Levani Wulukidze

Academic Doctor of Science

Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University

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Primary Reasons for Frequent Natural Disasters on Earth (on the Example of Georgia)R. Diakonidze, D. Kereselidze, J. Panchulidze, L. Tsulukidze, I. KvirkveliaarticleBULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol. 17, no. 4, 2023. p. 86-90Scopus ISSN - 0132 - 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Environmental protection Contemporary ecological problems of oceans and seas. Methodology of the study of the reasons for the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the Black SeaR. Diakonidze, T. Supatashcili, L. Tsulukidze, B. LagadzearticleAmerican Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) volume-11, Issue-09, pp. 88-91- ISSN (online) 2320-0847 EnglishContract
Regulation of the channels of small rivers and their tributaries passing withing the city of Tbilisi by engineering and environmental measures on the example of the Aliskhevi river, a tributary of the Lochini riverL. Tsulukidze I. Rostomashvili, J. KerkadzearticleWorks of Georgian Technical University. #2 (524), pp 44-55- ISSN 1512-0996 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Link debrisflow of the calculation dependence of the impact force of a continuous wave generated during movement at a constant cost of the tideD. Gurgenidze, L. Klimiashvili, Z. Gvishiani, SH. bosikashvili, I. Ramishvili, R. enuqidze, G. Chakhaia, I. xubulava, L. TsulukidzearticleWorld Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development wwjmrd@gmail.com(2022-Jun), 35-37 pp.- ISSN: 2454-6615 DOI http://wwjEnglishState Targeted Program
Calculation of forecasting data of water maximal and debris flow discharges on the example of TelavisxeviR. Diakonidze, J. Fanchulidze, L. Tsulukidze, T. Butulashvili, K. Dadiani, N. Nibladze, M. Glunchadze, B. DiakonidzearticleS. Mirtsxulava Water Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University.Collected papers #75, Tbilisi pp. 72-780 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Flood prediction for designing innovative mudslide preventing constructions. Construction of optimized energy potential. J. Phanchulidze, R. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze.article The Publishing Office of Czestochowa Unuversity of Technology, Czestochowa. 20220 - EnglishContract
The effectiveness of modern anti debris flow construction and reliability assessment on the example of the floodplain river Mletiskhevi G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Z. LaoSvili, Sh. Bosikashvili, T. Gugushvili, I. Khubulava, S. GogilavamonographTbilisi, Public home 0 - GeorgianGrant Project
Determination of ecochemical characteristics of drinking water of wells contaminated by anthropogenic factors within seven municipalities of Western GeorgiaTopuria E., Tsulukidze L., Chakhaia G., Kvashilava N., Xubulava I., Kvirkvelia I., Fanchulidze N., Ejibia, e.articleInternational Scientific-Technical Conference 0 ISSN 2307-4531 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Evaluation of well water pollution used for drinking by rural population on the Colchis lowland on the background of intensive ecochemical treatment of agriculture (August 2018)Tsulukidze L., Chakhaia G., Supatashvili T., Kvashilava N., Xubulava I., Maisaia L., Kvirkvelia I.articleTs. Mirtsxulava Water Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #73. 99-102pp. .0 ISSN-1512-2344 EnglishState Targeted Program
The Assessment of the Debris Flow Influence on the Debris Flow against Stepped Barrage Containing of Semi Cylinder Shape ElementsG. Chakhaia, N. Kvashilava, L. Tsulukidze, Z. Lobzhanidze, S. Kupreishvili, T. Supatashvili, I. Kvirkvelia, I. Khubulava, S. GogilavaarticleInternational Journal of Sciences: World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Reference Number:3-2-11. www.wwjmrd.com , India, 20174,25 ONLINE ISSN:2454-6615 EnglishContract
The Assessment Stability of Landslide Dangerous Slopes Existing in the Basin of River JokhtaniskheviN. Kvashilava, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Z. Lobzhanidze, S. Kupreishvili, T. Supatashvili, I. Kvirkvelia, IarticleInternational Journal of Sciences: World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Reference Number:3-2-1. www.wwjmrd.com, India, 20174,25 ONLINE ISSN:2454-6615. EnglishContract
The Assessment of the Possibility Debris Flow Influence on the Pass Through Type Debris Flow Against Construction in the River Jokhtaniskhevis BasinG. Chakhaia, N. Kvashilava, L. Tsulukidze, Z. Lobzhanidze, S. Kupreishvili, T. Supatashvili, I. Kvirkvelia, I. Khubulava, S. GogilavaarticleInternational Journal of Sciences: World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Reference Number:3-2-11. . . www.wwjmrd.com, India, 20174,25 ONLINE ISSN:2454-6615 EnglishContract
The Assessment of Debris Flow Influence on the Debris Flow against Stepped BarrageG. Chakhaia, N. Kvashilava, L. Tsulukidze, Z. Lobzhanidze, Sh. Kupreishvili, T. Supatashvili, I. Kvirkvelia, I. Khubulava, S. Gogilava.articleJournal of Sciences: World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Reference Number:3-2-11., India, 20174,25 ISSN: 2454-6615 EnglishContract
The chemical surveys results of well waler used drinking by rural population on the Colchis lowland (September, 2017)Goga Chakhaia, Tamriko Supatashvili, L. Tsulukidze, Nugzar Kvashilava, D. Kereselidze, Irakli Kvirkvelia, Irina Khubulava, Sophio Gogilava, O. OqriashviliarticleTs. Mirtsxulava Water Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #72. 133-137 p.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Mudflows and modern engineering measures to combat themGoga Chakhaia, Nugzar Kvashilava, Levan Tsulukidze, Irakli Kvirkvelia, Irina Khubulava,Tamriko Supatashvili, Sophio Gogilava, Bela Diakonidze.monographTbilisi, Public home "Universali" p. 890 - GeorgianGrant Project
The calculation of economical effectively of restoration eroded mountain slope by using of Geo Mat "Lufaeromat" Goga Chakhaia,Martin Vartanov, Levan Tsulukidze,Nugzar Kvashilava,Erekle Kechxoshvili, Irina Khubulava, Sofio Gogilava, Irakli KvirKvelia.articleTs. Mirtsxulava Water Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #71. 133-137 p.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
The Evaluation of Debris Flows Influence on the Pass through Type Debris Flow against ConstructionG. Chakhaia, E. Kukhalashvili, L. Tsulukidze, R. Diakonidze, N. Kvashilava, Sh. Kupreishvili, T. Supatashvili, I. KhubulavaarticleAmerican Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) ISSN (Print) 2313-4410, ISSN (Online) 2313-4402 © Global Society of Scientific Research and Researchers. Impact Factor 0,296, USA,იმპაქტ ფაქტორი 0,296 ISSN (ბეჭდვა) 2313-4410, ISSN (ონლაინ) 2313-4402 EnglishContract
Assessement of Debris Flow Influence on the Lattice Type Debris Flow against Construction”.G. Chakhaia, N. Kvashilava, L. Tsulukidze, R. Diakonidze, Z. Lobzhanidze, Sh. Kupreishvili, T. Supatashvili, I. Khubulava.articleInternational Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR).(Print & Online) http://gssrr.org/index.php?journal=JournalOfBasicAndApplied. USA.0,415 ISSN 2307-4531 EnglishContract
Evaluation of vulnerability of sensitive areas formed in the Borjomi River valley in 2008 and the effective strategy for soil degradationG. Chakhaia, Z. Varazashvili, G. Gavardashvili, R. Diakonidze, L. Tsulukidze, N. Kvashilava, I. Khubulava, T. Supatashvili,monographTbilisi, Publishing house 0 - GeorgianGrant Project
Brief description of Georgia's Black Sea Resorts, assessment of water quality in rivers and sea watersR. Diakonidze, E. Shengeliua, G. Gavardashvili, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Z. Varazashvili, T. Supatashvili, B. DiakonidzemonographTbilisi, Public home "Universali" p.400 0 GeorgianGrant Project
Assessment and analysis of natural hazards in the riverbed of river Vere in 13-14 June, 2015 and efficient measures of hazards regulation.Gavardashvili G., Diakonidze R., Chakhaia G., Tsulukidze L., Kukhalashvili E.articleTs. Mirtsxulava Water Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #70. 30-44 p.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Establishment of the solid Fractions Volume by taking into account configuration of solid blurb transported by debris flow formed in river Nagvareviskhevi existing with village Daba in Borjomi ditrict.Tsulukidze L., Maisaia L. Kiknadze Kh.articleTs. Mirtsxulava Water Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #70. 209-214 p0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianGrant Project
The Results of field-experimental research implemented in the burnt of Borjomi 2013-2014. G. Chakhaia, G. Gavardashvili Z. Varazashvili, SH. Bosikashvili, R. Diakonidze, L. Tsulukidze, I Khubulava, G. Omsarashvili.articleTs. Mirtsxulava Water Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #69. 292-297 p.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianGrant Project
Evaluation and Prediction of the Risk-Factors Post-Mudflow Proce-sses Formed in the Gorge of the River Kabakhi (The Left Tributary of the River Tergi) on May 17, 2014 and Development of Modern Anti-Mudflow MeasuresGavardashvili G., Chakhaia G., Tsulukidze L., Kapezina O.conference proceedingsCollcted papers of Ryazansky of the state agrotechnological university of P. A. Kostychev, No. 11 - "Modern power and resource-saving, ecologically steady technologies and systems of agricultural production", 5 p. Ryazan, RUSSIA0 ISSN-1512-2344 RassionContract
Evaluation of snow avalanche aganst through type constructioG. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Z. Varazashvili, E. Kukhalashvili, T. Supatashvili, I Khubulava, G. Omsarashvili, O. Oqriashvili.articleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #69, 296-302 p.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
PLANET WATER RESOURCES, GLOBAL ECOLOGY PROBLEMS AND ROLE OF HUMAN BEING IN SOLVING THESE PROBLEMSR. Diakonidze , G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Sh. Kupreishvili, T. SupatashviliarticleGeorgian International Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 5, Number 1-2, pp. 27-330 ISO 3297 GeorgianContract
EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF SUBSTANCES SECRETED FROM THE DECOMPOSITION OF CORPSE BURIED AT CEMETERIES ON FRESH WATER RESOURCES, SPECIFICALLY ON THE QUALITY OF POTABLE WATER.R. Diakonidze , G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Sh. Kupreishvili, T. SupatashviliarticleGeorgian International Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 5, Number 1-2, pp. 21-250 ISSN 0130-7061 GeorgianContract
The ecological problems of Tbilisi Sea and measures of their prevention.R. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Z. Varazashvili, SH. Kupreishvili, T. Supatashvili, N. Mtiulishvili.articleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #68, 57-63 p.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianContract
The evaluation of graught type debris flow against constructionG. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukdze, Z. Varazashvili, R. Diakonidze, I Khubulava, T. Supatashvili, G. Omsarashvili.articleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #68, 200-203 p.0 ISSN-1512-2344 EnglishGrant Project
Ekologikal safety rekommendations of Georgian Black sea coastal zone from impact of sea wavesR. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze.articleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #67. Tbilsi, p. 45-48.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianGrant Project
The Laboratory research of soil erozion againts geo mat G. Chaxaia, Sh. bosikashvili, Z. Varazashvili, R. Dikonidze, I. Xubulava, L. Tsulukidze, T. Supatashvili.articleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #67. Tbilsi, p. 203-208.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianContract
Development of the engineering measures for strengthening of eroded slopes using filling methodI. Iremashvili, G. Chakhaia, R Diakonidze, Z. Varazashvili, L. Tsulukidze, M. Shavlakadze.articleScientific Articles of the Georgian State Agrarian University. Vol. 4, #1(54). Tbilisi0 ISSN: 2455-0876 GeorgianGrant Project
PROTECTION OF THE ECOLOGICAL SECURITY OF THE BLACK SEA SHORE FROM MARINE ABRASIVE PROCESSES THROUGH REGULATION OF SEDIMENTARY RUNOFFR. Diakonidze, G. Chakaia, L. TsulukidzearticleScientific-Technical Journal "HydroEngineering"of Georgian Technical University. #1, pp 55-65.0 ISSN - 1234 GeorgianGrant Project
Protections of the Black Sea coastol zone from abrasive processes against a backround of global waieming by controlling the Hydrological regime of rivers (e.g. the river RioniR. diakonidze, l. Tsulukidze, T. supatashviarticleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Teqnical University.Collected papers #66. pp. 37-41.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianGrant Project
Modern Measures againts the degradation of soils on mountainous slopes.G. Chakhaya, Z. Varazashvili, R. diakonidze, L. Tsulukidze, I. Hubulava, T. Supatashvili.articleWater Management Institute of Georgian Technical University. Collected paperes №66, 2016, Tbilisi, pp. 204-208.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianGrant Project
Implementattio of Rockfall Against measures for road and rail corredors of Georgia with modern teqnologyI.iremashvili, R Diakonidze, G. Chakhaya, L. Tsulukidze, K. IordanishviliarticleScientific-Technical Journal "Energy" 4 (60). P. 73-78.0 ISO 3297 GeorgianGrant Project
The estimation hydrodivisional knots on the river Rioni near by city Poti modern technical stateR. Diakonidze, P. Sichinava, G. Chakhaia, L. TsulukidzearticleMonthly scientific-Reviewed magazine of Georgian National Academy of Science. “Science and Technologies” #7-9. Tbilisi, pp. 49-550 ISSN 0130-7061 GeorgianGrant Project
Investigation of the channel processes of the river Aragvi from the Zhinvali earth-dam to its falling into the MtkvariG. Gavardashvili, R. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze. I. Pirtsxalaishvili.articleWater Management Institute of the Georgian Technical University. Collected papers #65, 31-41 p0 ISSN-1512-2344 RussianGrant Project
The provisional recommendations for the hydrodivisional knot on the River Rioni on the 7-th km from city PotiR. Diakonidze, P. Sichinava, G. Chakhaia, L. TsulukidzearticleMonthly scientific-Reviewed magazine of Georgian National Academy of Science. “Science and Technologies” #10-12. Tbilisi, pp. 71-760 ISSN 0130-7061 GeorgianGrant Project
Role of Military Geography in Maintenance of National Safety of Georgia.G. Dokhnadze, L. Tsulukidze, Sh. KupreishviliarticleScientific Articles of the Georgian State Agrarian University. Vol. 3, #2(51). Tbilisi0 ISSN: 2455-0876 GeorgianContract
Measures of Combting Erosioal Processes Occurring on Mountain SlopesG.Chakhaia, Z Varazashvili, R Diakonidze, L. Tsulukidze, I. XubulavaarticleCollected papers of Institute of Water Manejment. #65, Tbilisi, 244-2480 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Prediction of erosion processes and debris-flows in the basin of the Tskhenistskali RiverG. Chakhaia, R. Diakonidze, L. Tsulukidze, F. LortkipanidzearticleWater Management Institute. Collected papers #64, Tbilisi, pp. 228-2310 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianContract
Empirical dependences of rolling (bottom) and solid sediments in the catchment basins of the rivers of GeorgiaR. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia, L. TsulukidzearticleWater Management Institute. Collected papers #64, Tbilisi, pp. 77-810 ISSN-1512-2344 RussianState Targeted Program
The estimation of the Runoff of bottom and direct Runoff sediments of the Rivers in East GeorgiaR. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Zh. MamasakhlisiarticleAnnals of Agrarian Science. Vol. 7, #3. Tbilisi, pp. 91-93.0 ISSN: 2455-0876 RussianContract
Environmental Problems of Black Sea and the Georgian Sea Coast Against Global WarmingR. Diakonize., G. Caxaia., L. TsulukiZe., J. Mamasaxlisi.articleGeorgian State Agrarian University. Collection of scientific works. Vol. 1, #2(43), pp. 80-840 ISSN: 2455-0876 GeorgianContract
On sediment-trapping and anti-erozional capacities of vetiver plantsTs. Mirtskhulava, O. Natishvili, B. Tevzadze, G. Gavardashvili, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, V. BalamtsarashviliarticleWater Management Institute, Collected Papers. #63, Tbilisi, pp. 158-1680 ISSN-1512-2344 RussianState Targeted Program
The establishment of the volume of solid fraction carried out by the debris-flow in the transport corridor.Gavardashvili G., Tsulukidze L.articleMonthly Scientific-reviewed magazine of Geogian National Academy of Sciences. #7-9, Tbilisi, 62-68.0 ISSN 0130-7061 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Analysis of the Onset of Avalanches Motion Using the Theory of Catastrophes. Gavardashvili G., Tsulukidze L.articleMonthly scientific-reviewed magazine of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 173, # 2, Tbilisi. 96-99.0 ISSN 0130-7061 EnglishState Targeted Program
The establishment of the volume of solid fraction carried out by the debris-flow in the transport corridor.Gavardashvili G., Tsulukidze L.articleMonthly Scientific-reviewed magazine of Geogian National Academy of Sciences. #7-9, Tbilisi, 62-68.0 ISSN-1512-2344 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Study of erozion-mudflow processes in the TRACECA corridor.L. Tsulikidze articleInstitute of Water Management and Engineering Ecology of the Georgian Academy of sciences. 197-200 pp.0 ISSN - 1234 GeorgianContract
Engineering-ecological measures for theprotectionof the transport corridors from debris-flow.Gavardashvili G., Tsulukidze L., Chakhaia G.articleInternational Scientific Journal “Problems of Applied Mechanics”. # 4(13), Tbilisi, 65-68.0 ISSN - 1234 RussianContract
Assessment of the stability of debris-flow riverbeds in transport corridor of Georgia.Gavardashvili G., Chakhaia G., Tsulukidze L.articleInternational Scientific Journal “Problems of Applied Mechanics”. # 4(13), Tbilisi, 43-46.0 ISSN - 1234 EnglishContract
The analysis of possible failure of spring- board type mudflow-proteqtive new structures in transport corridorGavardashvili G., Tsulukidze L., Chakhaia G.articleInternational Scientific Journal “Problems of Applied Mechanics”. # 4(13), Tbilisi, 38-42.0 ISSN - 1234 EnglishContract
The effectiveness of modern anti debris flow construction and reliability assessment on the example of the floodplain river Mletiskhevi Goga Chakhaia, Levani Tsulukidze, Zurab LaoSvili, Shalva Bosikashvili, Teimuraz Gugushvili, Irina Khubulava, Sofio GogilavamonographTbilisi, Public home 0 0,1 GeorgianGrant Project
Flood prediction for designing innovative mudslide preventing constructions. Construction of optimized energy potential. J. Phanchulidze, R. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze.article The Publishing Office of Czestochowa Unuversity of Technology, Czestochowa 1 ISSN-1512-2344 EnglishContract

International Scientific-Practical Conference "Natural Resources of Georgia and Perspectives of Sustainable Development of Production Forces" Tbilisi. Georgia202217/11Georgian Technical UniversityFor the issue of fragmentary revitalization of small rivers in urban areas throughout Tbilisi oral


Environmental Management, Technology and Engineering Paris, France 202114/05-17/05Conference of the World Academy of SciencesDevelopment of modern mechanisms for managing the expected debris flow events in riv. Mletisxevioral

The work reviewed and evaluated various genesis

debris flow phenomena recently formatted in the Mletiskhevi, accordingly it revealed necessity of treatment modern debris flow against measures. Based on this, it is proposed the debris flow against truncated semi cone shape constructid in the car’s secondary tir (sections), due to the possibilities of amortization and geometric shapes is effective and sustainable towards debris flow hitting force.

The construction is economical, because after crossing the debris flows in the river bed, the riverbed is not cleanable, also the elements of the building are resource saving. For assessment of influence of cohesive debris flow at the construction and evaluation of the

construction effectiveness have been implemented calculation in the specific assumptions with approved methodology. According to the calculation, it was established that after passing debris flow in the

debris flow construction (in 3 row case) its hitting force reduces 3 times, that causes reduce of debris flow speed and kinetic energy, as well as sedimentation on a certain section of water drain in the lower part of the construction. Based on the analysis and report on the

debris flow against construction, it can be said that construction is effective, inexpensive, technically relatively easy-to-reach measure, that’s why its implementation is prospective.

Scientific-Technical Conference "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development" Tbilisi. Georgia20201Georgian Technical UniversityTo determine the ecochemical characteristics of well water used by the population for drinking within the seven municipalities of Western Georgia, polluted by anthropogenic factors. oral


International Conference "Modern Challenges and Prospects of Science and Education".Tbilisi. Georgia20195New University. Determining the chemical characteristics of the water wells used by the rural population in the Kolkheti Lowland. oral


International Conference "Modern Challenges and Prospects of Science and Education".Tbilisi. Georgia20191New University. Predicting the current mudflow processesing water catching basin of the river Cheremi Ravine (Velistsikhe village).oral


7th International Scientific Technical Conference -"The modern problems of Environmental protection, Architecture and Construction"201725/08-27/08Ts. Mirtskulava water management Institute of Georgian Technical University.The fundamental research of drinking weell water pollulionoral

For assessment quality of well water used for drinking by rural population, have been researched seven municipality of west Georgia, particularly Samegrelo region, where main sources of drinking water is well water. It has been determinate as chemical pollutants also microbiological conditions. For make fulfill conclusions researches is going

Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Engineering Technologies and Environmental Protection"Kutaisi, Georgia201618/05-19/05State University of KutaisiContemporary measures against soil erosion "oral


6th International Scientific Technical Conference -Ts. Mirtskulava water management Institute of Georgian Technical University."The modern problems of Environmental protection, Architecture and Construction"Telavi. Georgia201622/09-25/09Water Management Institute of Georgia.he issue of dependence on the friction angle within the thickness of the ground layer of slope in the marginal state.oral

In this article it is discussed dependence of the soil’s layer’s on the angle of inner friction, for the soils which are under limited conditions.

It is established that for the angles with little bend, angle of inner friction has bigger marker for bigger width of the soil’s layer, for which limited condition are reached. Such kind of result is natural, but for bigger marker of angle band effect is opposite. It’s established how to calculate angle bend and it’s given concrete examples to proof this paradoxical properties.


The value of research is the assessment of natural geological processes in riv. Nakra basin and development of appropriate measures to protect the population and the infrastructure from danger. Periodic extreme intensification of catastrophic debrisflow/mudflow and landslide-gravitational processes due to synergies hyper-sensitive geological environment and the process triggering climatic and meteorological factors. Based on this need to possess full information about the type of geological processes, regularities of their development trends and dynamic changes that directly or indirectly affect the nature and scale of development. Moreover, in the near future riv. Nakra and Nenskra basins will become hydrotechnical exploration.

XI International Research -Technical ConferencePatronage Her Magnificence Rector Prof. Dr Hab. Maria Nowicka-Skowron,,Construction of Optimized Energy Potential. Czestochowa, Poland201515/08-17/08Czestochowa University of TechnologyEvaluation of the Environmental Safety of Small Kazbegi HPP by Considering the Action of Devdorak Glacier Formed in the Bed of the River Kabakhi (Georgia) on May 17, 2014oral


Article dedicated to evaluation Black Sea water guality and protection of its ecological safety.

As seen from researches results Black Sea water is polluted with heavy metals according to normative recommendations. From the position of ecological evaluation sea water duality mainly changes between I and II class and omly in some cases include lower class.


In the Borjomi Valley as a result of field recognition research, in the Nagvarevi Ghele, near to vil. Data fixed debris flow phenomena provoked by negative results of ecocide (fire). It has been established quantities characteristions of erosion debris flow processes on the base of using World appropriated methodology ans is mas ben done forecast for evaluation of risks of geodynamic processes running in Borjomi valley (catchments basin of Magvarevi Ghele).

International Scientific Conference «Modern Problems of Ecology»Kutaisi, Georgia201414/05-18/05Kutaisi State UniversityTo investigation of modern methods necessary to achieve stabilization of vulnerable slopes existing in the transport corridor ,,Traceca”oral

I International Conference "Kolkhety lowland water Ecosystems - protection and efficient use"Tbilisi. Georgia201306/11-09/11Georgian State University.The laboratory rasearch of soil erosion againt geo mat ""EROECOMAT".oral

3th International Scientific-Technical Conference "The modern problems of Environmental protection, Architecture and Construction"Tbilisi, Borjomi, Georgia.201312/08-16/08Water Management Institute of Georgia.To maintains of landslide slopes stability by using modern Geo Mat "Cotonmat".oral

V international Conference “Actual Problems of Architecture an Construction”Sanct-Peterburg, Rassia201309/06-12/06State Service for Architecture and ConstructionDesigning the engineering-environmental measures to protect the Shiomghvime Monastery against erosive and mudflow processesoral

2nd International scientific and technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction"Kobuleti, Georgia.201223/07-27/07Water Management Institute of Georgia.The investigation of the Black Sea coastal zone within the boundaries of Georgiaoral

International scientific-practical Conference "Innovative technologies and applied designs"Kutaisi, Georgia201115/05-17/05Kutaisi state UniversityGeorgian through the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum transport corridor in the debris of events expected quantitative characteristics of reliability and risk assessmentoral

International scientific-practical Conference "Innovative technologies and applied designs"Kutaisi, Georgia201115/05 - 15/05 Kutaisi State UniversityGeorgia through the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum transportcorridor districts vulnerable to erosion processes in the development of reliability and risk assessmentoral

15th International Conference on Transport & Sedimentation of Solid Particles.Wroclaw, Poland201121/11-25/11 Wroclaw State UniversityStone Configuration and Solids Content in Debris River Flow.oral

3rd Bi-annual BS Gcientifict Conference and UP-GRADEBS-SCENE Project Joint ConferenceOdessa, Ukraine201102/10-05/10 Odessa State Universityhe Results and Analysis of Studies Car rid out in 2011 in the Black Sea Water Area within the Boundaries of Georgiaoral

AASA REgional Workshop on "The Roles of Academies of Sciences in Water and Energy Problems in Central Asia and Wayas for Their Solution"Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic201112/07-15/07Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz RepublicResearch phyto meliorative actions in struggle against soil erosion, the provoking factor debris flow the phenomenaoral

International Scientific-technical conference Sustainable development and Protection of EnvironmentTbilisi. Georgia201011/10-14/10Georgian Technical University.Prediction of the expected debris flow processes in the observed catchments basin river Naokhrevistskali between with the village Naokhrevi and Vale-2.oral

International Scientific-technical conference Sustainable development and Protection of EnvironmentTbilisi. Georgia201011/10-14/10Georgian Technical University.Geoenvironmental study of the slope on the site Akhaltsikhe Vale corridor of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum in order to study the dynamics occurring on it erosion processes.oral

The modern method of environmental protection, architechure and constructin.Kobuleti, Georgia.201027/0/-31/07Water Management Institute of Georgia.Evaluation and prediction of erosion processes in sensitive areas of eroded slopes near the transport corridor in the territory of Akhaltsikhe and catchment basin of river Naokhrevistskali.oral

The modern method of environmental protection, architechure and constructin.Kobuleti, Georgia.201027/07-31/07Water Management Institute of Georgia.Assessment and forecasting of mud phenomena in the corridor of Samtskhe-Javakheti highwayoral

International conference on the topic "Landscaping diversity".Krim, Ukraina201005/06-08/06 International conference on the topic "Landscaping diversity".Protection of the mountain landscape from erosion-debris flow phenomena on the example of the Mtatusheti of the Akhmeta region of Georgiaoral

7th ISRR Symposium Root Research and Applications.Vienna, Austria200912/09-15/09Symposium Root Research and Applications.QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF THE ROOT SYSTEM AND SPROUTS OF THE ANTIEROSIONAL PLANT VETIVER(Vetiveria zizanioides, L. Nash)oral

FLOODS AND MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL MEASURESTbilisi. Georgia200907/10-11/10International Symposium Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the GWMI.Measures foe protecting river beds and mountain slopes from erosion caused by floods and freshetsoral

Materials of the International conference «Earth flows: accidents, risk, the forecast, protection»Pyatigorsk, Rassia.200814/07-18/07International Academy of Debris-flowsResearch phyto meliorative actions in struggle against soil erosion, the provoking factor debris flow the phenomenaoral

International Conference dedicated to the protection of agricultural objects from the debris-flow phenomenaPyatigorsk, Rassia.200312/09-15/09International Academy of Debris-flowsEvaluation of the erosive and debris-flow phenomena in the water gathering basin of the river Tergi, Tetri aragvi and Duruji’s.oral

Web of Science: 3
Scopus: 1
Google Scholar: 23

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Ecochemical study of anthropogenic impacts on the micro-tributaries of the river Mtkvari within the city of Tbilisi and mitigation of these impactsGeorgian Technical University

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Black sea research network UP-GRADE BS-SCENE #226592Evropean Union ბელგია 01/02/2009 - 31/01/2011Performer

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Research of occurring deformations in the river bad of the Aragvi river for the purpose of maintenance drinkable waters for Tbilisi and working out corresponding recommendationsLTD 'Water Tbilisi" 01/03/2008 - 30/11/2008Performer
Measures for Assessment and Providing the Stability of Mountain Slopes in the TRACECA CorridorShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2009Performer
Measures for Assessment and Providing the Stability of Mountain Slopes in the TRACECA Corridor.Georgian Department of Motorways 16/03/2008 - 15/03/2009Performer
valuation of ecological problems of the Black Sea against the background of global warming and forecasting of erosive and mudflow processes as well as solid sediments of river basins for protecting Georgian coastal strip from abrasive processesShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 01/03/2009 - 28/02/2011Project Manager
Activities related to evaluation and environmental safety of Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum transport and energy corridor running through the territory of Georgia and representing alternative to RussianShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 05/03/2009 - 04/03/2011Performer
Providing environmental safety of Poti industrial zone through uninterrupted functioning of a watershed unit existing at river RioniShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 02/04/2009 - 01/04/2011Performer
Protecting environmental safety of sensitive areas of Eurasia transport corridor from rockfalls by using modern engineering technologies.Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 01/02/2010 - 31/01/2011Performer
Vulnerability Assessment of the Sensitive Sections appeared as a result of Ecocide in resort Borjom i valley caused by Russia (2008 Year) and Development of effective strategy against Degradation of SoilsShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 15/04/2013 - 14/04/2015Performer
Assessment of watering of degraded slopes of “TRACECA” transport corridor near (areas of Gldani village) and collaboration of modern ways to avoid soil degradationGeorgian Technical University 23/09/2013 - 23/06/2014Research Director
To estimate of ecological conditions of Black Sea water quality and protection of coastal zone from abrasion processes in borders of Georgia.Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 01/04/2014 - 31/03/2017Performer
Field survey of raw material, plant lucrative productivity for the production of soil lubricating "luperomat".Georgian Technical University 10.04.2018 - 09.12.2018Technical Assistant
Assessment of Modern Debris Flow against Construction Effectiveness and Reliability on the example of River Mletiskhevi Debris Flow WayShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 18.12.2018 - დღემდეCoordinator

Patent authorship

AU 2018 14927National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995 G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Z. lobjanidze, S. GogilavaRadial catchment drainage Fit model2021E 02 B 11/00
U 2021 2076 YNational Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995 G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, T. Gugushvili, Sh. Bosikashvili, E.Topuria, N. Kvashilava, I. Kvirkvelia, S. Gogilava A construction protecting from debris-flows. Fit model2021E 02 B 8/06
P 2020 7207 BNational Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995 G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Z. lobjanidze, S. GogilavaAnti-avalanche designInvention2020E 01 F 7/04
P 6806National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995 G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, R. Diakonidze, N. Kvashilava, Sh. Kupreishvili, I. KhubulavaGrille type protecting from debris-flows.Invention2018E 02 B 8/06
P 6807National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995 G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, R. Diakonidze, N. Kvashilava, Sh. Kupreishvili, I. KhubulavaCross type protecting from debris-flows.Invention2018E 02 B 8/06
U 1875National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995 G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, Z. VarazashviliAnti soil erosion Geomat. Fit model2014E 02 B 8/04
# P 5489National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995 G. Chakhaia, R. Diakonidze, L. TsulukidzeStepped Barrage of Anti debris-flowInvention2011E 02 B 8/06
#11466National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995O. Natishvili, V Tevzadze, l. Tsulukidze A construction protecting from debris-flows. Fit model2011E 02 B 8/06
#4556National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995G. Gavardashvili, L. Tsulukidze, N. Gavardashvili, L. KIng, M. SheferA construction protecting the mountain slope erosion.Invention2006E 02 B 3/12
#1118National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995G. Gavardashvili, L. TsulukidzeA construction protecting the mountain slope erosion.E 02 B 3/122004E 02 B 3/12
#1080National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia+995G. Gavardashvili, L. TsulukidzeA construction protecting the mountain slope from erosion. Fit model2003E 02 B 3/12

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus

გარემოს დაცვა ოკეანეებისა და ზღვების თანამედროვე ეკოლოგიური პრობლემები, შავ ზღვაში წყალბადის სულფიდის არსებობის მიზეზების შესწავლის მეთოდოლოგიაContract

The article describes the modern global problems of oceans and seas. Based on the opinions of a number of scientific institutions and famous scientists, it is estimated that the modern ecological problems of the oceans and seas can be divided into two main groups: the increase of water levels in the oceans and seas and their pollution.

The work presents consistent recommendations for studies to determine the causes of hydrogen sulfide spread (presence) in the Black Sea.

Scientific research recommendations are the property of the authors.

https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/20/Environmental protection Contemporary ecological.pdf
ღვარცოფის ზეგავლენა ღვარცოფსაწინააღმდეგო საფეხუროვან ბარაჟზე ნახევარცილინდრული ფორმის ელემენტებით, 2017, WWJMRD, ინდოეთი.State Target Program

In the article is purposed debris flow against stepped barrage containing semi cylinder shape elements and the theoretical researches conducted to assessment debris flow influence on it. In the conditions of the specific assumptions it has been found number values of actions loads at the semi cylinder shape elements of the construction at the influrmce of debris flow.

The results of the calculating gives basis that proposed construction consider as the effective debris flow against construction.

მდინარე ჯოხტანისხევის აუზში არსებული მეწყერსაშიში ფერდობების სტაილურობის შეფასება, 2017, WWJMRD, ინდოეთი.Contract

In the article is considred stability of the landslide dangerous slope existing on the left side of river Jokhtaniskhevi. It has been calculated critical values of slope thick z as, „dry“ ground, also soil ground lay saturated with water, which overdose causes kick start of slope.

As the result of research has been determimate, that water saturation of slope decrease of critical angle approximately 100 ÷ 350 (Occurring slope failures).

To accomplish this, research slope is slope existing in the marginal condition and in case of intensive rains is high possibility kick start of slope and suiable receive disaster results.

მდინარე ჯოხტანისხევის აუზშ გამჭოლი ტიპის ღვარცოფსაწინააღნდეგო ნაგებობაზე ღვარცოფის გავლენის შეფასება, 2017, WWJMRD, ინდოეთიContract

In the article is determined the maximum discharge of the possibility debris flow in the river Jokhtaniskhevi basin with various percentage in insurance. Also is purposed pass through type debris flow against construction built on the surrounded principle, on which has been implemented theoretical research for evaluate possibility debris flow influence in the river Jokhtaniskhevi basin.

As a result of our implemented calculation has been established, that during influence of possibility debris flow on the construction in the river Jokhtaniskhevi basin, number value of the loading at the cylinder shape elements of construction, that gives bases, that purposed construction considered as a effective debris flow against construction.
