Guga Chokhonelidze

Doctor of Science

Georgian Technical University Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology

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In 1975 I defended my doctoral dissertation and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and in 1979 the title of Professor in Engineering Geology. In 1958-1983 I worked as the Deputy Director of the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences in the field of science, where I continue my scientific activity as a Chief Scientist. Since 1983 I have been the Head of the Department of Foundations of the Georgian Technical University, and since 2013 I have been a full professor at the 102-nd Department. I have published 98 scientific papers, including the monograph "Georgian Loose Grounds" in 1976. I have studied and written reports on the engineering-geological conditions of the Enguri hydropower plant, the cities of Tbilisi, Rustavi and Poti. I have issued about two hundred expert opinions on the engineering-geological conditions of construction-related facilities. I am a member of the editorial board of the Journal "Builder", I have received the Honor Order. I am the Honored Builder of Georgia.

Engineering buildingsG. Chokhonelidze, D. KvachadzetextbookLeta Publishing House, 2011 / p. 2030 0 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Engineering Geology. Soil mechanics and foundationG. Chokhonelidze, I. Mshvidobadze, G. Lutidze, N. AreshidzetextbookGeorgian Technical University, 2018 / p. 760 0 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Soil mechanics and root-foundationsG. Chokhonelidze, L. Vacharadze, d. KvachadzetextbookGeorgian Tech. University, 2005/ p. 740 ISBN 99940-36-27-0 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Reinforcement of Kolkheti sloping ground with high frequency electrodeG. Chokhonelidze, Z. Kakulia, J. Iosebidze, M. Tkhinvaleli, G. Gogichaishviliarticle H / G and E / G Institute, Collection of Papers, 2005 / # 15, pp. 238-2470 ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Landslide processes developed in the territory of Temka settlement IV m / r in Tbilisi in connection with the developmentG. Chokhonelidze, Z. Chantladze, G. IashviliarticleGeorgian Ministry of Education and Science, LEPL H / G and E / G Institute, Proceedings, 2007 / vol. XVI, p. 172-1760 ISBN 978-9941-405-01-3 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On the methodology for determining the attractiveness of argillites and sandstones in TbilisiZ. Kakulia, G. Chokhonelidze, I. MshvidobadzearticleGeorgian Ministry of Education and Science, LEPL H / G and E/ G Institute, Proceedings, 2007 / vol. XVI, p. 160-1630 ISBN 978-9941-405-01-3 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Engineering-geological conditions of the landslide on the adjacent Gori road and its stabilization measuresZ. Kakulia, G. Chokhonelidze, M. Tkhinvaleli, Z. Oragvelidze, I. MshvidobadzearticleGeorgian Ministry of Education and Science, LEPL H / G and E / G Institute, Proceedings, 2009 / Vol. XVII, p. 17-210 ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On anti-landslide measures for stabilization of the existing landslide at 87 km Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze substationG. Chokhonelidze, Z. OragvelidzearticleGeorgian Technical University / Building, 2009 / # 4 (15)0 ISSN: 1512-3936 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Contact landslide stabilization measures on the existing slope of an apartment building built at # 68-70 Kekelidze St., Tbilisi G. Chokhonelidze, Z. Oragvelidze V. VacharadzearticleGeorgian Technical University / Building, 2010 / # 3 (18)0 ISSN: 1512-3936 GeorgianState Targeted Program
On the determination of the initial pressure of subsidence of loess soilsG. Chokhonelidze, Z. Kakulia, T. IashviliarticleMining Journal, 2013/1 (30), 75-770 ISSN:1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program
On the selection of soil strength indicators for landslide slope sustainability reportG. ChokhonelidzearticleGeorgian Technical University / "Building", 2012 / # 4 (27)0 ISSN: 1512-3936 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Calculation of rigid body interaction with an elastic-plastic base and additional magnets used to determine body attractiveness and methods of obtaining themG. Chokhonelidze, J. BichiashviliarticleGeorgian Technical University / Builder, 2014 / # 4 (35)0 ISSN: 1512-3936 GeorgianState Targeted Program
For the problem of calculating a rigid polygonal structure interacting with a Winkler-type elastic-plastic baseG. ChokhonelidzearticleGeorgian Technical University / Builder, 2014 / # 2 (33)0 ISSN: 1512-3936 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Determination of conditional ground resistance according to hardness indicatorsG. Chokhonelidze, I. Mshvidobadze G. LutidzearticleGeorgian Technical University / Builder, 2015 / # 1 (44)0 ISSN: 1512-3936 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Increasing the attractiveness of retaining walls with horizontally placed raftersG. Chokhonelidze, Sh. BakanidzearticleGeorgian Technical University / Builder, 2017 / # 1 (44), p. 95-980 ISSN: 1512-3936 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Result of studies of causes contributing to deformation of accident-sensitive buildings and constructions in TbilisiZ. Varazashvili, Z. Kakulia, G. Chokhonelidzeconference proceedings4th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date of Geology, Book of Theses, 2018 / pp.109-1110 ISBN 978-9941-28-064-1 EnglishState Targeted Program

4th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-date Problems of GeologyTbilisi, Georgia201829/05/2018 - 30/05/2018Georgian Mineralogical Society, GTUResult of studies of causes contributing to deformation of accident-sensitive buildings and constructions in Tbilisioral

The present article considers the results of studies of causes leading to deformations of accident- sensitive, hazardous buildings and constructions in Tbilisi. The following type grounds are used mainly for bases-foundations of deformed buildings-constructions existing is Tbilisi: 1. anthropogenic, that is filled-up grounds, which are spread almost on the whole territory of the town and cover upper layers of its relief. These rocks are of very non-homogenous structure and are mainly represented by clayey grounds various contents of construction and every day wastes. These rocks are used for foundation of buildings as a result of wrongly performed engineering-geological assessment and this often leads to rather negative outcomes; 2. Clay-loamy type rocks of diluvium-proluvium genesis; 3. In the studies of clayey rocks loess grounds attract our attention. These grounds are spread widely. When dry, they are characterized by properties similar to those of clayey ones, but when wetted they lead to big vertical deformation, that is land subsidence, which is rather dangerous for bases of buildings. წ თეზისი-მე-4.jpg

Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-2, H-ინდექსი-1.
Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-9, H-ინდექსი-2.

Engineering and hydrogeological-geological surveys were conducted on the territory of the theme park in western Georgia, drilling works were carried outWestern Georgia02/09/2005 - 31/10/2005state budget
Hydrogeological and engineering geological surveys were conducted in the Kumistavi village (Tskaltubo region). Tskaltubo region04/05/2008 - 09/05/2008state budget
Engineering-geological surveys, drilling works were carried out on the territory of # 1 secondary school located at # 97 Rustaveli Street in BorjomiBorjomi27/04/2007 - 04/05/2007state budget
Jurassic clays were selected as the object of work, which contain different amounts of manganese and other metals in the form of thin grains. Samples of shale were taken from different parts of Georgia: Shovi (Racha), Kvareli, Duruji (from Kakheti region) and Dusheti region (Arkhoti tunnel). The study material was brought in and laboratory processed into granules less than 2 mm in size. A certain number of them were placed in a glass jar with a pre-prepared peat extract solution. In a bio-organic complex prepared on the basis of peat used for manganese, the ratio of peat and distilled water is 1:30, sucrose (2%) and various organic and mineral additives were added as an energy additive. Peat-based suspension is the natural space of microorganisms that participate in the process of clay rock galvanization and mineralize rocks under anaerobic conditions. A series of experiments were conducted to select the leak parameters. Optimal deflection parameters were determined.Kakheti and Dusheti regions15/07/2013 - 15/08/2013state budget

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Engineering solutions to ensure the stability of slopes and slopesGeorgian Technical University
Reinforcement of the foundation of the building by the compression-compression methodGeorgian Technical University

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Diagnosis, reconstruction, modernization of buildingsM. Javakhishvili, R. Imedadze, M. TsikarishviliGeorgian Technical UniversityGeorgia15/01/2013

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia20/09/2009
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia03/05/2010
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia08/05/2011
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia06/05/2012
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia06/05/2013
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia04/05/2014
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia04/05/2014
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia03/05/2015
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia08/05/2016
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia07/05/2017
Scientific-Technical Journal "Construction"Georgia06/05/2018
XVII Proceedings of the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering GeologyGeorgia07/04/2009

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Engineering-geological study of loess rocks on the territory of Georgia for their rational use.state budget03/01/2018 - 29/11/2022Coordinator
Investigation of the causes of deformations of damaged buildings in Tbilisi and development of measures against themstate budget04/01/2015 - 28/12/2017Project manager
Processing of correlation of laboratory data of soil deformation module.state budget02/01/2013 - 26/12/2014Project manager
Engineering-geological characterization of Tbilisi rock rocks as rootstocksstate budget04/01/2010 - 29/12/2010Project manager
Engineering-geological surveys of Tbilisi loose soilstate budget02/01/2008 - 30/12/2008Project manager
Geo-ecological conditions of Tbilisi accommodationstate budget02/01/2003 - 31/12/2003Project manager

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

International Engineering Geology Association (IAEG) Georgian Engineering Geology Group04/02/2008 - 15/03/2021

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Engineering structures, "Letha" publishing house, 2011State Target Program

The aim of the work is to familiarize the students of the mentioned specialty with the engineering structures and their structural features, so that they can take the right orientation for designing and constructing the structures in the given geological conditions. The work is also intended for students of hydrotechnical and water supply, bridges and tunnels, highways and railways, and for general readers.

Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals


Currently in Tbilisi there are more than 2400 highly deformed buildings. The main causes of the deformation are soil type, the proximity and mineralised nature of near-surface groundwater, changes of the ground water level due to leakage from wastewater and seepage from Tbilisi’s water supply reservoir and the Samgori irrigation system. Typical examples of the destructive effect of groundwater are considered. The current practice of treating each case of building subsidence as a separate problem is not effective and should be replaced by a comprehensive study of the city area with the aim of zoning sectors with similar problems so that counter-deformation measures can be better targeted.
On selection of design values buildings in the case of partial reinforcement of foundation structures. 2018. Technical University. Cientific-technical journal Building #1(48),p.p.. 11-14.State Target Program

In the article is considered the case when occurs the partial reinforcement of the foundation. In such a case, it is especially important to know how the ground-based features are selected so that they do not cause the building cracking in reinforced as well as under reinforcing parts of building. In order not to originate a cracks, it is of particular importance to select the ground characteristics of the soil - the internal friction angle of the ground φ and the specific cohesion C.
Increasing of sustaining walls load bearing ability by horizontally arranges piles. 2017. Technical University. Scientific-technical journal Building #1(44), p.p.95-98. State Target Program

Is considered the issue of increasing of existing and design sustaining walls load bearing ability by arranges in its lower part of the horizontally positioned monolithic reinforced concrete piles when due the restricted conditions are impossible to arrange the sustaining wall with the necessary overall dimensions.
Landslide in Panaskerteli street in Tbilisi. 2016. Technical University. Scientific-technical journal Building #2(41), pp.50-52.State Target Program

In the paper are considered landslide processes in Panaskerteli street, which are found only on the rocks and argillites and sandstone sequence. These rocks belong to the rocks, so the landslide processes in them, as in hard rocks rarely are occured, exclude the case when slope inclination coincides with the direction of the falling rocks.
Determination of ground conventional resistance by strength indicators. 2015. Technical University. Scientific-technical journal BUILDING #4(39), pp. 67-69.State Target Program

At present, in construction norms SN 02.01.08 determination of R0 - ground conditional resistance is carried out by ratio of soil porosity and flow indicators. We are introducing this proposal, to determine the R0 by such direct characteristics of the soil strength, as: soil internal friction angle - φ and specific cohesion – C.
About determination of the initial settlement pressure of loess soils, Mining journal, 2013/1 (30)State Target Program

The article discusses a new method for determining the initial settlement value P of loess soils, which is based on the conditions of limit equilibrium of soils. Usually, the initial settling P of loess soils is determined by laboratory tests. The soil sample placed in the compression tool is wetted and increases the vertical load applied to the soil and limits the pressure at which the soil begins to deform. According to our proposal, P can be determined experimentally on loess-like soil. i.e. Ps for a given load is equal to the resistance to ground movement Sp.

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus