Liana Kartvelishvili
Doctor of Science
Institute of Hydrometeorology
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Development of the Tourism Industry on the Base Climate Change in Georgia | Liana Kartvelishvili, Amiran Amiranashvili | article | Technical University of Georgia from the series of monographs Natural resources and resorts as factors of sustainable development, pp. 114-118 | ISBN 978-9941-8-5964-9 | ISBN 978-9941-8-5964-9 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Weather, Climate and Their Change Regularities for the Conditions of Georgia | L. Katvelishvili, M. Tatishvili, A. Amiranashvili, L. Megrelidze, N. Kutaladze | monograph | The monograph was published with the financial support of Shota Rustaveli Science Foundation Grant №SP-22-1253, universali, 2023 | ISBN 978-9941-33-465-8 | https://doi.org/10.52340/mng.9789941334658 | Georgian, English | Grant Project | |
Development of the Tourism Industry on the Base Climate Change in Georgia | L. Kartvelishvili, A. Amiranashvili | article | Technical University of Georgia from the series of monographs Natural resources and resorts as factors of sustainable development, pp. 114-118 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Development trends of the tourism industry In the context of climate change in Georgia | L. Kartvelishvili, A. Amiranashvili, N. Kezevadze | article | International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“ , Kutaisi, Georgia, November 23-25, 2023, p.136-142 | ISSN 1512-1976 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Evaluation of tourist-recreational resources of climate in the background of change | L. Kartvelishvili, A. Amiranashvili, M. Modrekelidze | article | International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“ Batumi, Georgia, October 16-17, 2022, p.131-137 | ISSN 1512-1976 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
The Combined Effect of Wind and Rain is Vertical Considering the Dynamics of Climate Change on Surfaces | L. Kartvelishvili, G. Kotolashvili, M. Khetsuriani, B. Fanchvidze, M. Modrekelidze | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, November 16-17, 2023, pp. 161-165. | ISBN 978-9941-36-147-0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Consideration of the temperature-humidity complex in construction climatology against the background of climate change | L.Kartvelishvili, G.Kotolashvili, M.Khetsuriani, M.Modrekelidze | article | Scientific refereed journal Science and Technologies, #3(743), p.32-37 | ISSN 0130-7061 | DOI:http://doi.org/10.36073/0130-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Prospects of regional tourism development against the backdrop of climate change | L.Kartvelishvili, G.Kotolashvili, M.Khetsuriani | article | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press, 2022 | ISBN 978-9941-36-030-5 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Consideration of complex climatic parameters during construction climatic regions in the background of climate change | L.Kartvelishvili, G.Kotolashvili, M.Khetsuriani | article | International Conference of Young Scientists “Modern Problems of Earth Sciences”. Proceedings, ISBN 978-9941-36-044-2, Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, November 21-22, 2022, pp. 132-135. | ISBN 978-9941-36-044-2 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
THE ROLE OF CLIMATE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GEORGIA'S TOURISM SECTOR | Kartvelishvili L., Kurdashvili L., Davituliani T. | article | EESA-journal / Eastern European Scientific Journal, 2022 / #1(77),part 3, pp.16-21 | - | - | DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2022.3.77 | English | State Targeted Program |
Basics of Tourism | Kartvelishvili L. | monograph | Publishing House Mtsignobari / 2021 / 207 p. | - | ISBN - 978-9941-498-06-0 | - | Georgian | Grant Project |
CHANGEABILITY OF THE TOTAL CLOUDINESS IN TBILISI IN 1956-2015 | Bliadze T., Kartvelishvili L.. Kirkitadze D. | conference proceedings | TSU / International scientific conference "Natural disasters in the 21st century, monitoring, prevention, mitigation”, Proceedings, 2021 / pp.31-34 | - | ISBN 978-9941-491-52-8 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9577 | English | State Targeted Program |
Holiday Climate Index in Some Mountainous Regions of Georgia | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Kutaladze N., Megrelidze L., Tatishvil M. | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, Proceedings, 2021 / v. 24(2), pp. 92 – 117 | - | e-ISSN: 2667-9973, p-ISSN: 1512-1127 | https://doi.org/10.48614/ggs2420213327 | English | State Targeted Program |
Holiday Climate Index in Kaxeti | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L. | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, Proceedings, 2021 / v. 24(1), pp. 44-62 | - | ISSN: 1512-1127 | doi.org/10.48614/ggs2420212883 | English | State Targeted Program |
Holiday Climate Index in Some Mountainous Regions of Georgia | Amiranashvili A. Kartvelishvili L. Kutaladze N. Megrelidze L. Tatishvili M. | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2021 / v. 24(2), pp. 92 – 117. | - | e-ISSN: 2667-9973, p-ISSN: 1512-1127 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.48614/ggs2420213327 | English | State Targeted Program |
Identification of Building Climatic Guidelines of Georgia Based on the Regional Climate Change | Kartvelishvili L. Megrelidze L. | conference proceedings | TSU / International scientific conference-Natural disasters in the 21st century, monitoring, prevention, mitigation, Proceedings, 2021 / pp. 176-180 | - | e-ISSN: 2667-9973, p-ISSN: 1512-1127 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9541 | English | State Targeted Program |
Changeability of the Meteorological Parameters Associated with Holiday Climate Index in Different Mountainous Regions of Georgia in 1956-2015 | Amiranashvili A.. Kartvelishvili L. Megrelidze l.Kutaladze N. | article | TSU / JOURNAL OF THE GEORGIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma 2021 / v. 24(2), pp. 78 - 91 | - | ISSN: 1512-1127 E-ISSN: 2667-9973 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.48614/ggs2420213326 | English | State Targeted Program |
Recreology and Balneology | Kartvelishvili L. | monograph | Publishing House Mtsignobari / 2021 / 207 p. | - | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Changeability of the Holiday climate Index (HCI) in Tbilisi | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Matzarakis A. | article | TSU / Transactions of Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2020 / vol. LXXII, pp. 129-137. | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://www.dspace.gela.org.ge/bitstream/123456789/8935/1/16_Tr_72_2020.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
IMPROVING THE HR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AS A FACTOR IN INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES | Kurdashvili L.R. Kartvelishvili L.G. | article | Premier Publishing s.r.o / European Science Review Scientific journal, 2020 / № (11 – 12), pp. 60-65 | - | ISSN 2310-5577 | https://doi.org/10.29013/ESR-20-11.12-60-65 | English | State Targeted Program |
Blizzards in Mountain Regions of Georgia | E. Sh. Elizbarashvili, M. E. Elizbarashvili, Sh. E. Elizbarashvili, M. G. Pipiya, L..G.Kartvelishvili | article | Allerton Press, Inc. / Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2020 / Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 58–62. | იმფაქტ ფაქტორი: 0.768; SJR რეიტინგი (scopus) - 0.516 | ISSN 1068-3739 | DOI: 10.3103/S1068373920010082 | English | State Targeted Program |
VARIABILITY OF THE ANNUAL SUM OF ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITATIONS IN KAKHETI IN 1956-2015 | Bliadze T., Gvasalia G., Kartvelishvili L,. Kirkitadze D., Mekokishvili n. | conference proceedings | Georgian Academy of Ecological Sciences / International Scientific Conference-Modern Problems of Ecology, Proceedings, 2020 / v. 7, pp.192-195 | - | ISSN 1512-1976 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/bitstream/123456789/8807/1/Eco_2020_3.31.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
STATISTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MONTHLY AMOUNT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITATION IN TIANETI (GEORGIA) IN 1956-2015 | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Bliadze T. | article | TSU / Transactions of Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics , 2019 / vol. LXX, pp. 112-117 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/bitstream/123456789/8699/1/12_Tr_IG_70_2019.pdf | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Extreme Impact of Weather and Climate on Georgian landscapes | Tatishvili M.,Kartvelishvili L , Meladze M, Meladze M, , Inga Samkharadze, Ana Palavandishvili, Nato Kutaladze | conference proceedings | TSU / Proceedings of International Multidisciplinary Conference-Actual Problems of Landscape Sciences, 2019 / pp.143-148 | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-879-9 | https://aplr.tsu.ge/publication.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Statistical Characteristics of the Monthly Values of the Tourism Climate Index in Mestia (Georgia) in 1961-2010 | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L. | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society: Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2019 / Vol. 22 (2), pp.68-79 | - | E-ISSN: 2413-7197 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/2629 | English | State Targeted Program |
Extreme Impact of Weather and Climate on Georgian landscapes | Tatishvili M.,Kartvelishvili L , Meladze M, Meladze M, , Inga Samkharadze, Ana Palavandishvili, Nato Kutaladze | conference proceedings | TSU / Proceedings of International Multidisciplinary Conference-Actual Problems of Landscape Sciences, 2019 / pp.143-148 | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-879-9 | https://aplr.tsu.ge/publication.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Statistical Characteristics of the Tourism Climate Index in Kakheti (Georgia) | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Matzarakis A. | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2019 / v. 21(2), pp.95-112 | - | ISSN: 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/2530 | English | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of tourism-recreational resources against the background of climate change | L. Kartvelishvili A. Amiranashvili, L. Megrelidze, L. Kurdashvili | monograph | Publishing House Mtsignobari / 2019 / 162 p. | - | ISBN : 978-9941-485-01-5 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/293074 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Statistical Characteristics of Monthly Sums of Atmospheric Precipitations in Tianeti (Georgia) 1956-2015 | Amiranashvili A., Bliadze T., Kartvelishvili L. | article | TSU / Transactions of Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2019 / vol. LXX, pp. 112-118 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/bitstream/123456789/8699/1/12_Tr_IG_70_2019.pdf | Russian | State Targeted Program |
WINTER TOURISM DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN GEORGIA | kartvelishvili L. Megrelidze L. Kurdashvili L. | conference proceedings | TSU / International Scientific Conference Natural Disasters in Georgia: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation, Proceedings, 2019 / pp. 122-125" | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | https://doi.org/10.48614/ggs2320202656 | English | State Targeted Program |
Blizzards on the Territory of Georgia | Elizbar Sh. Elizbarashvili, Mariam E. Elizbarashvili Liana G. Kartvelishvili, Mikhail G. Pipia, Shalva E. Elizbarashvili | article | by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o. / International scientific Journal, European Geographical Studies, 2018 / v. 5(1), pp. 50-60 | - | E-ISSN: 2413-7197 | DOI: 10.13187/egs.2018.1.50 | English | Grant Project |
Establish new construction climate norms taking into account climate change in Georgia | Kartvelishvili L., Megrelidze L., Melikadze K., Dekanozishvili N., Kurdashvili L. | monograph | Publishing House Mtsignobari / 2018 / 158 p. | - | ISBN 978-9941-473-60-9 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/293044 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Dynamics and Statistical Distribution of Hail and Lightning Processes in Georgia Against the Background of Global Climate Change | Tatishvil , Kartvelishvili L, | monograph | Publishing House-Mtsignobari / 2021 / 167 p. | - | ISBN - 978-9941-473-72-2 | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/tatishvili-2020.pdf | Georgian | Grant Project |
Statistical Characteristics of the Effective Temperature according to Misenard in Adjara and Kakheti | Amiranashvili A., Japaridze N., Kartvelishvili L., Megrelidze L., Khazaradze k. | article | TSU / Mikheil Nodia Proceedings of the Institute of Geophysics, 2018 / vol. 69, pp. 118 – 138 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://openlibrary.ge/bitstream/123456789/7278/1/Kut_2018_1.5.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
EFFECTS OF VARIATIONS OF THE MONTHLY MEAN AIR TEMPERATURE ON THE POPULATION HEALTH OF IMERETI REGION OF GEORGIA | Amiranashvili A., Japaridze N., Kartvelishvili L., Khazaradze R., Khazaradze k. | conference proceedings | ATSU / International Scientific Conference-Modern Problems of Ecology, Works, 2018 / Vol. 6, pp. 38-45 | - | ISSN 1512-1976 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/7401 | English | State Targeted Program |
Tourism Climate Index in Kutaisi | Amiranashvili A., Japaridze N., Kartvelishvili L., Khazaradze K., Kurdashvili L. | conference proceedings | "ATSU / International Scientific Conference-Modern Problems of Ecology, Works, 2018 / Vol. 6, pp. 227-230" | - | ISSN 1512-1976 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/7401 | English | State Targeted Program |
Changebility of Meteorological Parameters Associated with Some Simple heat Index and Tourist Climate Index (Adjara and Kakheti) | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Khakhutashvili T., Megrelidze L. | article | TSU / Georgian Geophysical Society Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2018 / Vol.21 (2), pp. 77-94 | - | ISSN: 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/2529 | English | State Targeted Program |
Climatic Index of Tourism in Some Parts of Georgia and the North Caucasus | Avtandil G. Amiranashvili, Nino D. Japaridze, Liana G. Kartvelishvili, Ketevan R. Khazaradze, Andreas Matzarakis, Nina P. Povolotskaya, Irina A. Senik | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society: Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2017 / vol. 20 B, pp. 43-64. | - | ISSN: 1512-1127 | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329104754_ | English | State Targeted Program |
Identification of Building Climatic GuidSelines of Georgia Based on The Regional Climate Change | Kartvelishvili L. Kurdashvili L. | article | Institute of Research and Journals / International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT)-IJASEA 2017 / Volume-5, Issue-2 ,pp. 15-18 | - | ISSN: 2321-9009 | http://academicsworld.org | English | State Targeted Program |
Consideration of solar Radiation in the design of building | Kartvelishvili L., Megrelidze L., Dekanozishvili N., Rokva K | article | Publishing House Technical University / Scientific peer-reviewed journal - Science and Technology, 2017 / # 1(724), pp. 70-75 | - | ISSN 0130-7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/index/?id=74 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Variations of thunderstorms and Hail Processes in Georgia | Tatishvili M., Kartvelishvili L.Mkurnalidze I. | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society: Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2017 / vol. 19 B, pp.111-119. | - | ISSN: 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1889 | English | State Targeted Program |
Consideration of solar Radiation in the design of building | Kartvelishvili L., Megrelidze L., Dekanozishvili N., Rokva K | article | Publishing House Technical University / Scientific peer-reviewed journal - Science and Technology, 2017 / # 1(724), pp. 70-75 | - | ISSN 0130-7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/index/?id=74 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Ligtning Impact on Varius Buildings | Tatisvli M.Kartvelishvili I.Mkurnalidze I. | article | Publishing House Technical University / Scientific peer-reviewed journal - Science and Technology 2017 / # 3(723), pp. 62-69 | - | ISSN 0130-7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/index/?id=74 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Agroecology and tourism development trends in Georgia against the background of global climate change | Kartvelishvili L., Rokva K. | article | ATSU / Geography in a Global Context: Achievements and Challenges, Collection of Papers, 2017 / pp. 239-249 | - | ISBN 978 -9941-9043-2-5-2 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Tourism Climate Index of in the Some Regions of Georgia and North Caucasus | Amiranashvili A.G., Japaridze N.D., Kartvelishvili L.G., Khazaradze K.R., Matzarakis A., Povolotskaya N.P., Senik I.A. | article | TSU / Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Jssue B. Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2017 / Vol. 20 B, pp. 43–64. | - | e-ISSN: 2667-9973; p-ISSN: 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/2361 | English | State Targeted Program |
Considering Environmental Policy in Development of Tourism Sector in Georgia | Kartvelishvili L. | article | DergiPark / Procedings of the 3 Belgrads International Tourism Conference BITCO, Tourism education in the 21 century:Policies.Proectices.Internationalization,2016 / Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 25-30 | - | - | https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ead/issue/48239/610670 | English | State Targeted Program |
Consideration air temperature and humidity complex parameter in development building industry and agroculture | Kartvelishvili L., Megrelidze L., Rokva K. | article | Publishing House Technical University / Scientific peer-reviewed journal Science and Technology 2016 / # 2 (722), pp. 53-59 | - | ISSN 0130-7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/index/?id=69 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Consideration of solar radiation in the design of buildings | Kartvelishvili L., Megrelidze L., Kurdashvili L. | article | Publishing House Technical University / Scientific peer-reviewed journal Science and Technology, 2016 / # 3(723), pp. 53-58 | - | ISSN 0130-7061 | https://publishhouse.gtu.ge/ge/index/?id=72 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Building Climate Norms in Samtskhe-Javakheti | Kartvelishvili L. Megrelidze L. Kurdashvili L. | conference proceedings | TSU / Scientific-conference materials-Regional Development Perspectives in Samtskhe-Javakheti, 2016 / pp. 149-158 | - | ISBN 978-9941-0-8627-4 | http://samtskhe-javakheti.tsu.ge/uploads/media/samcxe-javaxeti-konferencia.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The Influence of Climate Change on the Development of Regional Tourism in Georgia | Kartvelishvili L. Kurdashvili L. Kochlamazashvili L. | conference proceedings | BSU / Fifth International Scientific-Practical Conference. Tourism, Economy, Business, 2015 / pp. 81-86 | - | ISSN 978- 9941-22 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Tourism climate index in the coastal and mountain locality of Adjara, Georgia | Amiranashvili A., Chargazia Kh., Matzarakis A., Kartvelishvili L. | conference proceedings | CEH-ALMA MATER / International Scientific Conference, Sustainable Mountain Regions: Make Them Work. Proceedings, 2015 / pp.238-244 | - | ISBN 978-954-411-220-2 | | English | State Targeted Program |
Advertising in tourism | Kartvelishvili L. Kochlamazashvili L. | monograph | Publishing House-Globus / 2015 / 202 p. | - | ISBN 978-9941-0-7428-8 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Comparative Analysis of Secular Variations of Air Temperature in Tbilisi, St.-Petersburg and its Global Values | Amiranashvili, A. Kartvelishvili, L. Trofimenko, L. Khurodze, T. | conference proceedings | TSU / Reports, presented on the Scientific Conference-80 years of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2014 / pp.198-202. | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-899-7 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/725 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Tourism Enterprise Management | Kartvelishvili L Kochlamazashvili L. | monograph | Publishing House Globus / 2013 / 237 p. | - | ISBN 978-9941-0-5501-0 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
AEROSYNOPTIC STATE AND CHANGEABILITY OF THE SURFACE OZONE CONCENTRATION IN KAKHETI DURING THE THUNDERSTORM - HAIL PROCESSES | Kharchilava J., Chikhladze V., Kartvelishvili L | conference proceedings | GTU-Institute of Hydrometeorology / International Sientific and Technical Conf. Problems of hydrometeorology and ecology, Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, 2013 / v.119, pp. 131-135 | - | ISSN: 1512-0902 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/83556 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Tourism Development In adjara On Backgraund Climate Change | kartvelishvili l. Kurdashvili L. | conference proceedings | Publishing Universal / Tourism, Economy and Business Fourth International Scientific-practical Conference, 2014 / pp. 60-62 | - | ISBN 978 -9941-22-030-2 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Assessing the investment environment for tourism in Georgia against the background of climate change | Kartvelishvili L. Megrelidze L. | conference proceedings | Publishing Universal / Tourism, Economy and Business Fifth International Scientific-practical Conference, 2014 / pp. 81-86 | - | ISBN 978 -9941-17.173.9 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Statistical assessment of expected changes in air temperature in Tbilisi and St. Petersburg until 2056 | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Trofimenko L.., Khurodze T. | conference proceedings | GTU-Institute of Hydrometeorology / International Sientific and Technical Conf. Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, 2013 / v.119, pp. 64 - 68 | - | ISSN: 1512-0902 | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/IHM%20119-Tomi.pdf | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Statistical structure of the average annual air temperature in Tbilisi and St. Petersburg in 1850-2012. | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Trofimenko L.. Khurodze T. | conference proceedings | TSU / Proc. of Int. Conf., Vakhushti Bagrationi Institute of Geography, Collected Papers New Series, 2013 / N 5(84), I,, pp. 160-163. | - | ISSN 2233-3347 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/bitstream/123456789/661/1/Geography_2013_Amiranashvili_1....pdf | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Tourism and Environmental Policy | Kartvelishvili L.,Kurdashvili L. | conference proceedings | TSU / Proceedings of the Vakhushti Bagrationi Institute of Geography International Conference Materials, 2013 / New series # 5, 84, pp.182-188 | - | ISSN 2233-3347 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/312484 | English | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of touristical-recreation potential of Georgia on background regional climate change | Kartvelishvili L., Matzarakis A., Amiranashvili A., Kutaladze N. | conference proceedings | BSU / Proceedings of IIst International Scientific-Practical Conference “TOURISM: ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS” / 2011, pp. 250-252 | - | - | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/639; http://dspace.gela.org.ge/bitstream/123456789/639/1/Batumi_2011-Amiranashvili....pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
Tourism Climate Index in Batumi | Amiranashvili A. Matzarakis A. Kartvelishvili L. | conference proceedings | TSU / M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Collection of Scientific Works of International Conference “Modern Problems of Using of Health Resort Resources, 2010 / pp. 116-121 | - | ISBN 978-9941-0-2529-7 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/660 | English | State Targeted Program |
Long-Term Variation of Air Effective Temperature in Kutaisi | Amiranashvili A. Kartvelishvili L. Saakashvil, N. Chikhladze V. | conference proceedings | TSU / M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Collection of Scientific Works of International Conference “Modern Problems of Using of Health Resort Resources, 2010 / pp. 152-157 | - | ISBN 978-9941-0-2529-7 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/656 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
LONG-TERM VARIATIONS OF AIR EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE IN TBILISI | Amiranashvili A. Kartvelishvili L. | conference proceedings | "Institute of Hydrometeorology / Papers of the International Conference, Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology 2008 /v. 115, pp. 214–219" | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/IHM%20115-Tomi.pdf | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Tourism Climate Index in Tbilisi | Amiranashvili A., Matzarakis A., Kartvelishvili L. | conference proceedings | Institute of Hydrometeorology / Papers of the Int. Conf. Trans. of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, 2008 / vol. No 115, pp. 27 - 30. | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/bitstream/123456789/744/1/TCI-Tb-Konf08En.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
Amiranashvili A., Amiranashvili V., Kartvelishvili L., Nodia Kh., Khurodze T. | conference proceedings | Institute of Hydrometeorology / Papers of the Int. Conf. Trans. of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, 2008 / vol. No 115, pp. 434–437 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9739 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
The statistical analysis of average seasonal, semi-annual and annual values of surface ozone concentration in Tbilisi in 1984-2003 | Amiranashvili A., Amiranashvili V., Chikhladze V., Xarchilava J., Kartvelishvili L. | article | Tsu / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue B. Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, vol. 12B, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 45–48. | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/citationstylelanguage/get/ieee?submissionId=651&publicationId=593 | English | State Targeted Program |
Expected Change of the Extremal Air Temperature and its Influence on the Mortality (Based on the Example to Tbilisi City) | Amiranashvili A., Kartvelishvili L., Khazaradze K. | conference proceedings | EECA Conference / International Cooperation Network for East European and Central Asian Countries, 2010 / | - | ISBN 978-9941-0-2529-7 | http://be.sci.am/. | English | State Targeted Program |
Consideration of climatic parameters in construction | Kartvelishvili L., Tskvitinidze Z. | conference proceedings | Institute of Hydrometeorology / International Year of the Earth. 2008 / Vol. 115, pp.132-141 | - | ISSN 1512 – 0902 | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/IHM%20115-Tomi.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
Bioclimatic Resources of Resorts of Georgia’s Mountainous Regions | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/Summury_174-3.html | article | Georgian Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences, 2006 / Vol.174, No 3. | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/Summury_174-3.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Climate as a Resource for Tourism Development (in Conditions of Georgia) | L. Kartvelishvili, N. Kvaratskhelia, N. Shavishvili, L. Kochlamazishvili, N.Chikhradze | article | Georgian Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2006 / Vol. 173, No. 3 | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/173_3/Summuru_173-3.htm | English | State Targeted Program |
Research of the Landscape Structure of the Water Balance of the Trialeti Range Northern Slope according to the Natural Recreation Resources | B. Beritashvili, R. Meskhia, N. Shavishvili, L. Kartvelishvili, D. Mikautadze, N. Chikhradze | article | Georgian Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2006 / Vol. 173, No. 1 | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/Summary-173-1.htm | English | State Targeted Program |
Variability of Number of Hail and Thunderstorm Days in the Regions of Georgia with Active Influence on Atmospheric Processes | Amiranashvili A., Nodia A., Khurodze T., Kartvelishvili L., Chumburidze Z., Mkurnalidze I., Chikhradze N. | article | Georgian Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of The Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2005 / 172, №3, pp. 484-486. | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/Summary-172-3.htm | English | State Targeted Program |
Variability of hail and thunderstorms with active impact on atmospheric processes in the regions of Georgia | A. Amiranashvili, A. Nodia, T. Khurodze, L. Kartvelishvili, Z, Chumburidze, I. Mkurnalidze, N. Chikhradze | article | Georgian Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2005 / Vol. 172, No. 3 | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/Summary-172-3.htm | English | State Targeted Program |
Recurrence of Extreme Temperature Events in Georgia on Background of Climate Change | L. Kartvelishvili, G. Kordzakhia, N. Kutaladze, N. Shavishvili, L. Megrelidze | article | Georgian Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2005 / vol. 171, No. 3 | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/New/pub15/171_3/171_3.htm | English | State Targeted Program |
Investigation of the stability of linear trends in air temperature time series of Georgia | T. Matcharashvili, N.Kutaladze, L. Kartvelishvili, G. Japaridze | article | Georgian Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2004 / Vol.170, No.2 | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/New/pub15/170_2/170_2.htm | English | State Targeted Program |
Impact of Noises on Frequency Distribution of Daily Mean Temperatures in Georgia | N. Kutaladze, T. Matcharashvili, L. Kartvelishvili, P. Janelidze | article | Georgian Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2003 / Vol.167, No.2 | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/old/moambe/New/pub15/167_2/167_2.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Natural Resources And Resorts, As Sustainable Development Factors | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2023 | 27/10/2023 - 29/10/2023 | Goergian Technical University, Grigol Robakidze University | Development of tourism industry based on climate change in Georgia | oral | An important problem of modernity is the protection of the environment from negative anthropogenic activities and the rational use of natural resources. Its due to the fact that in today's conditions, both ecologically and materially, it is impossible to make the right decisions without taking into account environmental condition. At the same time there are some of the main factors of natural resources and environmental degradation: 1.Degradation of the main components of the biosphere, which causes a decrease in biodiversity and a decrease in selfregulation; 2. Climate change; 3. Growth of environmental damage caused by natural disasters. This article discusses the impact of climate and its changes on the development of the tourism sector in Georgia. To evaluate tourism-recreational resources in Georgia for the first time several the Tourism Climatic Indexes were used, based on the combination of different meteorological elements (air temperature, atmospheric precipitation, relative humidity, average duration of sunshine). On the basis of the obtained data, correct decisions should be made when designing tours in different climatic zones against negative climatic events. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has organized a number of events to support tourism. It provides World Tourism Organization (WTO) members with early warnings about natural disasters, glacier recession, water resources and climate change. WTO closely cooperates with WMO. Forecasts of climate and extreme hydro meteorological events provided by the National Hydro meteorological Services are particularly important in today's world, as regional climate variations have emerged in the wake of global climate change. Keywords: Climate change, Tourism Climatic Index, World Tourism Organization (WTO). Natural resources, Tourism industry. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/New Microsoft Word Document (6)12312.pdf |
2023 | 25/10/2010 - 25/10/2010 | oral | Abstract Modern global climate changes have led to a number of transformations in the tourism industry. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO) made a joint decision to consider climate changes in the assessment of tourism-recreational resources. All countries that are members of the WTO and WMO are obliged to take into account regional climatic variations when evaluating tourism-recreational resources. Georgia is a full member of both of these organizations since the 90s of the last century, which makes it necessary to evaluate its tourism and recreation resources in the light of climate change. In connection with the mentioned challenges, a number of complex indices of different complexity have been developed. The presented paper discusses the regularities of distribution of one of them in the territory of Georgia.
Key words: Tourism-recreational resources, Climate index, Sustainable development, Resort industry
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International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“ | Kutaisi, Georgia | 2023 | 23/11/2023 - 25/11/2023 | Academy of Environmental Sciences of Georgia | Trends in the development of the tourism industry in the context of climate change in Georgia | oral | Modern global climate changes have led to a number of transformations in the tourism industry. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO) made a joint decision to consider climate changes in the assessment of tourism-recreational resources. All those countries that are members of the IMO and IMO are obliged to take into account regional climatic variations when evaluating tourism-recreational resources. Georgia is a full member of both of these organizations since the 90s of the last century, which leads to its the need to evaluate touristic and recreational resources. In connection with the mentioned challenges, a number of complex indices of different complexity have been developed. It is discussed in the presented paper Laws of distribution of one of them in the territory of Georgia. | |
International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“ | Batumi, Georgia | 2022 | 16/10/2022 - 17/10/2022 | Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University | Evaluation of tourist-recreational resources in the background of climate change | oral | Protection of the environment from negative anthropogenic impacts and rational use of natural resources is an important problem of modern times. Such raising of the issue is due to the fact that in today's conditions, both from the ecological and material point of view, it is impossible to make the right decisions without considering the environmental conditions. Climate is one of the important components of the environment. Climate is both a natural and socio-economic factor. It is especially important to study the effects of the climate for those sectors of the economy that are vulnerable to it (such as tourism, construction, healthcare). | https://bsu-edu-ge.zoom.us/j/7773040222 |
11 International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management & Circular Economy (11th IconSWM-CE) & IPLA Global Forum 2021 | Kolkata, India | 2021 | 01/12/2021 - 04/12/2021 | IconSWM-ISWMAW Secretariat, Jadavpur University | Environmental Protection and Ecotourism Management in Georgia | oral | Our country has been actively involved in the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change since 1996. Studies on climate change are reflected in ongoing national communications to the Climate Change Convention. Among key components of natural enviromental potential are climate resources Climate indexes are used for the assessment of environmental and recreation resources. Complex Tourism Climate Index was accepted by World Meteorological Organization. The climate indexes represent complex of different weather elements and well describe combined effect of their values. ecreational degradation of natural areas has determined the need to implement measures to protect the natural environment. Introduction of technologies of ecological management of recreational use of nature are vital. It became clear that the barbaric use of natural areas, as a rule, causes loss of the attractiveness of these territories and is depleting.
| https://www.iswmaw.com/introduction.php |
International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management and Circular Economy | Kolkata, India | 2020 | 02/12/2020 - 07/12/2020 | International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water (ISWMAW) | Consideration climate change in the protection of the environment in Georgia | oral | The high mountain alpinism and ski sport tourism zone holds an important place among these zones and includes famous peaks such as Shkhara, Ushba, Shkhelda, Tetnuldi, Laila, etc. An abundance of glaciers and peaks in Upper Svaneti that are difficult to access attracts many tourists from different countries. The fourth zone, recognized as the historical reservation is no less popular. It includes Europe's highest mountain settlement Ushguli with its communities, namely: Jibiani, Chajashi and others. The resort zone located at the terraces of the Enguri Gorge and mountain slopes, includes the settlements with the rich historical past (Mestia, Lemsia, Ushkhvanari, Svifi, Tkvebishi, Lakhamula, etc.), as well as the resort areas of unique beauty that are covered with forests. | https://www.ccet.jp/events/10th-international-conference-sustainable-waste-management-towards-circular-economy |
Clean Energy and Emission Reduction | Singapore | 2021 | 31/05/2021 - 04/06/2021 | National Environment Agency sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore | Climate Change and Circulare Economy | oral | Climate change and the use of materials are closely linked. Circle Economy estimates that 62% of global greenhouse gas emissions (excluding emissions from land use and forestry) are emitted during the extraction, processing and production of goods for the needs of society; only 38% is emitted during the delivery and use of products and services. UN Climate Change News, January 27, 2021 - A new report by Leading International Science presented to the UN reveals 10 important views on climate over the past year that will help take collective action on the current climate crisis and build momentum for successful development. | https://www.nea.gov.sg/programmes-grants/events-calendar/past-events |
International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management and Circular Economy | Kolkata, India | 2020 | 02/12/2020 - 07/12/2020 | International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water (ISWMAW) | Consideration climate change in the protection of the environment in Georgia | oral | The high mountain alpinism and ski sport tourism zone holds an important place among these zones and includes famous peaks such as Shkhara, Ushba, Shkhelda, Tetnuldi, Laila, etc. An abundance of glaciers and peaks in Upper Svaneti that are difficult to access attracts many tourists from different countries. The fourth zone, recognized as the historical reservation is no less popular. It includes Europe's highest mountain settlement Ushguli with its communities, namely: Jibiani, Chajashi and others. The resort zone located at the terraces of the Enguri Gorge and mountain slopes, includes the settlements with the rich historical past (Mestia, Lemsia, Ushkhvanari, Svifi, Tkvebishi, Lakhamula, etc.), as well as the resort areas of unique beauty that are covered with forests. | https://www.ccet.jp/events/10th-international-conference-sustainable-waste-management-towards-circular-economy |
International Conference - Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT)-IJASEA | Paris ,France | 2017 | 13/02/2017 - 14/02/2017 | Academics World | Identification of Building Climatic Guidelines oF Georgia Based on The Regional Climate Change | oral | Identification of building-climatic norms and rules may be estimated as the project of important social-economical and financial effects. The problem urgency is preconditioned by the fact that the renewal of legal guidelines base has been taken place in Georgia. By joined action of Georgian government, UNDP (United Nations Development Program), also national and international funds the revision and adjustment with existed legislation of current technical norms and rules is conducting. According existing legislation the above mentioned standards and norms that acted in former USSR have no legal power, and the Georgian analogs don’t exist in many cases. Hence the vacuum has been formed and the preparation of science based acts is necessary - for the creation of new guidelines base and provision of its adaptation with national legislation. Thus in Georgia the elaboration of new building climatic norms and rules is necessary because in real situation practically the building-climatic norms established according building norms and rules elaborated in Soviet period have been used, that is the reason of unbiased decisions and is connected with significant negative economic effect.
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Belgrade International Tourism Conference | Belgrade, Serbia | 2016 | 17/03/2016 - 19/03/2016 | BITCO, College Of Tourism | Distribution Toursm Climate Index in Georgia | oral | Nowadays, sustainable development of tourism through ecotourism is a major concern worldwide. Many countries have concept of ecotourism in the Regional Development Plan. Ecotourism is now an important part of the economy of many countries. This century is characterized by the demand for ecotourism To understand the causes of ecological crisis, let us consider the interaction between society and nature. Humanity can not exist without the use of natural resources and changes in the natural environment. The change that is caused by human activity is called anthropogenic. WTO considers that climate forecasts to become extremely important for sustainable development of tourism all over the world. Among key components of tourism recreation potential are climate resources. WMO and WTO adopted first resolution on the need for assessment of tourism recreation potential in tourism regions of member countries in 2003. Georgia is full member of both organizations (WMO & WTO) since 1990, which preconditions the need for the assessment of tourism recreation potential. Climate indexes are used for the assessment of ecotourism and recreation resources. The climate indexes represent complex of different weather elements and well describe combined effect of their values. One of such indexes is Complex Climate parameter – TCI Tourism climate index TCI accepted by WMO was used for assessment of tourist recreational resources- TCI = 8·Cld + 2·Cla + 4·R + 4·S + 2·W
| https://vbn.aau.dk/en/activities/3rd-belgrade-international-tourism-conference |
International Scientific Conference, Sustainable Miuntain Regions | Borovets, Bulgaria | 2015 | 14/05/2015 - 15/05/2015 | Bulgarian Academy of Science | Touristical Rectreation Resources of Georgia | oral | This is due, to the fact that tourism is one of the sector of economy, which depends on the ecology: Natural environment is very important part of the tourist product Tourists are also looking for different destinations and have a good time. According to the W T O forecast, ecotourism is included in the main five strategic tourist directions such as (adventure, ecotourism, cognitive tourism, thematic and cruises). Ecotourism has all forms of general tourism. The main motivation of these tourists is to spend their holidays in an environmentally clean and relatively untouched nature. Nowadays, sustainable development of tourism through ecotourism is a major concern worldwide. Many countries have concept of ecotourism in the Regional Development Plan. Ecotourism is now an important part of the economy of many countries. This century is characterized by the demand for ecotourism. When planning ecotourism it is necessary to consider that; The tour should be planned in a unique location (ecological and cultural point of view). Ecotourism should ensure conservation of nature and sustainable use of natural resources; Local residents should be able to get additional income. | https://igu-online.org/sustainable-mountains-conference/ |
International Congress On Political, Economic And Social Studies | Istanbul, Turkey | 2016 | 24/08/2016 - 26/08/2016 | DergiPark Akademik | Considering environmental policy of tourusm sector Georgia | oral | A large part of the modern tourism is focused on the use of natural tourism resources. These areas of tourism are often called abroad by the name of natural tourism; The ecotourism is considered as a real instrument for the realization of the sustainable economic development. And always the absence of proper knowledge and practical skills in this field causes dangerous situations. Tourism activity can be direct and indirect. Direct activity affects the following: • destruction of flora and fauna in hunting, fishing processes; • interference in the natural conditions of plant and animal life; • dissemination of infectious diseases with human and animal products (organic food waste); agricultural activities (forest cutting, soil irregularities, etc.); • Artificial breeding of animals to create animal and plants with genetically modified properties. (genetically modified, mutants). At the same time, most of the plants and animals are affected by small populations (endemics, relics). | https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ead/issue/48239/610670 |
Tourism Sustainable Development | Busten, Romania | 2012 | 07/09/2012 - 09/09/2012 | Pro Mountain Environment Tourism Sustainable Development | Assesment Of Touristical Resources of Georgia | oral | Direct management options include restriction of the total number of tourists in accordance with 1- the permissible limit on natural complexes, 2- zoning of protected areas and 3-using technologies for minimizing environmental pollution. The permissible limit is anthropo-ecological regulations that violate the sustainability of different levels of geo systems. Such a policy is based on compulsion (fines, tariffs, etc.), or demonstrating how we should behaveProtection, tourism industry development The indirect management option is based on improving the behavior of tourists by increasing the level of education and protection of local herbs and animals; To achieve high effect, it is advisable to combine these two options. Eco-tourism management is carried out at international, state, regional and local levels. | https://www.unwto.org |
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