Eduard Kukhalashvili
Doctor of Science
Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University
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Assessing the security risks of vulnerable infrastructure in the event of an expected disaster | C. Gavardashvili, E. Kukhalashvili, T. Supatashvili, I. Iremashvili, K. Bziava, G. Natroshvili, I. Kuparashvili | monograph | Publishing House "Universal" 2022, p. 170 | – | ISBN 978-9941-33-237-1 | – | Georgian-English | Grant Project |
The outcomes of field survey of sensitive areas at Kobi – Gudauri section of the Georgian military road for the purpose of arranging an innovative snow avalanche construction | E. E. Kukhalashvili, I. Iremashvili, N. Gavardashvili, I. Iremashvili, N. Gavardashvili | article | Agricultural University of Georgia /Annals of Agrarian Science, June 2021/ Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 181 – 189 | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | – | English | Grant Project |
Debris flow density and their effect on debris flow regulation buildings | Kukhalashvili E., Gavardashvili G., Iremashvili I., Beraia N., Kiknadze K. | article | Annals of Agrarian Science, 2021, vol. 19 (1), pp. 13-22; | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | – | English | Grant Project |
Development of the debris flow control elastic barrage design methodology | Edward Kukhalashvili, Inga Iremashvili, Shorena Kupreishvili, Natia Gavardashvili, Lia Maisaia, Kate Dadiani | article | Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland /Construction of Optimized Energy Potential, 2020/ Vol.9, #2, pp. 127- 137; | – | ISSN 2299-8535 | – | English | Grant Project |
Developing the methods and principles to ensure safety of the population living in the high-risk zone flooded as a result of possible accident of Zhinvali earth Dam | E.G. Kukhalashvili, T.G. Supatashvili, G.T. Natroshvili, I.R. Iremashvili, K.G. Bziava, I.A. Qufarashvili | article | Agricultural University of Georgia /Annals of Agrarian Agricultural University of Georgia /Annals of Agrarian Science, June 2020/ Volume 18, Number 4, 10 p. cience, June 2020/ Volume 18, Number 4, 10 p. | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | – | English | Grant Project |
Modern Innovative Debris Flow control Structure | Eduard Kukhalashvili, Natia Gavardashvil, Shorena Kupreishvili | article | გეომარკეტინგი/GEORISK WORLD/ 2020, vol. XIV, №3, pp.48-56 | – | ISSN 1997-8669 | – | English | Grant Project |
One-dimension Mathematical Model of Energy Parameters of a Hyperconcentrated Mudflow | Natishvili O., Kuhxalashvili E., Gavardashvili G., Iremashvili I. | article | Agricultural University of Georgia /Annals of Agrarian Science, June 2020/ Volume 18, Number 3, pp. 251-257 | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | – | English | Grant Project |
Economic Efficiency of Debris-flow Control | M. Vartanov, E. Kukhalashvili, N. Beraia, L. Maisaia | article | GSSRR/American Ssientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ASRJETS), 2019/Vol. 57, No 1, pp. 22–28 | – | ISSN 2313-4410 | – | English | State Targeted Program |
Expected Risks of Cohesive DebrisFlows and Fighting Against Them | Edward Kukhalashvili, Givi Gavardashvili, Shorena Kupreishvili | monograph | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018, 87 გვ. | – | ISBN: 978-613-9-83734-2 | – | English | State Targeted Program |
EFFECTS OF COHESIVE MUDFLOW ON SEMI-CYLINDRICAL ANTI-MUD STRUCTURE | G. Gavardashvili,Sh. KupreiSvili, N. Beraia | article | Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland/ Construction of Optimized Energy Potential, 2018/ Vol. 7, N. 2, pp. 35-44 | – | ISSN 2299-8535 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.17512/bozpe.2018.2.04 | English | State Targeted Program |
Estimation of the associated mudflow impact on semi-conical through constructions | E. Kukhalashvili, N. Kvashilava, Sh. Kupreishvili, N. Beraia | article | Agricultural University of Georgia /Annals of Agrarian Science, 2017/ Volume 15, pp.322-328 | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Flood events, risk, forecast, protection | E. Kukhalashvili, I. Inashvili, K. Bziava, I. Kruashvili | article | Georgian Technical University, 2017, 250 p. | – | ISBN 978-9941-20-781-5 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Determining the Properties of Hyperconcentrated Flow | Irakli Kruashvili, Eduard Kukhalashvili, Irma Inashvili, Konstantine Bziava, Dimitri Lortkipanidze | article | IOMC World/ International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, November 2016 / Vol.5, Issue 11 | – | – | An ISO 3297:2007 Certified Organization) | English | State Targeted Program |
Flood danger in Stephantsminda (Kazbegi) district and ways to regulate the disaster | Gavardashvili G., Kukhalashvili E., Kvirkvelia I. | article | "Universal" / Modern problems of water management, environment, architecture and construction, 2016 / # 71, pp.23–32 | – | ISSN 1512-2344 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The Evaluation of Debris Flows Influence on the Pass through Type Debris Flow against Construction | Goga Chakhaia, Eduard Kukhalashvili, Robert Diakonidze, Nugzar Kvashilava, Levan Tsulukidze, Shorena Kupreishvili, Tamriko Supatashvili, Irina Khubulava | article | GSSRR/American Ssientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ASRJETS), 2016/ V.20 (1), pp. 224-234 | – | ISSN (Print )2313-4410 | – | English | State Targeted Program |
Assessment, analysis and effective natural disaster management measures in the Vere riverbed on June 13-14, 2015 (Georgia) | Gavardashvili G., Diakonidze R., Chakhaia G., Tsulukidze L., Kukhalashvili E. | article | Scientific papers Collection, 2015 / # 70, pp.30–44 | – | ISSN 1512 – 2344 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Hyperconcentrated Flow traffic mode Sustainability disruption Forecast (Georgia) | Kukhalashvili E., Lobzhanidze Z., Kereselidze T. | article | "Universali" / Scientific papers Collection, 2015 / # 70, pp.102–108 | – | ISSN 1512 – 2344 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
In the mudslide Moving link flood Determining characteristics | E. Kukhalashvili, I. Inashvili, K. Bziava, I. Kruashvili, d. Lortkipanidze | article | "Technical University" / Zh. Hydroengineering, 2015 / # 1–2 (19–20), p. 70–74 | – | ISSN 1512-410X | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Transit areas and On the output cones A series of flood processes Peculiarities (Georgia) | Kukhalashvili E. | article | "Universali" / Scientific papers Collection, 2014 / # 69, 2014, p. 158–161 | - | ISSN – 1512 – 2344 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Snow avalanche Permeable type of building Assessment (Georgia) | Kukhalashvili E., Varazashvili Z., Supatashvili T., Khubulava I., Omsarashvili G. . | article | "Universali" / Collection of works, 2014 / # 69, p. 298–302 | – | ISSN – 1512 – 2344 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
MATHEMATICAL MODEL UNEQUAL MOVEMENT SVZZNOGO VILLAGE | E. Kukhalashvili, I. Kruashvili, I. Inashvili, K. Bziava, I. Klimiashvili | article | "Technical University" / Zh. Hydroengineering, 2014 / # 1–2 (17–18), p. 42–45 | – | ISSN 1512-410X | – | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Link to flood discharge Traffic on cones Forecast of conditions (Georgia) | Kukhalashvili E., Bziava K., Inashvili I. | article | "Yniversali" / Scientific papers Collection, 2013 / # 68, p. 126–127 | - | ISSN – 1512 – 2344 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Water migration and soil Influence of characteristics On irrigation regime | I. Kruashvili, I. Inashvili, E. Kukhalashvili, K. Bziava | article | "Technical University" / Zh. Hydroengineering, 2013 / # 1-2 (15-16), pp.79–83 | – | ISSN 1512-410X | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Filtration features In soils (Georgia) | Kukhalashvili E., Kruashvili I., Inashvili I., Bziava K., Natroshvili G. | article | "Universali" / Scientific papers Collection, 2012, # 67, p. 226–230 | - | ISSN 1512 – 2344 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Wetlands Land reclamation (drainage) | E. Kukhalashvili, S. Giorgadze, T. Katsarava, O. Kharaishvili, Sh. Kupreishvili, N. Undilashvili | textbook | Society Knowledge / 2010, p.142 | – | ISBN 978-9941-411-25-0 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Engineering Hydrology and Runoff regulation | E. Kukhalashvili, Zh. Father, a. Sakhvadze, G. Omsarashvili | textbook | Georgian State Agrarian University / 2009 / p. 129 | – | ISBN 978-9941-0-1729-2 | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
INFLUENCE OF MORPHOMETRICAL AND HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS ON THE FORM OF CROSSSECTION OF A CHANNEL | I.G. Kruashvili, E.G. Kukhalashvili, I.D. Inashvili | article | Agricultural University of Georgia /Annals of Agrarian Science/ 2009, pp. 114-118 | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | – | English | State Targeted Program |
Prediction of marginal equilibrium of flood mass | E. Kukhalashvili, G. Omsarashvili, A. Sakhvadze, Z. Lobzhanidze | article | GSU Collection of Scientific Papers, 2009 / Vol. 2, # 1 (46), p. 77–79 | – | – | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Determining the distance between subsoil-drip irrigation distributors | Kukhalashvili E., Sakhvadze A., Omsarashvili G., Loria M. | article | Proceedings of Agrarian Science, 2009 / v. 7, art. 77-80 | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | – | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Hydraulic calculation of watercourses for subsoil-drip irrigation | Kukhalashvili E., Sakhvadze A., Omsarashvili G., Kikabidze M. | article | "Universal" / Collection of Scientific Papers, 2007, # 63, pp. 154–157 | – | ISSN 1512 – 2344 | – | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Influence of channel processes on the stable slope of the watercourse | Kukhalashvili E., Kruashvili R., Inashvili I. | article | Georgian Engineering News, 2006/ y. # 3, с. 96-98 | – | – | – | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Establishment of design parameters of watercourse control structures, taking into account channel processes | Kukhalashvili E., Kruashvili R., Inashvili I. | article | Georgian Engineering News, 2006/ y. # 3. 128-130 pp. | – | – | – | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Patterns of Changes in the Characteristics of Ameliorative Reservoirs in Case of a Possible Break of Dams | Kukhalashvili E., Sakhvadze A., Omsarashvili G. | article | News of the Agrarian Nanka, 2006 / V.4, Art. | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | – | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Teasing methods | Kukhalashvili E., Sichinava O., Kruashvili I., Inashvili I. | textbook | – | – | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Agrotechnics of annual crops (corn) | Kukhalashvili E., Sichinava O., Inashvili I. | textbook | Government of Georgia and the World Bank Joint grant. Tbilisi 2004 Pp.1–5 | – | – | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Operation of hydromelioration systems | Kukhalashvili E., Sichinava O., Inashvili I. | textbook | Tbilisi 2004 15 p . | – | – | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Principles of mathematical modeling of plant growth and development processes | Kukhalashvili E., Mukhugashvili G., Modebadze N. | article | "Zekari" / SSAU Scientific papers Collection, 2004 / Vol. XIX, p. 126–128 | – | – | – | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Stable forms of cross-sections of channels of reclamation watercourses | Kukhalashvili E., Danelia R., Goksadze I., Kruashvili I. | article | "Zekari" / SSAU Scientific papers Collection, 2004 / p. 70–73 | - | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Model of Forming Underground Inner Flow of Drainage Sistem | Kukhalashvili E., Danelia R., Mebonia N. | article | – | ISSN: 1512-0961 | - | English | State Targeted Program | |
Possible forms of surface degradation of flood-resistant soil | Kukhalashvili E., Kruashvili I., Khutsurauli B. | article | Problems of Agrarian Science, 2001 / XIV, p. 145–151 | - | ISSN 1512-1887 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
In prismatic beds, the equation of motion of a constant depth is connected to the motion of a torrent | Kukhalashvili E., Mamasaxlisi G., Omsarashvili G. | article | Problems of Agrarian Science. 2001, XII, p. 275–277 | – | ISSN 1512-1887 | – | English | State Targeted Program |
International Conference on Construction and Environmental Engineering, WASET | Barcelona, Spain | 2019 | 11–12 ივნისი | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) | The Calculation of Maximal and Average Speed of Debris Flow Formed as a Result of Outstretched Water Wave on the Land Dam of Zhinvali | oral | In the mathematical model of debris flow formed as a result of water wave outstretched on the land dam of Zhinvali the coefficient of complete resistance K of flow movement is represented as the sum of the resistance caused by the internal friction coefficient (K 0 ) and the flow of air resistance against the flow front (K '). By using of Shvedov-Bingam modified equation and considering of hydrological and hydraulically parameters of water flow outstretched on the land dam of Zhinvali has been developed mathematical model, using which is calculated the dynamic parameters of debris flow movement. | 1 |
VII nternational Conference on Ecological and Environmental Engineering, WASET. | Paris, France | 2019 | 16-17 მაისი | WASET | Mathematical Modeling of Hydrodynamic Processes of Overflow Wave on the Zhinvali Land Dam, Georgia | oral | Abstract—It has been presented mathematical model in case overflow of wave on the dam, in order to hydrodynamic characteristics of wave generated by debris flow, various types landslides, also terrorists attract at the land dam. In the mathematical model has been considered differential equation system of cohesive debris flow uncontrollable movement considering the hydraulic friction and airborne impedance in the flow of the flow variable. The numerical method of solving the equation is used to diagnose the system of differential equations, in particular the "fracture of the vector". In the realization of the problem is considered the main hydrological hydraulic properties of the Zhinvali land dam and reservoir, as well as the debris flow wave overflow on the dam and geological-topographical characteristics of river Aragvi in the GIS system. | 1 |
XIII International-research Conference Environmental, biological, ecological sciences and engineering | Rome, Italy | 2019 | 12–13 დეკემბერი | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) | Designing and evaluating elastic debris flow – regulating barrage for efficient debris flow regulation | oral | The climate change drew a wide response in the field of environmental protection, particularly, in the mountain-type countries of the world with predominantly floods, erosive-landslide and debris flow processes formed in their mountain landscapes. Their activation causes great damage to many countries of the world, destruction of various structures and unfortunately, many human and animal victims. Following the above-mentioned, an elastic debris flow-regulating barrage was designed, which is made of the sections of triangular prisms of the same height connected to one another with their bases forming a springboard. The barrage is a longitudinal structure placed across the bed of a debris flow channel. As the heights of the prisms are increasing, the structure has a springboard shape directed opposite the current, while damping of the debris flow energy is attained by means of pockets formed with elastic ropes between the upper faces of the prisms. With the purpose of designing an elastic debris flow-regulating barrage, computational models were developed and a laboratory model was made based on them (with sizes: length – 0,60 m, width – 0,36 m and height – 0,25 m; the gradient of a springboard-type model is 0.25) to test it at the hydraulic laboratory. | 1 |
XIII International-research Conference Environmental, biological, ecological sciences and engineering | Rome, Italy | 2019 | 12-13 დეკემბერი | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) | The ecological awareness level arising of the population living in the flood risk zone in case of possible accident of Zhinvli land dam and designing precautionary measures | oral | Based on the analysis of theoretical and field studies, the methodology for calculating the basic hydrodynamic parameters of the tsunami wave formed in the event of a possible accident of the Zhinvali earth dam is discussed. The contours of the flooded area in the event of a possible accident at the Zhinvali Dam have been established and the population at high risk is estimated. In the article are considered rules for population living in the flood risk zone in the emergency, their readiness for disaster relief and providing first aid to victims in line with modern requirements are discussed and provide first aid of victim according to modern requirement. | 1 |
International Conference on Engineering and Technology. | Rome, Italy | 2019 | 01-01-2017 | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) | The Research of Water Levels in the Zhinvali Water Reservoir and Results of Field Research on the Debris Flow Tributaries of the River Tetri Aragvi flowing in itი | oral | 1 | 1 |
International Conference on Economic Geology and Environmental Problems | Istanbul, Turkey | 2019 | 30-31იანვარი | 1 | Using the “CAPRA” Methodology for Analysis of the Critical State of the Zhinvali Earth Dam and Risks | oral | Abstract—Georgia is one of the most vulnerable countries to natural disasters within South Caucasus Region. In recent years, the disaster risk has increased due to faulty land-using. Outstanding building codes lead to inadequate building construction. There is a lack of real data on natural disasters and the impact of mudflows, floods, debris flows etc. on land-use planning and prompt actions after above mentioned catastrophes. Therefore it is important task to carry out assessments of critical structures sensitive to natural threats such as dams and reservoirs. In order to be able to improve the resistance of hydraulic engineering structures it is necessary to utilize a formal risk analysis framework, such as the Critical Asset and Portfolio Risk Analysis (CAPRA) method. The scientific article examined the creation of a framework for the condition of the earth dam and risk management using the analysis of the critical state and the risk portfolio, which was developed by Professor Billal Ayyub who represents Maryland University in USA, to examine human- caused threats, such as terrorism events, and natural hazards, such as flooding due to dam failures, with focus on potential failure modes due to deterioration. For this purpose, based on the field and theoretical studies, the regulation of hydrological (floods, debris-flows, snow avalanches), geological (erosion, mudflows), and seismic (earthquake), as well as those natural disasters formed in the water area of Zhinvali Reservoir, which determines the stability and reliability of the Zhinvali Earth Dam, is estimated using existing statistical data and theory of reliability and risk. Special attention is paid to the safety of the population living in the risk zone, as well as the development and evaluation of methods and principles of the impact of expected disasters. | 1 |
VII International Scientific-Technical Conference თა Water Management, Environment Protection, architecture and construction Modern problems | Tbilisi Georgia | 2017 | 25–27 აგვისტო | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian Technical University Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Agriculture Environmental Ecocenter | THE EFFECT OF THE BOUNDED MUDFLOW ON THE REGULATORY BARRAGES (Georgia) | oral | The expected risks of mud flow impact on constructions confirm that there are both a loss of flow stability and a change in its hydraulic regime. An excited zone and a wave against the current are created. For the case of a tied-up flow passage in a mudflow duct with rectangular cross section, theoretical formulas of the calculated parameters determining the breakthrough of the flow stability are derived. In addition, their changes, graphic illustrations in connection with the rheological characteristics are given. The distance between the counter-mudflow barrages has been determined; Theoretical calculated dependences under the conditions of the appearance of a wave against the flow and downstream were derived. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/237356 |
VI International Scientific-Technical Conference | Tbilisi Georgia | 2016 | 22–25 სექტემბერი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Georgian Technical University Ts. Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Economy Environmental Ecocenter | Located in Stepantsminda (Kazbegi) district Flood threat and disaster regulation Roads (Georgia)რეგულირების გზები (საქართველო) | oral | From the faces in this area we meet almost all of them. Based on the research conducted, the assessment of flood events was carried out and Their underlying causes. The causative factors were identified, of which The foundation was also formed to regulate flooding in the catchment area Recommended main direction. In addition, flood regulation The purpose is proposed to be innovative with a reliable type of copyright Premises whose use is offered as premises Average of defining parameters of design elements, namely cost Calculation of velocity, wave velocity, critical depth, impact force Attitudes are also given to the regulation of bedrock processes Defining criteria. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/237356 |
Contemporary problems of Architecture and Construction VII conference | Italy,Florence | 2015 | 1 | The hyper concentrated mudflow structure dynamic impact forecast | oral | 1 | 1 | |
“Climate change and its impact on rural areas Farming sustainable and safe On development | Tbilisi Georgia | 2014 | 2.10–4.10 | Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences | Hyperconcentrated flows Calculation of hydraulic characteristics In case of overflow of effluent | oral | 1 | 1 |
International Konferenceon Protection of Agroliodiversity and Sustainable Development of Aggriculture Tbilisi | Tbilisi Georgia | 2010 | 1 | 1 | Hydroecological, aspects of migration and modernt of water in the soils | oral | 1 | 1 |
International Scientific Conference | Tbilisi Georgia | 2009 | 1 | 1 | Determining the optimal parameters of the irrigation regime to obtain ecologically clean products | oral | 1 | 1 |
International symposium on floods end modern methods of control measures | Tbilisi Georgia | 2009 | 1 | 1 | Prediction of the maxsimum discharges of Maior rivers in water geosia | oral | 1 | 1 |
International Conference | Tbilisi Georgia | 2009 | 1 | 1 | Food safety problems | oral | 11 | 1 |
International symposium on floods end modern methods of control measures | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2009 | 1 | 1 | Teoritikal model of mud flow in erosioonal river-qullies hign vater | oral | 1 | 1 |
International Symposium (with the support of UNESCO) on ,,FLOODS AND MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL MEASURES” | Tbilisi Georgia | 2009 | 23-28 September | 1 | The theoretical Model of Mudflow in Erosional RiverGullies at High Water | oral | 1 | 1 |
Proceedings of the International Conference, Institute of Water Ecology, Georgian Academy of Sciences | Tbilisi Georgia | 2001 | 1 | Georgian Academy of Sciences | Link Flood finite motion, equations, erosion-storm phenomena, some related problems | oral | 1 | 1 |
Proceedings of the Conference, Stu. | Tbilisi Georgia | 2001 | 1 | Stu | Link Flood-based movement on river flow, hydraulic and hydraulic structures hydraulics and hydraulic engineering issues | oral | 1 | |
Priorities for Stabilization and Development of the Georgian Agro-Engineering Sector during and After the Coronavirus Pandemic | Tbilisi Georgia | 2020 | 17–18 სექტემბერი | Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences | Hydrological characteristics of reservoirs and their role in integrated water management | oral | In the paper with theoretical and field scientific complex studies Empirical relationships are obtained, which are used to calculate Maximum costs of turbulent and hyperconcentrated mudslides, river The main hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the Mtkvari basin Taking into account. The proposed methodology allows to be determined by the flood The volume of flooded mass transported to the next stage in the reservoirs Allows accurate prediction of sediment dead volume. | 1 |
XVI International scientific and practical conference ,,science and society, patterns and trends of development | Vienna, Austria | 2021 | 30 მარტი– 2 აპრილი | International Science Grup ISG-KONF.COM | Study of the mathematical model of snow avalanche kobi-cudauri section of the Georgian military road on sensitive areas | oral | 1 | 1 |
Web of Science: 1 Scopus: h-index - 1 Google Scholar: Google Scholar - 9; |
Selection of flood-type rivers for the construction of elastic dams, topography results at the site of construction site selection, geology, hydrology assessment, description of the extracted material samples and preparation of granulometry | In the vicinity of Shiomghvimi Monastery in Mtskheta Municipality | 11-20/07/2021 | Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation Grant Project # AR-1244 |
Conducting field-scientific studies for arranging a flood-regulating elastic barrier in the vicinity of Shiomghvimi Monastery in Mtskheta Municipality. Assessment of morphometry and hydraulic characteristics of the monastery gorge | In the vicinity of Shiomghvimi Monastery in Mtskheta Municipality | 8–18/11/2021 | Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation Grant Project # AR-1244 |
For field research on Zhinvali Reservoir in Dusheti district | Zhinvali Reservoir in Dusheti district | 03/07/2020 - 12/07/2020 | LEPL - Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation Grant Project # FR17-615 |
For field research on Zhinvali Reservoir in Dusheti district | Zhinvali Reservoir in Dusheti district | 20/05/2020 - 07/06/2020 | LEPL - Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation Grant Project # FR17-615 |
For field research on Zhinvali Reservoir in Dusheti district | Zhinvali Reservoir in Dusheti district | 23-31/05/2020 წ. | LEPL - Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation Grant Project # FR17-615 |
For field research on Zhinvali Reservoir in Dusheti district | Zhinvali Reservoir in Dusheti district | 17-27/02/2020 წ | LEPL - Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation Grant Project # FR17-615 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee
Master Theses Supervisor
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.
Honorary title |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |