Veriko Kinkladze
Academic Doctor of Science
Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University
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Obtaining high fire resistance backing material clinker using local raw materials-dolomite, quartz ore sand (Georgia) and production waste. | conference proceedings | Ceramics in Europe 2022.10-14 July. | English | State Targeted Program | ||||
Obtaining of β-Si-Al-O-N nanocomposite with alumothermal and nitrogen processes | N.Nijaradze N.Darakhvelidze M.Balakhashvili Z. Mestivrishvili G.Tabatadze V.Qinqladze M.Mshvildadze | article | Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology. 2021. Germany. Impact factor. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Nanocomposite based on low temperature β-Sialon | N. Darakhvelidze, N. NiJaradze, G. Tabatadze, M. Mshvildadze, Z.Mestvirishvili, M. Balakhashvili, V. Kinkladze | article | 2nd Virtual Congress on Materials Science and Engineering. March 29th-31st, 2021. Theme „ Outlining the Importance of Materials Science for a Better Future”. USA. New-Castle. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Obtaining of sialon composite via metal-thermal and nitrogen processes in the SiC-Si_AI-geopolymer system | Z.Kovsiridze, N. Nijaradze, G. Tabatadze, T.Cheishvili, Z. Mestvirishvili, M.Mshvildadze, V.Kinkladze, N. Darakhvelidze | article | Journal of electroncs cooling and thermal control 2017, 7, 103 -122 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Obtain low-phosphorus manganese concentrate using sodium chloride | Z. Simonishvili, A. Gogoberidze, V. Kinkladze | article | ISSN1512-0325 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
Physico-chemical properties of manganese ore in Chiatura | Z. Simonishvili, A. Gogoberidze, V. Kinkladze | article | ISSN15120886 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
Joint roasting process of chiatura manganese ore and sodium chloride | Z. Simonishvili, A. Gogoberidze, V. Kinkladze | article | ISSN1512-0325 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
innovative technologies in metallurgy and materials science international conference | conference proceedings | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||||
conference proceedings | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||||||
conference proceedings | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||||||
2nd circular shaping 4 fourt international conference on shaping of advanced ceramics | conference proceedings | multifunctional hetero-module composite in B4C-BN-TiC-SiC-C system | English | State Targeted Program | ||||
Obtaining SiC-BN composite | Z. Kovziridze, N. Nizharadze, V. Kinkladze | article | ournal of the Georgian Ceramics Association "Ceramics" # 2 (32), 2014, p. 17-22 | ISSN1512-0325 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
article | ISSN1512-0686 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||||
Muitfunctional hetero-modulus composites in the B4C-BN-TiC-SiC-C sistem | article | Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Elsevier, vol.31, issue 10, September 2011, pp. 1921-1926 | ISSN0955-2219 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
HIGH REFRACTORY COMPOSITES ON THE BASIS OF SILICON CARBIDE | Z.Kovsiridze N.Nizharadze V.Kinkladze A.Eliozashvili | article | Journal of the Georgian Association of Ceramics "Ceramics", 1 (24), 2011, p. 60-66. | ISSN1512-0325 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
SiC-AL2O3-BN-Si, Composition of system composites for work in aggressive media | Z. Kovziridze, N. Nizharadze, V. Kinkladze, M. Mshvildadze | article | Journal of the Georgian Ceramics Association "Ceramics", # 1 (22), 2010, Tbilisi, p. 14-17. | ISSN1512-0325 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
MULTIFUNCTIONAL HETERO-MODULE COMPOSITE IN B4C-BN-TiC-SiC-C SYSTEM | article | Journal of Georgian Ceramists Association “Ceramics” N 1(19), Tbilisi, 2009, p.3-9. | ISSN1512-0325 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
SiC-Al2O3 with complex binder | Z.Kovsiridze N.Nizharadze V.Kinkladze M.Mshvildadze E.Nikoleishvili | article | Journal of Georgian Ceramists Association “Ceramics” N 1(19), Tbilisi, 2009, p.9-14. | ISSN1512-0325 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Obtaining a ref-ractory composite based on dolomi-tserpentinite clinker | Z. Kovziridze, N. Nizharadze, V. Kinkladze, N. Neparidze, M. Balakhashvili | article | Journal of the Georgian Ceramics Association `Ceramics ~ # 1 (18), Tbilisi, 2008, pp.12-16. | ISSN1512-0325 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
SiC with complex binder | Z. Kovziridze, N. Nizharadze, G. Donadze, E. Zedgenidze, L. Tedeishvili, V. Kinkladze | article | Journal of the Georgian Association of Ceramics, Ceramics, N2 (16), 2006, pp. 12-16 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
2nd Online International Conference On Materials Science and Nanomaterials. | Washington, USA | 2021 | 13-14 August | Ceramic Smart Nano Composite in the SIAlON-SIC-Al2O3 System | oral | The goal of the research is preparation of SiAlON-containing composite through nitro aluminothermic processes, by the methods of reactive sintering and hot compaction. Method: The composite CH-6 was obtained by the method of reactive sintering, with further grinding in attritor and hot compression in vacuum furnace at 1620°C, under 30 MPa pressure and 10-12 min standing at the final temperature. Precursor was prepared in a thermostat at 150°C temperature by double compression. Pressure equaled to 20-25 MPa. Results: Physical-technical properties of specimens prepared via hot compaction were investigated. Mechanical strength at compression is 1940 MPa; mechanical strength at bending is 490 MPa; elastic module is 199.5 GPa, HV-11.6 GPa. X-Ray diffraction analysis, optical, electron microscopic and X-ray diffraction Microspectral analysis were used to investigate composite microstructure and phase composition, with raster electron microscope “Nanolab 7” of the company "OPTON”. The values of the electrical parameters of the study composites were calculated on the basis of the obtained "lg p- t" dependence. Composite formulation was defined, the main phases of which were: β-SiAlON, corundum nano particles (‘ALCOA” Germany) and silicium carbide. Conclusion: Composite CH-6 has been selected from the obtained composites, which is characterized by relatively high physical-technical properties: strength, density and hardness. Materials can be used for making high refractory articles, such as jackets to secure thermocouples, furnace bedding, cutting tools for metal and wood treatment, in rocket spatial technology and others. Key words: composite, electron, microscope, phase composition, β-SIAlON.
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2nd Virtual Congress on Materials Science and Engineering. Theme „ Outlining the Importance of Materials Science for a Better Future”. | New-Castle, USA | 2021 | March 29th-31st, | Nanocomposite based on low temperature β-Sialon | oral | Resume: Objective - to obtain SIALON containing composites by reactive sintering method in SiC-B4C-Si-Al-Al2O3 –Carbon fiber system. Using this method of synthesis, it became possible to obtain composites with different percentages of SIALON. Our task was also to study the phase composition in the SiC-B4C-Si-Al-Al2O3 system. Method. To study the phase composition of the compo-sites, we conducted an X-ray structural analysis on the DRON-3 device, and to study the microstructure, we conducted research on an optical microscope and a ras-ter electron microscope “Nanolab 7” of the company "OPTON”. Result. In SiC-B4C-Si-Al-Al2O3-Carbon fiber system we obtained composites with a matrix composed of: β-SIALON, silicon carbide, corundum and nano particles of boron nitride. Conclusion. The phase composition of the obtained composite provides high physical-technical and per-formance properties of these composites. Key words: composite; electron microscope; phase composition; β-SIALON. | ||
Achievements and Perspectives. " International Scientific Methodological Conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician Givi Tsintsadze. Tbilisi. P. 3740 | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2018 | 19-20 ოქტომბერი | Ceramic Composite for Manufacturing of Armored Elements | oral | In the conditions of rapid development of technology, the need to obtain materials that will work while maintaining operational properties in high temperature conditions becomes increasingly urgent. The use of refractory carbides, borides and nitrides based on ceramic materials is promising in this regard. | ||
33rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,, Daytona Beach, (Thesis) | Florida, USA | 2009 | 18-23 January | MULTIFUNCTIONAL HETERO-MODULE COMPOSITE IN B4C-BN-TiC-SiC-Al2O3-C SYSTEM | oral | |||
2nd circular SHAPING 4 Fourt International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Ceramics, , Spain | Madrid, Spain | 2009 | 15-18 November | poster | ||||
1st International Conference for Students and Young Scientists on Materials Processing Science, | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 10-13 October | oral | ||||
2nd circular shaping 4 fourt international conference on shaping of advanced ceramics | Verona, Italy | 2008 | 29 ივნისი -,4 ივლისი | multifunctional hetero-module composite in B4C-BN-TiC-SiC-C system | poster |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |