Givi Iashvili

Doctor of Science

Georgian Technical University Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology

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In 1963 I graduated from the Faculty of Geology of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology. 1985 I defended my PhD dissertation. I have been working in the Department of Marine Engineering Geology at the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology since 1965, and I have been the head of this department since 1990. 2008-2009 Our department has implemented a project funded by the National Fund of Georgia: "Modern engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea coastal zone in relation to environmental protection (on the example of Poti and Batumi)", 2011. I worked on the GTU Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology institute internal project "Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea coastal zone in connection with the protection of the environment in the Anaklia district". I am leading the state budget project. I study the engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea shelf zone of Georgia and the changes caused by natural and anthropogenic factors.

Landslide processes developed in the territory of Temka settlement IV m / r in Tbilisi in connection with the developmentG. Chokhonelidze, Z. Chantladze, G. IashviliarticleMinistry of Education and Science, LEPL H / G and E / G Institute, Proceedings, 2007 / vol. XVI, p. 172-1760 ISBN 978-9941-405-01-3 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Principles of engineering-geological zoning of the shelf zone of Adjara and South ColchisG. Iashvili, T. IashviliarticleProblems of Hydrogeology and Engineering-Geology of Georgia. Collection of works, 2001 / № XII, p. 120-1220 ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 RussianState Targeted Program
Lithodynamics of Batumi sea shoreline on the river in connection with the construction of hydro-technical facilities on ChorokhiG. Iashvili, G. Buachidze, T. Iashvili articleGeorgian Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering-Geology Collection, 2003 / № XIII, p. 97-1020 ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea shelf zone (Central part of Kolkheti)G. Iashvili, T. IashviliarticleScience / Problems of Hydrogeology and Engineering-Geology of Georgia, Collection of Papers, 2003 / № XIV, p. 103-1080 ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Geological-engineering Problems related to urbanized coastal areas of Batumi and PotiG. Buachidze, G. IashviliarticleProblems of Hydrogeology and Engineering-Geology of Georgia. Science, Tbilisi. Collection of works, 2005/№ XV, pp.158-1640 ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Geological-engineering Problems related to urbanized coastal areas of Batumi and PotiG. IashviliarticleGeorgian Academy of Sciences / Moambe, 20050 ISSN - 0132 - 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Modern engineering-geological conditions of Poti-Supsa district of the Black Sea coastal zoneG. Iashvili, T. Iashvili, M. TkhinvaliarticleProceedings of the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering-Geology 2007 / № XVI, p. 219-2250 ISBN 978-9941-405-01- 3 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Issues of study of engineering-geological conditions of Lisi Lake recreation zoneZ. Chantladze, G. Iashvili, E. MegrelishviliarticleProceedings of the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering-Geology, 2007 / № XVI, pp.177-1800 ISBN 978-9941-405-01- 3 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Research of land-sliding process on the Northern Slope of Mtatsminda Ridge in connection with a Strengthening SlopeZ. Chantladze, G. Iashvili, E. MegrelishviliarticleScience / LEPL H / G and E/ G Institute, Collection of Papers, 2009 / Vol. XVII, p. 90-950 ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 GeorgianState Targeted Program
The forecast of changes in the engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea coastal zone in relation to the protection of the geological environment (on the example of Batumi)G. Iashvili, T. Iashvili, Z. ChantladzearticleScience/Proceedings of the H / G and E / G Institute, 2009 / № XVII, pp. 3-70 ISBN 978-9941-405-81-5 GeorgianState Targeted Program
Modern engineering-geological conditions of the coastal zone of Grigoleti and Supsa Sea in relation to environmental protectionG. Iashvili, T. Iashvili, D. Chutkerashvili, O. Okriashviliconference proceedings5th International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Latest Problems of Geology, Thesis Book, 2019 / 40-410 ISBN 978-9941-28-432-8 EnglishState Targeted Program
Modern engineering-geological conditions of the coastline between Enguri and Rioni rivers in connection with the construction of a deep-water port in AnakliaG. Iashvili, Z. Kakulia, T. Iashvili, Z. VarazashviliarticleMining Journal, 2017/1 (38) p. 47-520 ISSN:1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program
Measures to strengthen the Adjara Sea coastal zone and forecast its developmentG. IashviliarticleMining Magazine, 2017 / № 2 (39), p. 59 - 600 ISSN 1512-407X GeorgianState Targeted Program

2nd International Symposium on the Geology of the Black Sea RegionAnkara, Turkey200905/10/2009 - 09/10/2009Balkans and the East European PlatformForecast of Changes Engineering-Geology Conditions of the Black Sea Zone in View of Protection of Geological Medium (on the example of Batumi)oral

Comparing the current state of the coastline with the data obtained from our previous research works will allow us to determine the nature of the change in the engineering-geological conditions of the coastline. By combining early and modern profiles of beaches and underwater slopes, we can calculate the amount of beach-building material needed to be replenished to restore the old natural profile of the coastal zone. Further artificial feeding of the beaches contributes to the lithodynamic equilibrium of the coastal zone and provides the aesthetic side of the coastal zone of urbanized areas. As the restoration of the natural profile as a result of the laying of solid material in the shoreline by "Snaknapr defense" has shown, this is the most effective method for stabilizing the coastal zone. Such works should be carried out mainly in the coastal zone, in particular on the Makhinjauri-Kobuleti coast, where seawater leaching has been identified.
5th International Scientific-Practical Conference on Up-to-Date Problems of GeologyTbilisi, Georgia201929/05/2019 - 30/05/2019Georgian Mineralogical Society, GTUModern engineering-geological conditions of the coastal zone of Grigoleti and Supsa in relation to environmental protectionoral

The coastal zone consists of a beach and an underwater slope. It is the part of land and water where the lithosphere and hydrosphere experience active interaction. The studied area is one of the most difficult regions from the village of Grigoleti to Supsa. Anthropogenic challenges have increased significantly due to the activation of the Asia-Europe transport corridor, the Supsa oil terminal and its loading facility at sea, which makes the study of the geotechnical conditions of the region more relevant. Under the guidance of Professor G. Buachidze, we conducted special studies funded by the firm "John Brown", which aimed to study the geotechnical conditions of the Supsa terminal and the oil refinery. This is a difficult and sensitive unit and in case of damage it can cause catastrophic damage to Poti-Kobuleti zone. The area from Supsa to Grigoleta is characterized by the intensive shifting of solid material. Data from special holes drilled in the Supsa-Grigoleti area made it possible to cross the boundary between relatively stable and very moving sands at the intersection of the pipeline. This boundary is approximately 7.0 m above the projected trench depth (4.0 m). To assess geotechnical conditions, it is important to identify the role of natural factors influencing the formation of conditions. One of the main factors is the rough drift of the river and the conditions of the sea wave. The analysis of the data showed that the sea waves in the region are mainly in the south-west (32%) and west (25%) directions. Sea waves have a great impact on the biodynamics of the seashore. We think that it is necessary to make some observations in order to obtain material for a short-term forecast of the development of engineering-geological conditions in this region. მე-5 კონფ. იაშვილი.pdf

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Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the coastal zone of Kolkheti Sea in connection with the protection of the environment and its rational use The Poti-Anaklia coastal zone was monitored within the framework of the project, the sea wave regime was observed.Poti - Anaklia18/06/2015 - 17/07/2015state budget
Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the coastal zone of Kolkheti Sea in connection with the protection of the environment and its rational use Poti-Anaklia coastal zone was monitored within the framework of the project, the sea wave regime was observed.Poti - Anaklia25/08/2015 - 23/09/2015state budget
The study of lithodynamic processes in the coastal zone was carried out and abrasive sites were identified. Observations were made of the wave regime of the sea and the solid outflow of the rivers.Batumi district07/08/2013 - 13/09/2013state budget
Engineering geological works were carried out on the territory of Chkhari secondary school in Terjola district.Terjola district, village Chkhari04/04/2007 - 11/04/2007state budget
The role of the main natural and anthropogenic factors that contribute to the formation of engineering-geological conditions was defined within the framework of the National Grant project Batumi03/11/2008 - 27/11/2008Georgian National Grant
Field-expedition works were carried out within the framework of the National Grant project. On the territory of Poti and Batumi sea coastal zone. Lithodynamic processes were studied and abrasive sites were isolated.Sea coastal zone of Batumi and Poti districts10/06/2009 - 30/07/2009Georgian National Grant
Modern engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea coastal zone in relation to environmental protection Observations were made of the tidal regime of the sea and the solid outflow of rivers.Poti14/05/2009 - 21/05/2009Georgian National Grant
Anaklia-Poti (Mltkvi site) Lithodynamic processes of the coastal zone, changes developed on the beach as a result of natural and anthropogenic impacts were studiedPoti region13/09/2010 - 12/10/2010state budget
Study of modern geological conditions of the Black Sea coastal zone in connection with the protection of the environment in Anaklia area as part of the project, lithodynamic processes of the coastal zone in Anaklia-Poti area were studied and abrasion sites were identified.Anaklia - Poti01/08/2011 - 30/08/2011state budget
Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the coastal zone of the Colchis Sea in connection with the protection of the environment and its rational use The project carried out a study of lithodynamic processes in the coastal zone and the identification of abrasive sites.Colchis Sea coastal zone01/05/2017 - 15/05/2017state budget
Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea coast in relation to the protection of the geological environment Within the project, the role of key natural and anthropogenic factors in the formation of engineering-geological conditions in the Anaklia-Khobi district was defined. Observations were made on the undulating regime of the sea and the solid outflow of the rivers.Anaklia - Khobi district, coastal zone03/09/2018 - 04/10/2018state budget
Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea coast zone in connection with the protection of the geological environment Within the project, the role of the main natural and anthropogenic factors in the formation of engineering-geological conditions in the Batumi region was defined. Observations were made on the undulating regime of the sea and the solid outflow of rivers, which contribute to the formation of engineering-geological conditions. Observations were made on the undulating regime of the sea and the solid outflow of the rivers.Batumi district, sea coastal zone16/08/2021 - 13/09/2021state budget

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the Adjara Sea zone in relation to the protection of the geological environmentstate budget 3/1/2018 - 29/12/2022Project manager
Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the coastal zone of the Colchis Sea in relation to environmental protection and its rational usestate budget 5/01/2015 -28/12/2017Project manager
Study of modern engineering-geological conditions of the sea coast zone of Batumi-Gonio district on the river. Regarding the design of hydropower facilities on the water of Chorokhi and Adjarastate budget 3/01/2013 -30/12/2014Project manager
Modern engineering-geological conditions of the Central Kolkheti Sea coastal zone in relation to environmental protectionstate budget 3/01/2010-27/12/2012Project manager
Study of modern geological conditions of the Black Sea coastal zone in connection with the protection of the environment at the Anaklia sitestate budget 3/01/2011 - 29/12/2011Project manager
Modern engineering-geological conditions of the Black Sea coastal zone in relation to environmental protection (on the example of Poti and Batumi)Georgian National Science Foundation3/01/2008 - 30/12/2009Project manager

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Measures to strengthen the coastal zone of the Adjara Sea and its development forecast, Mining Journal, 2017/ No. 2(39)State Target Program

The article discusses different methods of protection of the coastal zone of Black Sea Adjara in Makhinjauri and Chakvi areas separated according to the development of lithodynamics and modern geological processes, on which coastal zone erosion is the most noticeable. The deficit of beach-forming material required to restore the old natural profile is calculated. It existed in the river. Before the break-up of the Chorokhi lithodynamic system, which was caused by the construction of the Batumi port (1978). Approximate calculations were made as a result of the combination of time profiles of the old, single lithodynamic system of Chorokhi and modern deformed and washed beaches. Measures to strengthen the coastal zone are proposed in connection with the protection of the geological environment.
Conditions of the coastal zone between the rivers Enguri and Rioni, about the conctruction of a deerwater port in Anaklia, Mining journal, # 1(38), 2017State Target Program

The paper discusses the present - day geological conditions in the coastal zone between the rivers Inguri and Rioni. It defines the basic natural and antropogenic factors affecting the formation of the engineering - geological conditions. The engineering - geological zoning of the coastal zone in the region under investigation is provided along with the characteristics of its litho-dynamics. The authors suggest measures towards improvement of the geological environment in the sea coastal zone.
Geological Engineering Problems Related to Urbanized Coastal Areas of Batumi and Poti, 2005. pp. 172, №3, MoambeState Target Program

The paper deals with the problem of geological environment of the urbanized coastal areas in the vicinity of the towns Poti and Batumi. Calculations of the beach forming deposit deficit were made to estimate Batumi – Kobuleti areas, and some recommendations are given for the protection of the coastal zone.

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus