Berdi Zautashvili

Doctor of Science

Georgian Technical University Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology

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Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title


Our Values, Chapter Hydro-Mineral Resources, Book 5, Literary Publishing House, 2014State Target Program

In the book Our Values, Chapter Hydromineral Resources, the chemical composition of Borjomi's mineral water deposits is described in detail, the degree of mineralization is studied, and the debit is determined.
Our Values, Chapter Hydro-Mineral Resources, Book 5, Literary Publishing House, 2014State Target Program

The book "100 Resorts of Georgia" contains information about resorts and resort places in Georgia. In addition to resort data, the book includes a list and description of places that will be interesting for the guests of the resort. We hope that this book will become a kind of guide for a wide range of readers as well as for those interested in medical tourism.


General hydrogeology. 2018 Publishing House "Technical University" ISBN 978-9941-28-171-6.State Target Program

The book discusses the origin, distribution and circulation of the Earth's hydrosphere; the types of water in rocks, the structure of the underground hydrosphere, the genesis and zonation of groundwater, the circulation of water in the underground hydrosphere and the water-collecting properties of rocks are characterized, the physical properties and composition of groundwater, underground aquifer systems, the main types of groundwater, issues of their use and protection are discussed.
Geography of Georgia, Chapter Mineral Waters, 2013 p. 145-148State Target Program

The chapter discusses the mineral waters of the province with methane, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide, their chemical composition.
Geography of Georgia, Chapter Hydrogeology, 2013State Target Program

The chapter discusses the peculiarities of the drainage of geological formations, the chemical and gaseous composition of waters, the abundance of resources and their practical importance according to the circulation zones and hydrogeological regions.
Hydrogeology of Georgia, STU, 2011State Target Program

The aquifer complexes, horizons, zones spread over the territory of Georgia are discussed; Hydrogeological regions and hydrogeochemical zones are separated and characterized; The regularities of the quantity, composition, formation and distribution of groundwater are established; The value of underground waters from drinking-agricultural, drinking-medicinal and balneological, thermal-energy, ecological point of view is evaluated. It is intended for the master's students of the hydrogeological specialty of the Technical University of Georgia, and it will provide some help to young specialists working in hydrogeology and related fields.

Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Hydrogeological conditions of the road tunnel planned in the Mleta-Kobi section of the Cross Pass of the Caucasus Main Range and possible water flow forecast, STU, Mining Journal, 2016, 1State Target Program

The paper discusses the hydrogeological conditions of the road tunnel planned for the Mleta-Kobi area of the Caucasus Main Range. For this 1989 a forecast of possible water flows. For this purpose, in 1989, a large-scale hydrogeological planning was carried out, a large-scale hydrogeological planning was carried out, on the basis of which the nature of the rock aquifer system and water abundance was determined, the nature and water abundance of the field system was determined, the chemical and gaseous composition of groundwater was determined, the chemical and gaseous composition of groundwater was determined . Determination of groundwater in the project tunnel. According to the nature of the underground water flow in the project tunnel, according to the nature of the flow along the axis, on the hydrogeological cut built along the axis, the possible water flow areas were separated and the possible water flow areas were determined and the estimated total amount of water flow was determined. By the method of analogy with the existing rock road tunnel at the entrance to the tunnel.
Dynamics of carbonic acid waters of Truso valley and features of formation of chemical composition. Stu Mining Journal 1(32), 2014, p. 20-23State Target Program

Carbonic acid mineral The paper discusses the issues of the origin and chemical composition of carbonated mineral waters on the example of the Thrusso Gorge, the issues of Ebi on the example of the Thrusso Gorge, which is the junction of the Caucasian and Meridian faults and the most carbonated waters. intersection and the epicenter of the most intense manifestation of carbonated waters in the Caucasus. The epicenter of static manifestations in the Caucasus. The article focuses on the special process that is related to the spontaneous phase transition of gas and the spontaneous phase transition of carbonic acid gas in carbonated water discharge areas and the dynamics of carbonated water.
Peculiarities of fluoridated natural drinking water and prospects of their use in Georgia, Mining Journal, Tbilisi, 2009/2 (23)State Target Program

The paper discusses the importance of biologically active element fluorine in drinking water, both in the case of its excessive and insignificant content. Against the tooth disease (caries) caused by lack of fluorine in drinking water, it is suggested to use low-mineralized nitrogen subtherms spread in the central region of Adjara-Trialeti fold zone, which are characterized by good drinking properties, permissible fluorine content (0.5-1.2 mg/l) and watery outputs.

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus