Giorgi Natroshvili

Academic Doctor of Science

Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University

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Giorgi Natroshvili - Doctor of Agro-Engineering, Agro-Engineer. Senior Researcher Fields of study: Agrarian sciences, technology of extraction and processing of mineral and drinking water, production of ecologically clean agricultural crops using fertigation

ASSESSMENT OF CRITICAL CONDITION OF DAMS IN THE RIVER MTKVARI BASINI. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, G. Natroshvili, K. Iordanishvili, M. GlunchadzearticleMinistry of education and science of Georgia Ts. Mirtskhulava water management institute of Georgian Technical University. Collected papers #74, pp. 65-76, Tbilisi, 2017--- ISSN 1512-2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Theoretical research of vulnerable infrastructure security risk during formation of predictable disastersGivi Gavardashvili, Eduard Kukhalashvili, Tamriko Supatashvili, Inga Iremashvili, Konstantine Bziava, Giorgi Natroshvili, Irma Qufarashvilimonographუაკ 338.49+574.23- UDC 338.49+574.23 -Georgian/EnglishGrant Project
Economic efficiency of drip irrigationNatroshvili G., Natroshvili Sh.articleTo mark the 80th anniversary of the GAAS professor/academician Guram Tkemaladze International Scientific-practical Conference "The Innovative Research Aspects in Agricultural Science" Collection of Works- - -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Economic efficiency of drip irrigationG. Natroshvili, Sh. Natroshvili,conference proceedingsTbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University- - -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Determining the time of emptying and filling of reservoirsI. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, M. Mghebrishvili, I. Kuparashvili, G. Natroshvili, d. Potskhveria, N. Kandelaki, L .; Bilanishvili.conference proceedings10th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CONFERENCE “MODERN PROBLEMS OF WATER MANAGEMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION” , Tbilisi, 2021, pp. 72-78- ISSN 1512-2344 -GeorgianGrant Project
Impact of Natural Disasters on Water Resources in Georgia Caused by Global Warming”.Nodar Kandelaki, Irina Iordanishvili, Adam Ujma, Inga Iremashvili, Konstantin Iordanishvili, Shorena Kupreishvili, Vladimer Shurghaia, Giorgi NatroshviliarticleArchives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics. Vol. 66 (2019), No. 1-2, pp. 15-26. DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0002. ISSN 1231-3726. - ISSN 1231-3726. DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0002EnglishState Targeted Program
Methods for evaluating the economic efficiency of drip irrigationG. Natroshvili, M. Glunchadze, O. Kharaishviliconference proceedingsGeorgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, International Scientific Conference - - -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Engineering-reclamation assessment of the effectiveness of reclamation measures on heavy wetlandsL. Itriashvili, I. Iremashvili, E. Khosroshvili, G. Natroshvili, D. Potskhveria, L. Bilanishviliconference proceedings9 th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CONFERENCE “MODERN PROBLEMS OF WATER MANAGEMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION” Tbilisi, 2019, pp. 117-121- ISSN 2587-5345 -RussianState Targeted Program
Water quality analysis of the main reservoirs of Georgia.Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, L. Itriashvili, K. Iordanishvili, G. Natroshvili, E. Khosroshvili, D. Potskhveria, L. Bilanishvili. .conference proceedings9 th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CONFERENCE “MODERN PROBLEMS OF WATER MANAGEMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION” Tbilisi, 2019, pp. 95-107- ISSN 2587-5345 -RussianState Targeted Program
Part XVII. Istanbul.Turkey. 2019, pp. 1914-1918. Istanbul.TurkeyGivi Gavardashvili, Eduard Kukhalashvili, Giorgi Natroshvili, Irma Kuparashvili.conference proceedingsInternational Conference on Construction and Environmental Engineering, 2019;- - -EnglishState Targeted Program
Application of CAPRA methodology for critical condition and risks analysis of Dzinvali land damG. Gavardashvili, E. Kukhalashvili, T. Supatashvili, I. Iremashvili, I. Kuparashvili, K. Bziava, G. Natroshvili,conference proceedingsPart XVII. Istanbul.Turkey. 2019, pp. 1914-1918. Istanbul.Turkey1 - -EnglishGrant Project
The Research of Water Levels in the Zhinvali Water Reservoir and Results of Field Research on the Debris Flow Tributaries of the River Tetri Aragvi Flowing in It.Gavardashvili G., Kukhalashvili E., Supatashvili T., Iremashvili I., Quparashvili I., Bziava K., Natroshvili G. conference proceedingsRome,Italy. 2019, Part-V (1). pp. 702 – 705. 70129 h-index 96 i10-index 1842 ISNI:0000000091950263 -EnglishGrant Project
Evaluation of the influence of techno genesis on the geological environmentItriashvili L, Iremashvili I., Khosroshvili E., Natroshvili G.conference proceedingsVIII International scientific and technical conference “Modern problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”, collected papers, pp. 138-141, 1-5 November, Tbilisi- ISSN 1512-2344 -RussianState Targeted Program
New non-conventional waterproofing materialsI. Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili G. Natroshviliconference proceedingsVII International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”. Tbilisi, 2017. pp.69-70- ISSN 1512-2344 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Thermo-physical Features of Kaolinite and Bentonite ClaysItriashvili L, Iremashvili I., Khosroshvili E., Natroshvili G.articleMinistry of education and science of Georgia Ts. Mirtskhulava water management institute of Georgian Technical University. Collected papers #72, pp. 94-98, Tbilisi- - -RussianState Targeted Program
Physical-Chemical Aspects of Deformation Processes of Clay PrimesItriashvili L, Khosroshvili E., Natroshvili G., Nibladze N.articleMinistry of education and science of Georgia Ts. Mirtskhulava water management institute of Georgian Technical University. Collected papers #72, pp. 88-93, Tbilisi, 2017- ISSN 1512-2344 -RussianState Targeted Program
Production of ecologically pure agricultural crops using fertigationKruashvili I.,Inashvili I., Bziava K., Natroshvili G.conference proceedings28-30 September, International Scientific Conference, Modern technologies to produce ecologically pure products for sustainable development of agriculture- - --State Targeted Program
The typical annual graphic of the levels regime of the irrigation systems reservoirsKhosroshvili E., Natroshvili G.articleInstitute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University, Collected Papers #71, p. 151-153, Tbilisi- ISSN 1512-2344 -RussianState Targeted Program
The calculation methodic of the ground Dam upper side stability in the changeable pressure conditionItriashvili L, Khosroshvili E., Natroshvili G.articleInstitute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University, Collected Papers #71, p. 79-81, Tbilisi, 2016- ISSN 1512-2344 -RussianState Targeted Program
Soil Dam suffusion and filtration processes assessmentIordanishvili I., Iordanishvili K., Natroshvili G., Pockhveria D., Kandelaki N., Bilanishvili L.articleInstitute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University, Collected Papers #70, p. 72-76, Tbilisi, 2015- ISSN 1512-2344 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Regulation of soil moisture in irrigated agricultureKruashvili I., Davitashvili a., Iremashvili I, Natroshvili G.articleInstitute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University, Collected Papers #69, p. 282-284, Tbilisi, 2014- ISSN 1512-2344 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Determination of Water Movement Velocity in a SoilKlimiashvili L, Davitashvili a., Iremashvili I, Natroshvili G.articleInstitute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University, Collected Papers #69, p. 150-152, Tbilisi, 2014- ISSN – 1512 – 2344 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Study the problems connected with anomalies of water seepage in soilsKruashvili I., Kukhalashvili E., Inashvili I., Bziava K., Natroshvili G.articleInstitute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University, Collected Papers #67, p. 231-236, Tbilisi- ISSN 1512-2344 -GeorgianState Targeted Program
Features of soil seepageKruashvili I., Kukhalashvili E., Inashvili I., Bziava K., Natroshvili G.articleInstitute of Water Management of Georgian Technical University, Collected Papers #67, p. 226-230, Tbilisi, 2012- ISSN – 1512 – 2344 -GeorgianState Targeted Program

Web of Science: 0
Scopus: 0
Google Scholar: 3

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Environmental and Ecological Researches of Water Resources, Black Sea Aquariums and Agricultural Facilities and their reliability and assessment of their global climate change factorsGeorgian Technical Univesity 2015perfomer
Theoretical research of vulnerable infrastructure security risk during formation of predictable disastersShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 2018-2021The main performer
AR-18-1244 Flood regulating elastic barrierShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 2019-2022Support staff for the position of Hydraulic Engineer

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus