George Jandieri

Doctor of Science

Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University

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Temporal Spectrum of a Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Conductive Collision Turbulent Magnetized PlasmaG. Jandieri, A. Ishimaru, B. Rawat, N. TugushiarticleAdvanced Electromagnetics (AEM) vol. 11, # 1 pp. 1-8, 2022, 2.1 ISSN:2119-0275 Targeted Program
Compensation Effect in the Conductive Auroral Regions of the Terrestrial AtmosphereGeorge Jandieri, Akira Ishimaru and Nino F.Mchedlishvili articleProgress In Electromagnetic Research, PIER M, vol. 105, pp. 119-129, 20212.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIERM21081206EnglishState Targeted Program
Polarimetric parameters of scattered electromagnetic waves in the conductive magnetized plasmaGeorge Jandieri and Akira Ishimaru article PIER M, vol. 101, pp. 185-196, 2021. 2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIERM21021904EnglishState Targeted Program
Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Conductive Anisotropic Magnetized PlasmaG.V. Jandieri, A. Ishimaru, B. Rawat, I. N. Mchedlishvili. articleInternational Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, vol. 14, # 6, 2019 pp. 440-449.0.524 ISSN:1553-0396 EnglishState Targeted Program
Polarimetric Parameters of Scattered Radiation in the Magnetized PlasmaJandieri George, Ishimaru Akira, Pistora Jaromir, Lesnak Michal articleAdvanced Electromagnetics, vol. 8, # 2 pp. 77-84, 2019.2.1 ISSN:2119-0275 Targeted Program
Scintillation Effects in the Magnetized PlasmaJandieri George, Ishimaru Akira, Pistora Jaromir, Lesnak Michal articlePIER M, vol. 81, pp. 159-165, 2019.2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIERM19041504EnglishState Targeted Program
Scintillation Effects and the Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Radio Waves in the Ionospheric F RegionJandieri G., Zhukova N., Diasamidze Zh., Diasamidze M.R. articleJournal of Advances in Physics, vol. 13, # 1, pp. 4593-4604, 2017.25.38 E-ISSN:2347-3487 Targeted Program
Power Spectra of Ionospheric Scintillations Jandieri George, Ishimaru Akira, Rawat Banmali, Kharshiladze Oleg, Diasamidze ZhuzhunaarticleAdvanced Electromagnetics vol.6, # 4, pp. 42-51, 2017.1.15 ISSN:2119-0275 Targeted Program
New Features of the “Double-Humped Effect in the Magnetized PlasmaJandieri George, Ishimaru Akira, Kharshiladze Oleg. articlePIER M (progress In Electromagnetics Research, M), vol. 62, pp. 1-9, 2017. 2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIERM17091302EnglishState Targeted Program
Statistical Characteristics of New Type Internal Wave in the Ionospheric F RegionJandieri George, Rahul Kaushik, Tugushi Nika. articleInternational Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 5, # 4, pp. 55-62, 2017. ISSN Print: 2376-7014 ISSN Online: 2376-7022 doi: 10.11648/j.ijass.20170504.11EnglishState Targeted Program
Three-dimensional Magnetogradient Waves in the Upper AtmosphereJandieri George, Gvelesiani Anzor, Diasamidze Zhuzhuna, Diasamidze Mzia, Takidze Irma articleJournal of Advances in Physics, vol. 13, # 5, pp. 4881-4887, 2017.25.38 E-ISSN:2347-3487 Targeted Program
Second Order Statistical Moments of the Power Spectrum of Ionospheric ScintillationJandieri George, Diasamidze Zhuzhuna, Diasamidze Mzia, Takidze Irma articleEarth Sciences, vol. 6, # 6, pp. 142-148, 2017. E-ISSN:2328-5982 DOI: 10.11648/ EnglishState Targeted Program
Scintillation Effects and the Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Radio Waves in the Ionospheric F RegionJandieri G., Zhukova N., Diasamidze Zh., Diasamidze M.R. articleJournal of Advances in Physics, vol. 13, # 1, pp. 2347-3487, 2017.25.38 E-ISSN:2347-3487 Targeted Program
Double-humped Effect in the Turbulent Collision Magnetized PlasmaJandieri G.V. article Progress In Electromagnetics Research M (PIER M), Vol. 48, pp. 95-102, 2016.2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIERM16031203EnglishState Targeted Program
On the theory of the passive impurity distribution in the turbulent air flowJandieri G., Zhukova N. articleJournal of Advances in Physics, vol. 11, # 7, pp. 3535-3545, 2016.25.38 E-ISSN:2347-3487 DOI: Targeted Program
Peculiarities of the spatial power spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in the turbulent collision magnetized plasmaG. V. Jandieri, A. Ishimaru, B. Rawat andN. K. Tugushi articleProgress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER), Vol. 152, pp. 137-149, 2015.2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIER15081802EnglishState Targeted Program
Magnetosonic waves in the turbulent ionospheric plasma Jandieri G.V., Kharshiladze O., Diasamidze Zh.M., Diasamidze M.R.articleInternational Journal of Advancement in Earth and Environmental Sciences, vol.2,# 1, pp. 51-62, 2014.SJIF -6.311 ISSN: 2321-9149 (E) URL Targeted Program
To the problem of MHD waves propagation in the ionospheric E-regionJandieri G.VarticleJournal of Applied Science and Research, vol. 2 # 2,pp. 1-13, 2014.CGIJ OAJI: 0.350 ISSN:1816157X, 1819544X EnglishState Targeted Program
Statistical characteristics of scattered radiation in medium with spatial-temporal fluctuations of electron density and external magnetic field Jandieri G.V., Takidze I.G., Zhukova N.N., Jandieri I.V. articleJournal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 4, pp. 243-251, 2012.0.75 ISSN Print: 1942-0730 DOI:10.4236/jemaa.2012.46034EnglishState Targeted Program
Spatial power spectrum of multiple scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves in magnetized plasma with electron density fluctuationsJandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Mchedlishvili N.F., Takidze I.G. articleProgress In Electromagnetics Research M, (PIER M) vol. 25, pp. 87-100, 2012.2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 DOI:10.2528/PIERM12053102EnglishState Targeted Program
Depolarization effects of incoherently scattered electromagnetic waves by inhomogeneous magnetized plasma slabJandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G articleJournal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 3, # 11, pp. 471-478, 2011.0.75 ISSN Print: 1942-0730 DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2011.311075EnglishState Targeted Program
Depolarization of metric radio signals and the spatial spectrum of scattered radiation by magnetized turbulent plasma slabJandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G., Zhukova N.N. articlePIER (Progress In Electromagnetics Research), vol. 112, pp. 63-75, 2011.2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIER10120702EnglishState Targeted Program
On the wind and turbulence in the lower atmosphere above complex terrainJandieri G.V., Surmava A.A., Gvelesiani A.I. article International Journal of Geosciences, vol. 2, pp. 13-28, 2011.1.46 ISSN Print: 2156-8359 doi:10.4236/ijg.2011.21002EnglishState Targeted Program
Electromagnetic oscillations of the Earth’s upper atmosphere (review)Khantadze A.G., Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Kaladze T.D., Diasamidze Zh.M.article Annales Geophysicae, vol. 28,pp. 1387-1399, 2010 1.88 ISSN :0992-7689 Targeted Program
On the influence of fluctuations of the direction of an external magnetic field on phase and amplitude correlation functions of scattered radiation by magnetized plasma slabJandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Zhukova N.N. Bzhalava T.N. Diasamidze M.R. articlePIER B (Progress in Electromagnetics Research B), vol. 22, pp. 121-143, 20102.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIERB10051402EnglishState Targeted Program
Planetary waves and vortex structures in the ionosphereKhantadze A.G., Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G. articleAnnales Geophysicae, vol. 27, pp. 3489-3495, 2009.1.88 ISSN :0992-7689 Targeted Program
Planetary-scale vortical structures in the conducting atmosphereKhantadze A.G., Jandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G articleThe Open Atmospheric Science Journal, vol. 3, pp. 147-157, 2009.0.5 ISSN:1874-2823 DOI: 10.2174/1874282300903010147EnglishState Targeted Program
Angle-of-arrival of radio waves scattering by turbulent collisional magnetized plasma layerJandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Yasumoto K., Khantadze A.G., Jandieri V.G articleInternational Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 4, # 3, pp. 160-169, 2009. 0.524 ISSN 1553-0396 Corpus ID: 13868020EnglishState Targeted Program
Influence of non-monochromaticity on zonal-flow generation by magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E-layerKaladze T.D., Shah H.A., Murtaza G., Tsamalashvili L.V., Shad M., Jandieri G.V articleJournal of Plasma Physics, 75 (03)pp. 345-357, 20092.014 Online ISSN: 1469-7807 DOI:10.1017/S0022377808007678EnglishState Targeted Program
Statistical simulation of statistical characteristics of the radiation scattered by turbulent plasma layerJandieri G.V., Gobadze M.N., Shirokov I.B., Gimpilevich Yu.B., Mchedlishvili N.P., Diasamidze Zh.M., Gomidze N.Kh., Takidze I.G.articleGeorgian Engineering News, # 2, pp. 29-36, 2009. ISSN:1512-0287 EnglishState Targeted Program
General-planetary character of three-dimensional planetary waves propagation in lower and upper Earth atmosphereKhantadze A.G., Jandieri G.V. articleJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 71, pp. 45-48, 2009.1.735 ISSN: 1364-6826 Targeted Program
Investigation of Diffusion Processes in the IonosphereGvelesiani A.I., Jandieri G.V., Khantadze A.G. article(Review paper in Russian). Proceedings of Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, vol. 60, pp. 1-38, 2008 EnglishState Targeted Program
Peculiarities of spatial spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in anisotropic inhomogeneous mediumJandieri G.V., Gavrilenko V.G., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G. articlePIER B (Progress in Electromagnetics Research B), vol. 7, pp. 191-208, 2008.2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 DOI:10.2528/PIERB08032503EnglishState Targeted Program
Three dimensional magnetogradient waves in the upper Earth’s atmosphereGvelesiani A.I., Jandieri G.V. articleRadiophysics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 13, # 2, pp. 138-145, 2008.Current Global Index of the Journal (CGIJ) OAJI –0.251 ISSN 2415-7007 (Online)  ISSN 1027-9636 (Print) DOI: Targeted Program
A Note of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation by anisotropic layer of collisional magnetized turbulent plasmaJandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G., Khantadze A.G., Gvelesiani A.I., Kotetishvili K.V., Bzhalava T.NarticleInternational Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 3, # 1, pp. 35-44, 2008. 0.524 ISSN 1553-0396 EnglishState Targeted Program
Planetary waves in a rotational ionosphereKhantadze A.G., Jandieri V.G., Jandieri G.V articlePlasma Physics Reports, vol. 34, # 6, pp. 480-485, 2008.0.977 Electronic ISSN:1562-6938 Print ISSN:1063-780X Targeted Program
Internal waves in the ionosphere caused by the Earth’s geomagnetic fieldKhantadze A.G., Lominadze D.G., Jandieri G.V. articleDoklady Earth Sciences, vol. 420, # 4, pp. 672-675, 2008.0.533 Online ISSN: 1531-8354 DOI:10.1134/S1028334X08040338EnglishState Targeted Program
Wave structure functions of electromagnetic waves multiply scattered by the anisotropic layer of collisional magnetized plasmaJandieri G.V., Gomidze N.Kh., Diasamidze M.R., Jabnidze I.N., Davitadze M.I., Takidze I.G. articleGeorgian Engineering News, # 1, pp. 66-76, 2008. ISSN:1512-0287 EnglishState Targeted Program
Localized magnetized Rossby structures under zonal shear flow in the ionospheric E-layerKaladze T.D., Wu D.J., Tsamalashvili L.V., Jandieri G.V. articlePhysics Letters A, vol. 365, pp. 140-143, 2007.2.654 ISSN 0375-9601 Targeted Program
Electromagnetic inertio-gravity waves in the ionospheric E-layerKaladze T.D., Pokhotelov O.A., Stenflo L., Shah H.A., Jandieri G.V., article Physica Scripta, vol. 76, pp. 343-348, 2007.2.487 Online ISSN: 1402-4896 Print ISSN: 0031-8949 doi: 10.1088/issn.1402-4896EnglishState Targeted Program
Model computations of angular power spectra for anisotropic absorptive turbulent magnetized plasmaJandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G., Khantadze A.G., Diasamidze Zh.MarticlePhysica Scripta, vol. 76,pp. 343-348, 2007.2.487 Online ISSN: 1402-4896 Print ISSN: 0031-8949 doi: 10.1088/issn.1402-4896EnglishState Targeted Program
Model computations of angular power spectra for anisotropic absorptive turbulent magnetized plasmaJandieri G.V., Ishimaru A., Jandieri V.G., Khantadze A.G., Diasamidze Zh.M. article Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER, vol. 70, pp. 307-328, 2007.2.949 ISSN:1070-4698 doi:10.2528/PIER07013103EnglishState Targeted Program
Large-scale planetary scale vortex structures in ionospheric levelsKhantadze A.G., Gvelesiani A.I., Jandieri G.V. article Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 12, # 2, pp. 135-151, 2007 (in Russian).Current Global Index of the Journal (CGIJ) OAJI –0.251  ISSN 2415-7007 (Online)  ISSN 1027-9636 (Print)  DOI: Targeted Program
Small oscillations in the upper atmosphereKhantadze A.G., Gvelesiani A.I., Jandieri G.V. articleRadio Physics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 12, # 3, pp. 261-277, 2007 (in Russian).Current Global Index of the Journal (CGIJ) OAJI –0.251  ISSN 2415-7007 (Online)  ISSN 1027-9636 (Print)  DOI: Targeted Program
The analysis of meteorological features of homodyne method of frequency transformationGimpilevich Yu.B., Shirokov I.B., Jandieri G.V. article Georgian Engineering News, # 2, pp. 38-45, 2007. ISSN:1512-0287 EnglishState Targeted Program
Statistical Characteristics of Scattered Microwaves in Gyrotropic Medium with Random InhomogeneitiesJandieri G.V., Jandieri V.G., Diasamidze Zh.M., Jabnidze I.N., Takidze I.G. articleInternational Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 1, # 2, pp. 860-869, 2006.0.524 ISSN 1553-0396 DOI:10.4236/jemaa.2012.46034EnglishState Targeted Program
Analysis and design of multiport waveguide junctions with artificial inclusions formed of conducting stripsBogdanov F.G., Kevanishvili G.Sh., Jandieri G.V., Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, Doug Ill Kim articleInternational Journal of Infrared Millimetre Waves, vol. 27, # 10, pp. 1347–1364, 2006.1.768 Electronic ISSN:1866-6906 Print ISSN:1866-6892 Targeted Program
Optimization strategy for multiport waveguide junctions with canonical types of artificial discontinuitiesBogdanov F.G., Kevanishvili G.Sh., Jandieri G.V., Kiyotoshi Yasumoto article International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 1, # 2, pp. 259-266, 2006.0.524 ISSN 1553-0396 EnglishState Targeted Program
Analysis and design of multiport waveguide junctions with artificial inclusions made of cylindrical rodsBogdanov F.G., Kevanishvili G.Sh., Doug Ill Kim, Jandieri G.V., Kiyotoshi Yasumoto articleResearch Reports of Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University, vol. 11, # 1, pp. 7-16, 2006.SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)-0.104 PISSN:1342-3819 EISSN:2188-0891 Targeted Program
Generation and propagation of the ULF planetary-scale electromagnetic wavy structures in the ionosphereG.D. Aburjania, Kh.Z. Chargazia, G.V. Jandieri, A.G. Khantadze, O.A. Kharshiladze, J.G. Lominadze articlePlanetary and Space Science, Volume 53, # 9, pp. 881-901, 2005.2.03 ISSN: 0032-0633 Targeted Program
Some Properties of the Angular Power Distribution of Electromagnetic Waves Multiply Scattered in a Collisional Magnetized PlasmaJandieri G.V., Gavrilenko V.G., Sorokin A.V., Jandieri V.G. articlePlasma Physics Reports, vol. 31,# 7, pp. 604–615, 2005.0.977 Electronic ISSN:1562-6938 Print ISSN:1063-780X Targeted Program
Broadening of the spatial spectrum of scattered electromagnetic radiation in turbulent anisotropic collisionless magnetized plasma Jandieri G.V., Gomidze N.Kh., Kokrashvili T.A., Davitadze M.I., Jabnidze I.N. articleGeorgian Engineering News, # 3, pp. 7–14, 2005. ISSN:1512-0287 EnglishState Targeted Program
Mechanism for the generation of a vortex electric field in the ionospheric E–regionKhantadze A.G., Aburjania G.D., Jandieri G.V. articlePlasma Physics Report, vol. 30, # 1, pp. 88–95, 2004.0.977 Electronic ISSN:1562-6938 Print ISSN:1063-780X Targeted Program
On the New modes of planetary–scale electromagnetic waves in the ionosphereAburjania G.D., Chargazia Kh. Z., Jandieri G.V., Khantadze A.G., Kharshiladze O.A. articleAnnales Geophysicae, vol. 22, # 4, pp. 508–517, 2004.1.88 ISSN :0992-7689 HAL Id: hal-00317299 Targeted Program
Transformation of the Spectrum of Scattered Radiation in Randomly Inhomogeneous Absorptive Plasma LayerJandieri G.V., Aburjania G.D., Jandieri V.G. articleWave Propagation, Scattering and Emission in Complex Media. Science Press (Beijing, China), World Scientific (Singapore City, Singapore). Editor: Ya–Qiu Jin. pp. 207–214, 2004. ISBN:978-981-238-771-4 Targeted Program
Evolution of the Angular Power Spectrum of the point source transmitted through a layer of turbid mediumJandieri G.V., Gavrilenko V.G., Sorokin A.V., Jandieri V.G. articleOptics and Spectroscopy, # 5, 874–879, 2004.0.891 ISSN: 0030-400X (print); 1562-6911 (web) DOI: 10.1134/1.1753649EnglishState Targeted Program
Self – organization of planetary electromagnetic waves in E–region of the ionosphereAburjania G.D., Jandieri G.V., Khantadze A.G.articleJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 65, # 6, pp. 661-671, 2003.1.735 ISSN: 1364-6826 Targeted Program
On The Mechanism for the Generation of a Vortex Electric Field in the ionospheric E–RegionKhantadze A.G., Aburjania G.D., Jandieri G.V. articlePlasma Physics Reports, vol.30, #1,pp.83–90, 2004.0.977 Electronic ISSN 1562-6938 Print ISSN 1063-780X DOI: Targeted Program
Dynamics of the new modes of the low-frequency planetary-scale electromagnetic wave structures in the ionosphereAburjania G.D., Chargazia Kh. Z., Jandieri G.V., Khantadze A.G., Kharshiladze O.A. articleIn book: Recent Research Developments in Geophysics, vol. 5, pp. 211–246, 2003. EnglishState Targeted Program
Theoretical model for conjugate photoelectron energy transfer and related them night sky airglow Enhancement in the local midlatitude ionospheric F-regionAburjania G.D., Chargazia Kh. Z., Jandieri G.V., Machabeli G.Z., Khantadze A.G., Kharshiladze O.A. article In book: Recent Research Developments in Geophysics, vol. 5, pp. 37–51, 2003. EnglishState Targeted Program
Broadening of the angular spectrum and displacement of its maximum at scattering of electromagnetic waves from a point source by a randomly inhomogeneous layerJandieri G.V., Daraselia N.M. articleGeorgian Engineering News, # 3, pp. 23-28, 2002. ISSN:1512-0287 EnglishState Targeted Program

The General Assembly 2020 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)Vienna20203–8 MayAustriaSecond order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves in the conductive magnetized ionospheric plasmaoral

In this paper analytical calculations of the statistical characteristics in the conductive collision magnetized ionospheric plasma have been carried out for the first time using the complex geometrical optics approximation. Stochastic wave equation of the phase fluctuations includes both dielectric permittivity and conductivity tensors which are random functions of the spatial coordinates and time. Using the boundary conditions correlation function of the phase fluctuations has been obtained for arbitrary second order statistical moment of electron density fluctuations (large and small ionospheric plasmonic structures); observation points are spaced at small distance. The index of refraction contains both ordinary and extraordinary waves. Angular power spectrum (broadening, shift of its maximum) of scattered electromagnetic waves is investigated. It was shown that Hall's, Pedersen, and longitudinal conductivities have a substantial influence on the frequency fluctuation of an incident wave. Doppler spread associated with random ionospheric structure, and Doppler shifts associated with relative motion of the ray path with respect to the elongated plasmonic structures. Numerical calculations and spatial-temporal modeling are carried out for both large and small-scale ionospheric plasma irregularities using experimental data and experimentally observing power-law spectrum of electron density fluctuations. The obtained results are useful for solving the reverse problem restoring plasma parameters, in satellite communication and navigation systems that operate in the earth-space regime. The influence of the conductivity fluctuations on the second order statistical moments will open new horizons in understanding and forecasting new phenomena in the upper ionosphere caused due to spatial-temporal parameters fluctuations.
Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-2019)Rome Italy2019June 17-20Sapienza University of RomeScintillation Effects in the Ionosphereoral

Statistical characteristics of scattered ordinary and extraordinary electromagnetic waves in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma caused by electron density fluctuations are calculated using modify smooth perturbation method taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients. Scintillation level is analyzed analytically and numerically using experimental data. Scintillation effects can lead to the excitation of splashes in the ionosphere leading to the turbulence and generation of new-type waves propagating in space and in the terrestrial atmosphere. Turbulence have an influence on the meteorological parameters in the lower atmospheric layers leading to the climate change.

Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-2019)Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-2019)Rome Italy2019June 17-20Sapienza University of RomeStatistical Characteristics of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Conductive Magnetized Plasmaoral

Second-order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves in the turbulent collision conductive magnetized plasma are considered using the modified smooth perturbation method. Diffraction effects, polarization coefficients of both fast and slow waves are taken into account. Numerical calculations are carried out using the experimental data of the ionospheric F-region

DOI: 10.1109/PIERS-Spring46901.2019 proceedings, Publication Year: 2019,Page(s):1318 - 1322 Electronic ISSN: 1559-9450
NanoOstrava, New aula, VSB–TU Ostrava, 6 th Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting, May 13-16, 2019, Ostrava Czech Republic2019 May 13-16Ostrava Interaction of electromagnetic waves with plasmonic oral

Propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in the anisotropic plasmonic medium are investigated using the smooth perturbation method. In the first approximation interaction of waves with homogeneous structures of the gyrotropic plasmonic medium is considered. It was shown that two type waves are excited having opposite side circular polarization causing rotation of the polarization plane. Faraday angle depends on the distance covering by wave. Statistical characteristics of scattered electromagnetic  waves on randomly inhomogeneous plasmonic structures of the upper restrial atmosphere are considered in the second order approximation.Plasmonic irregularities in the anisotropic gyrotropic medium have different characteristic spatial scales and ellipsoidal form generating due to different chemical and dynamical processes. Second order statistical moments of the phase fluctuations and the variance of the Faraday angle are calculated for arbitrary spectral function of irregular plasmonic structures in the upper terrestrial atmosphere. Normalized variance of the Faraday angle nonlinearly depends on the inclination angle of elongated irregularities increasing in proportion to the anisotropy factor and frequency of an incident wave; for metric electromagnetic waves it was equal to 70, in agreement with experiment.It was shown that using the Stokes parameters depolarization coefficient is proportional to 6 ×10-3

ISBN 978-80-248-4290-5 Book of Abstracts, Programme and General Information (International conference) NanoOstrava 2019–6 th Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 13-16, 2019
2018 International Conference on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences (EEES2018) Shanghai2018April 15-16Chinaoral

Second order statistical moments of scattered radiation in the magnetized plasma is considered using modify smooth perturbation method taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of both the ordinary and extraordinary waves. The broadening of the spatial spectrum and displacement of its maximum are obtained. Scintillation level of scattered waves is analyzed for different parameters characterizing anisotropic irregularities for the ionospheric F-region.
22nd International Microwave and Radar Conference, National URSI Symposium 2018 Poznan2018May 14-17PolandScintillation Effects of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionospheric Plasmaoral

Second order statistical moments of the phase fluctuations are obtained taking into account the boundary condition, diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of the ordinary and extraordinary waves. The variance and the correlation function are calculated for arbitrary 3D spectral function of electron density fluctuations containing both anisotropic Gaussian and power-law spectra. The phase scintillation index and the scintillation level are analyzed numerically. Splashes are revealed for different anisotropy factor of elongated large-scale irregularities varying orientation angle with respect to the lines of force of geomagnetic field. Log-log plots of the power spectrum satisfies the "standard relationship" of scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves. Growing orientation angle splashes arises in fully developed scintillation region.

The PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research)Singapore2017 19-22 NovemberSingaporeScintillation effects of HF electromagnetic waves and new type MHD waves in F region of the ionosphereoral

Statistical characteristics of scattered electromagnetic waves in the ionospheric collision magnetized plasma are investigated taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of the ordinary and extraordinary waves. Scintillation level is analyzed for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function of electron density fluctuations containing anisotropy factor and angle of inclination of elongated plasma irregularities with respect to the line of forces of geomagnetic field. Second order statistical moments are calculated for new Alfven-type internal MHD wave in the ionospheric F region. Energy exchange between turbulent plasma flow and internal wave is investigated in the geometrical optics approximation. The influence of geometrical parameters of plasma irregularities of the second order statistical moments is analyzed. Numerical calculation are carried out using experimental data.

"DOI: 10.1109/PIERS-FALL.2017.8293156 Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-1211-8 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-1212-5"
2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS)St Peterburg201722-25 MayRussiaScintillation studies of scattered radio waves in the ionosphereoral

Second order statistical moments of scattered radio wave in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma are investigated for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function of electron density fluctuations using the modify smooth perturbation method taking into account polarization coefficients of the ordinary and extraordinary HF wave modes and the diffraction effects. The behavior of the phase structure function of the ordinary and extraordinary waves is different in the principle (location of an external magnetic field) plane while the same in the perpendicular plane. Anisotropy, diffraction effects and collision between plasma particals have substantial influence of the phase structure function on the extraordinary wave in the principle plane. Varing anisotropy factor the angle of arrival in the principle plane less than in the perpendicular plane. Investigation of the scintillation effects are carried out for small-scale plasma irregularities. It was shown that increasing frequency of an incident wave from 3 MHz up to 40 MHz scintillation level decreases. Splashes caused by the strong phase fluctuations are revealed in the normalized scintillation level at 40 MHz frequency. Comparison of the scintillation level at the frequencies 3 MHz and 40 MHz show that the amplitude of scintillation decreases with increasing frequency of an incident wave. Scintillation level of scattered radio wave also depends on the spectrum of electron density irregularities

" DOI: 10.1109/PIERS.2017.8261701 Publisher: IEEE"
2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM)Kumamoto20178-10 March JapanIonospheric scintillations in the turbulent collision magnetized plasmaoral

Paper considers some aspects of the relationship between scintillation level of scattered radiation and anisotropic plasma irregularities in the collision turbulent magnetized plasma. Analytical calculations have been carried out using modify smooth perturbation method taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of both ordinary and extraordinary waves. Scintillation level has been analyzed for different parameters characterizing anisotropic irregularities.

2016 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC)Noida201626-28 decemberIndiaScintillation spectra of multiple scattered radio waves in the ionospheric plasmaoral

Statistical characteristics of radio waves scattered in the turbulent ionospheric plasma are investigated analytically by modify perturbation method taking into account both polarization coefficients and diffraction effects of both ordinary and extraordinary waves. Numerical investigations are carried out for anisotropic Gaussian correlation function containing anisotropy coefficient and the angle of inclination of elongated plasma irregularities with respect to the geomagnetic lines of forces. Scintillation level is analyzed for different parameters characterizing anisotropic irregularities using experimental data.

PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research)Shanghai20168-11 AugustChinaStatistical moments of scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves in the turbulent plasmaoral

Statistical characteristics of the ordinary and extraordinary waves scattered in the magnetized plasma are investigated using the perturbation method and boundary conditions. Second order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves are obtained for the arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Numerical calculations are carried out for the 3MHz and 40MHz operating frequencies.

Published in: 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) DOI: 10.1109/PIERS.2016.7735263 Electronic ISBN:978-1-5090-6093-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5090-6094-8
The 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied ComputingLas Vegas, Nevada201625-28 JulyUSAStatistical Characteristics of Multiple Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Collision Magnetized Turbulent Plasmaoral

The features of the spatial power spectrum of multiple scattered electromagnetic waves in the collision magnetized turbulent plasma with strongly prolated anisotropic electron density irregularities are investigated analytically using the modify smooth perturbation method taking into account diffraction effects. Correlation functions and variances of the phase fluctuations are obtained for arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Statistical moments of scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves and the "Double-humped Effect" are investigated analytically and numerically using the anisotropic Gaussian spectral function of electron density irregularities for the polar ionospheric F-region applying the experimental data.
The 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied ComputingLas Vegas, Nevada201527-30 JulyUSAPeculiarities of the Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Turbulent Collision Magnetized Plasmaoral

General dispersion equation is obtained at arbitrary inclination angles of the external magnetic field and wave vector of an incident EM wave. Statistical characteristics of the phase fluctuations of scattered high frequency EM waves in the collision magnetized plasma caused by electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations taking into account polarization coefficients for both ordinary and extraordinary waves are calculated analytically. The influence of collision frequency, anisotropy factor and angle of inclination of prolate irregularities of electron density fluctuations with respect to the geomagnetic field of lines on the broadening of the spatial power spectrum is analyzed. Phase portraits of the phase fluctuations caused by the geomagnetic field fluctuations are constructed at different spatial parameters characterizing magnetic field and electron density fluctuations. Numerical calculations are carried out for the ionospheric F-region parameters using experimental data. doi:10.2528/PIER15081802
WORLDCOMP'15Las Vegas, Nevada201527-30 JulyUSASlow MHD Waves in the Turbulent Magnetized Plasmaoral

Peculiarities of the magnetosonic waves in weakly-ionized ionospheric E-region with randomly varying spatial-temporal turbulent plasma parameters are considered. Statistical characteristics: variances of both the directional fluctuations causing curvature of the phase surface and frequency fluctuations leading to the broadening of the temporal power spectrum of scattered magnetosonic waves are investigated analytically and numerically. Energy exchange between fast and slow magnetosonic waves, and turbulent plasma is analyzed on the bases of the stochastic transport equation using the ray (-optics) approximation. Experimental data have been used in numerical calculations for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function of the density fluctuations. It is shown that the energy balance between magnetosonic wave-nonstationary medium is different in the direction of the wave propagation and perpendicular plane leading to the compression and stretching of the ray tubes.
PIERS ((Progress In Electromagnetics Research)Prague2015July 6-9Czech RepublicEvaluation of the Angular Spectrum of Scattered High Frequency Radio Waves in the Anisotropic Collision Magnetized Ionospheric Plasma oral

Second-order statistical moments of scattered radiation in turbulent collision magnetized plasma. General dispersion equation is obtained at arbitrary angles of inclination of both external magnetic field and wave vector of an incident electromagnetic wave. Statistical characteristics of the phase fluctuations of scattered high frequency radio waves in the collision magnetized plasma caused by the electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations taking into account polarization coefficients for both ordinary and extraordinary waves are considered. The influence of collision frequency on the broadening and displacement of maximum of the angular spectrum is analyzed. Numerical calculations are carried out for the F-region of the ionosphere using experimental data.;
PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research) Stockholm201312-15 AugustSwedenPower Spectra of a RadioWave Diffracted by Random Electron Density Irregularities oral

The scintillation spectral features of multiply scattered radio waves in turbulent magnetized plasma with electron density fluctuations are investigated analytically and numerically. An example is based on the anisotropic Gaussian and power-law spectra. The results are applied to the F-region ionosphere. Minimums of the power spectrum are calculated for the Gaussian spectrum in the principle plane. Scintillation level is estimated for different anisotropy factor and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. Peculiarities of the electromagnetic waves propagation in randomly inhomogeneous media have been intensively studied [1]. Anisotropic irregularities have different nature, particularly plasma irregularities in the Earth's ionosphere are aligned with the geomagnetic fields [2]. The fluctuations in phase (scintillation) of radio waves passing through the ionosphere are caused by spatial irregularities in the electron density. Evolution of the angular distribution of ray intensity at light propagation in random medium with prolate irregularities has been investigated [3] using the smooth perturbation method. It has been shown that the spatial power spectrum (SPS) of a multiple scattered radiation at oblique illumination of random medium by mono-directed incident radiation has a double-peaked shape. Numerical simulation has been carried out by Monte-Carlo method. The features of the SPS of scattered radiation in magnetized anisotropic plasma in the complex geometrical optics approximation and in smooth perturbation method have been investigated in [4, 5]. Numerical calculations are carried out for both anisotropic Gaussian and power-law correlations functions in the principle and perpendicular planes for the F-region ionosphere using the experimental data
The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied ComputinLas Vegas, Nevada201216-19 JulyUSAAngular power spectrum of scattered radiation in ionospheric plasma with both electron density and magnetic field fluctuationsoral

The influence of anisotropy of both electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations on the spatial power spectrum (SPS) of scattered electromagnetic waves is considered in this paper. Stochastic differential equation is obtained for the phase fluctuations using smooth perturbation method taking into account diffraction effects. Second order statistical moments are calculated for arbitrary correlation functions of electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations. Numerical calculations were carried out for anisotropic Gaussian correlation function containing nondimensional anisotropic parameter and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. SPS of scattered radiation has a pronounced gap caused by electron density fluctuations. The influence of an external magnetic field on a double-peaked shape has been analytically and numerically.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIERS)Kuala Lumpur201227-30 MarchMalaysiaOn the Influence of Spatial-temporal Fluctuations of Electron Density and Magnetic Field Fluctuations on the Angular Power Spectrum of Scattered Electromagnetic Wave by Magnetized Plasma Slaboral

Influence of temporal fluctuations of both electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations on scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves by magnetized plasma slab is investigated using the ray-optics method. Transport equation for frequency fluctuations of scattered radiation has been derived. Amplification of frequency fluctuations in the collisional magnetized plasma slab is possible due to temporal fluctuations of plasma parameters and depends on the anisotropy factor and the direction of wave propagation with respect to the imposed magnetic field. Correlation functions of the phase and frequency fluctuation are obtained for arbitrary correlation functions of fluctuating plasma parameters. Broadening of the angular power spectrum is analyzed analytically and numerically for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function using the remote sensing data.
 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific SymposiumIstanbul201113-20 AugTurkeyTo the problem of electromagnetic waves propagation in turbulent magnetized plasma slaboral

Second order statistical moment of the ordinary and extraordinary waves scattered by turbulent magnetized plasma slab with electron density and magnetic field fluctuations is analytically calculated applying the perturbation method. Numerical calculations are carried out for the anisotropic Gaussian fluctuation spectrum at different anisotropy factor and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. Phase portraits of correlation function of the phase and amplitude fluctuations of scattered radiation are constructed. It is shown that correlation between ordinary and extraordinary wave decreases in proportion to the anisotropic factor.

INSPEC Accession Number: 12340209 DOI: 10.1109/URSIGASS.2011.6050800
13th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical TechnologyPrague201120-23 JuneCzech Republic To the Problem of Microwaves Propagation in Turbulent Atmospheric Layersoral

Statistical characteristics of scattered microwaves by turbulent atmospheric layers are investigated analytically and numerically using satellite data. Index Terms-amplitude and phase fluctuations, atmosphere, correlation functions, depolarization.
PIERSXi'an200822-26 MarchChinaFluctuation of Electromagnetic Field Parameters Propagating in Magnetized Plasma with Random Variation of Electron Density and Magnetic Fieldoral

Statistical characteristics of scattered and reflected electromagnetic waves by turbulent magnetized plasma layer with electron density and magnetic field fluctuations at arbitrary orientation of an external magnetic field are considered using the perturbation method. The obtained results are valid for near and far zones. Analytical expressions for scattered electric field components are obtained using the boundary conditions. Correlation functions of these statistical characteristics are analyzed analytically and numerically for the ordinary waves at different orientation of external magnetic field using satellite and remote sensing data.
XXIX URSI General Assembly20087-11 Aug.USASome Features of Angular Spectrum of Scattered Radiation on Anisotropic Irregularities of Randomly-Inhomogeneous Mediaoral

The present paper is devoted to the investigation of the angular spectrum of scattered radiation on prolate anisotropic irregularities of randomly-inhomogeneous media. It was shown that in a single-scattering approximation a pronounced dip appears in the angular spectrum of scattered radiation in the direction of prolate irregularities and its maximum coincides with the direction of their elongation. If an incident wave is mono-directed and axes of random irregularities are chaotically oriented with respect to the incident wave, phase function of a single-scattered radiation has a maximum in the direction of incident wave propagation. Its width decreases with increasing a spread of orientation of irregularities and a phase function has a sharp peak. Basic peculiarities of an angular power distribution have been corroborated, for the first time, at multiple scattering using smooth perturbation method
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote SensingDenver,CO200631 July-4 AugUSAThe Phase Synchronization of Reference Oscillators Through Atmospheric Channeloral

The theoretical modeling of transferring of initial phase of low frequency oscillations with modulation of carrier with separate high frequency link from one part to another is presented. The main goal of this modeling is the determination of influence of separate high frequency link phase stability on phase stability of low frequency oscillations in a reception point.

DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2006.265 Print ISSN: 2153-6996 Electronic ISSN: 2153-7003
2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International SymposiumAlbuquerque, NM20069-14 JulyUSAStatistical characteristics of the angular spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in nonisotropic turbulent collision magnetized plasmaoral

At the present time the features peculiar to propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in random media have been rather well studied. In this paper we describe the features of statistical characteristics of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation in turbulent collision magnetized plasma with both nonisotropic electron density and magnetic field fluctuations. Anisotropy of scattering is determined by both prolate degree on inhomogeneities and their orientation

DOI: 10.1109/APS.2006.1710569 Print ISSN: 1522-3965 Electronic ISSN: 1947-1491
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004.Monterey, CA200420-25 JuneUSAOn the features of spatial spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in a random absorbing slaboral

In this paper, the problem of passing of radiation from a point source through a plane absorbing layer, with randomly smooth inhomogeneities of dielectric permittivity, in the case when a source and the receiver are located at various distances from the layer's boundaries is considered. The angular power spectrum of scattered radiation is statistically simulated for different thickness of layer, positions of source and receiver. Also considered is the regular absorption in a slab.

DOI: 10.1109/APS.2004.1329818 Print ISBN:0-7803-8302-8
 IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37477)Toulouse200321-25 JulyFranceDeformation of the angular spectrum of scattered radiation in turbulent collision magnetized plasmaoral

The oblique incidence of a small amplitude electromagnetic wave on a plane layer of the turbulent absorptive plasma in an external homogeneous magnetic field is considered. Equations for the first two first moments of the angular power spectrum are derived in the geometrical optics approximation. It was found out that in a certain direction two asymmetric factors of the problem (oblique incidence and medium anisotropy) compensate each other.

DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2003.1294022
 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International SymposiumColumbus, OH2003 22-27 JuneUSAStatistical characteristics of the point source radiation scattered by a randomly inhomogeneous layeroral

It is well known that absorption in randomly inhomogeneous media strongly affects statistical characteristics of scattered electromagnetic waves. Recently it has been established that asymmetric attenuation of the scattered waves is caused by absorption. In most works the turbid medium boundary is illuminated by a plane wave or by a collimated light beam, the source being located in the medium. The case when the source and the receiver are located on different sides relative to the randomly inhomogeneous absorptive layer is of great practical importance. Such a situation can take place at: probing the atmosphere and ocean water, exposing translucence thick clouds or living tissues by IR radiation and etc. The relationship between statistical characteristics of the scattered radiation and randomly varying parameters of the medium will allow us to study experimentally the peculiarities of wave propagation in the absorptive media. The influence of the distance both from the point source and the receiver to the boundaries of the plane layer on the statistical characteristics of the angular power spectrum of the multiply scattered radiation is analyzed in this paper. The source and the detector are located in homogeneous media of different permittivity on different sides with respect to the inhomogeneous plane layer.

DOI: 10.1109/APS.2003.1219879
 IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumToulouse200321-25 JulyFrancePeculiarities of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation by a random inhomogeneous dielectric slaboral

Statistical characteristics of the angular power spectrum of multiple scattered electromagnetic waves passing through randomly absorptive inhomogeneous plane layer with dielectric permittivity fluctuations are investigated. The point source and the detector are located on the opposite sides of the layer in homogeneous media with different dielectric permittivity and at terminal distances from the layer boundaries. Broadening of the angular spectrum and displacement of its maximum are obtained in the ray-(optics) approximation.

DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2003.1295464 Print ISBN:0-7803-7929-2
 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (IEEE Cat. No.02CH37313)San Antonio, TX200216-21 JuneUSAOn a bending of the wave front surface in randomly inhomogeneous medium with velocity fluctuationsoral

Many papers have been devoted to the investigation of features of rays' propagation in randomly inhomogeneous media with refractive index fluctuations. Chaotic bending of the wave front caused by random inhomogeneities of dielectric permittivity and velocity fluctuations leads to displacement of the rays. Transversal shift of rays, angles of arrival and dispersion of phase fluctuations are important statistical characteristics of radiation propagating in nonstationary media. Although they are basically geometry optical characteristics, the area of their application is beyond the scope of (ray-) optics approximation. A new method of calculation of dispersion of geometrical rays shifting is suggested in this paper. It is based on the stochastic kinematic equation describing evolution of the curvature of the wave front in nonstationary inhomogeneous medium with velocity fluctuations randomly varying in space and time. This method is universal and is valid for arbitrary nonstationary media. It does not impose any restrictions both on the distance passing by the wave and characteristic scale of random inhomogeneities. This method is important for investigation of chaotic bending of the phase front of wave beams due to heating spread in random media. For simplicity we consider 2D case.

DOI: 10.1109/APS.2002.1016979 Print ISBN:0-7803-7330-8

Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-308, H ინდექსი-9
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Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-644, H ინდექსი-14

Ostrava, Czech Republic-15.01.2019 – 15.07.2019Technical University of OstravaTechnical University of Ostrava

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Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Methods 21/06/2022
Journal of Applied Science and Research INSInet Publications20/10/2022

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International Journal of Computer & Information Technologies (IJOCIT) 21/06/2022
IJMOT (International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology) www.ijmot.comUSA20/06/2022

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Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Methods 21/06/2022
IJMOT (International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology) USA20/06/2022
Journal of Atmosphere Online ISSN: 2414-2484 Print ISSN: 2518-2528 Journal DOI: 10.18488/journal.9420/01/2022

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Propagation of electromagnetic waves and optical beams in a randomly inhomogeneous nonstationary absorptive media სამეცნიერო გრანტი ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) # G-717 აშშ 2002-2004manager
Analysis and Design of Multiport Waveguide Junctions and Branching With Improved Matching CharacteristicsISTC (International Science and Technology Center); project # G-871 იაპონია და სამხრეთ კორეა 2003–2005manager
An Investigation of Ionospheric Ultra-Low Frequency Waves Generated as Earthquake Precursor სამეცნიერო გრანტი # GEP2-3340-TB-06 of the Georgian Research and Development Foundation (GRDF) აშშ 2006-2008manager
Development and Application of Electro magnetic Waves Propagation in a Turbulent Anisotropic Absorptive Mediaსამეცნიერო გრანტი ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) # G-1376 აშშ web-page: აშშ 2006-2009manager
Development and Application of Radio Waves Propagation in Turbulent Magnetized Collision PlasmaISTC (International Science and Technology Center) # G-2126 web-page: აშშ 2015-2018manager

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Study of static characteristics and wave processes of scattered electromagnetic waves in a turbulent atmosphereShota Rustaveli National Foundation of Georgia; project # 23 ( 88/07) 2006-2008manager
Study of the statistical characteristics of scattered radio waves in the Earth's atmosphere"Shota Rustaveli National Foundation of Georgia; project # FR/3/9-190/14 " 2015-2018manager

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Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Self – organization of planetary electromagnetic waves in E–region of the ionosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 65, # 6, pp. 661-671, 2003.State Target Program

A physical mechanism for the generation of slow and fast electromagnetic-type planetary waves due to standing factor—latitude variation of geomagnetic field—in the dissipative E-region of the ionosphere is suggested. It has been shown that slow waves are generated due to the dynamo-field in the ionosphere, and fast waves by the vortical electric field. The slow electromagnetic wave is analog to the Rossby planetary wave; the fast electromagnetic wave is a new mode of natural oscillations of the E-region of the ionosphere. Linear waves propagate along the parallel west and east directions in the dynamo-region of the ionosphere against a background of the mean zonal flow. Phase velocity of the fast waves is a few , oscillation frequencies are in the frequency band of 10−2– and the wavelength is of the order of and higher. Phase velocities of the slow waves and local winds are at the same order of magnitude, the frequency band is 10−4– and wavelength is of and higher order. Fast waves generate intense magnetic fields in order of a few hundred nanotesla (nT); slow waves—a few tens of nT.

In this paper the nonlinear theory of both fast and slow planetary electromagnetic waves in the E-region of the ionosphere is investigated for the first time. It was established that these perturbations are self-localized as nonlinear solitary vortical structures in the dynamo-region of the ionosphere move to the west (fast) and to the east (slow) against a background of the mean zonal flow. The nonlinear structure consists of cyclone–anticyclone-type mutual counter-clockwise-rotating vortices, which capture medium particles. Energy and enstrophy of these large-scale vortices are weakly attenuated and are long-lived. Vortical structures generate magnetic fields, which are an order of magnitude larger than those generated by the corresponding linear waves. Features and parameters of electromagnetic wavy structures are theoretically investigated and are in good agreement with the experimental data of large-scale ULF wavy perturbations observable in the ionosphere.
On The Mechanism for the Generation of a Vortex Electric Field in the ionospheric E–Region, Plasma Physics Reports, vol.30, #1,pp.83–90, 2004.State Target Program

A mechanism is proposed for the generation of a vortex electric field in the ionospheric E-region. It is shown that long-scale (with a wavelength of L>103 km) synoptically short-period (from several minutes to several hours) fast (with a propagation velocity higher than 1 km/s) processes excite a vortex electric field that may be much higher than the dynamo field generated in this region by ionospheric winds.
Evolution of the Angular Power Spectrum of the point source transmitted through a layer of turbid medium, Optics and Spectroscopy, 96, pages 804–809 (2004)State Target Program

The propagation of radiation from a point source through a plane layer of an absorbing medium with smooth random permittivity inhomogeneities is considered for the case in which the source and a receiver are spaced by different distances from the layer boundaries. The angular power spectra of the scattered radiation are calculated by the method of statistical modeling for different values of the layer thickness, positions of the source and the receiver relative to the layer, and absorption in the layer. The results for the moments of the angular power distribution obtained earlier in the small-angle approximation are fully confirmed. The transformation of the angular power spectrum upon variation of the source or receiver position with respect to the layer is analyzed for the first time.
On the New modes of planetary–scale electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere, Annales Geophysicae, European Geosciences Union, 2004, 22 (4), pp.1203-1211. ffhal-00317299fState Target Program

Using an analogy method the frequencies of new modes of the electromagnetic planetary-scale waves (with a wavelength of 103 km or more), having a weather forming nature, are found at different ionospheric altitudes. This method gives the possibility to determine spectra of ionospheric electromagnetic perturbations directly from the dynamic equations without solving the general dispersion equation. It is shown that the permanently acting factor-latitude variation of the geomagnetic field generates fast and slow weakly damping planetary electromagnetic waves in both the L73E- and F-layers of the ionosphere. The waves propagate eastward and westward along the parallels. The fast waves have phase velocities (1–5) km s−1 and frequencies (10−1– 10−4 ), and the slow waves propagate with velocities of the local winds with frequencies (10−4–10−6 ) s−1 and are generated in the E-region of the ionosphere. Fast waves having phase velocities (10–1500) km s−1 and frequencies (1–10−3) s−1 are generated in the F-region of the ionosphere. The waves generate the geomagnetic pulsations of the order of one hundred nanoTesla by magnitude. The properties and parameters of the theoretically studied electromagnetic waves agree with those of large-scale ultra-low frequency perturbations observed experimentally in the ionosphere
On the mechanism for the generation of a vortex electric field in the ionospheric E-region, Plasma Physics Report, vol. 30,no1, pp. 83–90, 2004.State Target Program

A mechanism is proposed for the generation of a vortex electric field in the ionospheric E-region. It is shown that long-scale (with a wavelength of L>103 km) synoptically short-period (from several minutes to several hours) fast (with a propagation velocity higher than 1 km/s) processes excite a vortex electric field that may be much higher than the dynamo field generated in this region by ionospheric winds.
Some Properties of the Angular Power Distribution of Electromagnetic Waves Multiply Scattered in a Collisional Magnetized Plasma, Plasma Physics Reports, vol. 31,pp. 604–615, 2005.State Target Program

A study is made of oblique incidence of a small-amplitude plane electromagnetic wave on a semi-infinite slab of a collisional turbulent plasma in an external uniform magnetic field. In the small-angle scattering approximation, the condition for neutralizing the effects of oblique incidence and plasma anisotropy on the statistical properties of radiation multiply scattered in the absorbing plasma medium is determined by using the methods of geometrical optics. The validity of this condition was confirmed by numerical calculations based on the statistical modeling technique. The effect of the shape of the spectrum of the electron density fluctuations on the shape of the angular power distribution of a multiply scattered radiation is investigated.
Generation and propagation of the ULF planetary-scale electromagnetic wavy structures in the ionosphere,Planetary and Space Science, Volume 53, # 9, pp. 881-901, 2005.State Target Program

In the present article, the results of theoretical investigation of the dynamics of generation and propagation of planetary (with wavelength 103 km and more) ultra-low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic wave structures in the dissipative ionosphere are given. The physical mechanism of generation of the planetary electromagnetic waves is proposed. It is established, that the global factor, acting permanently in the ionosphere—inhomogeneity (latitude variation) of the geomagnetic field and angular velocity of the earth's rotation—generates the fast and slow planetary ULF electromagnetic waves. The waves propagate along the parallels to the east as well as to the west. In E-region the fast waves have phase velocities (2–20) km s−1and frequencies (10−1–10−4) s−1; the slow waves propagate with local winds velocities and have frequencies (10−4–10−6) s−1. In F-region the fast ULF electromagnetic waves propagate with phase velocities tens–hundreds km s−1 and their frequencies are in the range of (10–10−3) s−1. The slow mode is produced by the dynamoelectric field, it represents a generalization of the ordinary Rossby-type waves in the rotating ionosphere and is caused by the Hall effect in the E-layer. The fast disturbances are the new modes, which are associated with oscillations of the ionospheric electrons frozen in the geomagnetic field and are connected with the large-scale internal vortical electric field generation in the ionosphere. The large-scale waves are weakly damped. The features and the parameters of the theoretically investigated electromagnetic wave structures agree with those of large-scale ULF midlatitude long-period oscillations (MLO) and magnetoionospheric wave perturbations (MIWP), observed experimentally in the ionosphere. It is established, that because of relevance of Coriolis and electromagnetic forces, generation of slow planetary electromagnetic waves at the fixed latitude in the ionosphere can give rise to the reverse of local wind structures and to the direction change of general ionospheric circulation. It is considered one more class of the waves, called as the slow magnetohydrodinamic (MHD) waves, on which inhomogeneity of the Coriolis and Ampere forces do not influence. These waves appear as an admixture of the slow Alfven- and whistler-type perturbations. The waves generate the geomagnetic field from several tens to several hundreds nT and more. Nonlinear interaction of the considered waves with the local ionospheric zonal shear winds is studied. It is established, that planetary ULF electromagnetic waves, at their interaction with the local shear winds, can self-localize in the form of nonlinear solitary vortices, moving along the latitude circles westward as well as eastward with velocity, different from phase velocity of corresponding linear waves. The vortices are weakly damped and long lived. They cause the geomagnetic pulsations stronger than the linear waves by one order. The vortex structures transfer the trapped particles of medium and also energy and heat. That is why such nonlinear vortex structures can be the structural elements of strong macroturbulence of the ionosphere.
Analysis and design of multiport waveguide junctions with artificial inclusions made of cylindrical rods, Research Reports of Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University, vol. 11, # 1, pp. 7-16, 2006.State Target Program

A rigorous electromagnetic theory is developed to analyze multiport waveguide junctions with artificial inclusions made of cylindrical rods and placed in the main arm. The scattering characteristics of a 3-port junction are discussed with the numerical examples for the SWR maps, the power reflection and transmission coefficients, and the 3D plots of near fields inside the junction area. A strategy to optimize matching properties of the 3-port waveguide junctions is also described.
Optimization strategy for multiport waveguide junctions with canonical types of artificial discontinuities, International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 1, # 2,pp. 259-266, 2006.State Target Program

The strategy of optimising parameters of artificial discontinuities in multiport waveguide junctions is presented. This strategy is numerically illustrated for different canonical types of discontinuities, including conducting diaphragm, strip and circular rod. The numerical results for scattering characteristics of 3-port waveguide junctions with different types of discontinuities are discussed and optimal parameters of these discontinuities are predicted.
Analysis and design of multiport waveguide junctions with artificial inclusions formed of conducting strips, International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, vol. 27, # 10, pp. 1347–1364, 2006.State Target Program

A rigorous electromagnetic theory is developed to analyze multiport waveguide junctions with artificial inclusions formed of the conducting strips and dielectric layers. The method is based on the Fourier transform technique combined with the mode matching method technique that takes into account the edge conditions in vicinity of the strip edges. The scattering characteristics of a 3-port junction are discussed with the numerical examples for the SWR maps, the power reflection and transmission coefficients, and the 2D plots of near fields distributions inside the junction area. A strategy of optimize matching properties of the 3-port waveguide junctions is also presented.
Statistical Characteristics of Scattered Microwaves in Gyrotropic Medium with Random Inhomogeneities, International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 1, # 2, pp. 860-869, 2006.State Target Program

The strategy of optimising parameters of artificial discontinuities in multiport waveguide junctions is presented. This strategy is numerically illustrated for different canonical types of discontinuities, including conducting diaphragm, strip and circular rod. The numerical results for scattering characteristics of 3-port waveguide junctions with different types of discontinuities are discussed and optimal parameters of these discontinuities are predicted.
Earth's Upper Atmosphere Small Oscillation, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 12, # 3, pp. 261-277, 2007 (in Russian).State Target Program

The propagation of acoustic-gravity, magnetonydrodynamic and planetary waves in the upper atmosphere is considered. The general dispersion equation for magneto-acoustic and magneto-gravity waves, as well as planetary waves, is derived in E and F ionospheric regions. Peculiarities of propagation of these waves are revealed in a weakly- ionized ionospheric plasma.
Large-Scale Vortex Structures of Planetary Scale in Ionosphere Levels,, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 12, # 2, pp. 135-151, 2007 (in Russian)State Target Program

The problem of generation and existence conditions of both large-scale ultra-low-frequency wavy structures and large-scale vortices in the ionosphere is considered. Some exact solutions of magnetohydrodynamic equations are found, and new invariants allowing to reveal generation mechanisms of large-scale vortices and planetary waves in the ionosphere under the effect of nonconservative Coriolis and Ampere forces constructed. This method seems to be important and original in solving the most complicated nonlinear problems of the magnetohydrodynamics of compressible, inhomogeneous, baroclinic liquid being, in the general case, under non-conservative forces. Unfortunately, it is poorly known for a wide circle of investigators in magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics.


Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 12, p. 135

 Pub Date: June 2007 Bibcode:
Model computations of angular power spectra for anisotropic absorptive turbulent magnetized plasma, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER, vol. 70, pp. 307-328, 2007.State Target Program

Electromagnetic waves scattering in turbulent anisotropic collision magnetized ionospheric plasma is investigated using complex geometrical optics approximation. Correlation function of the phase fluctuations of scattered radiation is obtained taking into account both electron density and magnetic fields fluctuations. The features of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation are investigated analytically and numerically. The expressions of broadening of the spatial spectrum have been obtained for both powerlaw and anisotropic Gaussian correlation functions of electron density fluctuations. Gaussian spectral function takes into account the axial ratio of the field-aligned irregularities and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. The variance of the phase and scintillation level of scattered radiation are calculated numerically for F-region irregularities of the ionosphere. The conditions of non-fully and fully developed diffraction patterns have been determined.
Electromagnetic inertio-gravity waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Physica Scripta, vol. 76, pp. 343-348, 2007. State Target Program

The effect of the Ampére force on inertio-gravity (IG) waves in the partially ionized ionospheric E-layer is considered. Electromagnetic IG waves are then studied. It is shown that the free energy necessary for linear instability of electromagnetic IG waves arises from the field-aligned current. Furthermore, it is found that atmospheric vortex motions can induce substantial variations in the geomagnetic field and field-aligned currents. 

Localized magnetized Rossby structures under zonal shear flow in the ionospheric E-layer, Physics Letters A, vol. 365, pp. 140-143, 2007.State Target Program

Taking into account nonlinear interaction of magnetized Rossby waves with zonal shear flow in the Earth's ionospheric E-layer modified by inhomogeneous geomagnetic field and sheared zonal flow Charney equation is obtained. The appropriate region of linear phase velocities is analyzed and the stability condition of zonal flows is obtained. In case of nonlinear regime the appropriate compatibility condition is obtained and its independence on zonal shear flows is shown. It is shown that zonal shear flow may support the existence of solitary vortical structures. Owing to carried out analysis different from dipole structures new class of nonlinear solitary vortical structures is found.
Internal waves in the ionosphere caused by the Earth’s geomagnetic field, Doklady Earth Sciences, vol. 420, # 4, pp. 672-675, 2008.State Target Program

Planetary waves in a rotational ionosphere, Plasma Physics Reports, vol. 34, # 6, pp. 480-485, 2008.State Target Program

The problem of propagation of ultralong planetary waves in the Earth’s upper atmosphere is considered. A new exact solution to the MHD equations for the ionosphere is obtained in spherical coordinates with allowance for the geomagnetic field and Earth’s rotation. A general dispersion relation is derived for planetary waves in the ionospheric E and F regions, and the characteristic features of their propagation in a weakly ionized ionospheric plasma are discussed.
A Note of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation by anisotropic layer of collisional magnetized turbulent plasma, International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 3, # 1, pp. 35-44, 2008. State Target Program

Statistical characteristics of the angular power spectrum (broadening and displacement of its maximum) of multiply scattered electromagnetic waves by plane layer of turbulent anisotropic magnetized collisional plasma are considered. The influence of distances between the emitter as well as the receiver (they are located in opposite sides with respect to scattered layer) and layer’s boundaries is analyzed for anisotropic Gaussian correlation function describing the irregularities of electron density fluctuations with various parameter of anisotropy and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. Numerical calculations have been carried out for F region of the ionosphere.
Three dimensional magnetogradient waves in the upper Earth’s atmosphere, Radiophysics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 13, # 2, pp. 138-145, 2008.State Target Program

A general dispersion relation for three-dimensional electromagnetic planetary waves from which, as a particular case, follow the Khantadze results (onedimensional case) is obtained. It is shown that a partially frozen-in geomagnetic field, like in the one-dimensional case, leads to generation of "fast" and "slow" planetary waves being in a two-liquid approximation (i.e., with complete ion drag by neutrals) oscillations of magnetized electrons and partially magnetized ions in the E-region of ionosphere. In the F-region in a one-liquid approximation, only the "fast" planetary wave being oscillation of the environment as a whole is generated.
Peculiarities of spatial spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in anisotropic inhomogeneous medium, PIER B (Progress in Electromagnetics Research B), vol. 7, pp. 191-208, 2008.State Target Program

Features of spatial power spectrum (SPS) of scattered radiation in a randomly inhomogeneous medium with strongly prolated anisotropic inhomogeneities of dielectric permittivity are investigated. In single scattering approximation, it has been shown that a pronounced gap along a direction of prolate inhomogeneities appears in SPS. Features of SPS of multiple scattered waves at oblique illumination of a boundary of randomly-inhomogeneous medium with prolate irregularities have been analytically studied using smooth perturbation method taking into account diffraction effects. Numerical calculations have shown that with an increase of a distance passing by the wave in random media, SPS has a double-peaked shape and a gap substantially increases. Its maximum is slightly changed and the width is broadening. The results have been obtained analytically for the first time and could find extensive practical application in optics and be useful in development of principles of remote sensing of random media.

General-planetary character of three-dimensional planetary waves propagation in lower and upper Earth atmosphere Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 71, pp. 45-48, 2009.State Target Program

A new branch of planetary Rossby waves is found taking into account latitudinal gradient of horizontal component of the earth rotation's angular velocity. Frequencies of a new branch and ordinary Rossby waves numerically coincide but strongly differ on character of dispersion. The general condition naturally “filtering” planetary waves in the long-wave approximation and internal inertial waves in the short-wave approximation was established.
Influence of non-monochromaticity on zonal-flow generation by magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Journal of Plasma Physics, 75 (03)pp. 345-357, 2009State Target Program

The influence of non-monochromaticity on low-frequency, large-scale zonal-flow nonlinear generation by small-scale magnetized Rossby (MR) waves in the Earth's ionospheric E-layer is considered. The modified parametric approach is used with an arbitrary spectrum of primary modes. It is shown that the broadening of the wave packet spectrum of pump MR waves leads to a resonant interaction with a growth rate of the order of the monochromatic case. In the case when zonal-flow generation by MR modes is prohibited by the Lighthill stability criterion, the so-called two-stream-like mechanism for the generation of sheared zonal flows by finite-amplitude MR waves in the ionospheric E-layer is possible. The growth rates of zonal-flow instabilities and the conditions for driving them are determined. The present theory can be used for the interpretation of the observations of Rossby-type waves in the Earth's ionosphere and in laboratory experiments.

Angle-of-arrival of radio waves scattering by turbulent collisional magnetized plasma layer, International Journal of Microwaves and Optical Technology, vol. 4, # 3, pp. 160-169, 2009. State Target Program

The features of angle-of-arrival (AOA) of scattered radiation using the geometrical optics approximation and statistical simulation (Monte Carlo method) are studied in the paper. Analytical expressions are derived for the power law spectrum of electron density fluctuations and numerically calculated at different angles of inclination of geomagnetic field with respect to the layer boundary, at different parameters of anisotropy and different locations of a point source with respect to the layer having a finite thickness. Analyses show that the proposed theory in a small angle approximation quite well describes experimental data of satellite observations and the behaviour of the AOA is in a good agreement with statistical simulation using the Monte Carlo method. The proposed theory could be applied to remote sensing problems at microwaves propagation in the low turbulent atmospheric layers. Index terms: turbulent plasma layer, angle-of-arrival, Monte Carlo method.
Planetary-scale vortical structures in the conducting atmosphere, The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, vol. 3, pp. 147-157, 2009.State Target Program

The problem of generation and existence of large-scale vortices in the ionosphere is analyzed in this paper. Some exact solutions of the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations have been found and new invariants have been constructed allowing to descover mechanisms of generation of large-scale vortices and planetary waves in the electroconducting atmosphere under the action of non-conservative Coriolis and Ampere forces.
Planetary waves and vortex structures in the ionosphere, Annales Geophysicae, vol. 27, pp. 3489-3495, 2009.State Target Program

The problem of propagation of large-scale vortices in the ionosphere is investigated. Permanently acting fundamental factors have been discovered making it possible to reveal the mechanisms of generation of large-scale vortices and planetary waves in conductive atmosphere.

[DOI: 10.2174/1874282300903010147]
On the influence of fluctuations of the direction of an external magnetic field on phase and amplitude correlation functions of scattered radiation by magnetized plasma slab, PIER B (Progress in Electromagnetics Research B), vol. 22, pp. 121-143, 2010 State Target Program

Statistical characteristics of scattered electromagnetic waves by turbulent magnetized plasma slab with electron density and magnetic field fluctuations are considered via the perturbation method and boundary conditions. Magnetic field fluctuates both in magnitude and direction. Analytical expressions for the component of scattered electric field, correlation functions of the amplitude and phase fluctuations, and also the phase structure function for arbitrary correlation functions of fluctuating plasma parameters are derived. The obtained results are valid for near and far zones. Under equal conditions, at strong magnetic fields, electron density fluctuations play the important role and in this case the imposed magnetic field decreases fluctuation intensity of the ordinary and extraordinary waves. Numerical calculations of statistical characteristics of scattered radiation were carried out for anisotropic Gaussian correlation function for electron density fluctuation and correlation tensor of the second order for the fluctuation of an external magnetic field. The phase portraits of correlation functions of the amplitude and phase fluctuations are constructed
Electromagnetic oscillations of the Earth’s upper atmosphere (review)”, Annales Geophysicae, vol. 28,pp. 1387-1399, 2010 State Target Program

 A complete theory of low-frequency MHD oscillations of the Earth's weakly ionized ionosphere is formulated. Peculiarities of excitation and propagation of electromagnetic acoustic-gravity, MHD and planetary waves are considered in the Earth's ionosphere. The general dispersion equation is derived for the magneto-acoustic, magneto-gravity and electromagnetic planetary waves in the ionospheric E- and F-regions. The action of the geomagnetic field on the propagation of acoustic-gravity waves is elucidated. The nature of the existence of the comparatively new large-scale electromagnetic planetary branches is emphasized.
On the wind and turbulence in the lower atmosphere above compex terrain, International Journal of Geosciences, vol. 2, no 1, pp. 13-28, 2011. "State Target Program

Numerical modeling and studies of the wind fields at the junction of three continents: over the complex terrains of the South-east Europe, Asia Minor, Middle East, Caucasus and over the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas have been carried out for the first time. Traveling synoptic scale vortex wave generation and subsequent evolution of orographic vortices are discovered. Wind fields, spatial distribution of the coefficients of subgrid scale horizontal and vertical turbulence and the Richardson number are calculated. It is shown that the local relief, atmospheric hydrothermodynamics and air-proof tropopause facilitate the generation of -mesoscale vortex and turbulence amplification in the vicinity of the atmospheric boundary layer and tropopause. Also turbulence parameters distribution in the troposphere has the same nature as in the stratosphere and mesosphere: turbulence coefficients, stratification of the vertical profiles of the Richardson number, thickness of the turbulent and laminar layers.

 Keywords: Numerical Modeling, Complex Terrain, Characteristics of Atmospheric Turbulence, Wind Field, Mesoscale Vortex, Bulk Richardson Number
Depolarization of metric radio signals and the spatial spectrum of scattered radiation by magnetized turbulent plasma slab,PIER (Progress In Electromagnetics Research), vol. 112, pp. 63-75, 2011.State Target Program

The mutual correlation function of the phase fluctuations of scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves by the magnetized plasma slab with electron density fluctuations and the variance of the Faraday angle is calculated by the perturbation method. Analytical expression of broadening of the spatial spectrum of scattered radiation is obtained for arbitrary fluctuation spectrum. Numerical calculations are carried out for the anisotropic Gaussian fluctuation spectrum at different anisotropy factor and the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. Isolines of the normalized root mean square deviation of the Faraday angle nonlinearly depends on the angle of inclination of prolate irregularities and increases in proportion to the anisotropy factor; two receiving antennas are located in orthogonal planes. It is shown that the broadening of the spatial spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves by turbulent magnetized plasma slab in the principle plane (location of an external magnetic field) is less than in the perpendicular one.

Metric Radio Signals and the Spatial Spectrum of Scattered

Depolarization effects of incoherently scattered electromagnetic waves by inhomogeneous magnetized plasma slab, Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 3, # 11, pp. 471-478, 2011.State Target Program

 Scattering of the electromagnetic waves by a randomly inhomogeneous electrically gyrotropic slab are studied using the perturbation method. Second order statistical moments of the ordinary and extraordinary waves scattered by the magnetized plasma slab are obtained using the boundary conditions for an arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Normalized correlation functions at quasi-longitudinal propagation along the external magnetic field are calculated for the carrier frequency 0.1 MHz and 40 MHz.Isolines of the normalized variance of Faraday angle are constructed for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function at various anisotropy factors of irregularities. Obtained results are in a good agreement with the experimental data.

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2011.311075
Spatial power spectrum of multiple scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves in magnetized plasma with electron density fluctuations, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, (PIER M) vol. 25, pp. 87-100, 2012.State Target Program

Features of the spatial power spectrum (SPS) of multiple scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves in randomly inhomogeneous magnetized plasma are investigated using the smooth perturbation method taking into account diffraction effects. Second order statistical moments are derived for arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations at oblique illumination of magnetized plasma by mono-directed incident radiation. Numerical calculations have been carried out for anisotropic Gaussian correlation function taking into account anisotropy factor and angle of inclination of prolate irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. It was shown that SPS has a double-peaked shape. External magnetic field narrows SPS for ordinary wave and the gap arises in the direction of prolate irregularities. For extraordinary wave the gap increases with a distance passing by the wave in anisotropic magnetized plasma, the width broadens and maximum slightly displaced.

Statistical characteristics of scattered radiation in medium with spatial-temporal fluctuations of electron density and external magnetic field Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 4, pp. 243-251, 2012.State Target Program

Influence of temporal fluctuations of both electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations on scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves in magnetized plasma is investigated using the ray-(optics) method. Transport equation for frequency fluctuations of scattered radiation has been derived. Broadening of the spatial power spectrum and amplification of the intensity of frequency fluctuation taking into account geometry of the task and the features of turbulent magnetized plasma is analyzed for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function using the remote sensing data. It is shown that spatial-temporal fluctuations of electron density and external magnetic field, anisotropy and angle of inclination of prolate irregularities relative to the external magnetic field may lead to the exponential amplification of the intensity of frequency fluctuations of scattered electromagnetic waves in the collisional magnetized plasma.

Keywords: Fluctuations; Correlation function; Scattering; Magnetized Plasma; Phase portrait; Extraordinary Wave

To the problem of MHD waves propagation in the ionospheric E-region,Scientia Research Library ISSN 2348-0416 USA CODEN: JASRHB Journal of Applied Science And Research, 2014, 2 (2):1-13 State Target Program

The dispersion equation has been obtained describing propagation of very slow and long-period MHD waves in the ionospheric E-region. Statistical characteristics of the low-frequency MHD waves propagating in weakly ionized plasma are obtained for arbitrary correlation function of the particles density fluctuations. Energy exchange between “fast” and “slow” Alfven waves and the turbulent plasma flow is analyzed in the ray (optics) approximation using the stochastic eikonal equation. Correlation function of the phase fluctuations and the broadening of the temporal spectrum of scattered Alfven wave are calculated numerically for the anisotropic correlation function using the experimental data.

Keywords: Alfven wave, plasma flow, statistical characteristics, broadening, irregularities
Slow MHD Waves in the Turbulent Magnetized Plasma, Int'l Conf. Scientific Computing | CSC'15 |pp.185-191 Corpus ID: 201822801State Target Program

Peculiarities of the magnetosonic waves in weakly-ionized ionospheric E-region with randomly varying spatial-temporal turbulent plasma parameters are considered. Statistical characteristics: variances of both the directional fluctuations causing curvature of the phase surface and frequency fluctuations leading to the broadening of the temporal power spectrum of scattered magnetosonic waves are investigated analytically and numerically. Energy exchange between fast and slow magnetosonic waves, and turbulent plasma is analyzed on the bases of the stochastic transport equation using the ray (- optics) approximation. Experimental data have been used in numerical calculations for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function of the density fluctuations. It is shown that the energy balance between magnetosonic wave-nonstationary medium is different in the direction of the wave propagation and perpendicular plane leading to the compression and stretching of the ray tubes.
Peculiarities of the spatial power spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma, Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER), Vol. 152, pp. 137-149, 2015.State Target Program

General dispersion equation is obtained at arbitrary inclination angles of the external magnetic field and wave vector of an incident EM wave. Statistical characteristics of the phase fluctuations of scattered high frequency EM waves in the collision magnetized plasma caused by electron density and external magnetic field fluctuations taking into account polarization coefficients for both ordinary and extraordinary waves are calculated analytically. The influence of collision frequency, anisotropy factor and angle of inclination of prolate irregularities of electron density fluctuations with respect to the geomagnetic field of lines on the broadening of the spatial power spectrum is analyzed. Phase portraits of the phase fluctuations caused by the geomagnetic field fluctuations are constructedat different spatial parameters characterizing magnetic field and electron density fluctuations. Numerical calculations are carried out for the ionospheric F-region parameters using experimental data.

On the theory of the passive impurity distribution in the turbulent air flow,Journal of Advances in Physics, vol. 11, # 7, pp. 3535-3545, 2016.State Target Program

The statistical model of passive impurity transfer in surface boundary layers of the turbulent atmosphere in the presence of wind is offered. Analytical expressions of the normalized concentration of impurity for arbitrary correlation tensor of the second rank of velocity pulsation when the emission source is located at a certain height over the Earth's surface are obtained. The effective coefficient of turbulent diffusion contains coefficient of molecular diffusion, longitudinal and transverse turbulent diffusion coefficients. Numerical calculations were carried out using experimental data of ground(-based) observations. The isolines describing distribution of the passive impurities at calm case are depicted at different values of a wind speed and at certain distances from a source. Dynamics of globules formation with various concentration of impurity transferred by wind is constructed. They have specific characteristic spatial scales and lifetimes.


Double-humped Effect in the Turbulent Collision Magnetized Plasma, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M (PIER M), Vol. 48, pp. 95-102, 2016.State Target Program

Statistical moments of the spatial power spectrum of multiple scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma with aligned anisotropic electron density irregularities are investigated using modify smooth perturbation method taking into account diffraction effects. Correlation function and variances of the phase fluctuations are obtained for arbitrary correlation function of the electron density fluctuations. ``Double-humped Effect'' is investigated analytically and numerically using the anisotropic Gaussian spectral function of electron density irregularities for the polar ionospheric F-region applying the experimental data.

Second Order Statistical Moments of the Power Spectrum of Ionospheric Scintillation, Earth Sciences, vol. 6, # 6, pp. 142-148, 2017.State Target Program

Paper considers some aspects of the relationship between scintillation level of scattered radiation and anisotropic plasma irregularities in the collision turbulent magnetized plasma. Analytical calculations are carried out using modify smooth perturbation method taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of both ordinary and extraordinary waves. Correlation function and the wave structure function of the phase fluctuations are obtained for arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Analytical and numerical calculations of the second order statistical moments are carried out for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function taking into account both anisotropy factor and the inclination angle of the elongated plasma irregularities with respect to the external magnetic field. Scintillation level and the power spectrum of the intensity fluctuations are analyzed for different parameters characterizing anisotropic irregularities.

Keywords: Turbulence, Ionosphere, Irregularities, Magnetized Plasma

DOI: 10.11648/
Three-dimensional Magnetogradient Waves in the Upper Atmosphere, Journal of Advances in Physics, vol. 13, # 5, pp. 4881-4887, 2017.State Target Program

General dispersion equation has been obtained for three-dimensional electromagnetic planetary waves, from which follows, as particular case Khantadze results in one-dimension case. It was shown that partial magnetic field line freezing-in as in one-dimension case lead to the excitation of both fast and slow planetary waves, in two-liquid approximation (i.e. at ion drag by neutral particles) they are represent oscillations of magnetized electrons and partially magnetized ions in E region of the ionosphere. In F region of the ionosphere using one-liquid approximation only fast planetary wave will be generated representing oscillation of medium as a whole. Hence, it was shown that three-dimension magnetogradient planetary waves are exist in all components of the ionosphere, and as exact solutions, with well-known slow short-wave MHD waves, are simple mathematical consequence of the MHD equations for the ionosphere

Keywords: Electromagnetic planetary waves, irregularities, ionosphere, MHD waves
Statistical Characteristics of New Type Internal Wave in the Ionospheric F Region, International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 5, # 4, pp. 55-62, 2017.State Target Program

Second order statistical moments of new internal MHD wave in the ionospheric F region are investigated analytically by geometrical optics approximation. Degree of a curvature of a constant phase surface and the variance of an instant frequency measuring by experiment has been obtained for arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Energy exchange between the internal wave and turbulent plasma flow is considered calculating the mean energy flux density in the first and second approximations. Numerical calculations are carrying out for both anisotropic Gaussian correlation function and power law-spectrum characterizing elongated plasma irregularities using experimental data of satellites and incoherent scatter radar observations.

Keywords: Ionospheric Plasma, Internal Wave, Plasma Irregularities, Statistical Moments

doi: 10.11648/j.ijass.20170504.11
New Features of the “Double-Humped Effect in the Magnetized Plasma, PIER M (progress In Electromagnetics Research, M), vol. 62, pp. 1-9, 2017.State Target Program

Statistical moments of a scattered field are calculated in the first and second approximations using modified smooth perturbation method. Analytical expressions of both the variance and correlation function are obtained in the principle plane containing wave vector of an incident wave and external magnetic field. Observation points are spaced apart at small distances taking into account diffraction effects. Numerical calculations are carried out for the anisotropic Gaussian spectral function containing both anisotropic factor and the angle of inclination of elongated anisotropic plasma irregularities using the experimental data. It was shown that 3D surface of the correlation function of the phase fluctuation oscillate and these variations are decreased increasing characteristic spatial scale of plasma irregularities. New peculiarities of the ``Double-humped Effect'' are revealed in the collisionless magnetized plasma. It was shown that spatial scale and the inclination angle of elongated anisotropic plasma irregularities play important role in formation of a gap in the spatial power spectrum. Varying the magneto-ionospheric plasma parameters and values of characteristic spatial scales of anisotropic irregularities the depth of a dip increases and oscillates.

Power Spectra of Ionospheric Scintillations, Advanced Electromagnetics vol.6, # 4, pp. 42-51, 2017.State Target Program

Second order statistical moments of the phase fluctuationsare obtained taking into account the boundary condition,diffraction effects and polarization coefficients of theordinary and extraordinary waves. The variance and thecorrelation function are calculated for arbitrary 3D spectralfunction of electron density fluctuations containing bothanisotropic Gaussian and power-law spectra; anisotropycoefficient and the orientation angle of elongated plasmairregularities. The phase scintillation index and thescintillation level are analyzed numerically. Maximum ofthe scintillation index for small-scale irregularities is in theinterval 0.2-0.3 corresponding to the moderate scintillationintensity, within the weak-scatter regime. Splashes arerevealed for different anisotropy factor of elongated largescaleirregularities varying orientation angle with respect tothe lines of force of geomagnetic field. Scintillation index iscalculated for small-scale irregularities using the “frozenin”assumption and taking into account movement of rigidirregularities. Log-log plots of the power spectrum of theintensity fluctuations have the same minimums satisfyingthe “standard relationship” of scattered ordinary andextraordinary waves. It was shown that the normalizedscintillation level growth in both non-fully-developeddiffraction pattern and in transition zone increasinganisotropy factor. Rising orientation angle scintillation leveldecreases and splashes arises in fully developedscintillation region.
Scintillation Effects and the Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Radio Waves in the Ionospheric F Region, Journal of Advances in Physics, vol. 13, # 1, pp. 4593-4604, 2017.Grant Project

Differential equation for two-dimensional spectral function of the phase fluctuation is derived using the modify smooth perturbation method. Second order statistical moments of the phase fluctuations are calculated taking into account polarization coefficients of both ordinary and extraordinary waves in the turbulent collision magnetized plasma and the diffraction effects. Analytical and numerical investigations in the ionospheric F region are based on the anisotropic Gaussian and power law spectral functions of electron density fluctuations including both the field-aligned anisotropy and field-perpendicular anisotropy of the plasma irregularities. Scintillation effects in this region are investigated for the small-scale ionospheric irregularities. The large-scale background plasma structures are responsible for the double-humped shape in the spatial power spectrum taking into account diffraction effects. Numerical calculations are based on the experimental data of the navigation satellites.

Keywords: Scintillation, ionosphere, irregularities, spatial power spectrum, turbulence
Scintillation Effects in the Magnetized Plasma,PIER M, vol. 81, pp. 159-165, 2019.State Target Program

Statistical characteristics of scattered electromagnetic waves in the turbulent magnetized plasma caused by electron density fluctuations are calculated using complex geometrical optics approximation taking into account both diffraction effects and polarization coefficients. Scintillation level normalized on the variance of the phase fluctuations is analyzed analytically and numerically for small-scale plasma irregularities using the experimental data. New properties of the electromagnetic wave scintillations have been revealed. It is shown that splashes arise in the ionosphere leading to the turbulence and generation of new oscillations (waves and/or Pc pulsations) propagating in space and the terrestrial atmosphere. Turbulence extending in the lower atmospheric layers can influence on the meteorological parameters leading to climate change.

Polarimetric Parameters of Scattered Radiation in the Magnetized Plasma, Advanced Electromagnetics, vol. 8, # 2, pp. 77-84, 2019.State Target Program

Second order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves in the turbulent magnetized plasma slab with electron density fluctuations are calculated applying the modify stochastic smooth perturbation theory and the boundary conditions. The obtained results are valid for arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Stokes parameters are analyzed both analytically and numerically. The theory predicts that depolarization effect caused by second Stokes parameter may be important in scintillation effects. Numerical calculations are carried out for new spectral function of electron density fluctuations containing both anisotropic Gaussian and power-law spectral functions using the experimental data. Polarimetric parameters are calculated for different anisotropy factor and inclination angle of elongated small-scale irregularities with respect to the magnetic lines of forces. The relationship between the scintillations and the polarimetric parameters is important.
Spatial Power Spectrum of Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the Conductive Anisotropic Magnetized Plasma, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, vol. 14, # 6, 2019, pp. 440-449.State Target Program

Second order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves in the turbulent anisotropic conductive magnetized plasma are considered using the modify smooth perturbation method. Polarization coefficients and diffraction effect are taken into account. Broadening, displacement of the spatial power spectrum, scintillation level and the "Double-humped Effect" are investigated analytically and numerically for different anisotropy factors and inclination angles characterizing large-scale ionospheric plasmonic structures. It was shown that longitudinal conductivity and homogeneous ambient external magnetic field (in the main plane) have substantial influence on the statistical characteristics of scattered radiation in the ionospheric F-region. Increasing characteristics spatial scale of ionospheric large-scale electron density irregularities the spatial spectrum broadens, shift of the spectral maximum have opposite signs in the main and perpendicular planes. The obtained results allow to solve the reverse problem having application in the transionospheric communication and climate change. Numerical calculations are carried out using the experimental data.

Polarimetric parameters of scattered electromagnetic waves in the conductive magnetized plasma, PIER M, vol. 101, pp. 185-196, 2021. State Target Program

Electromagnetic waves propagation in both homogeneous and random magnetized conductive plasma is considered including longitudinal, Pedersen and Hall's conductivities. The second-order statistical moments of scattered electromagnetic waves in the conductive turbulent magnetized plasma slab with electron density fluctuations are investigated on the bases of the set of stochastic differential equation. Refractive index and polarization coefficients of both the ordinary and extraordinary waves are calculated for the polar terrestrial ionosphere. Using new spectral method and the boundary conditions, transversal components of scattered electromagnetic waves are calculated. Experimentally observed Stokes parameters describing the depolarization effects are calculated for the arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Coherent matrix describing polarization features of non-plane waves generalizing the Stokes parameters is obtained.

Compensation Effect in the Conductive Auroral Regions of the Terrestrial Atmosphere, Progress In Electromagnetic Research, PIER M, vol. 105, pp. 119-129, 2021State Target Program

 Oblique incidence of small-amplitude electromagnetic wave on an anisotropic conductive collision semi-infinite turbulent plasma slab under the influence of a homogeneous magnetic field is considered. The conditions of both the ordinary and extraordinary waves’ propagation along and transversal directions with respect to the external magnetic field in a homogeneous absorbing collisional magnetoplasma are obtained. Second order statistical moments of the spatial power spectrum of a scattered radiation in the polar ionosphere are calculated for the arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations using the geometrical optics approximation. External magnetic field, oblique incidence of electromagnetic wave on a plasma slab, anisotropy of both ionospheric conductivity and dielectric permittivity, also elongated plasma irregularities in the auroral region of the terrestrial atmosphere are taken into account. The direction along which these asymmetric factors compensate each other is established. The conditions of the “Compensation Effect” are obtained: the spatial power spectrum not broadens, and its maximum is not displaced. Second order statistical moments of a scattered radiation: the shift of maximum and the broadening of the spatial power spectrum in the main and perpendicular planes are investigated analytically and numerically for the power law spectrum of the anisotropic ionospheric plasmonic structures using the experimental data.


Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus

Transformation of the Spectrum of Scattered Radiation in Randomly Inhomogeneous Absorptive Plasma Layer, Wave Propagation: Scattering and Emission in Complex Media - International Workshop, Shanghai, China, 2003 - 2005State Target Program