
Roland Bakuradze
Academic Doctor of Science
Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University
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Method and Mathematical Modeling of Formationof Gradually and Homogeneously Oriented Linear Polymers | Levan Nadareishvili, Roland Bakuradze, Jimsher Aneli, Manana Areshidze, Ineza Pavlenishvili Liana Sharashidze | article | International Journal of Polymer Science Volume 2019, Received 02 Apr 2019, Accepted 01 Oct 2019 Published 25 Nov 2019 | 2.642 | Article ID 8132518 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/8132518 | English | State Targeted Program |
New Technical Access for Creation of Gradually Oriented Polymers | L.I. Nadareishvili, R.Sh.Bakuradze, M.G.Areshidze, I.I.Pavlenishvili, L.K.Sharashidze | article | Book Science and Technology of Poly-mers and Advanced Materials Edited By Omari V. Mukbaniani, Tamara Tatrishvili, Marc J. M. Abadie 1st Edition, New York Apple Academic Press, 2019 Chapter 18|12 pages | ISBN9780429425301 | https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429425301 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Gradually Oriented State of the Linear Polymers | L. Nadareishvili, R.Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, L.Sharashidze, I.Pavlenishvili | article | Book High-Performance Polymers for Engineering-Based Composites Edited By Omari V. Mukbaniani. Marc J. M. Abadie, Tamara Tatrishvili | ISBN9780429161216 | https://doi.org/10.1201/b19869 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Method of Obtaining of Gradually Oriented Polymeric Films | L. Nadareishvili, R.Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, L.Sharashidze, I.Pavlenishvili | article | Book High-Performance Polymers for Engineering-Based Composites Edited By Omari V. Mukbaniani. Marc J. M. Abadie, Tamara Tatrishvili | ISBN9780429161216 | https://doi.org/10.1201/b19869 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Graded Orientation of the Linear Polymers | Levan Nadareishvili, Roland Bakuradze, Barbara Kilosanidze, Nonna Topuridze, Liana Sharashidze, Ineza Pavlenishvili | article | International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering 2015,Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 251-256 | doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1099160 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
A new method of oriented stretching of thermoplastic polymers | L. Nadareishvili, R.Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, L.Sharashidze, I.Pavlenishvili | article | Georgian Chemical Journal V.15, N2, 2015,pp.164-170. | ISSN 1512-0686 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
New Method of Oriented Drawing of the Thermoplastic Polymers | L. Nadareishvili, R.Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, L.Sharashidze, I.Pavlenishvili | article | Georgian Chemical Journal v.14, N1, 2014, pp.48-55. | ISSN 1512-0686 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Some Regularities of Linear Polymer’s Oriented State Formation | L. Nadareishvili, R.Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, L.Sharashidze, I.Pavlenishvili | article | Georgian Chemical Journal v.14, N1, 2014, pp.12-20. | ISSN 1512-0686 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Gradient orientation of linear polymers | L. Nadareishvili, R.Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, L.Sharashidze, T.Nakaidze I.Pavlenishvili | article | Problems of Applied Chemistry, Tbilisi 2012 pp. 92-98. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
Some Regularities of Gradient Orientation of Polymers in Heterogetიneous Mechanical Field. | L. Nadareishvili, R.Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, T. Nakaidze, L.Sharashidze, I.Pavlenishvili | article | Georgian Chemical Journal v.11, N1, 2011, pp.281-283. | ISSN 1512-0686 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Some regularities of gradient orientation of polymers in a non-uniform mechanical field | L. Nadareishvili, R.Bakuradze, N. Topuridze | article | Herald of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Chemistry Series. 2010 v. 36 №2, pp. 197-200. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
On the recurrent method for forecasting the average annual river runoff | M.Piranashvilii, R.Bakuradze, Z.Piranashvili, T. Sulaberidze | article | Periodical scientific journal "Intellecti", 2006 №2 (25), pp.93-96. | ISNN 1512-333 | Russian | State Targeted Program | ||
Predictive model of average annual river runoff, presented as a stationary sequence with a trend | M.Piranashvilii, R.Bakuradze, Z.Piranashvili, T. Sulaberidze | article | Periodical scientific journal "Intellecti", 2006 №2 (25), pp.97-99. | ISNN 1512-333 | Russian | State Targeted Program | ||
Model of isoconcentric laurs formation in GRIN-elements | L. Nadareishvili, Р. Bakuradze, I. Pavlenishvili | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics, Georgian Academy of Sciences.2004 vol.3, №1-2, p.198-201. | ISSN 15128-1372 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Model of isoconcentric laurs formation in GRIN-elements | L. Nadareishvili, Р. Bakuradze, I.avlenishvili | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics, Georgian Academy of Sciences.2004 vol.3, №1-2, p.198-201. | ISSN 15128-1372 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
On the problem n,q-representability relative to Sturm-Liouville operator | R. Bakuradze | article | Georgian Enginering News 2002 №3, ст. 69-72. | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | English | State Targeted Program | |
On the issue of calculating kinetic energy | Bakuradze R.Sh. Ananiashvili V.O. | article | Georgian Enginering News 2002 №3, ст. 73-74. | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | English | State Targeted Program | |
Towards the creation of a model of morphology and isorefraction stratification in GRIN-elements. | L. Nadareishvili, Р. Bakuradze, I. Pavlenishvili | article | Georgian Enginering News 2002 №2, pp. 75-78. | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge/ | English | State Targeted Program | |
Some correlations for the Dirac density matrix | R. Bakuradze | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics, Georgian Academy of Sciences.2002 vol.2, №1-2, p.215-217. | ISSN 15128-1372 | English | State Targeted Program |
5 rd International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2017 | 2-5 July | Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | L.Nadareishvili, R. Bakuradze, M.Areshidze, I.Pavlenishvili, L. Sharashidze New Technical Access for Creation of Gradually Oriented Polymers and Process’s Modeling | oral | One of the actual directions of modern polymer science is creation and research of graded materials with different (mechanical, optical, electrical, magnetic, etc.) properties. There are different methods of receiving such materials. We have developed and patented the original technical solution for obtaining graded polymer and composite mate-rials, according to which the creation of gradient of properties is conditioned by graded orientation of isotropic materials. Graded orientation is created using specific devices. The improvement of the technical characteristics of these devices significantly contributes to the development of graded material science. The constriction of the addon device is proposed that allows to carry out of graded orientation in combination of addon device with any standard stretching machine. A mathematical model of graded orientation of polymer materials is developed, which enables to work out polymer materials with preset dimensions and distribution of relative elongation. | https://www.icsp.tsu.ge/data/file_db/icsp/ICSP%205%20(TSU)_61433.pdf |
XIII International Conference on Polymers. International Science Index | Paris, France | 2015 | 23 – 24 February | L.Nadareishvili, R. Bakuradze, B. Kilosanidze, N. Topuridze, L. Sharashidze Graded Orientation of the Linear Polymers | poster | |||
IUPAC World Polymer Congress MACRO-2014 | Chiang Mai, Thailand | 2014 | 6-11 July | L.Nadareishvili, Р. Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, L. Sharashidze, I. Pavlenishvili Mathematical Model for Gradually-Oriented State Formation in Linear Polymers | poster | |||
Third International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 1-4 September | Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | L. Nadareishvili, R. Bakuradze, N. Topuridze. L. Sharashidze, I. Pavlenishvili Gradually Oriented State of the Linear Polymer | oral | Widespread method of the structural modification of the linear polymers is the uniaxial oriented stretchingaction of the homogenous mechanical field on the polymer sample. The relative elongation in the entire volume of the obtained oriented polymer is identical. Uniaxial oriented ted polymer is identical. Uniaxial oriented stretching can be carried out in another mode. Previously we have developed stretching and established the conception about new structural state of thethermoplastic polymers about gradually oriented state (GOS). Transition of the isotropic polymers in the GOS is produced by the action of inhomogeneous mechanical field on the polymer sample. Quantitative parameters of the obtained graduallyoriented po-lymers are: range of change of relative elongation/ orienta-tion degree, extent andprofile (linear, hyperbolic, parabolic, logarithmic, etc.).
| https://old.tsu.ge/icsp3/ABSTRACTS.pdf |
Third International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 1-4 September | Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | L. Nadareishvili, R. Bakuradze, N. Topuridze. L. Sharashidze New Method of Obtaining of Gradually Oriented Polymeric Films | oral | The simplest and most common kind of orientation of polymers is the uniaxial orientationaction of a uniform mechanical field on the polymer sample. Uniaxial oriented stretching can be carried out in another mode. Scientific basis of this innovations is a concept about newstructural state of the thermoplastic polymers about gradually oriented state (GOS) proposed by us for the first time. This state quantitatively is described by three parameters:range of the relative elongation change, its extent and distri-bution profile (linear, hyperbolic, parabolic, logarithmic, sinusoidal, etc). On the basis of this conception a fundamentally technical solution of the uniaxial orientedstretching is developed. This is the ori-entation of thermoplastic polymers in the gradient mode, which is done by action of the inhomogeneous mechanical field on the izotropic poly mer films. There are elaborated some guided graded orientation methods.
| https://old.tsu.ge/icsp3/ABSTRACTS.pdf |
Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Science-APMAS201Congres | Antalia, Turkey | 2011 | 12-15 May | L.Nadareishvili, Р. Bakuradze, N. Topuridze, L. Sharashidze Gradient oriented state of polymers | poster | |||
7th All-Russian Conference "Molecular Modeling" | Moscow,Russia | 2011 | 13-15 აპრილი | V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry | Japaridze K.G., Maisuradze J.P., Bakurzdze R.Sh., Akhobadze Sh.A. Some questions of the structure of the molecule of the colored form of spiropyrans | poster | A quantum-chemical study of indoline spiropyrans during the transition from an uncolored state to a colored one at room temperature was carried out. To study the effect of substituents in the 3',3'-position of unsubstituted indoline spiropyrans, we performed quantum chemical calculations using the AM1 method. It can be seen from the calculation that in unsubstituted indoline spiropyrans in positions 3',3', the replacement of methyl groups by phenyl ones causes an increase in the external bond angle, which in turn leads to a decrease in the internal angle of the five-membered ring and an increase in the C–O bond length of the pyran ring, and a decrease in the difference between the heats formation of closed and open forms from 4 Kcal/mol to 1 Kcal/mol. These data show that in unsubstituted indoline spiropyrans containing phenyl groups in the 3',3'-position, the transition from the uncolored state to the colored state occurs at room temperature. These calculations are in full agreement with the experimental data. | https://docplayer.com/25907240-Molekulyarnoe-modelirovanie.html |
Second International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 7-10 September | Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | L. Nadareishvili, R. Bakuradze, N. Topuridze. T.Nakaidze, L.Sharashidze, I. Pavenishvili Some Regularities of the Gradient Orientation Polymers in Heterogeneous Mechanical Field | oral | A major focus of polymer science twentyfirst century is to obtain materials and elements with agradient of different properties. The gradient of the properties in the polymer body may be formed by the gradient of chemical composition, as well using a gradient orientation of polymers. The idea of the degree of gradient orientation, as a new characterzation of polymer material new structural state (gradientoriented state) in science was first introduced by us. According to this view, the transition of the polymer in a gradient oriented state makes it possible to obtain polymer materials of new genera-tion, with a gradient of mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic and other properties. Obtaining materials with desired properties stimulate the emergence of new scientific directions. Gradientoriented state is created under the influence of inhomogeneousmechanical field on the polymer body.In the present study investigated to obtain rectangular pieces with a hyperbolic distribution ofrela-tive elongations perpendicular to the single axle stretching of the polymer film. Essence of the method described below
| https://old.tsu.ge/icsp2/Symposium%20Proceeding%20-%20ICSP&AM-2%202010.pdf |
Second International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 7-10 September | Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | L. Nadareishvili, R. Bakuradze, N. Topuridze Some Management Issues Gradient Orientation of Polymer | oral | Previously we have developed a new understanding of the structural state of linear polymers to gradient oriented state.In the present study provides decision management laws making the sample base in the segments for any coefficient of single axle deformation.
| https://old.tsu.ge/icsp2/Symposium%20Proceeding%20-%20ICSP&AM-2%202010.pdf |
6-th All-Russian Conference "Molecular Modeling" | Moscow,Russia | 2009 | 8-10 აპრილი | V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry | Spiropyrans with bulky fragments for memory elements | poster | An active research for creation molecular computers, where role of diode and triode playphotochromic organic so called intellectual‖ molecules, is carried out all over the world.Control of such molecules is possible by external factors: light, electric and magnetic field,chemical reaction and so on. Among numerous photochromic compounds (spirocompounds, azobenzens, fulgides, diarylethens and so on) spiropyrans are singled out by their high photosensitivity, resolution on molecular level and high cross-section of two photon absorption. The last parameter is significant to develop threedimensional optical memory element . It must be noted that the polarizational hologram was recorded on the films doped by spiropyrans .The molecules of spiropyran are characterized by bistability, that is ability to exist in two thermodynamically stable, different state. Uncolored, bulky molecule of spiropyran A, after exposition by UV-light, converts into colored, coplanar, merocianine B molecule.Return to A state takes place spontaneously, by heat or by visible light | http://www.geokhi.ru/Lab03/Конференции.aspx |
6-th All-Russian Conference "Molecular Modeling" | 2009 | 8-10 აპრილი | V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry | Spiropyrans with bulky fragments for memory elements | poster | An active research for creation molecular computers, where role of diode and triode playphotochromic organic so called intellectual‖ molecules, is carried out all over the world.Control of such molecules is possible by external factors: light, electric and magnetic field,chemical reaction and so on. Among numerous photochromic compounds (spirocompounds, azobenzens, fulgides, diarylethens and so on) spiropyrans are singled out by their high photosensitivity, resolution on molecular level and high cross-section of two photon absorption. The last parameter is significant to develop threedimensional optical memory element . It must be noted that the polarizational hologram was recorded on the films doped by spiropyrans .The molecules of spiropyran are characterized by bistability, that is ability to exist in two thermodynamically stable, different state. Uncolored, bulky molecule of spiropyran A, after exposition by UV-light, converts into colored, coplanar, merocianine B molecule.Return to A state takes place spontaneously, by heat or by visible light | http://www.geokhi.ru/Lab03/Конференции.aspx | |
6th All-Russian Conference "Molecular Modeling" | Moscow,Russia | 2009 | 8-10 აპრილი | V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry | Ananiashvili V.O., Bakuradze R.Sh., Jafaridze K.G., Maisuradze M.Sh., Matnadze M.M. New polyxyloxane electro-conductive compositions | poster | http://www.geokhi.ru/Lab03/Конференции.aspx | |
Holographic and optical recording, storage and processing of information HOLOOPTO-2008 | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2008 | 22-23 სექტემბერი | Georgian National Science Foundation Institute of Cybenetics | Cyclic fragment spiropenes for three-dimensional memory elements | oral | Due to the sensitivity of the reaction center of spiropyran molecule, any structural change in the molecule alters its properties. By the electronic nature of the transducer and its location it is possible to control the parameters of the object such as photo sensitivity, color stability, location of the absorption band in the visible region of the spectrum, and more. The geometric nature of the substitute is less studied than that of the electron. We achieved a structural change in the spiropyran molecule through the fixation of a nitrogen atom. We made a nitrogen atom for the shared indoline nucleus and tetrahydropyrion. The presence of a six-membered cycle in the molecule led to an increase in the skeletal stiffness of the molecule, which contributed to the increased stability of the merocyanine form. This was revealed by the equilibrium constant with a significant deviation towards the tinted shape. | კონფრერნციის "ინფორმაციის ჰოლოგრაფიული და ოპტიკუ-რი ჩაწაერა, შენახვა და დამუშა-ვება" თეზისების კრებული თბილისი-2008 |
Holographic and optical recording, storage and processing of information HOLOOPTO-2008 | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2008 | 22-23 სექტემბერი | Georgian National Science Foundation Institute of Cybenetics | K.Jafaridze, L.Devadze, J.Maisuradze, N.Makhashvili, N.Sepashvili, R.Bakuradze, M.Gugava Cyclic fragment spiropenes for three-dimensional memory elements | oral | Due to the sensitivity of the reaction center of spiropyran molecule, any structural change in the molecule alters its properties. By the electronic nature of the transducer and its location it is possible to control the parameters of the object such as photo sensitivity, color stability, location of the absorption band in the visible region of the spectrum, and more. The geometric nature of the substitute is less studied than that of the electron. We achieved a structural change in the spiropyran molecule through the fixation of a nitrogen atom. We made a nitrogen atom for the shared indoline nucleus and tetrahydropyrion. The presence of a six-membered cycle in the molecule led to an increase in the skeletal stiffness of the molecule, which contributed to the increased stability of the merocyanine form. This was revealed by the equilibrium constant with a significant deviation towards the tinted shape. | კონფრერნციის "ინფორმაციის ჰოლოგრაფიული და ოპტიკური ჩაწაერა, შენახვა და დამუშავება" თეზისების კრებული თბილისი-2008 |
4-th All-Russian Conference | Moscow,Russia | 2005 | 16-18 აპრილი | V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry | Bakuradze R.Sh, Ananiashvili V.O., Japaridze K.G. Quantum chemical modeling of some electrically conductive polymers II | oral | http://www.geokhi.ru/Lab03/Конференции.aspx | |
Fundamental and applied problems of computer science | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2004 | 25-26 ნოემბერი | Institute of Cybenetics | R.Bakuradze, V.Ananiashvili, K.Japaridze Electrically conductive polymers | oral | ||
Holographic and optical recording, storage and processing of information HOLOOPTO-2008 | Moscow,Russia | 2003 | 15-17 აპრილი | Институт геохимии и аналитической химии им. В. И. Вернадского | Bakuradze R.Sh, Ananiashvili V.O., Japaridze K.G. Quantum chemical modeling of some electrically conductive polymers I | oral | http://www.geokhi.ru/Lab03/Конференции.aspx | |
Fundamental and applied problems of computer science | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2002 | 29-30 ნოემბერი | Institute of Cybenetics | R.Bakuradze, L.Nadareishvili Diffusion process in a segmental cylinder | oral |
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