Dimitri Abzianidze

Doctor of Science

Georgian Technical University Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology

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I received my highest education at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of TSU, then continued my education at the postgraduate course of the Kiev Institute of Automation, where I defended my PhD in 1990, I am a candidate of technical sciences. In 2006 I was appointed Director of Metrology and Standardization, in 2008 the Institute joined the Faculty of Geology of the Georgian Technical University, later joined the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology. I am the head of the geoecology department. Most of my research work is related to ecological issues and mathematical analysis. I use advanced and modern achievements in my scientific work, including progressive computer technologies

Parameters estimation in case of energy subjects of the country and their security modeled in the uncertainty conditionsD Abzianidze, A Gotsiridzearticle Bull Georgian Acad. Sci, 2003/ 322 - 326 UDC ISSN EnglishState Targeted Program
To the problem of energy security and energy objects control optimizationD Abzianidze, A GotsiridzearticleBull Georgian Acad. Sci, 2004/117- 121 UDC ISSN EnglishState Targeted Program
About problems of ecological security and optimization management of ecological systemD.Abzianidze, N.Poporadze. M.Dvaliarticle Transactions Technical University of Georgia, 2010/# 2(476), 59-63 UDC ISSN 1512-0996 RussianState Targeted Program
Efficiency of ecological monitoring in case of the pollution of river Mtkvari by heavy metalsD.Abzianidze, N.Poporadze. M.Dvali, T.MeskhishviliarticleTransactions Technical University of Georgia, 2010/ #3(477), 17-21 UDC ISSN 1512-0996 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Application of mathematical methods in medical ecologyD.Abzianidze, N.Poporadze. M.Dvali, T.MeskhishviliarticleTransactions Georgian Technical University, 2012/#1(483), 54-58 UDC ISSN 1512-0996 RussianState Targeted Program
About use of mathematical modeling in environmental protection V.Abzianidze, G.Tabatadze, N.Khundadze, T.MeskhishviliarticleBusiness-Engineering, 2013/ # 2,195-197 UDC ISSN 1512-0538 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Application of CALMAN-Biuss model in processing of oservation results on river water conditionsV.Abzianidze, R.Managadzearticle Georgian Oil and Gas, 2014/ #29, 17-20 UDC ISSN 1512-0457 RussianState Targeted Program
Use the methods of mathematical ecology to solve environmental problemsD. Abzianidze, R. Managadze, N. Poporadze, G. Tabatadzemonograph Georgian Technical University, 2015 UDC ISSN GeorgianState Targeted Program
Application of Kalman filtering during estimation of river water state according to discrete observations V.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, R.ManagadzearticleGeorgian Oil and Gas, 2015/ #30, 108-111 UDC ISSN 1512-0457 RussianState Targeted Program
Thinking of mathematicians about the ecology and its problemsV.Abzianidze, G.Tabatadze, D.Abzianidze, R.Managadzearticle Social economics, 2015 /#1, 173-175 UDC ISSN 1987-7471 RussianState Targeted Program
Application of dynamic programming modal for solving practical problems of ecological systems securityV.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, R.Managadzearticle Georgian Oil and Gas, 2016/ #31, 79-82 UDC ISSN 1512-0457 RussianState Targeted Program
Some estimation of ecologic monitoring efficiency for solution the problems of rivers water pollution with the toxic metals. V.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, R.Managadzearticle Georgian Oil and Gas, 2017/ # 32, 64-70 UDC ISSN 1512-0457 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Basics of a new approach to the analysis of ecological processes with the help of fuzzy setsV.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, R.Managadzearticle Georgian Oil and Gas, 2017/ #32, 71-74 UDC ISSN 1512-0457 RussianState Targeted Program
On efficiency of application of elements of higher mathematics for the solution of practical tasks of ecological systems safetyV.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, R.Managadzearticle Transactions Georgian Technical University, 2018/ #4(510), 117-125UDC 502.7, SCOPUS CODE2303, ISSN 1512-0996 RussianState Targeted Program
Interpolation quality evaluation in the software package Surfer V.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, N.Poporadzearticle Transactions Georgian Technical University, 2019/ # 2(512), 20-29 UDC 004 942, SCOPUS CODE1703 ISSN 1512-0996 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Mathematical model methods in geology and ecology (Excel Software)V.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, Z.Kakuliaarticle Transactions Georgian Technical, 2019/ # 3(513), 29-39UDC 004 942, SCOPUS CODE1706 ISSN 1512-0996 DOI: https://doi.org/10.36073/1512-0996-2019-3-29-39, GeorgianState Targeted Program
Application of Mathematical methods in solving practical problems of Environmental protectionV.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, R.Managadzearticle Transactions Georgian Technical University,2021/ # 3(521), 145-151UDC 502.7, SCOPUS CODE2303 ISSN 1512-0996 DOI: https://doi.org/10.36073/1512-0996-2021-3-145-151RussianState Targeted Program
Assessing the Ecological condition of the Environment and solving the problemsof ecological safety using Mathematical ecology methods and Geoinformation System programs V.Abzianidze, D.Abzianidze, Z.KakuliaarticleTransactions Georgian Technical University, 2021/ # 3(521), 137-144UDC 502.7, SCOPUS CODE2303, ISSN 1512-0996 DOI: https://doi.org/10.36073/1512-0996-2021-3-137-144,GeorgianState Targeted Program

International Scientific Conference Sustainable Development and protection of EnvironmentTbilisi, Georgia20105-6 აპრილიGeorgian Technical UniversitySignificance of mathematical ecology in the protection of ecologic systems safetyoral

  The application of mathematical methods is solving the problems of various, sometimes quite unexpected, spheres of human activity means to use new, absolutely effective researching means. Increase of mathematical culture of specialist in the appropriate spheres makes it easier to study the general theoretical proposition and apply computing methods. in practice it becomes evident that only mathematical knowledge is not sufficient to solve one or another problem; it is necessary to acquire a skill to convert the primary task to the mathematical language – actually this is the problem of becoming proficient in art of mathematics. In the present work the authors demonstrate the significance of mathematics in solving of practical problems related with the safety of ecological systems.

კონფერენციის მასალები
International Scientific Conference Woman and 21th SenturyTbilisi, Georgia201101/06/2011 - 02/06/2011Georgian Technical UniversityInfluence of the existing ecological state of the river Mtkvari basin on human healthoral

Environmental pollution with metals and their negative impact on human health are discussed

კონფერენციის მასალები
7th International Scientific-practical Conference on Up-to-date problems of GeologyTbilisi, Georgia202128/10/2021 - 29/10/2021 Mineralogical Society of GeorgiaEcological monitoring of the river Lukhunioral

One of the most beautiful regions of Georgia - Ambrolauri and Lukhuni river valley is the object of our research. What is the ecological condition of this river valley, why do the population complain about the impact of arsenic, whether the ecological condition is the reason for the migration of the population. Here are the issues that have not yet been explored.

The latest studies were conducted in 2019 by the National Environment Agency of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. They examined the condition of various villages in Ambrolauri Municipality, in particular, the moving form of arsenic was determined. According to the results of the research, arsenic is the most polluted soil in Uravi. The maximum content of arsenic according to the data of November 2019 is 81.35 (valid value -40.7 ), 45.33 (valid value-22.7 ) mg / kg at depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, respectively. Other villages are also polluted [2]. Such an ecological situation was encountered before the first field work in Racha. Several tests were performed to actually assess the ecological condition, to monitor the condition in time and space. We focused not only on observations but also on predicting the situation.The river Lukhun is very difficult in relief because it flows into a deep ravine and because of this we could not take a pre-planned number of samples. But to eliminate these shortcomings we used mathematical ecology, its ability to use methods of statistical analysis, probability theory, we also used data interpolation. Finally we have a mathematical model of the situation, which allows us to assess the situation, monitor and develop modern concepts of management and allow us to avoid time-consuming and costly work [3].The table 1 shows the result of the work. Only the data of the main points are given. The data obtained by the mathematical model were also confirmed using a geoinformatics analysis apparatus. There is spatial analysis in GIS. The purpose of spatial analysis is to obtain new information from existing data using mathematical, statistical and geographical operations.

კონფერენციის მასალები

Web of Science: 0
Google Scholar: -ციტირების ინდექსი-4, H-ინდექსი-2

Project River. Dynamic analysis of the results of the study of the ecogeochemical condition of the Mtkvari and ecological monitoring Expeditions were carried out within the Gachiani-Rustavi-Red Bridge section. To identify the quality, nature and causative factors of heavy metal pollution in the Mtkvari. The data obtained from the quarterly monitoring were processed to reveal the undesirable period from an ecological point of view. It is known that the river. The Mtkvari is at risk of inorganic and bacterial contamination, mainly due to untreated wastewater, as well as factories and densely populated areas.Gachiani, Rustavi, Red Bridge, Georgia 2008 წლის მარტი, ივნისი, სექტემბერი, ნოემბერიMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia
Project Ecogeochemical study of toxic elements on the Mtkvari, determination of their concentration and ecological monitoring on the Gachiani-Red Bridge section. According to this monitoring, the level of pollution in this section is quite high. The project shows that the main pollutants in this area of ​​the river are toxic metals: manganese, cobalt, chromium and nickel. This is explained by the fact that various large enterprises are located in this area. However, they either do not have treatment plants at all or they do not work properly, which does not reduce the level of pollution. In addition, there are densely populated areas that do not have proper sewage systems. It is even more alarming that river water is used to irrigate orchards, which endangers the consumption of their products. The following measures should be taken to remedy the current situation: the enterprises should be equipped with modern treatment facilities, great importance is attached to the creation of ecological enterprises, low-waste or non-waste industries.Gachiani- Red Bridge Georgia2009 წლის აპრილი და სექტემბერიMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia,
Project: Ecogeochemical study of the Mtkvari on toxic elements and ecological monitoring Several expeditions were carried out within the Zahesi-Red Bridge section because of the significant threat to the environment from river water pollution. In this project, the main focus is on the possibility of taking specific measures to prevent various harmful substances. Monitoring allows us to make observations on one or more components, for a specific purpose, through a specially developed program. The analysis of the impact of harmful substances within geological monitoring includes the assessment and forecasting of the state of the environment and its changes.Zahesi - rustavi, Georgia 2010 წლის აპრილი და აგვისტოMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia,
Expeditions were conducted to describe and analyze the real ecological problem within the framework of the project Mtkvari River Basin Environmental Security Problems and Ecological System Modeling. The purpose of these expeditions was to build a mathematical model of the ecological state, as well as to use mathematical methods to solve practical problems related to the security of ecosystems.Rustavi-Red Bridge, Georgia2011 წლის მაისი, სექტემბერიMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia,
Ecological study of the project soil on heavy metals on the Rustavi-Red Bridge section of the river. 2 expeditions were carried out in the area adjacent to the Mtkvari. Soil samples were taken to study the geochemical composition, with a focus on toxic elements. The results of the analyzes showed that the levels of some elements were drastically increased in this section. This may relate to the operation of a metallurgical plant and a slag processing plant.Rustavi-Red Bridge, Georgia2012 წლის მაისი და ოქტომბერი Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
Several expeditions were conducted within the project: Use of Mathematical Methods and Geoinformation Systems to Assess the Ecological Condition of the Environment (on the Rustavi-Red Bridge section of the Mtkvari River). The results of the data taken during the expedition were processed statistically. Comparative analysis for each chemical element was performed based on the student criteria. The aim was to find out how substantially or insignificantly the results of the observations differed from one another over the years. Tonal concentrations were then calculated for each toxic metal, using the stronger Wilson-Manna-Whitney criterion, which replaces the studentRustavi-Red Bridge2013 წლის მაისი და ოქტომბერიMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia,
Project: Application of Mathematical Ecology Methods to Solve the Problem of Pollution of River Waters with Toxic Metals (for example the Mtkvari River For 5 years, scientific expeditions were conducted twice a year - in spring and autumn to study the ecological condition of the Mtkvari River.Zahesi - Red Bridge, Georgia2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 წლის მაისი, სექტემბერიMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia
Project: Application of Mathematical Ecology Methods to Solve the Problems of Pollution of River Waters with Toxic Metals (Lukhuni and Kvirila Rivers) Several expeditions were conducted in Ambrolauri district. The purpose of the expeditions was to obtain the necessary materials (sampling of the river Lukhuni) to determine the ecological condition of the river, for further laboratory treatment and scientific conclusions, to develop a mathematical model of the condition and a local GIS project, as well as to monitor the condition of the river.Ambrolauri district, Racha, Georgia2020 წლის მაისი, სექტემბერი, 2021 წლის ივნისი, ოქტომბერიMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Application of Mathematical Ecology Methods to Solve the Problems of Pollution of River Waters with Toxic Metals (River Lukhuni and Kvirila)Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia 2020-2022Manager
Use of Mathematical Ecology Methods to Solve the Problem of Pollution of River Waters with Toxic Metals (on the Example of Mtkvari RiverMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia 2015-2019Project Manager
Use of mathematical methods and geoinformation systems to assess the ecological status of the environment (Rustavi-Red Bridge section of the Mtkvari River)Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, 2013Project Manager
Project: Soil Ecological Survey on Heavy Metals on Rustavi-Red Bridge Section near Mtkvari RiverMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia 2012Project Manager
Project: Ecological safety problems of the Mtkvari river basin and modeling of the ecological system Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia 2011Project Manager
Ecogeochemical study of the Mtkvari River on toxic elements and ecological monitoring on the Zahesi-Red Bridge sectionMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia 2010Project Manager
Project: Ecogeochemical study of the Mtkvari River on toxic elements, determination of their concentration and ecological monitoring on the Gachiani-Red Bridge sectionMinistry of Education and Science of Georgia 2009Project Manager
Project: Dynamic analysis and ecological monitoring of the results of the study of the ecogeochemical condition of the Mtkvari River Gachiani-Rustavi - on the Red Bridge section - Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia 2008Project Manager

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Application of Mathematical Ecology Methods to Solve Environmental Protection Problems, Publishing House of Technical University of Georgia, 2015State Target Program

The monograph is not a systematic guide to mathematical ecology, but its purpose is to present how mathematical methods should be used in solving practical problems of environmental protection. A wide range of materials and a variety of examples make the work useful for scholars in the field, as well as specialists in economics and other fields who are interested in environmental protection.


Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Assessing the Ecological Condition of the Environment and Solving the Problems of Ecological Safety Using Mathematical Ecology Methods and Geoinformation System Programs, Works of GTU ,№3 (521), 2021State Target Program

With the intensive development of industry and population growth, environmental protection and the correct use of natural resources are of great importance. For a proper assessment, monitoring and management of the environmental situation, it is necessary to possess cartographic, environmental and other information about all its components, analyze this information and make the right decisions. There are various ways to solve this problem. The article provides a brief description of the method that we applied to assess the ecological state in one of the sections of the Mtkvari (Kura), in particular, the content of heavy metals in the waters of the Mtkvari (Kura) River in the Zagesi – Red Bridge section. The degree of anthropogenic impact was assessed by methods of mathematical modeling and modern technologies of the geographic information system. In the mathematical processing of information, a whole range of mathematical modeling tools were used - starting with mathematical statistics and ending with a complex model. The main functions of the geographic information system were also used: information organization, its processing, analysis, verification, visualization, and etc. As a result, thematic maps were created, that clearly show the degree of pollution of the river section, as well as the dynamics of changes in the concentration of heavy metals. This method can be used for environmental assessment of various objects. With its help, it is possible to carry out environmental monitoring simply and at low cost.

Application of mathematical methods in solving practical problems of environmental protection, works of STU, 2021/ # 3(521)State Target Program

The author of this article considered the question of the effectiveness of the application of mathematical methods in the analysis of ecological processes in the fourth issue of this journal in 2018. In the proposed article, the authors continue to develop this idea, considering this time the human interaction with the environment. The main focus of the authors is on showing the important role of mathematics in human interaction with the environment. It is known that anthropogenic objects (populated points, various industrial enterprises, transport, etc.) as a result of their functioning have different effects on a person. For the study of these processes, there is a need to develop sciences to forecast the state of the environment and manage the processes of ecological balance in the geological environment, between nature and the technosphere (technological activity of people). In the study of these processes, mathematics is assigned a decisive role. However, the subject of research is invariably complicated, because the study requires the combination of interrelated processes of the most diverse nature. We notice that the organization of these studies is very difficult, because The study of human anthropogenic influence on the environment requires the integration of the activities of a number of specialists in various fields.

Mathematical model methods in geology and ecology (Excel Software), Works of GTU, №3 (513), 2019State Target Program

For the description and classification of geological objects and ecological systems, for the forecasting of its actions it’s needed to be developed appropriate mathematical models. The process of such model creation is quite difficult and consists of several stages. Data obtained from the observations or experiments are processed by using of statistical analysis. The development of computer technologies made it possible to apply new technologies in geology and ecology. The article describes usage of software package Excel's tools and a number of functions in the statistical analysis. Basic statistical indicators, such as the mean value, dispersion, asymmetry, square root dispersion, excess, etc. are located in one option, some other essential statistical characteristics can be defined by the corresponding functions (mainly by statistical and mathematical), which is described in the article in detail. 

Evaluation of interpolation quality in the "Surfer" software package, Proceedings of STU, 2019/ # 2(512)State Target Program

To carry out ecological and geological studies, it is necessary to know the parameters of any object in the entire study area, but for various reasons it is impossible to take samples from some places and, therefore, we cannot determine the parameters of any variable in these places. In order to make a conclusion, a whole range of data is needed. In such a case, in order to determine the value of any variable at a point where it was practically not calculated, we use spatial interpolation.

About the effectiveness of applying the elements of higher mathematics in solving practical tasks on the safety of ecological systems, works of STU, 2018/ #4(510)State Target Program

The use of mathematical methods in ecology makes it possible to obtain results that cannot be achieved by other methods. It is desirable that ecologists would not only be able to use the mathematical apparatus, but would also be able to choose from numerous methods exactly the one that is necessary to achieve the goal, i.e. purposefully use it.

Application of dynamic programming in solving practical problems on the safety of ecological systems, Oil and Gas of Georgia, 2016State Target Program

The assessment of the quality of the environment is carried out with the aim of establishing the maximum permissible impact norms, guaranteeing the ecological safety (EB) of the population, preserving the gene pool and ensuring the rational use and reproduction of natural resources in the conditions of sustainable development of economic activity.

The use of Kalman filtering in assessing the state of river water from discrete observations, Oil and Gas of Georgia, 2015State Target Program

The presented work gives a clear idea of how nowadays it is possible to apply filtering algorithms when solving practical tasks for environmental protection (OS). The assessment of the degree of pollution of the environment is carried out with the aim of establishing the maximum permissible impact norms, guaranteeing the ecological safety of the population, ensuring the rational use and reproduction of natural resources in the conditions of sustainable development of economic activity. At the same time, under the influence is generally understood anthropogenic activity connected with the realization of economic, recreational, cultural interests and introducing physical, chemical, biological changes to the natural environment.

Application of the Kalman-Bucy model in the process of processing the results of observations of the state of river water, Oil and Gas of Georgia, 2014, 29State Target Program

The need to study ecological processes leads to the problem of using (or applying) the modern theory of decision making, which includes a developed mathematical apparatus. The main task of ecological research is to accumulate and analyze information about the quantitative nature of the relationship between living organisms and their environment in order to obtain results such as assessing the quality of the studied ecological systems (ES) (ultimately with the aim of the possibility of their use by humans), identifying factors of negative external impact, forecast of sustainability of ES.


Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus