archil Chirakadze
Doctor of Science
Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University
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Photocatalytic Activity and Environmental Toxicity of ZnO Microcrystals with Different Morphologies | Alexander Jishiashvili, Nodar Mitagvaria, Archil Chirakadze, David Jishiashvil | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences,ე,, 2022, 16, 1, 81-86 | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | English | Grant Project | ||
VAPOR SYNTHESIS OF ZnO NANOCRYSTAL-BASED HOLLOW MICROSPHERES. | A.Jishiashvili, AChirakadze, Z.Shiolashvili, N. Makhatadze; V. Gobronidze; D.Jishiashvil | conference proceedings | Modern trends in physics . Baku State university, December 15-17, 2021. Prosedings, Volume 1 Baku State University Publishing House. 2021, pp.125-132. | WoS | ISSN 2522-4352 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Obtaining of Ligatures from Manganese Production Wastes by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis | Zakharov, G.V., Tavadze G.F., Oniashvili, G.S., … Kvaskhvadze, D.L., Urushadze, G.G. | article | Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 2021, 60, 7-8, 513–518 | DOI:10.1007/s11106-021-00263-9 | English | Grant Project | ||
Growth of zno microcrystals from zn and cu chloride precursors | Jishiashvili, A., Shiolashvili, Z., Jishiashvili, D., Chirakadze, A., Makhatadze, N. | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2021, 15(2), pp. 53–59 | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | English | Grant Project | ||
Microwave synthesis, characterization and testing of acute toxicity of boron nitride nanoparticles by monitoring of behavioral and physiological parameters | Chirakadze,A., Mitagvaria N., Jishiashvili D., Buachidze Z., Khomeriki, I. | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2021, 15(2), pp. 120–126 | ISSN - 0132 – 1447ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | English | Grant Project | ||
Development and testing of new combined insecticides against the brown marmorated stink bug (Bmsb, halyomorpha halys) in laboratory conditions | Chirakadze, A., Mitagvaria, N., Lomidze, N., ... Nebieridze, M., Sikharulidze, N. | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2021, 15(3), pp. 85–90 | Scopus, Google Scholar | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Development and Testing of Nanoparticles for Treatment of Cancer Cells by Curie Temperature Controlled Magnetic Hyperthermia | A. Chirakadze, N. Mitagvaria, D. Jishiashvili, M. Devdariani, G. Petriashvili, ... | article | Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci 15 (1), 91-97, 2021 | Scopus, Google Scholar | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | http://science.org.ge/bnas/vol-15-2.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Whole body hyperthermia induced phenomenon of hormesis (Experimental study) | Mitagvaria, N., Chirakadze A., Devdariani M., Davlianidze L., Rtveladze, T. | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2020, 14(4), pp. 67–74 | Scopus, Google Scholar | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | English | Grant Project | |
Study of some technological and economical characteristics of processing of the solid municipal waste to methanol | Zazadze L., Gvakharia V., Chirakadze A. | article | Scopus, Google Scholar | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 Article | English | State Targeted Program | ||
VAPOR-PHASE SYNTHESIS OF COPPER-BASED NANOSTRUCTURES | Jishiashvili D.; Chirakadze A.; Shiolashvili Z.; ... Gobronidze V. | article | Modern Trends in Physics:MTP Proceedings, 2019, | WoS | ISSN 2522-4352; ISSN / eISSN: 2409-4986 / 2409-4994 | English | Grant Project | |
Photovoltaic performance of p-si/cd1-xznxo heterojunctions | Mamedov, H.M., Shah, S.I., Chirakadze, A., ... MammadovaV.J., Ahmedova, K.M. | article | Photonics Letters of Poland, 2018, 10, 1, 26–28 | WoS, Scopus, Google Scholar | ISSN 2080-2242 | 10.4302/PLP.V10I1.797 | English | State Targeted Program |
Advanced methods of utilization of secondary resources for energy production and accumulation | Gasitashvili Z., Kervalishvili P., Chirakadze A., .. .Buachidze, Z., Gorgadze, K. | conference proceedings | Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Devoted to the 85th Anniversary of Academician I. V. Prangishvili, 2017, 287–295 | Scopus | ISBN: 978-1-53612-075-2 | English | Grant Project | |
Influence of water on the growth process of Ge3N4 and InP nanowires | Jishiashvili, A., Shiolashvili, Z., Makhatadze, N., Sukhanov, D., Kanchaveli, D. | article | Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 33, 3, 1103–1110 | WoS, Scopus | ISSN 2231-5039.ISSN 0970020X, 22315039 | DOI: 10.13005/OJC/330306 | English | State Targeted Program |
Complex processing of manganese bearing waste and low-grade ores by autoclaving method | Chirakadze Archil; Gurchumelia Lali; Khomeriki Irina; ... Geleishvili Tengiz | article | International Journal of Global Warming 2016, 10 (1-3), 291-306. | WoS, Scopus | ISSN 2231-5039 | DOI: 10.1504/IJGW.2016.077919 | English | State Targeted Program |
Development of low temperature technology for the growth of wide band gap semiconductor nanowires | Jishiashvili David; Shiolashvili Zeinab; Chirakadze Archil; Gorgadze Kakha | article | AIMS Materials Science, 2016 3, 2, 470-485 | WOS, Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3934/MATERSCI.2016.2.470 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Arsenic pollution of soils and morbidity prevalence in Racha-Lower Svaneti district of Georgia | Chirakadze Archil; Buachidze Zakaria; Khomeriki Irina O.; ... Bagrationi Nino | article | International Journal of Global Warming, 2016, 10 (1-3), 92-114 | WoS, Google Scholar | ISSN2231-5039 | DOI: 10.1504/IJGW.2016.077908 | English | State Targeted Program |
Microwave Enhanced Producing of High-Purity Metallic Manganese and Composite Manganese Based Alloys | Kervalishvili Paata J.; Chirakadze Archil; Gigineishvili A. V.; Gvakharia Vaktang. | article | Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors, 2016, 22-59 | WOS, Google Scholar | 10.1007/978-94-017-7468-0_9 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Microwave in Environmental Technologies and Synthesis of Nano-materials: The Georgian Experience | Kervalishvil Paata J.; Chirakadze Archil; Buachidze Zakaria; ... Sergeenko Giorgi | article | Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors, 2016, 60-86 | WoS | 10.1007/978-94-017-7468-0_8 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Combined processing of waste organic polymers and manganese bearing waste/low grade ores into fuels and low-carbon manganese alloys | Chirakadze Archil; Buachidze Zakaria; Gigineishvili Akaki; Khomeriki Irine | article | International Journal of Global Warming, 2016 | WoS | 10.1504/IJGW.2016.077916 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Novel Achievements in Information Science and Technology as basis of Secure Society Sustainable Development | Kervalishvili Paata J.; Khachidze Manana G.; Chirakadze Archil A. | article | Terrorism and the Internet: Threats - Target Groups - Deradicalisation Strategies, 2015 | WoS, Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-493-0-27 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Arsenic pollution of soils and morbidity prevalence in Racha-lower Svaneti District of Georgia | V. Gvakharia, A. Chirakadze, N. Chakvetadze, M. Chokheli, W. Toscano, … | conference proceedings | Proceedings of the 13-th international conference on clean energy (ICCE ), Istanbul, Turkey, 2014 | Google Scholar | DOI:10.1504/IJGW.2016.077908 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Development of Environmental Methods Facilitating the Sustainable Development and By-product Synergy in Georgia and South Caucasian Countries | A. Chirakadze, R. Gigauri, I. Khomeriki | article | Philosophy and Synergy of Information: Sustainability and Security, 2012, 93, 115 | Google Scholar | 10.3233/978-1-61499-026-0-115 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Bacterial leaching of arsenic from arsenic ore waste and industrial production of arsenic compounds | L. Sakhvadze, T. Adamia, Z. Buachidze, V. Gvakharia, A. Chirakadze | article | Proceedings of Microbiology Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences | Google Scholar | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Carbon coated (Fe-Fe3C) and Ag-35. Carbon coated (Fe-Fe3C) and Ag-doped lanthanum manganite (AgxLa1-xMnO3) nanocomposites for magnetic hypertermia of cancer cells | T. Berberashvili, Z. Buachidze, A. Chirakadze, L. Chakhvashvili, ... | article | Nano Studies, 99-108, 2016 | Google Scholar | ISSN1987 − 8826 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Influence of Water on the Growth Process of Ge3n4 and InP Nanowires | A Jishiashvili, Z Shiolashvili, N Makhatadze, D Jishiashvili, A Chirakadze, ... | article | Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2017 33 (3), 1103 | Google Scholar | ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039 | . http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/330306 | English | State Targeted Program |
SPECIFICS OF ENHANCING SAFETY OF CANCER TREATMENT DURINGPANDEMICS USING NANOPARTICLE MIXTURES | A Chirakadze, G Chubinidze, G PhichkahiaI, Z Buachidze, KChigogidze, A Gigineishvili, N. Khuskivadze, M. Gulashvili | conference proceedings | Modern trends in physics . Baku State university, December 15-17, 2021. Prosedings., Volume 2. | WoS | ISSN 2522-4352 | English | State Targeted Program | |
VAPOR-PHASE SYNTHESIS OF COPPER-BASED NANOSTRUCTURES | D.Jishiashvili, A.Chirakadze, Z.Shiolashvili, N. Makhatadze; A.Jishiashvil ; V. Gobronidze; | conference proceedings | MTP-2021: Modern trends in physics . Baku State university, , May 1-3, 2019.Baku State University Publishing House. 2021, pp. 43-46 | ISSN 2522-4352. | English | Grant Project | ||
STUDIES OF THE COMPARATIVELYLOW-TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS AND PRELIMINARYTOXIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SILVER DOPED LANTHANUM MANGANITE NANOPARTICLESUSING CONVENTIONALAND MICROWAVE HEATING. | A.Chirakadze D.JishiashviliI, N.Mitagvaria, I.Lazrishvili, Z.Shiolashvili, A.Jishiashvil N. Makhatadze; Z Buachidze, N. Khuskivadze | conference proceedings | Modern trends in physics . Baku State university, May 1-3, 2019. Prosedings. Baku State University Publishing House. 2021, pp. 47-51. | WoS | ISSN 2522-4352 | English | Grant Project | |
. Development and laboratory and field testing of new combined insecticides against the resistant and non-resistant populations of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha Halys). | A. Chirakadze, N. Mitagvaria, N. Lomidze, M. Ambokadze, A. Gigineishvili, Z. Buachidze, T. Chichua, A. Jishiashvili, K. Chigogidze, Z. Chekurashvili, Z. Lipartia, N. Meskhi, L. Zazadze. | article | Annals of Agrarian Sciences, 2021, 19, 4, 205-226.Elsevier, | ISSN 1512-1887 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Low- Energy Desination with the use of battery electrode deionization and the application of produced electroactivated water in insectiode combination based on aluminum nanooxide | Archil Chirakadze, Nodar Mitagvaria, Nino Lomidze, Maya Ambokadze. | article | Scientific refereed Journal Energy, 2021, 3, 99.5-9. Publishing House Georgian Technical University. | Russian | State Targeted Program | |||
Potential of oxidation-reduction products of energy-saving water purification process products and their biological effectiveness against Asian pheasants. | A. Chirakadze, ..... | article | Scientific peer-reviewed magazine Energy, 2021, 3,99, 32-38. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Selection, application and experimental testing using quantitative methods for determination of synergy rate and biological effectiveness of synergistic insecticidal composition against the Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha Halys). | A. Chirakadze, ..... | article | ARCHIL ELIASHVILI INSTITUTE OF CONTROL SYSTEMS OF THE GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Proceedings, 2020. | ISSN 0135-0765 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Quantitative in vivo determination of the biological effectiveness of a new combined insecticidal composition against the Calliptamus italicus, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Zabrus tenebrioides elongatus | A. Chirakadze, ..... | article | ELIASHVILI INSTITUTE OF CONTROL SYSTEMS OF THE GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Proceedings, 2020 | ISSN 0135-0765 ISSN 0135-0765 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
article | ISBN 978-9941-14-828-6. | English | State Targeted Program | |||||
Study of Synergy of Insecticidal Formulations Against BMSB Using the Mathematical Isobole Method | M. Amobokadze, N. Lomidze, A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, A.Gigineishvili, N. Kavlashvili, M. Tsverava, G. Kacharava, I. Khomeriki, M. Taktakishvili. | article | Publishing House Matsne Print Ltd. / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili Institute of Management Systems, Georgian Technical University, 2019 / # 23, pp.42-47. | ISSN 0135-0765. | English | State Targeted Program | ||
NEW APPROACHES TO DEVELOPMENT OF NEW NANOMATERIALS FOR MAGNETIC HYPERTHERMIA OF CANCER CELLS AND PROSPECTIVES OF COMBINED TREATMENT OF CANCER IN GEORGIA | A.Chirakadze D.JishiashviliI, Z Buachidze, K. Gorgadze; Z.Shiolashvili, A.Jishiashvil , N. Mitagvaria, I. Lazrishvili. | article | Journal of lowDimensional Systems 2018, 2,1, 8-22, | WoS | ISSN 2308-068X. | English | Grant Project | |
GROWTH OF InP BASED COMPOSITE NANOWIRES | D.Jishiashvili, A.Chirakadze, Z.Shiolashvili, N. Makhatadze; A.Jishiashvil D. Kanchaveli , D. Suxanovi, V. Gobronidze. | article | Journal of lowDimensional Systems,, 2018, 2,1, 23-27 | WoS | ISSN 2308-068X. | English | Grant Project | |
Historical and modern priorities of environmental education | M. Ambokadze, A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, A. Gigineishvili, K. Goradze, L. Zazadze, A. Laperishvili. | article | Georgian Chemical Journal, 2018, 2,182-185. | ISSN 1512-0686. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Halyomorpha Halys for Agricultural Pest Monitoring Methodologies Consideration for setting up a public monitoring station in the public school area of Kareli Municipality. | M. Ambokadze, A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, A. Gigineishvili, K. Gorgadze, L. Zazadze, A. Laperishvili, G. Vardiashvili, M. Avagiani. | article | Georgian Chemical Journal,2018, 2,177-181. | ISSN 1512-0686. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Vacuum-discharge automated device for the production of ethyl alcohol. | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, N. Kavlashvili, A. Gigineishvili, I. Khomeriki, K. Gorgadze, L. Gvaramadze M. Taktakishvili | article | Taktakishvili. Polygraphy Ltd. / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili Institute of Management Systems, Georgian Technical University, 2018 / # 22, pp.43-46. | ISSN 0135-0765. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Solid household waste and prospects for methanol production in Georgia. | L. Zazadze, L. Sharikadze, A. Chirakadze. | article | Georgian Chemical Journal,2018, 1, 205-210 | .ISSN 1512-0686. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
GROWTH OF InP BASED COMPOSITE NANOWIRES | D. Jishiashvili, Z Shiolashvili, A. Chirakadze, N. Makhatadze, | article | Journal of LOW DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS, 2018, 2, 23 | Google Scholar | ISSN 2308-068X; ISSN / eISSN: 1386-9477 / 1873-1759 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Pyrolytic synthesis of boron nitride nanoflakes | D. Jishiashvili, Z. Shiolashvili, A. Chirakadze, N. Makhatadze, V. Gobronidze, ... | article | 8Nano Studies, 2018, 4, 67-70 | Google Scholar | Website: Print ISSN: 1987-8826 1987 8826 ISSN: 1987 8826 ISSN-L: 19878826 1987 8826ISSN 1987 − 8826 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Asian Haloomorpha (Halyomorpha Halys) Control Natural, Combined Synthetic Insecticide Pre-Laboratory Testing and Simplified Methodology for Applying Ecological Teaching in School Programs | M. Ambokadze, A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, A. Gigineishvili, K. Gorgadze, A. Laperishvili, G. Vardiashvili, M. Avagiani | article | Georgian Chemical Journal,, 2018, 1, 217-221. | ISSN 1512-0686. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Characteristics of Solid Waste Generation on a Global Scale in Georgia: Comparative Analysis and Forecasting. | L. Zazadze, L. Sharikadze, A. Chirakadze. | article | Georgian Chemical Journal,2018, 2, 199-214. | ISSN 1512-0686. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
New Nanomaterials for Magnetic Hyperthermia of Cancer Cells | A. Chirakadze, T. Berberashvili, Z. Buachidze, L. Chakhvashvili, D. Jishiashvili, G. Kacharava, P. Kervalishvili, Kh. Tserodze, S. Aleqsanyan, H. Gyulasaryan, A. Manukyan , A. Papoyan, E. Sharoyan, L. Sajti. | article | Georgia Chemical Journal, 2017, 1, 35-39. . | ISSN 1512-0686 | English | Grant Project | ||
Study of Cs Uptake by Plants Under Conditions of Severe Potassium Deficiency and Radioactive Stress | Archil Chirakadze, Ramaz Gakhikidze, Archil Chogoshvili, Zakaria Buachidze, Giorgi Kacharava, N. Berishvili, Kh. Tserodze. | article | Georgia Chemical Journal, 2017, 1, 44-49. | ISSN 1512-0686. | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Calculation of high-frequency mouthpiece and helical emitters for use in agricultural pest control units | A. Chirakadze, A. Gigineishvili, N. Kavlashvili, Z. Buachidze, M. Taktakishvili, K. Gorgadze | article | Polygraphy Ltd / Proceedings of the Archil Eliashvili Institute of Management Systems, Georgian Technical University, 2017 / # 21, pp.41-46. | ISSN 0135-0765. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
An example of design of elements for generation and directed radiation of a microwave electromagnetic field for application in devices for control of the agricultural pests | A. Chirakadze, R. Gakhokidze, A. Gigineishvili, N. Kavlashvili, Z. Buachidze, I. Khomeriki, M. Taktakishvili, K. Gorgadze. | article | Chemical Journal, 2017, 1, 57-65. | ISSN 1512-0686. | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Microwave in Environmental Technologies and Synthesis of Nano-materials: The Georgian Experience | P.J. Kervalishvili, A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, D. Jishiashvili, T. Bjalava | article | Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems, 2016,91-150 | Google Scholar | Online ISBN978-94-017-7468-0 Print ISBN 978-94-017-7466-6; ISSN / eISSN: 2376-3639 / 2376-3647 | DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-7468-0_8 | English | State Targeted Program |
Combined processing of waste organic polymers and manganese bearing waste/low grade ores into fuels and low-carbon manganese alloys | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, A. Gigineishvili, P. Kervalishvili, T. Chichua, ... | article | International Journal of Global Warming 2016, 10 (1-3), 242-262 | Google Scholar | ISSN online 1758-2091 ISSN print 1758-2083 | English | Grant Project | |
Carbon coated (Fe-Fe3C) and Ag- doped lanthanum manganite nanocomposites for magnetic hyperhermia of cancer cells. | T. Berberashvili, Z. Buachidze, A. Chirakadze, D. Jishiashvili et al | article | Nano Studies,.2016,14 | https://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=journal:%22ISSN%201987-8826%22 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Numerical Simulation, Design and Testing of Rectangular Shape Planar Microwave Applicators for Use in ,,Green” Biosynthesis of Metal Nanoparticles | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, A. Gigineishvili, L. Gurchumelia, N. Kavlashvili, P. Kervalishvili. | article | rinting House Damani / GTU Archil Eliashvili Institute of Management Systems Proceedings, 2016 / N 20 p. 85-89. | ISSN 0135-0765. | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Arsenic contamination of soils and Morbidity of Prevalence in Racha District of Georgia. | Archil Chirakadze, Vakhtang Gvakharia and Zakaria Buachidze | article | Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As2016), June 19-23, 183-184, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden.19.06.2016 - 23.06.2016, . | ISSN 2154-6568, ISBN9781138029415 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Assessment of the Possibility of Enhanced Cs Uptake by Plants Under Conditions of Severe Potassium Deficiency and Radioactive Stress, Utilizing Microorganisms and Bio-Energy Activators | A. Chirakadze, R Gakhokidze, A. Chogoshvili, Z. Buachidze. | conference proceedings | ICCBES (International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Science, May 10-12, 2016, Osaka, Japan,Proceedings,164-166. | ISBN 978-986-87417-8-2. | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Arsenic pollution of soils and morbidity prevalence in Racha- Lower Svaneti district of Georgia | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, I. Khomeriki, V.Gvakharia, M. Stamateli, N. Chakvetadze, M. Chokheli, W. A Toscano, K. Chigogidze, L.Gvertsiteli, N. Bagrationi | conference proceedings | International Journal of Global Warming, 2016, 10, 1-3, 92-114. . | ISSN: 1758-2083 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Microwave in environmental technologies and synthesis of nano-materials: Georgian experience.In NUCLEAR RADIATION SENSORS AND NANOSENSORY SYSTEMS | Paata Kervalishvili1, Archil Chirakadze, Zakaria Buachidze, David Jishiashvili, Tamar Bjalava, Giorgi Kervalishvili1, WilliamToscano, Vakhtang Gvakharia, Giorgi Sergeenko | article | Edited by Paata J. Kervalishvili and Panos H. Yannakopoulos.Selected paper from the Advanced Research Workshop which was held in Tbilisi, March 6-9, 2014, Springer 2016, 22-86. | DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-7468-0_8 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Microwave enhanced producing of high-purity metallic manganese and composite manganese based alloys. In NUCLEAR RADIATION SENSORS AND NANOSENSORY SYSTEMS. | P.Kervalishvili1, A.Chirakadze, A.Gigineishvili, Z.Buachidze, D.Jishiashvili, M. Wireman, W.Toscano, G.Kervalishvili, G.Sergeenko, V.Gvakharia. | article | Edited by Paata J. Kervalishvili and Panos H. Yannakopoulos.Selected paper from the Advanced Research Workshop which was held in Tbilisi, March 6-9, 2014, Springer 2016, 87-94 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Numerical simulation, design and testing of rectangular shape planar microwave applicator for use in “green” biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles. | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, A. Gigineishvili, L. Gurchumelia, N. Kavlashvili, P. Kervalishvili. | article | ELIASHVILI INSTITUTE OF CONTROL SYSTEMS OF THE GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Proceedings, 2016, 20, 85-89. | ISSN 0135-0765. | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Advanced methods of utilization of secondary resources for energy production and accumulation. | Z. Gasitashvili, P. Kervalishvili, A. Chirakadze, A.Gigineishvili, Z. Buachidze, K. Gorgadze | conference proceedings | The International Scientific Conference Dedicated to Academician I. Prangishvili’s 85th Anniversary Information and Computer Technologies,Modelling, Control, Tbilisi, Georgia, November 3-5, 2015. Proceedings, 593-598. | ISBN: 978-1-53612-075-2 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Advanced methods of utilization of secondary resources for energy production and accumulation | Z. Gasitashvili, P. Kervalishvili, A. Chirakadze, A.Gigineishvili, Z. Buachidze, K. Gorgadze | article | The International Scientific Conference Dedicated to Academician I. Prangishvili’s 85th Anniversary Information and Computer Technologies, Modelling, Control, Tbilisi, Georgia, November 3-5, 2015. Proceedings, 593-598. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Semi-Quantitative Assessment of Application of the Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) Concept for Providing of Environment-Friendly and Profitable Industrial Processing of Waste into Gaseous, Liquid and Solid Fuels and Other Highly Demanded Marketable Products | A. Chirakadze, P. Kervalishvili, A. Gigineishvili, Z. Buachidze, L. Gurchumelia, V. Svakharia, W. Toscano, N. Kavlashvili. | article | Publishing House Universal / GTU Archil Eliashvili Institute of Management Systems Proceedings, 2015 / N 19, p. 33-38. | ISSN 0135-0765. | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Development and Testing of Devices for Microwave Enhanced Synthesis of Nanomateials and Microwave Light Modulators with Low Controlling Power For Optical Fiber Sensors and Sensory Systems.Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze | article | NATO Advanced Research Workshop & International Conference Tbilisi-Spring 2014. Programme & Abstracts. 2014, March 6-10, Tbilisi, Georgia. Publishing House Technical University. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Microwave in Environmental Technologies and Synthesis of Nanomaterials: Processing of Organic and Inorganic Compounds | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, D. Jishiashvili, P. Kevalishvili, D.Bibiluri, L. Gurchumelia, L. Sharikadze. | conference proceedings | 3rd International Conference Nanotechnologies, October 20-24, 2014, Tbilisi Georgia. Publishing House Technical University. Papers, 17-19. | http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-7468-0_8 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
COMBINED PROCESSING OF WASTE ORGANIC POLYMERS AND MANGANESE BEARING WASTE/LOW GRADE ORES INTO FUELS AND LOW- CARBON MANGANESE ALLOYS | Z. Buachidze, A. Chirakadze, A. Gigineishvili, P. Kervalishvili, M. Wireman, T. Chichua, V. Gvakharia, I.Bazghadze, I. Geleishvili | conference proceedings | 13-th International Conference on Clean Energy, Istanbul, June 8-12, 2014. Edition: University of Istanbul, Proceedings. 2014 | ISSN online 1758-2091 ISSN print 1758-2083 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Microwave in Environmental Technologies and Synthesis of Nanomaterials: Processing of Organic and Inorganic Compounds | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, D. Jishiashvili, P. Kevalishvili, D.Bibiluri, L. Gurchumelia, L. Sharikadze. | article | 3rd International Conference Nanotechnologies,October 20-24, 2014, Tbilisi Georgia. Publishing House Technical University. Papers, 17-19. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Development and Testing of Devices for Microwave Enhanced Synthesis of Nanomateials and Microwave Light Modulators with Low Controlling Power For Optical Fiber Sensors and Sensory Systems. | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze | article | Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems. NATO Advanced Research Workshop & International Conference Tbilisi-Spring 2014. Programme& Papers.2014, March 6-10, Tbilisi, Georgia. Publishing House Technical University, 2014, 144-148 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Key aspects of the national concept of efficient management of industrial and household waste | O. Tsiklauri, A. Chirakadze, Sh. Sidamonidze, N. Sagaradze and L. Arabic. | article | Georgia Chemical Journal 2014, 14 ,1, 174-178. | ISSN 1512-0686 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||
Set of Specific Factors Determining the Urgent Need of Development, Design and Construction of Modern Nanotechnologies,Nanosensory Elements and Various Nanosensory Systems in Georgia. Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, G. Kervalishvili | article | Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems. NATO Advanced Research Workshop & International Conference "Tbilisi-Spring 2014”. Programme& Papers.2014, March 6-10, Tbilisi, Georgia. Publishing House "Technical University", 2014, 52-56 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Microwave in Environmental Technologies of Processing of Mining, Metallurgical and Polymeric Waste (A Brief Overview). | N. Kavlashvili, A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze , M. Wireman, William A. Toscano, G. Kervalishvili, G. Kurchumelia, A. Gigineishvili, Z. Gasitashvili, T. Chichua, D. Bibiluri, L. Sharikadze | article | 0135-0765 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Development and Testing of Devices for Microwave Enhanced Synthesis of Nanomateials and Microwave Light Modulators with Low Controlling Power For Optical Fiber Sensors and Sensory Systems | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze. | conference proceedings | Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems. NATO Advanced Research Workshop & International Conference "Tbilisi-Spring 2014”. Programme& Papers.2014, March 6-10, Tbilisi, Georgia. Publishing House "Technical University", 2014, 144-148. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Set of Specific Factors Determining the Urgent Need of Development, Design and Construction of Modern Nanotechnologies,Nanosensory Elements and Various Nanosensory Systems in Georgia. | A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, G. Kervalishvili. | article | Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems. NATO Advanced Research Workshop & International Conference Tbilisi-Spring 2014. Programme& Papers.2014, March 6-10, Tbilisi, Georgia. Publishing House Technical University, 2014, 52-56 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
ARSENIC POLLUTION OF SOILS AND MORBIDITY PREVALENCE IN RACHA-LOWER ARSENIC POLLUTION OF SOILS AND MORBIDITY PREVALENCE IN RACHA-LOWER SVANETI DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.SVANETI DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. | V. Gvakharia, A. Chirakadze, N. Chakvetadze, M. Chokheli, W. Toscano, L. Gvertsiteli, N. Bagrationi, M. Stamateli. | conference proceedings | 13-th International Conference on Clean Energy, Istanbul, June 8-12, 2014. Edition: University of Istanbul, Proceedings, 2014. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Description of the ecological condition of arsenic waste storage and storage facilities | Bagrationi, L. Gverdtsiteli, V. Gvakharia, A. Chirakadze, T. Sharashidze. | article | Herald of the National Academy of Sciences. Chemistry Series - 2014 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
A Simple Quantitative Model for Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Index and its Correlation with the Knowledge Soviety Index (K-Index). | N. Kavlashvili, Z. Buachidze, A. Chirakadze | article | 0135-0765 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
A SIMPLE QUANTITATIVE MODEL FOR EVALUATION OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INDEX AND ITS CORRELATION WITH THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY INDEX (K-INDEX). | Buachidze, A. Chirakadze, A. Gigineishvili, N. Kavlashvili, I. Khomeriki, Z. Sikmashvili, M. Wireman | article | Proceedings of LEPL Archil Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems.2013, v.17. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL ENVIROMENTAL METHODS FACILITATING THE SASTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT AND BYPRODACT SYNERGY IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAUCASIAN COUNTRIES:FURTHER PROGRESS | M.Wireman,A.Chirakadze,I.Khomeriki,Z.Buachidze and al | article | Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Georgian Technical University, pp. 390-400. 2012. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
article | 0135-0765 | English | State Targeted Program | |||||
Development of Environmentsl Methods Facilitating the Sustainable Development and By- product Synergy in Georgia and South Caucasian Countries | A. Chirakadze, A. R. Gigauri, I. Khomeriki. | article | Human and Societal Dynamics- v.93: Philosophy and Synergy of Information: Sustainability and Security. IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012 | 10.3233/978-1-61499-026-0-115 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Wavegiode 4x4 commutating switch for optical communication systems.Wavegiode 4x4 commutating switch for optical communication systems | Z. Buachidze, A. Gigineishvili, A. Chirakadze, N. Kavlashvili. Z. Buachidze, A. Gigineishvili, A. Chirakadze, N. Kavlashvili | article | Proceedings of the International Conference related to the 90th anniversary of the foundation of Georgian Technical University, 2012 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
A Simple Computing Model for Evaluating and Predicting the Sustainable Development | Z. Buachidze, A. Chirakadze, N. Kavlashvili. Z. Buachidze, A. Chirakadze, N. Kavlashvili. | article | Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems, 15, 2011. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Examination of arsenic contamination and related health- risks in Racha and Lower Svaneti, development of appropriate physical, chemical, biological technologies for hazard mitigation | V. Gvakharia, A.Chirakadze, Z.Buachidze | conference proceedings | International Scientific Conference: Physical Research Methods in Medicine, 27-29 October 2011, Tbilisi, Proceedings, 2011. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Simple Computing Model for Evaluating and Predicting the Sustainable Development Indexes (An Example of 15 Countries). | Z. Buachidze, A. Chirakadze, N. Kavlashvili | article | 0135-0765 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Examination of arsenic contamination and related health-risks in Racha and Lower Svaneti, development of appropriate physical, chemical and biological technologies for hazard mitigation: Preliminary results. | A. Chirakadze, Z.Buachidze et al. | article | . International Conference “Applied Geophysics and Geo-ecology”, 14-16, September 2011, Tbilisi, Proceedings, 31-45. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
Development of an Qualitative Assessment Comparison Model and Investigation of Environmental Methods Facilitating the Sustainable Development of South Caucasian Countries | A. Chirakadze, I. Khomeriki | article | Tbilisi-Spring-2011.Tbilisi, Georgia. Conference sponsored by NATO Science for Peace and Security Program. Phylosophy and Synergy of Information: Susatainability and Security. 20-24 April. 2011, Springer. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Developing and Bench Scale Testing of Soft Decontamination- Remediation Methods to Be Used In the Highland of Georgia | V. Gvakharia, A. Chirakadze, M. Mirtkhulava, L. Sakhvadze, R. Gigauri, I. Chelidze, T. Adamia, Z. Buachidze, V. Beria. | article | Georgia Chemical Journal, 2010, v. 10, No. 4. Proceedings of the First International Conference “The Main Current Ecological Problems and Caucasus”, Tbilisi, Georgia ”, July 4-6. | ISSN 1512-0686 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Development and Application of Low-Carbon Technologies f or Utilization of Manganese Containing Waste and Producing of High Grade Manganese Ferroalloys | Mirtskhulava, V. Gvakharia, A. Chirakadze | conference proceedings | Georgia Chemical Journal, 2010, v. 10, No. 4. Proceedings of the First International Conference “The Main Current Ecological Problems and Caucasus”, Tbilisi, Georgia, July | ISSN 1512-0686 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Bacterial-Chemical Leaching from Arsenic-Containing Waste | R. Gigauri, L. Sakhvadze, I. Chelidze, A. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze, R. Sakhvadze. | article | Proceedings of the First International Conference on Nano- chemistry and Nanotechnologies “2010- NANO” March 23-24, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia | ISBN: 978-9941-416-34-7 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Environmental Remediation and Low-Carbon Technologies for Utilization of Manganese- Containing Waste and Producing of High-Grade Manganese Ferroalloys | A. Chirakadze | article | 9th Symposyum on Remediation in Jena: Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium, Microbial Impact on element mobility. Friedrich Schiller University Jena. 4th – 5th October, 2010, Jena. Conference Proceedings - Abstracts of the Posters. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Fiber and Optical System of Control and Protection of the Underwater Area of Aquafare | Z. Buachidze, N. Kavlashvili, A. Chirakadze. | article | Fiber and Optical System of Control and Protection of the Underwater Area of Aquafare.Proceedings of LEPL A. Eliashvili Institute of Control Systems, 13 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Georgia Ecologically Current Situation of Hotspots in Georgia Perspectives | A. Chirakadze, K. Chigogidze, I. Chelidze, Z. Buachidze | article | International Conference and Exhibition. Pp. 21-23, Batumi 2010. | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
Bacterial-chemical emission of As from condensate residues at international conference and exhibition. | R. Gigauri, L. Sakhvadze. Chirakadze, Z. Buachidze | article | Proceedings of the Conference, 32-34, Batumi 2010 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |||
Decontamination-remediation methods to be used in arsenic contaminated regions in the highland of Georgia | V.Gvakharia, A.Chirakadze, M.Mirtskhulava, L.Sakhvadze, R.Gigauri, I.Chelidze,T.Adamia, Z.Buachidze | article | 9th Symposyum on Remediation in Jena: Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium,Microbial Impact on element mobility. Friedrich Schiller University Jena. 4th – 5th October,2010, Jena.Conference Proceedings - Abstracts of the Posters, p. 50-52. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
article | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||||||
article | Georgian | State Targeted Program | ||||||
BACTERIAL LEACHING OF ARSENIC FROM ARSENIC ORE WASTE AND RESIDUES OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCING OF ARSENIC COMPOUNDS. | A. Chirakadze, L. Sakhvadze, T. Adamia, Z. Buachidze, V. Gvakharia, R. Gigauri, A. Rapava, I. Chelidze, R. Sakhvadze | article | Proceedings of Microbiology Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 2009, v. 7. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Methods of increasing interference immunity and reception capacity of FOLS | Z. Buachidze, G. Nozadze, A. Chirakadze | conference proceedings | Fundamental Problems of Optoelectronics and Microelectronics, 2003 5129, 61-67 | Google Scholar | DOI:10.1117/12.501842 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Some methods of increasing and interference immunity and reception capacity of FOLS | Buachidze, Z; Nozadze, G; Chirakadze, A | conference proceedings | Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003 | WoS | 10.1117/12.501842 | English | State Targeted Program |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | GASEOUS PHASE SYNTHESIS OF BORON NITRIDE NANOSHEETS FOR MEDICAL AND TECHNICAL USE. | oral | The most advanced methods of synthesis of the isotopic enriched h-BN nanoparticle require synthesis and annealing temperatures higher than 900-1000 OC and quite expensive precursor materials like amorphous bo-ron powder. The newly developed method being reported, utilizes gase-ous ammonia and boron trifluoride at synthesis temperatures up to 250 OC and easily available cheap raw materials: gaseous boron trifluoride, gaseous ammonia and potassium chloride. The synthesis by-product un-dergoes farther processing, finally yielding again in boron trifluoride and ammonia. Despite of the extremely low temperature of synthesis (150-200OC) samples of BN nanosheets and nanoparticles with a clearly defined hex-agonal structure have been synthesized using cheap and easily available raw materials and a simple technological method. | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | VAPOR SYNTHESIS OF ZnO NANOCRYSTAL-BASED HOLLOW MİCROSPHERES. | oral | The new technology was developed for the synthesis of nanocrystalline ZnO based hollow microspheres. Its novelty was in the application of ammonium chloride decomposition products for producing nanomaterials. NH4Cl, ZnO and Zn powders were used as source materials. The growth proceeded in three stages. In the first stage, during 40 minutes, the Si substrate was gradually heated up to 410°C. As a result the nanocrystalline ZnO layer was produced with sizes in the range of 0.5-2.0 micrometer. ZnO was synthesized due to the chemical reactions between ZnCl2 and Zn vapor with water molecules, formed after interaction of ZnO in the source with ammonium chloride. This stage ended with complete consumption of NH4Cl in the source. The Zn powder in the source was the only supplier of Zn atoms to the Si substrate in the second growth stage. The oxygen deficient environment, formed in this stage, facilitated the growth of a layered micrometer sized spheres. The layers were formed by merging and lateral growth of Zn plates with 100-200 nm thickness. These layers contained the embedded ZnO crystals of sizes up to 200 nm. The stage ended when Zn powder in the source was consumed. In the third stage the microspheres were annealed in the environment of residual gases with low oxygen content. This caused the outdiffusion of Zn from the microsphere, its oxidation at the surface and formation of the nanocrystalline shell which gradually encapsulated the inner Zn-rich microsphere. The sizes of ZnO crystals were up to 2.5 micrometer. In caseswhen the outer shell was hermetically inclosing the inner sphere, the internal pressure of Zn was slowly rising with time. At a certain Zn pressure, the outer shell was exploding, producing the hollow microspheres. | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | DEVELOPMENT OF MAGNETIC NANOLIQUIDS UTILIAZING CURIE TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED NANOPARTICLES AND LIQUID CRYSTALLS | oral | Compositions of liquid crystals (LCs) and nanoparticles form soft condensed systems via combining two extremely useful features of fluidity and space order with various unusual specific physical and biological properties of incorporate nanoparticles and nano-composites like ferro-magnetic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic fea-tures. They can play an important role in several kinds of cancer therapy in the form of appropriate combinations of nano-fluids for magnetic hy-perthermia and chemical-, photodynamic-, neutron capture-, hadron-, and conventional radio-therapy according to a novel concept and strategy being developed in Georgia in collaboration with colleagues, That is why the toxicity of mixtures must be accurately assessed, when used for bio-sensing and as a main component of a smart delivery system of nano-drugs, containing a mixture of different magnetic and nonmagnetic nanoparticles providing the controlled hyper-thermal, chemical, radiation and photodynamic therapeutic impact. 324 various compositions of nine magnetic nanopar-ticles and their mixtures and nine liquid crystals controllable by tempera-ture, optic radiation and pH and their mixtures were composed and their Curie temperatures and nematic-isotropic phase transition temperatures were determined. The Curie and nematic-isotropic phase transition tem-peratures of the most mixtures can be accurately matched to the so-called therapeutic interval of hyperthermia treatment interval of 41-45 C0 while their acute toxicity is only for 30-40 % higher compared to the toxicity of saline solution. | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | ACTIVE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT USING HEPA FILTERS WITH IMPREGNATED NANOPARTICLES | oral | In April 2020 the researchers of the Institute for problems of Engineering Physics of the Georgian Technical University started a project on developing the high-grade active personal protective equipment based on HEPA filters with impregnated nanoparticles of zinc and copper oxides, which not only filtered the air, but also deactivated viruses that entered the filter. Presently it was found that in fact the infectious virus is mainly airborne, and people can be infected when they inhale aerosols produced by other persons who are at a considerable distance. Hence, reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 requires measures to avoid inhalation of in-fectious aerosols, including ventilation, air filtration and disinfection, and higher-grade protection for health-care staff and front-line workers. Port-able HEPA purifiers were recognized as the most suitable remedy for eliminating airborne SARS-CoV-2 from indoor environments. The presented research reports microwave enhanced synthesis of quasi-spherical CuO nanoparticles [4] and ZnO nano-sized tetrapods, the ultrasound enhanced impregnation and acute toxicity testing of the synthesized na-noparticles to white rats and bird embryos and the preliminary testing of the antibacterial and antiviral efficacy of the developed filters. | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | SYNTHESIS AND TESTING OF METAL MAGNETIC AND ISOTOPIC ENRICHED BORON NITRIDE NANOPARTICLES | oral | The conducted research deals with the microwave enhanced low-temper-ature synthesis from gaseous phase mixture and acute toxicity testing of the isotopic enriched hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets with the only difference that the nanosheets were synthesized from the isotopic 10 B and 11 B enriched precursor. Taking into account the growing activity of wildlife and laboratory animal defenders causing a sharp and rapid tight-ening of the relevant regulations an improved method of general toxicity testing of the synthesized nanomaterials using a continuous observation of behavioral effects in white rats during passing the branched maze, in combination with the whole body hyperthermia and the continuous mon-itoring of blood oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, body temper-ature and oxidative stress indicators. The results obtained confirmed the higher crystallinity of the microwave synthesized and annealed boron ni-tride nanosheets in comparison with boron nitride nanoparticles pro-cessed under conventional heating. Boron nitride encapsu-lated Ni-Cu and Ag:LaMnO3 nanoparticles showed a neglectable acute tox-icity, slightly higher than the toxicity of saline solution. | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | A ZINC-OXIDE NANOPARTICLE-BASED FORMULATTION WITH LOW DOSE YDROCHLOROQUINE AND AZYTHROMICINE | oral | Antiviral treatments should be used as early as possible in the course of infection, before it spreads from upper to lower respiratory tract causing severe inflammatory reactions. In our opinion, due to the lack of vaccines as well as SARS-CoV-2 specific therapies, the proposed use of re-purposed antiviral drugs remains a vitally valid practical consideration. The first retrospective case series study with COVID-19 outpatients was done to clarify if the outpatient risk stratification might allow for rapid treatment decision shortly after onset of symptoms and the triple 5-day therapy with zinc plus low dose HCQ, and azithromycin might significantly reduce the hospitalization and fatality rate compared with the relevant public reference data of untreated patients. The results of the study were statistically representative [6]: treatment of COVID-19 outpatients started as early as possible using the combination of zinc with low dose of hydroxychloroquine and azythromicine, brought to significantly less hos-pitalizations and 5 times less all-cause deaths. No cardiac effects were in-dicated. The proposed research presents the results of an independent study carried out in 2021 with the aim to develop a zinc oxide nanoparti-cle-based formulation for antiviral use and test their acute toxicity to the chick embryos using visible and visible spectrum ovoscopy and to white rats using a long-term monitoring of behavioral and physiological charac-teristics. | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | PROTON THERAPY OF CANCER USING METAL AND ISOTOPE ENRICHED BORON NITRIDE NANOPARTICLES. | oral | One of the most productive approaches is the so - called lo-calized combined therapy using various kinds of nano-based fluids and in-volving nuclear reactions. An optimal "ensemble" of the adjuvant thera-peutic modalities must consist of Curie temperature controlled magnetic (in our case, boron nitride encapsulated Ni-Cu and Ag:LaMnO3 nanoparti-cles) and isotopic enriched boron nitride (10B, 11B) nanoparticles, whichcan provide the treatment synergistic to radiotherapy. Moreover, due to the boron-proton and boron-neutron capture reactions, isotopic enriched 10 B and 11 B nanoparticles with the appropriate optimal spatial distribu-tion inside and at the tumor boundaries, as a result of nuclear reactions, can generate a sufficient concentration of alpha particles and bring to a drastical reduce of the number of protons and thermal/epithermal sec-ondary neutrons affecting healthy cells. An optimized distribution of the isotopic enriched 10 B, 11 B nanoparticles and Li atoms can also improve the spatial distribution of the proton beam in body tissues. Mathematical simulation also showed that the enhanced proton therapy coud move close to 12C ion hadron therapy, but without its complications. | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | NANOPARTICLES ENHANCING RADIOTHRAPY OF CANCER AND THEIR ACUTE TOXICITY TO BIRD EMBRYOS. | oral | Proton therapy is widely used in more than 110 medical centers around the world. The localized combined therapy using radiotherapy, mild hyperthermia, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy ROS therapy a prospective tool to increase the biological effectiveness and safety of can-cer therapy while the most advanced kind of the hyperthermia is the Curie temperature controlled localized hyperthermia (CTCLH) A principally new approach is the usage of the isotopic enriched 10B and 11B containing na-nomaterials (both in the form of pure boron and boron nitride) nanopar-ticles and boron-neutron and boron-proton capture nuclear reaction products Novel microwave enhanced methods of synthesis magnetic metal nanoparticles, isotopic enriched hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanosheets and boron nitride encapsulated magnetic metal nanoparticles for the (CTCLH) and localized boron-neutron and boron-proton capture therapy were developed and their magnetic properties were tested. A novel ovoscopy method of testing the acute toxicity of the synthesized nanomaterials to avian embryos excluding the use of mammals and other living animals for drug testing was examined | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | DEVELOPMENT, LABORATORY STUDY AND FIELD TESTING OF NEW NANOPARTICLE BASED COMBINED INSECTICIDES | oral | Use of nano-materials as synergistic components of pesticides can provide a novel approach for coming closer to a more sustainable balance between the sharp increase in agricultural production and conservation of nature, although they can pose a considerable threat to environment. The presented study reports the results of laboratory and field testing of the insecticidal combinations containing pyrethroid, syn-thetic substances, essential oils, mineral), a 100% biodegradable emulsi-fier, hydroxyethylcelluslose (HEC) and environmentally compatible sol-vents. The laboratory tests, field trials and acute toxicity testing on white rats clearly showed that all the tested combinations are characterized with the high synergy of components, sharply increased biological effec-tiveness of synergystic and reduced acute toxicity in comparison with the widely used highly effective insecticidal pyrethroid/organophodphorus combination “Prostore 420 EC”. The biological effectivity, synergy rate of the alumina nano-powder based combinations were for about 12-15 % higher than of the diatomite and kaolin based micro-powers, while the environmental safety was within the experimental accuracy of testing. | |
7-th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MTP-2021: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSICS. | Baku | 2021 | 15-17 დეკემბერი, | Baku State University | EXPOSURE OF CELLS AND CANCER TISSUES TO RADIOMIMETICS, LOCALIZED AND WHB HYPERTHERMIA. | oral | Before the commissioning of high-energy proton sources in Georgia in 2024, we use Antitumor antibiotics Bleomycin, Actinomycin D, Doxorubicin and Mitomycin in doses that cause DNA damage similar to the effects of therapeutic proton beams, to simulate processes and qualitatively eval-uate the effectiveness of combination therapy, in combination with WHB hyperthermia or without it. Evaluation of the combined effect was carried out on cell cultures and a line of white rats with modeling of Ehrlich's tu-mor, as well as squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. To simulate Ehrlich's tumor, a suspension containing a solution of (NaCl) 2 and tumor cells is injected subcutaneously in the back. To model tongue squamous cell carcinoma in rats, 4-Nitroquinoline N-oxide, which is a water-soluble syn-thetic carcinogen of the quinoline group, is used. On the 40-45th day, in 98% of cases, a histologically and immuno-histologically confirmed tumor with a diameter of 0.3 cm (carcinoma in situ) developed on the root of the tongue. Superparamagnetic CuNi, AgxLa1-xMnO3, Fe3O4 nanoparticles were used as sources of local heating and to increase the penetrating power of the radiomimetic, and TiO2 nanoparticles were used to change the penetrating power of the radiomimetic. In all studied cases, hype thermia significantly enhanced the chemotherapeutic effect, and local hy-perthermia and the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles enhanced the observed effect by about 50-100%.In the future, the study will be continued with the use of reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is also envisaged to test the combined toxicity of all the above agents by a novel method using fixation of indicators (transit time, time spent in the illuminated and dark areas, the number of erroneous and correct decisions, relative changes in blood oxygen saturation, relative changes in blood pressure, relative changes in body temperature, blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, aggrega-tion and deformability of erythrocytes) when the test animals (white rats) pass a multibranched maze, and estimate the highest allowable doses to guarantee the safety of treatment. | |
International Online Conference on Nano Materials (ICN 2021), | Kottayam, State Kerala, India | 2021 | 9-11 აპრილი | Mahatma Gandhi University | New approaches to proton cancer therapy using isotopic enriched boron nitride nanoparticles. | oral | It has been previously shown, that that the Ni-Cu nanoparticles synthsized at lower than usual temperatures using microwave enhanced synthesizes and annealing can be successfully used for local hyperthermia revealing high magnetic properties. Mixtures of Nanoparticles with liquid crystals can play an important role as effective and non-toxic material for modalities of the Curie point controlled strongly localized magnetic hyperthermia with a precisely tuned prolonged release of nanoparticles into tissue cells. It has also been shown that coating, encapsulating or modifying of nanoparticle surface can help to overcome the problems related to corrosion and agglomeration in a medium and strong magnetic field and reduce the acute toxicity of combinations to white rats tested using a long-term monitoring of their behavioral characteristics and physiological parameters. However, taking into account the growing restrictions on the use of laboratory animals and enhancing of measures for providing increased safety of use of manufactured nanoparticles, new methods of testing of acute toxicity should be developed and applied. The reported research deals with deals with preparation of mixtures of liquid crystal compositions with uncoated, coated, surface modified, phosphatized and encapsulated nanoparticles and testing their acute toxicity to chick embryos using visible light ovoscopy. Experiments showed that the acute toxicity of the mixtures is maximally reduced through encapsulating in boron nitride. Additional experiments using behavioral monitoring of exposed white rats and chick embryos is necessary to assess the correlation between the results achieved using these two different methods of toxicity testing. | |
MaNaCa - Magnetic Nanohybrids for Cancer Therapy. | Ashtarak, Armenia | 2021 | 21-22 სექტემბერი | Institute for Physical Research of NAS of Armenia | Development of nanoparticles for the combined localized therapy of cancer adjacent to proton therapy, and evaluation of their acute toxicity to mammals | oral | Proton therapy is the most advanced form of cancer therapy that is widely used in more than 110 medical centers around the world. In addition to biomedical applications, the impact of high energy charged particles on the living organisms has a growing importance in astrobiology, as about 90% of galactic radiation is represented by protons. (ii) The localized combined therapy using radiotherapy, mild hyperthermia, chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy is one of the most prospective tools to increase the biological effectiveness and safety of cancer therapy (e. g. [1,2]), while the most advanced kind of the currently applied hyperthermia is the Curie temperature controlled localized hyperthermia (CTCLH) (e. g.[1]). A principally new approach is to use the boron-neutron and boron-proton capture nuclear reaction products (e. g. [3, 4]). (iii) Novel microwave enhanced methods of synthesis and testing of magnetic nanoparticles (Cu-Ni, AgxLa1-xMnO3), isotopic enriched 10B, 11B nanoparticles and boron nitride nanoparticles for the CTCLH and the localized boron-neutron and boron-proton capture therapy were developed and tested. Several new solutions of the above problem have been proposed and considered, and acute toxicity of the synthesized materials to mammals was evaluated in the frame of the reported research. Preliminary testing of the effect of developed materials on the DNM of radiomimetic (bleomycin) treated cell cultures was performed. | |
2019 | 13-15 დეკემბერი | New approaches to proton cancer therapy using isotopic enriched boron nitride nanoparticles. | oral | It has been previously shown, that that the Ni-Cu nanoparticles synthsized at lower than usual temperatures using microwave enhanced synthesizes and annealing can be successfully used for local hyperthermia revealing high magnetic properties. Mixtures of Nanoparticles with liquid crystals can play an important role as effective and non-toxic material for modalities of the Curie point controlled strongly localized magnetic hyperthermia with a precisely tuned prolonged release of nanoparticles into tissue cells. It has also been shown that coating, encapsulating or modifying of nanoparticle surface can help to overcome the problems related to corrosion and agglomeration in a medium and strong magnetic field and reduce the acute toxicity of combinations to white rats tested using a long-term monitoring of their behavioral characteristics and physiological parameters. However, taking into account the growing restrictions on the use of laboratory animals and enhancing of measures for providing increased safety of use of manufactured nanoparticles, new methods of testing of acute toxicity should be developed and applied. The reported research deals with deals with preparation of mixtures of liquid crystal compositions with uncoated, coated, surface modified, phosphatized and encapsulated nanoparticles and testing their acute toxicity to chick embryos using visible light ovoscopy. Experiments showed that the acute toxicity of the mixtures is maximally reduced through encapsulating in boron nitride. Additional experiments using behavioral monitoring of exposed white rats and chick embryos is necessary to assess the correlation between the results achieved using these two different methods of toxicity testing. | ||||
ICLCPN-2019 (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIQUID CRYSTALS, LIQUID CRYSTALLINE POLYMERS AND NANOSYSTEMS | Kottayam, State Kerala, India | 2019 | 13-15 დეკემბერი | Mahatma Gandhi University | Development and toxicity testing of nano-liquids for cancer treatment utilizing the phosphatized nanoparticles and liquid crystals with controlled release. . | oral | A vast amount of nanoparticles has been developed and proposed for the local hyperthermia of cancer during the last decades, but only a few of them correspond to the mandatory requirements of having therapeutic range Curie temperature (TC= 41-450C), high-rate crystallinity and “strong” magnetic properties, strictly controlled homogeneity and dispersion of the nanoparticles, good biocompatibility and harmless decomposition products. Among them are the nickel-copper (Ni-Cu) and silver doped lanthanum manganite (AgxLa1-xMnO3) nanoparticles. The developed research showed that the materials obtained at lower than usual temperatures using microwave enhanced synthesizes and annealing can be successfully used for local hyperthermia revealing high magnetic properties. Mixtures of Nanoparticles with liquid crystals can play an important role as effective and non-toxic material for modalities of the Curie point controlled strongly localized magnetic hyperthermia with a precisely tunned prolonged release of nanoparticles into tissue cells.Therefore, the preparation of mixtures of liquid crystals with a transition temperature from the nematic to the dispersed phase in the range of 41-450C, and their comprehensive study is an important practical task. This problem is complicated by the fact that the transition temperature to the dispersed phase depends essentially on the concentration of nanoparticles in the mixture. The reported research deals with preparation of mixtures of Ni-Cu and AgxLa1-xMnO3 nanoparticles and compositions of 12 commercially available liquid crystals. | |
ICLCPN-2019 (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIQUID CRYSTALS, LIQUID CRYSTALLINE POLYMERS AND NANOSYSTEMS | Kottayam, State Kerala, India | 2019 | 13-15 დეკემბერი | Mahatma Gandhi University | Development and testing of combined nano-liquids for treatment of cancer cells based on nanoparticles with a therapeutic Curie temperature and liquid crystals: Georgian Experience. | oral | It has been shown, that microwave heating can substantially reduce the temperature and increase the capacity of synthesis of nanoparticles. It has also been shown, that low toxic mixtures of magnetic nanoparticles and liquid crystal compositions with a transit temperature from the nematic to the dispersed phase in the range of 41-45 0C can be composed using different widely used commercially available liquid crystals. Unfortunately, all tested mixtures with nickel-copper (Ni-Cu) nanoparticles showed a high tendency to corrosion and, if affected by a medium or strong magnetic field, to rapis agglomeration and precipitation. To overcome the both above obstacles, nanoparticles with coated or modified surface should be investigated. The reported research deals with preparation of mixtures of liquid crystal compositions with the boron nitride encapsulated Ni0.7-Cu0.3 nanoparticles and carbon supported phosphatized Cu-Ni nanoparticles, investigating their corrosion and precipitation in magnetic field, and testing their acute toxicity to white rats using a long-term monitoring of their behavioral characteristics and physiological parameters.Experiments showed that corrosion and agglomeration rates, as well as the acute toxicity of the mixtures are significantly reduced in comparison to the mixtures with uncoated nanoparticles. It is important, that the heating capacity of all mixtures remained the same. Additional experiment should be done using different coating technics and toxicity testing methods. | |
4th International Conference “Nanotechnologies” | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2016 | 24-27 ოქტომბერი | STU | Carbon coated Ag doped lanthanum manganite nanocomposites for magnetic hyperthermia | oral | Among the pressing problems of our time, a special place belongs to the problem of “combating” cancer. Disappointing is the fact that cancer is growing all over the world. Today, powerful cancer control methods are applied, such as surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiation therapy (radiotherapy). The latter two methods are characterized by high efficiency, but are aggressive with a number of side effects that negatively affect the normal functioning of the body, and the quality of life in general. Use of Hyperthermia as a treatment modality has been significantly increased in duration of last decades, especially in cancer clinics.. Hyperthermia is almost always used with other forms of cancer therapy, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Hyper-thermal exposure can make some cancer cells more sensitive to radiation or harm other cancer cells that radiation cannot damage. Hyperthermia can also enhance the effects of certain anticancer drugs, which is mutually strengthening and makes healing more likely–the so-called synergistic effect of hyperthermia. It was revealed that cytostatic drugs (chemotherapy substances) clearly act more aggressively at temperatures over 40 C than within the range of normal body temperature. By many researchers Hyperthermia is considered as one of the promising methods of preventing and treating cancer. However, when the body is under thermal impact of different level and duration, this definitely will lead to appropriate metabolic and functional changes not just in tumor tissue, but in normal one also. That is why, low toxic magnetic nanoparticles with regulated Curie temperature in the so called therapeuthic range is of great importance. This report gives a detailed description of the high capacity microwave enhanced synthesis of the Carbon coated Ag doped lanthanum manganite nanocomposites for magnetic hyperthermia and its main physical cgarachteristics | |
International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Science | Osaka, Japan. | 2016 | 10-12 მაისი | International Academy of Arts, Sciences and Technology (IAAST). | Assessment of the Possibility of Enhanced Cs Uptake by Plants Under Conditions of Severe Potassium Deficiency and Radioactive Stress, Utilizing Microorganisms and Bio-Energy Activators. | oral | The increased uptake of Cs by plants, characterized by the transfer factor TF ≥ (30’50, in comparative units) was observed when the content of available potassium in soils was below NK = 50 µM, and practically vanished at levels NK ≥ 200 µM, depending on the type of plant and radioactivity of soils. The total efficiency of phytoremediation strongly depended on the amount of EM preparations, phyto-hormones and bio-energy-activators added to the soils. The radioactivity of the alcohol produced using vacuum distillation of the sugar beet (1-2 Bk/kg) was near the detection limit. Vacuum distillation showed a number of fundamental advantages and provided a purified product substantially free of undesirable impurities (such as acetaldehyde). The creamy substance containing 32-36% crude protein gave essentially a concentrated yeast bard ready for final drying or direct use in the compost mass to produce biogas. Radioactivity of this mass was about 10 to 12-times lower than the initial crops. Radioactivity of biogas obtained from the compost mass containing alcohol bard and green mass of ―phytoremediation plants‖ was below the detection limit. Radioactivity caused by 137Cs in fertilizers produced from bards was 150-200 Bk/kg, which is twice lower than the level permitted for fertilizers to be used in Japan. Radioactivity of 137Cs in livestock feed containing up to 10% of feed additives produced from bards was below 200 Bk/kg, which was about 2-times lower than the level for brown rice permitted in Japan. Less than 10% of the harvested plant mass used for phytoremediation is expected to undergo special management as radioactive waste after the application of the above methods. We expect to reduce this value to less than 2% using microwave heating which significantly accelerates the chemical reactions and increases the efficiency of processing. | |
2-nd International Conference "Modern Technologies and Methods of Inorganic Materials Science", Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Foundation of Ferdinand Tavadze Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 20-24 აპრილი | Ferdinand Tavadze Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Georgian Technical University | Fundamental and Applied Methods for Fabrication of New Materials and Products Using MangateseBearing Waste | oral | As is known, modern steel and non’ferrousmetallurgy would be impossible without a variety of manganeseand copperbearing doping and master alloys. Along with the depletion of deposits of high-grade manganese ore and its corresponding rise in price, the development and application of methods for processing low-grade ores and tailings of high-grade ores, as well as new methods for obtaining new reducing and doping alloys and master alloys containing manganese are becoming increasingly important.A master alloy is a combination of base metals such as copper, aluminum, manganese or nickel, and one or two other elements of relatively higher percentage. They are designed to improve metallurgy processes by refining the final properties of different metals. Master alloys are chiefly used in the metal industry. The two main applications are composition adjustment and structure control. These alloys are preferred over pure metals as they are more economical, and save production time and energy as they melt faster in lower temperatures. Copper-manganese master alloy has the features of manganese and copper, which is a soft, conductive, non-ferrous metal. Georgia has a big amounted manganese and copper bearing wastes and low grade ores which makes the local production of copper-manganese master alloys especially relevant. This report gives a detailed description of the innovative processing methods developed in the Ferdinand Tavadze Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Georgian Technical University, as well as the characteristics of the obtained materials | |
International conference ADVANCED MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 21-23 ოქტომბერი, | Ilia Vekua Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology | Geopolitical Changes and New Ecological Challenges in the Context of Management of the Industrial and Municipal Waste in the Post Soviet Space. Prospective of “green” utilization of agricultural waste in Georgia. | oral | The main goal of processing agricultural, municipal and industrial solid waste is to reduce their total volume, as well as to make the waste chemically inert without the need for additional fuel (autothermal combustion). As a side effect, STBO also allows energy, minerals and metals to be recovered from the waste stream. The resulting incineration residues are about 25% of the original amount of waste. Co-recycling is the use of waste-derived materials to replace part of natural mineral resources in industrial processes. It is used all over the world, mainly in the cement industry and in thermal power plants; in some cases it is also used in the steel and lime industries. The main energy carrier in biogas is combustible gas methane (CH4), the content of which varies from 50 to 75%. Landfill gas capture (LFG) is a specific type of WtE technology, different from the other technologies described in this guide. SG capture should be considered as a critical component of partial mitigation of the negative climate impacts of sanitary landfill (STL) operations. Landfill gas consists of 45–55% methane and is therefore suitable for use as a fuel for heat and power generation, cogeneration of electricity and heat, or as fuel for vehicles. Pyrolysis/fuel gas production is the degassing of waste under oxygen-controlled conditions to produce pyrolysis gas and solid coke. The calorific value of the pyrolysis gas is typically between 5 and 15 MJ/m3. This report gives a detailed description of a new innovative method and installation developed at the Georgian Technical University, which has significantly higher technical and economic indicators than the above methods of processing. | |
13-th International Conference on Clean Energy | Istanbul | 2014 | 8-12 ივნისი | University of Istanbul | ARSENIC POLLUTION OF SOILS AND MORBIDITY PREVALENCE IN RACHA-LOWER SVANETI DISTRICT OF GEORGIA | oral | Approximately 125-130 thousand tons of toxic arsenic bearing waste materials are disposed in Racha-Lower Svaneti districts of Georgia. This poorly managed or abandoned waste contains about 7.5-8 thousand tons of arsenic. Due to the partially destroyed non-sarcophagi, dams, sedimentation tanks and other protective structures freely permeable to water arsenic freely spreads freely with storm and river flows throughout the region and causes persistent and growing pollution of river bottom sediments and soils. Given that the soils of this region of Georgia are very rich in arsenic, such pollution poses a serious danger to the population and wildlife of this mountainous region of the country. Soil pollution mainly occurs by the transfer of waste along the flow along the gorges of the rivers Tslhenistskali, Lukhuni and Rioni for tens of kilometers along and up to ten kilometers across the flow, that is, in the months of concentration of the local population and agricultural production. The main aim of the study was thr development of the detailed maps showing the main directions of pollution spread, to determine the dynamics of contamination growth and elaborate a preliminary list of preventive measures urgently needed to mitigate the pollution of soils and food which causes a high-level morbidity prevalence in the region. | |
13-th International Conference on Clean Energy | Istanbul | 2014 | 8-12 ივნისი | University of Istanbul | COMPLEX PROCESSING OF MANGANESE BEARING WASTE AND LOW-GRADE ORES BY AUTOCLAVING METHOD | oral | Experimental research was carried out using representative samples of copper processing waste and the manganese processing waste disposed in Georgia to achieve secondary recovery of valuable metals from the waste. Joint autoclave oxygen leaching of different compositions of low-grade ores and waste using microwave treated samples was studied to assess recovery of metals from waste and low-grade ores. The data showed that complex utilisation of manganese and pyrite bearing waste can form the basis for a low-cost and environmentally-friendly industrial production of manganese oxide concentrates and low-carbon alloys, sulphur and copper compounds, and concentrates for gold and silver extraction. The developed methods can partially replace the standard technologies of ferroalloys industry, which uses reducing manganese oxides by carbon. This would significantly decrease the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions during production of ferromanganese and metallic manganese while reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and mitigating global warming | |
13-th International Conference on Clean Energy | Istanbul | 2014 | 8–12 ივნისი | University of Istanbul | COMBINED PROCESSING OF WASTE ORGANIC POLYMERS AND MANGANESE BEARING WASTE/LOW GRADE ORES INTO FUELS AND LOW-CARBON MANGANESE ALLOYS | oral | Georgia could serve as a unique natural testing ground for the development of green industry using advanced technologies for industrial processing of hazardous waste. The goal of the reported work was to improve on the current methods of reprocessing waste by using a combination of a microwave enhanced method of processing used tyres and plastic residues with the microwave enhanced processing of manganese bearing waste and low-grade ores into manganese oxide concentrate. The manganese concentrate could be processed into high-grade manganese alloys (metallic manganese, low-carbon ferromanganese, and composite manganese alloys). Microwave heating required lower energy and resulted in a two-fold increase in yield. The next step in development the combined processing technology should be its modifying for production of manganese bearing and multy-component master alloys containing copper and arsenic | |
13-th International Conference on Clean Energy | 2014 | 8–12 ივნისი | University of Istanbul | A SIMPLE QUANTITATIVE MODEL FOR EVALUATION OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INDEX AND ITS CORRELATION WITH THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY INDEX (K-INDEX): FARTHER PROGRESS | oral | Managers of and researchers several levels urgently need indicators for target setting, performance assessment, monitoring, management and decision-making purposes. The choice of the most suitable indicator framework is crucial, but difficult, as it requires expert knowledge. To help them in their choice, this report compares seven recently published indicator standards for Smart sustainablesystems. A taxonomy was developed to evaluate each of their 413 indicators against five conceptual urban focuses (types of urban sustainability and smartness), ten sectoral application domains (energy, transport, ICT, economy, etc.) and five indicator types (input, process, output, outcome, impact). The results clearly discriminate between indicator standards suited for evaluating the implementation of predominantly smart city approaches versus standards more focused on sustainability assessment. A further distinction is possible in standards almost fully oriented towards impacts reached, and standards that allow for progress evaluation according to steps in the implementation process. Some standards provide a narrow focus on output indicators evaluating the progress in implementing smart urban ICT solutions (e.g. number of smart meters installed). Managers are encouraged to complement such evaluations with impact indicators that demonstrate the effects of those solutions. This report provides guidance for city managers and policy makers to select the indicators and standard that best correspond to their assessment need and goals, and align with their stage in Smart sustainable city implementation.This report gives the principles for simple and rapid calculation of the SDI (Sustainable Development Index) and the K-index (Knowledge Society Index) and analyses their correlation to characterize the accuracy and reliability of both indicators. | ||
A ROUND-TABLE ON WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction)) AND DUAL-USE EXPERTISE/KNOWLEDGE REDIRECTION AND PREVENTION | Kiev, Ukraine | 2013 | 17-18 აპრილი | Science and Technology Center in Ukraine | A ROUND-TABLE ON WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction)) AND DUAL-USE EXPERTISE/KNOWLEDGE REDIRECTION AND PREVENTION | oral | Tis report mainly deals with the experiences in CBRN Experts redirection to non-prohibited activities conducted under the STCU Non-Proliferation and Conversion Program over a period of 17 years in Georgia.It analyzes the various opportunities to learn of experiences and challenges in the same fields from other countries and regions. It also discusses what effective practices could be of interest for activities to prevent the non-state actors from gaining access to nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery. The need to impede access to sensitive weapons technology, materiel, and expertise by proliferant states and terrorist networks worldwide is an objective of the current U.S. National Security Strategy, National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction, and National Strategy for Combating Terrorism. The growing global threat to national security globally from available WMD-relevant expertise prompts the international siciety to broaden to countries of the Former Soviet Union, especially to Russian Federation, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia, which have a considerable experience in technologieas concerning CBRN research and technologies. Several approaches and local programs are proposed to provide steady, effective, and cost-efficient platforms for the regional and global nonproliferation/threat reduction programs | |
35-th AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and response | Vancouver, Canad | 2013 | 5-7 ივნისი | Government of Canada, Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) | Examination of Areas Contaminated with Arsenic in Racha- Lower Svaneti Districts of Georgia and Health Risks Assessment. | oral | Despite the fact that the Racha Mining and Processing Plant ceased to function in the nineties of the last century, in the village. The arsenic content in the soil of Uravi and its environs is significantly higher than the maximum allowable concentration and upper limit of phytotoxicity (2-7 mg / kg and 15-30 mg / kg). Studies have shown a particularly high incidence of ischemic heart disease and arterial hypertension. Which was confirmed by large-scale repeated studies. A detailed analysis of the epidemiological study material revealed that the situation was particularly dire for the population of the region contaminated with arsenic industrial waste. Excess arsenic content in soil, drinking and irrigation waters is especially dangerous for human health. Exposure to arsenic causes many skin diseases such as melanoma, keratosis, as well as oncological diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys, lungs, vascular damage of the lower extremities (legs), diabetes, hypertension, infertility and mental retardation in children. Signs of arsenic poisoning and the diseases caused by it usually appear after a long period (5-20 years). Because some of the effects of arsenic are irreversible (untreatable), the only way to combat them is to take preventative measures to mitigate the harmful effects of arsenic on the human body. This report gives a dateyled description of the the data of soil and food contamination and the correlation of contamination and the results of the case’control epidemiological studies | |
36-th AMOP Technical Seminar on Enviromental Contamination and Response | Halifax, Canada | 2013 | 4-6 ივნისი | Government of Canada, Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) | Water Contaminated with Arsenic and manganese in Georgia and Health Risks Assessment. | oral | The most serious ecological problem is the accumulation of 130 thousand tons of toxic arsenic waste accumulated in the industrial region of Racha and KvemoSvaneti, to which was added over the years hundreds of tons of arsenic-containing waste imported from Russia. Due to their good bioaccumulation ability, arsenic residue accumulates in seabed sediments and soils, which gradually causes changes in soil geochemical soil composition and composition as a result of environmental conditions.Therefore, it is important to determine the direction of pollutant sources of arsenic industrial arsenic and the spread of arsenic industrial waste. The aim and purpose of the scientific research of the monograph is to determine the content of arsenic in the soil of Racha and Kvemo Svaneti industrial region, water of Lukhuni and Tskhenistskali rivers and water sediments, to study their ecochemical condition and to take environmental preventive measures.The spread of arsenic waste pollution is mainly related to the leakage of sarcophagi, storage facilities, treatment plants, and the precipitation of wastewater dumped in the open air on the premises of industrial facilities and the discharge of toxic effluents into the water and the release of toxic substances. Naturally, the valleys of the river Tskhenistskli, Lukhuni and Rioni are mostly polluted, along which the spread of anthropogenic pollution is tens of kilometers long, and a few kilometers - in the direction of the valley.The Rioni River and Tskhenistskali are one of the main sources of drinking water in western Georgia, as well as they are intensively used for cultivating agricultural lands and for industrial purposes. Protecting the quality of Rioni and Tskhenistskali waters is a topical environmental problem. | |
36-th AMOP Technical Seminar on Enviromental Contamination and Response | Halifax, Canada | 2013 | 4-6 ივნისი | Government of Canada, Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) | Development of Complex Methods of Stabilization or Uptake of Radioactive Cs from Contaminated Soils | poster | As is known, environmental contamination with long-lived 137Cs nuclides is one of the most severe consequences of nuclear explosions and accidents at nuclear power plants (e. g., Fukushima-1 and Chernobyl). It is often considered that phyto-remediation of cesium-contaminated soils, despite being the most environment “friendly” way to decontaminate large areas and territories, at the same time cannot be considered an effective method due to two important problems: a long remediation time (tens of years) and a huge amount of secondary waste in plants that purify the soil and themselves become radioactive (albeit to a lesser extent than soil), which excludes their further use and requires large spaces for adequate storage. A group of scientists from the Georgian Technical University developed and tested a new effective method of phytoremediation using food crops that have a high need for potassium (in our case, it is sugar beet). The essence of the method is that cesium and potassium are a kind of “competitors” in metabolism of plants and many animal organisms, and in case of potassium deficiency in the soil, they begin to extract cesium from the soil with great intensity. For example, the reverse case is well known in humans, when patients taking high doses of cesium often suffer from hypokalemia. In our research, carried out in laboratory and greenhouse conditions, it was demonstrated that the complete rejection of potash fertilizers for two years can bring to an extremely high potassium deficiency in the soil, which, in turn, can increase the cesium uptake by sugar beet for about 10-12 times, thereby speeding up the process of phytoremediation for an order or more. | |
ISTC/ STCU Technical Working Group Meeting. On the Environmental Assessment for long-term monitoring and remediation in and around Fukushima | Tokyo, Japan | 2013 | 11-12 დეკემბერი | International Science and Technolohy Center (Moscow, Russia) and Science and Technology Center in Ukraine | Development of complex methods of stabilization or uptake of radioactive Cs from contaminated soils depending on the type/rate of contamination and destination of land areas. | oral | The reportgivesadetailedanalysis of the causes of the accidentsattheChernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plantsand principal sof decontamination of soils around the power plants. The nuclear reactor at Chernobyl was put into a dangerous and poorly controlled state of rapid increase in power during a safety test in the event of a power outage of the nuclear power plant. Probable reasons for this situation could be negligence or partial incompetence of the staff. Deviation from the exact test schedule and insufficient consideration of the design features of the plant led to the fact that the emergency shutdown of the reactor led to an explosion. The Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant was built in a seismically hazardous area right on the Pacific Ocean shore, where tsunamis are not uncommon. The structure was seismically stable and withstood an earthquake. Automation drowned out three power units that were operating at that time, but the tsunami that arose due to the earthquake turned out to be higher than the dam that protects the nuclear power plant from the ocean. The water flooded the backup diesel generators and completely de-energized the nuclear power plant, thereby stopping the pumps pumping water to cool the reactor. As a result, three power units were left without cooling and gradually exploded one after another over five days, along with an explosion in the spent fuel storage. At the same time, the territory and degree of radioactive contamination in Chernobyl was an order of magnitude higher than in Fukusima. We propose a long-term program for the decontamination of soils, radioactively contaminated with 137 Cs, aimed at optimizing the effectiveness, timing, labor costs and other costsof soil decontamination. | |
SETAC Europe 21-st Annual Meeting “Ecosystem Protection in a Sustainable World: a Challenge for Science and Regulation” | Milan, Italy | 2011 | 15–19 მაისი | Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | Development of Environmental Methods Facilitating the Sustainable Development of Georgia and Other Caucasian Countries and Implementation of “Green” Industrial Technologies | oral | Georgia and the entire Transcaucasian region are characterized by an abundance of harmful industrial waste, which poses a serious threat to the natural environment of the country and the region. A particularly significant threat is the tens of millions of tons of toxic waste extracted from mining and industrial processing. In Georgia, the problem of extraction of arsenic, magnesium and copper ores should be especially highlighted. In such conditions, in order to mitigate the impact on the living environment, special importance is attached to the ecologically and economically highly efficient waste recycling e.g. წ. Evaluation, development and introduction of "green" technologies that ensure sustainable social and economic development of countries and the region as a whole. The report assesses and analyzes the main types of hazardous industrial waste, quantity, storage pits, level of negative impact on the environment, industrial, economic, social and environmental potential of "green" technologies suitable for their recycling, showing that a number of innovative environment friendly technologies (including the methods and technologies developed and tested in Georgia) are especially prospective for mitigating the environmental, health and live risks in the South Caucasus region | |
Low-carbon technologies for producing metallic manganese, middle-carbon and low-carbon ferromanganese as a promising way for utilization of manganese-containing wastes. | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2011 | 7–8 სექტემბერი | US Environmental Protection Agency, US Department of State, Science and Technology Center Ukraine, Georgian National Center For Disease Control | Low-carbon technologies for producing metallic manganese, middle-carbon and low-carbon ferromanganese as a promising way for utilization of manganese-containing wastes. | oral | Georgia traditionally is a country with highly developed mining and metallurgy, especially –ferrometallurgy, having one of the globally most valuable deposits of high-grade manganese ore in Chiatura (Imereti region, Western Georgia) and the ZestaphoniFeroalloys Factory in Zestafoni. On the other hand, during the almost 200 yearw of mining and 90 years of producing ferromanganese, millions of tons of manganese-bearing waste and slags have been disposed in Chiatura and Zestafoni, causing a highly negative environmental impact and high health-risks to population. The report present two innovative “green” technologies for producing metallic manganese, middle-carbon and low-carbon ferromanganese from the manganese-bearing waste and metallurgical slags utilizing microwave heating, chlorination via ammonium chloride (a nontoxic and non-hazardous salt) and the Self-propagating High Temperature Synthesis technics. Application of these high-tech methods allow to produce the most expensive kinds of manganese alloys – metallic manganese, low-carbon and middle carbon ferromanganese form the cheapest possible waste materials. Taking into account the growing prices both for high-quality ores and low-carbon ferroalloys, the proposed technologies promise to be highly profitable and have in important environmental effect. | |
9th Symposyum on Remediation | Jena | 2010 | 4 – 5 ოქტომბერი, | Friedrich Schiller University | Decontamination-remediation methods to be used in arsenic contaminated regions in the highland of Georgia.9th Symposyum on Remediation in Jena: Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium,Microbial Impact on element mobility | poster | More than hundred thousand tons of highly-hazardous arsenic bearing waste is disposed on poorly managed landfills in the highland of Georgia, causing a significant morbidity prevalence in children and adults, including cancer and mental disorders. The measures taken by the Georgian Government and a number of international organizations aimed to renovation and reconstruction of the sarcophagi, waste sumps and abandoned landfills cannot solve the problem due the extremely high arsenic contamination of soils, which, in turn, leads to pollution of food causing morbidity of population. The only realistic approach of solving the problem is the phytoremediation of soils which can last many decades without selecting and propagating of plants providing a high uptake of arsenic. The report deals with the criteria for selection of and propagation of plants, includingperennial conifers and agricultural crops, which can be processed to alcohol, fuel and biomass for gas production. Intensive and extensive phytoremediation should be accompanied by physical, chemical and biological recycling and remediation of the dumped and landfilled arsenic bearing waste. | Conference Proceedings - Abstracts of the Posters, p. 50-52. |
International Conference of “Lazer Optics-2003 | St-peterburg,2003. | 2003 | Higth-power Neodium-glass waveguide technological Laser. | oral | Results are presented of an investigation of the lasing characteristics of a high-power neodymium silicate glass spoke-waveguide laser. The influence of short-lived color centers on the lasing properties is investigated. It is shown that short-lived color centers lead to generation of regular giant pulses with repetition frequency up to 30 kHz, to a substantial lengthening of the decay time of the neodymium-ion metastable level (via a decrease of the superluminescence background) and by the same token to an increase of the lasing efficiency. A high-power technological waveguide laser with spokelike active elements, emitting a train of regular giant pulses with total emission energy up to 20 J and high homogeneity of the emission-field distribution is developed on the basis of the reported investigations. | |||
International Scientific Conference: Physical Research Methods in Medicine | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2001 | 27-29 ოქტომბერი | Examination of arsenic contamination and related health-risks in Racha and Lower Svaneti, development of appropriate physical, chemical, biological technologies for hazard mitigation | oral | Approximately 120 thousand tons of various molecular forms of highly toxic arsenic waste are located in mountainous areas of Georgia as an 'inheritance' after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The heavy contamination of soil around crumbling storage areas results in pollution and high exposure of local communities, livestock, poultry and wildlife to arsenic. Relative risks for 13 diseases in adults: skin diseases, pigmentation maculae, cancer; epigenetic, mental and behavioural, endocrine, urogenital disorders; respiratory, neural, gastrointestinal diseases; tumours, allergy, injury and intoxications are reported. Future work involving trans-disciplinary research of epigenetic abnormalities and mental disorders in adults and children including methods of psychological testing are discussed. Along with the selective phytoremediation using plants with high arsenic uptake ability, a variety of appropriate physical chemical and biological technologies can be applied to solve the problem. The report gives an overview and special recommendations on the combined use of phytoremediation and physical, chemical and biological methods of recycling of the arsenic bearing hazardous waste | International Scientific Conference: Physical Research Methods in Medicine, 27-29 October 2011, Tbilisi, Proceedings, 43-47 |
Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-72, H ინდექსი-4 Scopus: ციტირების ინდექსი-44, H ინდექსი-3 Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-109, H ინდექსი-5 |
Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the National Food Agency of Georgia and the Georgian Technical University, in 2018-2021, a field test of 12 formulations of new formulations of a wide range of synergistic insecticidal combinations was conducted. Field trials were conducted in Abasha and Senaki in a corn field, a hazelnut plantation, a mixed orchard, and a feijoa plantation. The works were carried out by a joint group of employees of the Georgian Technical University and the Georgian National Food Agency. The works were funded by the Georgian National Food Agency. The total duration of business trips was 67 days. | 2018-2021 67 დღე. |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings
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Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
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Monograph |
Handbook |
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