Vagner Jiqia

Academic Doctor of Science

Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University

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The Coulomb Scattering Matrix. The latest calculations. G. Giorgadze, V. Jikia, I. Lomidzeconference proceedingsTbilisi University Press/ Proceedings of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2021, vol. 710 ISSN 1512-004X EnglishState Targeted Program
On some Properties of Euler Integrals. G. Giorgadze and V. Jikia. articleTbilisi University Press/Bulletin of TIC¬MY, 2020/vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 3 – 11. Impact factor: 0.25 ISSN:1512-0082 EnglishGrant Project
The Euler Integral of the First Kind. High order singularity. G. Giorgadze and V. Jikia. conference proceedingsTbilisi University Press /Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2019/vol. 33,pp. 23-260 ISSN:1512-0066 EnglishGrant Project
The Beta function and the weak limits related with it. V. Jikia. conference proceedingsTbilisi University Press /Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2018/vol. 32,pp. 23-260 ISSN:1512-0066 EnglishGrant Project
New properties of Special Functions and applicationsV. Jikia, I. LomidzearticleBadih Ghusayni /International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 2018/ vol. 13 no. 2, pp.105-118. Impact factor: 0.83; SJR:0.298 ISSN 1814-0432 EnglishGrant Project
A Generalized Function defined by the Euler first kind integral and its connection with the Dirac delta function. V. Jikia, I. Lomidze. articleCornell University /Arxiv:1711.08055v1 [math.CA], 17 Nov 2017, (9pp.)0 ISSN:2331-8422 ISSN:2331-8422EnglishState Targeted Program
The Legendre functions of the second kind new relations. V. Jikia, I. Lomidze conference proceedingsTbilisi University Press /Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2017/vol. 31, pp. 63-660 ISSN:1512-0066 EnglishGrant Project
The Euler beta function of imaginary parameters and its connection with the Dirac functionV. Jikiaconference proceedingsTbilisi University Press /Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2016/vol. 33, pp. 35-380 ISSN:1512-0066 EnglishGrant Project
Asymptotics of Few-body Equations of Collision The¬ory. V. Jikia, J. Mebonia. articleCornell University/ArXiv:1403. 4483 v3 [math-ph]3 Nov 2014, (5 pp.)0 ISSN:2331-8422 EnglishState Targeted Program
Some New Results on Validity Conditions for Gauss Hy¬pergeometrical Functions Relations. I. Lomidze, V. Jikia. conference proceedingsTbilisi University Press /Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2011/vol. 25, pp. 87-890 ISSN:1512-0066 EnglishState Targeted Program
On Some New Analytic Expressions of Coulomb Collision Theory Functions. V. Jikia, I. Lomidze. conference proceedingsTbilisi University Press /Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2011/vol. 25, pp. 35-380 ISSN:1512-0066 EnglishState Targeted Program
Unitary Approximate Method of Investigation of Atoms Single Ioni¬zation.V. Mebonia, V. Sh.Jikia G. E. SkhirtladzearticleGeorgian National Academy of Science/ Bull. Georgia Acad. Sci., 2004/ vol. 165, no.2, p. 272. Impact Factor: 0.27; SJR: 0.192 ISSN: 0132 – 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Investigation of the Reaction He(e,2e)He+ by Three par¬¬ticle Approach.V. Mebonia, V. Sh. Jikia G. E. SkhirtladzearticleGeorgian National Academy of Science/ Bull. Georgia Acad. Sci., 2004/ vol. 165, no.2, p. 272. Impact Factor: 0.27; SJR: 0.192 ISSN: 0132 – 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Three-Particle Momentum Approximation and Reaction H(e,2e)H+.J.V. Mebonia, V.Sh. Jikia articleGeorgian National Academy of Science/ Bull. Georgia Acad. Sci., 2004/ vol. 169, no.1, p. 58. Impact Factor: 0.27; SJR: 0.192 ISSN: 0132 – 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program
Three-Particle Approach to Ionization of Hydrogen by ElectronsV.Mebonia, V. Sh.Jikia G. E. SkhirtladzearticleGeorgian National Academy of Science/ Bull. Georgia Acad. Sci., 2002/ vol. 165, no.1, p. 165. Impact Factor: 0.27; SJR: 0.192 ISSN: 0132 – 1447 EnglishState Targeted Program

X International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union.Tbilisi, Georgia201902/09/2019-06/09/2019Georgian Mathematical UnionThe Euler Integral of the Second Kind. New Calculations.oral

 It is known, that the Euler integral of the second kind converges for each z of the complex plane under the condition: Rez>0

 According to recent studies, the above-mentioned integral defines a generalized function G(-α+iγ) in the singularity region (α≥0) In this abstract, the analytical form of the functional G(-α+iγ) is proposed at the points α=0.
X International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union.Batumi, Georgia201902/09/2019-06/09/2019Georgian Mathematical UnionA new Generalized Function Defined by the Euler Integral of the First Kind. oral

Recent studies show that the Euler integral of the first kind for some pairs of parameters is integrable in the sense of generalized functions in the singularity domain. In this abstract, an analytical functional B(iγ-m, -iγ-n) is proposed, which is determined by the above integral.
IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical UnionBatumi, Georgia201803/09/2018-08/09/2018Georgian Mathematical UnionThe New Representations of the Fourier Transform. oral

The new representation was proposed for the Fourier transform of the unit fun¬cti¬on 1(x), xÎR as well as for the Fourier transforms of the Heaviside unit functions of various types. This approach allows us to study new types of singular integrals.
IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical UnionBatumi, Georgia201803/09/2018-08/09/2018Georgian Mathematical UnionAbout New Properties of the Well-Known Integrals.oral

The transformation of the Euler type is found, which is determined by the fun-ction of the complex argument. From this representation, one can obtain the well-known Laplace, Fourier, and Mellin integrals by changing the domain of definition of the parameters.
VII Annual Inter¬national Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union.Batumi, Georgia201804/08/2018-08/08/2018Georgian Mathematical UnionThe Special Functions, the New Relations. oral

    The new relation between Legendre functions of the second kind for special cases of the parameters is presented. The asymptotic relation is assumed for the function Qnit(z) in the vicinity of the point z=1.

 Let note the fact, that using the mentioned results with other nearest calculations, we ha-ve constructed the consistent, systematic mathematical theory for two charged particles of the continuous spectrum.
VII Annual Inter¬national Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union.Batumi, Georgia201804/08/2018-08/08/2018Georgian Mathematical UnionThe Beta Function, New Properties and Applications. oral

  We have calculated the Euler first kind integral type singular integral. The met¬hod developed in the mentioned investigation turned out useful for study singular integ¬rals of the new kind. The application of the mentioned method is supposed.

 Let us point out the fact that the results obtained also turned out to be very useful in order to avoid the well-known ambiguities of Coulomb scattering.
International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications (IWOTA)Tbilisi, Georgia2015506/07/2015-10/07/2015Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian Mathematical Union, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Some Divergence Integrals and Dirac Delta Function. oral

  We have studied the Euler-type singular integrals and have shown that the ab¬ove integrals can be expressed by the Dirac delta function. In this Ref. we propose some simple applications of the mentioned novelties.
II International Conference.Batumi, Georgia201115/09/2011-19/09/2011Georgian Mathematical UnionRegularized Coulomb matrix. oral

  Using the smooth cutoff parameter, in the framework of the complex analy¬sis, for the radial off shell (q¹k) Coulomb T matrix the exact analytical expression is derived. As it was expected, it is shown that the mentioned quantum-mechanical fun¬ction in the area under consideration is the entire analytic function.
II International Conference.Batumi, Georgia201115/09/2011-19/09/2011Georgian Mathematical UnionExpansion of Validity Conditions of Some Relations for Special Functions. oral

  We have investigated the Euler-type singular integral and shown that it exists in the sense of singular generalized functions. Furthermore we studied analytical continu¬ation formulas for the Gaussian hyperge¬ometric function and expanded the domain of definition of the parameters in the formu¬las mentioned above.           

  Let note that the both above results were very useful in avoiding the well-known am-biguities con¬nected with Coulomb scatterings.
International conference “Continuum Mechanics and Related Problems of Analysis”Tbilisi, Georgia201109 /09/2011– 14/09/2011Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State UniversityThe New Properties of Dirac Delta and Euler Beta Functions. oral

As it is known, up to now the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanical problem of two charged particles of continuous spectrum has not a perfect form. We have tried to correct partially that deficiency, which has required some investigations in the theory of special and generalized functions.
International conference “Continuum Mechanics and Related Problems of Analysis”Tbilisi, Georgia201109 /09/2011– 14/09/2011Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State UniversityUnitary Approximate Solution of the Many Particle Integral Equation. oral

The high-energy asymptotic Faddeev-type integral equations for the few-particle system are obtained. The iterative series corresponding to the above equation is considered. It is shown that the mentioned series converges and satisfies the corresponding many-particle unitarity condition.
IV Congress of the Georgian Mathematicians UnionBatumi, Kutaisi, Georgia20099/10/2009-12/10/2009 Georgian Mathematical UnionOn a new representation of some quantum-mechanical functionsoral

Using the infrared cutoff parameter, in the framework of the complex an¬alysis, for the radial part of the Coulomb scattering matrix, as well as for the radial part of the Fourier image of the Coulomb wave function, the exact analytical expressions are obtained outside the energy shell (q¹k) It is shown that the mentioned quantum-me¬ch¬anical functions outside the energy shell represent the entire analytical functions.

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings

Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Modified Weinberg’s approach to the baryon-baryon interaction in SU(3) sector10/01/2010 - 10/01/2012support personal
Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia. 20/12/2017 -20/12/2020support personal

Patent authorship

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Publication in Scientific Conference Proceedings Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus