Irakli Chaganava

Academic Doctor of Science

Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University

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Improving the photoresponse of organic polarization-sensitive media by dimerizing the chromophoric componentIrakli Chaganava, Barbara Kilosanidze, George Kakauridze, Irine Kobulashvili, Amit Bhowmick and Philip BosarticleProc. SPIE / Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXIV, 7 March 2022 / Vol. 11998, 0DScopus: 0.8 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.2610109EnglishGrant Project
Full Color Recording of Linearly Polarized LightIrakli Chaganava, Barbara Kilosanidze, and George Kakauridzeconference proceedingsOptica Publishing Group / Frontiers in Optics+Laser Science, 7 November 2021 / JTh5A,133 ISBN: 978-1-943580-67-5 doi: 10.1364/FIO.2021.JTh5A.133EnglishGrant Project
Light-controlled spectral selectivity in polarization-sensitive materials Irakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidze, and Irine Kobulashvili.articleProc. SPIE / Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXIII, 5 March 2021 / Vol. 11683, 11Scopus: 0.8 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.2583007EnglishGrant Project
"Control of microswimmers by spiral nematic vortices: Transition from individual to collective motion and contraction, expansion, and stable circulation of bacterial swirls"Runa Koizumi, Taras Turiv, Mikhail M. Genkin, Robert J. Lastowski, Hao Yu, Irakli Chaganava, Qi-Huo Wei, Igor S. Aranson, and Oleg D. LavrentovicharticleAmerican Physical Society / Physical Review Research, 13 July 2020 / Vol. 2, Issue 3, 033060 EnglishContract
Control of bacterial dynamics by splay and bend in nematic vorticesRuna Koizumi, Taras Turiv, Mikhail Genkin, Robert Lastowski, Hao Yu, Irakli Chaganava, Qihuo Wei, Igor Aronson, Oleg Lavrentovichconference proceedingsBulletin of the American Physical Society / Active Matter and Liquid Crystals in Biological Systems I, March 4 2020 / Volume 65, #1, P29.00003 EnglishContract
The role of conductivity and molecular mobility on the photoanisotropic response of a new azo-polymer containing sulfonic groupsSakinah Mohd Alauddin, Nurul Fadhilah Kamalul Aripin, TS Velayutham, Irakli Chaganava, Alfonso Martinez-FelipearticleElsevier / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry / 15 February 2020 / Volume 389, 112268Scopus: 6.5 ISSN:1010-6030 doi: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2019.112268EnglishContract
Dynamic characteristics of photoanisotropic materials based on biogenic and synthetic polyelectrolytesIrakli Chaganava, Irine Kobulashviliconference proceedingsOSA Publishing / Frontiers in Optics+Laser Science, 15 september 2019 / JTu4A, 27 ISBN: 978-1-943580-67-5 doi: 10.1364/FIO.2019.JTu4A.27EnglishState Targeted Program
Liquid crystal Pancharatnam-Berry optical elementsiyuan Zhou, Yubing Guo, Hao Yu, Miao Jiang, Taras Turiv, Irakli Chaganava, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Qi-Huo WeiarticleProc. SPIE / Liquid Crystals XXIII, 29 August 2019 / Vol. 11092, 0DScopus: 1.0 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.2528086EnglishContract
Controlled Placement of Microparticles at the Water–Liquid Crystal Elastomer InterfaceGreta Babakhanova, Hao Yu, Irakli Chaganava, Qi-Huo Wei, Paul Shiller, Oleg D. LavrentovicharticleAmerican Chemical Society / Applied Materials & Interfaces, 26 March 2019 / 11, 16Scopus: 13.60 ISSN:1944-8244 და E-ISSN:1944-8252 doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b22023EnglishContract
Dynamically morphing microchannels in liquid crystal elastomer coatings with extended disclinationsRobin Selinger, Greta Babakhanova, Youssef Mosaddeghian Golestani, Sajedeh Afghah, Michael Varga, Paul Shiller, Hao Yu, Irakli Chaganava, Jonathan Selinger, Qi-Huo Wei, O Lavrentovichconference proceedingsBulletin of the American Physical Society / Actuation in Soft Matter II, March 7 2019 / Volume 64, #2, S59.00009 EnglishContract
Alignment and controlled formation of topological defects in living fibroblast cells by liquid crystalsTaras Turiv, Jess Krieger, Hao Yu, Irakli Chaganava, Qi-Huo Wei, Min-Ho Kim, O D Lavrentovichconference proceedingsBulletin of the American Physical Society / Active Matter III, March 7 2019 / Volume 64, #2, F61.00002 EnglishContract
Light-inducing birefringence of organic photoanisotropic materials integrated via covalent bonds Irakli Chaganava, Irine Kobulashvili, Sakinah Mohd Alauddin, Nurul Fadhilah Kamalul Aripin, Alfonso Martinez-FelipearticleProc. SPIE / Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXI, 27 February 2019 / Vol. 10915, 17Scopus: 1.00 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.2506036EnglishState Targeted Program
Liquid Crystal Pancharatnam–Berry Micro‐Optical Elements for Laser Beam ShapingMiao Jiang, Hao Yu, Xiayu Feng, Yubing Guo, Irakli Chaganava, Taras Turiv, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Qi‐Huo WeiarticleWiley-Blackwell / Advanced Optical Materials, 4 October 2018 / Vol. 6, Issue 19Scopus: 10.20 E-ISSN:2195-1071 doi: 10.1002/adom.201800961EnglishContract
Comparative Characteristics of the Properties of Photoanisotropic Materials Composed with Covalent Bond and Electrostatic InteractionsIrakli Chaganava, Sakinah Mohd Alauddin, Nurul Fadhilah Kamalul Aripin, Alfonso Martinez-Felipe, Irine Kobulashviliconference proceedingsOSA Publishing / Frontiers in Optics+Laser Science, 16 September 2018 / JTu3A. 21 ISBN: 978-1-943580-46-0 doi: 10.1364/FIO.2018.JTu3A.21EnglishState Targeted Program
Study of the photoanisotropic properties of polarization-sensitive compositions based on organic chromophore salts with various alkali metals Irakli Chaganava, Roin Chedia, Qi-Huo WeiarticleProc. SPIE / Optical Manufacturing and Testing XII, 14 September 2018 / Vol. 10742, 1KScopus: 1.00 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.2324568EnglishState Targeted Program
Induction of the vector polyphotochromism in side-chain azopolymersIrakli Chaganava, Barbara Kilosanidze, George Kakauridze, Luis Oriol, Milagros Piñol, Alfonso Martinez-FelipearticleElsevier / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry / 1 March 2018 / Volume 354, 70-77Scopus: 4.20 ISSN:1010-6030 doi: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2017.09.067EnglishState Targeted Program
The study of polyelectrolyte-containing photoanisotropic compositions Irakli Chaganava, Barbara N. Kilosanidze, George Kakauridze, Irine KobulashviliarticleProc. SPIE / Light Manipulating Organic Materials and Devices IV, 25 August 2017 / Vol. 10360, 0LScopus: 1.00 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.2274518EnglishGrant Project
Photoanisotropy in polarization-sensitive polymer materials based on the media with covalently-bonded components Irakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidze, Luis Oriol, Milagros Piñol, Alfonso Martinez-FelipearticleProc. SPIE / Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XIX, 16 February 2017 / Vol. 10101, 0TScopus: 1.00 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.2249997EnglishGrant Project
The Phenomenon of Vector Polyphotochromism in Polarization-sensitive MaterialsBarbara N. Kilosanidze, Irakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Luis Oriol, Milagros Piñol and Alfonso Martinez-Felipeconference proceedingsOSA Publishing / Frontiers in Optics: The 100th OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit+Laser Science XXXII, 10 October 2016 / FF3G, 7 ISBN: 978-1-943580-19-4 doi: 10.1364/FIO.2018.JTu3A.21EnglishState Targeted Program
Induction of the Vector Polyphotochromism in Side-Chain AzopolymersIrakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidze, Luis Oriol, Milagros Piñol, Alfonso Martinez-Felipeconference proceedingsThe 4th International Symposium Molecular Photonics 2016 / Book of Symposium abstracts, 24 July 2016 / p. 34 EnglishGrant Project
Light manipulating vector polyphotochromatic behavior in organic polarization-sensitive materialsIrakli Chaganava, Barbara Kilosanidze, George KakauridzearticleProc. SPIE / Light Manipulating Organic Materials and Devices II, 5 September 2015 / Vol. 9564, 0LScopus: 0.90 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi:10.1117/12.2188049EnglishGrant Project
Spectral Selectivity of Azochromophore-containing Polymer Films in Polarized LightIrakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidzeconference proceedingsICSP & AM, Book of Abstracts, p. 23 EnglishGrant Project
Vector photochromism in polarization-sensitive materialsIrakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidze, Yuri MshvenieradzearticleOptical Society of America / Optics Letters, 1 July 2014 / Vol. 39, Issue 13, 3841-3844Scopus: 6.60 ISSN: 0146-9592 doi: 10.1364/OL.39.003841EnglishGrant Project
Light-controlled vector polyphotochromismIrakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidze, Yuri MshvenieradzearticleProc. SPIE / Organic Photonics VI, 1 May 2014 / Vol. 9137, 12Scopus: 0.90 ISSN: 0277-786X doi: 10.1117/12.2051756EnglishGrant Project
Dynamic Polarization Holography: 2. Dynamic Polarization-Holographic Gratings and their ApplicationKilosanidze B., Kakauridze G., Chaganava I., Yu. Mshvenieradze.articleOptical Society of America / Applied Optics, 10 February 2013 / Vol. 52, Issue 5, 1006-1015Scopus: 3.40 ISSN:1559-128X და E-ISSN:2155-3165 doi: 10.1364/AO.52.001006EnglishGrant Project
Azodye-Containing Polarization-Sensitive MaterialsIrakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidzeconference proceedingsICYC- 2012 / Book of Abstracts, 23 April 2012 / p. 20 EnglishState Targeted Program
Photoanisotropic properties enhancement via introducing ionogenic functional groups into the material azodye component moleculesIrakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidzeconference proceedingsGeoHet 2011 / Book of Abstracts, 27 September 2011 / PP131, p. 287 EnglishGrant Project
Development of High-performance, Stable and Moisture-resistant Polarization-sensitive Materials Irakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara Kilosanidze and George DatukishviliarticleProc. SPIE / Optical Manufacturing and Testing IX, 27 September 2011 / Vol. 8126, 1IScopus: 0.80 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.894710EnglishGrant Project
Photoanisotropy in Polarization-sensitive Medium Developed on the Basis of Polar Water-soluble ComponentsIrakli Chaganava, George Kakauridze, Barbara KilosanidzearticleProc. SPIE / Practical Holography XXV: Materials and Applications, 7 February 2011 / Vol. 7957, 14Scopus: 0.80 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.874744EnglishGrant Project
Dynamic polarization holography: methods and applicationsBarbara Kilosanidze, George Kakauridze, Irakli ChaganavaarticleAmerican Scientific Publishers / Journal of Holography and Speckle, 1 April 2009 / Vol. 5, 52–61Scopus: 0.18 ISSN:1546-900X და E-ISSN:1546-9018 doi: 10.1166/jhs.2009.008EnglishState Targeted Program
Dynamic polarization holography. Methods and applicationsKilosanidze B., Kakauridze G. and Chaganava I.articleProc. SPIE / Holography: Advances and Modern Trends, 19 May 2009 / Vol. 7358, 0SScopus: 0.30 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.821766EnglishState Targeted Program
Dynamic polarization holography. 1. Dynamic polarization-sensitive materials on the basis of azo-dye-containing polymersBarbara Kilosanidze, George Kakauridze, Irakli ChaganavaarticleOptical Society of America / Applied Optics, 1 April 2009 / Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 1861- 1868Scopus: 1.92 ISSN:1559-128X და E-ISSN:2155-3165 doi: 10.1364/AO.48.001861EnglishState Targeted Program
The Influence of Chemical Activities Polymer Matrices on Photo Anisotropy of Azo dyesValentina Shaverdova, Svetlana Petrova, Nino Obolashvili, Irakli ChaganavaarticleProc. SPIE / Optical Design and Engineering III, 27 September 2008 / Vol. 7100, 1PScopus: 0.30 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.798380EnglishGrant Project
Photoinduced Anisotropy in Seleno-cadmium GlassVladimir Tarasashvili, Anna Purtseladze, Irakli ChaganavaarticleProc. SPIE / Optical Design and Engineering III, 27 September 2008 / Vol. 7100, 22Scopus: 0.30 ISSN:0277-786X და E-ISSN:1996-756X doi: 10.1117/12.797620EnglishGrant Project
Photochemical behaviors of azo dyes in various polymer matricesV. Shaverdova, S. Petrova,N. Obolashvili, I. Chaganavaconference proceedingsHOLOOPTO-2008 / Collection of abstracts, 23 September 2008 / p 21-24 GeorgianGrant Project
Dynamic polarization-holographic diffraction gratingsB. Kilosanidze, G. Kakauridze, I. Chaganavaconference proceedingsHOLOOPTO-2008 / Collection of abstracts, 23 September 2008 / p 10-11 GeorgianGrant Project
The phenomenon of the photoinduced anisotropy in seleno-cadmium glasses and practical applicationV. Tarasashvili, A. Purceladze, I. Chaganavaconference proceedingsHOLOOPTO-2008 / Collection of abstracts, 23 September 2008 / p 84-85 GeorgianGrant Project
Ellipsometric measurements in asymmetric dye-polymer systemsV. Shaverdova, S. Petrova,N. Obolashvili, I. Chaganavaconference proceedingsHOLOOPTO-2008 / Collection of abstracts, 23 September 2008 / p 21-24 GeorgianGrant Project
Polarization-holographic amplifier-corrector of optical signalsVladimir Tarasashvili, Anna Purtseladze, Irakli Chaganavaconference proceedingsOptical Society of America / Coherent Optical Technologies and Applications, 13 ივლისი 2008 / JMB2 EnglishGrant Project
Dynamic Polarization-sensitive MediaB Kilosanidze, G Kakauridze, I ChaganavaarticleAllerton Press, Inc. / Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 10 May 2007 / Volume 16, Number 1, 17-23Scopus: 0.40 ISSN:1060-992X და E-ISSN:1934-7898 doi: 10.3103/S1060992X0701002XEnglishGrant Project

SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Conference Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXIV. San Francisco, CA, USA202222-27 იანვარიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersImproving the photoresponse of organic polarization-sensitive media by dimerizing the chromophoric componentposter

Polarization-sensitive media based on polymers and functional chromophores have deservedly occupied their niche among photonic materials that are increasingly contributing to the possibilities of richer light sensing, in the field of optical communications, information transfer, its storage, display, etc. within a wide range of applications. The media considered here are represented by multiple highly polar compositions based on functional azo dyes doped in a compatible biopolymer as a matrix. This paper presents our specific studies on the influence of molecular-structural factors on the photoanisotropic properties of polarization-sensitive compositions. The illustrative examples show evidence of the finding of one of the factors that work out the light sensitivity of the materials for multiple times. This factor was the molecular aggregation of the chromophoric component. Quite accurate comparisons are shown of the improvement in photoresponsibility of various compositions with the mutual combination of their chromophoric molecules, in particular as a result of their component dimerization. In the overwhelming majority of azochromophoric dimers demonstrate greater sensitivity to actinic polarized light rather than their predecessor versions. The paper also demonstrates an example of going beyond the framework of dimerization towards the further development of the aggregation of molecules with the formation of azopolymers. The latter turned out to be promising in the case of the correct implementation of increasing integration of the components of the studied materials.
Conference Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science Online Zoom, USA20211 – 4 ნოემბარიOPTICA, Publishing GroupFull Color Recording of Linearly Polarized Lightoral

The paper outlines the capabilities of color recording of monochromatic polarized light using the phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism. This effect was revealed within the framework of research and development of organic polarization-sensitive media conducted by us.
SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Conference Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXIIIOnline Only, California, USA20216-11 მარტიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersLight-controlled spectral selectivity in polarization-sensitive materialsposter

The phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism was found earlier in some high-efficient polymeric polarization-sensitive materials depending on the radiant exposure of the inducing linearly polarized light. This effect have been considered when the changes in the material transmission spectrum are occurred depending on the polarization azimuth of the inducing light [1-6]. The effect exhibits a clear selective transmitance that can be tuned by an external optical signal. It is shown the possibility of obtaining approximately linear dependence of the spectral characteristics of the material on exposure conditions. It is assumed that the changes in so-called interference color of the medium occurs as a result of selective quenching in the corresponding regions of the transmission spectrum. ABSTRACT Keywords: vector polyphotochromism, interference color, nature of photoanisotropy, azo dye, biopolymer, organic photonic material, polarization spectroscopy, polarization sensiti+W10ve media, light transmission control
APS March Meeting 2020. Active Matter and Liquid Crystals in Biological Systems IDenver, Colorado, United States20202 - 6 მარტიAmerican Physical SocietyControl of bacterial dynamics by splay and bend in nematic vorticesoral

Microswimmers exhibit collective behavior that can be controlled by an anisotropic environment such as a lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal. We explore the effect of splay and bend of the director field on the individual and collective behavior of motile Bacilli subtilis. The director field, imposed through photoalignment, is designed in the form of vortices of topological charge +1. Their geometry changes from pure radial to spiral and to the circular, representing thus deformations of a pure splay, splay-bend mix, and pure bend, respectively. In dilute dispersions, the bacteria follow the pre-imposed director field, but after their concentration reaches some threshold, they engage in a collective unipolar circulation. This collective behavior is controlled by the splay-to-bend ratio: vortices with dominating splay condense the bacterial swarms towards the center, while vortices with dominating bend push them away to the periphery. Vortices with splay-bend parity formed by 45-degree spiraling director produce the most stable swarming with a time-independent radius as long as the bacterial activity is constant. The change in swimming scenario as a function of splay-to-bend ratio is reminiscent of an unstable limit cycle.
Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science Washington DC, United States201915 - 19 სექტემბერიOptical Society of AmericaDynamic characteristics of photoanisotropic materials based on biogenic and synthetic polyelectrolytesposter

The paper presents the results of a study comparing polarization-sensitive media based on polar hydrophilic polymers with oppositely charged and similarly charged macromolecules.

In the process of research of polarization-sensitive media the photoanisotropic materials based on polar components showed to very good advantage. Among which the most effective were hydrophilic compositions [1]. Most often, water-soluble compounds are represented by molecules with an extreme degree of polarization (organic salts of azo dyes, polyelectrolytes) [2-3] while they generally demonstrate the greatest efficiency in comparison with their hydrophobic analogues and among those listed above the use of a collagen-based matrix was particularly beneficial.

As known, collagen structures are polyampholyte. For these practical tasks we use gelatin. This biogenic substance (GEL) is known for the simultaneous presence of unlike charges in the composition of its macromolecules. In contrast to them, we also investigate the application of a synthetic hydrophilic polymer with only like charges. Among the data on the applications of polarization-sensitive media involved in this study, it should be noted that we use them to create optical elements that are the main part of the device developed by us on optical pattern recognition [4].

In our laboratory, we thoroughly study the photoanisotropic properties of polarization-sensitive media based on organic materials. This paper presents the result of the observation of separately taken two materials that have a great similarity, but which also have isolated substantial differences, due to which the materials under study exhibit different properties. In this way, we obtain valuable information in the cause-effect relationship of the effect induction. This work carries the fundamental value of identifying the influence of structural factors on the photoanisotropic properties of organic polarization-sensitive media obtained on the basis of polymers and functional azo-dyes.
SPIE Optics + Photonics International Symposium, Conference Liquid Crystals XXIIISan Diego, CA, USA 201911 - 15 აგვისტოSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersLiquid crystal Pancharatnam-Berry optical elementsoral

In this paper, we aim to show that liquid crystal films (LCs) with well-defined molecular orientations are an exceptional platform for flat optical devices based on the Pancharatnam-Berry (PB) phase. Especially, the development of plasmonic photopatterning technique in recent years has made it easy to align liquid crystal molecules in to designer orientation patterns with both high spatial resolution and high throughput and thus enables large scale manufacturing liquid crystal optical devices with low costs. Here we present liquid crystal laser beam shapers and microlenses as two examples to illustrate the design principles and the fabrication processes for liquid crystal flat optical elements. In comparison with flat optical devices made of plasmonic or dielectric metasurfaces, liquid crystal flat optical elements are advantageous due to the high optical efficiencies and low fabrication costs.
Optics and Photonics International Congress, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials ConferenceYokohama, Japan201922 - 26 აპრილიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersThe resemblance of polarization spectra of polymers between photo- and mechanicallyinduced microstrainsposter

The study of the mechanism of the phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism led to the opinion that it has an interference nature. This paper presents the first experimental data on the correspondence of this effect with the manifestation of the photoelasticity of the polymer component of the material. We verified the accordance of the transmission spectra of polarized light on the one hand of a photoactivated polarization-sensitive material and on the other hand under the influence of a mechanical stress. The profiles of the obtained polarization spectra match each other.
APS March Meeting 2019. Active Matter IIIBoston, Massachusetts, United States20194 - 8 მარტიAmerican Physical SocietyAlignment and controlled formation of topological defects in living fibroblast cells by liquid crystalsoral

Arrays of living tissue-forming cells behave as orientationally ordered active nematics and create topological defects of strength +1/2 and -1/2. These defects play an important role in compressive-dilative stresses in tissues and facilitate effects such as apoptosis and cell migration. The challenge is to design orientational patterns of cells with predetermined spatial locations of topological defects in them. We propose an approach to control the alignment of human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells by substrates with photoaligned liquid crystal polymers (LCPs). With a plasmonic metamask alignment method, we patterned the director orientation of the LCPs with topological defects of integer (+1, -1) and semi-integer (+1/2, -1/2) strength. Combination of polarized, phase contrast and fluorescent microscopies proves that the HDF cells align along the patterned director of the LCP substrate. The patterns cause a modulation of cell density, as the cells accumulate near the cores of the defects with positive topological charge. The approach could be used to control the locations of defect formation in tissues of living cells and potentially control the extrusion of undesirable cells.
APS March Meeting 2019. Actuation in Soft Matter IIBoston, Massachusetts, United States20194 - 8 მარტიAmerican Physical SocietyDynamically morphing microchannels in liquid crystal elastomer coatings with extended disclinationsoral

Topological defects in liquid crystal elastomers (LCE) drive complex stimuli-responsive deformation. Previous studies examined short disclinations oriented parallel to the surface normal of a thin film or coating [1-3]. Here we examine an array of parallel extended disclinations oriented in-plane in an LCE coating on a rigid substrate, produced by forming the LCE between substrates with prescribed anchoring [4]. On heating, the coating morphs to form an array of parallel microchannels, each located above a disclination. To understand this shape evolution, we model formation of disclinations via numerical minimization of the Frank free energy, then use finite element simulation to calculate thermo-responsive deformation. Results are compared with experiments and with analytical calculations in the small-strain limit. We demonstrate use of thermo-responsive microchannels to perform particle sorting. Future uses may include applications in microfluidics and tissue engineering. [1] McConney et al, Adv Mater 25, 5880 (2013); [2] Babakhanova et al Nat Commun 9, 456 (2018); [3] Konya et al, Front Mater 3, 24 (2016); [4] Wang et al Nat Commun 8, 388 (2017).
SPIE Optics + Photonics International Symposium, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXISan Francisco, California, United States20192 - 7 თებერვალიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersLight-inducing birefringence of organic photoanisotropic materials integrated via covalent bondsposter

It is known that polarization holography uses photoanisotropic materials to record the state of light polarization. The polarization-holographic method of storage, transformation, transmission and processing of information is one of the most promising directions not only in optical but also in general among information technologies. The potential of increasing sensitivity of certain types of materials to light polarization is not yet fully mastered. In this paper, azodyecontaining photoanisotropic polymers are represented as a result of the study of polarization-sensitive materials, which are distinguished from their predecessors by outstanding photosensitivity. The report shows results of improving the foreground photoanisotropic characteristics, such as: increasing the degree of light-inducible birefringence and the rate of acceleration of this process. Which is the main measuring criterion of photosensitivity and effectiveness of the studied materials. The efficiency of azodye based polarization-sensitive materials is based on integration of their components by forces of electrostatic interactions or covalent bonds. In our previous works we have repeatedly shown clearly all the advantages of the results achieved by the molecular electrostatic integration of the material components. The presented paper shows different advantages of photoanisotropic materials consisting of alternative, covalent bonds, from which the increased velocity of photoanisotrophy and significantly improved magnitude of photosensitivity are worth noting on the first hand. Based on the experiences accumulated as a result of the conducted recent research and the developed recommendations, the new polarization-sensitive materials have deliberately been synthesized and studied.
Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science Washington DC, United States201816 - 20 სექტემბერიOptical Society of AmericaComparative Characteristics of the Properties of Photoanisotropic Materials Composed with Covalent Bond and Electrostatic Interactionsposter

The paper presents the study of the polarization-sensitive materials developed by us. It is demonstrated the advantages of these light-recording organic media composed both via covalent bindings and through electrostatic interactions
SPIE Optics + Photonics International Symposium, Optical Manufacturing and Testing XIISan Diego, California , United States201811 - 15 აგვისტოSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersStudy of the photoanisotropic properties of polarization-sensitive compositions based on organic chromophore salts with various alkali metalsposter

According to our studies of polarization-sensitive materials based on azochromophores and polymers in recent years, a factor significantly influencing their photoanisotropic properties has been revealed. The degree of molecular integration of the material components (light-absorbing centers and polymer matrix) is in direct connection with the level of achievable birefringence in media obtained on their basis. This paper considers the results of a study of the integration of polarization-sensitive materials by means of molecular electrostatic forces. Experimental data of the photoanisotropic behavior of optical media based on advisedly designed organic chromophore salts with the participation of almost all alkali metals are shown. Lithium (Li⁺), sodium (Na⁺), potassium (K⁺), cesium (Cs⁺) and hydrogen (H⁺) are used as cations for these polarized light-receiver organic salts, and as an anion, on the other hand, is a residue of functional monoazo dye. The obtained light-absorbing organic salts are doped into the hydrophilic polymer matrix having good lyophilic compatibility. To study the induction of photoanisotropy in the obtained photosensitive materials, we investigate the effect of actinic polarized light on them with wavelengths of 445 nm and 532 nm and variation of reading wavelengths (at 532 nm and 635 nm) depending on the spectral characteristics of the test samples. Optimum parameters of exposure for each composition are determined experimentally. The kinetic curves of the induction of photoanisotropy in the new comparing polarization-sensitive media are shown as light-induced effective photoanisotropy for the various illumination conditions.
27th International Liquid Crystal ConferenceKyoto, Japan201822 - 27 ივლისიThe Japanese Liquid Crystal Society and Science Council of JapanSelf-assembly of colloids on photoresponsive liquid crystal coatings containing line defectsposter
SPIE Optics + Photonics International Symposium, Conference Light Manipulating Organic Materials and Devices IVSan Diego, California USA 20176-10 აგვისტოSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersThe study of polyelectrolyte-containing photoanisotropic compositionsposter

This paper presents the experiments on photoanisotropic organic media films based on the composition of the azodye and polymer containing different polyelectrolytes. As a part of an experiment to strengthen the cohesion of the matrix macromolecules, we individually added to the test compositions polyelectrolytes with variations of quantity and with the different nature. The kinetic curves of the inducing photoanisotropy in the polarization-sensitive films are shown. The addition of the electrolyte to this type of materials contributes to an early manifestation of vector polyphotochromic effect at low exposures, which in turn is a sign of improved photoanisotropic properties as this effect appears exclusively in high-performance polarization-sensitive materials.
SPIE Photonics West 2017 Symposium, SPIE OPTO Symposium, Conference ‘Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XIX’San Francisco, CA, USA201728 იანვარი - 2 თებერვალიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersPhotoanisotropy in polarization-sensitive polymer materials based on the media with covalently-bounded components.poster

The well-known scalar photochromism phenomenon is a reversible phototransformation of chemical species between two forms having different absorption spectra. It is observed under the action of actinic light regardless of its polarization state. Unlike this in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive azopolymeric materials, we have observed a welldeveloped vector polyphotochromism which appears as a light-induced area with spectral selectivity for the linearly polarized probing beams. A sharp change in the transmission spectrum of the material have been observed when we placed an irradiated area of the sample between crossed polarizers, while the transmission spectrum of the sample remained practically unchanged in case of probing by unpolarized light. The effect has a purely vector nature, while the transmission spectrum of the exposed material essentially changes in case of observing between crossed polarizers and the change in the spectrum unambiguously depends on the energy exposure. A significant dependence of the kinetic of the vector polyphotochromism induction on the power density of linearly polarized actinic light (445 nm) is shown for probing beam of 635 nm. It is also shown that the kinetics of the effect depends on the photosensitive layer thickness and the concentration of the chromophore. The experiments were carried out for two synthesized side-chain azopolymers obtained as immobilized polar azo dyes on polymethylmethacrylate backbone. It is clearly shown a light-controlled spectral selectivity of the sample activated by the various doses of the stimulating radiation.
Conference Frontiers in Optics (FiO-2016)Rochester, NY, USA 201616 – 21 ოქტომბერიOPTICA, The Optical Society of AmericaThe phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism in organic polarization-sensitive materials oral

Phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism was observed in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive materials dependent on the radiant exposure when material was illuminated with linearly polarized actinic light. The phenomenon has purely vector nature.                                                 
The 4th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics 2016, dedicated to academician A.N. TereninSt. Petersburg, Russia 201621-24 ივლისიSt. Petersburg State University, D.S. Rozhdestvenscky Optical Society. Induction of the Vector Polyphotochromism in Side-Chain Azopolymersoral

The phenomenon of vector photochromism was observed in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive materials depending on the radiant exposure of the inducing linearly polarized actinic light. When radiant exposure exceed certain value specific to each material, a sharp change in the transmission spectrum of the probing linearly polarized nonactinic beam is observed after analyzer. While probing with unpolarized light the transmission spectrum is practically unchanged and does not depend on the magnitude of the radiant exposure. The mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed. The effect is an interference nature and depends on the path difference between the ordinary and extraordinary rays in material with photo-induced anisotropy. It is shown that the kinetics of this effect depends on the photosensitive layer thickness and the concentration of the chromophore.The beams with a wavelength away from the absorption band of the material were used as a probing. It is shown that in this case birefringence has made the main contribution in photoanisotropy. The experiments were carried out for polarization-sensitive materials with varying degrees of components integration, in particular, two synthesized side-chain azopolymers obtained by immobilization of polar azo dyes on polymethylmethacrylate backbone. It is shown that the maximum value of the birefringence Dn = 0.162 achieved in azopolymers with covalently bonded components. In this case a third order of interference of the probing beam is observed
SPIE Optics + Photonics Symposium, Conference ‘Organic Photonics + Electronics - Light Manipulating Organic Materials and Devices II’San Diego, CA, USA 20159-13 აგვისტოSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineersoral

The phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism within a wide spectral range is revealed in organic polarization-sensitive materials when material is illuminated with linearly polarized actinic light. The effect has a purely vector nature, while the transmission spectrum of the exposed material essentially changes in case of observing between crossed polarizers and the change in the spectrum unambiguously depends on the energy exposure. A significant dependence of the kinetic of the vector polyphotochromism induction on the power density of linearly polarized actinic light (445 nm) is shown for probing beam of 635 nm. It is also shown that the kinetics of the effect depends on the degree of integration of the component molecules of the material by the cohesion of both ways the electrostatic forces (by use mineral electrolytes and polyelectrolytes) and the covalent bonds (azopolymers based on different chromophores), as well as on the photosensitive layer thickness and the concentration of the chromophore. The mechanism of the phenomenon is discussed. Considering the fact that the change in the spectral characteristics occurs throughout the full visible range, this effect may be used for creating the spectrally selective dynamic polarization holographic gratings, displays based on new physical principles, and also for creating modulators and dynamic polarization spectral filters controlled by light.
4th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials. Batumi Batumi, Georgia20151-4 ივლისიIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, STCU, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of GeorgiaSpectral Selectivity of Azochromophore-containing Polymer Films in Polarized Lightposter

At the time of research study of the azochromophore-containing polymer materials properties in some high-efficient media, we have observed the anomalous dispersion of photoanisotropy, depending on the energy exposure of linearly polarized actinic radiation. Later, the phenomenon has been called light induced vector polyphotochromism. Spectral Selectivity of Azochromophore-containing Polymer Films in Polarized Light is presented.
SPIE Europe Symposium, Conference ‘Organic Photonics VI’Brussels, Belgium 201414-17 აპრილიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersLight-controlled vector polyphotochromismposter

Phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism was observed in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive materials dependent on the radiant exposure when material was illuminated with linearly polarized actinic light. The phenomenon has purely vector nature, since under probing by unpolarized light, the transmission spectra of the irradiated and unirradiated area of the material are practically identical. However, an essential change in the transmission spectrum of the material was observed by placing the irradiated area between crossed polarizers when the orientation of the axis of induced anisotropy was of 45 degrees relative to the axes of the polarizers. The dispersion of photoanisotropy was studied at different exposure values. Kinetic curves of the photoanisotropy were obtained for wavelength of 532 nm and 635 nm of probing beam for different values of exposure (30, 60 and 250 J/cm2) with linearly polarized actinic light (457 nm). The dispersion curves of the photoanisotropy were obtained for these values of exposure showing an anomalous behavior for exposures above of 30 J/cm2. This phenomenon was observed in specially synthesized organic materials based on azo dyes introduced in a polymer matrix. The difference between optical densities was obtained for polarized light with a wavelength of 532 nm and 635 nm at different exposures, which makes the prospect the dynamic polarization spectral filters controlled by light and the spectrally selective dynamic polarization holographic gratings to be created.
The Second International Conference of Young Scientists ICYS-2012Tbilisi, Georgia 201221-23 აპრილიGeorgian Technical University, Association of Profesional Chemists of GeorgiaAzodye-containing polarization-sensitive materialsoral
SPIE Optics + Photonics Symposium, Conference ‘Optical Manufacturing and Testing IX’San Diego, CA, USA 201121-25 აგვისტოSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersDevelopment of high-performance, stable and moisture-resistant polarization-sensitive materialsposter

New stable polarization-sensitive materials are developed on the hydrophobic components basis which doesn't require an additional moisture protection. Bisazodye ortho-tolidinebisazophenol chromophoric component was synthesized which is liposoluble analogue of water-soluble azodye Mordant Pure Yellow M. This bisazodye were used to develop the hydrophobic materials films which can be applied as a protective layer themselves. To increase the thermal stability we have synthesized material by introducing bisazodye into the main-chain of macromolecule of thermally stable polymer. The different types of polarization-holographic gratings with high diffraction efficiency of 30-50% were recorded on the obtained materials by laser beams (441 - 488 nm).
SPIE Photonics West Symposium, Conference 'Practical Holography XXV: Materials and Applications'San Francisco, CA, USA201122-27 იანვარიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersPhotoanisotropy in polarization-sensitive medium developed on the basis of polar water-soluble componentsposter

n order to obtain a polarization sensitive materials with improved characteristics, there was conducted intensify interaction between the components of recording media through the interaction between the molecular electrostatic forces. For creating materials there were used various organic dyes capable of photochemical geometric isomerization under the influence of actinic polarized light with a wavelength closed to the maximum of the absorption spectrum of each dye. Various polarization sensitive materials have been synthesized based on the polar water-soluble components. Substantial improvement photoanisotropic characteristics of these materials are revealed due to previously added ionizing functional groups in the chromophoric components. It is shown particular exemplary embodiment of synthesis the materials composed of dyes which communicate with certain polymers via dipole-ionic bonds. The research data of medium properties on their base have been brought up for the consideration. In the same way photoanisotropic materials are created on basis of various polar polymer matrixes which separate macromolecules are capable of establishing dipole-dipole bonds with each other. Thanks to this circumstance a supplementary number of polymer fragments which cannot afford direct connection with dye molecules are also able to get drawing into the photoanisotropy inducting processes. It is displayed the influence of such interactions on material kinetics and value of attainable photoanisotropy. A capability of achievement extremely high values of photoanisotropy is produced on the material samples based on the dyes with expanded number of ionized substituent.
The 2-nd International Conference on Organic Chemistry: ‘Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry’, Tbilisi, Georgia201125-27 სექტემბერი Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgian Technical University and Georgian National Academy of Science.Photoanisotropic properties enhancement via introducing ionogenic functional groups into the material azodye component moleculesposter

Photoanisotropic properties enhancement by means of introducing ionogenic functional groups into the material azodye component molecules is discussed
SPIE Europe Optics + Optoelectronics Symposium, Conference ‘Holography: Advances and Modern Trends’Prague, Czech Republic 200920-23 აპრილიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation EngineersDynamic polarization holography: Materials & Applicationsoral

The results of investigations of kinetics of photoanisotropy induction and relaxation in polarization-sensitive media with conformation-orientation mechanism of the anisotropy induction having significant dark relaxation are presented. It is shown that such materials can be applied for tasks of dynamic polarization holography. With the purpose of improvement dynamic characteristics of polarization-sensitive materials azodye Nitrodimethyl red (NDMR) is specially synthesized. Materials on the basis of NDMR are used for recording dynamic polarization-holographic gratings with different profile of anisotropy. The results of the investigation of kinetics of diffraction efficiency (DE) of these gratings and the analysis of polarization state of diffracted orders are given.
Conference Holographic and optical recording, storage and processing of information, HOLOOPTO 2008.Tbilisi, Georgia200822-23 სექტემბერი1) Institute of Cybernetics, Laboratory of Holographic Recording and Processing of Information 2) Georgian National Scientific Foundation (GNSF)Dynamic polarization-holographic diffraction gratingsoral

The results of the investigation of recording of dynamic polarization-holographic diffraction gratings are presented. Dynamic polarization-sensitive materials with conformation-orientation mechanism of anisotropy induction were used as a recording media. Such media were created on the basis of specially synthesized azodyes introduced into polymer matrices with special physico-chemical properties.
Conference Holographic and optical recording, storage and processing of information, HOLOOPTO 2008.Tbilisi, Georgia200822-23 სექტემბერი1) Institute of Cybernetics, Laboratory of Holographic Recording and Processing of Information 2) Georgian National Scientific Foundation (GNSF)Ellipsometric measurements for the dye-polymer asymmetric systemsoral
Conference Holographic and optical recording, storage and processing of information, HOLOOPTO 2008.Tbilisi, Georgia200822-23 სექტემბერი1) Institute of Cybernetics, Laboratory of Holographic Recording and Processing of Information 2) Georgian National Scientific Foundation (GNSF)The phenomenon of the photoinduced anisotropy in seleno-cadmium glasses and practical applicationoral
SPIE Europe 2008. Optical Systems, Astronomy, and Imaging, Optical Systems Design 2008Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom20082-5 სექტემბერიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. SPIE EuropeThe influence of chemical activities polymer matrix on photoanisotropy azo dyesoral

In this article the results of experimental investigations of photo anisotropy in organic dyes embedded in different polymer matrices are reported. All the matrices used in this work can be subdivided into those entering into a chemical reaction with dye molecules and those that are chemically inactive. The results of this investigation are suggested that the matrix is of crucial importance of the creation of photo anisotropic materials.
SPIE Europe 2008. Optical Systems, Astronomy, and Imaging, Optical Systems Design 2008Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom20082-5 სექტემბერიSPIE - the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. SPIE EuropePhotoinducted anisotropy in seleno-cadmium glassposter

Anisotropic change of the absorbtion edge of seleno-cadmium glass under the action of linearly polarized monoimpulse of a ruby laser of great power has been investigated. The spectral width of the area of anisotropic bleaching of the sample which is being radiated has been estimated. The dispersion curves of photoinduced birefringence and the anisotropy of the absorbtion on the absorbtion edge of the glass of RY-19 type have been obtained in the interval (6500-6700) A.
Coherent Optical Technologies and Applications 2008 ConferenceBoston, Massachusetts, United State200813 - 16 ივლისიOptical Society of AmericaPolarization-holographic amplifier-corrector of optical signalsposter

The possibility of applying the photoinduced anisotropy in dynamic polarizationsensitive media for the correction and amplifications of the laser radiation with a complex distribution of the polarization state over the wavefront is tested experimentally

Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-144, H ინდექსი-7
Scopus: ციტირების ინდექსი-182, H ინდექსი-9
Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-192, H ინდექსი-9

United States of America (Ohio)-თებერვალი - მაისი 2017Liquid Crystal Institute. Kent State University.Competition of young scientists for the research internship abroad. IG/52/1/16. SRNSF.
Spain- მარტი - ივნისი 2014Department of Organic Chemistry of Aragon Materials Science Institute. University of Zaragoza.Competition of young scientists for the research internship abroad. YS/9/6-210/13. SRNSF.

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

European Polymer JournalBelgium20/01/2018
Optics & Laser TechnologyThe Netherlands05/06/2021

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Polarization-holographic system for protection of documents, valuable papers and industrial productsU.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) grant BPG#01/06 აშშ 26.02.2006 -26.02.2007Main executor. Chemist technologist.
Development of advanced reflection polarization-holographic protection system for documents, valuable papers and industrial products U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) grant BPG# 01/09 აშშ 01.01.2009 -01.01.2010Main executor. Researcher scientist.
A new photoanisotropic-copies-based pattern recognition systemScience & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) BH5( grant № 6069) უკრაინა 10.02.2015 - 10.02.2017Main executor. Researcher scientist.

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Polarization-sensitive media with expanded spectral range synthesis, investigation and useGeorgian National Science Foundation. GNSF/ST06/4-022. 2006-2008Auxiliary staff. Chemist
Spatial switching of information channels in optical communication networks by means of dynamic polarization hologramsGeorgian National Science Foundation, GNSF/ST08/1-364. 01.03.2009 31.08.2011Main executor. Chemist researcher.
Development of the innovative polarimetric method for real-time optical remote sensing and objects recognitionGeorgian National Science Foundation, GNSF/ST08/1-363. 01.03.2009 31.08.2011Main executor. Chemist researcher
Development of an innovative real-time polarimetric device for determining the distribution of stressed state in different constructions and components1) Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation for applied research (AR/220/4-100/12); 2) Georgian Technical University Grant #30/22 15.04.2013 -15.04.2015Main executor. Researcher, chemist.
Development of universal polarization-holographic spectropolarimeter for the study of astronomical objects1) Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation №AR/209/6-120/14; 2) Georgian Technical University. 27.04.2015 - 27.04.2017Executive member
Real-time polarization-holographic spectral ellipsometerShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) №AR-19-1154 23.12.2019 - 23.12.2022Main executor. Researcher scientist (chemistry, photonics)

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers) International non-profit professional society2019-2020

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

The Second International Conference of Young Scientists ICYS-2012. First Prize Winner "For the best presentation".20/12/2012
4th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials. "Best Presentation".20/03/2015

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Dynamic Polarization-sensitive Media, Allerton Press, Inc. / Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 10 May 2007 / Volume 16, Number 1, 17-23Grant Project

The results of investigations of kinetics of photoanisotropy induction and relaxation in polarization-sensitive media with dark relaxation are presented. The model consideration of photoanisotropy in polarization-sensitive media with dark relaxation is presented. The conformation-orientation mechanism of the anisotropy induction in these media is considered. The value of “effective anisotropy” is used for the anisotropy description that allows measurements of photoanisotropy to be made in real-time. The time dependence of the value of photoanisotropy and dark relaxation on the acting radiation intensity and relaxation coefficient is shown. The experimental investigations are carried out on materials on the basis of azodye Dimethyl Yellow introduced into different polymer matrices.
Photoinduced Anisotropy in Seleno-cadmium Glass, Proc. SPIE / Optical Design and Engineering III, 27 September 2008 / Vol. 7100, 22Grant Project

Anisotropic change of the absorbtion edge of seleno-cadmium glass under the action of linearly polarized monoimpulse of a ruby laser of great power has been investigated. The spectral width of the area of anisotropic bleaching of the sample which is being radiated has been estimated. The dispersion curves of photoinduced birefringence and the anisotropy of the absorbtion on the absorbtion edge of the glass of RY-19 type have been obtained in the interval (6500-6700 A).
The Influence of Chemical Activities Polymer Matrices on Photo Anisotropy of Azo dyes, Proc. SPIE / Optical Design and Engineering III, 27 September 2008 / Vol. 7100, 1PGrant Project

In this article the results of experimental investigations of photo anisotropy in organic dyes embedded in different polymer matrices are reported. All the matrices used in this work can be subdivided into those entering into a chemical reaction with dye molecules and those that are chemically inactive. The results of this investigation are suggested that the matrix is of crucial importance of the creation of photo anisotropic materials.
Dynamic polarization holography. 1. Dynamic polarization-sensitive materials on the basis of azo-dye-containing polymers, Optical Society of America / Applied Optics, 1 April 2009 / Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 1861- 1868State Target Program

Dynamic polarization-holographic gratings with a different profile of anisotropy in the band are presented. Polarization-sensitive recording materials of two types are used: material possessing high dark relaxation and highly reversible material without dark relaxation in which the recorded grating is erased by a circularly polarized beam. For a grating recorded by two orthogonally circularly polarized beams a diffraction efficiency of 20% has been obtained at 3.5 W/cm2 power density during 1 ms recording/erasing time. An all-optical cross commutator based on the matrix of dynamic reprogrammable polarization-holographic microholograms is considered. The amplification of the weak beam at two-wave mixing in polarization-sensitive materials has been shown, with an obtained amplification coefficient of 4.95.
Dynamic polarization holography. Methods and applications, Proc. SPIE / Holography: Advances and Modern Trends, 19 May 2009 / Vol. 7358, 0SState Target Program

The results of investigations of kinetics of photoanisotropy induction and relaxation in polarization-sensitive media with conformation-orientation mechanism of the anisotropy induction and having significant dark relaxation are presented. It is shown that such materials can be applied for tasks of dynamic polarization holography. With the purpose of improvement dynamic characteristics of polarization-sensitive materials azodye Nitrodimethyl red (NDMR) is specially synthesized. Materials on the basis of NDMR are used for recording dynamic polarization-holographic gratings with different profile of anisotropy. The results of the investigation of kinetics of diffraction efficiency (DE) of these gratings and the analysis of polarization state of diffracted orders are given. It is shown that the time of a cycle of recording/erasing for gratings of some types is of the order of 100 ms at DE = 21%. The theoretical model of dynamic polarization-holographic recording on such materials is presented. Possible applications of the methods of dynamic polarization holography are discussed.
Dynamic polarization holography: methods and applications, American Scientific Publishers / Journal of Holography and Speckle, 1 April 2009 / Vol. 5, 52–61State Target Program

The results of investigations of kinetics of photoanisotropy induction and relaxation in polarization-sensitive media with conformation-orientation mechanism of the anisotropy induction having significant dark relaxation are presented. It is shown that such materials can be applied for tasks of dynamic polarization holography. With the purpose of improvement dynamic characteristics of polarization-sensitive materials azodye Nitrodimethyl red (NDMR) is specially synthesized. Materials on the basis of NDMR are used for recording dynamic polarization-holographic gratings with different profile of anisotropy. The results of the investigation of kinetics of diffraction efficiency (DE) of these gratings and the analysis of polarization state of diffracted orders are given. It is shown that time of a cycle of recording/erasing for gratings of some types is of the order of 100 ms at DE = 21 %. The theoretical model of dynamic polarizationholographic recording on such materials is presented. Possible applications of the methods of dynamic polarization holography are discussed.;jsessionid=1bkqqyruj3po.x-ic-live-01
Photoanisotropy in polarization-sensitive polymer materials based on the media with covalently-bonded components, Proc. SPIE / Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XIX, 16 February 2017 / Vol. 10101, 0TGrant Project

The well-known scalar photochromism phenomenon is a reversible phototransformation of chemical species between two forms having different absorption spectra. It is observed under the action of actinic light regardless of its polarization state. Unlike this in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive azopolymeric materials, we have observed a welldeveloped vector polyphotochromism which appears as a light-induced area with spectral selectivity for the linearly polarized probing beams. A sharp change in the transmission spectrum of the material have been observed when we placed an irradiated area of the sample between crossed polarizers, while the transmission spectrum of the sample remained practically unchanged in case of probing by unpolarized light. The effect has a purely vector nature, while the transmission spectrum of the exposed material essentially changes in case of observing between crossed polarizers and the change in the spectrum unambiguously depends on the energy exposure. A significant dependence of the kinetic of the vector polyphotochromism induction on the power density of linearly polarized actinic light (445 nm) is shown for probing beam of 635 nm. It is also shown that the kinetics of the effect depends on the photosensitive layer thickness and the concentration of the chromophore. The experiments were carried out for two synthesized side-chain azopolymers obtained as immobilized polar azo dyes on polymethylmethacrylate backbone. It is clearly shown a light-controlled spectral selectivity of the sample activated by the various doses of the stimulating radiation.
The study of polyelectrolyte-containing photoanisotropic compositions, Proc. SPIE / Light Manipulating Organic Materials and Devices IV, 25 August 2017 / Vol. 10360, 0LGrant Project

This paper presents the experiments on photoanisotropic organic media films based on the composition of the azodye and polymer containing different polyelectrolytes. As a part of an experiment to strengthen the cohesion of the matrix macromolecules, we individually added to the test compositions polyelectrolytes with variations of quantity and with the different nature. The kinetic curves of the inducing photoanisotropy in the polarization-sensitive films are shown. The addition of the electrolyte to this type of materials contributes to an early manifestation of vector polyphotochromic effect at low exposures, which in turn is a sign of improved photoanisotropic properties as this effect appears exclusively in high-performance polarization-sensitive materials.
Induction of the vector polyphotochromism in side-chain azopolymers, Elsevier / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry / 1 March 2018 / Volume 354, 70-77Grant Project

The phenomenon of vector photochromism was observed in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive materials depending on the radiant exposure of the inducing linearly polarized actinic light. When radiant exposure exceed certain value specific to each material, a sharp change in the transmission spectrum of the probing linearly polarized nonactinic beam is observed after analyzer. While probing with unpolarized light the transmission spectrum is practically unchanged and does not depend on the magnitude of the radiant exposure. The mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed. The effect is an interference nature and depends on the path difference between the ordinary and extraordinary rays in material with photo-induced anisotropy. It is shown that the kinetics of this effect depends on the photosensitive layer thickness and the concentration of the chromophore.The beams with a wavelength away from the absorption band of the material were used as a probing. It is shown that in this case birefringence has made the main contribution in photoanisotropy. The experiments were carried out for polarization-sensitive materials with varying degrees of components integration, in particular, two synthesized side-chain azopolymers obtained by immobilization of polar azo dyes on polymethylmethacrylate backbone. It is shown that the maximum value of the birefringence Δn = 0.162 achieved in azopolymers with covalently bonded components. In this case a third order of interference of the probing beam is observed.
Study of the photoanisotropic properties of polarization-sensitive compositions based on organic chromophore salts with various alkali metals, Proc. SPIE / Optical Manufacturing and Testing XII, 14 September 2018 / Vol. 10742, 1KState Target Program

According to our studies of polarization-sensitive materials based on azochromophores and polymers in recent years, a factor significantly influencing their photoanisotropic properties has been revealed. The degree of molecular integration of the material components (light-absorbing centers and polymer matrix) is in direct connection with the level of achievable birefringence in media obtained on their basis. This paper considers the results of a study of the integration of polarization-sensitive materials by means of molecular electrostatic forces. Experimental data of the photoanisotropic behavior of optical media based on advisedly designed organic chromophore salts with the participation of almost all alkali metals are shown. Lithium (Li⁺), sodium (Na⁺), potassium (K⁺), cesium (Cs⁺) and hydrogen (H⁺) are used as cations for these polarized light-receiver organic salts, and as an anion, on the other hand, is a residue of functional monoazo dye. The obtained light-absorbing organic salts are doped into the hydrophilic polymer matrix having good lyophilic compatibility. To study the induction of photoanisotropy in the obtained photosensitive materials, we investigate the effect of actinic polarized light on them with wavelengths of 445 nm and 532 nm and variation of reading wavelengths (at 532 nm and 635 nm) depending on the spectral characteristics of the test samples. Optimum parameters of exposure for each composition are determined experimentally. The kinetic curves of the induction of photoanisotropy in the new comparing polarization-sensitive media are shown as light-induced effective photoanisotropy for the various illumination conditions.
Comparative Characteristics of the Properties of Photoanisotropic Materials Composed with Covalent Bond and Electrostatic Interactions, OSA Publishing / Frontiers in Optics+Laser Science, 16 September 2018 / JTu3A. 21 State Target Program

The paper presents the study of the polarization-sensitive materials developed by us. It is demonstrated the advantages of these light-recording organic media composed both via covalent bindings and through electrostatic interactions.
Liquid Crystal Pancharatnam–Berry Micro‐Optical Elements for Laser Beam Shaping, Wiley-Blackwell / Advanced Optical Materials, 4 October 2018 / Vol. 6, Issue 19State Target Program

Shaping the intensity profile of a laser beam is desired by various industrial applications. In this paper, a new approach is presented to design and fabricate liquid crystal (LC) micro-optical elements (MOEs) with engineered Pancharatnam–Berry (PB) phases for beam shaping. By generalizing the Snell's law for spatially variant PB phases, molecular orientation patterns are designed for the liquid crystal MOEs to shape a Gaussian laser beam into flattop intensity profiles with circular and square cross-sections, with the β parameter varied from 4 to 42. It is demonstrated that such liquid crystal beam shaping MOEs can be fabricated with high throughput and high resolution by using a photopatterning technique based on plasmonic metamasks and that they produce excellent beam quality, no zero-order light leakage with a beam size from 10 to 600 µm. As the plasmonic metamasks allow for encoding arbitrary molecular orientations, i.e., arbitrary geometric phase profiles, the approaches presented here are widely applicable to large-scale manufacturing of liquid crystal MOEs for any beam shapes
Light-inducing birefringence of organic photoanisotropic materials integrated via covalent bonds, Proc. SPIE / Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXI, 27 February 2019 / Vol. 10915, 17State Target Program

It is known that polarization holography uses photoanisotropic materials to record the state of light polarization. The polarization-holographic method of storage, transformation, transmission and processing of information is one of the most promising directions not only in optical but also in general among information technologies. The potential of increasing sensitivity of certain types of materials to light polarization is not yet fully mastered. In this paper, azodyecontaining photoanisotropic polymers are represented as a result of the study of polarization-sensitive materials, which are distinguished from their predecessors by outstanding photosensitivity. The report shows results of improving the foreground photoanisotropic characteristics, such as: increasing the degree of light-inducible birefringence and the rate of acceleration of this process. Which is the main measuring criterion of photosensitivity and effectiveness of the studied materials. The efficiency of azodye based polarization-sensitive materials is based on integration of their components by forces of electrostatic interactions or covalent bonds. In our previous works we have repeatedly shown clearly all the advantages of the results achieved by the molecular electrostatic integration of the material components. The presented paper shows different advantages of photoanisotropic materials consisting of alternative, covalent bonds, from which the increased velocity of photoanisotrophy and significantly improved magnitude of photosensitivity are worth noting on the first hand. Based on the experiences accumulated as a result of the conducted recent research and the developed recommendations, the new polarization-sensitive materials have deliberately been synthesized and studied.
Alignment and controlled formation of topological defects in living fibroblast cells by liquid crystals, Bulletin of the American Physical Society / Active Matter III, March 7 2019 / Volume 64, #2, F61.00002Grant Project

Arrays of living tissue-forming cells behave as orientationally ordered active nematics and create topological defects of strength +1/2 and -1/2. These defects play an important role in compressive-dilative stresses in tissues and facilitate effects such as apoptosis and cell migration. The challenge is to design orientational patterns of cells with predetermined spatial locations of topological defects in them. We propose an approach to control the alignment of human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells by substrates with photoaligned liquid crystal polymers (LCPs). With a plasmonic metamask alignment method, we patterned the director orientation of the LCPs with topological defects of integer (+1, -1) and semi-integer (+1/2, -1/2) strength. Combination of polarized, phase contrast and fluorescent microscopies proves that the HDF cells align along the patterned director of the LCP substrate. The patterns cause a modulation of cell density, as the cells accumulate near the cores of the defects with positive topological charge. The approach could be used to control the locations of defect formation in tissues of living cells and potentially control the extrusion of undesirable cells.
Dynamically morphing microchannels in liquid crystal elastomer coatings with extended disclinations, Bulletin of the American Physical Society / Actuation in Soft Matter II, March 7 2019 / Volume 64, #2, S59.00009State Target Program

Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) hold a major promise as a versatile material platform for smart soft coatings since their orientational order can be predesigned to program a desired dynamic profile. In this work, we introduce temperature-responsive dynamic coatings based on LCEs with arrays of singular defects-disclinations that run parallel to the surface. The disclinations form in response to antagonistic patterns of the molecular orientation at the top and bottom surfaces, imposed by the plasmonic mask photoalignment. Upon heating, an initially flat LCE coating develops linear microchannels located above each disclination. The stimulus that causes a non-flat profile of LCE coatings upon heating is the activation force induced by the gradients of molecular orientation around disclinations. To describe the formation of microchannels and their thermal response, we adopt a Frank–Oseen model of disclinations in a patterned director field and propose a linear elasticity theory to connect the complex spatially varying molecular orientation to the displacements of the LCE. The thermo-responsive surface profiles predicted by the theory and by the finite element modeling are in good agreement with the experimental data; in particular, higher gradients of molecular orientation produce a stronger modulation of the coating profile. The elastic theory and the finite element simulations allow us to estimate the material parameter that characterizes the elastomer coating's response to the thermal activation. The disclination-containing LCEs show potential as soft dynamic coatings with a predesigned responsive surface profile
Controlled Placement of Microparticles at the Water–Liquid Crystal Elastomer Interface, American Chemical Society / Applied Materials & Interfaces, 26 March 2019 / 11, 16State Target Program

Controlled placement of microparticles is of prime importance in production of microscale superstructures. In this work we demonstrate the remote control of microparticle placement using a photo-activated surface profile of a liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) coating. We employ light-responsive LCEs with pre-imposed patterns of molecular orientation (director) in the plane of coating. Upon UV illumination, these in-plane director distortions translate into deterministic topographic change of the LCE coating. Microparticles placed at the interface between the LCE coating and water, guided by gravity, gather at the bottom of photoinduced troughs. The effect is reversible: when the substrates are irradiated with a visible light, the coatings become flat and the colloidal arrays disorganize again. The proposed non-contact manipulation of particles by a photo-activated LCEs may be useful in development of drug delivery or tissue engineering applications.
Liquid crystal Pancharatnam-Berry optical elements, Proc. SPIE / Liquid Crystals XXIII, 29 August 2019 / Vol. 11092, 0DState Target Program

In this paper, we aim to show that liquid crystal films (LCs) with well-defined molecular orientations are an exceptional platform for flat optical devices based on the Pancharatnam-Berry (PB) phase. Especially, the development of plasmonic photopatterning technique in recent years has made it easy to align liquid crystal molecules in to designer orientation patterns with both high spatial resolution and high throughput and thus enables large scale manufacturing liquid crystal optical devices with low costs. Here we present liquid crystal laser beam shapers and microlenses as two examples to illustrate the design principles and the fabrication processes for liquid crystal flat optical elements. In comparison with flat optical devices made of plasmonic or dielectric metasurfaces, liquid crystal flat optical elements are advantageous due to the high optical efficiencies and low fabrication costs.
Dynamic characteristics of photoanisotropic materials based on biogenic and synthetic polyelectrolytes, OSA Publishing / Frontiers in Optics+Laser Science, 15 september 2019 / JTu4A, 27State Target Program

The paper presents the results of a study comparing polarization-sensitive media based on polar hydrophilic polymers with oppositely charged and similarly charged macromolecules.
The role of conductivity and molecular mobility on the photoanisotropic response of a new azo-polymer containing sulfonic groups, Elsevier / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry / 15 February 2020 / Volume 389, 11226Grant Project

We report the preparation of a new light-responsive side-chain terpolymer containing azobenzenes, as chromophoric components, sulfonic groups, as polar components, and methacrylate groups, as film forming components, and we provide a detailed characterisation of its thermal parameters, photoanisotropic character, dielectric response and optoelectronic properties. The poly[(4-methoxyazobenzene -4′-oxy) methacrylate]-co-poly[2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid]-co-poly[methyl methacrylate], MeOAzB/AMPS/MMA, was prepared by radical copolymerisation, possesses high thermal stability and is amorphous. Its high glass transition (Tg = 151 °C) is explained by steric effects (induced by the bulky azobenzenes) and hydrogen bonding (promoted by the polar sulfonic groups) near the polymeric backbone, which may also reduce the photoanisotropic efficiency. The transition between the energy levels of the azobenzenes (MeOAzB) in the terpolymer is controlled by p-type conductivity, and can be associated to motions in the side-chains containing the sulfonic groups (AMPS), which are locally activated below the MeOAzB/AMPS/MMA glass transition.
Control of microswimmers by spiral nematic vortices: Transition from individual to collective motion and contraction, expansion, and stable circulation of bacterial swirls, American Physical Society / Physical Review Research, 13 July 2020 / Vol. 2Grant Project

Active systems composed of self-propelled units show fascinating transitions from Brownian-like dynamics to collective coherent motion. Swirling of swimming bacteria is a spectacular example. This study demonstrates that a nematic liquid crystal environment patterned as a spiral vortex controls individual-to-collective transition in bacterial swirls and defines whether they expand or shrink. In dilute dispersions, the bacteria swim along open spiral trajectories, following the preimposed molecular orientation. The trajectories are nonpolar. As their concentration exceeds some threshold, the bacteria condense into unipolar circular swirls resembling stable limit cycles. This collective circular motion is controlled by the spiral angle that defines the splay-to-bend ratio of the background director. Vortices with dominating splay shrink the swirls toward the center, while vortices with dominating bend expand them to the periphery. Spiraling vortices of 45∘ with splay-bend parity produce the most stable swirls. All the dynamic scenarios are explained by hydrodynamic interactions of bacteria mediated by the patterned passive nematic environment and by the coupling between the concentration and orientation. The acquired knowledge of how to control individual and collective motion of microswimmers by a nematic environment can help in the development of microscopic mechanical systems.
Light-controlled spectral selectivity in polarization-sensitive materials, Proc. SPIE / Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXIII, 5 March 2021 / Vol. 11683, 11Grant Project

The phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism was found earlier in some high-efficient polarization-sensitive materials depending on the radiant exposure of the inducing linearly polarized actinic light. This effect was observed at high radiant exposures. In this paper the vector polyphotochromic effect is considered when azimuthally dependent exposure is used. The principal difference in these two approaches is that, in exposure-dependent technique, the transmission spectrum of the material depends on the magnitude of the inducing light exposure and this dependence is non-linear. Therefore, certain tunable spectral profiles of the material are very difficult to be fixed, in particular, in the blue spectral region. In the use of the azimuthally dependent technique, the changes in the transmission spectrum are occurred depending on the polarization azimuth of the inducing light. It is shown that the advantage of this approach is the possibility of inducing this effect at much lower exposures of the exciting radiation and obtaining approximately linear dependence of the spectral characteristics of the material on illumination conditions. It should be noted the material used exhibits photochromic behavior of an unusual nature, which is based not on a slight change in the spectral characteristics of the pigment under the light action, but there are changes in the so-called interference color of the medium as a result of selective quenching the corresponding regions of the transmission spectrum of the given material. The polarizationsensitive materials based on biopolymer matrix and organic azo dyes have been used. The obtained results can be used for creating spectral-selective polarization element with high-speed.
Full Color Recording of Linearly Polarized Light, Optica Publishing Group / Frontiers in Optics+Laser Science, 7 November 2021 / JTh5A,133Grant Project

The paper outlines the capabilities of color recording of monochromatic polarized light using the phenomenon of vector polyphotochromism. This effect was revealed within the framework of research and development of organic polarization-sensitive media conducted by us.
Improving the photoresponse of organic polarization-sensitive media by dimerizing the chromophoric component, Proc. SPIE / Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXIV, 7 March 2022 / Vol. 11998, 0DGrant Project

Polarization-sensitive media based on polymers and functional chromophores have deservedly occupied their niche among photonic materials that are increasingly contributing to the possibilities of richer light sensing, in the field of optical communications, information transfer, its storage, display, etc. within a wide range of applications. The media considered here are represented by multiple highly polar compositions based on functional azo dyes doped in a compatible biopolymer as a matrix. This paper presents our specific studies on the influence of molecular-structural factors on the photoanisotropic properties of polarization-sensitive compositions. The illustrative examples show evidence of the finding of one of the factors that work out the light sensitivity of the materials for multiple times. This factor was the molecular aggregation of the chromophoric component. Quite accurate comparisons are shown of the improvement in photoresponsibility of various compositions with the mutual combination of their chromophoric molecules, in particular as a result of their component dimerization. In the overwhelming majority of azochromophoric dimers demonstrate greater sensitivity to actinic polarized light rather than their predecessor versions. The paper also demonstrates an example of going beyond the framework of dimerization towards the further development of the aggregation of molecules with the formation of azopolymers. The latter turned out to be promising in the case of the correct implementation of increasing integration of the components of the studied materials.

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus