Levan Itriashvili

Academic Doctor of Science

Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University

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Georgian Technical University Ts. Chief Scientist of the Department of Seas and Reservoirs of the Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academic Doctor. Date of birth: 24.04.1940 E-mail: itriashvili @ mail.ru Marital status: Widowed Education: 1958-1964 Georgian Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Chemistry and Food Industry. Qualification of engineer-technologist. Scientific degree Since 1974 - Candidate of Technical Sciences. Scientific direction Dispersion materials management, physico-chemical mechanics, soil reclamation, soil science. work experience: From 2021, Georgian Technical University, Ts. Chief Scientist, Department of Seas and Reservoirs, Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management; 2005 - Academician of Georgian and International Engineering Academies; 2006 - 2021 Georgian Technical University Ts. Senior Research Fellow, Department of Seas and Reservoirs, Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management; 1982 - 2006 Georgian Scientific Research Institute of Hydrotechnics and Reclamation, Head of the Soil Technical Reclamation Laboratory; 1986 - 2005 Member of the Founding Board of the Scientific-Production Firm "Polimin", Technological Director, K. Gurjaani; 1975 - 1982 Georgian Scientific Research Institute of Hydrotechnics and Reclamation, Senior Research Fellow, Soil Technical Reclamation Laboratory; 1987 - 2004 Georgia - Member of the Board of Founders of the Greek Transport and Technology Firm, Director of the Tbilisi Branch, Thessaloniki; 1991 - 2010 Member of the Board of Founders of Avla Scientific-Industrial Ltd., Deputy Chairman, K. Tbilisi; 1966 - 1975 Georgian Scientific Research Institute of Hydrotechnics and Reclamation, Junior Researcher, Department of Soil Mechanics.

Accuracy coefficient in determining the water-physical properties of soils.L. Itriashvili E. Topuria E. Khosroshvili st. Dadianiarticle10th International S / T Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction". July 25-27, 2021.7 ISSN-2587- 5345 Russian State Targeted Program
Engineering-reclamation assessment of the effectiveness of reclamation measures on heavy wetlands.L. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili G. Natroshvili D. It is a lynxarticle9th International S / T Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction". July 25-27, 2019 117-121 p.7 ISSN-2587- 5345 Russian State Targeted Program
Peculiarities and Perspectives of Irrigation in Eastern Georgia (Mtkvari River Basin).L. Itriashvili M. GlunchadzearticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 74, 2019. 83-87 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Pressimetric method of controlling the body density of land dams.L. Itriashvili E. KhosroshviliarticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 74, 2019. 77-82 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Assessing the impact of technogenesis on the geological environment.L. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili G. Natroshviliarticle8th International S / T Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction". November 1-5, 2018.138-141 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Characterization and field of application of new multifunctional polymer mineral composite.L. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili A. Wima A. ShakhnazarovarticleTheoretical and technological foundations of biogeochemical flows of substances in agro-landscapes. International Scientific-Practical Conference Sh. Collection. ქ. Stavropol, 4-5 October 2018.7 - Russian State Targeted Program
New multifunctional polymer mineral composite and its areas of application.L. Itriashvili I., Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili A. უიმაarticleO Zoptymalizowanym potentiale energetycznym construction of optimized energy potential.7 -DOI:10.17512/bozpe.2018. 1.11 Russian State Targeted Program
Changes in the microstructure of montmorillonite clays due to the influence of temperature,L. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili G. NatroshviliarticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 73, 2018. 52-55 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Improved methodology for determining soil saturation.L. Itriashvili I., Iremashvili A. Wima e. Khosroshvili G. NatroshviliarticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 73, 2018. 49-51 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Thermophysical properties of bentonite and kaolinite clays,L. Itriashvili I., Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili G. NatroshviliarticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 72, 2017. 94-98 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Arrangement of green cover on roofs with low load.L. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili A. უიმაarticleBUDOWNICTWO O ZOPTY- MALIZOWANYM POTEN- CJALE ENERGETYCZNNYM. CONSTRUCTION OF OPTI – MIZED ENERGY POTENTIAL 2(20) 2017. POLITECHNIKA CZESTOCHOWSKA CZESTOCHOWA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY7 - DOI:10.17512/bozpe.2017. 2.16Russian State Targeted Program
Physico-chemical aspects of deformation processes in clay soils.L. Itriashvili E. Khosroshvili G., Natroshvili N. NibladzearticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 72, 2017. 88-93 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
New non-conventional waterproofing materials.l. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili G. NatroshviliarticleVII International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”. 25-27 აგვისტო, თბილისი, 2017წ. 69-70 pp.7 ISSN-1512-2344 EnglishState Targeted Program
Critical soil moisture and method of its determination.L. Itriashvili I., Iremashvili E. KhosroshviliarticleEcological condition of the environment and scientific-practical aspects of modern reclamation technologies. Three. Shr. Collection # 7, Ryazan, 2016.7 ISBN 978-5-902446-23-1 Russian State Targeted Program
Drainage trench as an effective method of agricultural utilization of heavy wetland soils.L. Itriashvili I., Iremashvili E. KhosroshviliarticleEcological condition of the environment and scientific-practical aspects of modern reclamation technologies. Three. Shr. Collection # 7, Ryazan, 2016.7 ISBN 978-5-902446-23-1 Russian State Targeted Program
Methodology for calculating the upper slope stability of land dams under variable pressure regime.L. Itriashvili E. Khosroshvili G. NatroshviliarticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 71, 2016.79-81 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Some aspects of moisture transfer in aeration zone soils.L. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili E. Khosroshvili G. Natroshviliarticle6th International S / T Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction. September 22-25, 2016 104-108 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Prospects for the use of polymineral composites for the conservation of toxic aqueous solutions.L. Itriashvili E. Khosroshvili N. NibladzearticleInstitute of Water Management. Collection of scientific works, №70, Tbilisi, 2015. 79-81 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
New anti-erosion bio-carpetL. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili E. KhosroshviliarticleInstitute of Water Management. Collection of scientific works, №70, Tbilisi, 2015. 77-78 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Maximum molecular capacity as an indicator of soil classificationL. Itriashvili E. Khosroshviliarticle5th International S / T Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction. July 16-19, 2015 115-118 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Peculiarities of migration of solution in soil.L. Itriashvili E. KhosroshviliarticleInstitute of Water Management. Collection of scientific works, №69, Tbilisi, 2014. 138-140 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
The role and importance of water-wetland landscapes.L. Itriashvili E. Khosroshvili N. NibladzearticleCollection of scientific works of the Institute of Water Management, №69, Tbilisi, 2014. 133-137 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Anthropogenic and geohemistry of biosphere.Anthropogenic and geohemistry of biosphere.article4th International S / T Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction. September 27-30, 2014.129-131 p.7 ISSN-1512-2344 EnglishState Targeted Program
Water cycle and extreme eventsL. Itriashvili st. Dadiani N. NibladzearticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 68, 2013. 119-121 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Maximum molecular water capacity as an important physical constant of soil soils.L. Itriashvili E. Khosroshvili M. Shavlakadze L. MaisaiaarticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 68, 2013. 114-118p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Agro-amelioration method for the cultivation of heavy soils in Kolkheti.L. Itriashvili I. Iremashvili T. Tevzadzearticle1 International Conference "Water Ecosystems of Kolkheti Plain - Protection and Rational Use. Tbilisi-Poti, July 22-24, 2013. 191-194 p.7 ISBN 978-9941-0-5792-2 Russian State Targeted Program
Management of soil properties using a polycomplex.L. Itriashvili Kh. Kiknadze E. Khosroshvili M. Shavlakadze st. DadianiarticleInstitute of Water Management. Collection of Scientific Papers # 67, 2012. 121-127 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Bentonite-modified multifunctional soil-improving composite technology.L. Itrishvili Kh. Kiknadzearticle7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Impact of urbanization on environmental hydrology.L. Itriashvili Kh. Kiknadze st. Dadiani L. Maisaia m. Khutsishviliarticle2nd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction" Kobuleti, 2012. 82-85 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Anti-erosion reinforcement of slopes using a new stabilizer,L. Itriashvili E. Khosroshvili N. NibladzearticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 66, 2011. 114-119 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Some theoretical approaches to calculating the reliability of a flexible protective coating.L. Itriashvili st. Dadiani Kh. KiknadzearticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 66, 2011. 110-113 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Impact of peat reclamation on oil biodegradation.L. Itriashvili M. Shavlakadze Kh. Kiknadze st. Dadiani T. SupatashviliarticleInternational Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Technologies and Applied Design. Kutaisi, 20117 777 Russian State Targeted Program
Improving the water-storage capacity of soils by using a new polymineral composite.L. Itriashvili E. KhosroshviliarticleZh. Herald of Agrarian Science Vol.9, # 3, 20117 ISSN-1512- 1887 Russian State Targeted Program
Physico-chemical foundations of soil properties management.L. Itriashvilimonograph7 777 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Moisture density and its energy equivalent.L. Itriashvili Kh. Kiknadze E. Khosroshviliarticle7 ISSN-1512- 1887 Russian State Targeted Program
Prospects for biotechnological rehabilitation of oil-contaminated soils using Georgian peat.L. Itriashvili M. Shavlakadze Kh. Kiknadze T. SupatashviliarticleProceedings of the Georgian Institute of Water Management, # 65, Tbilisi, 2010, 108-111 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Physico-chemical mechanism of formation and regulation of soil structuresL. Itriashvili E. Khosroshvili N. Nibladze M. Shavlakadze L. MaisaiaarticleProceedings of the Georgian Institute of Water Management, # 65, Tbilisi, 2010. 112-117 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Classification of soil properties management methods.L. Itriashvili Kh. Kiknadze L. Maisaiaarticle7 Index 79-218 Russian State Targeted Program
Improving the water-physical properties of soils by using a new water-accumulating composite.L. Itriashvili E. KhosroshviliarticleInternational Conference "Protection of Agrobiodiversity and Sustainable Development of Agriculture" Tbilisi, 2010.7 777 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Classification of soil properties management methods.L. Itriashvili N. NibladzearticleInstitute of Water Management Sh. Collection # 64, 2009. 146-149 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Technologies for the production and use of new, environmentally friendly non-traditional multifunctional materials.L. Itriashvili M. Shavlakadze st. Dadiani Kh. KiknadzearticleScientific-Practical Conference "Modern Advances in Applied Chemistry and Technology. Kutaisi, 2009. 37-42 p.7 777 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Phisical causes of catastrophic floods L. Itriashvili E. Khosroshvili I. Makharadze articleInternational symposium on FLOODS AND MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL MEASURES, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2009. 210-217 pp.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 EnglishState Targeted Program
Multi-purpose polymer mineral composite (technologies of making and using).L. Itriashvilimonograph7 777 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Technogenesis and tasks of soil science.L. Itriashvili article7 Index 79-218 Russian State Targeted Program
Artificial soils (generation and ecological assessment).L. Itriashvilimonograph7 777 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Energy, categories and classification of water content in soilsL. Itriashvili Kh. Kiknadze E. KhosroshviliarticleScientific Institute of Water Management. Shr. Collection # 63, Tbilisi, 2007. 127-134 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Targeted management of soil properties.L. Itriashvilimonograph7 777 GeorgianState Targeted Program
New multifunctional polymer mineral composite and direction of its use.L. Itriashvili N. NibladzearticleSachydroecology Sam. Collection of works. 2005 93-95 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Methods of engineering land reclamation assessmentL. Itriashvili N. NibladzearticleCollection of works of Sakhydroecology, 2005. 87-92 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
New non-traditional waterproofing materials based on local primers and inert dispersion fillers.L. Itriashviliarticle7 index 79-218 Russian State Targeted Program
New multifunctional composite Cavelast and its application technologies.L. Itriashviliarticle7 ISSN 0130 - 7061 GeorgianState Targeted Program
New ecologically clean soil improvement composite "Sakara"L. ItriashviliarticleCollection of works of Sakhydroecology, 2003. 66-69 p.7 ISSN-1512- 2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program

10th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction. 'Tbilisi202125-27 ივლისიGeorgian Technical UniversityAccuracy coefficient in determining the water-physical properties of soils.oral

The accuracy coefficient in determining the water-physical properties of soils is established.

9th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction. 'Tbilisi201925-27 ივლისიGeorgian Technical UniversityEngineering-reclamation assessment of the effectiveness of reclamation measures on heavy wetlands.oral

Reasons for low effectiveness of agro-reclamation measures on heavy wetlands of Kolkheti are discussed

8th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction.Tbilisi20181-5 ნოემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityAssessing the impact of technogenesis on the geological environmentoral

The impact of technogenesis on the geological environment is discussed

7th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction.Tbilisi201725-27 აგვისტოGeorgian Technical UniversityNew non-traditional waterproofing materialsoral

New non-traditional waterproofing materials are discussed

6th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and ConstructionTbilisi201622-25 სექტემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversitySome aspects of moisture transfer in aeration zone soilsoral

Water movement issues in unsaturated soils and the relationship of Tengadatan potential to moisture are discussed.

5th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction.Tbilisi201516-19 ივლისიGeorgian Technical UniversityMaximum molecular capacity as an indicator of soil classificationoral

Maximum molecular water capacity is considered as an indicator of soil classification

1st International Conference "Kolkheti Plain Water Ecosystems - Protection and Rational Use".Poti201322-24 ივლისიShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. Conference grantAgro-amelioration method for the cultivation of heavy soils in Kolkheti.oral

It is proposed to use drained ditches filled with local soils and impregnating mixtures.

2nd International Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction".Kobuleti201224-31 ივლისიGeorgian Technical UniversityImpact of urbanization on environmental hydrology.oral

The state of hydrology of cities under the influence of urbanization is discussed.

2nd International Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction".Kobuleti20115-7 ნოემბერიMinistry of Education of GeorgiaImpact of peat reclamation on oil biodegradation.oral

Recultivation of oil-contaminated areas using Georgian peat.

International Scientific-Practical Conference on Modern Technologies and Applied Design.Kutaisi20115-7 ნოემბერიMinistry of Education of GeorgiaImpact of peat reclamation on oil biodegradation.oral

Recultivation of oil-contaminated areas using Georgian peat.

International Conference on Agrobiodiversity Protection and Sustainable Development of Agriculture.Tbilisi201017-21 ოქტომბერიMinistry of Agriculture of Georgia.Improving the water-physical properties of soils by using a new water-repellent composite.oral

A new method of regulating the optimal water-air regime of arable soils.

Scientific-Practical Conference on Modern Advances in Applied Chemistry and Technology.Kutaisi200925-28 მაისისაქ. Ministry of EducationNew technologies for the production and use of environmentally friendly non-traditional multifunctional materials.oral

Technology of obtaining new multifunctional materials using local raw materials.

International symposium on FLOODS AND MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL MEASURES.Tbilisi, Georgia200923 - 28 septemberMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian water management InstitutePhisical causes of catastrophic floods oral

Phisical causes of catastrophic floods is discussed

Scientific-practical conference on dispersion mechanics and new materialsMoscow, Russia200318-20 სექტემბერიMoscow University Institute of MechanicsTechnology of making new polymineral composite from Georgian bentonite claysoral

New technology of bentonite modification has been developed, as a result of which a completely new multi-purpose product has been obtained. A new technology of bentonite modification has been developed, as a result of which a completely new multi-purpose product has been obtained.

Jubilee conference of the Georgian Academy of EngineeringTbilisi200225 ივნსიGeorgian Academy of EngineeringImproving the agro-amelioration properties of soils using Cavelast.oral

Ways to improve the water-storage capacity of soils have been identified.

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Development of methodology for managing the interaction of natural and man-made factors within the coastal region of Kolkheti "Georgian Technical University, Institute of Water Management; 2001 1.01 - 2005 31.12Head of Part 2
Assessment of reliability of main open irrigation systems";Georgian Technical University, Institute of Water Management; 01.01.2006-31.12.2008; Head of Part 2
Determining the main characteristics of Georgia's water supplyGeorgian Technical University, Institute of Water Management; 01.01.2007-31.12.2010; Head of Part 2
Geo-ecological studies of sensitive areas of the Black Sea coastlineGeorgian Technical University, Institute of Water Management; 01.01.2007-31.12.2011; Head of Part 2
Selection of measures to ensure technical-ecological sustainability of irrigation complexes in the arid zone of Georgia on the basis of economic justification # 6/5.Georgian Technical University 01.01.2011-1.12.2011; Leading performer
Vulnerability of mountain reservoirs, flood hydraulic structures and assessment of their reliable operation conditions.Georgian National Science Foundation 01.01.2010-1,.12.2012. Performer
Environmental reliability assessment of Georgian reservoir system elementsGeorgian Technical University 01.01.2011-31.12.2015; Head of Part 2
Black Sea Shelf Zone Critical Pollution StudiesGeorgian Technical University, Institute of Water Management; 01.01.2014-31.12.2016; Head of Part 2
Assess the functioning of Georgian reservoirs and dams and substantiate reliable conditions for their operation.Georgian Technical University, Institute of Water Management; 01.01.2012-31.12.2015; Head of Part 2
Investigation of façade massifs for abrasive areas of reservoirs. "Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 01.01.2012-31.12.2015; Head of Part 2
Engineering-ecological study of water resources, Black Sea water area and water bodies of Georgia and assessment of their reliability taking into account the factors of global climate change. 01.01.2015-31.12.2019; Head of Part 2
Assessment of the ecological condition of the Georgian Black Sea coast and mountain reservoir systems caused by climate change and anthropogenic impacts, development of innovative, waterproofing, anti-erosion technologiesGeorgian Technical University, Institute of Water Management; 01.01.2020-31.12.2025. Head of Part 2

Patent authorship

P 3662GE04.07. 2004
P 3661GE04.07. 2004

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus