Aleksandre Surmava
Institute of Hydrometeorology
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Assessment of the ecological status of the arsenic industrial waste disposal and disposal area. | N. Bagrationi, L. Gverdtsiteli, V. Gvakharia, Ar. Chiraqadze, Al. Surmava | monograph | Publishing House "Technical University", 2022, 120 p. | - | ISBN 978-9941-28-809-8 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
PM2.5 and PM10 microaerosols In the atmosphere of Tbilisi | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili | monograph | Publishing House of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the GTU. 2021, 92 p. | - | ISBN 978-9941-8-4028-9 | - | Georgian | Grant Project |
NUMERICAL MODELING OF THE TRANSBORDER, REGIONAL AND LOCAL DIFFUSION OF THE DUST IN GEORGIAN ATMOSPHERE | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli,N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili | monograph | Publishing House Technical University, 2021, 117 P. | - | ISBN 978-9941-28-810-4 | - | Georgian | Grant Project |
Numerical Simmulation of Dust Distribution in City Tbilisi Territoryin the Winter Period | A. Surmava, L. Gverdtsiteli, L. Intskirveli, N. Gigauri | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Physics of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, Proceedings, 2021 / v. 24(1), pp. 37-43 | - | ISSN: 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/2882 | English | Grant Project |
Numerical investigation of the dependence of a atmospheric pollution of city with a complex relief on the direction of background wind | A.Surmava, N.Gigauri, V.Kukhalashvili,L.Intskirveli, D.Demetrashvili | article | Agrarian University of Georgia / Annals of Agrarian Science, 2021 / vol.19, No.3, pp.191-198 | - | ISSN 1512-1887 | https://journals.org.ge/index.php/aans/issue/view/26/31 | English | Grant Project |
Spatial distribution of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in the atmosphere of Tbilisi according to the data of regular observations and routine measurements | N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, M. Pipia | article | Publishing House of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at the GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2021 / V.131,pp. 44-50 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/335798 | Georgian | Grant Project |
Analysis of PM particles content in the air of Tbilisi under pandemic conditions | L.N.Intskirveli, V.G.Kukhalashvili,V.K.Sesadze ,A.A.Surmava,N.G.Gigauri | conference proceedings | Collection of articles on the materials of Scientific-Pracical Conference LXXIV Herzen Reading, 2021 / Vol.2, pp.63-67 | - | ISBN 978-5-8064-3045-9 | https://www.herzen.spb.ru/en/ | English | Grant Project |
Numerical Modeling of Air Pollution with PM-particles and Dust | Gigauri n.,Mdivani S., Surmava A.,Intskirveli L., Kukhalashvili V. | conference proceedings | Eurasiaweb / Proceedings of Eurasiaweb International Conference, 2021 / pp.17-21 | - | ISBN:978- 93-90150-25-0 Edn:04 | https://www.worldresearchlibrary.org/up_proc/pdf/4130-161578917017-21.pdf | English | Grant Project |
Numerical Modeling of Dust Propagation in the Atmophere of Tbilisi City in Case of Western Background Light Air | N.Gigauri,V.Kukhalashvili, A.Surmava, L.Intskirveli, L.Gverdtsiteli | article | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology / International Journal of Urban and Civil Engineering, 2021 / Vol:15, No:6, pp.301-305 | - | ISNI:0000000091950263 | https://publications.waset.org/10012079/pdf | English | Grant Project |
Investigation of Tbilici City Atmospheric Air Pollution with PM in Usual and Emergancy Situations Using the Observational and Numerical Modeling Data | N.Gigauri, S.Mdivani, V.Kukhalashvili, a.Surmava, L.Intskirveli | conference proceedings | Open science index / XV International research conference proceedings, 2021 / v.15,No:8, pp.21-26 | - | ISSN 1307-6892 | https://publications.waset.org/10012141/pdf | English | Grant Project |
Investigation of PM2.5 and PM10 Content in the Atmosphere of Tbilisi Trough Regular Observations and Mathematical Modelng | V. Kukhalashvili, V. Sesadze, A. Surmava, N. Gigauri | article | Publishing House Technical University / Transactions. Georgian Technical University. AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEMS, 2021 / Vol.1.1, No 1(32), pp. 107-111. | - | ISSN 1512-3979 (print); EISSN 1512-21749 (online) | DOI.org/10.36073/1512-3979 | Georgian | Grant Project |
Modeling of Dynamic Processes in the Black Sea and Atmosphere in Perspective of Their Coupling for the Black Sea Region | D. Demetrashvili, A. Surmava, V. Kukhalashvili | article | GEOLINKS / International Conference, 2021 / Book 2, pp. 129-138 | - | ISSN 2605-5472; ISBN 978-619-7495-17-1 | DOI10.32008/GEOLINKS2021/B2/V3/16 | English | Grant Project |
Marine Forecast for the Eastern Part of the Black Sea | D. Demetrashvili, V. Kukhalashvili, D. Kvaratskhelia, A. Surmava.i | article | GEOLINKS / International Conference,2021 / Book 1, pp. 453-460 | - | ISSN 2603-5472, ISBN 978-619-7495-19-5 | 10.32008/GEOLINKS2021/B1/V3/50 | English | State Targeted Program |
Investigation of Tbilisi City Atmospheric Air Pollution wit PM in Usual and Emergency Situations Using the Observational and Numerical Modeling Data | N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili, V. Sesadze, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | article | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology / International Journal of Urban and Civil Engineering. 2021 / 15, No. 8, pp. 183-188. | - | ISNI:0000000091950263 | https://publications.waset.org/10012141/pdf | English | Grant Project |
Numerical modeling of the propagation of PM2.5 in winter in the atmosphere of the city of Tbilisi.1. A case of weak background north wind | A. Surmava, V. Kukhalashvili, L. Intskirveli, N. Gigauri, S. Mdivani | conference proceedings | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / International Scientific Conference on the theme-Natural Disasters in the 21st Century: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation, 2021 / pp. 68-73 | - | ISBN 978-9941-491-52-8 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9586 | English | Grant Project |
Numerical Modeling of Dust Propagation in the Atmosphere of a City with Complex Terrain.The Case of Background Eastern Light Air | A.Surmava, V.Kukhalashvili, N.Gigauri, L.Intskirveli, G.Kordzakhia | article | SRP / Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2020 / vol.8, N7, pp.1222-1228 | იმპაქტ ფაქტორი: 0.70 | ISSN Print: 2327-4352; ISSN Online: 2327-4379 | Doi:10.4236/jamp.2020.87092 | English | Grant Project |
Numerical modeling of the propagation of PM2.5 in winter in the atmosphere of Tbilisi II. A case of weak background wind from south | Gigauri N.,Surmava A.,Intskirveli L.,Demetrashvili D., Gverdtsiteli L. Pipia M. | conference proceedings | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / International Scientific Conference on the theme-Natural Disasters in the 21st Century: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation, 2021 / pp. 74-78 | - | ISBN 978-9941-491-52-8 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9586 | English | Grant Project |
Numerical Investigation of Meso- and Microscale Diffusion of Tbilisi Dust | A.Surmava, L.Intskirveli, V.Kukhalashvili, n.Gigauri | article | Agricultural University of Georgia / Annals of Agrarian Science, 2020 / vol.18, No.3, pp.293-300 | - | ISSN 1512-1887 | https://journals.org.ge/index.php/aans/issue/view/19/23 | English | Grant Project |
Analysis of dust concentration in the atmosphere of Tbilisi according to the data of regular observations | V. Kukhalashvili, S.Mdivani, N. Gigauri, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | article | Publish House Institute of hydrometeorogi at the GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2020 / v.129, pp.77-80 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9041 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Modeling of Dust Distribution in the Atmosphere of a City with Complex Relief | A. Surmava, D. Demetrashvili, V. Kukhalashvili, N. Gigauri | article | GEOLINKS / International Conference Proceedings, 2020 / v.2, pp.39-46 | - | ISSN 2603-5472 | Doi: 10.32008/GEOLINKS2020/B1/V2 | English | Grant Project |
An Investigation of PM air pollution in Tbilisi | N. Gigauri, S. Mdivani, V. Kukhalashvili, A. Surmava, L. Intskirvrli | article | Publish House Institute of hydrometeorogi at the GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2020 / v.129, გვ.59-66 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9038 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Modeling of Dust Propagations in the Atmosphere of Tbilisi City;The Case of Background Eastern Fresh Breeze | V. Kukhalashvili, N. Gigauri, A. Surmava, D. Demetrashvili. | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue B, Physics of solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2020 / Vol. 23 (1) ,pp.51-56 . | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.48614/ggs2320202652 | English | Grant Project |
Numerical Modeling of Dust Propagations in the Atmosphere of Tbilisi City; The Case of Background Estern Gentle Breeze | V. Kukhalashvili, G. Kordzakhia, N. Gigauri, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue B, Physics of solid Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2020 / Vol.23(1),pp.46-50 | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.48614/ggs2320202652 | English | Grant Project |
Numerical modeling of dust distribution in the atmosphere of Tbilisi.1. A Case of background western Light air | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli. L. Gverdtsiteli | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Transactions of Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2020 / v. LXXII, pp.89-96 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8928 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of dust distribution in the atmosphere of Tbilisi. II. A case of the western background Fresh wind | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli. L. Gverdtsiteli | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Transactions of Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics; 2020 / v.LXXII, pp.97-105 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8930 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
An Investigation of the Tbilisi City Atmosphere Pollution By Analysis of the Observation Data and Numerical Modeling Results | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili. L. Gverdtsiteli | conference proceedings | B&M Publishing / International Confrence: Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world:theoretical basic innovative approach. !5th edition, 2020 / | - | - | doi: 10.15350/L_26/15.20 | English | State Targeted Program |
Investigation of Tbilisi air Pollution with PM -particles and dust | Intskirveli L., Gigauri N., Surmava A., Kukhalashvili V., Mdivani S. | conference proceedings | Georgian Academy of Ecological Sciences / International Scientific Conference-Modern Problems of Ecology. Proceedings, 2020 / v. VII, pp. 252-255 | - | ISSN 1512-1976 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8818 | Georgian | Grant Project |
Peculiarities of circulatory regimes and their influence on the distribution of oil in the Black Sea sector of Georgia and the surrounding area. | Demetrashvili D., Kukhalashvili V., Kvaratskhelia D., Surmava A. | conference proceedings | Georgian Academy of Ecological Sciences / International Scientific Conference-Modern Problems of Ecology. Proceedings, 2020 / v. VII, pp. 249-251 | - | ISSN 1512-1976 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8770 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Investigation of Tbilisi city air dusting in case of eastern background winds | Surmava A., Intskirveli L., Kukhalashvili V., Demetrashvili D. | conference proceedings | Georgian Academy of Ecological Sciences / International Scientific Conference-Modern Problems of Ecology. Proceedings, 2020 / v. VII, pp. 256-258 | - | ISSN 1512-1976 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8770 | Georgian | Grant Project |
Numerical Modeling of Convective Dust Dissipation into the Atmosphere Emitted from Two Stationary Sources | A. Surmava, N. Gigauri, L. Intskirveli | conference proceedings | TSU / International Multidisciplinary Conference Actual Problems of Landscape Sciences: Environment, Society, Politics, 2019 / pp.138-142 | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-868-3 | https://aplr.tsu.ge/Proceedings.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Modeling of the Antropogenic Dust Transfer by Means of Quasistatic and Non-quasistatic Models | A. Surmava, N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili, L. Intskirveli, S.Mdivani | conference proceedings | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / International Scientific Conference , Natural Disasters in Georgia: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation. Proceedings, 2019 / pp.134-137 | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-899-7 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8652 | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical experiment of regional distribution in the atmosphere of the Tbilisi dust | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili, S. Mdivani | article | Publishing House of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2019 / v. 127, pp.80-84 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9838 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Pollution by Industry Emissions on the Example of c. Zestaphoni | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, L. Shavliashvili | conference proceedings | Herzen SPUR / annual All-Russian with the international participation, scientific and practical conference LXXII Gertsenovsky readings, Geography: Development of Science and Еducation, 2019 / pp.78-82 | - | ISBN 978-5-9905905-9-5 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41682934 | English | State Targeted Program |
Simmulation of dust convective transfer of Zestafoni ferroloy plant | N. Gigauri, A. Surmava, L. Gverdtsiteli, L. Intskirveli | article | Agricultural University of Georgia / Annals of Agrarian Science, 2019 / Vol.17, No.3, pp.330-336 | - | ISSN 1512-1887 | https://journals.org.ge/index.php/aans/issue/view/Vol%2017%20No%203%20%282019%29%3A%20Annals%20of%20Agrarian%20Science | English | Grant Project |
Vertical distribution of values of industrial dust concentrations in the Zestaponi are in case of calm | Gverdtsiteli L. V., Gigauri N. G., Surmava A. A., Robakidze Z. I. | conference proceedings | GTU / The International Scientific Conference ,,Environmental Protection and Sustainable development, Dedicated to Professor Victor Eristavi, Memory, Works, 2019 / pp. 214-218 | - | ISBN 978-9941-8-1875-2 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical investigation of distribution of the Tbilisi and Kartli region cities dust | Surmava A., Gverdtsiteli L., Kukhalashvili V., Intskirveli L. | conference proceedings | GTU / The International Scientific Conference-Environmental Protection and Sustainable development, Dedicated to Professor Victor Eristavi, Memory, Works, 2019 / pp. 221-226. | - | - | ISBN 978-9941-8-1875-2 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of arsenic distribution in the sediments of the R. Tsenistskali | Bagrationi N., Gverdtsiteli L., Surmava A., Gvakharia V. | conference proceedings | GTU / The International Scientific Conference ,,Environmental Protection and Sustainable development-Dedicated to Professor Victor Eristavi, Memory, Works, 2019 / pp.143-145. | - | ISBN 978-9941-8-1875-2 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical experiment of regional distribution of the dust in atmosphere of Tbilisi | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili, S.Mdivani | article | Publishing House of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2019 / v. 127, pp. 80-84. | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9838 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Modeling of of distribution of the aerosols distrubution emmited from the Zestaponi Ferroalloy Plant and its ecological assessment | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava | article | Publish House Institute of hydrometeorogi at the GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2019 / V. 127, pp.76-79 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9888 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Evaluation of the Hydrobiolochemical State of Waters of the Lisi Lake | L. Intskirveli A. Surmava, N. Gigauri | article | Publishing House of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2018 / v. 125, pp. 67-70 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9908 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Estimation of Zestaponi dust distribution by numerical modeling | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | article | Publishing House of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2018 / v. 125, pp. 71-76. | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9907 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Pollution by Metallurgical Industry Emissions in c.Zestafoni | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | conference proceedings | Voronezh state university / Current Landscape-Ecologcal State and Problems of optimization of the Natural Environment of the Regions. Proceedings of the XIII International Landscape Conference. 2018 / v.2, pp.315-317 | - | ISBN 978-5-4473-0192-7 | file:///C:/Users/hp/Downloads/XIII2.pdf | English | Grant Project |
Numerical Simulation of Industrial Dust Distribution in Territory of Zestafonი (Georgia) | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | conference proceedings | WIT Press / Air Pollution XXVI, 26th International Conference on Modeling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution, WIT Transaction on Ecology and the Environment, 2018 / pp.119-128 | SJR რეიტინგი(Scopus): 0.180(2020) | ISSN 1743-3541 | doi: 10.2495/AIR180111 | English | Grant Project |
Numerical Modeling of the Atmospheric dust Transfer by Means of Quasistatic and Non-Quasistatic Models | Surmava A., Gigauri N., Kukhalashvili v., Intskirveli L., Mdivani S. | conference proceedings | International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“, Proceedings, , Kutaisi, Georgia, 21-22 September, 2018, pp. გვ.311-313 | - | ISSN 1512-1976 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/7379 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Investigation of dust distribution in case of prevailing background winds in Zestaponi district | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | article | TSU / Georgian Chemical Journal, 2018 / v.18, No.1, pp.234-258 | - | ISSN 1512-0686 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Modeling of Zestafoni City Dust Distribution in Case of Background Western Wind | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | article | Georgian Academy of Engineering / Georgian Engeniring News, 2018 / # 2,vol.86, pp.58-61 | - | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge | English | State Targeted Program |
Modeling of dust distribution on the soil of the area around Zestaponi | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | article | Georgian Academy of Engineering / Georgian Engeniring News, 2018 / # 2,vol.86, pp.62-64 | - | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Modeling of Zestafoni City Dust Dispersion in case of Western Wind | A. Surmava | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Georgian Geophysics Soc., Issue B, Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2018 / 21(2), pp. 21-26 | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/2524 | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of dust distribution in Zestafoni with background western light air, gentle wind and fresh breez | Surmava A. A , Gigauri N. G., Gverdtsiteli L. V., Intskirveli L. N. | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institutr of Geophysics, 2018 / pp. 175-184 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/7515 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Sources of aerosol emissions from the Zestaponi Ferroalloy Plant and its components | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, Z. Robakidze | article | TSU / Georgian Chemical Journal, 2018 / v.18.No. 1, pp. 229-233. | - | ISSN 1512-0686 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Simulation of Dust Distribution Over the Complex Terrain Rejion of Georgia | N. Gigauri, L. Gverdtsiteli, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | article | TSU / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, 2017 / v.20A, pp.37-43 | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1938 | English | State Targeted Program |
Elaboration of numerical model of atmosphere pollution of Georgian regions and study of Kakheti dustiness under standard meteorological conditions | N.Gigauri, A.Surmava, L.Intskirveli | conference proceedings | Publish House of A. Tsereteli state University / Geography in Global Context: Achievements and Challenges, Collected Papers, 2017 / pp.220-229. | - | ISBN 978-9941-9043-2-5 | Georgian | State Targeted Program | |
Criation of Numerical Models of Polluting Agent Propagation in the Ecosistems by the Example Georgia | N. Gigauri, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli | conference proceedings | TSU / LANDSCAPE DIMENSIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: SCIENCE – PLANNING – GOVERNANCE, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 2017 / pp. 293-297 | - | ISBN 978- 9941-13-639-9 | http://icldscartogis.tsu.ge/assets/media/uploads/media/proceedings_part1_2017.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
Spatial Distribution of the Local Meteorological Fields and Dust Concentration in Kakheti Atmosphere in Case of the Northern Background Wind | N. G. Gigauri, A. A. Surmava | article | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/2358 | English | State Targeted Program | |
Numerical modeling of meteorological fields in Kakheti. | A. Surmava, V. Kukhalashvili | article | ATSU / VIII International Scientific-Practical Conference, Internet and Society. Materials, 2017 / pp. 89-92. | - | ISBN 978-9941-408-85-4 | https://atsu.edu.ge/index.php/news/196-konferencia-interneti-da-sazogadoeba | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical study of local circulations in the atmosphere of Kakheti in the case of a background east wind | A. Surmava | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Iv. Javakhishvili state Universiti, M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Proceedings, 2017 / Vol. LXVII, pp. 37-49. | - | ISSN 1515-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/6431 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical study of local circulations in the atmosphere of Kakheti in the case of a background weast wind | A. Surmava | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Iv. Javakhishvili state Universiti, M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Proceedings, 2017 / Vol. LXVII, pp.20-36. | - | ISSN 1515-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/6430 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical simulation of Dust Distribution in Kakheti and its Adjacent Territory | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Buachidze | article | Georgian Academy Press / Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2017 / vol.11,# 1, pp.79-84 | SJR რეიტინგი(Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/bnas/vol-11-1.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Some ecological aspects of active impact on hail processes in Kakheti | N. Buachidze, L. Intskirveli, D. Kirkitadze, A. Surmava, M. Tsitskishvili | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2017 / Vol. XVI, pp.156-163 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/6185 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Creation of a numerical model of distribution of a contaminants emmitede in the atmosphere and spreaded in the rivers of Geotgia | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Gigauri | article | Publish House Institute of hydrometeorogi at the GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University, 2016 / V.123, pp. 4-9 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9956 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Spatial Distribution of Dust Concentration in Kakheti Atmosphere in Case of Non-stationary Sources of Pollution | A. Surmava, N. Gigauri | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / J. Georgian Geophysics Soc., Issue B, Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2016 / v. 19b, pp. 18-25 | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1878 | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Simulation of Distribution of Arsenic Discharged to Tskhenistskali and Lukhuni Rivers from Industrial Waste | A. Surmava, L. Gverdtsiteli, N. Bagrationi | article | Georgian Academy Press / PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, CHEMICAL SERIES, 2016 /v.42. N#3, pp. 413 - 415. | - | ISSN – 0132- 6074 | http://aljavakhishvili-2015.tsu.ge/ge/home | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical investigation of the spread of pollutants in the Georgian section of the Mtkvari River | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Buachidze, S. Secretary | conference proceedings | Publishing House of V.Bagrationi Institute of Geography / Proceedings of the International Conference, Modern Problems of Geography and Anthropology, 2015 / pp. 285-288 | - | ISSN 978-9941-13-457-9 | http://aljavakhishvili-2015.tsu.ge/ge/home | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Simulation of Distribution of Contaminants Discharged to Kura river | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Buachidze | article | Georgian Academy Press,Georgian NationalAcademy of Sciences, Bulletin, New Series, vol.19, # 1, 2015, pp.78-84 | SJR რეიტინგი(Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/moambe/moambe-geo.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Determination of a water quality of basin river Kura by means integral hydrochemical indicators | N. Buachidze, L. Intskirveli, A. Surmava | article | Herzen SPUR / Materials LXVIII International Scientific-Practical Conferences-Gertsenov Reading / Geography: development of science and education, 2015 / pp. 272-277 | - | ISBN 978-5-9905905-9-5 | https://www.herzen.spb.ru/uploads/gdalin/files/Герценовские%20чтения%202015.pdf | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Investigation of Contaminants distribution in the Georgian part of Mtkvari River | N. Buachidze, L. Intskirveli, A. Surmava | conference proceedings | TSU/Proceedings of International Conference ,,Modern problems of geography and anthropology”, Dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of Academician Alexandre Javakhishvili. 2015 / pp. 281-285. | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-457-9 | http://aljavakhishvili-2015.tsu.ge/ge/home | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical experiments of Prediction of the Contaminant diffusion in Kura River. | A. Surmava | article | TSU / J. Georgian Geophysics Soc., Issue B, Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2015 / vol. 9, No. 1, pp.12-21. | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1745 | English | State Targeted Program |
Impact of uncontrolled landfills located in Georgia on the pollution processes of the surrounding areas | N. Buachidze, Kh. Chikviladze, L. Intskirveli, A. Surmava, M. Tabatadze | conference proceedings | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Proceedings of International Conference Modern problems of geography and anthropology, Dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of Academician Alexandre Javakhishvili. 2015 / pp.277-280 | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-457-9 | http://aljavakhishvili-2015.tsu.ge/ge/home | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Theoretical investigation of ammonium ion pollution of Mtkvari river | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Buachidze | article | Iv. Javakhishvili TSU Publishing House / Georgian Chemical Journal, 2014 / v.14, pp.192-196 | - | ISSN 1512-0686 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of the spread of passive pollutants in the Mtkvari River | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Buachidze | article | Iv. Javakhishvili TSU Publishing House / Georgian Chemical Journal, 2014 / v.14, pp.186-191 | - | ISSN 1512-0686 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Dynamic processes in the eastern part of the Black Sea in the cold season 2010-2014 | A. Kordzadze, D. Demetrashvili, A. Surmava | conference proceedings | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / International Conference Advancedb Problems in Geophysics Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2014 / pp.11-20. | - | - | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/53480/1/Internacional_Conference.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of possible air pollution in case of emergency eruption of pollutants in the coastal zones of the Black and Caspian Seas | A. Kordzadze, A. Surmava | conference proceedings | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / International Conference Advancedb Problems in Geophysics Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2014 / pp. 3-10. | - | - | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/53480/1/Internacional_Conference.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical model of spill in Mtkvari and contamination investigation in case of stationary source | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Buachidze | article | Iv. Javakhishvili TSU Publishing House / Georgian Chemical Journal, 2014 / v.14, pp.179-185 | - | ISSN 1512-0686 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The tasks of investigation the mesoscale atmospheric processes in the areas of active impact in the Kakheti region and of determination the background concentration of heavy metals in the environmental components | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Buachidze, L. Shavliashvili, G. Kuchava, M. Tabatadze | article | Publishing House of the Institute of Hydrometeorology at GTU / Scientific Reviewed Proceedings of Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical University. 2014 / V.120, pp.78-81 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/120.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Theoretical investigation of pollution of Mtkvari r. by an ammonium ion | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Buachidze | article | Iv. Javakhishvili TSU Publishing House / Georgian Chemical Journal. 2015 / vol. 14, No, 1., pp.192–196. | - | ISSN 1512-0686 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of possible pollution in the Caucasus region in case of hypothetical iodine-131 eruption from Armenian NPP | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, N. Gigauri, S. Giorgadze, G. Kvinikadze, A. Melia | conference proceedings | Publish House Institute of hydrometeorogi at the GTU / Proceedings of Scientific-Technological Conference "Current Problems of Hydrometeorology and Ecology", 2013 / v.119, pp.299-302 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/119.pdf | Georgian | Grant Project |
Numerical investigation of the air possible pollution in case of large hypothetical accidents in some industrial territories of the Caucasus. | A. Kordzadze, A. Surmava, V. Kukhalashvili | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue B, Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2013 / v.16B, pp13-23 | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/658 | English | State Targeted Program |
Dynamical processes developed in the esternmost part of the Black Sea in warm period for 2010-2013 | AA Kordzadze, D. I. Demetrashvili, AA Surmava | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue B, Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2013 / v.16B, pp. 3-12 | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/657 | English | State Targeted Program |
Some peculiarities of the dynamic regime of the eastern part of the Black Sea according to the results of modeling and forecast of hydrophysical fields for 2010-2013 | Kordzadze A. A., Demetrashvili D. I., Surmava A. A. Kukhalashvili V. U | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics; dedicated to 80-anniversary, 2013 / v. LXIV, pp. 117-130. | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/633 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of the formation of mesomassive hydrodynamic fields atmospheres in the vicinity strength of the eastern part of the Black Sea | Kordzadze A. A., Surmava A. A., Demetrashvili D. I., Kukhalashvili V. U. | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics; dedicated to 80-anniversary, 2013 / v. LXIV, pp. 140-150. | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/633 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of the possible pollution of the atmosphere over the eastern part of the Black Sea | A. surmava, V. Kukhalashvili | article | ATSU / Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University. 2013 / pp. 122–125 | - | - | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Simulation of Soil Salinity Reduction Caused by Means of Irrigation and Introduction of Sorbent | Surmava A. | article | Georgian Academy Press / Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2013 / 7, No. 1, pp. 49-53. | SJR რეიტინგი(Scopus): 0.192 (2020) | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/moambe/moambe-geo.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of soil salinity change considering the influence of the applied sorben | A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, L. Shavliashvili | conference proceedings | Publish House Institute of hydrometeorogi at the GTU / Proceedings of Scientific-Technological Conference Current Problems of Hydrometeorology and Ecology, 2011 / v.117, pp.160-161 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9982 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical investigation of the modeling of transporta¬tion and deposition of the radioactive pollution in the Caucasian Region in case of the hypothetical accident on the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant | Surmava A. | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue B, Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, 2011/2012 / v.15, pp. 32-45 | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/46 | English | State Targeted Program |
A numerical simulation of the soil salinity reduction | Surmava A. | article | Publish House of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University / Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue B, Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Space Plasma, 2011/2012 / v.15, pp.46-51. | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | https://openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/47 | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical Modeling of the α- and β-Mesoscales Vortexes and Waves Generated by Influence of the Complex Terrain of the Caucasus and Georgia | A. Surmava | conference proceedings | TSU-Institute of Geography / Proceedings of International Conference Environment and Global Warming. Collected Papers ,2011 / New series, No. 3(82), pp. 432-437 | - | ISBN 978-9941-13-457-9 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
On the Wind and Turbulence in the Lower Atmosphere above the Complex Terrain | G. Jandieri, A. Surmava, A. Gvelesiani | article | Scientific Research Publishing / International Journal of Geosciences, 2011 / 2, pp. 13-28. | იმპაქტ ფაქტორი: 1.46 | ISSN Print: 2156-8359; ISSN Online: 2156-8367 | doi:10.4236/ijg.2011.21002 | English | State Targeted Program |
On the Features of Magneto gradient Planetary Waves in the Approximation of the Spherical Symmetry of the Ionosphere. | G. V. Jandieri, A. Ishimary, V. G. Gavrilenko, A. I. Gvelesiani, A. A. Surmava | article | BENTHAM Open publishes / The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, 2011 / 5, pp.33-42 | SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 0.106(2018) | E-ISSN:1874-2823 | DOI: 10.2174/1874282301105010033 | English | State Targeted Program |
Phase Fluctuations of scatered radiation by magnetized plasma slab | G. F. Jandieri, A. Ishimaru, V. G. Gavrilenko, here. I. Gvelesiani, A. A. Surmava | conference proceedings | ACTA Press / Proceedings of the IAST¬ED International Conference Antennas, Radar and Wave Propagation (ARP 2010), 2010 / | - | - | DOI: 10.2316/P.2010.705-005 | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of distribution of contaminant emmited in the atmosphere from the hypothetical source in vicinity Poti town | Surmava A., Buachidze N., Shavliashvili L., Beglarashvili N., Kuchava G. | conference proceedings | GTU / International Scientific-Technical Conference Environment and Sustainable Development, Proceedings, 2010 / pp. 264 - 266. | - | ISBN 978-9941- 14868-2 | - | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of salinity decrease in solonetzic soil. | Surmava A. A. Shavliashvili L. U., Intskirveli L. N., Tugushi N. K., Tabatadze M. Sh. | conference proceedings | GTU / International Scientific-Technical Conference "Environment and Sustainable Development, Proceedings, 2010 / pp. 343-345 | - | ISBN 978-9941- 14868-2 | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
On the influence of complex large- and meso-scale reliefs on wind and turbulence fields | Surmava A. A., Gvelesiani A. I. | article | Institute of Geophysics / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics 2010 / v. LXII, pp. 78-94 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/418 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of the pollution transfer in the Caucasus atmosphere from hypothetical source in the case of the background western wind. | AA Surmava, B. A. Mishveladze, T. G. Davitashvili | article | Geoprint / J. Georgian Geoph. Soc.2009 / v13(b), PP. 15-21. | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
On the turbulence distribution in the low and upper atmosphere | A. I. Gvelesiani, A. A. Surmava | article | Geoprint / J. Georgian Geoph. Soc.2009 / v13(b), pp. 22-35. | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical study of the influence of the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black, Caspian Seas and the surrounding relief on the distribution of meteorological fields in large-scale atmospheric vortices | Surmava A. A., Kvaratskhelia D. U. | article | Institute of Geophysics / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics 2009 / v. LXI, pp. 172-174. | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/335 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of the application of solubility of saline soils | A. Surmava, N. Tughushi, L. Shavliashvili, L. Intskirveli, V. Kukhalashvili | article | Institute of Geophysics / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2008 / v.60, pp.172-178 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/308 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Mathematical studies of soil salinity variability | A. Surmava, N. Tughushi, L. Shavliashvili, L. Intskirveli, S. Mdivani | conference proceedings | Publishing House of the Institute of Hydrometeorology / Proceedings of the Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, dedicated to the "International Year of the Mother Earth", 2008 / Vol. 115, pp.322-330 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/115.pdf | Russian | State Targeted Program |
About Possibility Trajectories of the Polluting Clouds in the Atmosphere of the Caucasian Region | Surmava A. A., Kvaratskhelia d. U., Kukhalashvili V. C. | article | Institute of Geophнsics / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institute of Geophнsics; 2008 / v. LX. pp.179-185. | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/309 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of hydrophysical fields of the Black Sea under the conditions of alternation of atmospheric circulation processes | Kordzadze A. A., Demetrashvili D. I., Surmava A. A. | article | Izvestiya RAN / Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2008 / v. 44, no. 2. pp. 227-238. | Impact factor: 0.718(2020); SJR rating(Scopus): 0.335(2020) | ISSN:0001-4338; E-ISSN:1555-628X | http://bssupgrade.oceaninfo.ru/library/files/39324.pdf | Russian | Grant Project |
On circulation in the Black Sea at very strong and weak winds. | Kordzadze A. A., Demetrashvili D. I., Surmava A. A. | article | Gidrometeoizdat / Meteorology and Hydrology, 2007 / № 9, pp. 58-64 | SJR რეიტინგი(Scopus): 0.153 (2007) | ISSN: 0130-2906 | https://naukarus.com/o-tsirkulyatsii-v-chernom-more-pri-ochen-silnyh-i-slabyh-vetrah | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical study of the influence of the relief of the Caucasus region on the distribution of hydrometeorological fields. | Kordzadze A. A., Surmava A. A., Demetrashvili D. I. Kvaratskhelia D. U. | article | Izvestiya RAN / Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2007 / v. 43, № 6, ст.783-791. | Impact factor: 0.718(2020); SJR rating(Scopus): 0.335(2020) | ISSN 0002-3515 (print) | https://naukarus.com/chislennoe-issledovanie-vliyaniya-reliefa-kavkazskogo-regiona-na-raspredelenie-gidrometeorologicheskih-poley | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical investigation of the relief influence on air motion in vicinity of joint of three continents - Europe - Asia and Africa. | A. Surmava, A. Kordzadze, d. Demetrashvili, I. Khvedelidze, V. Kukhalashvili | article | Geoprint / J. Geophys. Soc., 2006, vol. 11B, | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of a soil pollution by oil from an open rectangular pit | Mirtskhulava Ts., Kordzadze A., Surmava A., Demetrashvili D. | article | Georgian Academy Press / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2006 / 173, No. 2. pp.295-297. | - | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/moambe/moambe-geo.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Simulation of diffusion and sedimentation of Rioni River alluvium in the Georgian Black Sea coast (water area of Potiy City) | Kiknadze A., Kordzadze A., Demetrashvili D., Surmava A., Kacharava G. | article | Georgian Academy Press / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2006 / 173, No. 3. | - | ISSN 0132 - 1447 | http://science.org.ge/moambe/moambe-geo.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Simulation of the Black Sea hydrolo¬gi¬cal regime under the forcing by non-stationary atmospheric processes | Kiknadze A., Kordzadze A., Demetrashvili D., Surmava A., Kacharava G. | article | Georgian Academy Press / Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2006 / 173, No. 3. pp.92-94. | - | ISSN 0132-1447 | http://science.org.ge/moambe/moambe-geo.html | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of air motion over the Black Sea | Kordzadze A. A., Surmava A. A., Demetrashvili D. Mi., Kukhalashvili V. G., Katsarava G. G. | article | Geoprint / J. Georgian Geophys. Soc., 2005 / v. 10b, pp. 21-27. | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of local circulation, diffusion and sedimentation of Rioni River alluvium in the Georgian Black Sea coast (water area of Poti city) | A. A. Kordzadze, d. ი. Deemetrashvili, A. A. Surmava, G. G. Kacharava | article | Geoprint / J. Georgian Geophys. Soc., 2005 / v. 10b, pp. 18-22. | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
A numerical study of spreading of the oil pollution in the natural environment. | Kordzadze A., Surmava A., Demetrashvili D. | article | Kiev, Ukraine / Ecology of the environment and safety of life, 2005 / No. 2,pp. 77-84. | - | - | - | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical 3d model of soil pollution by oil | Surmava A. A., Kukhalashvili D. I., Kacharava G. G. | article | Geoprint / J. Georgian Geophys. Soc., 2004 / v. 9b, pp. 18-22 | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
On the reactions of the hydrological regime of the Black Sea to the variability of atmospheric processes | Kordzadze A., Demetrashvili D. I., Surmava A. A. | article | SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY / Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and integrated use of shelf resources. Sevastopol, Ukraine, no. 10b 2004, pp. 265-277. | - | ISSN 1726-9903 | https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32331232 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of wind field in the vicinity of the eastern part of the Black and western part of the Caspian Sea formed under impact of the Caucasus region relief | Kordzadze A., Demetrashvili D. I., Surmava A. A. | article | SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY / Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and integrated use of shelf resources, 2004 / issue 10, pp. 256-264 | - | ISSN 1726-9903 | https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32331231 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Investigation of the influence of the relief of the Caucasus region on the wind field in the vicinity of the eastern part of the Black Sea and the western part of the Caspian Seas | Kordzadze A., Surmava A. A., Demetrashvili D. L. | article | Institute of Geophysics / Proceedings of M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, 2004 / v. LVIII, pp. 205-214 | - | ISSN 1512-1135 | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/510 | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Numerical study of the interaction of the relief of the Caucasus Region with the background currents of the atmosphere | Kordzadze A., Surmava A. | conference proceedings | Novosibirsk, Russia / Proceedings of the international conference. Mathematical methods in geophysics. MMG-2003, 2003 / pp. 348-352 | - | - | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
The numerical investigation of a meteorological fields distribution in the Caucasian region in the presence of the background western wind. I. The pressure, the temperature fields of the atmosphere, the soil and the seas | Kordzadze A., Surmava A. | article | Geoprint / J. Georgian Geophys. Soc., 2002 / v.7b, pp. 23- 34. | - | ISSN 1512-1127 | - | English | State Targeted Program |
International Scientific Conference -21st Century Natural Disasters: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 20/12/2021 - 22/12/2021 | TGU Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi state university; GTU Hydrometeorology Institute. | Numerical modeling of the propagation of PM2.5 in winter in the atmosphere of the sity of Tbilisi.1. A case of weak background wind from the north | oral | PM2.5 propagation at Tbilisi city territory in winter period during north background weak wind is modeled and analyzed using 3D regional model of atmospheric process evolution and via combined integration of admixtures transfer and diffusion equations. The motor transport moving at city streets and highways is the main source of atmosphere pollution. Zones of high concentrations of PM2.5 in the city have been established, time intervals have been determined when high air pollution is formed or the process of air self-cleaning proceeds | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9586 |
International Scientific Conference - 21st Century Natural Disasters: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 20/12/2021 - 22/12/2021 | TGU Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi state university; GTU Hydrometeorology Institute. | Numerical modeling of the propagation of PM2.5 in winter in the atmosphere of Tbilisi II. A case of weak background wind from south | oral | PM2.5 propagation at Tbilisi city territory in winter period during nortsouth background weak wind is modeled and analyzed using 3D regional model of atmospheric process evolution and via combined integration of admixtures transfer and diffusion equations. The motor transport moving at city streets and highways is the main source of atmosphere pollution. Zones of high concentrations of PM2.5 in the city have been established, time intervals have been determined when high air pollution is formed or the process of air self-cleaning proceeds | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9586 |
International Scientific Conference - 21st Century Natural Disasters: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2021 | 20/12/2021 - 22/12/2021 | TGU Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi state university; GTU Hydrometeorology Institute. | Prediction of Hydrophysical filds in the Georgian section of the Black Sea and the ways of its improvement | oral | Science 2010, aq short-term regional marine forecasting fieldsw -the current, temperature and salinity operaits for the Georgian sector of the Blacr Sea and adjacement sater area.The forecasting sistem is based on the regional model of Black Sea dynamics of the Marine Hydrophysical Institude (Sevastopol) | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9569 |
International Conferenceon Environment and Life Science | Minsk, Belarus | 2021 | 01/01/2021 - 02/01/2021 | Eurasianweb | Numerical Modeling of Air Pollution with PM-particles and Dust | oral | The subject of our study is atmospheric air pollution with numerical modeling. In the presented article, as the object of research there is chosen city Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, with a population of one and a half million and a difficult terrain. Main source of pollution in Tbilisi is currently vehicles and construction dust. The concentrations of dust and PM (Particulate Matter) were determined in the air of Tbilisi and in its vicinity.There are estimated their monthly maximum, minimum and average concentrations. Processes of dust propagation in the atmosphere of the city and its surrounding territory are modelled using 3D regional model of atmospheric processes and an admixture transfer-diffusion equation. There were taken figures of distribution of the polluted cloud and dust concentrations in different areas of the city at different heights and at different time intervals with the background stationary eastern wind. It is accepted that the difficult terrain and mountain-bar circulation affect the deformation of the cloud and its spread, there are determined time periods when the dust concentration in the city is greater than MAC (Maximum Allowable Concentration, MAC=0.5 mg/m3). | https://www.worldresearchlibrary.org/up_proc/pdf/4130-161578917017-21.pdf |
Annual Scientific-Practical Conference LXXII Herzen readings | Saint Petersburg, Russia | 2021 | 21/04/2021 - 23/04/2021 | Russian A.I. Gertsen State Pedagogical University | Analysis of PM Particles Content in the Air of Tbilisi Under Pandemic Conditions | oral | The concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 in the atmospheric air of Tbilisi and the adjacent territory during the COVID-19 pandemic was studied. A decrease of the PM concentrations in the atmosphere of the city was revealed and it was found that the main contribution to the pollution of the atmosphere of Tbilisi with PM2.5 and PM10 is made by motor vehicles. The concentration of PM2.5 in the atmosphere of Tbilisi is usually lower than the concentration of PM10 by about 2-4 times, but the character of the curve of their changes is the same. The maximum dust pollution is reached in the evening hours, after 19:00. At a height of 2 m from the surface layer, the high concentration of PM10 (1.0-2.5 MAC) is formed in the interval from 16:00 to 21:00 in the central and southern parts of the city and on relatively flat areas. | https://www.herzen.spb.ru/en/ |
X, International Conferenceon Urban Air Pollution Modeling | Viana, Austria | 2021 | 21/06/2021 - 22/06/2021 | International scolarly and scientific research inovation | Numerical Modelling of Dust Propagation in the Atmosphere of Tbilisi City in case of Western Background Light Air | oral | Dust propagation at the territory of Tbilisi city in case of western background light air is studied using the 3D regional model of atmospheric processes and integration of the equation of admixtures’ transfer-diffusion. In this model, the motor transport is considered as a main non-stationary pollution source, from which a dust is emitted into the atmosphere. By numerical modeling there is shown that the process of air pollution by the dust proceeds in four stages and they depend on the intensity of motor traffic, the micro-relief of the city and the location of city mains. In the interval of time 06.00 – 09.00 the intensive growth, 09.00 - 15.00 – a constancy or weak decrease, 18.00 -21.00 a growth, and from 21.00 to 06.00 a reduction of the dust concentrations take place. The highly polluted areas are located in the vicinity of the city center and at some peripherical territories of the city, where the maximum of dust concentration at 21.00 is equal to 2 maximum allowable concentration. | https://publications.waset.org/10012079/pdf |
XV. International Conferenceon Air Pollution Control Strategies and Environment | Zurich, Switzenland | 2021 | 17/09/2021 - 18/09/2021 | International scolarly and scientific research inovation | Investigation of Tbilici City Atmospheric Air Pollution with PM in Usual and Emergancy Situations Using the Observational and Numerical Modeling Data | oral | Pollution by PM (particulate matter) of atmospheric air in Tbilisi was studied. Tbilisi is one of the largest cities in the South Caucasus and has a difficult terrain. On the basis of the data of 5 observation points, the hourly dynamics of atmospheric pollution was considered: the maximum, minimum and average values of PM2.5, PM10 in individual parts of the city were estimated. The values of the statistical characteristic parameters of PM in the atmosphere of Tbilisi are analyzed and trend graphs are constructed. During the analysis of air pollution data, special attention was paid to the period when quarantine was declared in the city. This analysis showed, that the main source of pollution in the city is road transport. Experimental measurements of PM2.5, PM10 in the atmosphere have been carried out in different districts of the city and map of the distribution of their concentrations were constructed. It is shown that maximum pollution values are recorded in the city center and along major motorways. It is shown that the average monthly concentrations vary in the range of 0.6 – 1.6 Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC). Average daily values of concentration vary at 2-4 day intervals. The distribution of PM10 generated as a result of traffic is numerical modeled. The modeling results are compared with the observation data. | https://publications.waset.org/10012141/pdf |
International Scientific Conference, Modern Problems of Ecilogy | Tbilisi - Telavi, Georgia | 2020 | 26/09/2020 - 28/09/2020 | Academy of Ecological Sciencesdof Feorgia, Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Ortodox Church, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, et. al. | Invedtigation of Tbilisi City Air pollution With PM particled and Dust | oral | The concentrations of PM-particles and dust in the air in Tbilisi and its surrounding area are define. Their monthly maximum, minimum and average values are estimated. The dust diffusion process is modeled in the case of background, stationary westerly winds. The source of pollution is dust generated in the city. Visual images of dust distribution area and concentrations are obtained. | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8818 |
International Scientific Conference, Modern Problems of Ecilogy | Tbilisi - Telavi, Georgia | 2020 | 26/09/2020 - 28/09/2020 | Academy of Ecological Sciencesdof Feorgia, Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Ortodox Church, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, et. al. | Numerical investigation of Tbilisi City Air Dusting in Case of Eastern Background Winds | oral | A kinetic of dust distribution in the city of Tbilisi using a 3D regional model of atmospheric processes in Caucasus and numerical integration of the transport-diffusion equation of the impurity in case of different eastern background winds are investigated | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8819 |
International Scientific Conference, Modern Problems of Ecilogy | Tbilisi-Telavi, Georgia | 2020 | 26/09/2020 - 28/09/2020 | Academy of Ecological Sciencesdof Feorgia, Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Ortodox Church, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, et. al. | THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE CIRCULATION MODE AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE SPREAD OF OIL SLICK IN THE GEORGIAN SECTOR OF THE BLACK SEA AND THE SURROUNDING WATERS | oral | Based on computational experiment, some of the key features of the circulation processes in the easternmost waters of the Black Sea and their impact on the spread of oil slick on the sea surface have been studied. Computational experiments have been conducted on the basis of a coupled modeling system consisting of a regional model of sea dynamics and a non-stationary advection-diffusion model of the distribution of impurities. | http://www.bmpublgroup.com/l26_15.html |
International Conferencein Scientific Enquiry in the Contemporary World: Theoretical Basiсs and Innovative Approach | San-Francisco,California, USA | 2020 | 20/08/2020 - 20/08/2020 | B&M Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. SCIRP | An Investigation of the Tbilisi City Atmosphere Pollution By Analysis of the Observation Data and Numerical Modeling Results | poster | The temporary variations of the dust concentration in Tbilisi city by of the data of natural measurement are investigated and dust propagation at Tbilisi city territory in case of strong background eastern winds by numerical modelling are studied. It is shown that dust propagation substantially depends on both the terrain of city and surrounding territories and on the magnitude and direction of background wind velocity. It is obtained that dust propagation process in case of strong background wind is characterized by time variation and spatial distribution peculiarities. High pollution zones as well as the reasons of their time variation and dust accumulation are determined. It is established that a high pollution level (1.2-2.0 MAC) is obtained in the time interval from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the up to 50 m thick lower part of surface layer of the atmosphere. | http://www.bmpublgroup.com/l26_15.html |
Current Problems of Ecology and Soil Science in the XXI Century; VI Republican Scientific Conference | Baku, Azerbaijan | 2020 | 16/06/2020 - 17/06/2020 | Baku State University | Numerical Modeling of Air Pollution with Dust in the City of Difficult Relief | poster | Distribution patterns of dust dissipated in the atmosphere are obtained at different level from the surface. It is shown that dust dissipated from city in the atmosphere is basically concentrated in the boundary layer. Maximum values of dust concentration are obtained in the lower 100 m surface air layer. The influence of local orography on the pollution cloud is investigation. There is identified an area, were urban dust can cause pollution of adjacent environment, as well as the zone and quantity of dust deposited on the ground. | |
International Conference in Air Pollution | Plovdiv, Bulgaria | 2020 | 05/10/2020 - 07/10/2020 | Institute of Hydrology of the Slovenia Akademy of Sciences | Numerical Modeling of Dust Distribution in the Atmosphere of a City with Complex Relief | oral | The kinematics of dust concentration change created by motor transport at the territory of Tbilisi and diurnal pattern of its spatial distribution in case of strong background eastern wind are studied. Via analysis of wind velocity and concentration fields it is obtained that spatial distribution of heavily polluted areas depends on city mains disposition, and local circulation systems formed under dynamic impact of terrain and diurnal change of thermal regime at the underlying surface. Maximum concentration 1.5-2.0 MPC is obtained in time interval of t = 15-21 h in the central and western parts of the city. At 600 m height from earth surface a maximum value of concentration reaches 0.7 MAC, when t = 21h. Results obtained through modeling of time and spatial changes of dust concentration qualitatively correctly describe the true picture. From a quantitative viewpoint, modeling results are close to average characteristic data of observations. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346764464_NUMERICAL_MODELLING_OF_DUST_DISTRIBUTION_IN_THE_ATMOSPHERE_OF_A_CITY_WITH_COMPLEX_RELIEF |
72nd Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference Gertsenovsky, Geography: Science and Education Development | Saint Petersburg, Russia | 2019 | 18/04/2019 - 21/04/2019 | A. I. Gertsen Faculty of Geography of the Russian Pedagogical University | Numerical modeling of atmospheric pollution by industry emissions on the example of s. Zestafoni | oral | The main characteristics of industrial dust diffusion in the industrial region of Georgia, the city of Zestaponi, were studied in the cases of background, weak, and strong western winds. The calculations were carried out using a regional model for the development of atmospheric processes in the Caucasus and the equation for the transfer of passive impurities | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41682934 |
International Multidisciplinary Conference Actual Problems of Landscape Sciences: Environment, Society, Politics | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 09/09/2019 - 14/09/2019 | Ivane Javakhishvili, TSU, Faculty of Geography | Numerical modeling of the convective dust dissipation into the atmosphere emitted from two stationary sources | oral | A numerical model of the propagation of dust emitted into the atmosphere is based on a three-dimensional nonlinear nonquasistatic equation for thermal convection in the atmosphere. The model uses a digital grid with high resolution capability. The kinetics of the distribution of 10 μm dust particles emitted from two high sources into the atmosphere are studied using numerical modeling. Two meteorological situations are considered - calm and background northwest wind. By modeling, it is obtained that the kinematics of the distribution of dust emitted into the atmosphere are substantially different from each other in the case of quiet and background movement. Spatial dust distribution occurs as a result of both ordered horizontal and vertical flows as well as diffuse movements. Diffusion of advection, convection and turbulent dust under the influence of background wind creates a cloud-shaped vertical zone of dust pollution. No diffusion motion is obtained in the received zone | https://aplr.tsu.ge/Proceedings.pdf |
International Scientific Conference, Natural Disasters in Georgia: Monitoring, Prevention, Mitigation | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 12/12/2019 - 14/12/2019 | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Mikheil Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Georgian Technical University, Institute of Hydrometeorology, AAA Association for Science. | Numerical Modeling of the Antropogemic Dust Transfer By Means of Quasistatic and Non-Quasistatic Models. Pp. 134-137 | oral | The kinetics of anthropogenic dust scattering in the atmosphere of large cities by separate sources using numerical integration of a system of three-dimensional nonlinear quasi-static and non-static equations of the atmosphere. It is accepted by modeling that the dust propagation kinematics obtained by quasi-static and non-static equations have both common and different characteristics. In the case of beta-mesoscale diffusion, described by quasistatic equations, advection diffusion plays a major role in the dust transfer process. In the case of gamma-scale diffusion, described by non-static equations, convection diffusion plays a major role in the dust transfer process. | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/8652 |
The International Scientific-Technical Conference, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of professor V.Eristavi. | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2019 | 11/11/2019 - 12/11/2019 | Georgian Technical University | Numerical modeling of dust distribution in cities of Tbilisi and Kartli region | oral |
By numerical integration of the system of three-dimensional non-linear quasi-static and non-static equations of atmospheric hydrothermodynamics the kinetics of dust distribution in the cities of Tbilisi and Kartli region are studied.. | http://gtu.ge/ismc |
Proceedings of the XIII International Landscape Conference Modern landscape and ecological state and problems of optimizing the natural environment of the regions | Voroneg, Russia | 2018 | 20/05/2018 - 22/05/2018 | Voronezh University Faculty of Geography | Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Pollution by Metallurgical Industry Emissions in c.Zestafoni | oral | By using the regional model for the development of atmospheric processes in the Caucasus and the passive impurity transference equation, the diffusion of urban dust is simulated in cases of background, weak and strong west winds. The main characteristics of dust diffusion in the industrial region of Georgia – c.Zestafoni and its environs are studied. Areas of urban dust distribution, the vertical structure of a dust cloud, the surface density of deposited dust, etc. have been determined. | file:///C:/Users/hp/Downloads/XIII2.pdf |
Tventy Sixth International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring And Management of Air Pollution. | Naples, Italia | 2018 | 20/06/2018 - 20/06/2018 | Wessex Institute of Technology | Numerical Simulation of Industrial Dust Distribution in Territory of Zestafoni (Georgia) | oral | Dust distribution of the industrial town Zestafoni located in the complex territory of Georgia in case of basic meteorological situations and stationary pollution sources is studied with the use of regional model of atmospheric process development in the Caucasus and non-stationary three-dimensional equation of transfer-diffusion of passive admixtures. Distribution patterns of dust dissipated in the atmosphere are obtained at different level from the surface. It is shown that dust dissipated from cities in the atmosphere is basically concentrated in the boundary layer. Maximum values of dust concentration are obtained in the lower 100 m surface air layer. Spatial dust distribution region increases and concentration decreases along with height increase. An influence of local orography on the pollution cloud is investigated. During a background western Light Air Likhi and Racha ridges impede dust transfer to the east and cause dust cloud deformation. Dust spreads along the valleys of Kvirila and Chkherimela rivers located between the ridges. In case of Gentle and Fresh Breezes the impact of local orography on the dust dispersion process is insignificant. Dust is basically transferred in the direction of background flows. The zone of influence of industrial town dust on the environmental pollution is determined. A width of this area varies from 5 to 20 km in dependence of the background wind velocity. Kinematics of dust propagation is studied. It is determined that in 2-100 m layer of atmosphere the process of turbulent diffusion take precedence in the process of dust spreading. From 100 m to 1 km the processes of diffusive and advective transfers are identical, while above 1 km the preference is given to advective transfer. | https://www.witpress.com/elibrary/wit-transactions-on-ecology-and-the-environment/230/36750 |
International Scientific Conference, Modern Problems of Ecology | Kutaisi, Georgia | 2018 | 05/07/2018 - 08/07/2018 | A. Tsereteli Kutaisi State University | Estimation of dust diffusion in the atmosphere of industrial regions by numerical modeling | oral | Numerically modeled and studied dust distribution in industrial cities of Georgia in case of weak westerly wind. Images of spatial distribution of dust are obtained, the influence of orography, horizontal and vertical turbulence and advection processes on the distribution of dust in the atmosphere is analyzed. | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/7379 |
VIII International Scientific and Practical conference ,, Internet and Society'' INSO -2017 | Kutaisi, Georgia | 2017 | 07/07/2017 - 08/07/2017 | A. Tsereteli State University | Numerical modeling of meteorological fields in Kakheti | oral | the spatial distribution of meteorological fields in the case of background north wind in the territory of Kakheti by using the model of atmospheric processes in the Caucasus adapted to the regions , has been studied. It is shown that the interaction of the terrain and the background wind generates vertical meridional and zonal meso-scale vortices, local vertical movement zones, and the temperature field characteristic of the region. | https://atsu.edu.ge/index.php/news/196-konferencia-interneti-da-sazogadoeba |
International Conference, Modern Problems of Geography and Anthropology | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 03/10/2015 - 05/10/2015 | Ivane Javakhishvili TSU Vakhushti Bagrationi Institute of Geography | Numerical investigation of the spread of pollutants in the Georgian section of the Mtkvari River | oral | Numerical experimental modeling of passive pollutants flowing into the Mtkvari River near the Georgian-Turkish state border was performed. The modeling determined the time it would take for pollutants to reach various points in the settlements, including the Georgian state border and the Mingechauri Reservoir in Azerbaijan. The distribution of pollutant concentrations along the river and the change in these concentrations over time as they move from one section to another were determined. Relative changes in pollutant concentrations over more than 10 conditional river sections were assessed | http://aljavakhishvili-2015.tsu.ge/ge/home |
International Conference, Modern Problems of Geography and Anthropology | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2015 | 03/10/2015 - 05/10/2015 | Ivane Javakhishvili TSU Vakhushti Bagrationi Institute of Geography | Affect of uncontrolled landfiills located in Georgia on the contamination processes of the surrounding areas | oral | Based on comparative analyzes, an important role of uncontrolled landfills in ecosystem pollution processes has been identified. It turned out that the impact of landfills on ecosystems in eastern Georgia is much higher than in western Georgia | http://aljavakhishvili-2015.tsu.ge/ge/home |
21 st Annual CSCM-World Congress on CBRNe Science&Consequence Manajment | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2014 | 01/06/2014 - 05/06/2014 | CSCM International Organizing Committee and Government of Georgia | Numerical modeling of the possible transportation and deposition of the radioactive pollution clouds in case of hypotetical accident on the nuclear energatic object in the South Caucasus Region | oral | It is shown, that the relief of the Caucasus significantly influences on the trajectory of the pollution distribution. The North West orientation of the Main Caucasian Range resists air motion to the north, constrains the radioactive pollution in the boundary layer to flow around the Main Caucasian Range from the west or east sides. It is obtained that the 48 hours are necessary for the radioactive cloud to overflow the South Caucasus and distribute over the territory of the North Caucasus. The radioactive pollution is falling out mainly in the central, southeast and northwest parts of the South Caucasus. The zone of the radioactive deposition is extended along the background wind and deformed by the influence of the relief. The maximum length of the zone of significant deposition of radioactive substance equals approximately 750 km in case of the background South East wind and 350 km in other cases. The maximum width of the zone approximately equals 150 km. It is obtained that the surface density of the deposited radioactive nuclide in the zone of significant radioactivity decreases from 360 a.u./m2 down to 1 a.u./m2 when the concentration of 10 aerosol 131I in emission plume during during 6 hours are equal to 100 a.u./m3. | https://www.opcw.org/sites/default/files/documents/ODG/uzumcu/140602_Tblisi_CBRN_congress_rev2.pdf |
International Conference, Advanced Problems in Geophysics, Tbilisi, 9-10 December, 2013. | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 09/09/2013 - 10/09/2013 | Ivane Javakhishvili TSU M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics | Numerical modeling of the possible pollution of the atmosphere in case of the hypothetical accidental emission of the pollution substances in vicinities of the Black and Caspian Seas coastal zones | oral | The distribution of the pollution substances emitted in the atmosphere in result of the hypothetical accidents in the industrial centers located on the Great Silk Road’s Caucasian interval - in the t. Poti, t. Baku and t. Metsamor by numerical modeling are investigated. The possible trajectories of the pollution substances displacements in case of the different background winds by calculations are determined. It is shown the relief of the Caucasian Region significantly changes the trajectory of pollution cloud | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/53480/1/Internacional_Conference.pdf |
International Conference, Advanced Problems in Geophysic, Tbilisi, 9-10 December, 2013. | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 09/09/2013 - 10/09/2013 | TSU, M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics | Dynamical processes developed in the eastern part of the Black Sea in the cold season for 2010-2014 | oral | In the paper the prognostic hydrophysical fields corresponding to the cold season for 2010-2014, which are calculated for the easternmost part of the Black Sea on the basis of the regional forecasting system of the Black Sea state, are analyzed. The analysis of the received results shows that the character of the regional circulation processes for cold season substantially differs from circulation characteristic for the warm period. The Batumi anticyclonic eddy typical for the warm period to a lesser degree or practically is not observed in the cold period and nonstationary processes of generation, evolution and dissipation of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies of different sizes permanently take place. | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/53480/1/Internacional_Conference.pdf |
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL CONFERENCE, PRESSING PROBLEMS IN HYDROMETEOROLOGY AND ECOLOGY ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE INS HYDROMETEOROLOGY 28-30 MAY, 2013, Tbilisi | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2013 | 24/05/2013 - 25/05/2013 | Institute of Hydrometeorology of Georgian Technical University | NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE POSSIBLE POLLUTION OF THE CAUCASION REGION IN CASE OF THE HYPOTHETICAL emission of I31 I from Armenian NPP | oral | By means of regional model of development of atmospheric processes in the Caucasian Region and the equation of a substance transfer the spatial distributions of zones of radioactive deposition are investigated. In the model the radioactive decay and aerosols deposition processes are taken into account. The distribution of radioactive pollution is simulated in cases of the South, South West and South East background winds. The distribution of only one radionuclide aerosol 131I with diameter 10 µ m is considered. Numerical simulation shows that the 48 hours are necessary for the radioactive cloud to overflow the South Caucasus and distribute over the territory of the North Caucasus. The radioactive pollution is falling out mainly in the central, southeast and northwest parts of the South Caucasus. The zone of the radioactive deposition is extended along the background wind and deformed by the influence of the relief. The maximum length of the zone of significant deposition of radioactive substance equals approximately 750 km in case of the background South East wind and 350 km in other cases. The maximum width of the zone approximately equals 150 km. It is obtained that the surface density of the deposited radioactive nuclide in the zone of significant radioactivity decreases from 360 a.u./m2 down to 1 a.u./m2 when the concentration of 10 µ m aerosol 131I in emission plume during 6 hours are equal to 100 a.u./m3 . | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/119.pdf |
VI International Scientific and Practical conference, Internet and Society', INSO -2013 | Kutaisi, Georgia | 2013 | 06/06/2013 - 07/06/2013 | A. Tsereteli State University | Numerical modeling of possible pollution of the atmosphere in the eastern part of the Black Sea | oral | The possible distribution of the contaminants emited in the Caucasus atmosphere by numerical modelling is investigated. | |
Scientific-technical conference, Current problems of hydrometeorology and ecology | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2011 | 27/09/2011 - 29/09/2011 | GTU Institute of Hydrometeorology | Numerical Modeling of Change of Soil Salinity in Case of Influence of Applying Sorbent | oral | By meansw of equation of filtration and equation of Kinetics for chemical reaqtion of a carbonate sodiumand calciun sulfate a change of the ground salinity is numericalyly simulated. It is shown, the application of sorbent intensifies reduction of the content of sodium in 5 m layer of soil. tThe content of sodiun especially strongly decreases in the top 40 cm layer of soil. In greater depths a reduction on the content of sodium occurs considerably slowly. | http://dspace.gela.org.ge/handle/123456789/9982 |
Scientific-Technical Conference, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 13/10/2010 - 13/10/2010 | Georgian Technical University | Numerical modeling of the distribution of pollution accidentally emmited in the atmosphere from a source in the vicinity of Poti | oral | By numerical modeling the distribution of radioactive cloud in the atmosphere of Poti and its surroundings in different meteorological conditions are studied. | |
Scientific-Technical Conference, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2010 | 13/10/2010 - 13/10/2010 | Georgian Technical University | Numerical modeling of soil salinity reduction by irrigation. | oral | By use the Numerical modeling is shon thathas shown that frequent watering significantly reduces the salinity of the topsoil (70 cm). | |
International Conference-International Year of the Earth - Climate, Natural Resources, Natural Disasters in the South Caucasus | Tbilisi, Georgia | 2008 | 07/03/2008 - 07/03/2008 | Institute of Hydrometeorology | Study the Change Soils Salinityby Mathematic Methods | oral | Variability of soil salinity in different meteorological and irrigation conditions has been studied using numerical modeling for arable and saline soils of Georgia. | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/115.pdf |
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