Zurab Varazashvili
Doctor of Science
Georgian Technical University Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
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In 1973 I graduated from the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering-Geology of the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute and was awarded the qualification of a mining engineer-hydrogeologist. From 1974 to 2002 I worked in the Geological Division of Georgia as the head of the engineering-geological group. In 1993, I defended my PhD dissertation and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Geological Sciences. From 2002 to 2016, I worked in various public and private organizations with relevant profiles, including lecturing at various faculties of GTU. In 2016, I started working as the head of the engineering-geology department at the GTU Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology. I am the author of about twenty different types of scientific papers. I have participated in Shota Rustaveli state-grant projects.
Modern measures against erosion processes on the slopes | Z. Varazashvili, G. Chakhaia | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University, 2010. # 65. Pp.244-248. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Impact of modern geotechnological processes on the ecosystem in the construction area of "TRASECA" and their regulation | Z. Varazashvili ,. C. Chakhaia, S. Modebadze | article | Collection of scientific works of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University. 2011 # 66. Pp.46--52. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Modern measures against soil degradation processes on mountain slopes | Z. Varazashvili., G. Chakhaia | article | Georgian Technical University, Collection of Scientific Papers of the Institute of Water Management. 2011 / # 66. Pp.204-208. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Georgian Black Sea Ecological Safety Recommendations from Sea Impacts. | R. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University. 2012 # 67. Pp.45-48. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Laboratory research of Nesfile and Nesgeo anti-soil erosion carpet | C. Chakhaia, Sh. Bosikashvili | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University. 2012 # 67. Pp.203-208. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Ecological problems of the Tbilisi Sea and measures for its prevention. | Z. Varazashvili R. Diakonidze, G. Chakhaia | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Elo, Institute of Water Management, Elo Technical University, Georgia. 2013 # 68. Pp.57-63 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Evaluation of permeable type anti-flood building | Z. Varazashvili G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Proceedings of the Institute of Water Management of the Georgian Technical University. 2013 # 68. Pp.200-203 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
"Laboratory study of" Eroekomat "anti-soil erosion carpet" | Z. Varazashvili | conference proceedings | First International Conference "Ecosystems of Kolkheti Plain - Protection and Rational Use" Conference Proceedings, 2013 p. 172-176 / http: // wmi.ge | 0 | გვ. 172-176 /http://wmi.ge | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
"Maintaining the stability of landslide slopes through modern geotextile" Cotonmat " | Z. Varazashvili | conference proceedings | 3rd International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Environment, Architecture and Construction", Proceedings of the Conference, 2013 p. 70-72 / http: // wmi.ge | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | 0 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Evaluation and analysis of the environmental project on the Erekle II street in the city of Signaghi (Georgia) | Z. Varazashvili | conference proceedings | 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction". Conference Abstracts Collection, 2014, p. 83-90 / http: // wmi.ge | 0 | ISSN: 1512-2344 | 0 | English | State Targeted Program |
The laboratory research of resource saving bioengineering measure(Geo mat, Luffaeromat) against soil degradation running on the vulnerability mountain slopes | Z. Varazashvili | conference proceedings | 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference | 0 | ISSN: 1512-2344 | 0 | English | State Targeted Program |
Evaluation of constructions by type of snow avalanche penetration | Z. Varazashvili, G. Chakhaia, L. Tsulukidze, E. Kukhalashvili et al | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Institute of Water Management, Elo Technical University, Georgia. 2014/ # 69. Pp.298-302 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Results of a field-experimental study conducted in the Borjomi Fire Valley in 2013-2014 | Z. Varazashvili, G. Chakhaia, Sh. Bosikashvili et al | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Elo, Institute of Water Management, Elo Technical University, Georgia. 2014 / # 69. Pp.292-297 | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Qualitative assessment of the current wind erosion on the territory of Georgia, taking into account its determining factors | Z. Varazashvili, O. Okriashvili | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgia, Elo Technical University Ts. Proceedings of the Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management. 2015/70 70. Pp.156-160. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Evaluation and forecasting of erosion-flood processes formed as a result of the ecocide carried out in Borjomi gorge in 2008 | Z. Varazashvili et al. | conference proceedings | 5th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction" Conference Proceedings, 2015 /p. 301-304 | 0 | ISSN: 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Black Sea water quality assessment within Georgia | Z. Varazashvili et al. | conference proceedings | 5th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction", Proceedings of the Conference, 2015, pp. 69-71 | 0 | ISSN: 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Simulation modeling of soil erosion processes on Borjomi fire mountain slopes. | Z. Varazashvili, G. Chakhaia, Sh. Bosikashvili et al | article | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgia, Elo Technical University Ts. Proceedings of the Mirtskhulava Institute of Water Management. 2015 # 70. Pp.191-196. | 0 | ISSN 1512-2344 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Assessment of landslide sustainability in the Gldaniskhevi River valley. | Z. Varazashvili, N. Kvashilava, G. Chakhaia. | article | Science and Technology, 2016 # 2 (722), pp.31-35. | 0 | ISSN 0130-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Issues of research and management of technogenic arrays of modern origin on the territory of Georgia | U. Zviadadze, M. Mardashova, Z. Varazashvili | article | Science and Technology, 2016 # 2 (722), pp.23-29. | 0 | ISSN 0130-7061 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Modern engineering-geological conditions of the coastline between Enguri and Rio in connection with the construction of a deep-water port in Anaklia | G. Iashvili, Z. Kakulia, T. Iashvili, Z. Varazashvili | article | Mining Magazine, 2017/1 (38) p. 47-52 | 0 | ISSN:1512-407X | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Result Of Studies Of Causes Contributing To Deformation Of Accident-Sensitive Buildings And Constructions In Tbilisi | Z. Varazashvili, G. Chokhonelidze Z. Kakulia. | conference proceedings | 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Recent Problems of Geology", Thesis Book, 2018 / pp.106-109 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-28-064-1 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Engineering-geological study of loose rocks in the middle of the river Mtkvari | Z. Varazashvili, A. Giorgadze, Z. Kakulia. | conference proceedings | Georgian Mineralogical Society G. Tsulukidze Mining Institute Georgian Technical University, 2019 p. 27-28 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-8-2574-3 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Distribution of loess rocks in the middle of the Mtkvari River and study of their properties to improve the construction of irrigation systems | Z. Varazashvili, A. Giorgadze, Z. Kakulia, D. Chutkerashvili, O. Okriashvili | conference proceedings | "5th International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Latest Problems of Geology", Thesis Book, 2019 / pp.145-147 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-28-432-8 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Study of geotechnical characteristics of loess rocks in Georgia for the rational use of land resources | Z. Varazashvili, A. Giorgadze, Z. Kakulia | conference proceedings | 12th Regional Congress of Asia, Jeju Island, South Korea. Journal of the Korean Society of Engineers-Geologists, 2019, p. 210 | 0 | 0 | 10.13140/RG.2.2.27687.91042 | English | State Targeted Program |
Environmental Impact Assessment of Existing Anthropogenic Geological Formations to Improve the Ecological Status of Georgia | Z. Varazashvili, A. Giorgadze, Z. Kakulia, D. Chutkerashvili | conference proceedings | "6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Recent Problems of Geology", Thesis Book, 2020, pp.58-60 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-8-2574-3 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Engineering-geological study of Vashlijvari landslide and assessment of its dynamics | Z. Kakulia, Z. Varazashvili, M. Mardashova, A. Songhulashvili, D. Chutkerashvili | conference proceedings | "7th International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Latest Problems of Geology", Book of Theses, 2021 / pp.58-60 | 0 | ISBN 978-9941-28-854-8 | English | State Targeted Program |
3rd International Scientific-Technical Conference | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 29/07/0004 - 29/07/0004 | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgia, Elo Technical University Institute of Water Management | Maintaining the stability of landslide slopes with the help of modern geotextile | poster | The report discusses ways to rehabilitate landslide slopes and improve their resilience by means of anti-erosion mats made of natural materials, in particular Cotonmat, which are introduced by mulching on the slope, which significantly accelerates the rehabilitation process. | კონფერენციის თეზისების კრებული, გვ. 70-72 /http:// wmi.ge |
5th International Scientific-Technical Conference Modern Problems of Water Management, Environment, Architecture and Construction | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 16/07/2019 - 16/07/2019 | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgia, Elo Technical University Institute of Water Management | Black Sea water quality assessment within Georgia | poster | The report says that the quality of the Black Sea water is affected by the content of some heavy metals in the wastewater. Their quality is mainly placed in the first and second grades (according to СЭВ). The authors consider it necessary to continue the work in this direction in order to determine the water quality more precisely. | კონფერენციის თეზისების კრებული, გვ 69-71 |
4th International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Latest Problems of Geology | Georgia Tbilisi | 2018 | 29/04/2018 - 30/04/2018 | Georgian Mineralogical Society, GTU | Result Of Studies Of Causes Contributing To Deformation Of Accident-Sensitive Buildings And Constructions In Tbilisi | oral | The present article considers the results of studies of causes leading to deformations of accident- sensitive, hazardous buildings and constructions in Tbilisi. The following type grounds are used mainly for bases-foundations of deformed buildings-constructions existing is Tbilisi: 1. anthropogenic, that is filled-up grounds, which are spread almost on the whole territory of the town and cover upper layers of its relief. These rocks are of very non-homogenous structure and are mainly represented by clayey grounds various contents of construction and every day wastes. These rocks are used for foundation of buildings as a result of wrongly performed engineering-geological assessment and this often leads to rather negative outcomes; 2. Clay-loamy type rocks of diluvium-proluvium genesis; 3. In the studies of clayey rocks loess grounds attract our attention. These grounds are spread widely. When dry, they are characterized by properties similar to those of clayey ones, but when wetted they lead to big vertical deformation, that is land subsidence, which is rather dangerous for bases of buildings. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/2018 29-30 maisi.pdf |
Georgian Technical University. International Scientific-Technical Conference “Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development | Tbilisi Georgia | 2010 | 25 - 28 აგვისტო | Institute of Water Management | Geo-ecological study of the slope on the Akhaltsikhe-Vale section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum transport corridor to study the dynamics of erosion processes there | poster | The report discusses the erosion processes on the Akhaltsikhe Valle section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum corridor, their dynamics and the risks of geo-ecological threats. The following are some of the data obtained from the studies that can be used to achieve slope stability. | |
Akaki Tsereteli University. International Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Technologies and Applied Design". | Kutaisi Georgia | 2011 | 10 - 14 სექტემბერი | Akaki Tsereteli University | Assessment of reliability and risk of expected characteristics in the transport corridor passing through the territory of Georgia | oral | Assessment of reliability and risk of expected characteristics in the transport corridor passing through the territory of Georgia | |
Akaki Tsereteli University. International Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Technologies and Applied Design". | ქ. Kutaisi Georgia | 2011 | 10 - 14 სექტემბერი | Akaki Tsereteli University | Assessing the reliability and risk of erosion processes in vulnerable areas of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum transport corridor to Georgia | poster | The report deals with the assessment of the risk of erosion-denudation processes in the vulnerable areas of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum transport corridor and the determination of the degree of reliability | |
პირველი საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია ,,კოლხეთის დაბლის ეკოსტემები-დაცვა და რაციონალური გამოყენება” | საქართველო, თბილისი-ფოთი | 2013 | 22 - 24 ივლისი | Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation | "Soil Erosion House Geo-Carpet" Eroekomat "Laboratory Research" | oral | The report cites Eroekomat laboratory research data on soil erosion and some advantages and disadvantages of its application in practice. | კონფერენციის თეზისების კრებული, გვ. 172-176 /http:// wmi.ge |
2014 | 27- 30 ოქტომბერი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgia, Elo Technical University Institute of Water Management | The laboratory research of resource saving bioengineering measure(Geo mat ,,Luffaeromat") against soil degradation running on the vulnerability mountain slopes | oral | The report discusses the problems arising from the ongoing erosion-denudation processes on the mountain slopes and the bioengineering tools obtained as a result of laboratory studies, which can be used to improve the resilience of the rocks that bear these slopes. | კონფერენციის თეზისების კრებული, გვ. 35-39 /http:// wmi.ge | ||
2014 | 27-30 ოქტომბერი | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgia, Elo Technical University Institute of Water Management | Evaluation and analysis of the environmental project on the Erekle II street in the city of Signaghi (Georgia) | oral | The report talks about St. In Sighnaghi, on Erekle Mepe Street, there are problems that endanger the houses of the people living there. The results of the conducted engineering-geological surveys and the list of measures developed taking into account these results are presented. | კონფერენციის თეზისების კრებული, გვ. 83-90 /http:// wmi.ge | ||
5th International Scientific-Technical Conference | Georgia Tbilisi | 2015 | 16 -19 აგვისტო | Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgia, Elo Technical University Institute of Water Management | Evaluation and forecasting of erosion-flood processes formed as a result of the ecocide carried out in Borjomi gorge in 2008 | oral | The report discusses the fires caused by the war in Borjomi gorge (Naghvarevi gorge water) in 2008 and its ecological consequences. Data obtained on the basis of field trial studies are presented. Based on these data, the conditions for the occurrence of erosive and flood events in the valley, their measures and restorative measures have been developed, which should facilitate the practical application of the measures and the restoration of forest massifs and the existing flora. | კონფერენციის თეზისების კრებული, გვ. 301-304 /http:// wmi.ge |
Sixth International Scientific-Practical Conference: | Georgia Tbilisi | 2019 | 24 - 28 ივნისი | Georgian Mineralogical Society G. Tsulukidze Mining Institute Georgian Technical University | Md. Engineering-geological study of loose rocks in the middle of the Mtkvari | oral | The report refers to the river. The genetic types of loess rocks in the middle of the Mtkvari and the difference formed as a result of this genesis in terms of settling properties. | კონფერენციის თეზისების კრებული, გვ 27-28 |
Sixth International Scientific-Practical Conference: | Georgia Tbilisi | 2019 | 29-30 მაისი | Georgian Mineralogical Society G. Tsulukidze Mining Institute Georgian Technical University | Md. Distribution of loess rocks in the middle of the Mtkvari and study of their features to improve the construction of irrigation systems | oral | The report deals with the loose rocks common in Georgia, their special properties and the impact of these features on construction and development of territories. It is brought by the river. Characteristics of sedimentary properties of loose rocks spread in the middle of the Mtkvari and take into account the possible events that may occur during construction in the area of distribution of these rocks. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/2019 konferencia 29-30 maisi.pdf |
6th International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Latest Problems of Geology | Georgia, Tbilisi. | 2020 | 24-25 სექტემბერი | Georgian Mineralogical Society G. Tsulukidze Mining Institute Georgian Technical University | Environmental Impact Assessment of Existing Anthropogenic Geological Formations to Improve the Ecological Status of Georgia | oral | Recent scientific progress in the world has given a strong impetus to the advancement of technological potential, followed by the development and construction of industrial, transport, mining energy enterprises, which leave a negative technological footprint on the Earth's surface, nature and our habitat. It is already recognized that one of the most acute problems remains the generation and accumulation of large amounts of industrial and household waste in the form of solid waste. In some areas of high industrial development, this process reaches a level that leads to the formation of modern geological formations around us, leading to a marked change in the original natural landscape. Since these formations are recorded as unconsolidated solid waste piles, they are easily exposed to modern geodynamic and hydrogeological processes and their distribution and impact on the environment is enormous. Often they have a negative impact not only on the living environment, but on the entire ecosystem - many harmful substances, heavy metals, cyanides, nitrates, pesticides, etc. Causes contamination of drinking water, agricultural land and other vital facilities. Georgia is no exception.There are currently similar problems here and there is no management or regulation tool for recording and researching these formations. The situation in some areas requires an immediate solution to the issue. For example, the Madneuli Mineral Enrichment Plant, its tailings and landfills, Chiatura mine deposits, raw material mines, international energy and transport corridors The systematic scientific research of the above anthropogenic massifs has never been developed in our country. In addition to other studies conducted within certain projects that cover completely different issues such as licensing of open pit mines, construction of roads and other linear structures, etc. The novelty of the proposed project lies in that. That it will lay the foundation for the management of industrial waste on the territory of Georgia, deal with its potential generation and become part of a comprehensive environmental impact assessment mechanism that will facilitate the assessment of the spread of formations and the variability of their boundaries. As well as a fundamental study of current processes. All this requires a scientific study of the issues and the development of a unified management system based on the findings to formulate a common vision and implement timely preventive measures. All of these actions will be an important step forward and serve to improve our living environment and the entire ecosystem. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/2020 წ. კონფ. pdf |
Seventh International Scientific-Practical Conference: | საქართველო, თბილისი | 2021 | 28-29 ოქტომბერი | Georgian Mineralogical Society G. Tsulukidze Mining Institute Georgian Technical University | ვაშლიჯვარის მეწყერის ვიზუალური საინჟინრო-გეოლოგიური შესწავლა და მისი დინამიკის შეფასება | oral | The report refers to st. Landslide originating in Vashlijvari settlement in Tbilisi, which was of instant development and caused many problems along the road under construction there. The report discusses the causes of landslides, dynamics and expected results. It is also emphasized that the development of such areas and the implementation of construction there should be preceded by full-fledged engineering-geological surveys in order to properly and safely plan the planned activities. | https://institutes.gtu.ge/uploads/2021%20konferencia.pdf |
Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი - 0.00; h ინდექსი - 0,00 Scopus: 0 Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-4, H-ინდექსი-1. |
Determining the boundaries of the distribution of loess rocks on the territory of Georgia, determining their genetic type, taking relevant field samples and preparing them for laboratory studies | Gurjaani Municipality | 4.10 - 23.10 2018 | Budget |
Determining the boundaries of the distribution of loess rocks on the territory of Georgia, determining their genetic type, taking relevant field samples and preparing them for laboratory studies | Gori Municipality | 10.09-19.09.2018 | Budget |
Determining the boundaries of the distribution of loess rocks on the territory of Georgia, determining their genetic type, taking relevant field samples and preparing them for laboratory studies | Aspindza district | 1.08- 30.08 2018 | Budget |
Determining the boundaries of the distribution of loess rocks on the territory of Georgia, determining their genetic type, taking relevant field samples and preparing them for laboratory studies | Khashuri, Gori, Gardabani district | 17.06-16.07 2019 | Budget |
Determining the boundaries of the distribution of loess rocks on the territory of Georgia, determining their genetic type, taking relevant field samples and preparing them for laboratory studies | Khashuri, Gori, Gardabani district | 17.06-16.07 2019 | Budget |
Determining the boundaries of the distribution of loess rocks on the territory of Georgia, determining their genetic type, taking relevant field samples and preparing them for laboratory studies | Gori and Marneuli districts | 01.07 - 30.07. 2020 | Budget |
Determining the boundaries of the distribution of loess rocks on the territory of Georgia, determining their genetic type, taking relevant field samples and preparing them for laboratory studies | Gori and Sagarejo districts | 01.07 - 30.07. 2021 | Budget |
Doctoral Thesis Referee
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
Honorary title |
Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |