Giorgi Ghlonti
Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics
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Modeling Information Support for Startup: Theoretical Aspect | T. Papiashvili, G. Ghlonti, K. Koberidze | article | European Journal of Business and Management Research. Vol 7, Issue 2, April 2022. | არ აქვს | ISSN: 2507-1076 | DOI: 10.24018/ejmbr.2022.7.2.1326 | English | State Targeted Program |
About one NoSQL Mechanism for Accessing Panel Data | Z. Gamezadrashvili, G. Ghlonti, H. Ergun | article | Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, Volume 7, Issue 2, IBSU, 2019. | არ აქვს | ISSN: 2298-0032, e-ISSN: 2346-8270 | https://doi.org/10.31578/.v7i2.140 | English | State Targeted Program |
Is Entrepreneurship Education A Gate To Startups? A Case Study In Georgia | T. Papiashvili, G. Ghlonti, K. Koberidze | article | International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. Vol. III, Issue 11, November 2015 | არ აქვს | ISSN: 2348 0386 | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
Constructive Method for Recognition of Patterns | Z. Kipshidze, A. Chaduneli, G. Ananiashvili, G. Ghlonti | article | Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi, 2009, vol 3., №. 2 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
The model of an electronic document, used in statistical surveys | A. Chaduneli, G.Ghlonti, M. Pkhovelishvili | article | Proceedings of Georgian Technical University, № 3, 2004, | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | English | State Targeted Program |
Development of a system of distributed processing of accounting and statistical information | A. Chaduneli, G.Ghlonti | article | Proceedings of Georgian Technical University, № 2, 2004, 94-97 | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | არ აქვს | Russian | State Targeted Program |
A Distributed System for Processing and Analyzing Accounting Data of the Administrative and Business Activities Sector and its Functional Units. | G. Ghlonti | article | Georgian Engineering News, № 3, 2000, 180-183 | არ აქვს | ISSN: 1512-0287 | არ აქვს | Russian | State Targeted Program |
9th Annual London Business Research Conference. | London, UK | 2014 | 04/08/2014-05/08/2014 | Imperial College London | Market Share Prediction Of Italian And Spanish Brands In The Fashion Market Of Georgia By The Expectancy Value Model | poster | This research shows the Georgian people opinion and their point of views to the Italian and Spanish fashion brands rationally and emotionally which are related to price, primary characteristic, secondary features, product reliability of the rational side and quality, credibility and feelings of the emotional side in Georgia fashion market. This exploratory research was to study the market share prediction of Italian and Spanish fashion brands in Georgia fashion market by expectancy value model and also Georgian young consumer attitudes towards those fashion brands. This study was approached in the form of a case study, and using Zara, Mango and Massimo dutti as the Spanish brands and Giorgio Armani, Versace and Diesel as the Italian brands. Quantitative and qualitative survey was used as the research method to gather primary data by designing two kinds of questionnaires for 96 and 84 sample sizes. SPSS and Microsoft excel were used to analyze the data gathered from this study. Also during the research some differences between consumption of the Italian and Spanish were found on fashion market. The main differences between Georgian Respondents idea were about Spanish brands’ slightly bigger spending on fashion and more purchasing, and their more frequent visits and it was also discovered that respondents valued Italian bands more. The aim of this research is to help those fashion brands to improve their marketing strategy to increase their market share and also to be useful for other fashion companies and brands which they want to get familiar and enter into the Georgia fashion market, also to know the young consumer attitudes and behavior. | https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/51628764/7_market_share_prediqtion__mahdi_glonti-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1652691953&Signature=JIhf-QkL9fvh9ClSWgW8W3P27MlUvN-YirS5KfQJwzuor9OTrKMNJB-g99rJDU~-TMNkjxXtoJivpCApqNgA04yDCVX7VYEMaVo3FXE37yIBcnI-4UNLJCTOfvQWrh510BniI-5iW7LudNgIuUGX-bfwGtwDUq34r1~e81CfA1LbWra48FsJrSHe1SdB-GnauWh-jj8lL2Pv4Vj2h7tQDxdmnsTt~AOAuc~a6lCBr68yMNoc9ickyuZB59zrGqOHo4~qHTskkHj4eX3khkTZhg0oAAHkr1l0yY1XlSHn9G6RY9BGyhDjn6eIIWVSnjZWMa0Hbf3bHGTrp3ljDuPgcA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA |
AICT2012 6-th International Conference: Application of Information and Communication Technologies. | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2012 | 17/10/2012-19/10/2012 | International Black Sea University | Integrated Analytical Information Resource Management System | oral | The paper is dedicated to the problems of development of analytical information resource management systems. The author present a service-oriented architectural solution that provides data collection and aggregation at the points where information emerges. The user is provided with a set of functional complexes, allowing to build the applications covering the entire lifecycle of analytical information resource from the planning data collection to the stages of data processing. | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6398478 |
7-th Silk Road International Conference: Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Eceonomic Development in Eurasian Countries | Tbilisi and Batumi, Georgia . | 2012 | 24/05/2012-26/05/2012 | International Black Sea University | “Unified Analytical Information Space as the Condition of Sustainable Development of Subject Area” | oral | Attempts of reaching sustainable optimal position for any subject areas are often faced with the problems caused by the presence of corrupted information resource. The problems of design and management of unified analytical information space are studied. Its structure, composition, obligations and dynamics are determined. The sources of information are revealed along with the criteria of minimization of cost and time expenditures for storage, treatment and analysis of information resource. On the basis of the regularities found, the communication form within information space is designed. Information necessary for decision-making is not properly motivated and argued completely, clearly and distinctly. The lack of clarity in cause-effect relationships and the results of corrective actions is observed. In presented work the authors offer their original approach to the problems of informatization of a subject area, consisting of design of unified analytical information space, as an environment where the analytical information resource of the subject area is accumulated and processed. As a tool for implementing an analytical information space the project of software product is offered. | https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/51906673/A_Unified_Analitycal_Information_Space-libre.pdf?1487830123=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DA_Unified_Analytical_Information_Space_a.pdf&Expires=1652691957&Signature=CZnQQ3XlpKzkNTaKRG1H2cFUAR7QWYiNKR8-fPiXe8VCR7ya5OHUnNO9AQInSOKUB-jH3~gyDhN4oonbV4QW3kA8M4lp9bHNkcEDvUgR31R7aIGn4Lssqf4~8IWsmA6Qyxo8AVlCMqKlVWv5pBSbQuB~he15c8w2nA-fftw8V8jpGCdXEo6PM4N2vjV7nRe01wGp-D9fgn3HkrhKQ5S9zVD1h3T7K6iJQ-ZCZVfVv4ijMZ2cFO4BJmA-4XZTJCCupzORrBzGoT0avIVLt4DLGZnj7JZyjIsVFS~eXvi-z~llvxTG4qRwxwANwuGIHl0vXXszfKmFdS841cYtca0-MQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA |
Web of Science: 0 Scopus: 1 Google Scholar: 1 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee
Master Theses Supervisor
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget |
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |