George Jandieri
Doctor of Science
Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University
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Temporal Spectrum of a Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Conductive Collision Turbulent Magnetized Plasma | G. Jandieri, A. Ishimaru, B. Rawat, N. Tugushi | article | Advanced Electromagnetics (AEM) vol. 11, # 1 pp. 1-8, 2022, | 2.1 | ISSN:2119-0275 | https://doi.org/10.7716/aem.v11i1.1859 | English | State Targeted Program |
Compensation Effect in the Conductive Auroral Regions of the Terrestrial Atmosphere | George Jandieri, Akira Ishimaru and Nino F.Mchedlishvili | article | Progress In Electromagnetic Research, PIER M, vol. 105, pp. 119-129, 2021 | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIERM21081206 | English | State Targeted Program |
Polarimetric parameters of scattered electromagnetic waves in the conductive magnetized plasma | George Jandieri and Akira Ishimaru | article | PIER M, vol. 101, pp. 185-196, 2021. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIERM21021904 | English | State Targeted Program |
Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Conductive Anisotropic Magnetized Plasma | G.V. Jandieri, A. Ishimaru, B. Rawat, I. N. Mchedlishvili. | article | International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, vol. 14, # 6, 2019 pp. 440-449. | 0.524 | ISSN:1553-0396 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Polarimetric Parameters of Scattered Radiation in the Magnetized Plasma | Jandieri George, Ishimaru Akira, Pistora Jaromir, Lesnak Michal | article | Advanced Electromagnetics, vol. 8, # 2 pp. 77-84, 2019. | 2.1 | ISSN:2119-0275 | https://doi.org/10.7716/aem.v8i2.1150 | English | State Targeted Program |
Scintillation Effects in the Magnetized Plasma | Jandieri George, Ishimaru Akira, Pistora Jaromir, Lesnak Michal | article | PIER M, vol. 81, pp. 159-165, 2019. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIERM19041504 | English | State Targeted Program |
Scintillation Effects and the Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Radio Waves in the Ionospheric F Region | Jandieri G., Zhukova N., Diasamidze Zh., Diasamidze M.R. | article | Journal of Advances in Physics, vol. 13, # 1, pp. 4593-4604, 2017. | 25.38 | E-ISSN:2347-3487 | https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v13i1.5638 | English | State Targeted Program |
Power Spectra of Ionospheric Scintillations | Jandieri George, Ishimaru Akira, Rawat Banmali, Kharshiladze Oleg, Diasamidze Zhuzhuna | article | Advanced Electromagnetics vol.6, # 4, pp. 42-51, 2017. | 1.15 | ISSN:2119-0275 | https://doi.org/10.7716/aem.v6i4.652 | English | State Targeted Program |
New Features of the “Double-Humped Effect in the Magnetized Plasma | Jandieri George, Ishimaru Akira, Kharshiladze Oleg. | article | PIER M (progress In Electromagnetics Research, M), vol. 62, pp. 1-9, 2017. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIERM17091302 | English | State Targeted Program |
Statistical Characteristics of New Type Internal Wave in the Ionospheric F Region | Jandieri George, Rahul Kaushik, Tugushi Nika. | article | International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 5, # 4, pp. 55-62, 2017. | ISSN Print: 2376-7014 ISSN Online: 2376-7022 | doi: 10.11648/j.ijass.20170504.11 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Three-dimensional Magnetogradient Waves in the Upper Atmosphere | Jandieri George, Gvelesiani Anzor, Diasamidze Zhuzhuna, Diasamidze Mzia, Takidze Irma | article | Journal of Advances in Physics, vol. 13, # 5, pp. 4881-4887, 2017. | 25.38 | E-ISSN:2347-3487 | https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v13i1.5638 | English | State Targeted Program |
Second Order Statistical Moments of the Power Spectrum of Ionospheric Scintillation | Jandieri George, Diasamidze Zhuzhuna, Diasamidze Mzia, Takidze Irma | article | Earth Sciences, vol. 6, # 6, pp. 142-148, 2017. | E-ISSN:2328-5982 | DOI: 10.11648/j.earth.20170606.16 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Scintillation Effects and the Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Radio Waves in the Ionospheric F Region | Jandieri G., Zhukova N., Diasamidze Zh., Diasamidze M.R. | article | Journal of Advances in Physics, vol. 13, # 1, pp. 2347-3487, 2017. | 25.38 | E-ISSN:2347-3487 | https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v13i1.5638 | English | State Targeted Program |
Double-humped Effect in the Turbulent Collision Magnetized Plasma | Jandieri G.V. | article | Progress In Electromagnetics Research M (PIER M), Vol. 48, pp. 95-102, 2016. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIERM16031203 | English | State Targeted Program |
On the theory of the passive impurity distribution in the turbulent air flow | Jandieri G., Zhukova N. | article | Journal of Advances in Physics, vol. 11, # 7, pp. 3535-3545, 2016. | 25.38 | E-ISSN:2347-3487 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v11i5.320 | English | State Targeted Program |
Peculiarities of the spatial power spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma | G. V. Jandieri, A. Ishimaru, B. Rawat andN. K. Tugushi | article | Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER), Vol. 152, pp. 137-149, 2015. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIER15081802 | English | State Targeted Program |
Magnetosonic waves in the turbulent ionospheric plasma | Jandieri G.V., Kharshiladze O., Diasamidze Zh.M., Diasamidze M.R. | article | International Journal of Advancement in Earth and Environmental Sciences, vol.2,# 1, pp. 51-62, 2014. | SJIF -6.311 | ISSN: 2321-9149 (E) | URL http://irosss.org/IJAEES.php | English | State Targeted Program |
To the problem of MHD waves propagation in the ionospheric E-region | Jandieri G.V | article | Journal of Applied Science and Research, vol. 2 # 2,pp. 1-13, 2014. | CGIJ OAJI: 0.350 | ISSN:1816157X, 1819544X | English | State Targeted Program | |
Statistical characteristics of scattered radiation in medium with spatial-temporal fluctuations of electron density and external magnetic field | Jandieri G.V., Takidze I.G., Zhukova N.N., Jandieri I.V. | article | Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 4, pp. 243-251, 2012. | 0.75 | ISSN Print: 1942-0730 | DOI:10.4236/jemaa.2012.46034 | English | State Targeted Program |
Spatial power spectrum of multiple scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves in magnetized plasma with electron density fluctuations | Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Mchedlishvili N.F., Takidze I.G. | article | Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, (PIER M) vol. 25, pp. 87-100, 2012. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | DOI:10.2528/PIERM12053102 | English | State Targeted Program |
Depolarization effects of incoherently scattered electromagnetic waves by inhomogeneous magnetized plasma slab | Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G | article | Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 3, # 11, pp. 471-478, 2011. | 0.75 | ISSN Print: 1942-0730 | DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2011.311075 | English | State Targeted Program |
Depolarization of metric radio signals and the spatial spectrum of scattered radiation by magnetized turbulent plasma slab | Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G., Zhukova N.N. | article | PIER (Progress In Electromagnetics Research), vol. 112, pp. 63-75, 2011. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIER10120702 | English | State Targeted Program |
On the wind and turbulence in the lower atmosphere above complex terrain | Jandieri G.V., Surmava A.A., Gvelesiani A.I. | article | International Journal of Geosciences, vol. 2, pp. 13-28, 2011. | 1.46 | ISSN Print: 2156-8359 | doi:10.4236/ijg.2011.21002 | English | State Targeted Program |
Electromagnetic oscillations of the Earth’s upper atmosphere (review) | Khantadze A.G., Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Kaladze T.D., Diasamidze Zh.M. | article | Annales Geophysicae, vol. 28,pp. 1387-1399, 2010 | 1.88 | ISSN :0992-7689 | https://doi.org/10.5194/angeo-28-1387-2010 | English | State Targeted Program |
On the influence of fluctuations of the direction of an external magnetic field on phase and amplitude correlation functions of scattered radiation by magnetized plasma slab | Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Zhukova N.N. Bzhalava T.N. Diasamidze M.R. | article | PIER B (Progress in Electromagnetics Research B), vol. 22, pp. 121-143, 2010 | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIERB10051402 | English | State Targeted Program |
Planetary waves and vortex structures in the ionosphere | Khantadze A.G., Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G. | article | Annales Geophysicae, vol. 27, pp. 3489-3495, 2009. | 1.88 | ISSN :0992-7689 | https://doi.org/10.5194/angeo-27-3489-2009 | English | State Targeted Program |
Planetary-scale vortical structures in the conducting atmosphere | Khantadze A.G., Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G | article | The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, vol. 3, pp. 147-157, 2009. | 0.5 | ISSN:1874-2823 | DOI: 10.2174/1874282300903010147 | English | State Targeted Program |
Angle-of-arrival of radio waves scattering by turbulent collisional magnetized plasma layer | Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Yasumoto K., Khantadze A.G., Jandieri V.G | article | International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 4, # 3, pp. 160-169, 2009. | 0.524 | ISSN 1553-0396 | Corpus ID: 13868020 | English | State Targeted Program |
Influence of non-monochromaticity on zonal-flow generation by magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E-layer | Kaladze T.D., Shah H.A., Murtaza G., Tsamalashvili L.V., Shad M., Jandieri G.V | article | Journal of Plasma Physics, 75 (03)pp. 345-357, 2009 | 2.014 | Online ISSN: 1469-7807 | DOI:10.1017/S0022377808007678 | English | State Targeted Program |
Statistical simulation of statistical characteristics of the radiation scattered by turbulent plasma layer | Jandieri G.V., Gobadze M.N., Shirokov I.B., Gimpilevich Yu.B., Mchedlishvili N.P., Diasamidze Zh.M., Gomidze N.Kh., Takidze I.G. | article | Georgian Engineering News, # 2, pp. 29-36, 2009. | ISSN:1512-0287 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
General-planetary character of three-dimensional planetary waves propagation in lower and upper Earth atmosphere | Khantadze A.G., Jandieri G.V. | article | Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 71, pp. 45-48, 2009. | 1.735 | ISSN: 1364-6826 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2008.10.005 | English | State Targeted Program |
Investigation of Diffusion Processes in the Ionosphere | Gvelesiani A.I., Jandieri G.V., Khantadze A.G. | article | (Review paper in Russian). Proceedings of Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, vol. 60, pp. 1-38, 2008 | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Peculiarities of spatial spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in anisotropic inhomogeneous medium | Jandieri G.V., Gavrilenko V.G., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G. | article | PIER B (Progress in Electromagnetics Research B), vol. 7, pp. 191-208, 2008. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | DOI:10.2528/PIERB08032503 | English | State Targeted Program |
Three dimensional magnetogradient waves in the upper Earth’s atmosphere | Gvelesiani A.I., Jandieri G.V. | article | Radiophysics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 13, # 2, pp. 138-145, 2008. | Current Global Index of the Journal (CGIJ) OAJI –0.251 | ISSN 2415-7007 (Online) ISSN 1027-9636 (Print) | DOI: https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v13i5.6122 | English | State Targeted Program |
A Note of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation by anisotropic layer of collisional magnetized turbulent plasma | Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G., Khantadze A.G., Gvelesiani A.I., Kotetishvili K.V., Bzhalava T.N | article | International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 3, # 1, pp. 35-44, 2008. | 0.524 | ISSN 1553-0396 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Planetary waves in a rotational ionosphere | Khantadze A.G., Jandieri V.G., Jandieri G.V | article | Plasma Physics Reports, vol. 34, # 6, pp. 480-485, 2008. | 0.977 | Electronic ISSN:1562-6938 Print ISSN:1063-780X | https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063780X08060044 | English | State Targeted Program |
Internal waves in the ionosphere caused by the Earth’s geomagnetic field | Khantadze A.G., Lominadze D.G., Jandieri G.V. | article | Doklady Earth Sciences, vol. 420, # 4, pp. 672-675, 2008. | 0.533 | Online ISSN: 1531-8354 | DOI:10.1134/S1028334X08040338 | English | State Targeted Program |
Wave structure functions of electromagnetic waves multiply scattered by the anisotropic layer of collisional magnetized plasma | Jandieri G.V., Gomidze N.Kh., Diasamidze M.R., Jabnidze I.N., Davitadze M.I., Takidze I.G. | article | Georgian Engineering News, # 1, pp. 66-76, 2008. | ISSN:1512-0287 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Localized magnetized Rossby structures under zonal shear flow in the ionospheric E-layer | Kaladze T.D., Wu D.J., Tsamalashvili L.V., Jandieri G.V. | article | Physics Letters A, vol. 365, pp. 140-143, 2007. | 2.654 | ISSN 0375-9601 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2007.01.002 | English | State Targeted Program |
Electromagnetic inertio-gravity waves in the ionospheric E-layer | Kaladze T.D., Pokhotelov O.A., Stenflo L., Shah H.A., Jandieri G.V., | article | Physica Scripta, vol. 76, pp. 343-348, 2007. | 2.487 | Online ISSN: 1402-4896 Print ISSN: 0031-8949 | doi: 10.1088/issn.1402-4896 | English | State Targeted Program |
Model computations of angular power spectra for anisotropic absorptive turbulent magnetized plasma | Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G., Khantadze A.G., Diasamidze Zh.M | article | Physica Scripta, vol. 76,pp. 343-348, 2007. | 2.487 | Online ISSN: 1402-4896 Print ISSN: 0031-8949 | doi: 10.1088/issn.1402-4896 | English | State Targeted Program |
Model computations of angular power spectra for anisotropic absorptive turbulent magnetized plasma | Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G., Khantadze A.G., Diasamidze Zh.M. | article | Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER, vol. 70, pp. 307-328, 2007. | 2.949 | ISSN:1070-4698 | doi:10.2528/PIER07013103 | English | State Targeted Program |
Large-scale planetary scale vortex structures in ionospheric levels | Khantadze A.G., Gvelesiani A.I., Jandieri G.V. | article | Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 12, # 2, pp. 135-151, 2007 (in Russian). | Current Global Index of the Journal (CGIJ) OAJI –0.251 | ISSN 2415-7007 (Online) ISSN 1027-9636 (Print) | DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/rpra | English | State Targeted Program |
Small oscillations in the upper atmosphere | Khantadze A.G., Gvelesiani A.I., Jandieri G.V. | article | Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 12, # 3, pp. 261-277, 2007 (in Russian). | Current Global Index of the Journal (CGIJ) OAJI –0.251 | ISSN 2415-7007 (Online) ISSN 1027-9636 (Print) | DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/rpra | English | State Targeted Program |
The analysis of meteorological features of homodyne method of frequency transformation | Gimpilevich Yu.B., Shirokov I.B., Jandieri G.V. | article | Georgian Engineering News, # 2, pp. 38-45, 2007. | ISSN:1512-0287 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Statistical Characteristics of Scattered Microwaves in Gyrotropic Medium with Random Inhomogeneities | Jandieri G.V., Jandieri V.G., Diasamidze Zh.M., Jabnidze I.N., Takidze I.G. | article | International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 1, # 2, pp. 860-869, 2006. | 0.524 | ISSN 1553-0396 | DOI:10.4236/jemaa.2012.46034 | English | State Targeted Program |
Analysis and design of multiport waveguide junctions with artificial inclusions formed of conducting strips | Bogdanov F.G., Kevanishvili G.Sh., Jandieri G.V., Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, Doug Ill Kim | article | International Journal of Infrared Millimetre Waves, vol. 27, # 10, pp. 1347–1364, 2006. | 1.768 | Electronic ISSN:1866-6906 Print ISSN:1866-6892 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10762-006-9142-3 | English | State Targeted Program |
Optimization strategy for multiport waveguide junctions with canonical types of artificial discontinuities | Bogdanov F.G., Kevanishvili G.Sh., Jandieri G.V., Kiyotoshi Yasumoto | article | International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 1, # 2, pp. 259-266, 2006. | 0.524 | ISSN 1553-0396 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Analysis and design of multiport waveguide junctions with artificial inclusions made of cylindrical rods | Bogdanov F.G., Kevanishvili G.Sh., Doug Ill Kim, Jandieri G.V., Kiyotoshi Yasumoto | article | Research Reports of Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University, vol. 11, # 1, pp. 7-16, 2006. | SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)-0.104 | PISSN:1342-3819 EISSN:2188-0891 | https://doi.org/10.15017/1516216 | English | State Targeted Program |
Generation and propagation of the ULF planetary-scale electromagnetic wavy structures in the ionosphere | G.D. Aburjania, Kh.Z. Chargazia, G.V. Jandieri, A.G. Khantadze, O.A. Kharshiladze, J.G. Lominadze | article | Planetary and Space Science, Volume 53, # 9, pp. 881-901, 2005. | 2.03 | ISSN: 0032-0633 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2005.02.004 | English | State Targeted Program |
Some Properties of the Angular Power Distribution of Electromagnetic Waves Multiply Scattered in a Collisional Magnetized Plasma | Jandieri G.V., Gavrilenko V.G., Sorokin A.V., Jandieri V.G. | article | Plasma Physics Reports, vol. 31,# 7, pp. 604–615, 2005. | 0.977 | Electronic ISSN:1562-6938 Print ISSN:1063-780X | https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1992588 | English | State Targeted Program |
Broadening of the spatial spectrum of scattered electromagnetic radiation in turbulent anisotropic collisionless magnetized plasma | Jandieri G.V., Gomidze N.Kh., Kokrashvili T.A., Davitadze M.I., Jabnidze I.N. | article | Georgian Engineering News, # 3, pp. 7–14, 2005. | ISSN:1512-0287 | English | State Targeted Program | ||
Mechanism for the generation of a vortex electric field in the ionospheric E–region | Khantadze A.G., Aburjania G.D., Jandieri G.V. | article | Plasma Physics Report, vol. 30, # 1, pp. 88–95, 2004. | 0.977 | Electronic ISSN:1562-6938 Print ISSN:1063-780X | https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1641981 | English | State Targeted Program |
On the New modes of planetary–scale electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere | Aburjania G.D., Chargazia Kh. Z., Jandieri G.V., Khantadze A.G., Kharshiladze O.A. | article | Annales Geophysicae, vol. 22, # 4, pp. 508–517, 2004. | 1.88 | ISSN :0992-7689 | HAL Id: hal-00317299 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00317299 | English | State Targeted Program |
Transformation of the Spectrum of Scattered Radiation in Randomly Inhomogeneous Absorptive Plasma Layer | Jandieri G.V., Aburjania G.D., Jandieri V.G. | article | Wave Propagation, Scattering and Emission in Complex Media. Science Press (Beijing, China), World Scientific (Singapore City, Singapore). Editor: Ya–Qiu Jin. pp. 207–214, 2004. | ISBN:978-981-238-771-4 | https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812702869_0019 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Evolution of the Angular Power Spectrum of the point source transmitted through a layer of turbid medium | Jandieri G.V., Gavrilenko V.G., Sorokin A.V., Jandieri V.G. | article | Optics and Spectroscopy, # 5, 874–879, 2004. | 0.891 | ISSN: 0030-400X (print); 1562-6911 (web) | DOI: 10.1134/1.1753649 | English | State Targeted Program |
Self – organization of planetary electromagnetic waves in E–region of the ionosphere | Aburjania G.D., Jandieri G.V., Khantadze A.G. | article | Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 65, # 6, pp. 661-671, 2003. | 1.735 | ISSN: 1364-6826 | https://doi.org/10.1016/S1364-6826(03)00003-8 | English | State Targeted Program |
On The Mechanism for the Generation of a Vortex Electric Field in the ionospheric E–Region | Khantadze A.G., Aburjania G.D., Jandieri G.V. | article | Plasma Physics Reports, vol.30, #1,pp.83–90, 2004. | 0.977 | Electronic ISSN 1562-6938 Print ISSN 1063-780X | DOI:https://doi.org/10.1134/1.1641981 | English | State Targeted Program |
Dynamics of the new modes of the low-frequency planetary-scale electromagnetic wave structures in the ionosphere | Aburjania G.D., Chargazia Kh. Z., Jandieri G.V., Khantadze A.G., Kharshiladze O.A. | article | In book: Recent Research Developments in Geophysics, vol. 5, pp. 211–246, 2003. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Theoretical model for conjugate photoelectron energy transfer and related them night sky airglow Enhancement in the local midlatitude ionospheric F-region | Aburjania G.D., Chargazia Kh. Z., Jandieri G.V., Machabeli G.Z., Khantadze A.G., Kharshiladze O.A. | article | In book: Recent Research Developments in Geophysics, vol. 5, pp. 37–51, 2003. | English | State Targeted Program | |||
Broadening of the angular spectrum and displacement of its maximum at scattering of electromagnetic waves from a point source by a randomly inhomogeneous layer | Jandieri G.V., Daraselia N.M. | article | Georgian Engineering News, # 3, pp. 23-28, 2002. | ISSN:1512-0287 | English | State Targeted Program |
The General Assembly 2020 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) | Vienna | 2020 | 3–8 May | Austria | Second order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves in the conductive magnetized ionospheric plasma | oral | In this paper analytical calculations of the statistical characteristics in the conductive collision magnetized ionospheric plasma have been carried out for the first time using the complex geometrical optics approximation. Stochastic wave equation of the phase fluctuations includes both dielectric permittivity and conductivity tensors which are random functions of the spatial coordinates and time. Using the boundary conditions correlation function of the phase fluctuations has been obtained for arbitrary second order statistical moment of electron density fluctuations (large and small ionospheric plasmonic structures); observation points are spaced at small distance. The index of refraction contains both ordinary and extraordinary waves. Angular power spectrum (broadening, shift of its maximum) of scattered electromagnetic waves is investigated. It was shown that Hall's, Pedersen, and longitudinal conductivities have a substantial influence on the frequency fluctuation of an incident wave. Doppler spread associated with random ionospheric structure, and Doppler shifts associated with relative motion of the ray path with respect to the elongated plasmonic structures. Numerical calculations and spatial-temporal modeling are carried out for both large and small-scale ionospheric plasma irregularities using experimental data and experimentally observing power-law spectrum of electron density fluctuations. The obtained results are useful for solving the reverse problem restoring plasma parameters, in satellite communication and navigation systems that operate in the earth-space regime. The influence of the conductivity fluctuations on the second order statistical moments will open new horizons in understanding and forecasting new phenomena in the upper ionosphere caused due to spatial-temporal parameters fluctuations. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339816340_Session_Earth_and_Space_Science_Informatics_ESSI_Second_order_statistical_moments_of_scattered_electromagnetic_waves_in_the_conductive_magnetized_ionospheric_plasma |
Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-2019) | Rome Italy | 2019 | June 17-20 | Sapienza University of Rome | Scintillation Effects in the Ionosphere | oral | Statistical characteristics of scattered ordinary and extraordinary electromagnetic waves in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma caused by electron density fluctuations are calculated using modify smooth perturbation method taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients. Scintillation level is analyzed analytically and numerically using experimental data. Scintillation effects can lead to the excitation of splashes in the ionosphere leading to the turbulence and generation of new-type waves propagating in space and in the terrestrial atmosphere. Turbulence have an influence on the meteorological parameters in the lower atmospheric layers leading to the climate change. | DOI:10.1109/PIERS-Spring46901.2019.9017631 |
Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-2019)Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-2019) | Rome Italy | 2019 | June 17-20 | Sapienza University of Rome | Statistical Characteristics of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Conductive Magnetized Plasma | oral | Second-order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves in the turbulent collision conductive magnetized plasma are considered using the modified smooth perturbation method. Diffraction effects, polarization coefficients of both fast and slow waves are taken into account. Numerical calculations are carried out using the experimental data of the ionospheric F-region | DOI: 10.1109/PIERS-Spring46901.2019 proceedings, Publication Year: 2019,Page(s):1318 - 1322 Electronic ISSN: 1559-9450 |
NanoOstrava, New aula, VSB–TU Ostrava, 6 th Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting, May 13-16, 2019, Ostrava | Czech Republic | 2019 | May 13-16 | Ostrava | Interaction of electromagnetic waves with plasmonic | oral | Propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in the anisotropic plasmonic medium are investigated using the smooth perturbation method. In the first approximation interaction of waves with homogeneous structures of the gyrotropic plasmonic medium is considered. It was shown that two type waves are excited having opposite side circular polarization causing rotation of the polarization plane. Faraday angle depends on the distance covering by wave. Statistical characteristics of scattered electromagnetic waves on randomly inhomogeneous plasmonic structures of the upper restrial atmosphere are considered in the second order approximation.Plasmonic irregularities in the anisotropic gyrotropic medium have different characteristic spatial scales and ellipsoidal form generating due to different chemical and dynamical processes. Second order statistical moments of the phase fluctuations and the variance of the Faraday angle are calculated for arbitrary spectral function of irregular plasmonic structures in the upper terrestrial atmosphere. Normalized variance of the Faraday angle nonlinearly depends on the inclination angle of elongated irregularities increasing in proportion to the anisotropy factor and frequency of an incident wave; for metric electromagnetic waves it was equal to 70, in agreement with experiment.It was shown that using the Stokes parameters depolarization coefficient is proportional to 6 ×10-3
| ISBN 978-80-248-4290-5 Book of Abstracts, Programme and General Information (International conference) NanoOstrava 2019–6 th Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 13-16, 2019 |
2018 International Conference on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences (EEES2018) | Shanghai | 2018 | April 15-16 | China | oral | Second order statistical moments of scattered radiation in the magnetized plasma is considered using modify smooth perturbation method taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of both the ordinary and extraordinary waves. The broadening of the spatial spectrum and displacement of its maximum are obtained. Scintillation level of scattered waves is analyzed for different parameters characterizing anisotropic irregularities for the ionospheric F-region. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325359227_Statistical_Characteristics_and_Scintillation_Level_of_Scattered_Radio_Waves_in_the_Magnetized_Plasma | |
22nd International Microwave and Radar Conference, National URSI Symposium 2018 | Poznan | 2018 | May 14-17 | Poland | Scintillation Effects of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionospheric Plasma | oral | Second order statistical moments of the phase fluctuations are obtained taking into account the boundary condition, diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of the ordinary and extraordinary waves. The variance and the correlation function are calculated for arbitrary 3D spectral function of electron density fluctuations containing both anisotropic Gaussian and power-law spectra. The phase scintillation index and the scintillation level are analyzed numerically. Splashes are revealed for different anisotropy factor of elongated large-scale irregularities varying orientation angle with respect to the lines of force of geomagnetic field. Log-log plots of the power spectrum satisfies the "standard relationship" of scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves. Growing orientation angle splashes arises in fully developed scintillation region. | DOI:10.23919/URSI.2018.8406711 |
The PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research) | Singapore | 2017 | 19-22 November | Singapore | Scintillation effects of HF electromagnetic waves and new type MHD waves in F region of the ionosphere | oral | Statistical characteristics of scattered electromagnetic waves in the ionospheric collision magnetized plasma are investigated taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of the ordinary and extraordinary waves. Scintillation level is analyzed for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function of electron density fluctuations containing anisotropy factor and angle of inclination of elongated plasma irregularities with respect to the line of forces of geomagnetic field. Second order statistical moments are calculated for new Alfven-type internal MHD wave in the ionospheric F region. Energy exchange between turbulent plasma flow and internal wave is investigated in the geometrical optics approximation. The influence of geometrical parameters of plasma irregularities of the second order statistical moments is analyzed. Numerical calculation are carried out using experimental data. | "DOI: 10.1109/PIERS-FALL.2017.8293156 Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-1211-8 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-1212-5" |
2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS) | St Peterburg | 2017 | 22-25 May | Russia | Scintillation studies of scattered radio waves in the ionosphere | oral | Second order statistical moments of scattered radio wave in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma are investigated for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function of electron density fluctuations using the modify smooth perturbation method taking into account polarization coefficients of the ordinary and extraordinary HF wave modes and the diffraction effects. The behavior of the phase structure function of the ordinary and extraordinary waves is different in the principle (location of an external magnetic field) plane while the same in the perpendicular plane. Anisotropy, diffraction effects and collision between plasma particals have substantial influence of the phase structure function on the extraordinary wave in the principle plane. Varing anisotropy factor the angle of arrival in the principle plane less than in the perpendicular plane. Investigation of the scintillation effects are carried out for small-scale plasma irregularities. It was shown that increasing frequency of an incident wave from 3 MHz up to 40 MHz scintillation level decreases. Splashes caused by the strong phase fluctuations are revealed in the normalized scintillation level at 40 MHz frequency. Comparison of the scintillation level at the frequencies 3 MHz and 40 MHz show that the amplitude of scintillation decreases with increasing frequency of an incident wave. Scintillation level of scattered radio wave also depends on the spectrum of electron density irregularities | "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8261701 DOI: 10.1109/PIERS.2017.8261701 Publisher: IEEE" |
2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM) | Kumamoto | 2017 | 8-10 March | Japan | Ionospheric scintillations in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma | oral | Paper considers some aspects of the relationship between scintillation level of scattered radiation and anisotropic plasma irregularities in the collision turbulent magnetized plasma. Analytical calculations have been carried out using modify smooth perturbation method taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of both ordinary and extraordinary waves. Scintillation level has been analyzed for different parameters characterizing anisotropic irregularities. | DOI:10.1109/COMPEM.2017.7912716 |
2016 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC) | Noida | 2016 | 26-28 december | India | Scintillation spectra of multiple scattered radio waves in the ionospheric plasma | oral | Statistical characteristics of radio waves scattered in the turbulent ionospheric plasma are investigated analytically by modify perturbation method taking into account both polarization coefficients and diffraction effects of both ordinary and extraordinary waves. Numerical investigations are carried out for anisotropic Gaussian correlation function containing anisotropy coefficient and the angle of inclination of elongated plasma irregularities with respect to the geomagnetic lines of forces. Scintillation level is analyzed for different parameters characterizing anisotropic irregularities using experimental data. | DOI:10.1109/ICSPCom.2016.7980550 |
PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research) | Shanghai | 2016 | 8-11 August | China | Statistical moments of scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves in the turbulent plasma | oral | Statistical characteristics of the ordinary and extraordinary waves scattered in the magnetized plasma are investigated using the perturbation method and boundary conditions. Second order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves are obtained for the arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Numerical calculations are carried out for the 3MHz and 40MHz operating frequencies. | Published in: 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) DOI: 10.1109/PIERS.2016.7735263 Electronic ISBN:978-1-5090-6093-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5090-6094-8 |
The 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing | Las Vegas, Nevada | 2016 | 25-28 July | USA | Statistical Characteristics of Multiple Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Collision Magnetized Turbulent Plasma | oral | The features of the spatial power spectrum of multiple scattered electromagnetic waves in the collision magnetized turbulent plasma with strongly prolated anisotropic electron density irregularities are investigated analytically using the modify smooth perturbation method taking into account diffraction effects. Correlation functions and variances of the phase fluctuations are obtained for arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Statistical moments of scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves and the "Double-humped Effect" are investigated analytically and numerically using the anisotropic Gaussian spectral function of electron density irregularities for the polar ionospheric F-region applying the experimental data. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335881104_Statistical_Characteristics_of_Multiple_Scattered_Electromagnetic_Waves_in_the_Collision_Magnetized_Turbulent_Plasma |
The 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing | Las Vegas, Nevada | 2015 | 27-30 July | USA | Peculiarities of the Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Turbulent Collision Magnetized Plasma | oral | General dispersion equation is obtained at arbitrary inclination angles of the external magnetic field and wave vector of an incident EM wave. Statistical characteristics of the phase fluctuations of scattered high frequency EM waves in the collision magnetized plasma caused by electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations taking into account polarization coefficients for both ordinary and extraordinary waves are calculated analytically. The influence of collision frequency, anisotropy factor and angle of inclination of prolate irregularities of electron density fluctuations with respect to the geomagnetic field of lines on the broadening of the spatial power spectrum is analyzed. Phase portraits of the phase fluctuations caused by the geomagnetic field fluctuations are constructed at different spatial parameters characterizing magnetic field and electron density fluctuations. Numerical calculations are carried out for the ionospheric F-region parameters using experimental data. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335881151_Peculiarities_of_the_Spatial_Power_Spectrum_of_Scattered_Electromagnetic_Waves_in_the_Turbulent_Collision_Magnetized_Plasma doi:10.2528/PIER15081802 http://www.jpier.org/PIER/pier.php?paper=15081802 |
WORLDCOMP'15 | Las Vegas, Nevada | 2015 | 27-30 July | USA | Slow MHD Waves in the Turbulent Magnetized Plasma | oral | Peculiarities of the magnetosonic waves in weakly-ionized ionospheric E-region with randomly varying spatial-temporal turbulent plasma parameters are considered. Statistical characteristics: variances of both the directional fluctuations causing curvature of the phase surface and frequency fluctuations leading to the broadening of the temporal power spectrum of scattered magnetosonic waves are investigated analytically and numerically. Energy exchange between fast and slow magnetosonic waves, and turbulent plasma is analyzed on the bases of the stochastic transport equation using the ray (-optics) approximation. Experimental data have been used in numerical calculations for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function of the density fluctuations. It is shown that the energy balance between magnetosonic wave-nonstationary medium is different in the direction of the wave propagation and perpendicular plane leading to the compression and stretching of the ray tubes. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335946301_Slow_MHD_Waves_in_the_Turbulent_Magnetized_Plasma |
PIERS ((Progress In Electromagnetics Research) | Prague | 2015 | July 6-9 | Czech Republic | Evaluation of the Angular Spectrum of Scattered High Frequency Radio Waves in the Anisotropic Collision Magnetized Ionospheric Plasma | oral | Second-order statistical moments of scattered radiation in turbulent collision magnetized plasma. General dispersion equation is obtained at arbitrary angles of inclination of both external magnetic field and wave vector of an incident electromagnetic wave. Statistical characteristics of the phase fluctuations of scattered high frequency radio waves in the collision magnetized plasma caused by the electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations taking into account polarization coefficients for both ordinary and extraordinary waves are considered. The influence of collision frequency on the broadening and displacement of maximum of the angular spectrum is analyzed. Numerical calculations are carried out for the F-region of the ionosphere using experimental data. | www.emacademy.org; www.piers.org |
PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research) | Stockholm | 2013 | 12-15 August | Sweden | Power Spectra of a RadioWave Diffracted by Random Electron Density Irregularities | oral | The scintillation spectral features of multiply scattered radio waves in turbulent magnetized plasma with electron density fluctuations are investigated analytically and numerically. An example is based on the anisotropic Gaussian and power-law spectra. The results are applied to the F-region ionosphere. Minimums of the power spectrum are calculated for the Gaussian spectrum in the principle plane. Scintillation level is estimated for different anisotropy factor and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. Peculiarities of the electromagnetic waves propagation in randomly inhomogeneous media have been intensively studied [1]. Anisotropic irregularities have different nature, particularly plasma irregularities in the Earth's ionosphere are aligned with the geomagnetic fields [2]. The fluctuations in phase (scintillation) of radio waves passing through the ionosphere are caused by spatial irregularities in the electron density. Evolution of the angular distribution of ray intensity at light propagation in random medium with prolate irregularities has been investigated [3] using the smooth perturbation method. It has been shown that the spatial power spectrum (SPS) of a multiple scattered radiation at oblique illumination of random medium by mono-directed incident radiation has a double-peaked shape. Numerical simulation has been carried out by Monte-Carlo method. The features of the SPS of scattered radiation in magnetized anisotropic plasma in the complex geometrical optics approximation and in smooth perturbation method have been investigated in [4, 5]. Numerical calculations are carried out for both anisotropic Gaussian and power-law correlations functions in the principle and perpendicular planes for the F-region ionosphere using the experimental data | https://www.proceedings.com/content/020/020404webtoc.pdf |
The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computin | Las Vegas, Nevada | 2012 | 16-19 July | USA | Angular power spectrum of scattered radiation in ionospheric plasma with both electron density and magnetic field fluctuations | oral | The influence of anisotropy of both electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations on the spatial power spectrum (SPS) of scattered electromagnetic waves is considered in this paper. Stochastic differential equation is obtained for the phase fluctuations using smooth perturbation method taking into account diffraction effects. Second order statistical moments are calculated for arbitrary correlation functions of electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations. Numerical calculations were carried out for anisotropic Gaussian correlation function containing nondimensional anisotropic parameter and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. SPS of scattered radiation has a pronounced gap caused by electron density fluctuations. The influence of an external magnetic field on a double-peaked shape has been analytically and numerically. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335881415_Angular_power_spectrum_of_scattered_radiation_in_ionospheric_plasma_with_both_electron_density_and_magnetic_field_fluctuations |
Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIERS) | Kuala Lumpur | 2012 | 27-30 March | Malaysia | On the Influence of Spatial-temporal Fluctuations of Electron Density and Magnetic Field Fluctuations on the Angular Power Spectrum of Scattered Electromagnetic Wave by Magnetized Plasma Slab | oral | Influence of temporal fluctuations of both electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations on scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves by magnetized plasma slab is investigated using the ray-optics method. Transport equation for frequency fluctuations of scattered radiation has been derived. Amplification of frequency fluctuations in the collisional magnetized plasma slab is possible due to temporal fluctuations of plasma parameters and depends on the anisotropy factor and the direction of wave propagation with respect to the imposed magnetic field. Correlation functions of the phase and frequency fluctuation are obtained for arbitrary correlation functions of fluctuating plasma parameters. Broadening of the angular power spectrum is analyzed analytically and numerically for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function using the remote sensing data. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335881348_On_the_Influence_of_Spatial-mporal_Fluctuations_of_Electron_Density_and_Magnetic_Field_Fluctuations_on_the_Angular_Power_Spectrum_of_Scattered_Electromagnetic_Wave_by_Magnetized_Plasma_Slab |
2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium | Istanbul | 2011 | 13-20 Aug | Turkey | To the problem of electromagnetic waves propagation in turbulent magnetized plasma slab | oral | Second order statistical moment of the ordinary and extraordinary waves scattered by turbulent magnetized plasma slab with electron density and magnetic field fluctuations is analytically calculated applying the perturbation method. Numerical calculations are carried out for the anisotropic Gaussian fluctuation spectrum at different anisotropy factor and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. Phase portraits of correlation function of the phase and amplitude fluctuations of scattered radiation are constructed. It is shown that correlation between ordinary and extraordinary wave decreases in proportion to the anisotropic factor. | INSPEC Accession Number: 12340209 DOI: 10.1109/URSIGASS.2011.6050800 |
13th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology | Prague | 2011 | 20-23 June | Czech Republic | To the Problem of Microwaves Propagation in Turbulent Atmospheric Layers | oral | Statistical characteristics of scattered microwaves by turbulent atmospheric layers are investigated analytically and numerically using satellite data. Index Terms-amplitude and phase fluctuations, atmosphere, correlation functions, depolarization. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337474952_To_the_Problem_of_Microwaves_Propagation_in_Turbulent_Atmospheric_Layers |
PIERS | Xi'an | 2008 | 22-26 March | China | Fluctuation of Electromagnetic Field Parameters Propagating in Magnetized Plasma with Random Variation of Electron Density and Magnetic Field | oral | Statistical characteristics of scattered and reflected electromagnetic waves by turbulent magnetized plasma layer with electron density and magnetic field fluctuations at arbitrary orientation of an external magnetic field are considered using the perturbation method. The obtained results are valid for near and far zones. Analytical expressions for scattered electric field components are obtained using the boundary conditions. Correlation functions of these statistical characteristics are analyzed analytically and numerically for the ordinary waves at different orientation of external magnetic field using satellite and remote sensing data. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335881382_Fluctuation_of_Electromagnetic_Field_Parameters_Propagating_in_Magnetized_Plasma_with_Random_Variation_of_Electron_Density_and_Magnetic_Field |
XXIX URSI General Assembly | 2008 | 7-11 Aug. | USA | Some Features of Angular Spectrum of Scattered Radiation on Anisotropic Irregularities of Randomly-Inhomogeneous Media | oral | The present paper is devoted to the investigation of the angular spectrum of scattered radiation on prolate anisotropic irregularities of randomly-inhomogeneous media. It was shown that in a single-scattering approximation a pronounced dip appears in the angular spectrum of scattered radiation in the direction of prolate irregularities and its maximum coincides with the direction of their elongation. If an incident wave is mono-directed and axes of random irregularities are chaotically oriented with respect to the incident wave, phase function of a single-scattered radiation has a maximum in the direction of incident wave propagation. Its width decreases with increasing a spread of orientation of irregularities and a phase function has a sharp peak. Basic peculiarities of an angular power distribution have been corroborated, for the first time, at multiple scattering using smooth perturbation method | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335882813_Some_Features_of_Angular_Spectrum_of_Scattered_Radiation_on_Anisotropic_Irregularities_of_Randomly-Inhomogeneous_Media | |
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | Denver,CO | 2006 | 31 July-4 Aug | USA | The Phase Synchronization of Reference Oscillators Through Atmospheric Channel | oral | The theoretical modeling of transferring of initial phase of low frequency oscillations with modulation of carrier with separate high frequency link from one part to another is presented. The main goal of this modeling is the determination of influence of separate high frequency link phase stability on phase stability of low frequency oscillations in a reception point. | DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2006.265 Print ISSN: 2153-6996 Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003 |
2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium | Albuquerque, NM | 2006 | 9-14 July | USA | Statistical characteristics of the angular spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in nonisotropic turbulent collision magnetized plasma | oral | At the present time the features peculiar to propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in random media have been rather well studied. In this paper we describe the features of statistical characteristics of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation in turbulent collision magnetized plasma with both nonisotropic electron density and magnetic field fluctuations. Anisotropy of scattering is determined by both prolate degree on inhomogeneities and their orientation | DOI: 10.1109/APS.2006.1710569 Print ISSN: 1522-3965 Electronic ISSN: 1947-1491 |
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004. | Monterey, CA | 2004 | 20-25 June | USA | On the features of spatial spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in a random absorbing slab | oral | In this paper, the problem of passing of radiation from a point source through a plane absorbing layer, with randomly smooth inhomogeneities of dielectric permittivity, in the case when a source and the receiver are located at various distances from the layer's boundaries is considered. The angular power spectrum of scattered radiation is statistically simulated for different thickness of layer, positions of source and receiver. Also considered is the regular absorption in a slab. | DOI: 10.1109/APS.2004.1329818 Print ISBN:0-7803-8302-8 |
IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37477) | Toulouse | 2003 | 21-25 July | France | Deformation of the angular spectrum of scattered radiation in turbulent collision magnetized plasma | oral | The oblique incidence of a small amplitude electromagnetic wave on a plane layer of the turbulent absorptive plasma in an external homogeneous magnetic field is considered. Equations for the first two first moments of the angular power spectrum are derived in the geometrical optics approximation. It was found out that in a certain direction two asymmetric factors of the problem (oblique incidence and medium anisotropy) compensate each other. | DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2003.1294022 |
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium | Columbus, OH | 2003 | 22-27 June | USA | Statistical characteristics of the point source radiation scattered by a randomly inhomogeneous layer | oral | It is well known that absorption in randomly inhomogeneous media strongly affects statistical characteristics of scattered electromagnetic waves. Recently it has been established that asymmetric attenuation of the scattered waves is caused by absorption. In most works the turbid medium boundary is illuminated by a plane wave or by a collimated light beam, the source being located in the medium. The case when the source and the receiver are located on different sides relative to the randomly inhomogeneous absorptive layer is of great practical importance. Such a situation can take place at: probing the atmosphere and ocean water, exposing translucence thick clouds or living tissues by IR radiation and etc. The relationship between statistical characteristics of the scattered radiation and randomly varying parameters of the medium will allow us to study experimentally the peculiarities of wave propagation in the absorptive media. The influence of the distance both from the point source and the receiver to the boundaries of the plane layer on the statistical characteristics of the angular power spectrum of the multiply scattered radiation is analyzed in this paper. The source and the detector are located in homogeneous media of different permittivity on different sides with respect to the inhomogeneous plane layer. | DOI: 10.1109/APS.2003.1219879 |
IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | Toulouse | 2003 | 21-25 July | France | Peculiarities of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation by a random inhomogeneous dielectric slab | oral | Statistical characteristics of the angular power spectrum of multiple scattered electromagnetic waves passing through randomly absorptive inhomogeneous plane layer with dielectric permittivity fluctuations are investigated. The point source and the detector are located on the opposite sides of the layer in homogeneous media with different dielectric permittivity and at terminal distances from the layer boundaries. Broadening of the angular spectrum and displacement of its maximum are obtained in the ray-(optics) approximation. | DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2003.1295464 Print ISBN:0-7803-7929-2 |
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (IEEE Cat. No.02CH37313) | San Antonio, TX | 2002 | 16-21 June | USA | On a bending of the wave front surface in randomly inhomogeneous medium with velocity fluctuations | oral | Many papers have been devoted to the investigation of features of rays' propagation in randomly inhomogeneous media with refractive index fluctuations. Chaotic bending of the wave front caused by random inhomogeneities of dielectric permittivity and velocity fluctuations leads to displacement of the rays. Transversal shift of rays, angles of arrival and dispersion of phase fluctuations are important statistical characteristics of radiation propagating in nonstationary media. Although they are basically geometry optical characteristics, the area of their application is beyond the scope of (ray-) optics approximation. A new method of calculation of dispersion of geometrical rays shifting is suggested in this paper. It is based on the stochastic kinematic equation describing evolution of the curvature of the wave front in nonstationary inhomogeneous medium with velocity fluctuations randomly varying in space and time. This method is universal and is valid for arbitrary nonstationary media. It does not impose any restrictions both on the distance passing by the wave and characteristic scale of random inhomogeneities. This method is important for investigation of chaotic bending of the phase front of wave beams due to heating spread in random media. For simplicity we consider 2D case. | DOI: 10.1109/APS.2002.1016979 Print ISBN:0-7803-7330-8 |
Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-308, H ინდექსი-9 Scopus: ციტირების ინდექსი-333, H ინდექსი-10 Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-644, H ინდექსი-14 |
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