Explanatory Dictionary of Hydroengineering Terminology | I. Iordanishvili, G. Gavardashvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili | monograph | "Universal" Tbilisi, 2022, 371 p. | 10 | ISBN 978-9941-33-234-0 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Determining the time of emptying and filling of reservoirs | I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, M. Mgebrishvili, I. Quparashvili, G. Natroshvili, D. Potskhveria, N. Kandelaki, L. Bilanishvili | article | X International Scientific and Technical conference | 10 | ISSN 2587-5345 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Climate impact on the water resources of the Mtkvari River basin | G.Gavardashvili, I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, I. Iremashvili | article | Brest Moambe, Brest Technical University, # 2, 2020, 10-14 | 10 | ISSN 2218-0281 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Prediction of accidents and catastrophes in the existing reservoirs of Georgia | M. Vartanov, I. Iordanishvili, E. Kechkhoshvili, N. Beraia, M. Shagiradze | article | Internet Scientific-Practical Conference | 10 | IDC 631-33/5 (479.22) +616-036.21 (479022)4.323 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Impact of natural disasters on water resources n Georgia caused by global warming. | N. Kandelaki, Sh. Kupreishvili, I. Iordanishvili, V. Shurgaya, A. Ujma, I. Iremashvili, G. Natroshvili | article | Archives of Hydro-Engineering and environmental mechanics Vol 66 (2019), №1-2. DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0002 ISSN 1231-3726, pp. 15-26. | 10 | ISBN 1231-3726 | Doi 101515 heom. | English | State Targeted Program |
Impact of natural disasters on water resources n Georgia caused by global warming. | N. Kandelaki, Sh. Kupreishvili, I. Iordanishvili, V. Shurgaya, A. Ujma, I. Iremashvili, G. Natroshvili | article | Archives of Hydro-Engineering and environmental mechanics Vol 66 (2019), №1-2. DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0002 ISSN 1231-3726, pp. 15-26. | 10 | ISBN 1231-3726 | Doi 101515 heom. | English | State Targeted Program |
Development of new constructions to protect the abrasive shores of reservoirs | N. Kandelaki, I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, Sh. Kupreishvili, K. Iordanishbili | article | International Scientific Conference | 10 | ISBN 978-9941-13-899-7 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Improving the efficiency of water resources management in the Baltic Sea basin | A. Uima, A. lis, I. Iremashvili, I. Iordanishvili | article | Monograph Series | 10 | ISBN 978-9941-28-485-4 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of critical condition of dams | I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, G. Natroshvili, M. Glunchadze | article | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute Georgian Technical University # 74, Tbilisi, | 10 | ISSN1512-2344 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Efficiency of use of energy resources of mountain reservoirs and their cascades | I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, G. Natroshvili, D. potskhveria, L. Bilanishvili | article | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute, Georgian Technical University # 74, Tbilisi, | 10 | ISSN1512-2344 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Dynamics of water quality in the main reservoirs of Georgia | I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, L. Itriashvili, K. Iordanishbili, G. Natroshvili, E. Khosroshvili, D. Potskhveria, L. Bilnishvili | article | IX International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”.Tbilisi, | 10 | ISSN2587-5345 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Quality of water resources in the Baltic and Black Sea basins under climate change | A. Uima, I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, M. Vartanov, N. Kandelaki, K. Iordanishbili | article | IX International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”, Tbilisi, | 10 | ISSN2587-5345 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Impact of natural dsasters on water resources n Georgia caused by global warming. | N.Kandelaki, Sh.Kupreishvili, I.Iordanishvili, V.Shurgaya, A.Ujma, I.Iremashvili, G.Natroshvili | article | Archives of Hydro-Engineering and environmental mechanics Vol 66 (2019), №1-2. DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0002 ISSN 1231-3726, pp. 15-26. | 10 | ISSN1231-3726 | Doi: 10.1515/hem 2019-0002 | English | State Targeted Program |
“Modeling procedure of coasting protection shaped blocks with high wave suppressing and interlocking capacity” | I.Iordanishvili, I.Iremashvili, A.Ujma, V.Shurgaya, N.Kandelaki, K.Iordanishvili | article | XXII International scientific conference on advances in civil engineering construction the formation of living environment, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, ЕЗS Web of conferences 9705050, 2019. | 10 | 10 | Doi https//dou org 10. 105//l3Sconst 20299705050 | English | State Targeted Program |
Analysis of operating measures on Georgian drying systems | M. Vartanov, V. Shurgaya, Iordanishvili | article | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute, Georgian Technical University # 73, Tbilisi, Universal, 2018, 35-43 | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Methodology for modeling the formation of coastal slopes of mountain reservoirs under the action of waves | I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishbili, D. Potskhveria, L. Bilanishvili | article | VIII International Scientific-Technical Conference | 10 | ISSN1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
A practical method for predicting abrasive processes on the banks of mountain reservoirs | I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishbili, N. Kandelaki | article | Water Problems: Science and Technology, Baku, 2018, №2 (12) p. 27-38 | 10 | ISSN2414-5742 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, G. Gavardashvili, I. Iremashvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishvili | monograph | "Universal", Tbilisi, 2018, 265 p. | 10 | ISBN 978-9941-26-255-5 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishbili, D. Potskhveria, N. Kandelaki, L. Bilanishvili | article | Universal, Tbilisi, Collection of Scientific Papers, # 72, 2017. p. 75-78 | 10 | ISSN1512-2344 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
I.Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, L. Bilanishvili, D. Potskhveria N. Kandelaki, N.Sukhishvili | I.Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, L. Bilanishvili, D. Potskhveria N. Kandelaki, N.Sukhishvili | article | VII International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”. Publishing House, "Universal", № VII, Tbilisi, 2017. გვ. 52-60 | 10 | ISSN1512-2344 | | English | State Targeted Program |
Rationale for improving the technical condition of the Tbilisi Reservoir for feeding the Zemo Samgori irrigation system | G. Gavardashvili, I. Iordanishvili, M.Vartanov | article | International Scientific-Practical Conference | 10 | ISSN-1978-9952-28-336-5 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Management of water resources of Georgia in the conditions of transboundary rivers | I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishbili, D. Potskhveria, L. Bilanishvil | article | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute, Georgian Technical University №71, Tbilisi, Universal, 2016, p. 62-78 | 10 | ISSN-1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili,I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, N. Kandelaki | article | VI International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction" Tbilisi, Telavi Universal 2016, p. 78-89 | 10 | ISSN-1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Modern problems of land reclamation on the transboundary river. When using Mtkvari water resources | G. Gavardashvili, I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, Z. Shuberi | article | J. Melioration, 2 (74), Moscow, 2015, 25-33 | 10 | ISSN-2070-4828 | | | State Targeted Program |
| G. Gavardashvili, I.Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, Z. Shuberi | article | International Academy of Scientific-Technical Conference "Land Reclamation - Current Situation and Prospects for Agricultural Development", Russian Academy, Tbilisi. Tver. 2015, 202-211 | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, G. Natroshvili, D. Fotskhveria, N. Kandelaki | article | Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute Water Management of Georgian Technical University# 70, Tbilisi, 2015. 72-76 | 10 | ISSN-1512-2344 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili | monograph | | 10 | ISBN 978-9941-22-694-6 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishbili, D. Potskhveria. | article | V International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Tbilisi, 2015, p. 102-114 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishvili | article | Bulletin of the Armenian State Engineering University, Hydrology and Hydrotechnics Series, №2, Yerevan, 2014, p. 9-17 | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, T. Tevzadze, K. Iordanishvili, M. Shavlakadze, L. Bilanishvili, N. Kandelaki | article | Water Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, # 69, Tbilisi, 2014, p. 123-126 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Modeling procedure of coastal protection shaped blocks with high wave suppresing and interlocking capacity. | I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishbili, I. Iremashvili, D. Potskhveria, E. Khosroshvili, N. Kandelaki | article | 4th International scientific and technical conference. "Modern problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction". Water management institute; ecocenter for environmental protection, Tbilisi, 2014, გვ.122-128 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | English | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Kandelaki | article | 2nd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Tbilisi, Kobuleti, 2012, pp. 70-75. | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Kandelaki | article | Water Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, № 67, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 100-107 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili. | article | Water Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, # 68, Tbilisi, 2013, p. 103-107 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili. | article | 3rd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Tbilisi, Borjomi, 2013, pp. 81-87 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili | monograph | Universal, Tbilisi, 2012, 185 p. | 10 | ISBN 978-9941-17-843-6 | | Russian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Kandelaki | article | Water Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, № 67, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 100-107 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| T. Tevzadze, I. Iordanishvili, D. Potskhveria | article | Water Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, №67, Tbilisi, 2012 p. 84-93 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Georgian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Kandelaki | article | 2nd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Tbilisi, Kobuleti, 2012, pp. 70-75. | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, E. Khosroshvili | article | Water Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, №66, Tbilisi, 2011 pp. 98-103 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, Z. Charbadze, L. Javakhishvili | article | Water Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, # 66, Tbilisi, 2011. 93-97 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Georgian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, L. Javakhishvili | article | Georgian Water Management Institute. Collection of scientific works, №65, Tbilisi, 2010 P. 88-94 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili | monograph | Universal, Tbilisi, 2010, 340 p. | 10 | ISBN 978-9941-17-186-4 | | Georgian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, A. Vartanov | article | Collection Works of Georgian Water Management Institute, # 65, Tbilisi, 2010, p. 83-87 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, E. Khosroshvili. | article | International Scientific-Technical Conference "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development", Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, 2010, pp. 277-280. | 10 | ISBN 978-9941-14-868-2 | | Russian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, E. Khosroshvili. | article | II International Scientific-Technical Conference "Architecture, Construction and Current Problems", Yerevan-Jermuk, 2010, p. 14-20. | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Xosroshvili, I. Makharadze | article | Georgian Water Management Institute. Collection of scientific works, # 64, Tbilisi, 2009.130-136 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Georgian | Contract |
| V. Tevzadze, I. Iordanishvili, Z. Charbadze, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Xosroshvili | article | Water Management Institute of Georgia. Collection of scientific works, # 64, 2009, Tbilisi. P. 104-113 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili | monograph | Universal, Tbilisi, 2009, 150 p. | 10 | 3308010020/M607(07) | | Georgian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili | article | Ecological Systems and Equipment, # 4, Moscow, 2009, pp. 60-65 | Ринц-0,36 | ინდექსი 79218 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
ASSESSMENT OF ECOLOGIACAL RELIABILITY OF MOUNTAIN RESERVOIRS GIVEN INCREASED FREQUENCY OF FLOODS (AS EXEMPLIFIED BY THE SIONI RESERVOIR). | I.Iordanishvili K. Iordanishvili I. Iremashvili | article | International symposium on FLOODS AND MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL MEASURES, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2009. pp. 202-209 | 10 | ISSN 1512-2344 | | English | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, I. Khubulava | article | "Ecological Systems and Equipment", # 5, Moscow, 2009, pp.55-57 | Ринц-0,36 | ინდექსი 79218 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili | monograph | Universal, Tbilisi, 2008, 196 p. | 10 | 3308010000/M 607 (06) | | Georgian | Grant Project |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, T. Akhvlediani, E. Khosroshvili, Kh. Kiknadze, I. Makharadze | article | "Ecological Systems and Equipment", # 5, Moscow, 2008, pp.56-60. | Ринц-0,36 | ინდექსი 79218 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili | article | Science and Technology, # 1-3, 2008, pp.70-75 | 10 | ISSN-0130-7061 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, T. Akhvlediani, M. VarTanovi, E. Khosroshvili, Kh. Kiknadze, I. Makharadze, V. Nadibaidze. | article | Georgian Water Management Institute, # 63, Tbilisi, 2007, p. 102-109. | 10 | ISSN1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, Kh. Kiknadze | article | Georgian Institute of Water Management, # 63, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 110-118. | 10 | ISSN1512-2344 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| K. Iordanishvili, M. VarTanovi, Z. Jugheli, I. Iordanishvili, L. Tsanava. | article | J. "Science and Technology", # 1-3, Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 134-140 | 10 | ISSN 0130-7061 Index 76127 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Systematic analysis of economic efficiency of lands irrigation in Georgia. | Z. Jugeli I.Iordanishvili M. Vartanov | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 173, N3, Tbilisi, 2006. pp.535-536 | 10 | ISSN 0132-1447 | | English | State Targeted Program |
Perfection of the Methods of Hydraulic Calculation of Soil Canals. | I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili | article | Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 174, N1, Tbilisi, 2006. pp.105-107 | 10 | ISSN 0132-1447 | | English | State Targeted Program |
| Z. Jugheli, I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov | article | "Science and Technology", # 4-6, Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 143-145. | 10 | ISSN 0130-7061 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili, M. VarTanovi, V. Nadibaidze, K. Iordanishvili, Z. Jugheli. | article | III International Conference "USE OF THE WATER RESOURCES AND ITS INTEGRETIONAL MANAGEMENT IN GLOBALIZATION PROCESSES", Baku, 2006, p. 201-202 | 10 | ISBN 5-8066-2017-1 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili | article | Collection of Scientific Papers of the Georgian Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology, Tbilisi, 2005, p. 69-78. | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| V. Tevzadze, I. Iordanishvili, Z. Charbadze, E. Xosroshvili | article | "Science and Technology", # 10-12, Tbilisi, 2005. P. 11-15. | 10 | ISSN 0130-7061 | | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili | textbook | Georgian Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology, Tbilisi, 2004, 22 p. | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili | conference proceedings | VI Conference "Thermology and Dynamics of Reservoirs, Coastal Zones and Rivers", Moscow, 2004, 2 p. | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Internal reservoir processes of Georgian mountain reservoirs | I. Iordanishvili | monograph | Tbilisi, 2004, 194 P. | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili | article | Georgian Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Peculiarities of submergence regime in the mountain reservoirs of Georgia | I. Iordanishvili | article | Georgian Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology | 10 | 10 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
| I. Iordanishvili | article | Russian Scientific Conference | 10 | ISBN 5-209-02232-3 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Revetments with improved wave-damping capacity for the protection of mountain water-reservoir shores | I. Iordanishvili | article | Russian Scientific Conference | 10 | ISSN 1512-0120 | | Russian | State Targeted Program |