Ekaterine Shubladze
Institute of Hydrometeorology
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Assessment of the quality of pollution in Kvemo Kartli region (Georgia) soils | Lali U. Shavliashvili, Elina M. Bakradze, Gulchina P. Kuchava, Ekaterina Sh. Shubladze | conference proceedings | Primedia E-launch / International scientific and practical conference CUTTING EDGE-SCIENCE, Conference Proceedings, 2022 / pp.83-90 | - | ISBN 978-1-64945-234-4 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6417319 | English | State Targeted Program |
Numerical modeling of lead sulfate infiltration in soil | E. Shubladze, A. Surmava, D. ErisTavi, N. Buachidze | article | Georgian Academy of Engineering / Georgian Engineering News - Scientific peer-reviewed periodical, 2021/№8, p. 47-56 | - | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/355677 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Pollution of Kvemo Kartli region (Georgia) soils by heavy metals | L.Shavliashvili, E. Bakradze, E.Elizbarashvili, E.Shubladze, G.Kuchava | article | by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o. / International scientific Journal, European Geographical Studies, 2021 / Vol. 8(1), pp. 55-62 | - | E-ISSN: 2413-7197 | DOI: 10.13187/egs.2021.1.55; https://egs.cherkasgu.press/en/archive.html | English | State Targeted Program |
HEAVY METAL POLLUTION OF THE RIVER KAZRETULA BY THE MADNEULI ENTERPRISE AND RESTORATION OF ITS BIODIVERSITY | E.Bakradze L.Shavliashvili, G.Kuchava N.Buachidze, E.Shubladze | conference proceedings | Publishing house RGPU of A. I. Herzen / Geography: development of science and education. Collection of articles on materials of the scientific and practical conference LXXIV, Herzen readings, 2021/part II, pp. 12-18. | - | ISBN 978-5-8064-3045-9 | https://www.herzen.spb.ru/en/ | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Assessment of the some Benefits of uncontrolled landfilles in Georgia. | N.Buachidze, T.Mchedluri, E.Shubladze, A.Vepkhvadze. | article | AJR /AZIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, Japan, Osaka, 2020/№3, pp. 1-4. | იმფაქტ ფაქტორი: SJIF 5.1; IFS 2.7; UIF 1.9 | ISSN 2433-202x | DOI-10.37057/2433-202x | English | Grant Project |
Genotype diversity and pathogenicity of Beauveria spp. Isolates from different ecoregions of Georgia | Nana Kunelauria Vladimer Baramidze, Ekaterina Mikeladze, Ekaterine Shubladze, Ketevan Koridze, Natalia Kharabadze, Medea Burjanadze | article | Agricultural University of Georgia/Annals of Agrarian Science, 2019 / 17, pp.82 – 101 | - | ISSN 1512-1887 | https://journals.org.ge/index.php/aans/issue/archive | English | Grant Project |
The impact of Some Uncontrolled Landfill Sites on the Ecosystems of Surrounding Areas of Eastern and Western Parts of Georgia | N.Buachidze, Kh.Chikviladze, G.Kuchava, E.Shubladze, G.Kordzakhia | textbook | Scientific Research Publishing, USA/Journal of Ecology, 2019/vol. 9, N 2, pp. 25-33. | იმფაქტ ფაქტორი: 5.762 | ISSN Online: 2162-1993; ISSN Print: 2162-1985 | http://www.scirp.org/journal/oje | English | Grant Project |
Impact of uncontrolled landfills on ecosystems of Georgia | N.Buachidze, Kh.Chikviladze, E.Shubladze, G.Kuchava | article | Georgian Agricultural University / Annals of Agrarian Science, 2019./vol.17, No 3, pp. 337-344. | - | ISSN:1512-1887 | https://www.journals.elsevier.com/annals-of-agrarian-science | English | Grant Project |
The chemical and microbiological analysis of the uncontrolled landfill sites in Georgia and its impact on the pollution of the surrounding areas | N.Buachidze, Kh.Chikviladze, G.Kuchava, E.Shubladze | article | Environmental Research /Journal of Environmental Research, 2018/vol.2, p. 51 | იმპაქტ ფაქტორი: 4.732; SJR რეიტინგი (Scopus): 1.460(2020) | ISSN: 0013-9351 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/environmental-research | English | Grant Project |
The chemical and microbiological analysis of the uncontrolled landfill sites in Eastern Georgia and its impact on the pollution of the surrounding areas | N.Buachidze, Kh.Chikviladze, G.Kutchava, E.Shubladze | article | Walsh Medical Media (WMM) / International Journal of waste resources 2017/vol.7, №4, p.22-23. | იმპაქტ ფაქტორი: 0.456 | ISSN: 2252-5211 | https://www.walshmedicalmedia.com/international-journal-waste-resources.html | English | Grant Project |
Assessment of the impact of Uncontrolled Landfill on the Ecosystems on the territory of Eastern Georgia | N.Buachidze, K.Chikviladze, I.Gurguliani, E.Shubladze, G.Kuchava | article | Georgian Academy of Engineering / Georgian Engineering News - Scientific peer-reviewed periodical,2017/vol. 84, № 4, pp. 43-53. | - | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge | Georgian | Grant Project |
Research of uncontrolled landfills impact on environment in Georgia | N.Buachidze, Kh.Chikviladze, G.Kordzakhia, E.Shubladze, L.Shavliashvili | article | Science publish group, USA/American Journal of Environmental Protection, 2016/Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 65-70. | - | ISSN Print: 2328-5680; ISSN Online: 2328-5699 | DOI: 10.11.648/I.aiep.s.20160503.01.11; https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ajep | English | Grant Project |
Report of Recombinant Strains of Potato Virus Y (PVY) in Georgian Potato Seeds | Vladimer Baramidze, Joerg Schuberts, Nugzar Aleksidze, Ekaterine Shubladze, Leonid Ushanov | article | Georgian National Academy of Sciences / Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2016 / vol. 10, no. 4, pp.64-70 | - | ISSN - 0132 - 1447 | http://science.org.ge/bnas/vol-10-4.html | English | Grant Project |
Study of pollution of surface and ground waters of the Alazani Valley | E.M.Bakradze, L.U.Shavliashvili, G.P.Kuchava, E.Sh.Shubladze | conference proceedings | Publishing house RGPU of A. I. Herzen / Materials of the annual International scientific-practical conference LXIX Herzen readings; Geography: development of science and education, 2016 / Part II, pp. 21-25 | - | ISBN 978-5-8064-2251-5 | - | Russian | State Targeted Program |
Production of Environmentally friendly agro-food products for agricultural sustainable development | E.Bakradze, L.Shavliashvili, G.Kuchava, E.Shubladze | conference proceedings | Georgian Academy of Agicultural Sciences / International scientific conference, Modern technologies to produce ecologically pure products for sustainable development of agriculture, 2016 / pp.115-118 | - | ISSN 1512-2743 | http://science.gtu.ge | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The Estimation of Uncontrolled landfill influence on soil pollution in Georgia | N.Buachidze, L.Intskirveli, S.Mdivani, E.Shubladze, T.Gigauri | conference proceedings | TSU Publishing House / Transactions of Petre Melikishvili Institute of physical and Organic chemistry,2015 / pp.149-151 | - | ISBN 978-5-8064-2699-5 | http://science.gtu.ge/cat/4/1074/ | Georgian | Grant Project |
Evaluation of bio-chemical situation of riv. Kura and its effluents and their comparative analysis | E.Shubladze, S.Mdivani, T.Gigauri | article | GTU-Institute of Hydrometeorology / Transactions of the Institute of Hydrometeorology, Georgian Technical University, 2015 / v.121, pp.87-92 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | https://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/handle/1234/128937 | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Study of chemical and microbiological pollution of an artificial reservoir in saline soil | L.Shavliashvili, G.Kordzakhia, N.Kavalashvili, G.Kuchava, E.Shubladze | conference proceedings | TSU-Vakhushti Bagrationi Institute of Geography / International conference, Modern problems of geography and anthropology, 2015 / pp. 286-291 | - | ISSN 1512-1224 | http://aljavakhishvili-2015.tsu.ge/data/file_db/pdf/KREBULI%20-%20al.%20javaxishvili.%20tiraji%20200.pdf | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
The modern geochemical characteristic of the rivers of Mashavera and Poladauri taking into account anthropogenic impact | E.Bakradze, G.Kuchava, M.Arabidze, N.Buachidze, E.Shubladze | article | Georgian Academy of Engineering / Georgian Engineering, 2012 / News #3 (63), pp.86-90 | - | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Hydrochemical investigations of the Mashavera River and their results | E.Bakradze, G.Kuchava, M.Arabidze, N.Buachidze, E.Shubladze | article | Georgian Academy of Engineering / Georgian Engineering, 2012 / News #2 (62), pp.106-108 | - | ISSN 1512-0287 | https://gen.techinformi.ge | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Eco-Chemical Monitoring of River Liakhvi | G.Kuchava, L.Intskirveli, N.Buachidze, K.Bilashvili, E.Shubladze, N.Beglarashvili | article | TSU / Georgia Chemical Journal, 2011 / Vol.11, № 2, pp.207-212 | - | ISSN 1512-0686 | - | Georgian | Grant Project |
Some Aspects of changes of the Black Sea water Pollution | G.Kuchava, E.Bakradze, M.Arabidze, E.Shubladze | article | GTU- Institute of Hydrometeorology / Works of hydrometeorological institute, 2011 / v.116, pp.97-100 | - | ISSN 1512-0902 | http://www.ecohydmet.ge/ | Georgian | State Targeted Program |
Microbiological researches and results of the river Liakhvu basin | N.Buachidze, E.Shubladze, L.Intskirveli, N.Beglarashvili | article | Publishing House Technical University / Journal Scientific and technologies, 2010 / N10-12, pp.41-44 | - | ISSN 0130-7061 | http://www.publishhouse.gtu.ge | Georgian | Grant Project |
International scientific and practical conference CUTTING EDGE-SCIENCE 2022 Shawnee | USA | 2022 | 16/03/2022 - 16/03/2022 | Primedia E-launch Shawnee | Assessment of the quality of pollution in Kvemo Kartli region (Georgia) soils | oral | The expedition works were conducted on urban soils on the territory and adjacent to the Madneuli enterprise of Kvemo Kartli region. Taken from the soil samples 0-10 cm depth. In them determined heavy metals - Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn, Cd, Co and Ni by plasma-emission spectrometer-ICP-OES. The quality of some heavy metal contamination of soil is revealed in connection with Clark; The quality of pollution of urban soils is studied: the risk of pollution, the contamination concentration coefficient, the total characteristic of pollution and the contamination index. Bolnisi municipality urban soils are contaminated with heavy metals cadmium etc in Kazreti. These pollution in accordance with ecological-hygienic categories meets with heavy metals total pollution ZCC<16 "allowable", ZC=16-32 "moderately dangerous" categories. | file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/USA%202022%202.pdf |
Collection of articles on the materials of Scientific-Practical Conference LXXIV Herzen readings | Saint Petersburg, Russia | 2021 | 21/04/2021 - 23/04/2021 | HERZEN UNIVERSITY | HEAVY METAL POLLUTION OF THE RIVER KAZRETULA BY THE MADNEULI ENTERPRISE AND RESTORATION OF ITS BIODIVERSIT | oral | 2019-2020 was studied with hydrochemical and microbiological characteristic of the natural waters surrounding the Madneuli enterprise, taking into account the issues of biodiversity control and maintenance. Increased heavy metals - Cd, Fe, Zn and Cu content in natural waters with more permissible concentration; The rest of heavy metals are with in the scope of the norm; Iron high mediums are identified in drinking and artesian waters. In 2020 enterprise made lots of works among them the river Kazretula was capsuled where the river water is clean and the fact that the dirtiest river, where the wastewater falls from the enterprise, which was microbiologically, the dead river is now relatively clean and Biodiversity begins to restore | https://www.herzen.spb.ru/en/ |
16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology | Rhodes, Greece | 2019 | 04/09/2019 - 07/09/2019 | Royal Society of Chemistry | Negative role of uncontrolled landfills in Georgia in environmental pollution processes | oral | There are currently 56 official non-hazardous waste landfills in Georgia, of which only 36 are operational. The data should indicate that there is no official landfill for construction waste or an existing landfill for hazardous waste. There are many uncontrolled landfills in Georgia. Pollution conditions have been studied based on modern methodology and techniques (ISO methods). The obtained results allow the conclusion: • Pollution is different for western and eastern Georgia. Analysis of water and soil samples showed that the landfill areas and water bodies in western Georgia are relatively less polluted than similar areas in eastern Georgia; • In the analyzed samples, the concentrations of various contaminants identified from soil and water samples (heavy metals - Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and biogenic elements - total coli forms, fecal streptococci and E. coli) exceeded the maximum allowable concentrations. | https://www.rsc.org/events/detail/38460/16th-international-conference-on-environmental-science-and-technology-cest-2019 |
4th International Conference on Pollution Control and Sustainable Environment | Rom, Italy | 2018 | 28/07/2018 - 30/07/2018 | Environmental Research | The chemical and microbiological analysis of the uncontrolled landfill sites in Georgia and its impact on the pollution of the surrounding areas | poster | There are currently 56 official landfills for non-hazardous waste, of which only 36 are operational. However, it should be noted that there is no official landfill for construction waste or an existing landfill for hazardous waste. There are many uncontrolled landfills in Georgia. They are located in populated areas, valleys and rivers. You can often find hazardous waste at landfills, as Georgian law does not regulate the management of hazardous waste. Thus, uncontrolled landfills pose a huge threat to the population of the region. In the regions and especially in the villages, local governments are unable to provide a high level of cleaning services, which is caused by the years and amount of waste accumulated in different areas. Often uncontrolled landfills are located near populated areas. Moreover, hazardous waste can also be dumped in uncontrolled landfills, which may cause health problems for the population of the regions. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/environmental-research/about/aims-and-scope |
5th International Conference - Solid waste management | Singapore | 2017 | 09/09/2017 - 14/09/2017 | Walsh Medical Media (WMM) | Chemical and microbiological analysis of uncontrolled landfills located in Eastern Georgia and their impact on pollution processes in surrounding areas | oral | The most visible uncontrolled landfills in the western and eastern part of Georgia were selected. In particular, the regions of Mtskheta-Mtianeti and Kvemo Kartli have been studied in Eastern Georgia; And in western Georgia Imereti and Samtskhe-Javakheti, respectively. Both chemical and microbiological analyzes were performed on samples taken from their surrounding areas. If the landfill was located in the vicinity of a river, the main physico-chemical parameters of surface waters were determined using field equipment during field work. Relevant evaluations were provided after processing the obtained results. Risks caused by environmental pollution and negative impacts on public health were assessed. | https://www.walshmedicalmedia.com/international-journal-waste-resources.html |
International scientific-practical conference LXIX Herzen readings: Dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of Stanislav Kalesnik; Geography: development of science and education | Saint Petersburg, Russia | 2016 | 21/04/2016 - 23/04/2016 | HERZEN UNIVERSITY | Study of pollution of surface and ground waters of the Alazani Valley | oral | The paper discusses the study of chemical and microbiological contamination of artificial reservoirs located on the saline soils of the Alazani Valley; The impact of saline soils and groundwater on artificial reservoirs is discussed, which has a significant impact on their chemical composition, in particular, its mineralization. The high content of some ingredients at the appropriate maximum allowable concentrations has been identified. Concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Ag) were within the normal range | http://www.spsl.nsc.ru/FullText/konfe/tmp2D29ogl.pdf |
International conference, Modern problems of geography and anthropology | International conference, Modern problems of geography and anthropology | 2015 | 22/10/2015 - 23/10/2015 | Vakhushti Bagrationi Institute of Geography | Study of chemical and microbiological pollution of an artificial reservoir in saline soil | oral | The paper discusses the study of chemical and microbiological contamination of old Anaga artificial reservoirs; High content of some ingredients at the maximum allowable concentration of fishery water has been revealed | http://aljavakhishvili-2015.tsu.ge/ge/participants |
Web of Science: - Scopus: - Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-2; h-ინდექსი-1 |
Doctoral Thesis Referee |
Master Theses Supervisor |
Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor |
Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages |
Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian |
Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings |
Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings |
Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings |
Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization |
Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget
Patent authorship |
Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
Membership of an international professional organization |
Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee |
National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc. |
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Monograph |
Handbook |
Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals |
Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus |