constructed in the explicit form. For the Cauchy problem, as well as for both of the characteristic problems, the structure of the domain of definition of the solution is described.
Contemporary Mathematics and its applications Vol. 90, Differential Equations and Mathematical Analysis, 2014.State Target Program

Non-linear versions of hyperbolic problems for one quasi-linear equation of mixed type, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer), August 2015, Volume 208, Issue 6, pp 621-634.State Target Program

The Cauchy and Goursat problems for a quasi-linear second-order hyperbolic equation with admissible order and type degeneracy are considered. The conditions for nonexistence of a solution of the Cauchy problem are established. However, in conditions of the existence, the solution of the problem is constructed explicitly. In addition, nonlinear versions of the Goursat problem are examined and solutions of these problems are constructed in the explicit form. For the Cauchy problem, as well as for both of the characteristic problems, the structure of the domain of definition of the solution is described.
The general integral of a quasilinear equation and its application to solving a nonlinear characteristic problem, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 940–951. New York, USA. Pleiades Publishing, Inc.State Target Program

We describe a method for constructing general integrals for some nonstrictly hyperbolic quasilinear equations and prove a nonlinear analog of Asgeirsson’s mean value theorem. Using a general integral, we study the nonlinear version of the Goursat characteristic problem.

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus

Numerical Algorithms for a Solution of Quasi-Linear Second Order Partial Differential Equation of Mixed Type, International Conference " Computer science and information technologies", Proceedings. 2015, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 267-269. State Target Program

 In this work the initial problem for one class of differential equations is considered, the main part of which is a nonstrictly hyperbolic second-order operator. When solving the Cauchy problem, in cases of concrete initial conditions there are constructed numerical algorithms for finding the unknown solution.
The Numerical Algorithm for the Quasi-linear Differential Equation of Mixed Type, Information and Computer Technology, Modeling and Control. Chapter 25. Nova Science publishers, 2017State Target Program

Initial problem for a second-order differential equation is considered. For the Cauchy problem, there is constructed numerical algorithm for finding the unknown solution. The theorem of convergence of this scheme is proved.