Irina Iordanishvili

Doctor of Science

Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University

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Education: 1971-1976 - Construction Fluvial and hydro-electric power stations building faculty of Georgian Technical University; Scientific degree and Rank: 1983 – Scientific degree of Technical Scientific candidate (Georgian Technical University); 2002 - Scientific degree of technical scientific Doctor (Georgian Technical University); Work Experience: Since 2006 – Head of Seas and basins Department of Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University; 2003-2006 - Scientific research Institute of Hydrotechnical and Reclamation of Georgia, Host Collaborator; Since 2006 –Member of Scientific soviet of Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University; 1983-2003 - Scientific research Institute of Hydrotechnical and Reclamation of Georgia, Senior scientific worker; Since 2001 – Member of additional colleague of scientific of Ts. Mirtskhoulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University of Collected Papers and international scientific-technical Conferences “Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Environment, Architecture and Construction”. 1975-1983 - Scientific research Institute of Hydrotechnical and Reclamation of Georgia, Senior scientific worker; 1972-1975 - Scientific research Institute of Hydrotechnical and Reclamation of Georgia, Post-graduated; Professional activities: 1976 – Professional experience includes – participate in scientific project; Since 2005 – Leadership of scientific project.

Explanatory Dictionary of Hydroengineering TerminologyI. Iordanishvili, G. Gavardashvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili monograph"Universal" Tbilisi, 2022, 371 p.10 ISBN 978-9941-33-234-0 Georgian State Targeted Program
Determining the time of emptying and filling of reservoirsI. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, M. Mgebrishvili, I. Quparashvili, G. Natroshvili, D. Potskhveria, N. Kandelaki, L. BilanishviliarticleX International Scientific and Technical conference 10 ISSN 2587-5345 Georgian State Targeted Program
Climate impact on the water resources of the Mtkvari River basinG.Gavardashvili, I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, I. IremashviliarticleBrest Moambe, Brest Technical University, # 2, 2020, 10-1410 ISSN 2218-0281 Russian State Targeted Program
Prediction of accidents and catastrophes in the existing reservoirs of GeorgiaM. Vartanov, I. Iordanishvili, E. Kechkhoshvili, N. Beraia, M. Shagiradze article Internet Scientific-Practical Conference 10 IDC 631-33/5 (479.22) +616-036.21 (479022)4.323 Russian State Targeted Program
Impact of natural disasters on water resources n Georgia caused by global warming.N. Kandelaki, Sh. Kupreishvili, I. Iordanishvili, V. Shurgaya, A. Ujma, I. Iremashvili, G. Natroshvili articleArchives of Hydro-Engineering and environmental mechanics Vol 66 (2019), №1-2. DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0002 ISSN 1231-3726, pp. 15-26.10 ISBN 1231-3726 Doi 101515 heom.EnglishState Targeted Program
Impact of natural disasters on water resources n Georgia caused by global warming.N. Kandelaki, Sh. Kupreishvili, I. Iordanishvili, V. Shurgaya, A. Ujma, I. Iremashvili, G. Natroshvili articleArchives of Hydro-Engineering and environmental mechanics Vol 66 (2019), №1-2. DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0002 ISSN 1231-3726, pp. 15-26.10 ISBN 1231-3726 Doi 101515 heom.EnglishState Targeted Program
Development of new constructions to protect the abrasive shores of reservoirsN. Kandelaki, I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, Sh. Kupreishvili, K. IordanishbiliarticleInternational Scientific Conference 10 ISBN 978-9941-13-899-7 Georgian State Targeted Program
Improving the efficiency of water resources management in the Baltic Sea basinA. Uima, A. lis, I. Iremashvili, I. IordanishviliarticleMonograph Series 10 ISBN 978-9941-28-485-4 Russian State Targeted Program
Assessment of critical condition of damsI. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, G. Natroshvili, M. GlunchadzearticleTs. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute Georgian Technical University # 74, Tbilisi, 10 ISSN1512-2344 Georgian State Targeted Program
Efficiency of use of energy resources of mountain reservoirs and their cascadesI. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, G. Natroshvili, D. potskhveria, L. BilanishviliarticleTs. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute, Georgian Technical University # 74, Tbilisi, 10 ISSN1512-2344 Georgian State Targeted Program
Dynamics of water quality in the main reservoirs of GeorgiaI. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, L. Itriashvili, K. Iordanishbili, G. Natroshvili, E. Khosroshvili, D. Potskhveria, L. BilnishviliarticleIX International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”.Tbilisi, 10 ISSN2587-5345 Russian State Targeted Program
Quality of water resources in the Baltic and Black Sea basins under climate changeA. Uima, I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, M. Vartanov, N. Kandelaki, K. IordanishbiliarticleIX International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”, Tbilisi, 10 ISSN2587-5345 Russian State Targeted Program
Impact of natural dsasters on water resources n Georgia caused by global warming.N.Kandelaki, Sh.Kupreishvili, I.Iordanishvili, V.Shurgaya, A.Ujma, I.Iremashvili, G.NatroshviliarticleArchives of Hydro-Engineering and environmental mechanics Vol 66 (2019), №1-2. DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0002 ISSN 1231-3726, pp. 15-26.10 ISSN1231-3726 Doi: 10.1515/hem 2019-0002EnglishState Targeted Program
“Modeling procedure of coasting protection shaped blocks with high wave suppressing and interlocking capacity”I.Iordanishvili, I.Iremashvili, A.Ujma, V.Shurgaya, N.Kandelaki, K.IordanishviliarticleXXII International scientific conference on advances in civil engineering construction the formation of living environment, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, ЕЗS Web of conferences 9705050, 2019.10 10 Doi https//dou org 10. 105//l3Sconst 20299705050EnglishState Targeted Program
Analysis of operating measures on Georgian drying systemsM. Vartanov, V. Shurgaya, Iordanishvili articleTs. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute, Georgian Technical University # 73, Tbilisi, Universal, 2018, 35-4310 10 Russian State Targeted Program
Methodology for modeling the formation of coastal slopes of mountain reservoirs under the action of wavesI. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishbili, D. Potskhveria, L. BilanishviliarticleVIII International Scientific-Technical Conference 10 ISSN1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
A practical method for predicting abrasive processes on the banks of mountain reservoirsI. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishbili, N. KandelakiarticleWater Problems: Science and Technology, Baku, 2018, №2 (12) p. 27-3810 ISSN2414-5742 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, G. Gavardashvili, I. Iremashvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishvilimonograph"Universal", Tbilisi, 2018, 265 p.10 ISBN 978-9941-26-255-5 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishbili, D. Potskhveria, N. Kandelaki, L. BilanishviliarticleUniversal, Tbilisi, Collection of Scientific Papers, # 72, 2017. p. 75-7810 ISSN1512-2344 Georgian State Targeted Program
I.Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, L. Bilanishvili, D. Potskhveria N. Kandelaki, N.SukhishviliI.Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, L. Bilanishvili, D. Potskhveria N. Kandelaki, N.SukhishviliarticleVII International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”. Publishing House, "Universal", № VII, Tbilisi, 2017. გვ. 52-6010 ISSN1512-2344 EnglishState Targeted Program
Rationale for improving the technical condition of the Tbilisi Reservoir for feeding the Zemo Samgori irrigation systemG. Gavardashvili, I. Iordanishvili, M.VartanovarticleInternational Scientific-Practical Conference 10 ISSN-1978-9952-28-336-5 Russian State Targeted Program
Management of water resources of Georgia in the conditions of transboundary riversI. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishbili, D. Potskhveria, L. BilanishvilarticleTs. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute, Georgian Technical University №71, Tbilisi, Universal, 2016, p. 62-7810 ISSN-1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili,I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, N. KandelakiarticleVI International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction" Tbilisi, Telavi Universal 2016, p. 78-8910 ISSN-1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
Modern problems of land reclamation on the transboundary river. When using Mtkvari water resourcesG. Gavardashvili, I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, Z. ShuberiarticleJ. Melioration, 2 (74), Moscow, 2015, 25-3310 ISSN-2070-4828 State Targeted Program
G. Gavardashvili, I.Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, Z. ShuberiarticleInternational Academy of Scientific-Technical Conference "Land Reclamation - Current Situation and Prospects for Agricultural Development", Russian Academy, Tbilisi. Tver. 2015, 202-21110 10 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, G. Natroshvili, D. Fotskhveria, N. KandelakiarticleTs. Mirtskhulava Institute Water Management of Georgian Technical University# 70, Tbilisi, 2015. 72-7610 ISSN-1512-2344 Georgian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvilimonograph10 ISBN 978-9941-22-694-6 Georgian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishbili, D. Potskhveria.articleV International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Tbilisi, 2015, p. 102-11410 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, K. IordanishviliarticleBulletin of the Armenian State Engineering University, Hydrology and Hydrotechnics Series, №2, Yerevan, 2014, p. 9-1710 10 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, T. Tevzadze, K. Iordanishvili, M. Shavlakadze, L. Bilanishvili, N. KandelakiarticleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, # 69, Tbilisi, 2014, p. 123-12610 ISSN 1512-2344 Georgian State Targeted Program
Modeling procedure of coastal protection shaped blocks with high wave suppresing and interlocking capacity.I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishbili, I. Iremashvili, D. Potskhveria, E. Khosroshvili, N. Kandelakiarticle4th International scientific and technical conference. "Modern problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction". Water management institute; ecocenter for environmental protection, Tbilisi, 2014, გვ.122-12810 ISSN 1512-2344 EnglishState Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Kandelakiarticle2nd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Tbilisi, Kobuleti, 2012, pp. 70-75.10 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. KandelakiarticleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, № 67, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 100-10710 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili.articleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, # 68, Tbilisi, 2013, p. 103-10710 ISSN 1512-2344 Georgian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili.article3rd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Tbilisi, Borjomi, 2013, pp. 81-8710 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. IordanishvilimonographUniversal, Tbilisi, 2012, 185 p.10 ISBN 978-9941-17-843-6 Russian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. KandelakiarticleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, № 67, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 100-10710 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
T. Tevzadze, I. Iordanishvili, D. PotskhveriaarticleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, №67, Tbilisi, 2012 p. 84-9310 ISSN 1512-2344 Georgian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Kandelakiarticle2nd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Tbilisi, Kobuleti, 2012, pp. 70-75.10 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, K. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, E. KhosroshviliarticleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, №66, Tbilisi, 2011 pp. 98-10310 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, Z. Charbadze, L. JavakhishviliarticleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University, # 66, Tbilisi, 2011. 93-9710 ISSN 1512-2344 Georgian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, L. JavakhishviliarticleGeorgian Water Management Institute. Collection of scientific works, №65, Tbilisi, 2010 P. 88-9410 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. IordanishvilimonographUniversal, Tbilisi, 2010, 340 p.10 ISBN 978-9941-17-186-4 Georgian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanov, A. VartanovarticleCollection Works of Georgian Water Management Institute, # 65, Tbilisi, 2010, p. 83-8710 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, E. Khosroshvili.articleInternational Scientific-Technical Conference "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development", Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, 2010, pp. 277-280.10 ISBN 978-9941-14-868-2 Russian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, I. Iremashvili, E. Khosroshvili.articleII International Scientific-Technical Conference "Architecture, Construction and Current Problems", Yerevan-Jermuk, 2010, p. 14-20.10 ISSN 1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Xosroshvili, I. MakharadzearticleGeorgian Water Management Institute. Collection of scientific works, # 64, Tbilisi, 2009.130-13610 ISSN 1512-2344 Georgian Contract
V. Tevzadze, I. Iordanishvili, Z. Charbadze, I. Iremashvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. XosroshviliarticleWater Management Institute of Georgia. Collection of scientific works, # 64, 2009, Tbilisi. P. 104-11310 ISSN 1512-2344 Georgian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. IordanishvilimonographUniversal, Tbilisi, 2009, 150 p.10 3308010020/M607(07) Georgian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. IordanishviliarticleEcological Systems and Equipment, # 4, Moscow, 2009, pp. 60-65Ринц-0,36 ინდექსი 79218 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, I. Khubulavaarticle"Ecological Systems and Equipment", # 5, Moscow, 2009, pp.55-57Ринц-0,36 ინდექსი 79218 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. IordanishvilimonographUniversal, Tbilisi, 2008, 196 p.10 3308010000/M 607 (06) Georgian Grant Project
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, T. Akhvlediani, E. Khosroshvili, Kh. Kiknadze, I. Makharadzearticle"Ecological Systems and Equipment", # 5, Moscow, 2008, pp.56-60.Ринц-0,36 ინდექსი 79218 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, E. KhosroshviliarticleScience and Technology, # 1-3, 2008, pp.70-7510 ISSN-0130-7061 Georgian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, T. Akhvlediani, M. VarTanovi, E. Khosroshvili, Kh. Kiknadze, I. Makharadze, V. Nadibaidze.articleGeorgian Water Management Institute, # 63, Tbilisi, 2007, p. 102-109.10 ISSN1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, E. Khosroshvili, Kh. KiknadzearticleGeorgian Institute of Water Management, # 63, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 110-118.10 ISSN1512-2344 Russian State Targeted Program
K. Iordanishvili, M. VarTanovi, Z. Jugheli, I. Iordanishvili, L. Tsanava.articleJ. "Science and Technology", # 1-3, Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 134-14010 ISSN 0130-7061 Index 76127 Georgian State Targeted Program
Systematic analysis of economic efficiency of lands irrigation in Georgia.Z. Jugeli I.Iordanishvili M. Vartanov articleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 173, N3, Tbilisi, 2006. pp.535-536 10 ISSN 0132-1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Perfection of the Methods of Hydraulic Calculation of Soil Canals.I. Iordanishvili, K. IordanishviliarticleBulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 174, N1, Tbilisi, 2006. pp.105-107 10 ISSN 0132-1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Z. Jugheli, I. Iordanishvili, K. Iordanishvili, M. Vartanovarticle "Science and Technology", # 4-6, Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 143-145.10 ISSN 0130-7061 Georgian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishvili, M. VarTanovi, V. Nadibaidze, K. Iordanishvili, Z. Jugheli. articleIII International Conference "USE OF THE WATER RESOURCES AND ITS INTEGRETIONAL MANAGEMENT IN GLOBALIZATION PROCESSES", Baku, 2006, p. 201-20210 ISBN 5-8066-2017-1 Russian State Targeted Program
I. IordanishviliarticleCollection of Scientific Papers of the Georgian Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology, Tbilisi, 2005, p. 69-78.10 10 Russian State Targeted Program
V. Tevzadze, I. Iordanishvili, Z. Charbadze, E. Xosroshviliarticle"Science and Technology", # 10-12, Tbilisi, 2005. P. 11-15.10 ISSN 0130-7061 Georgian State Targeted Program
I. IordanishvilitextbookGeorgian Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology, Tbilisi, 2004, 22 p.10 10 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishviliconference proceedingsVI Conference "Thermology and Dynamics of Reservoirs, Coastal Zones and Rivers", Moscow, 2004, 2 p.10 10 Russian State Targeted Program
Internal reservoir processes of Georgian mountain reservoirsI. IordanishvilimonographTbilisi, 2004, 194 P.10 10 Russian State Targeted Program
I. IordanishviliarticleGeorgian Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology 10 10 Russian State Targeted Program
Peculiarities of submergence regime in the mountain reservoirs of GeorgiaI. Iordanishviliarticle Georgian Institute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology 10 10 Russian State Targeted Program
I. Iordanishviliarticle Russian Scientific Conference 10 ISBN 5-209-02232-3 Russian State Targeted Program
Revetments with improved wave-damping capacity for the protection of mountain water-reservoir shoresI. IordanishviliarticleRussian Scientific Conference 10 ISSN 1512-0120 Russian State Targeted Program

Internet Scientific-Practical Conference Georgia, Tbilisi2020 17-18.09 Georgian Academy of Agricultural SciencesPrediction of accidents and catastrophes in the existing reservoirs of Georgiaposter

Accident and disaster risk forecasting issues in Georgia's existing reservoirs are discussed

International Scientific-Practical Conference "Water Resources, Hydraulic Structures and Environment"Azerbaijan, Baku201715-16.03Open joint stock organizationRationale for improving the technical condition of the Tbilisi Reservoir for feeding the Zemo Samgori irrigation systemposter

Schemes for improving the technical condition of the Tbilisi Reservoir for feeding the Zemo Samgori irrigation system are discussed

International Scientific-Technical Conference "Land Reclamation - Current Situation and Prospects for Agricultural Development"Russia, Tver201527-28.08Sciences Academy of Russia Modern problems of land reclamation when using the water resources of the transboundary Mtkvari Riverposter

Modern land reclamation problems in the use of transboundary river Mtkvari water resources are discussed

X International Scientific and Technical conference Georgia, Tbilisi202125.07-27.07Georgian Technical UniversityDetermining the time of emptying and filling of reservoirsoral

The time of emptying and filling the reservoirs is determined

International Scientific Conference "Natural Disasters in Georgia: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation"Georgia, Tbilisi2019 12.12-14.12Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgian Technical UniversityDevelopment of new constructions to protect the abrasive shores of reservoirsoral

New constructions protecting the abrasive shores of treated reservoirs

IX International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”Georgia, Tbilisi201922.07-27.07 Georgian Technical UniversityDynamics of water quality in the main reservoirs of Georgiaoral

The results of the water quality analysis of the main reservoirs of Georgia are given

IX International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction” Georgia, Tbilisi201922.07-27.07 Georgian Technical UniversityQuality of water resources in the Baltic and Black Sea basins under climate changeoral

The quality of water resources in the Baltic and Black Sea basins under climate change has been studied

XXII International scientific conference on advances in civil engineering construction the formation of living environmentTashkent, Uzbekistan 201918.04-21.04 Tashkent Technical University “Modeling procedure of coasting protection shaped blocks with high wave suppressing and interlocking capacity”poster

A procedure for modeling of coast guard shaped blocks with high wave suppression and blocking capacity has been developed

VIII International Scientific-Technical Conference Georgia, Tbilisi2018 01.11-05.11 Georgian Technical UniversityMethodology for modeling the formation of coastal slopes of mountain reservoirs under the action of wavesoral

Methods for modeling the formation of coastal slopes of mountain reservoirs during waves are developed

VII International Scientific and Technical conference “Modern Problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction”Georgia, Tbilisi201725.08-27.08 Georgian Technical UniversityGraphoanalytical method of forecasting the transformation of abrasion banks of highland water reservoirs. poster

The graphoanalytic method for predicting the transformation of abrasive shores of highland water reservoirs is calculated

VI International Scientific-Technical Conference Georgia, Tbilisi-Telavi2016 22.09-25.09 Georgian Technical UniversityDynamics of the formation of the Georgian reservoiroral

Dynamics of tuff formation in Georgian reservoirs is analyzed

V International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction"Georgia, Tbilisi201516.07-19.07Georgian Technical UniversityGlobal warming and the Black Sea level regimeoral

Global warming and the Black Sea level regime are analyzed

4th International scientific and technical conference. Georgia, Tbilisi201427.09-30.09Georgian Technical UniversityModeling procedure of coastal protection shaped blocks with high wave suppresing and interlocking capacity.oral

 Modeling issues of reinforcement with coastal slope facade blocks have been carried out

3rd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction"Georgia, Tbilisi-Borjomi2013 29.07-04.08 Georgian Technical UniversityAnalysis of accidents and catastrophes in the worldoral

Accidents and disasters in the world are analyzed

2nd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction"Georgia, Tbilisi-Qobuleti101224.07.-31.07 Georgian Technical UniversityAssessment of mountain reservoirs in Georgiaoral

Evaluation of mountain reservoirs in Georgia is estimated

International Scientific-Technical Conference Georgia, Tbilisi201030.07-03.08Georgian Technical UniversityEcological safety for the duration of operation of Georgian reservoirsposter

The environmental safety report of the Georgian reservoirs is given

II International Scientific-Technical Conference Jermuk, Yerevan2010 30.09-03.10 Yerevan State University of Architecture and ConstructionCalculation of mounting structures on the shores of mountain reservoirs for their smooth operationposter

The calculation of the supporting structures along the mountain reservoirs for their flawless operation is given.


The ecological reliability of the mountain reservoir has been assessed taking into account the increased frequency of floods (on the example of Zion Reservoir).

III International Conference “USE OF THE WATER RESOURCES AND ITS INTEGRETIONAL MANAGEMENT IN GLOBALIZATION PROCESSES”Azerbaijan, Baku200601.07-06.07Architecture and Construction of Azerbaijan UniversityAnalysis of economic efficiency of irrigated lands in Georgiaposter

The economic efficiency of irrigated lands in Georgia is analyzed

VI Conference "Thermology and Dynamics of Reservoirs, Coastal Zones and Rivers"Russia, Moscow2004 22.11-24.11Sciences Academy of Russia Implementation of a numerical method for predicting the wave regime in the Kolkheti zone of the Black Sea.oral

A numerical method for predicting the wave regime in the Kolkheti zone of the Black Sea has been developed.

Russian Scientific Conference Russia, Moscow2003 26.03-28.03 Sciences Academy of Russia Peculiarities of calculation of shore protection structures of mountain reservoirsposter

Peculiarities of calculation of shore protection facilities of mountain reservoirs are established


Evaluation of abrasive and sedimentation processes on the banks of Georgian reservoirs, as well as water quality dynamics according to the seasonality and level regime of the yearReservoirs of Tbilisi, Sioni, Zhinvali, Khrami, Lajanuri, Shaori and Tkibuliწლის 4 სეზონის მიხედვით: გაზაფხული, ზაფხული, შემოდგომა, ზამთარი Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and state targeted program

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings


Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

"Development of methodology for managing the interaction of natural and man-made factors within the coastal region of Kolkheti"Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 2001. 01.01-2005.31.12 general executer
"Assessing the reliability of main open irrigation systems"Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 01.01.2006-31.12.2008 general executer
"Determining the main characteristics of Georgia's water supply"Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 01.01.2007-31.12.2010Head
"Geo-ecological surveys of sensitive areas of the Black Sea coast" 01.01.2007-31.12.2011
"Assessment of Ecological Reliability of Georgian Reservoir System Elements" 01.01.2011-31.12.2015
Black Sea Shelf Zone Critical Pollution StudiesTs. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 01.01.2014-31.12.2016Head
"Assess the functioning of Georgian reservoirs and dams and substantiate reliable conditions for their operation."Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 01.01.2012-31.12.2015Head
"Investigation of facade arrays for abrasive areas of reservoirs."Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 01.01.2012-31.12.2015Head
"Engineering-ecological study of water resources, Black Sea water area and water bodies of Georgia and assessment of their reliability taking into account the factors of global climate change."Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 01.01.2015-31.12.2019Head
"Assessment of the ecological condition of the Georgian Black Sea coast and mountain reservoir systems caused by climate change and anthropogenic impacts, development of innovative, waterproofing, anti-erosion shoreline technologies"Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University 01.01.2020-31.12.2025. Head
"Selection of measures to ensure technical-ecological sustainability of irrigation complexes in the arid zone of Georgia on the basis of economic justification." №6 / 5Georgian Technical University 01.01.2011-31.12.2011Head
Environmental reliability assessment of Georgian reclamation systemsGeorgian National Science Foundation 01.01.2008-31.12.2010Head
"Vulnerability of mountain reservoirs, flood hydraulic structures and assessment of their reliable operation conditions." №GNSF / ST09.62_27-105Georgian National Science Foundation 01.01.2010-31.12.2012 general executer
"Systematic analysis of engineering-ecological features of mountain reservoirs". №FR-21-2942.SHOTA RUSTAVELI NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF GEORGIA 01.01.2022-31.12.2023general executer

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

საპატიო სიგელი საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა ეროვნული აკადემიის და იუნესკოს მიერ დაწესებულ მეცნიერების მსოფლიო დღესთან დაკავშირებით ჰიდროტექნიკის დარგში სამეცნიერო მიღწევებისთვის. 20/07/2014
საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო-ტექნიკური კონფერენციების "წყალთა მეურნეობის, გარემოს დაცვის, არქიტექტურისა და მშენებლობის თანამედროვე პრობლემების" სერთიფიკატები22/06/2015

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus