Nodar Grdzelishvili
Academic Doctor of Science
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Nodar Grdzelishvili - Doctor of Economics, Professor, New Higher Education Institution. Georgian Technical University Senior Researcher of the Georgian Industrial Forces and Natural Resources Study Center. Author / co-author and supervisor of academic programs of several universities. Engages in academic activities in various higher education institutions. Elected as a full member of the Georgian Academy of Business Sciences - Academician (since 2012), Member of the Council of Scientists of Georgia (since 2017). Is a member of the Association for European Studies and an expert on regional economics and tourism. (Lithuania 2016), Head of the ,,The Institute Regional developmend and Strategical management’’ (since 2011). Member of the Mountain Study Commission of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences(2020). Editor of the scientific journal "Law and Economics" (since 2012), Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal "Diplomacy and Law" (2019), Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal "Georgian Manpower and Natural Resources" (2021). Participant in many international scientific conferences, forums and TEMPUS projects of the European Union. Author and co-author of more than 45 scientific papers, including 4 monographs and 9 textbooks for higher education institutions.
"The importance of state regulation of regional and municipal economy on the effectiveness of budgetary federalism and fiscal decentralization" | Nodar Grdzelishvili | article | Scientific magazine "Law and Economy". #10,2019. pp. 11-23. | 1 | http://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/310632/1/Samartali_Da_Ekonomika_2019_N10.pdf | Georgia | State Targeted Program | |
"Modern Professional Synthesis of Accounting and Tourism Management" | Nodar Grdzelishvili , Nazi Gvaramia | article | Scientific journal "Business and Legislation" 2019. #2, p. 53-61 | 1 | https://bk.ge/arqivi/biznesi-da-kanonmdebloba-n2-dekemberi-2019-tseli/ | Georgia | State Targeted Program | |
Tourist-recreational resources | Grdzelishvili N., Kvaratskhelia L. | monograph | Publishing House "Mtsignobari" p. | 1 | ISBN 978-9941-498-53-4 | Engl | State Targeted Program | |
The importance of budget federalism in the economic development of regions | Nodar Grdzelishvili | article | International peer-reviewed scientific-practical journal "Innovative Economy and Management" 2017. # 4 pp.149-156 | DOI prefix: 10.46361 | ISSN 2449-2418 (ბეჭდური) ISSN 2449-2604 (ონლაინი) | Georgia | Contract | |
EUROPEANEXPERIENCE OF REGIONAL CLUSTERS FORMATION | Nodar Grdzelishvili, Ekaterine Gigolashvili | article | Globalization and Business. # 5 International Scientific-Practical Journal Published: 2018-06-25 | Pages: 104-107 | 1.3 | ISSN 2449-2396 (Print) | E ISSN 2449-2612 (Online) | Georgia | Contract | |
,,Religious tourism as the most important factor in settlement and resolution of conflicts (Georgia – Abkhazia),, | Nodar Grdzelishvili | article | „OIKONOMOOS: სამეცნიერო ჟურნალი. 2(8) გვ.(79-85), 2017, ლიტვის რესპუბლიკა | 1.3 | ISSN 2351-6178 | УДК 261.5 | RUS | Contract |
,,SIGNIFICANT FACTORS FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN GEORGIA’’ | Maka Piranashvili , Nodar Grdzelishvili , Ketevan Maisuradze | article | European Scientific Journal (ESJ) pp.214-221, / ESJ DECEMBER 2015 /SPECIAL/ EDITION VOL.2 | 1.3 | ISSN 1857-7881 | https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2015.v11n10p%25p | Engl. | Contract |
,,Tourism as a factor in accelerating integration processes in the space of Eurasia'' | Nodar Grdzelishvili | article | „ევრაზიული ეკონომიკური ინტეგრაცია“ 26.02.14. ევრაზიული ეკონომიკური ინტეგრაცია No. 1 (22) 2014 წელი; | 1.3 | ЕЭИ — No 1 (22) февраль ‘14 | RUS | Contract | |
"The role of branding in shaping the tourist attractiveness of the region". | Nodar Grdzelishvili, Roin Grdzelishvili | article | Scientific peer-reviewed and peer-reviewed practical journal "Moambe" # 20,2014. | 1 | ISSN 2233-3606 | Georgia | Contract | |
"Current Tourism and Perspectives of Abkhazia" | Nodar Grdzelishvili | article | Scientific Journal "Business Engineering" # 1, .. 155-165. Tb. 2013. | 1 | ISSN 1512-0538 | Georgia | Contract | |
Gross economic product calculation - a contributing factor to business development in the regions. | Evgeni Baratashvili, Nodar Grdzelishvili | article | GTU. Scientific Journal "Business Engineering" # 1, 2011, pp.111-121 | 1 | ISSN 1512-0538 https://sites.google.com/bpengi.com/businessengineering/home/2011/marketing-docs | Engl | Contract | |
"Religious tourism" | Nodar Grdzelishvili | textbook | ,,Centaur'' Publishing House Tbilisi 2018. pp.345 | 1 | ISBN 978-99419572-5-3 | Georgia | Contract | |
"Regional Policy of EU Countries" | Nodar Grdzelishvili | textbook | Publishing House | 1 | ISBN 978-9941-26-480-1 | Georgia | State Targeted Program | |
, Region-Economy, Politics, Management '' | Nodar Grdzelishvili | textbook | ,,Universal'' Publishing House 2020; p. 382 | 1 | ISBN 978-9941-26-805-2 | Georgia | State Targeted Program | |
The concept of regional (territorial) marketing, social essence and methodological aspects | Nodar Grdzelishvili | article | Scientific Journal "Law and Economics" # 12. P. 121-128.2021 | 0.3 | ISSN 1987-8303 | Georgia | State Targeted Program | |
ASPECTS OF TOURISM-RECREATIONAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE REGION | Grdzelishvili N., Kvaratskhelia L. | article | 1.3 | ISBN 978-985-7265-62-6 | State Targeted Program | |||
METHODOLOGICAL FEATURES AND PROBLEMS OF ASSESSMENT OF TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL RESOURCES OF THE TERRITORY | Grdzelishvili N., Kvaratskhelia L. | article | Cosmos Impact Factor - 3.637 | ISSN 3162-2364 | DOI: 10.24412/3162-2364-2020-60-3-3-5 | State Targeted Program |
International Scientific Conference | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2022 | 28/08/2022 - 29/08/2022 | Georgian Technical University | oral | http://jeanmonnet.gtu.ge/2022/08/24/%e1%83%a1%e1%83%a2%e1%83%a3-%e1%83%a8%e1%83%98-%e1%83%94%e1%83%a0%e1%83%90%e1%83%96%e1%83%9b%e1%83%a3%e1%83%a1-%e1%83%9f%e1%83%90%e1%83%9c-%e1%83%9b%e1%83%9d%e1%83%9c%e1%83%94-%e1%83%9b%e1%83%9d/ | ||
Congress of Applied Social Sciences | TUR.Istanbul | 2022 | 10/03/2022 - 11/03/2022 | Istanbul Gelisim University International | ,,Opportunities for Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Mountainous Regions of Georgia | oral | https://panel.gelisim.edu.tr/assets/2022/dokumanlar/usbk2022-ozet-kitapcigi---nihai-kopya_7e7c063adc4a49e5b0ce24b4bd75f3bd.pdf | |
V International Scientific Conference Globalization Challenges in Economy and Business; | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2020 | ნოემბერი | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics and Business. | "Economic Management of Vatopedi Monastery of Holy Mount Athos" | oral | ||
IV International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Globalization in Economy and Business" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 1-2 ნოემბერი | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | "Some issues of the systematic approach to the development of religious tourism" | oral | http://cgebconference.tsu.ge/public/uploads/media/Challenges_of.pdf | |
International Scientific Online Conference: "US-China Rivalry for World Hegemony." | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2020 | 30 ივნისი | St. Andria Georgian University. | "US-China Trade War: Prerequisites and Global Economic Consequences" | oral | https://sangu.edu.ge/ka/article/usachineconf# | |
Scientific conference on the topic: "Enlargement of the European Union - problems and prospects". | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 23 სექტემბერი | Georgian university. Science and Innovation Festival. | "Budgetary federalism in Georgia and EU countries | oral | https://sangu.edu.ge/ka/article/saertashoriso-sametsniero-konfer | |
International Conference "Digital Transformation: Society and University" | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 27 - 28 ივნისი | "Alliance of New European Universities", "University of Georgia" and "Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia" | "The role of the university in the socio-economic and innovative development of the region" | oral | https://apu.ge/ka/news/tsifruli-transformatsia-sazogadoeba-da-universiteti/178 | |
,,Society and Christianity'' III International Scientific and Practical Conference | MINSK, BELARUS | 2021 | 26–28 января | Minsk Theological Academy | Electronic public finance management and budgetary policy of Georgia. | oral | http://era-oikonomos.org/sostoyalas-mezhdunarodnaya-nauchno-prakticheskayakonferentsiya-sotsium-i-hristianstvo/ | |
VII Scientific Conference "Christianity and Economy - Gori 2013". Dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the founding of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the 35th anniversary of the enthronement of the Catholicos Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II | Gori, Georgia | 2013 | 30/06/2013 - 01/07/2013 | Diocese of Samtavisi and Gori of the Georgian Patriarchate. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. | Religious tourism - as a factor of Georgia's integration into the world and regional economy | oral | https://www.tsu.ge/data/file_db/economist_faculty/qristianoba.pdf | |
XXXII International Conference (PDMU-2018) Prague, Czech Republic August 27-31, 2018 “Problems Of Decision Making Under Uncertainties” | Prague, Czech Republic | 2018 | 27/08/2017 - 31/08/2017 | Fakul‘tet komp‘juternych nauk ta kìbernetyky, Univerzita obrany | "Concept of forming an information base for decision-making in the tourism sector in the regions and local self-governments of Georgia" | oral | https://books.google.ge/books/about/XXXII_International_Conference_PDMU_2018.html?id=ZtSywwEACAAJ&redir_esc=y | |
მე-9 საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია კულტურული ტურიზმის ევროპაში. მატერიალურ მემკვიდრეობაში: შეუდარებელი აქტივი მდგრადი და პასუხისმგებელი ტურიზმის განვითარებისთვის | გიმარაეში, პორტუგალია. | 2016 | 23/09/2016 - 24/09/2016 | In the frame of European Heritage Days 2016 & European Cooperation Day 2016 | Mount Khvamli - a Cultural-Mystical Product for the Development of Sustainable Tourism in Georgia. | oral | http://www.culturaltourism-network.eu/uploads/5/0/6/0/50604825/programme_ectn_conf_23-24_sept_2016_final.pdf | |
Building Peace through Heritage | 2020 | 13/03/2020 - 15/03/2020 | Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism | Factors of Religious Tourism in Georgia and Its Legal Aspects | oral | https://re.public.polimi.it/retrieve/e0c31c10-776c-4599-e053-1705fe0aef77/Extract_Vol3_Proceedings_FRDB_2020.pdf | ||
VI International Scientific Conference Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business. | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 05/11/2021 - 06/11/2021 | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics and Business | Peculiarities of determining the effectiveness of using the resource base of tourism development in the regions. | oral | https://www.tsu.ge/assets/media/files/48/konferenciebi/VI_INTERNATIONAL_SCIENTIFIC_CONFERENCE.pdf | |
ბიზნეს სტრუქტურების ინტეგრაცია: კონკურენცია და თანამშრომლობა: V საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო-პრაქტიკული კონფერენცია | Odessa, Ukraine -Tbilisi Georgia | 2021 | 19/02/2021 - 20/02/2021 | Black Sea Economics and Innovation Research Institute,New Higher Education Institute | The role of branding in increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of a region / territory | oral | http://www.baltijapublishing.lv/omp/index.php/bp/catalog/view/107/2962/6277-1 | |
Covid-19 - Economic, Legal and Political Challenges | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2020 | 22/12/2020 - 23/12/2020 | New Higher education institute-Newun | Georgia's state budget in the conditions of a pandemic | oral | http://newuni.edu.ge/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Jurnali_Diplomatia-da-Samartali_1-272020.pdf | |
Society and Christianity | MINSK, BELARUS | 2022 | 28/01/2022 - 30/01/2022 | Minsk Theological Academy, Belarusian State University | Demographic situation in Georgia and religious confessions | oral | http://oroik.by/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/%D0%A1%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA.%D0%A1%D0%BE%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%83%D0%BC-%D0%B8-%D1%85%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE.2022-%D1%81%D0%B6%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE.pdf | |
w IX MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ KONFERENCJI NAUKOWO-PRAKTYCZNEJ NAUCZYCIELI I STUDENTÓW INNOWACYJNE POMYSŁY NA ODPOCZYNEK W CZASIE WOLNYM OD PRACY W RAMACH TURYSTYKI NA WSI W OKRESIE PANDEMII KORONOWIRUSA SARS CoV-2. | Polish | 2022 | 25/02/2022 - 26/02/2022 | University of Poland,Białymstoku | Trends and peculiarities of rural tourism development in Georgia | oral | ||
Covid-19 in the reality of 2021 Georgia | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 20/12/2021 - 21/12/2021 | Ministry of Education and Science | oral |
Web of Science: 2 Scopus: Google Scholar: 28 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee
Master Theses Supervisor
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget |
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |