Ketevan Dadiani
Academic Doctor of Science
Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University
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Report of the forecast values of the maximum and flood costs of water mg. on Telavishkev | Diakonidze R., Fanchulidze J., Tsulukidze L., Butulashvili T., Dadiani K., Nibladze N. Glunchidze M., Diakonidze B. | article | Technical University of Georgia Mirtskhulava house Collection of scientific works of the Institute of Water Management #.75 2022 p. 78-81. | ISSN-1512-2344 | - | - | Georgien | State Targeted Program |
Quantifying the Impact of Irrigation on Efficiency agricultural production | Vartanov M.V., Kechkhoshvili E.M., Beraya N.P., Dadiani K.Z., Shogiradze M.Kh. | article | - | იმპაქტ ფაქტორი | ISSN | - | russian | State Targeted Program |
MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR SOME PROBLEMS OF INTEGRAL CONTROL WATER RESOURCES | Vartanov M.V., Kechkhoshvili I.M., Beraiya N.P., Dadiani K.Z., Kiknadze Kh.L., Maisaiya L.D. | article | Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: economic and legal sciences. #6(87), 2021 3 ECONOMIC SCIENCES | იმპაქტ ფაქტორი | ISSN | - | russian | State Targeted Program |
MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR SOME PROBLEMS OF INTEGRAL CONTROL WATER RESOURCES | Vartanov M.V., Kechkhoshvili I.M., Beraiya N.P., Dadiani K.Z., Kiknadze Kh.L., Maisaiya L.D. | article | Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: economic and legal sciences. #6(87), 2021 3 ECONOMIC SCIENCES | იმპაქტ ფაქტორი | ISSN | - | russian | State Targeted Program |
MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR SOME PROBLEMS OF INTEGRAL CONTROL WATER RESOURCES | Vartanov M.V., Kechkhoshvili I.M., Beraiya N.P., Dadiani K.Z., Kiknadze Kh.L., Maisaiya L.D. | article | Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: economic and legal sciences. #6(87), 2021 3 ECONOMIC SCIENCES | იმპაქტ ფაქტორი | ISSN | - | russian | State Targeted Program |
Hydrological characteristics of water sources and their role in integrated water management | Givi GavardaShvili,Inga Iremashvili, Nana Beraia, K. Dadiani, Khatuna kiknadze, Lia maisaia | article | "Priorities of stylization and development of the agro-engineering sector of Georgia during the coronavirus pandemic and its aftermath" Georgian Academy of Agriculture 17-18/09/2020, Tbilisi ISBN 978-9941-8-2603-0 p.149 - 159 | - | - | - | Georgien | State Targeted Program |
Development of the debris flow control elasticbarrage design methology | Givi GavardaShvili, Edward Kukhalashvili, Inga Iremashvili, Shorena Kupreishvili, Natia Gavardashvili, K. Dadiani, Lia maisaia | article | Construction of optimized energy potential Budownictwo o zoptymalizowanym potencjale energetycznym The Publishing Czestochowa 2020 p.p 135-145 | - | - | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Study of Morphometric Charateristics of the Debris Flow River-bed | Kh.Kiknadze,K.Dadiani, L.Kekelishvili, N. Nibladze | article | IX International scientific and Technical Conference “Modern Problems of Water management, Enviromental Protection, Architecture and Construction” Tbilisi, Georgia 22-27 July, 2019 p.p136-140 | - | - | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Modern geodynamic processes in Meskheti-Javakheti | G. Dokhnadze, H. Salukvadze, K. Dadiani, I. Pirtskhalaishvili | article | Georgian Technical University Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Agriculture Collection of works. # 64, 2008 G.G. 82-91. | - | ISSN-1512-2344 | - | Georgien | State Targeted Program |
NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF UNEVEN TRAFFIC FLOW OF HYPER-CONCENTRATED SEDIMENT LOADED MUDFLOW WITH VARIABLE EXPENDITURES ALONG ITS TRAFFIC | O. Natishvili, Z. Charbadze, K. Dadiani N. Nibladze | article | 4th International scientific and technical conference “Modern problemsof watermanagment, enviromental protection, architecture and construction” september 27-30, 2014. Dedicated to the 85 anniversary of the water management institute | - | - | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Leakage coefficient calculation methodology taking into account soil-morphological factors of the catchment | J. Panchulidze, R. Diakonidze, Z. Charbadze, M. Shavlakadze, K. Dadiani N. Nibladze, B. Diakonidze | article | Georgian Technical University ც. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Agriculture Collection of works. # 72, 2017 G.G. 159-161. | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Formation of conferebce/subsequent mudflows in erosion spots | Z. Charbadze, K. Dadiani, N.Sukhishvili, B. Diakonidze | article | VII International Scientific and Technical Conference “Modern Problems of Water Management, environmental Proteqtion, Architeqture and Construction” Collected Parers Augyst 25-27, 2017 | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Calculation of systematic horizontal drainage in conditions of unsteady movement of ground water | Sh. Kupreishvili, P. Sichinava, K. . Dadiani, Z. Lobzhanidze, N. Beraia | article | International Scientific-Technical Conference | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF UNEVEN TRAFFIC FLOW OF HYPER-CONCENTRATED SEDIMENT LOADED MUDFLOW WITH VARIABLE EXPENDITURES ALONG ITS TRAFFIC | O. Natishvili, Z. Charbadze, K. Dadiani N. Nibladze | article | 4th International scientific and technical conference “Modern problemsof watermanagment, enviromental protection, architecture and construction” september 27-30, 2014. Dedicated to the 85 anniversary of the water management institute | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Impact of urbanization on environmental hydrology | L. Itriashvili, K. Dadiani, Kh. Kiknadze, L. Maisaia | article | 2nd International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction" July 24-31, Kobuleti 2012. Pp. 82-85. | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Selection of optimal conditions for the determination of barium in industrial waste | T. Supatashvili, K. Dadiani, L. Maisaia, Kh. Kiknadze | article | International Conference of Doctoral, Postgraduate and Young Scientists in Kobuleti 2010 pp. 112-115. | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Leakage coefficient calculation methodology taking into account soil-morphological factors of the catchment | J. Panchulidze, R. Diakonidze, Z. Charbadze, M. Shavlakadze, st. Dadiani ნ. Nibladze, B. Diakonidze | article | Georgian Technical University ც. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Agriculture Collection of works. # 72, 2017 G.G. 159-161. | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Fertility study of Poti wetlands for chemical reclamation | M. Shavlakadze, st. Dadiani L. Maisaia, T. Supatashvili | article | Georgian Technical University. Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Agriculture Collection of works. # 71, 2016 P. 126-127. | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Development of criteria for sensitization and risk assessment of catastrophic environmental problems, their use for the prevention of these problems (Georgia) | R. Diakonidze st. Dadiani O. Kharaishvili Z. Charbadze ნ. Nibladze ნ. Sukhishvili F. Lortkipanidze | article | roceedings of the Tsotne Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management, Georgian Technical University. # 69, 2014 P. 78-83 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Water cycle and extreme Events | L. Itriashvili, st. Dadiani, N. Nibladze | article | Collection of Scientific Papers of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 68. 2012 Pp. 119-121 | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Anthropogenic causes of floods | Dadiani K. | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 67. 2012 P. 40-44. | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Management of soil properties using a polycomplex | L. Itriashvili st. Dadiani Kh. Kiknadze E. Khosrovil M. Shavlakadze | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 67. 2012 P. 121-127. | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Impact of urbanization on environmental hydrology | L. Itriashvili, st. Dadiani KH. Kiknadze, L. Maisaia | article | 2nd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction" July 24-31, 2012 Georgia, Kobuleti 82-85 | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Impact of peat ameliorant on oil biodegradation | L. Itriashvili, M. Shavlakadze, st. Dadiani ხ. Kiknadze, T. Supatashvili | article | Education and Science. Ministry A. Tsereteli State University International Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Technologies and Applied Design" Kutaisi 19-20 May 20011. | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Study of the Impact of Industrial Waste at Chord Barite Enrichment Plant on Ecological Conjuncture | T. Supatashvili, Dadiani | article | Ministry of Education and Science A. Tsereteli State University International Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Technologies and Applied Design" Kutaisi 19-20 May. 2011 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Reduction of soil filtration by the use of surfactants | Kiknadze Kh., Dadiani St., Maisaia L., Lortkipanidze F., Navrozashvili M. | article | Collection of Scientific Papers of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 66 Tbilisi, 2011 pg. 124-127 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
A number of theoretical approaches to calculating the reliability of a flexible protective coating | L. Itriashvili, st. Dadiani, kH. Kiknadze | article | Collection of Scientific Papers of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University # 66 Tbilisi, 2011 pg. 110-113 | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Determination of filtration coefficient of Kolkheti lowland and their ecological balance | Sh. Kupreishvili, st. Dadiani L. Maisaia, Kh. Kiknadze | article | International Conference of Doctoral, Postgraduate and Young Science Kobuleti 2010.p.66-70 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
On normative documents in the field of avalanche studies | O.G. Natishvili VI Tevzadze. Charbadze, K.Z. Dadiani | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management # .65. Tbilisi, 2010. წ.გვ.გვ. 193-198 | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Pressure losses along the length of hyperconcentrated avalanche while moving in an abstract equal mode | O.G. Natishvili VI Tevzadze, K.Z. Dadiani | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management. # 65.Tbilisi, 2010. წ.გვ.გვ. 191-102 | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Problems of adaptation of natural man-made complexes and engineering structures in the conditions of global warming | T. Tevzadze, M, Shavlakadze, st. Dadiani | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Academy LEPL Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Proceedings, Volume XVII 2010. | - | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
New technologies for the production and use of environmentally friendly, multifunctional composites and non-traditional multifunctional materials. | L. Itriashvili, st. Dadiani M. Shavlakadze, Kh. Kiknadze | article | Republic Three. Practical Conference | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Hudromechanical model of catastrophic surface runoff discharge based on rheological parametrrs | T. Katsarava, Sh. Kupreishvili, P. Sichinava K. Dadiani | article | GWMI-80, International Symposium “FLOODS AND MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL MEASURES”. 23-28 September,2009. Tbilisi, Georgia, p.p. 224-232 | - | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Planetary climate change and environmental hydroecological problems | Diakonidze R., Khubulava I., Dadiani K., Kiknadze Kh., Lortkipanidze F., Navrozashvili M. " | article | Magazine, Ecological Systems and Tools Moscow №11, 2008. pp.67-69. | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program | |
Determine the height of the wave opposite the rise of the reverse wave | O. Natishvili, V. Tevzadze, K. Dadiani | article | Magazine, Ecological Systems and Tools Moscow №9, 2008. pp.60-62. | - | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Natural disasters on the flood tributaries of the river Aragvi | Tsanava L., Dadiani K. | article | Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management. Tbilisi, 2007. | - | ISSN-1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Internet scientific-practical conference "Priorities of stylization and development of Georgia's agro-engineering sector in the period of the coronavirus pandemic and its aftermath" Georgian Academy of Agriculture | Georgia | 2020 | 18/09/2020 - 19/09/2020 | Academy of Agriculture of Georgia | Hydrological characteristics of water sources and their role in integrated water management | oral | ||
Construction of optimized energy potential Budownictwo o zoptymalizowanym potencjale energetycznym | Georgia | 2020 | 13/05/2020 - 14/05/2020 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute | Development of the debris flow control elasticbarrage design methology | oral | ||
IX International scientific and Technical Conference “Modern Problems of Water management, Enviromental Protection, Architecture and Construction” | Georgia | 2019 | 22/07/2019 - 27/07/2019 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute | Study of Morphometric Charateristics of the Debris Flow River-bed | oral | The climate change on earchhas brought peopels attention to the environment | |
VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference “Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Proteqtion, Architeqture and Construction” Collected | Georgia | 2018 | 01/11/2018 - 05/11/2018 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute | Study of Receiving Opportunity of Water Soluble and Non-Ballast Micro Fertilizer on the Base of Manganese-Containing Materials | oral | ||
VII International Scientific and Technical Conference “Modern Problems of Water Management, environmental Proteqtion, Architeqture and Construction” Collected | Georgia | 2017 | 25/08/2017 - 27/08/2017 | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute | Formation of conference/subsequent mudflows in erosion spots | oral | ||
5th international scientific and technical conference "Modern problems of water management, environmental protection, architecture and construction" | Georgia | 20125 | 16/07/2015 - 19/07/2015 | c. Mirtskhulava house Institute of Water Management | Calculation of systematic horizontal drainage in conditions of unstable ground water movement | oral | It has been established that the distance between the drains should be calculated taking into account the unsteady regime of ground water. | - |
4th International scientific and technical conference “Modern problemsof watermanagment, enviromental protection, architecture and construction” september 27-30, Dedicated to the 85 anniversary of the water management institute | Georgia | 2014 | 27-29 სექტემბერი | Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute | Numerical Calculationof Uneven Traffic Flow of Hyper-Concentrated Sediment Loaded Mudeflow with Variable Expenditures Along its Traffi | oral | The referens image of the free surface curve for hyper concentrated debris- flow is proposed, in which, the sustainability of mudfow toward erosion hab has been taken info consideration, as well as its motion and dynamocs in water plumbing. | - |
Contemporary problems of environmental protection, architecture and construction | Kobuleti | 2012 | 24-31 ივლისი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian Technical University c. Institute of Water Management named after Mirtskhulava Environmental Protection Ecocenter | Impact of urbanization on environmental hydrology | oral | Is observed increasable urbanized territories multy-factorial influences questions on surrounding, privately on water resources and current hydrogeology processes. It is demonstrate water components quantity and qualitative changeability in towns and their influence on urbanized territories situations. | |
International conference of young scientists, master's and doctoral students | Kobuleti | 2010 | 14-22 აგვისტო | Republican scientific-practical conference | SELECTION OF OPTIMAL CONDITIONS DEFINITION OF BARIUM IN INDUSTRIAL WASTE | oral | The influence of pH solution, ionic force and other factors on the suspensions of BaSO, has been studied. Based on the obtained results, conditions for turbidimetric definition of barium microquantity have been selected. Methods of transition of barium sulfate available in industrial waste into a soluble form and relatively fast and simple definition of barium have been developed. | |
Republican scientific-practical conference | Kobuleti | 2010 | 14-22 აგვისტო | International conference of young scientists, postgraduates and doctoral students | COEFFICIENT OF FILTRATION IN KOLKHETI HARD CLAY SOILS AND METHODS OF ITS DEFINITION WITH CONSIDERATION OF AN ECOLOGICAL BALANCE | oral | he Kolkheti Lowland is a heritage of complicated geological rockforming processes, which requires more precise definition of hydroecological calculation scheme in local ecosystems while solving each concrete engineering task. Velocity and cost of filtration is defined by the coefficient of filtration which is one of the main hydraulic calculation parameters. A link between filtration velocity and hydraulic inclination is suggested that is reflected by the Finear law of Darcy. The upper and the lower edges of dissemination of the medium of linear law of filtration have been defined using the proper criteria indicators. | |
GWMI-80, International Symposium “FLOODS AND MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL MEASURES”. | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2009 | 23-28 September | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian Water Management institute | Hudromechanical model of catastrophic surface runoff discharge based on rheological parametrrs | oral | Amathematical model is describedof the movement of a viscous-plastic body with the directpatipication of two rheology initial realphysical gradients and dynamic viscosity. | |
Republican Scientific-Practical Conference | Kutaisi | 2010 | 28-29 მაისი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Akaki Tsereteli State University | Technologies for new, environmentally friendly, multipurpose composites, non-traditional multifunctional materials and their production and use. | oral | On the base of Georgian bentonit clays is created ecologically pure, many-sided, water accumulation new composite Kavelast. Kavelast at the moment of swelled accumulated 50 volume water. Kavelast may be contains nourishiny substance and microelements. Kavelast is make good agromeloration of soils. May be used in gidroizolation and filtrion, in conservation and isolation tocsical substance. it may be as fire-clay, it is fireporoof, in boring substances and other methods. | - |
International Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Technologies and Applied Design" | Kutaisi | 2011 | 19-20 მაისი | Georg. Education and Science. Ministry A. Tsereteli State University | Impact of peat ameliorant on oil biodegradation | oral | ||
Innovative technologies and modern materials | Kutaisi | 2012. | September, | Akaki Tsereteli Akhelobi Kutaisi State University | Study of the influence of production wastes of the Chordi barite enrichment plant on the ecological conjuncture | oral | Study of the influence of production waste on the ecological structure on the example of Chordi barite enrichment plant |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |