Nino Nibladze
Academic Doctor of Science
Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University
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Report of the forecast values of the maximum and flood costs of water mg. on Telavishkev | Diakonidze R., Fanchulidze J., Tsulukidze L., Butulashvili T., Dadiani K., Nibladze N. Glunchidze M., Diakonidze B. | article | Technical University of Georgia Mirtskhulava house Collection of scientific works of the Institute of Water Management #.75 2022 p. 78-81. | - | - | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Study of Morphometric Characteristics of the Debris Flow River-Bed | Kiknadze Kh., Dadiani K., Kekelishvili L., Nibladze N. | conference proceedings | IX international scientific and technical conference „modern problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction“ collected papers p.p.136-140 | --- | ISSN 2587-5345 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Changes of solid alluvium of river in current climate variability conditions | J. Panchulidze, R. Diakonidze, G. Charbadze, M. Shavlakadze, N. Nibladze, F. Lortkifanidze, B. Diakonidze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University #74, 2019, pp. 119-121. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Environmental protection measures of Poti and adjacent territories | R. Diakonidze, J. Panchulidze, T. Butulashvili, M. Shavlakadze, Z. Charbadze, K. Dadiani, N. Nibladze, B. Diakonidze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University #74, 2019 წ. pp. 38-44. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Waterways of torrential character and their main parameters | Z. Charbadze, K. Dadiani, N. Nibladze, B. Diakonidze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University #73, 2018, pp. 103-111. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
The determination methodic for maximal inssurance discharge of water | J. Panchulidze, R. Diakonidze, Z. Charbadze, M. Shavlakadze, K. Dadiani, N. Nibladze, B. Diakonidze, O. Kharaishvili | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University #73, 2018, pp. 90-94. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Deformation processed in clay soils | L. Itriashvili, E. Khosroshvili, G. Natroshvili N. Nibladze | article | Collected papers of Georgian Ts. Mirtskhulava water management institute of Georgian technical university# 72, 2017 p. 88-93. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Method of runoff coefficient of accounting based on soilmorphological factors of catchment waters | J. Panchulidze, R. Diakonidze, Z. Charbadze, M. Shavlakadze, N. Nibladze, Z. Charbadze, K. Dadiani, B. Diakonidze | article | Collected papers of Georgian Ts. Mirtskhulava water management institute of Georgian technical university# 72, 2017 P. 159-161. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Individual landscape features of the catchment area and the ability to use regional meteorological information to calculate maximum water costs. | J. Panchulidze, R. Diakonidze, M. Shavlakadze, N. Nibladze, Z. Charbadze, K. Dadiani, B. Diakonidze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University #71, 2016, pp. 123-125. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Perspective of using polymineral composites for the conservation of toxic water solutions | L. Itriashvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University #70, 2015, 79-80 p. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
The role and significance of water-swampy landscapes | L. Itriashvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 69, 2014. 133-137 p. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Development of criteria for sensitivity and risk assessment of potential environmental problems caused by disasters, their use for the prevention of these problems | R. Diakonidze O. Kharaishvili Z. Charbadze K. Dadiani N. Nibladze N. Sukhishvili F. Lortkipanidze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 69, 2014. 78-83p. | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Numerical calculation of uneven traffic flow of hyper-concentrated sediment loaded mudflow with variable expenditures along its traffic | O. Natishvili, Z. Charbadze, N. Nibladze, K. Dadiani | conference proceedings | 4 International Scientific And Technical Conference Th `Modern Problems Of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture And Construction ~ September 27 - 30, 2014 Dedicated To The Anniversary Of The Water Management Institute | --- | ISSN 1512-2344 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Sediment loaded mudflow uneven traffic flow with variable numerical of the flow | O. Natishvili, V. Tevzadze, Z. Charbadze, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 68, 2013. 153-156 p. | --- | ISSN 1512 – 2344 | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Water cycles and their extreme events | L. Itriashvili, K. Dadiani, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 68, 2013. 119-121 p. | --- | ISSN 1512 – 2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Reduce the risk of damage to pressure pipes | Z. Charbadze, N. Nibladze, N. Sukhishvili | conference proceedings | I International Conference "Water Ecosystems of the Kolkheti Plain - Protection and Rational Use", Proceedings. 2013 p. 178-180 | --- | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Evaluation of the main parameters of the flood flow along the mountain waterway (Georgia) | V. Tevzadze, Z. Charbadze, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 67, 2012, 72-78p. | --- | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Anti-erosion reinforcement of slopes using a new stabilizer | L. Itriashvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 66, 2011. 114-119 p. | --- | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Physico-chemical mechanism of formation and regulation of soil structures | L. Itriashvili, E. Khosroshvili, N. Nibladze, M. Shavlakadze, L. Maisaia | article | Collection of works of the Institute of Water Management # 65, p. 2010, 112-117 p. | --- | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Anti-slope erosion reinforcement using a new complex complex SSBM | L. Itriashvili, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of works of the Institute of Water Management # 64, p. 2009, 166-171 p. | --- | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Classification of soil properties management methods | L. Itriashvili, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of works of the Institute of Water Management # 64, p. 2009, 146-149 p. | --- | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Artificial soils and directions of their research | L. Itriashvili, N. Nibladze, E. Khosroshvili | article | Collection of works of the Institute of Water Management # 63, p. 2007, 135-138 p. | --- | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
New multi-purpose polymer mineral composite `Cavelast ~ and directions of its use | L. Itriashvili, N. Nibladze | article | Sustainability of water and hydromelioration facilities Reliability and ecological safety Collection of Scientific Papers, 2005, 93-95 p. | --- | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Methods of engineering-land reclamation assessment | L. Itriashvili, N. Nibladze | article | Universal Publishing House, Sustainability of Water and Hydromelioration Facilities Reliability and Ecological Safety Collection of Scientific Papers, 2005, 62-66 pp. | --- | ISSN | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Contemporary problems of environmental protection, architecture and construction | Tbilisi Georgia | 2021 | 22-27 ივლისი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian Technical University c. Institute of Water Management named after Mirtskhulava Environmental Protection Ecocenter | Accuracy coefficient of determination of water-physical properties of the soil | oral | The existing practice of the accuracy of laboratory determination of water-physical properties of soil and soil is analyzed. The inadequacy of the existing accuracy coefficient for comparing repeated laboratory determinations is shown and the reasons for such inconsistencies are identified. A new gradation of allowable differences in parallel laboratory determination data is proposed | |
Priorities of stylization and development of the agro-engineering sector of Georgia in the period of the coronavirus pandemic and its aftermath | Tbilisi Georgia | 2020 | 17-18 სექტემბერი | Academy of Agriculture of Georgia | Hydrological characteristics of water sources and their role in integrated water management | oral | The article discusses the hydrological characteristics of water sources and their role in integrated water management | |
IX International Scientific-Technical Conference "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development" | Tbilisi Georgia | 2019 | 22-27 ივლისი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian Technical University c. Institute of Water Management named after Mirtskhulava Environmental Protection Ecocenter | Study of Morphometric Charateristics of the Debris Flow River-bed | oral | The climate change on earth has brought people's attention to the environment. Global warming on the background of climate change primarily leads to intense melting of ice and consequently causes the natural disasters such as floods, avalanches and catastrophic debris flows. In the article, based on the equation of prediction of processes and movement conditions of the debris flow processes, the parameters of the morphometric characteristics are calculated which can be used to elaborate scientifically developed norms and rules for mudslide regulation projects of morphometric characteristics of the river-bed. | |
VIII International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction" | Tbilisi Georgia | 2018 | 1-5 ნოემბერი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Technical University of Georgia Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Environmental Protection Ecocenter | Study of Receiving Opportunity of Water Soluble and Non-Ballast Micro Fertilizer on the Base of Manganese-Containing Materials | oral | From the raw material base existed in Georgia (manganese ores, manganese containing mud), particularly, within the point of view of production availability, especial interest is paid to micro- fertilizers containing manganese. As a result of conducted investigation, there was established receiving of such manganese containing materials on the basis of manganese raw-material base (ore, mud) existed in Georgia, which shall be able to maximally provide assimilation ability of manganese, as microelement, in the desired period of time. And also, determinant of effectiveness and competitiveness of received materials with new composition shall become high content (more than 30%) of microelements in them (in comparison with existed similar products), when the total sum of useful components presented in them (active i.e. assimilated) is more than 50-70%, i.e. received materials belong to the materials having low-ballast and functionally revealed possibilities. | |
VII International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction" | Tbilisi Georgia | 2017 | 25-27 აგვისტო | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian Technical University c. Institute of Water Management named after Mirtskhulava Environmental Protection Ecocenter | Formation of conferebce/subsequent mudflows in erosion spots | oral | Method formation of free survey curve for hyperconcentrated by the sediment debris flow at the constantly discharge lengthways of natural non-prismatic river beds is offered. | |
V International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction" | Tbilisi Georgia | 2015 | 16-19 ივლისი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian Technical University c. Institute of Water Management named after Mirtskhulava Environmental Protection Ecocenter | Calculation of systematic horizontal drainage in the conditions of unstable ground water movement | oral | It is established that the distance between the drains should be calculated taking into account the unstable ground water regime. The equation of water balance in case of location of the drain on the impermeable layer is proposed. The formula for calculating the distance between the drains when water flows into it from both sides in case the drainage is located on the waterproof layer is calculated. | |
IV International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction" | Tbilisi Georgia | 2014 | 27-30 სექტემბერი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Institute of Aquaculture, Technical University of Georgia | NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF UNEVEN TRAFFIC FLOW OF HYPER-CONCENTRATED SEDIMENT LOADED MUDFLOW WITH VARIABLE EXPENDITURES ALONG ITS TRAFFIC | oral | The reference image of the free surface curve for hyper concentraded debris-flow is propoced, in which, the sustainability of mudflow toward erosion hub has been taken info consideration, as wel as its motion and dynamics in water plumbing | |
“Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction” | 2019 | 25-27 ივლისი | Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University Ecocenter For Environmental Protection | Study of Morphometric Characteristics of the Debris Flow River-Bed | oral | The climate change on earth has brought people's attention to the environment. Global warming on the background of climate change primarily leads to intense melting of ice and consequently causes the natural disasters such as floods, avalanches and catastrophic debris flows. In the article, based on the equation of prediction of processes and movement conditions of the debris flow processes, the parameters of the morphometric characteristics are calculated which can be used to elaborate scientifically developed norms and rules for mudslide regulation projects of morphometric characteristics of the river-bed. | ||
“Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction” | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 27-30 სექტემბერი | Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University Ecocenter For Environmental Protection | NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF UNEVEN TRAFFIC FLOW OF HYPER-CONCENTRATED SEDIMENT LOADED MUDFLOW WITH VARIABLE EXPENDITURES ALONG ITS TRAFFIC | oral | The reference image of the free surface curve for hyper concentraded debris-flow is propoced, in which, the sustainability of mudflow toward erosion hub has been taken info consideration, as wel as its motion and dynamics in water plumbing | |
Water ecosystems of the Kolkheti lowland - protection and rational use | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | -- | Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University Ecocenter For Environmental Protection | Reducing of the pipeline damagin risk | oral | On the base of collecting resching and analising the statistic data of damage in accordance of the matematical statistics method, on the ground of drainage sistem was distinguished avereage period of expluatation, as well usual phases and acceptable value of risk for pipelines. After analysing process of pipiline, s wear and tear was accepted measures for reducing risks of damage and ruin of pipeline, which helps us to heighten an effect in use of agricultural lands, to improve melioration system and is facilities. |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |