Gia Petriashvili

Academic Doctor of Science

Vladimer Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the Georgian Technical University

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Gold Nanoparticles Mediated Tuning of Thermo-Optical Parameters in Gold Nanoparticles Doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystal NanocompositeG. Petriahsvili, L. Devadze, Ts. Zurabishvili, N. Sepashvili, A. Chirakadze, T. Bukia, J. Markhulia, M. Areshidze, L. Sharashidze, Sh. Akhobadze, E. Arveladze, G. Sanikidze. articleNano Studies 2021/2022, # 21 – 22, pp.1-14.- ISSN 1987-8826 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Cholesteric liquid crystal mirror-based imaging Stokes polarimeterGia Petriashvili, Andro Chanishvili, and Zurab WardosanidzearticleOptica Publishing Group, Applied Optics, 2021, Vol. 60, Issue 11, pp. 3187-31912,17 ISSN: 2155-3165 Targeted Program
LASER INDUCED FLUORESCENCE OF SKIN: SUPERPOSITION OF SPECTRAL INTENSITIESZ. Jaliashvili, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, A. Chanishvili, G. Petriashvili, L. LomidzearticleGeorgian Medical News 2021, Sep;(318):151-156- "ISSN 15120112" -EnglishState Targeted Program
Quercetin-Modified Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Based Medical Imaging Modality for the Monitoring of Therapeutic Drug DeliveryKetevan Chubinidze, Mariam Kurasbediani, Nanuli Doreulee, Besarion Partsvania, Gia Petriashvili articleInstitute of Metals and Technology (IMT), Materials and technology (2021), 55(4) pp 477-481. 0,638  " ISSN Print: 1580-2949 Online: 1580-3414 " doi:10.17222/mit.2021.017EnglishGrant Project
Liquid Crystal Microspheres Based Light and Ph Controlled Smart Drug Delivery Systems K. Chubinidze, D. Dzidziguri, O. Mukbaniani, M. Chubinidze, A. Petriashvili, G. Petriashvili, M. P. De Santo, M. D. Luigi Bruno, R. Barberi conference proceedingsTaylor & Francis Group, Apple Academic Press Advance Materials, Polymers, and Composites New Research on Properties, Techniques, and Applications, 2021, Chapter 7|18 pages. - "Hard ISBN: 9781771889513 E-Book ISBN: 9781003105015 " Targeted Program
Microwave Synthesis, Characterization and Testing of Acute Toxicity of Boron Nitride Nanoparticles by Monitoring of Behavioral and Physiological Parameters Archil Chirakadze, Nodar Mitagvaria, David Jishiashvili, Gia Petriashvili, Nugzar Dvali, Zeinab Shiolashvili, Ketevan Chubinidze, Nino Makhatadze, Alexander Jishiashvili, Zakaria Buachidze, Irina Khomeriki articleBULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2021, vol. 15, no. 2. 0,27 ISSN 1321447 5 Project
Development and Testing of Nanoparticles for Treatment of Cancer Cells by Curie Temperature Controlled Magnetic Hyperthermia Archil Chirakadze, Nodar Mitagvaria, David Jishiashvili, Marina Devdariani, Gia Petriashvili, Lena Davlianidze, Nugzar Dvali, Ketevan Chubinidze, Alexander Jishiashvili, Zakaria Buachidze, Irina Khomeriki articleBULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Human and Animal Physiology 2021, vol. 15, no. 1, pages 91-97. 0, 27 ISSN - 0132 - 1447 Project
Electrically Controlled Lasing in Supercooled Liquid Crystal Blue Phase I MicrodropletsGia Petriashvili, Ridha Hamdi, Andro Chanishvili, Tsisana Zurabishvili, Ketevan Chubinidze, and Nino PonjavidzearticleACS PUBLICATIONS, Applied Electronic Materials 2020, 2, 6, 1724–17283.314 ISSN: 26376113 Project
Modeling of Calmodulin-mediated Processes in Tissues Using Calmodulinfunctionalized Gold Nanoparticles and Fluorescent Dyes Ketevan Chubinidze, Besarion Partsvania, Alexandre Khuskivadze, Paata Burnadze, Gia Petriashvili, Diana Dzidziguri, Omari Mukbaniani articleInstitute of Metals and Technology (IMT), Materials and technology 54 (2020) 2, pp 211–214. 0,638 Print: 1580-2949 Online: 1580-3414 doi:10.17222/mit. 2019.080 EnglishGrant Project
Temperature tunable omnidirectional lasing in liquid crystal blue phase microspheresGia Petriashvili, Andro Chanishvili, Tsisana Zurabishvili, Ketevan Chubinidze, Nino Ponjavidze, Maria Penelope De Santo, Mauro Daniel Luigi Bruno, and Riccardo Barberi articleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Osa Continuum (2019),Vol. 2, Issue 11, pp. 3337-3342.1,864 ISSN: 2578-7519 Project
Acid mediated tunability of stimulated laser emission from dye doped chiral microdropletsGia Petriashvili, Mauro D. L. Bruno, Maria P. De Santo, Erica Fuoco & Riccardo BarberiarticleTaylor & Francis Online Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 2019, VOL. 684, NO. 1, pp 82–88.0.9 Linking ISSN (ISSN-L)1542-1406, ISSN 1563-5287 (Online) Targeted Program
Reversible LED controlled optical activity of a cholesteric liquid crystal layerA. Chanishvili, G. Petriashvili, N. Ponjavidze & Ts. Zurabishvili articleTaylor & Francis Online Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2019, VOL. 683:1,Pages 14-190.9 Linking ISSN (ISSN-L)1542-1406, ISSN 1563-5287 (Online) DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2019.1581701EnglishGrant Project
Liquid crystal blue phases interconversions based real-time thermal imaging deviceGia Petriashvili and Andro ChanishviliarticleOptica Publishing Group, Opt.Express, 2019, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 13526-13531.3,894 ISSN:1094-4087 Project
Direct measurements of structural forces and twist transitions in cholesteric liquid crystal films with a surface force apparatusWeichao Zheng, Carla Sofia Perez-Martinez, Gia Petriashvili, Susan Perkin and Bruno ZapponearticleRoyal Society of Chemistry, Soft Matter, Soft Matter, 2019,15, 4905-49143,679 1744-683X (print) 1744-6848 (web) DOI Project
Development of In Vitro Prostate Cancer Biomarkers on the Basis of Gelatin Matrix Incorporated Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with Fluorescence Dye and Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen K. Chubinidze, B. Partsvania, A. Khuskivadze, G. Petriashvili, M. Chubinidze conference proceedingsTaylor & Francis Group, Apple Academic Press Science and Technology of Polymers and Advanced Materials Applied Research Methods, 2019, Chapter 27|13 pages. - eBook ISBN 9780429425301 DOI: Targeted Program
HIGHLY PHOTOSENSITIVE AND RADIANT ENERGY-SAVING MOLECULAR SWITCHESL. V. Devadze, J. P. Maisuradze, G. Sh. Petriashvili, Ts. I. Zurabishvili, N. O. Sepashvili, Sh. A. AkhobadzearticleGTU Nano Studies, 2018, 17/18, 49-56.- ISSN 1987-8827 Targeted Program
Spiropyran doped rewritable cholesteric liquid crystal polymer film for the generation of quick response codesGia Petriashvili, Lali Devadze, Andro Chanishvili, Cisana Zurabishvili, Nino Sepashvili, Nino Ponjavidze, Maria P. De Santo, and Riccardo BarberiarticleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, 2018, Vol. 8, Issue 12, pp. 3708-3716 3,442 ISSN:2159-3930 Project
Temperature-tunable lasing from dye-doped chiral microdroplets encapsulated in a thin polymeric film Gia Petriashvili, Mauro Daniel Luigi Bruno, Maria Penelope De Santo and Riccardo Barberi articleBeilstein Institute for the Advancement of Chemical Sciences, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol, 2018, 9, 379–3833,65 ISSN: 2190-4286 doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.37EnglishGrant Project
Photo-induced holographic recording in an optically active cholesteric liquid crystal layerA.Chanishvili, N. Ponjavidze, G. Petriashvili, G. Chilaya, A. Jullien, U. Bortolozzo and S. ResidoriarticleDe Gruyter, Opt. Data Process. Storage, 2018, v. 4, n. 1 pp.1-7- ISSN: 2084-8862 Project
Gold Nanoparticle Conjugated Organic Dye Nanocomposite Based Photostimulated Luminescent Enhancement and Its Application in Nanomedicine Ketevan Chubinidze, Besarion Partsvania, Lali Devadze, Tsisana Zurabishvili, Nino Sepashvili, Gia Petriashvili, Mariam Chubinidze articleSCIENCE PUBLISHING GROUP, American Journal of Nano Research and Applications 2017; 5(3-1): 42-47 - "ISSN Print: 2575-3754 ISSN Online: 2575-3738 " DOI: 10.11648/j.nano.s.2017050301.20EnglishState Targeted Program
Mixed emulsion of liquid crystals microresonators: towards white laser systemsGia Petriashvili, Maria Penelope De Santo, Raul Josue Hernandez , Riccardo Barberi and Gabriella CipparronearticleRoyal Society of Chemistry, Soft Matter, 2017,13, 6227-62333,679 1744-683X (print) 1744-6848 (web) DOI Project
Tunable Liquid Crystal LasersG. Petriashvili, A. Chanishvili, G. ChilayaarticleCardiology and Internal Medicine XXI, 2017, N3-4, pp.104-108- ISSN:1512-1291 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Microscale Temperature: Visualization in Silver Nanoparticle Doped Polymer NanocompositeN.Polnjavidze G. PetriashviliarticleTaylor& Francis, Apple Academic Press, Book Chemical Engineering of Polymers, 2017, Chapter 11|10 pages- eBook ISBN9781315365985 DOI Targeted Program
A laser spectroscopy based method for the detection of acidic compounds in solutionGia Petriashvili, Maria Penelope De Santo, Riccardo BarberiarticleELSIVIER Science, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, June 2017, Volume 244, Pages 1098–11027,335 ISSN: 0925-4005 DOI 10.1016/j.snb.2017.01.066EnglishGrant Project
Light Controlled Drug Delivery Containers Based on Spiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Micro Spheres Gia Petriashvili, Lali Devadze, Tsisana Zurabishvili, Nino Sepashvili, Ketevan Chubinidze articleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Biomedical Optics Express 2016, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 442-447 3,732 ISSN:2156-7085 EnglishGrant Project
Rewritable Optical Storage with a Spiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Polymer FilmGia Petriashvili, Maria Penelope De Santo, Lali Devadze, Tsisana Zurabishvili, Nino Sepashvili, Ramla Gary, Riccardo BarberiarticleWiley, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2016, 37, 500−5055,734 ISSN: 1022-1336 (print); 1521-3927 (web) DOI: 10.1002/marc.201500626EnglishGrant Project
Optical Control of the Transmission Spectrum of the Optically Active Liquid Crystal LayerPonjavidze N. T., Bortolozzo U., Residori S., Chanishvili A. G., Chilaya G. S. and Petriashvili G. Sh.articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2016, N2, pp.86-88, 2016- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishGrant Project
Detection of Gold Nanoparticles Aggregation Growth Induced by Nucleic Acid through Laser Scanning Confocal MicroscopyRamla Gary, Giovani Carbone, Gia Petriashvili, Maria Penelope De Santo and Riccardo Barberi articleMDPI, Sensors 2016, 16(2), 2583,576 ISSN: 1424-8220 EnglishGrant Project
Spatially Modulated Laser EmissionG. Chilaya, Z. Wardosanidze, G. Petriashvili, S. Tavzarashvili, A. Chanishvili, M. Aronishidze, K. TevdorashviliarticleBulletin of the Moscow State Regional University: Physics and Mathematics, 2015, N2, pp.90-95- ISSN: 2224-0209 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Endothelial-like nitric oxide synthase immunolocalization by using gold nanoparticles and dyesRamla Gary, Daniela Amelio, Filippo Garofalo, Gia Petriashvili, Maria Penelope De Santo, Yuen Kwong Ip, and Riccardo Barberi articleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS,-(2015) Vol. 6, Issue 12, pp. 4738-4748 3,732 ISSN:2156-7085DOI:10.1364/BOE.6.004738 EnglishGrant Project
Light-controllable linear dichroism in nematics Gia Petriashvili, Ridha Hamdi, Maria Penelope De Santo, Ramla Gary, and Riccardo BarberiarticleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Applied Optics, 2015, Vol. 54, Issue 28, pp. 8293-8297 1,98 ISSN:1559-128X (print)ISSN:2155-3165 (online) Project
"Electrically controllable multicolor cholesteric laser"Lotfi Saadaoui, Gia Petriashvili, M. P. De Santo, Ridha Hamdi, Tahar Othman, and Riccardo BarberiarticleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015, Vol. 23, Issue 17, pp. 22922-229273,894 ISSN:1094-4087 EnglishGrant Project
Anti-counterfeiting and identification solutions using soft matterMaria Penelope De Santo, Gia Petriashvili, Ramla Gary, Giuseppe Pucci, Riccardo BarberiarticleSpringer, Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, (2015) 26 (Suppl 2):S255–S259 1,627 "Electronic ISSN 1720-0776 Print ISSN 2037-4631"DOI 10.1007/s12210-015-0432-3 EnglishGrant Project
LIGHT INDUCED LINEAR POLARIZATION IN SPIROPYRAN DOPED NEMATIC LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURE L. V. Devadze, Ts. I. Zurabishvili, N. O. Sepashvili, G. Sh. PetriashviliarticleGTU, Nano Studies, 2015, 12, 163-168- ISSN 1987-8826 EnglishState Targeted Program
Visualization of Human Prostate Cancer Using Infrared RadiationKhuskivadze A, Kochiashvili D, Chovelidze S, Koberidze G, Papava V, Partskhvania B, Pertiashvili G, Sulaberidze T. articleUrology October 2014. 84 (4 Supplement 1), p S 3042,365 ISSN: 1569-9056 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Visual micro-thermometers for nanoparticles photo-thermal conversionGia Petriashvili, Maria P. De Santo, Ketevan Chubinidze, Ridha Hamdi, and Riccardo Barberi articleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Optics Express, (2014), Vol. 22, Issue 12, pp. 14705-14711 3,894 ISSN:1094-4087 Project
LASER WITH DOUBLE DISTRIBUTED FEEDBACKVardosanidze Z. V., Chanishvili A. G., Petriashvili G. Sh., Chilaya G. S., Aronishidze M. N., Tavzarashvili S. P. and Tevdorashvili K. G.articleGEORGIAN ENGINEERING NEWS, 2014, N1, pg. 23-26- ISSN:1512-0287 -GeorgianGrant Project
Cholesteric Liquid Crystal holographic LaserZurab V. Wardosanidze, Andro Chanishvili, Gia Petriashvili, and Guram ChilayaarticleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Optics Letters, (2014), Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp. 1008-1010 3,776 ISSN:0146-9592 (print)ISSN:1539-4794 (online) Targeted Program
SPIROPYRAN CONTAINING LIQUID CRYSTAL SYSTEMS TO CREATE A NEW TYPE OF MICELLAR NANOCONTAINERS L. V. Devadze, J. P. Maisuradze, G. Sh. Petriashvili, Ts. I. Zurabishvili, N. O. Sepashvili, I. A. Mzhavanadze articleGTU, Nano Studies, 2014, 10, 53-60- ISSN 1987-8826 Targeted Program
Possibility of using near infrared irradiation for early cancer diagnosis B. Partsvania, G. Petriashvili, and N. FonjavidzearticleTaylor & Francis, Electromagn Biology and Medicine, 2014; 33(1): pp 18–202,882 ISSN: 1536-8378 (print), 1536-8386 (electronic) DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2013.783845EnglishState Targeted Program
A Novel Method of Increasing the Photosensitivity of Spiropyran-Containing SystemsKokhta Japaridze, Lali Devadze, Jimsher Maisuradze, Gia Petriashvili, Tsisana Zurabishvili, Izolda Mzhavanadze, Nino Sepashvili articleBULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2013, vol. 7, no. 3. 0,274 ISSN - 0132 - 1447 Project
Thermochromic properties of silver nanoparticles and organic luminescence dye-doped polymer nanocompositePetriashvili G. Sh., Chanishvili A. G., Aronishidze M. N., Tavzarashvili S. P., Tevdorashvili K. G., and Pondjavidze N. T.articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2013, N1, pp.134-138- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Paper like cholesteric interferential mirrorGia Petriashvili, Kokhta Japaridze, Lali Devadze, Cisana Zurabishvili, Nino Sepashvili, Nino Ponjavidze, Maria P De Santo, Mario A Matranga, Ridha Hamdi, Federica Ciuchi, Riccardo BarberiarticleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Optics Express, (2013), Vol. 21, Issue 18, pp. 20821-20830.3,894 1094-4087 (print); 1094-4087 (web) DOI: 10.1364/OE.21.020821EnglishGrant Project
FLEXIBLE CHOLESTERIC INTERFERENTIAL MIRRORPetriashvili G. Sh., Japaridze K. G., Devadze L. V., Zurabishvili Ts. I., Sepashvili N. O. and Ponjavidze N. T.articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2013 (p.122-125) - ISSN 1512-0287 Targeted Program
PHOTOCHROMIC LIQUID-CRYSTAL MULTIFUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS K. Japaridze, L. Devadze, J. Maisuradze, G. Petriashvili, Ts. Zurabishvili, I. Mzhavanadze, N. SepashviliarticleNano Studies, 2013, 7, 261-266. - ISSN: 1987-8826 file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Nano_Studies_2013_N7.pdfEnglishState Targeted Program
MICELLES OF SPIROPYRANS AND EFFICIENT PHOTOSENSITIVITY Japaridze K. G., Devadze L. V., Maisuradze J. P., Petriashvili G. Sh., Zurabishvili Ts. I., Sepashvili N. O., and Mzhavanadze I. A. articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2013 (p.126-130) - ISSN 1512-0287 EnglishState Targeted Program
OPTICAL APPLICATIONS OF CHOLESTERIC LIQUID CRYSTALSAronishidze M. N., Chanishvili A. G., Chilaya G. S., Petriashvili G. Sh., Pondjavidze N. T., Tavzarashvili S. P. and Tevdorashvili K. G.articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2012, N3, pp.97-99- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishGrant Project
TUNABLE LIQUID CRYSTAL LASER FOR EARLY CANCER DIAGNOSIS OPTICAL DEVICESAronishidze M. N., Petriashvili G. Sh., Pondjavidze N. T., Tavzarashvili S. P., Tevdorashvili K. G., Chanishvili A. G. and Chilaya G. S articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2012, N3, pp.29-32- ISSN:1512-0287 -RussianGrant Project
Thermal and electrical laser tuning in liquid crystal blue phase IAlfredo Mazzulla, Gia Petriashvili, Mario Ariosto Matranga, Maria Penelope De Santo and Riccardo Barberi articleRoyal Society of Chemistry, Soft Matter, 2012,8, 4882-48853,679 1744-683X (print) 1744-6848 (web) DOI: 10.1039/c2sm25197cEnglishGrant Project
Electrically Controlled 1D and 2D Cholesteric Liquid Crystal GratingsR. Hamdi, G. Petriashvili, M. P. De Santo, G. Lombardo, R. BarberiarticleTaylor & Francis, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2012, Vol. 553: pp. 97–1020,896 ISSN: 1542-1406 print/1563-5287 online DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2011.609436EnglishGrant Project
Optical Applications of Cholesteric Liquid CrystalsM. Aronishidze, A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, N. Ponjavidze, S. Tavzarashvili, K. TevdorashviliarticleGeorgian Engineering News, 2012, N3, pp.97-99- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Information recording in photosensitive photonic cholesteric liquid crystalA. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. PetriashviliarticleELSEVIER, Procedia Computer Science, 2011, N7, pp.139-141 2,09 ISSN: 18770509 10.1016/j.procs.2011.09.033EnglishState Targeted Program
Different Approaches of Employing Cholesteric Liquid Crystals in Dye LasersGuram Chilaya, Andro Chanishvili, Gia Petriashvili, Riccardo Barberi, Maria Penelope De Santo, Mario Ariosto MatrangaarticleScientific Research Publisher, Materials Sciences and Applications, 2011, vol. 2, pp 116-129 1.44 ISSN: 2153-1188 10.4236/msa.2011.22016EnglishContract
Liquid crystal bubbles forming a tunable micro-lenses arrayR. Hamdi, G. Petriashvili, G. Lombardo, M. P. De Santo, and R. BarberiarticleAIP Journal of Applied Physics, (2011) 110, 0749022,546 "ISSN 0021-8979 ISSN (Online) 1089-7550" doi: 10.1063/1.3642972EnglishGrant Project
Photochromic Liquid-Crystal Sensory Materials Japaridze K. G., Devadze L. V., Maisuradze J. P., Zurabishvili Ts .I., Petriashvili G. Sh., Sepashvili N. O., Mzhavanadze I. A., Akhobadze Sh. A. and Gugava M. T.articleGEORGIAN ENGINEERING NEWS, 2011 N1- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Photochromic Liquid-Crystal Systems for NanotechnologyJaparidze K. G., Devadze L. V., Maisuradze J. P., Mzhavanadze I, A., Zurabishvili Ts. I., Sepashvili N. O. and Petriashvili G. Sh., articleGEORGIAN ENGINEERING NEWS, N4, 2010. - ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Information recording based on selective reflection wavelength modulation in photosensitive cholesteric liquid crystalsM. Aronishidze; A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, N. Ponjavidze, S. Tavzarashvili, K. Tevdorashvili, Z. WardosanidzearticleGeorgian Engineering News, 2010, N2, pp. 58-59- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishGrant Project
Temperature tunable lasing in three layer systems consisting of cholesteric liquid crystals and dye solutionM. Aronishidze; A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, N. Ponjavidze, S. Tavzarashvili, K. TevdorashviliarticleGeorgian Engineering News, 2010, N2, pp 60-62- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishGrant Project
Frequency Tunable Lasing in a Three Layer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal CellM. A. Matranga, M. P. De Santo, G. Petriashvili, A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, and R. BarberiarticleGordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ferroelectrics, 2010, vol. 395, pp. 1-11 0.7 ISSN: 150193 10.1080/00150191003683963EnglishContract
Lasing Stability Enhancement in Dye Doped Cholesteric Liquid CrystalsM. P. DE SANTO, M. A. MATRANGA, F. CIUCHI, G. PETRIASHVILI, AND R. BARBERI articleTaylor & Francis Group, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals,Volume 516, 2010 - Issue 1, pp 190–196.0,94 ISSN: 1542-1406 print=1563-5287 online doi:10.1080/15421400903409218EnglishContract
Novel UV Sensor Based on a Liquid Crystalline Mixture Containing a Photoluminescent DyeG. Petriashvili, A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, M. A. Matranga, M. P. de Santo, and R. BarberiarticleTaylor and Francis, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2009, Vol. 500, pp. 82–900,94 ISSN: 1542-1406 print=1563-5287 online 10.1080/15421400802713736 EnglishContract
New Photosensitive Liquid- Crystal Polymer FilmJaparidze K. G., Zurabishvili Ts. I. and Petriashvili G. Sh. articleGeorgian Engineering News, N3, 2009, N3 pp.129-130.- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Chiral luminescent compounds as a perspective for cholesteric liquid crystal lasersGia Petriashvili, Guram Chilaya, Mario Ariosto Matranga, Maria Penelope De Santo, Gaetano Cozza, Riccardo Barberi, Jesus del Barrio, Luiz Silvino Chinelatto Jr., Luis Oriol, Milagros Piñol articleELSEVIER, Optical Materials 31, 1693–1696, 20093,08 ISSN: 0925-3467 doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2009.04.010EnglishGrant Project
Wide band gap materials as a new tuning strategy for dye doped cholesteric liquid crystals laserG. Petriashvili, M. A. Matranga, M. P. De Santo, G. Chilaya, and R. Barberi articleOPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Optics Express Vol. 17, Issue 6, pp. 4553-4558 (2009)3,894 ISSN:1094-4087 doi:10.1364/OE.17.004553 EnglishGrant Project
Novel UV sensor based on a liquid crystalline mixture containing a photoluminescent dyeG. Petriashvili, A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya M. A. Matranga M. P. Dc Santo, R. Barberi articleTaylor & Francis, Mol.Cryst. Liq. Cryst, 2009, Vol. 500, pp.82–900,896 ISSN: 1542-1406 print=1563-5287 online doi:10.1080/15421400802713736 EnglishContract
Chiral Azobenzene Nematics Phototunable with a Green Laser BeamSvetlana V. Serak, Nelson V. Tabiryan, Guram Chilaya, Andro Chanishvili, and Gia PetriashviliarticleTaylor and Francis, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2008, Vol. 488, pp. 42–55. 0.9 ISSN: 1563528710.1080/15421400802240144EnglishGrant Project
THERMOSENSITIVE LIQUID-CRYSTAL POLYMER FILMS Japaridze K. G., Chilaya G. S., Elashvili Z. M., Zurabishvili Ts. I., Petriashvili G. Sh. and Chelidze G. Sh. articleGEORGIAN ENGINEERING NEWS, N3, 2008.- ISSN 1512-0287 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Lasing in Three Layer Systems Consisting of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals and Dye SolutionG. Chilaya, A. Chanishvili, G. Petriashvili, R. Barberi, G. Cipparrone, A. Mazzulla, M. P. De Santo, H. Sellame, M. A. MatrangaarticleTaylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst. Liq.Cryst.,Volume 495, 2008 - Issue 1 Pages 97/[449]-105/[457] 0 .9 ISSN: 15635287
Single Mode Lasing in Multilayer Sandwiched Systems Consisting of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals and Dye SolutionG. Chilaya, A. Chanishvili, G. Petriashvili, R. Barberi, G. Cipparrone, A. Mazzulla, M. P. Dc Santo, H. Sellame, M. A. MatrangaarticleThe international society for optics and photonics, Proc. of SPIE, 2007, Vol. 6637, 66370M-2 0.45 ISSN 1996-756X -EnglishContract
Reversible tuning of lasing in cholesteric liquid crystals controlled by light emitting diodesG. Chilaya, A. Chanishvili, G. Petriashvili, R. Barberi, R. Bartolino, G. Cipparrone, A. Mazzulla and P. V. ShibaevarticleWiley-VCH, Adv. Mat., 2007, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 565-56830,849 ISSN: 0935-9648 (print). 1521-4095 (online). 10.1002/ADMA.200600353EnglishContract
Trans-cis isomerization of an azoxybenzene liquid crystalDINA ARONZON, ERIC P. LEVY, PETER J. COLLINGS, ANDRO CHANISHVILI, GURAM CHILAYA and GIA PETRIASHVILI articleTaylor and Francis, Liquid Crystals, 2007, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp.707–718.3,51 ISSN: 02678292, 13665855 doi:10.1080/02678290701267480EnglishGrant Project
Enhancing cholesteric liquid crystal laser stability by cell rotationGuram Chilaya, Andro Chanishvili, Gia Petriashvili, Riccardo Barberi, Maria P. De Santo, Mario A. MatrangaarticleOptica Publishing Group, Optics Express, 2006, V.14, Issue 21, pp. 9939-99433,894 SSN:
REVERSIBLE CHANGE OF THE HELICAL PITCH OF CHOLESTERIC LIQUID CRYSTAL UNDER THE EFFECT OF LIGHTAronishidze M. N., Petriashvili G. Sh., Tavzarashvili S. P., Tevdorashvili K. G., Chanishvili A. G., Chilaya G. S. And Chikhladze T. M. articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2006, N3, pp. 59-61- ISSN:1512-0287 -RussianState Targeted Program
Light Control of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Using Azoxy-Based Host MaterialsG. Chilaya, A. Chanishvili, G. Petriashvili, R. Barberi, R. Bartolino, M. P. De Santo, M. A. Matranga, P. CollingsarticleTaylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2006, V.453, pp.123-1400,94 ISSN: 1542-1406 print, 1563-5287 online DOI: 10.1080/15421400600651641EnglishContract
Lasing in an intermediate twisted phase between cholesteric and smectic A phaseAndro Chanishvili, Guram Chilaya, Gia Petriashvili, Riccardo Barberi, Maria P. De Santo, Mario A. Matranga, and Federica CiuchiarticleAIP Publishimg, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, V.88, p.101105.3,791 ISSN: 0003-6951 ISSN: 0003-6951 (print); 1077-3118 (web)
Cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures sensitive to different ranges of solar UV irradiationA.Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, R. Barberi, R. Bartolino, M. P. De SantoarticleTaylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst, Vol. 434, pp. 25/[353]–38/[366], 20050,94 ISSN: 1542-1406 print, 1563-5287 online DOI: 10.1080/15421400590957053EnglishContract
Provitamin D2 and Provitamin D3 Photo Transformations in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Mixtures Induced by UV RadiationG. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, A. Chanishvili, I. Terenetskaya, N. Kireeva, L. LisetskiarticleTaylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2005, V.433, pp.73-850,94 ISSN: 1542-1406 print, 1563-5287 online DOI: 10.1080/15421400590956243EnglishGrant Project
Luminescent dye doped cholesteric liquid crystals for optical information recordingAronishidze M. N. Chanishvili A. G., Chilaya G. S., Petriashvili G. Sh., Tavzarashvili S. P. and Tevdorashvili K. G.articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2005, N1, pp. 68-70- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishGrant Project
Trans-Cis Isomerization and the Blue PhasesA. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, P. J. CollingsarticleAPS, Phys.Rev.E, 2005, V.71, p.051705 2.53 ISSN: 1539-3755 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.051705EnglishGrant Project
Widely fine-tuneable UV-Vis liquid crystal laserA. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, R. Barberi, R. Bartolino, G. Cipparrone, A. Mazzulla, R. Gimenes, L. Oriol, M. PinolarticleAIP Publishimg, Apl. Phys. Lett., 2005, V86, p.051107 3.8 ISSN 10773118, 00036951 doi: 10.1063/1.1855405EnglishContract
Optical information recording on a luminescent dye doped cholesteric liquid crystal structureA. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, T. Medoidze, Z. Melikishvili, G. Petriashvili, G. Tsintsadze articleProceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics, 2004, vol.3, 1-2, pp.259-263- ISSN: 1512-1372 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Color change effect based on provitamin D phototransformation in cholesteric liquid crystalline mixturesM. Aronishidze, A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, S. Tavzarashvili, L. Lisetski, I. Gvozdovskyy, I. TerenetskayaarticleProceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics, 2004, vol.3, 1-2, pp.209-216- ISSN: 1512-1372 -EnglishGrant Project
Wide range tunable distributed feedback cholesteric liquid crystal laserA. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. PetriashviliarticleProceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics, 2004, vol.3, 1-2, pp.202-208- ISSN: 1512-1372 -EnglishState Targeted Program
Color change effect based on provitamin D phototransformation in cholesteric liquid crystalline mixturesM. Aronishidze, A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, S. Tavzarashvili, L. Lisetski, I. Gvozdovskyy, I. TerenetskayaarticleTaylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2004, V.420, pp.47-530,94 ISSN 15421406, 15635287 DOI: 10.1080/15421400490478353EnglishGrant Project
Nemato-chiral three-component thermoindicator polymer filmsK. Japaridze, Z. Elashvili, G. Chilaya, G. Chelidze, C. Zurabishvili, G. PetriashviliarticleGeogian Chemical Journal, V. 4(4), p.363-365, 2004.- ISSN 1512-0686 EnglishState Targeted Program
Laser emission from a dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal pumped by another cholesteric liquid crystal laserA. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, R. Barberi, R. Bartolino, G. Cipparrone, A. MazzullaarticleAIP Publishimg, Apl.Phys.Lett., 2004, V. 85, N.16, pp. 3378-3380 3.8 ISSN: 0003-6951 doi:10.1063/1.1806561 EnglishContract
Luminescent dichroic-dye-doped cholesteric liquid-crystal displaysAndro Chanishvili, Guram Chilaya, Gia Petriashvili, Riccardo Barberi, Roberto Bartolino, Maria P. De SantoarticleSID Org, Jornal of the SID, 2004, V.12, N3, pp. 341-345 2.14 ISSN:1938-3657 DOI: 10.1889/1.1825706EnglishContract
Light induced effects in cholesteric mixtures with a photosensitive nematic hostA. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili and D. SikharulidzearticleTaylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.,2004, V.409, pp.209-2180,94 ISSN: 1542-1406 print, 1563-5287 online "DOI: 10.1080/15421400490431291"EnglishState Targeted Program
Lasing in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals: two new strategies of tuningAndro Chanishvili, Guram Chilaya, Gia Petriashvili, Riccardo Barberi, Roberto Bartolino, Gabriella Cipparrone, Alfredo Mazzulla, Luis OriolarticleWiley-VCH, Adv. Mat., 2004, V.16, N9-10, pp. 791-795 30.85 ISSN: 1521-4095
Phototunable lasing in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystalsAndro Chanishvili, Guram Chilaya, Gia Petriashvili, Riccardo Barberi, Roberto Bartolino, Gabriella Cipparrone, Alfredo Mazzulla, Luis Oriol articleAIP Publishimg, Appl.Phys.Lett., 2003, V83, N 26, pp.5353-5355 3.8 ISSN: 0003-6951 DOI: 10.1063/1.1636818EnglishContract
Cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures sensitive to solar irradiationAronishidze M. N. Chanishvili A. G., Chilaya G. S., Khatiashvili A. A., Petriashvili G. Sh., Tavzarashvili S. P., Tevdorashvili K. G.articleGeorgian Engineering News, 2003, N3, pp. 7-11- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishState Targeted Program
New thermoindicator nemato-chiral polymer filmsK. Japaridze, Z. Elashvili, G. Chilaya, G. Chelidze, Ts. Zurabishvili, G. Petriashvili, M. GogadzearticleGeorg.Ac.Matsne, 2002, v.28, N3-4, pp.262-263- - -EnglishState Targeted Program
Polymer liquid-crystalline films with effective colour-temprature featuresJaparidze K. G., Zurabishvili Ts. I., Petriashvili G. Sh., Chelidze G. Sh., Chilaya G. S., Elashvili Z. MarticleGeorgian Engineering News, 2002, N3, pp. 106-107- ISSN:1512-0287 -EnglishState Targeted Program

6 th International Conference “Nanotechnologies (Nano – 2021)Tbilisi, Georgia20214-7 ოქტომბერიGeorgian Technical UniversitySPIROPYRANS WITH NEGATIVE PHOTOCHROMISM FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY SPIROPYRANS WITH NEGATIVE PHOTOCHROMISM FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY poster

The last few years have seen an explosion of interest in negative photochromic systems which are coloured in their ground state and reversibly photobleach upon exposure to electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength over 400 nm, for their applications in variable transmission devices, for the development of switches, logic gates, photoregulation of drug availability, to improve prospective photochromic recording media, and to design devices with new properties, in particular, clothing and camouflage coatings that change color depending on solar light intensity. The usefulness of these systems is only gradually coming with the advantages of low energy activation. The most interesting features in a photochromic species are the high stability and photosensitivitiy, fatigue resistance, and also numerous attempts have been made to achieve bathochromic shift long-wavelength absorption maximum of the colored form to radiation cheap diode laser (780 nm). In this regard, an appealing perspective is the possibility to tune or improve these properties. We have been able to increase the photosensitivity to visible light of tetrhydroquinolin spiropyran, and by extends π-conjugation system causes bathochromic shift of the absorption band of the coloured-zwitterionic form. The marriage of two photocromic molecule on the base of tetrhydroquinolin spiropyran and azobenzene can lead to the birth of novel hybrid material SPTHQAZ. By combining two photochromes: SP and electrophilic AZ, the length of the conjugation chain of a photoinduced form in one molecule increases resulting in the long-wave shift of the relevant absorption band.
7th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Tbilisi, Georgia202127-30 ივლისი Tbilisi State UniversitySpiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Polymer Film Based Personal Reusable UV Dosimeteroral

We have developed a novel UV radiation dosimeter that allows a real-time estimation of the dose of harmful ultraviolet UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C radiations emitted by the sun and artificial sources. When exposed to UV radiation, our UV Dosimeter visibly change color from the starting light-yellow to blue to dark violet. The color change correlates to levels of accumulated UV irradiation. The proposed UV dosimeter enables users to control a skin sunburn level caused by UV light from the sun and artificial sources, and visually monitor how much harmful radiation has been delivered to a surface, which helps them see if surfaces have received enough energy to kill bacteria, viruses, and spores – including Covid-19. The proposed UV dosimeter is environmentally safe, exhibits excellent photochromic properties, improved photosensitivity, high spatial resolution. It can be efficiently reused over 200 cycles without compromising its readability.
7th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Tbilisi, Georgia202127-30 ივლისი Tbilisi State UniversitySYNTHESIS OF SPIROPYRANS COMBINED WITH THE AZO DYESposter

A new azo- and spiro-group containing photochromic compound was synthesized according to the given scheme. Initially was synthesized starting compound - 5-nitro-2,3,3-trimethylindolenine by nitration of 2.3.3-trimethylindolenine. The quaternization of the compound 2 with CH3I was performed in a shallow ampoule at 80-82 ˚C in the acetonitrile area and quarternized salt 3 was isolated. With further reduction of compound 3 with LiAlH4 in tetrahydrofuran compound 4 was formed. By the treatment of obtained compound 4 with alkaline solutions forms compound 5, which reacts with 5-nitro salicylic aldehyde and gives a compound 6, the maximum absorption of which in the alcohol area is 660 nm (the maximum absorption of similar spiropyranes is 540 nm).
7 th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers & Advanced MaterialsTbilisi, Georgia202127-30 ივლისი Tbilisi State UniversityTECHNOLOGICAL METHOD OF INCREASING EFFECTIVE PHOTOSENSITIVITY IN PHOTOCHROMIC LIQUID CRYSTAL POLYMER FILMSposter

The photochromic liquid crystal polymer films (SPLC) with qualitatively new optical parameters are obtained based on the composition containing photochromic spiropyran (SP) doped nematochiral liquid crystal (LC) matrix. SPLC films made using the technological process of the innovative microencapsulation method developed by the authors. Controlling the technological characteristics of SPLC films (microcapsules size, film thickness, stretched and unstretched film) by regulating the stages of the microencapsulation process influences the effective photosensitivity of the polymer films. The proposed polymer films are promising for the preparation of new multifunctional, rewritable polymer materials with enhanced photosensitive, which are important for the fabrication of highperforming photonic optical devices.
7th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Tbilisi, Georgia202127-30 ივლისი Tbilisi State UniversityVisualization of Subcutaneous Hemangioma Formation Using Gold Nanoparticle Infrared Fluorescent Dye Nanocompositeoral

 We propose a non-invasive, rapid, and inexpensive method of the visualization of subcutaneous hemangioma, based on the monodisperse spherical gold nanoparticles (GNPs) functionalized by the near-infrared fluorescent dye 3, 3′Diethylthiatricarbocyanineiodide. GNRs functionalized with the fluorescent dyes offer a number of properties that make them suitable for use in biological applications. In particular, in this typeof imaging, GNRs/NIR dye complex was introduced into the sample of hemangioma removed during the biopsy, and has been shown that this kind of modality serves as an effective contrast agent for the visualization of hemangioma located deeply under the epidermis. The obtained sample was examined and investigated using optical and confocal microscopes. The specimen was exposed to an external red laser light that can deeply penetrate the biological tissue. When a light beam reaches the GNR/NIR dye complex, the dye emits a NIR light which was then picked up by a CCD camera and was studied by a series of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. Our results indicate that GNPs can promote the transport of GNPs/NIR dye nanocomposite across the skin and thus enable us to visualize the localization of the subcutaneous hemangioma formation, through fluorescence.

 A novel concept and strategy being developed in Georgia in collaboration with colleagues from Germany, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and other countries. They can also be used for developing of cancer treatment modalities with a controlled and prolonged release of active anticancer agents. That is why the toxicity of mixtures must be accurately assessed, when used for bio-sensing and as a main component of a smart delivery system of nano-drugs, containing a mixture of different magnetic and nonmagnetic nanoparticles providing the controlled hyper-thermal, chemical, radiation and photodynamic therapeutic impact. 324 various compositions of nine magnetic nanoparticles and their mixtures and nine liquid crystals controllable by temperature, optic radiation and pH and their mixtures were composed and their Curie temperatures and nematic-isotropic phase transition temperatures were determined. The Curie and nematic-isotropic phase transition temperatures of the most mixtures can be accurately matched to the so-called therapeutic interval of hyperthermia treatment interval of 41-45 C0 while their acute toxicity is only for 30-40 % higher compared to the toxicity of saline solution.

In our opinion, due to the lack of vaccines as well as SARS-CoV-2 specific therapies, the proposed use of repurposed antiviral drugs remains a vitally valid practical consideration. The first retrospective case series study with COVID-19 outpatients was done to clarify if the outpatient risk stratification might allow for rapid treatment decision shortly after onset of symptoms and the triple 5-day therapy with zinc plus low dose HCQ, and azithromycin might significantly reduce the hospitalization and fatality rate compared with the relevant public reference data of untreated patients. The results of the study were statistically representative: treatment of COVID-19 outpatients started as early as possible using the combination of zinc with low dose of hydroxychloroquine and azythromicine, brought to significantly less hospitalizations and 5 times less all-cause deaths. No cardiac effects were indicated. The proposed research presents the results of an independent study carried out in 2021 with the aim to develop a zinc oxide nanoparticle-based formulation for antiviral use and test their acute toxicity to the chick embryos using visible and visible spectrum ovoscopy and to white rats using a long-term monitoring of behavioral and physiological characteristics.

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) is among the most serious pests for agriculture. It also can cause a significant social nuisance. Development and laboratory testing of new synergistic insecticidal mixtures highly effective against this invasive pest and less toxic to the living environment is an extremely urgent challenge for the modern applied entomology.The laboratory tests, field trials and acute toxicity testing on white rats clearly showed that all the tested combinations are characterized with the high synergy of components, sharply increased biological effectiveness of synergystic and reduced acute toxicity in comparison with the widely used highly effective insecticidal pyrethroid/organophodphorus combination “Prostore 420 EC”. The biological effectivity, synergy rate of the alumina nano-powder based combinations were for about 12-15 % higher than of the diatomite and kaolin based micro-powers, while the environmental safety was within the experimental accuracy of testing.


Photon therapy is widely used in more than 110 medical centers around the world. The localized combined therapy using radiotherapy, mild hyperthermia, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy ROS therapy a prospective tool to increase the biological effectiveness and safety of cancer therapy while the most advanced kind of the hyperthermia is the Curie temperature controlled localized hyperthermia (CTCLH) A principally new approach is the usage of the isotopic enriched 10B and 11B containing nanomaterials (both in the form of pure boron and boron nitride) nanoparticles and boron-neutron and boron-proton capture nuclear reaction products Novel microwave enhanced methods of synthesis magnetic metal nanoparticles, isotopic enriched hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanosheets and boron nitride encapsulated magnetic metal nanoparticles for the (CTCLH) and localized boron-neutron and boron-proton capture therapy were developed and their magnetic properties were tested. A novel ovoscopy method of testing the acute toxicity of the synthesized nanomaterials to avian embryos excluding the use of mammals and other living animals for drug testing was examined.
15th European Conference on Liquid Crystals Wrocław, Poland2019June 30 till 5 July MILIATRY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTLight-controlled Reversible Luminescent switchers based on Spiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Polymer Filmsposter

Light controlled molecular photoswitches with reversible luminescence modulation property are highly attractive because of their wide prospects in advanced photonic applications. Spiropyrans (SPs) represent an important class of photochromic molecules and have attracted considerable research interest for their versatile applications. Here we report on a UV/VIS light controlled reversible luminescent switchers, based on an SP doped polymer dispersed liquid crystal (SPLC) films. By alternating UV and VIS lights, the luminescent images on the photochromic films were written/erased up to 70 times, without compromising their readability. ,
15th European Conference on Liquid Crystals Wrocław, Poland2019June 30 till 5 July MILIATRY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRYReal-time room temperature operating thermal imaging device on the basis of interconversions between liquid crystal blue phases,poster
15th European Conference on Liquid Crystals Wrocław, Poland2019June 30 till 5 July MILIATRY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRYPhotonic micro-fingerprints as anti-counterfeiting devicesoral
15-th European Conference on Liquid CrystalsWrocław, Poland2019June 30 till 5 July MILIATRY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRYNovel strategies of image recording in photosensitive cholesteric liquid crystal filmsposter
15-th European Conference on Liquid CrystalsWrocław, Poland2019June 30 till 5 July MILIATRY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRYOptical image formation in organic films in the case of different kinds of dye molecules associatesposter
15-th European Conference on Liquid CrystalsWrocław, Poland2019June 30 till 5 July MILIATRY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRYElectric field induced texture variations in nanoparticles doped chiral liquid crystal microdropletsposter

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15-th European Conference on Liquid CrystalsWrocław, Poland2019June 30 till 5 July MILIATRY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRYAcid mediated tunability of stimulated laser emission from dye doped chiral microdropletsposter
6th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsBatumi, Georgia201917-20 ივლისიIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Shota Rustaveli Batumi State UniversityLiquid Crystal Microspheres Based Light and pH ControlledSmart Drug Delivery Systemsoral

We introduce two new concepts of the drug delivery system, based on the light and pH-sensitive liquid crystal (LC) microspheres. The proposed system represents an emulsion formed by the immiscibility between the LC microspheres and a water environment. The light controlled concept describes light activated drug delivery containers, based on spiropyran (SP) doped LC microspheres. Upon exposure to UV/violet light, the SP molecules entrapped inside the LC microspheres, interconvert from the hydrophobic, oil-soluble form, to the hydrophilic, water-soluble merocyanine (MR) one, which stimulates the translocation of the MR molecules across the LC/water barrier and results in their homogeneous distribution throughout in an aqueous environment. Various types of pH sensors used today are based on optical, surface, chemical and biological modifications. In this connection, we utilize an LC/water emulsion, but instead of SP molecules inside the LC microspheres were entrapped pH-sensitive fluorescent dye molecules that intelligently respond to the environmental pH change, resulting an immediate translocate across the LC/water interface. In the coming future, the use of light and pH controlled LC microspheres based drug delivery systems can find versatile application in areas such as cancer therapy and treatment.
6th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsBatumi, Georgia201917-20 ივლისიIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University Influence of the Technological Parameters of Photochromic Liquid Crystal Polymer Films on its Photosensitivityposter

A new kind of photochromic LC films, consisting of spiropyran (SP) doped nemato-chiral LC matrix is proposed. It is shown that by controlling the technological characteristics (size of micro- capsules, thickness of the film, stretched or non-stretched film) at all the stages of microencapsulation, it is possible to obtain films with corresponding optical parameters for practical application. The photosensitivity of the films depends on the technological characteristics. The reduction of the size of microcapsules significantly increases the efficient photosensitivity and improves the spatial resolution of the films. An increase in the film thickness does not affect on the reflection intensity of the LC matrix, but increases efficient photosensitivity. Stretching of polymer film slightly improves the photosensitivity and significantly increases the reflection intensity. The presented photochromic LC films have great potential for the development of high-performing optically gated photonic devices such as rewritable papers, real-time holograms, light-controlled molecular and fluorescent switches, real-time UV irradiation dosimeters. Further, the proposed material is promising for the production of mechanically flexible, environment-friendly, lightweight, large-area devices that can be fabricated by room-temperature solution processing.
9-th Italian-Japanese Workshop on Liquid CrystalsPavia, Italy2018-2D Barcode Rewritable Media on the Basis of Spiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Polymer Filmposter

In this work for the first time is demonstrated the rewritable QRs, imprinted on the SP doped polymer dispersed CLC films, suitable for anti-counterfeiting and security applications. By alternating UV and visible lights, images on the photochromic films can be written/erased up to 70 times, without compromising its readability. Low-cost, simpleto-fabricate, simple-to-operate and quick update feature of the films promise to produce high quality visual QR codes that can be scanned and read out using conventional devices, as smartphones. Furthermore, the stimuli-responsive luminescence switching properties of the proposed films may be widely acceptable to the development of novel functional materials. 

9-th Italian-Japanese Workshop on Liquid CrystalsPavia, Italy2018-Pavia UniversityLED Controlled Optical Activity of a Cholesteric LC Layerposter

Functionalized gold nanoparticles with controlled optical properties are the subject of intensive studies and biomedical applications, including genomics, biosensors, immunoassays, clinical chemistryand laser phototherapy of cancer cells, the targeted delivery of drugs, optical bioimaging and the monitoring of cells. In this work, we propose two nanocomposites consisting of gold nanoparticle (GNP) and fluorescent dye decorated proteins, which can serve as the contrast agents for the detection of diseases at the early stage of development, using the simple and inexpensive imagine methods. As the proteins targeted by GNPs and fluorescent dyes, we selected Calmodulin (CaM) and Prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA). During the experiments, we have prepared and investigated CaM, PSMA and GNPs based nanocomposites and demonstrated that CaM and PSMA conjugated with fluorescent dye and GNPs can increase the fluorescence intensity upon the excitation of pumping laser source.
5th International Conference “Nanotechnologies (Nano – 2018)Tbilisi, Georgia201819 – 22 ნოემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityHIGHLY PHOTOSENSITIVE AND RADIANT ENERGY-SAVING MOLECULAR SWITCHESposter

The work proposes highly photosensitive and stable molecular switches created through the integration by the improved method of microcapsulating designed by us in the polymer of nemato-chiral liquid-crystal compositions doped with bistable, so called long-radical spiropyrans (II), which help economize the electrical power needed for the photoinduction occurring during the photochromic transformations. The work is based on an event of nanostructuring of merocyanine molecules into the spherical micelles, which are formed as a result of photoinduction with the ultraviolet (UV) light. Nanostructuring increases the effective photosensitivity of the composition.The merocyanine molecules formed photochemically are added by the molecules formed to restore the thermodynamic equilibrium i.e., from this moment, the process takes place at the expense of the internal energy and the coloration of the system continues without the consumption of the radial energy. This result was clearly seen, when recording the image on the polymer films.
POLYCHAR 26 World Forum on Advanced MaterialsTbilisi, Georgia2018 10-13 სექტემბერიTbilisi State UniversityCalmodulin Functionalized with the Fluorescent Dye and Gold Nanoparticle for the Targeting of Calmodulin Mediated Processes in Eukaryotic Cellsoral

Calmodulin (CaM) is a multifunctional Ca2+ binding protein. It functions as a central regulator of cellular metabolism in response to changes in cellular calcium levels by interacting with various targets. CaM has apotential therapeutic effect in cancer because of its suppressing action on cell proliferation and their capacity to revert the multi-drug resistance tendency of many tumor cells, including prostate cancer cells. We investigate a CaM functionalized with fluorescent dye Nile blue (Nb) and GNPs, and show that a covalently linking CaM to the excited fluorescent dye and GNPs can stimulate a surface-plasmon-coupled emission, resulting a strong fluorescence enhancement. This effect successfully can be used for the targeting, labeling and visualization of CaM mediated processes, such as inflammation, metabolism, apoptosis, muscle contraction, intracellular movement, for the detection and treatment of cancer cells.
14th European Liquid Crystal ConferenceMoscow201826 - 30 ივნისიMoscow State UniversityCholesteric Liquid Crystals for Holographic Applicationsposter

International Mini-Symposium Bioactive compounds, antimicrobial and biomedical products & materials for protection of human and environmentTbilisi, Georgia20184-5 მაისიTbilisi State UniversityLight and pH controlled drug delivery micro containeroral

In this study, we introduce two new concepts of the drug delivery system, based on the light and pH sensitive liquid crystal (LC) micro spheres. The proposed system represents an emulsion formed by the immiscibility between the LC micro spheres and a water environment. LC based sensors are simple, label-free, and allow real-time reporting of various biological events such as the enzymatic hydrolysis of phospholipids, specific phospholipid–protein binding, and DNA hybridization. Light controlled concept describes light activated drug delivery containers, based on spiropyran doped LC micro spheres. Upon exposure to UV/violet light, the spiropyran molecules entrapped inside the LC micro spheres, interconvert from the hydrophobic, oil soluble form, to the hydrophilic, water soluble merocyanine one, which stimulates the translocation of the merocyanine molecules across the nematic liquid crystal-water barrier and results their homogeneous distribution throughout in an aqueous environment. As regards the second concept, we utilize the same LC/water micro emulsion, but instead of spiropyran molecules inside the LC micro spheres are entrapped pH sensitive fluorescent dye molecule that intelligently responds to the environmental pH change, resulting immediate translocation across the LC-water barrier and disseminates evenly throughout in an aqueous environment.
45th German Liquid Crystal Conference in LuxembourgLuxembour Germany201821-23 მაისიTemperature tunable lasing from dye doped chiral microdroplets encapsulated in a thin polymeric filmoral

Here, we report on the possibility to obtain a thin free standing film starting from an emulsion having a mixture of water and poly vinyl alcohol as isotropic matrix. Following water evaporation, a free-standing polymeric film in which the micro droplets are encapsulated is obtained. Bragg type stimulated laser emission can be obtained from the emulsion as well as from the thin film. Using a chiral dopant, with temperature dependent solubility, the emitted laser wavelength can be tuned in a range of 40nm in a temperature of 17°C. The proposed device can have applications in the field of sensors and for the development of anticounterfeiting labels.
14th European Liquid Crystal ConferenceMoscow201725 - 30 ივნისიMoscow State UniversityPhoto-Induced Color Change in an Optically Active Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Layerposter

A few microns thick layer of a photo-sensitive optically active liquid crystal material possessing very high value of optical activity is studied. A photo-induced change in optical rotation resulting in a significant shift of the transmittance spectrum of the layer in crossed polarizers was obtained. We used a photo-isomerizable nematic ZhK-440 (NIOPIK) and a nonphotosensitive optically active dopant MLC-6248 (Merck). Varying percentages of these components we obtained a “pure” optically active CLC mixture rotating the polarization plane of the transmitting light 90 degrees at the wavelength of 690nm in a 7μ thick layer. The layer possesses strong dispersion of the rotation angle. When placed in between crossed polarizers, the rotation angle dispersion transforms into the dispersion of transmission intensity with a minimum (0% of intensity) at 540 nm and a maximum (100% of intensity) at 690nm. Under exposure to UV a shift of the transmission peak towards the short wavelengths area is observed. On the basis of this effect a color shift grating in the form of alternating red and yellow stripes was recorded.The reverse process occurs with exposure to the blue range light or with heating the CLC material.
14th European Liquid Crystal ConferenceMoscow201726 - 30 ივნისიCholesteric Liquid Crystals for Holographic Applicationsposter

In this report spatial photo-modulation of some optical properties of the CLC layeris reviewed. Our last decade results on the holographic applications of the CLCsare presented. Varying the photosensitive CLC mixtures parameters wedemonstrated holographic gratings recording on the basis of the following opticalproperties modulation: scattering, selective reflection and optical activity. Some new effects we obtained by doping the CLC mixtures with luminescent dyes.It was shown that the luminescent dye enhances the diffraction efficiency of thegratings. In conclusion, we show that a luminescent dye doped CLC layerunder impact of spatially modulated coherent pumping of a Q-switched Nd:YAGlaser operates as a laser and an elementary hologram simultaneously, i.e. the laseremission from the CLC layer carries information about the spatial distribution ofthe pumping.
5th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsTbilisi, Georgia20172-5 ივლისიTbilisi State UniversityDevelopment of in vitro Prostate Cancer Biomarker on the Basisof Gelatin Matrix Incorporated Gold Nanoparticle Functionalized With Fluorescence Dye and Prostate Specific Membrane Antigenoral

Biomarkers have an important role in today’s diagnostics. A biomarker is a molecule that is up or down regulated depending on the physical state of the body. This make biomarkers interesting as deviations in biomarker levels that can reveal information about a patient’s health condition. It's known that prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is one of the most well established and highly specific prostate epithelial cell membrane antigenWe have developed a highly reliable and sensitive screening test diagnostic tools for the detection of prostate cancer in the early stage of its development. Furthermore, while GNPs have the potential to improve contrast with structural imaging modalities, functionalized GNPs could be useful in the field of photothermal therapy that uses light to destroy cancer cells by heat. Besides, a fluorescent dye Nb can be replaced by suitable near infrared dye, because the light irradiation in this region can penetrate deeper inside the tissues, increase the spatial resolution and cause less photodamage than UV/blue pert, as well as to avoid an overlapping of the signal with autofluorescence of biological samples.
5th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsTbilisi, Georgia20172-5 ივლისიTbilisi State UniversityRewritable Image Recording on the Spiropyran Doped Nematic and Cholesteric Liquid crystal polymer filmsposter

The last decade has seen an intensive research effort focusing on the novel photochromic materials suitable for optical data storage. Azobenzene, spiropyran (SP), phenoxyquinone, and bisthienylethene derivatives are representative of the most common types of photochromic compounds explored to date. One of the most unique examples of molecular switches are SPs, whose closed-ring, hydrophobic isomer transforms into a highly polar, open-ring merocyanine (MC) form upon exposure to UV light, whereas the reverse reaction can be induced by visible light or by heat. In this work, we demonstrate the photochromic composites, based on the SP doped polymer dispersed Nematic and Cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) films. The films are obtained by encapsulating an SP and liquid crystal mixture in a polymer matrix and they exhibit a light controllable spatial-temporal optical image modulation with the improved photosensitivity and high resolution. Proposed photochromic medium has a great potential for the development of high-performing optically gated photonic devices such as rewritable paper, real-time holograms, light-controlled molecular and fluorescent switches, real-time UV irradiation dosimeters, smart credit cards and labels. Further, the presented materials are promising for the production of mechanically flexible, environment-friendly, lightweight, large-area optical devices that can be fabricated by room-temperature solution processing.
3rd Italian-Brazilian workshop and 12th SICL National ConferencePortonovo, Brazil201620-23 ივნისიLight Emission and Lasing Enhancement in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Doped with a Luminescent Dye and Gold Nanoparticlesposter

In recent years, metallic nanoparticles dispersed in liquid crystals have attracted attention for the possible development of novel materials based on the controlled assembly of the particles. The use of dye doped cholesteric liquid crystals (DD-CLC) for mirror-less lasing is a well-established technology. In this work we demonstrate that light emission from a solution containing a luminescent dye can be enhanced when it is doped with a certain quantity of gold nanoparticles (GNPs). When GNPs are added to a DD-CLC mixture, we have observed a stronger laser emission with respect to what is obtained using the pure mixture.
12th World Cancer ConferenceLondon UK2016-Near infrared transillumination detection of prostate carcinoma in vitroposter

Вологда (Russia) 201627 ივლისიposter,
4th International Conference "Nanotechnologies" Nano – 2016Tbilisi, Georgia201624 – 27 ოქტომბერიGeorgian Technical UniversitySilver and Gold Nanoparticle Doped Polymer and Liquid Crystal Nanocomposites For the Thermo and Photo Optical Applications oral

We have demonstrated that the light emission from a solution containing a luminescent dye can be enhanced when doped with a certain quantity of gold nanoparticles. When gold nanoparticles are added to a luminescent dye doped cholesteric liquid crystal mixture, we have observed a stronger luminescence and laser emission with respect to what was obtained using the pure mixture without gold nanoparticles. Obtained results can find versatile application in the field of fabrication nano sized storage media for quantum information devices, thermo controllable filters, windows and smart coatings, infrared image converters. For the visualization and monitoring of biological cells.
NanopPlasm conferenceCetraro, Italy201612-16 ივნისიDouble lasing emission from dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystalsposter

Here, we present for the first time a strategy to obtain multicolored lasing from cholesteric liquid crystals. In particular, we obtained two laser lines separated by 95 nm. Also, one of the laser lines can be switched off if an electric field is applied to the first or the last cholesteric layer.
The 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics & MaterialsNice. France201626-28 ოქტომბერიOSADifferent strategies of information recording based on phototransformation effects in cholesteric liquid crystalsposter
4th International Conference "Nanotechnologies" Nano – 2016Tbilisi, Georgia201624 – 27 ოქტომბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityPhoto stimulated Fluorescent Enhansment and Optically Controlled Drug Release Based on Gold Nanoparticle Conjugated Organic Dye Nanocomposite and the Spiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Microspheres oral

First platform aims to visualize the cancer cells and the other one (b), to deliver the specific drug molecules in the targeted placement and at the controlled portions.(a) We present here GNPs formed and incorporated together with luminescent dye Nile blue (NbD) into a Poly (vinyl alcohol) film. The increase of luminescence of the NbD results from its interaction with GNPs surface plasmons. Enhancement in luminescence using GNPs/NbD complex will lead to many applications for advancement in biomolecular labeling to produce novel optical contrast agents with high sensitivity and specificity. These results may have great importance in chemotherapy, in cancer diagnosis. (b) We have demonstrated a novel, light controlled drug delivery system, based on spiropyran (SP) doped liquid crystal (LC) micro spheres. By combining above mentioned two results, it is possible to develop a new platform in which synergistically will be integrated an optically stimulated enhancement of fluorescence, to the photostimulated drug delivery systems, that offer the possibilities of the controlled delivery and release of a wide variety of drugs into the body, at the suitable time and desired site, to simultaneously visualize and fight different kinds of diseases including cancer diseases.
The First SDSU – Georgia Stem Workshop on Nanotecnology and Environmental Sciences.T20154-5 სექტემბერიGold and Silver Nanoparticle Doped Liquid Crystal and Polymer Nanocomposite: Application in Biology and Drug Delivery Systems,oral

We describe silver and gold nanoparticles (NPs) incorporated in liquid crystal (LC) and polymer nanocomposites. Systems of NPs dispersed in LC and polymer matrices have attracted attention to the possible development of novel materials based on the controlled assembly of the particles. The micron size droplets act as micro thermometers, providing a local visualization of the temperature, which is well suitable for applications in the biological field, in particular for the visualization and calibration of temperature distribution near the biological cells, for the application in plasmonic photo-thermal therapy. The visualization and control of optical and thermal energy conversions in nanostructures are key challenges in many fields of science with applications to areas as molecular sensing, detection and visualization cancer cells at the early stage of development, photothermal cancer therapy. We elaborate drug delivery systems which will be possible to control drug release and the location in the body where it is released.
Nanotech Tunisia 2015 International Conference & Exhibition201522 - 24 აპრილიNucleic Acid Induced Assembly of Gold Nanoparticlesposter

The understanding of the physical nature of the fundamental interactions between nucleic acid (DNA) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) has primary importance due to its significance in biomedical applications, particularly in therapeutics and diagnostics . In this work, a combination of laser confocal microscope (LSCM) and scanning electron microscope techniques (SEM) show an AuNPs assembly when the DNA was added to the solution. This aggregation is due to electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between positive charged CTAB capped AuNPs and negative charged DNA phosphate backbone. Our studies would help in the use of DNA molecules as templates to realize linear nanoparticle assemblies since that the ordered arrangement of nanoparticles in two- and threedimensional structures is an important research problem of practical goal.
Intern. Scient. And Techn. Seminar “Advenced photonics: materials, technologies and devices”Moscow20159 დეკემბერიOptical Information Recording in Gyrotropic Liquid Crystalsposter

Peculiar properties of lasing from film dye lasers in the case of spatially modulated excitation are studied. The modulation of the excitation intensity in the plane of the film is performed and the laser emission perpendicular to the film plane is considered. The lasing area diameter is chosen 1...2 orders larger than the layer thickness. As a result of spatially modulated pumping, spatially modulated laser emission is observed. The cross section of the divergent laser beam represents an interference pattern in the form of light and dark stripes whose period depends on the spatial period of excitation. Thus, the beam of the film laser carries information about the spatial distribution of the pump intensity and the obtained film laser operates as an active elementary dynamic hologram.


Designed LCPFs hold promise for the realization of mechanically flexible, lightweight, multifunctional, high-performance large-area photo sensitive films for the non-destructive and rewritable recording of optical information with high sensitivity, optical density and resolution. Furthermore, proposed films possess a very good resistance to mechanical stresses and to degradation, and they can be ideal candidates for a plethora of applications.
4th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsBatumi, Georgia20151-4-ივლისიTbilisi State UniversityNOVEL PHOTOCHROMIC LIQUID CRYSTAL POLYMER FILMS WITH IMPROVED SENSITIVITY AND SPATIAL RESOLUTIONposter

Photoswitchable molecules are a perfect candidate since they change their physical and chemical properties upon exposure to light. One of the most unique examples of molecular switches is spiropyran. We demonstrate novel rewritable photochromic liquid crystal polymer films (LCPFs) with advanced properties, such as high spatial resolution and improved photosensitivity. The use of the method of microcapsulation and an icy acetic acid as the suitable emulsifying agent, allowed us to obtain a stable dispersive system incorporated in the PVA matrix.Upon the irradiation samples were interconverted from the colorless SP into a colored MC form in a few seconds. Using different masks with gray scale images, we have exposed LCPFs by UV light and recor- ded corresponding images with high resolutions. Designed LCPFs hold promise for the realization of mechanically flexible, lightweight, multifunctional, high-performance large-area photo sensitive films for the non-destructive and rewritable recording of optical information with high sensitivity, optical density and resolution. Furthermore, proposed films possess a very good resistance to mechanical stresses and to degradation, and they can be ideal candidates for a plethora of applications.
4th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsBatumi, Georgia20151-4 ივლისიTbilisi State UniversitySpiropyran Doped Rewritable Liquid Crystal Polymer Films with High Spatial Resolution and Improved Photosensitivity poster

We have prepared and investigated a spiropyran doped photochromic rewritable liquid crystal polymer film (SLCPF), that exhibits improved photosensitivity. Upon irradiation with UV light passing though the gray scale mask, the photochromic film acquires a rapid coloration and display a high spatial resolution of recorded images which can be rapidly erase-rewrite using UV/Vis light with corresponding wavelengths. The photo transformation was found to be reversible with no significant photofatigue for more than 20 erase–rewrite cycles. Proposed polymer films open perspectives for making a multifunctional, dynamic photosensitive material with a real-time image recording. In this study, we prepared and investigated a rewritable photosensitive medium with improved photochromic characteristics, based on the SLCPFs. Proposed material hold promise for the realization of mechanically flexible, environment-friendly, lightweight, large-area devices that can be fabricated by room temperature solution processing. Prepared SLCPFs that utilize photoswitchable compounds have great potential for the development of high-performing optically gated photonic devices, such as rewritable papers, real-time holography, light-controlled molecular and fluorescent switches, real-time UV irradiation dosimeters.

4th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials.Batumi, Georgia20151-4 ივლისიTbilisi State UniversityMicroscale Temperature Visualization in Silver Nanoparticle Doped Polymer Nanocomposite.poster

 In the presented work a polymer nanocomposite incorporated with silver nanoparticles and organic luminescence dye has been fabricated, which exhibits thermochromic properties. It was shown that this kind of composite dramatically change its color when changes an environmental temperature and acts as thermochromic material with such improved parameters as temperature controlled fine tuning of absorption. Moreover, prepared polymer nanocomposite is distinguished with intensive luminescence emission the spectral position and tuning rate of which depends on temperature. This combination of silver nanoparticles and organic luminescent dyes can find versatile application in the areas such as: fabrication thermo addressable luminescence displays and thermooptical printers, environmentally friendly thermo chromic clothes. In medicine: modelling, simulation and visualization of heat spreading to the surrounding biological medium, new possibilities for the measuring heat release at the nanoscale, fabrication nano sized storage media for quantuminformation devices, thermo controllable filters, windows and smart coatings, infrared image converters. A simple technology promises to fabricate thermo chromic material based cost-effe- ctive devices.
7th Italian-Japanese workshop on Liquid Crystals and 11th National SICL Meeting20147-10 ივლისიConference are held under the Patronages of Ravenna Municipality and of the Fondazione Flaminia per l'Università in RomagnaVisual Micro-thermometers for Nanoparticles Photo-thermal Conversionoral

We present a novel method to calibrate the light to heat conversion in an aqueous fluid containing nanoparticles. Accurate control of light and heat is of dramatic importance in many fields of science and metal nanoparticles have acquired an increased importance as means to address heat in very small areas when irradiated with an intense light. The proposed method enables to measure the temperature in the environment surrounding nanoparticles, as a function of the exposure time to laser radiation, exploiting the properties of thermochromic cholesteric liquid crystals. This method overcomes the problems of miscibility of nanoparticles in liquid crystals, provides temperature reading at the microscale, since the cholesteric liquid crystal is confined in microdroplets, and it is sensitive to a temperature variation, 28°C-49°C, suitable for biological applications.
Georgian Technical University, International School on Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics2014-Georgian Technical UniversityArray of mutually coherent photonic liquid crystal micro-lasersoral

Photochromic spiropyran doped nemato-chiralic liquidcrystallic compositions self-structuring as nanoparticles -micells, useful for targeting drug delivery founded by the authors is discussed. Nontoxic spiropyran's spherical micella is formed by amphiphilic molecules with zwitterionic head and nonpolar tail. Loaded by hidrophobic drug, micella is moved by blood. Micella is unloaded shrank by UV irradiation, entered in the targeted place. The coat leaves the organism naturally.
II International Scientific Conference, “Pharmaceutical Sciences in XXI Century,Tbilisi, Georgia20142-4 მაისიTbilisi State Medical UniversitySPIROPYRAN'S MICELLE – NANOCONTEINER DELIVERING DRAG IN LIVING ORGANISMoral

Photochromic spiropyran doped nemato-chiralic liquidcrystallic compositions self-structuring as nanoparticles-micells, useful for targeting drug delivery founded by the authors is discussed. Nontoxic spiropyran's spherical micella is formed by amphiphilic molecules with zwitterionic head and nonpolar tail. Loaded by hidrophobic drug, micella is moved by blood. Micella is unloaded shrank by UV irradiation, entered in the targeted place. The coat leaves the organism naturally.

3rd International Conference Tbilisi, Georgia201428 აგვისტო-3 სექტემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityNanostructured photochromic liquid crystal polymer filmsposter

The work describes a new method of creating polymer nanomaterials based on composition consisting of nemato-chiral (NCh) LC, doped with photochromic spiropyrans (SP) synthesized by us. The spiropyran-doped compositions were introduced into the polymer matrix by the improved method of microcapsulation developed by us. The optical investigation of the films showed that in the films the same correlation is observed as in the compositions. This pointed to the fact that, in the result of microcapsulation of the polymer matrix, the composition retained its initial properties. The increase of photosensitivity, along with the radical length, is well demonstrated upon information recording in the polymer films.
3rd International Conference Tbilisi, Georgia201429 აგვისტო-3 სექტემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityPhotoswitchable spiropyran,s micelle nanocontainer for drug deliveryposter

The authors have found that the photochromic spiropyrans with a long radical at a nitrogen atom doped in the cholesterol liquid crystal composition are nanostructured as micelles. The process of micellization is evidenced by the solubility increased by one range and photosensitivity increased by 50 % compared to the short-radical analogues.The nanocontainers designed based on spiropyran micelles meet the basic requirements for their application in medicine: they are proportionate to the principal biological structures: the cell, DNA and proteins; they are not toxic and have the ability to change their parameters in a reversible manner depending on the command received, i.e. the nanocontainers can be influenced in time and space in a remote manner.
NanoPlasmCetraro Italy201416-20 ივნისიCellular Imaging of Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy by Using Gold Nanoparticles Dyesposter
Italian Soft DaysRome. Italy201417-18 სექტემბერიCTAB capped gold nanoparticles: high affinity with negative charged polymeric nanostructuresposter
International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials ICANM 2014 CalgaryCalgary, Canada201411-13 აგვისტოPhotochromic Liquid-Crystal Polymeric Nanomaterialsposter
11th Mediterranean Workshop and Topical Meeting "Novel Optical Materials and Applications“,Cetraro, Italy201310-15 ივნისიSilver nanoparticles: optical-thermal energy conversionposter
11th Mediterranean Workshop and Topical Meeting "Novel Optical Materials and ApplicationsCetraro, Italy201310-15 ივნისიSpiropyran doped cholesteric liquid crystal polymer film as the novel photo chromic materialposter

Spiropyrans (SP), are one of the most popular classes of photochromic compounds that change their optical and structural properties in response to external inputs such as light, protons and metal ions, making them ideal molecules for the fabrication of multifunctional stimuli-responsive materials highly demanded in molecular devices, data storage systems, optical switches , light activated drug delivery systems, dosimeters and colorimetric sensing of various species. Here we demonstrate the photo optical properties of a flexible polymer film consisting of a spiropyrane doped cholesteric liquid crystal (SPCLC). Extremely high solubility (4-6% by weight) of the SP molecules in the CLC matrix and the specially designed method of micro encapsulation enable to fabricate photo sensitive films for the non-destructive recording of optical information with high resolution. SPCLC films possess a very good resistance to mechanical stresses and to degradation, and they can be ideal candidates for a plethora of applications.

International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nanomaterials, ICANM 2013Quebec-City, Canada201312-14 აგვისტოPhotochromic Liquid-Crystal Multifunctional Nanomaterialsposter
33rd Congress of the International Urology SocietyVancouver, Canada20138-13 სექტემბერიNear infrared radiation in diagnosis of prostate cancer- preliminary resultsposter
3rd International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsTbilisi, Georgia20131-4 სექტემბერიTbilisi State UniversityPhotochromic Liquid-Crystal Polymer Multifunctional Nanomaterialsposter

The work describes a new method of creating polymer multifunctional smart nanomaterials based on composition consisting of nemato-chiral LC, doped with photochromic spiropyrans.Choice as a dopant spiropyran with long alkyl chain at the nitrogen atom, increases effective photosensitivity compared with the system, containing spiropyran with a short chain. Merocyanine form, photoinduced by ultraviolet (UV) light from spiropyran with long alkyl chain, is amphiphilic molecule with zwitterionic lyophilic head and lyophobic tail, is self- organized as micelles in the nematic-chiral LC. It increases the absorbing centres ultimately. The phenomenon of increase effective photosensitivity was observed as in composition either in encapsulated polymer films, produced by the improved method of microcapsulation. The increase of photosensitivity, along with the radical length, is well defined upon information recording in the polymer films. The contrast strengthening between UV- irradiated and non-irradiated areas of the films, shows the increase of photosensitivity. Photochromic LC polymer films with improved photosensitivity prodused by us would perspectiv multyfunctional nanomaterials for the applications in various fields of nanotechnology.
7th international workshop on biological effect of electromagnetic fieldsMalta20128-12 ოქტომბერიUniversity of MaltaModeling of early prostate cancer diagnosis by using of near infrared irradiationposter
The International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Georgian Technical UniversityTbilisi, Georgia201219-21 სექტემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityA Novel Method to Increase the Photosensitivity of Spiropyran-Containing Systemsposter
The International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Georgian Technical UniversityTbilisi, Georgia201219-21 სექტემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityCholesteric liquid crystals for photonic and optoelectronic applicationsposter
2nd International Conference" Nanotechnology", Nano 2012Tbilisi, Georgia201219-21 სექტემბერიGeorgian Technical UniversityA Novel Method to Increase the Photosensitivity of Spiropyran-Containing Systemsposter

Spiropyrans are an important class of organic photochromic, bistable compounds. Bistable molecules and molecule ensembles can exist in two thermodynamic stable states divided by a certain energy barrier. Switching from one state to another occurs via external stimulation (light, heat, mechanical stress, electric and magnetic fields, etc.). An uncolored spiropyran molecule with a bulky structure by the influence of ultraviolet light (UV) is transformed into a colored merocyanine form with a high dipole moment. In the process of micelle formation, the base solution is depleted with merocyanine molecules and the spiropyran molecules start to transform to the merocyanine ones to restore the thermodynamic equilibrium. The merocyanine molecules, which are originated in a photochemical manner, are added by the merocyanine form molecules originated to restore the thermodynamic equilibrium. The given process increases the number of absorbing centers in the composition what in the final account increases the effective photosensitivity of the system.
The 3rd International Symposium “Molecular PhotonicsSt.Petersburg, Russia201224-29 ივნისიSaint-Petersburg State UniversityPhotosensitivity of the Liquid Crystals Doped with Spiropyransposter

Spiropyrans are an organic photochromic, bistable compounds. An uncolored spiropyran molecule with a bulky structure by the influence of ultraviolet light is transformed into a coplanar, colored merocyanine form with a high dipole moment. Such bipolar molecules in case of presence of a long alkyl radical at nitrogen atom may be considered as a diphyl particle, with a head with a high dipole moment and a long alkyl radikal tail. Such a molecule with its structure is similar to the surfactant molecules with micelle-originating capability what makes us suppose that a merocyanine form of a spiropyran when placed in the matrix of the liquid crystal, may be structured as micelle. In the process of micelle formation, the merocyanine molecules, which are originated in a photochemical manner, are added by the merocyanine form molecules originated to restore the thermodynamic equilibrium. The given process increases the number of absorbing centers in the composition what in the final account increases the effective photosensitivity of the system
EC funded GEO-RECAP project networking and IDEALIST project twinning meetings Tbilisi, Georgia201227-28.06. Georgian Technical UniversityCholesteric Liquid Crystal Structures as the Basic Elements of the Novel Adaptive Optics Systemoral

In this presentation we propose a new concept of adaptive optics systems, in which two basic components: shack-Hartmann’s wave front sensor and the deformable mirror are assembled by use of liquid crystal structures. In particular: as the wave front sensor is utilized a “liquid crystal micro lenses array”, and as the deformable mirror - a ”Cholesteric liquid crystal mirror”
EC funded GEO-RECAP project networking and IDEALIST project twinning meetings Tbilisi, Georgia201227-28 ივნისი Georgian Technical UniversityMetal Nanoparticle and Organic Dye Incorporated Polymer Nanocomposites poster
EC funded GEO-RECAP project networking and IDEALIST project twinning meetings Tbilisi, Georgia201227-28 ივნისი Georgian Technical University Noble nanoparticles doped Polymer and Liquid Crystal Compositions- Some Novel Aspects of Applicationposter
the International Conference on Physical Research Methods in MedicineTbilisi, Georgia20114-6 მაისიGeorgian Technical UniversityInfrared OpticalTomography for Early Cancer Diagnosticposter
The European Future Technologies Conference and ExhibitionBudapest, Hungary20114-6 მაისიInformation recording in photosensitive photonic cholesteric liquid crystalsposter
11th ECLCMaribor- Slovenia20116-11 თებერვალიLiquid crystal bubbles forming a tunable-focus micro-lens arrayposter
International scientific conference Physical Research Methods in MedicineTbilisi, Georgia201127-29 ოქტომბერიCholesteric Liquid Crystals in Dye Lasers for Medical Applicationposter
International scientific conference Physical Research Methods in MedicineTbilisi, Georgia201127-29 ოქტომბერიInfrared Optical Tomography for Early Cancer Diagnosticposter
14-th International Topical Meeting Optics and Liquid Crystals (OLC-2011)Erevan, Armenia201125 სექტემბერი 1 ოქტომბერიErevan State UniversityPhotochromic Cholesterol Liquid Crystal Polymer Films as the Advanced Media for Optical Information Recordingposter

Photochromic materials have been the focus of intensive investigations for several decades because they have high potential for applications to optically rewritable data storage, optical switching and chemical sensing. In the presented work we demonstrate optical properties of the cholesteric liquid crystal polymer films, incorporated with photochromic materials. The polymer films were prepared by employng a method of microcapsulation. In case of polymer films incorporated photochromic spiropyran, a reversible photo-controlled behaviours was observed. This process is fast and shows especially high sensitivity upon ultraviolet and visible light irradiation. We envisage that in the near future photochromic cholesteric liquid crystal polymer films can considered as an advanced material for reversible and irreversible optical information recording and storage.
2nd International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsTbilisi, Georgia20107-10 სექტემბერიTbilisi State UniversityReversible and Irreversible Optical Information Recording by Use of Liquid Crystal Polymer Films Doped with Photosensitive Additivesposter

 We demonstrate the optical properties of liquid crystal polymer film incorporated with photocromic materials. As the photochromic dopants we have used two different species of the photosensitive materials: 1. Spiropyran derivatives prepared and investigated by our scientific group. 2. Commercially available optically active dopant ZLI-811. By the elaborated method of the micro capsulation were prepared polyvinyl alcohol based liquid crystal polymer films distinguished with advanced properties such as: High elasticity and homogeneously, good adhesion to any surface, high contrast, perfect resolution and fine gradual changing of the colours. Due to the encapsulation, these films are acquired with good protection upon the external actions and prevent the degradation of the composition providing the long life and multifold exploitation of them. High optical absorption rate and good solubility in liquid crystals provide the spiropyran based films superior photosensitivity. Such types of material can be used for reversible and irreversible optical information recording and storage, for photoswitchable sensing devices, photo controllable filters, windows and smart coatings, infrared image converters. Besides, a simple technology promises to fabricate photo chromic material based cost-effective devices.
International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO 2010)Kazan, Russia201023-26 აგვისტოDye Lasers with Tunable CLC Mirrorsposter

Defect structures in liquid crystals are of interest from both fundamental and applied viewpoints. A domain pattern called bubble structure or spherulitic texture has been observed firstly by Haas and Kawachi in homeotropically aligned cholesterics of large pitch. In this work, we present these bubbles as a micro-lenses array, with moreover a controllable variable focusing distance.
23 International Liquid Crystal ConferenceKrakov, Poland201011-16 ივლისიLiquid Crystal bubble structures as the basic element for the building of novel electro optical devicesposter

Defect structures in liquid crystals are of interest from both fundamental and applied viewpoints. A domain pattern called bubble structure or spherulitic texture has been observed firstly by Haas and Kawachi in homeotropically aligned cholesterics of large pitch. In this work, we present these bubbles as a micro-lenses array, with moreover a controllable variable focusing distance. 

XVIII Advanced Display Technologies International SymposiumSt.Petersburg, Russia201027 სექტემბერი-1 ოქტომბერიSOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAYSelective reflection wavelength modulation in photosensitive cholesteric liquid crystals for information recordingposter
9th National Meeting SICL 2010Cetraro, Italy20104-7- ივლისიTeflon thin sheets as phase retarders for flexible cholesteric liquid crystals mirrorsposter
FLC-2009Zaragoza (Spain)200931 აგვისტო -1 სექტემბერიChiral luminescent compounds as a perspective for cholesteric liquid crystal lasersposter
9th Mediterranean Workshop and Topical Meeting - Novel Optical Materials and Applications -NOMACetraro, Italy20097-13 ივნისიFrequency Tunable Three Layered Defect Mode Type Cholesteric LC Lasersposter
Proc.of Inst.of CyberneticsTbilisi, Georgia2008-Inst.of CyberneticsReversible control of helix pitch in 1D photonic liquid crystals employing light emitting diodesposter

Japanese-Italian liquid crystal workshopItaly2008-Lasing stability enhancement in dye doped cholesteric liquid crystalposter

8th Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Cristalli LiquidiAcitrezza (CT), Italy20084-7 ივნისიHolographic gratings in polymers and LC composites photoinitiated by luminescent dyesposter
8th national meeting of the Italian liquid crystalAcitrezza, Italy2008-Novel UV sensor based on a liquid crystalline mixture containing a photoluminescent dyeposter
Polymer Processing Society 24th Annual MeetingSalerno (Italy)200815-19 ივნისი-Recording of High Efficiency Holographic Gratings in Photopolymers Initiated by Luminescent Dyesposter

There have been developed a new kind of thermosensitive liquid crystal chiral-nematic polymer films, containing the mixtures of different nematic substances and optically active dopant-tigogenin caprate. The films are obtained by the method of microcapsulating based on polyvinyl alcohol with the use of the suitable emulsifying agents. 

I st International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced MaterialsTbilisi, Georgia200711-14 სექტემბერიTbilisi State UniversityThermosensitive Liquid-Cristal Polymer Filmsposter

 Creation of the thermosensitive liquid crystal structures are very important for using the liquid crystal materials in the thermoindication. There have been developed a new kind of thermosensitive liquid crystal chiral-nematic polymer films, containing the mixtures of nematic substances and optically active dopants. The films are obtained by th method of microcapsulation.The result of our study shows that new thermosensitive polymer films have the increased photochemical stability and improved temperat dependent color characteristics, therefore the films may find wide application in various fields of thermoindication.
12th International Topical Meeting on Optics of liquid Crystals (OLC""07)Puebla City, Puebla, Mexico20071-5- ოქტომბერიBroadband tunable ultraviolet-visible cholesteric liquid crystal lasers: new strategies and developments poster
ECLC 200720072-6 ივლისიBroadband Tunable Ultraviolet-Vizible Cholesteric LC Lasers: New Strategies and Developments.poster
ECLC 200720072-6 ივლისიSingle Mode Lasing in Multilayer Sandwiched Systems Consisting of Cholesteric LC and Dye Solutionposter
International Workshop on Liquid Crystals for PhotonicsGhent (Belgium)200626-28 აპრილი-LEDs-controlled reversible smooth tuning of lasing in azoxy-based cholesteric liquid crystalposter
14th International Symposium: Advanced Display Technologies200603-05 ოქტომბერი-Pretransitional chiral LC phase: Optical characteristics and lasingposter
21 ILCC, Keystone,Colorado, USA20062-7 ივლისი-Wide tunable cholesteric liquid crystal lasers: new approaches and developmentposter

The last method has been improved in order to obtain a quasi-continuous tuning of the DD CLC laser in the ultraviolet-visible wavelength range using the same device with several resonant dyes. The thought is to combine the CLC pitch gradient and distribution of different dyes. In the same cell, six dyes are combined in order to nearly cover the whole wavelength range from ultraviolet (370nm) to red (680nm). Some of the used dyes work as an emitter, while others work in the Forster regime to decouple the excitation and emission processes. The translation of the cell respect to the same pump beam enables fine-tuning of the laser wavelength in the almost all the visible range, up to the ultraviolet. The results described above, together with the observation of laser emission from a luminescent DD CLC excited by another dye-DDC CLC laser, which will be also presented, give evidence of remarkable features and suggests fascinating developments related to the miniaturization of this kind of devices.
11th International Conference on Optics of Liquid CrystalsFlorida, USA20052-7 ოქტომბერიLight Control of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Using Azoxy-based Host Materialsposter
14th SID Symposium “Advanced Display Technologies”Crimea, Ukraine2005 10-14 ოქტონმბერი-PRETRANSITIONAL CHMRAL LC PHASE: OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND LASINGposter'05%20Proceedings%20in%20English.pdf
8th European Conference on Liquid Crystals Sesto (BZ), Italy200527 თებერვალი-4 მარტი-Strategies and implementation for wide tuning of ultraviolet-visible liquid crystal laserposter
8th European Conference on Liquid Crystals Sesto (BZ), Italy200528 თებერვალი-4 მარტი-LIQUID-CRYSTAL DISPLAYS BASED ON LUMINESCENT DICHROIC-DYE-DOPED CHOLESTERICS poster
11th International Conference on Optics of Liquid CrystalsFlorida, USA20052-7 ოქტომბერი-The Photo-optics of an Azoxybenzene-based Liquid Crystalposter
11 th International Conference on Optics of Liquid CrystalsFlorida, USA20052-7 ოქტომბერი-Wide tuning of ultravioletvisible liquid crystal laser: several strategies and developmentposter

20th International Liquid Crystal ConferenceLiubliana, Slovenia2004- Birefringence and order parameter changes in an azoxy-liquid crystalline mixture due to short-term irradiation with ultraviolet lightposter
20st International Liquid Crystal ConferenceLiubliana, Slovenia2004-Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Mixtures Sensitive to Solar UV Irradiationposter
20th International Liquid Crystal ConferenceLiubliana, Slovenia2004--Colour change in cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures due to provitamin D2 and provitamin D3 photo-transformationposter
20st International Liquid Crystal ConferenceLiubliana, Slovenia2004--New strategies of laser tuning in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals.poster
20st International Liquid Crystal ConferenceLiubliana, Slovenia2004-Photo-optics of Blue Phasesposter
7-th European Conf. on LC,Jaca, Spain2023-A cholesteric mixture sensitive to solar UV B irradiationposter
7-th European Conf. on LC,Jaca, Spain2003-Colour change effect based on provitamin D photo transformation in cholesteric liquid crystal mixturesposter
7th world multiconference on systems, cybernetics and informatics (SCI 2003)Orlando, Florida, USA200327-30 ივლისი Optical information recording on a dye doped cholesteric liquid crystal structureposter
Int. Workshop on Bulk Surface Effects in Liquid Crystals for Photonic ApplicationsSardegna, Italy2002--Cholesteric mixtures sensitive to solar UV irradiationposter
11-th Int. Symposium on Advanced Display Technol.Crimea, Ukraine2002--Optical information recording on a dye doped cholesteric liquid crystalsposter

Web of Science: ციტირების ინდექსი-1057, H ინდექსი-17
Scopus: ციტირების ინდექსი-1019, H ინდექსი-16
Google Scholar: ციტირების ინდექსი-1362, H ინდექსი-17

USA-2006 ოქტომბერი-ნოემბერიCreol University FloridaGrant Project
Italia-1998-2017Universuty of CalabriaContract

Doctoral Thesis Referee

Master Theses Supervisor

Doctoral Thesis Supervisor/Co-supervisor

Scientific editor of monographs in foreign languages

Scientific editor of a monograph in Georgian

Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed or professional journal / proceedings

Review of a scientific professional journal / proceedings


Member of the editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal / proceedings

Participation in a project / grant funded by an international organization

Ecological monitoring of biologically active antirachitic UV radiation and elaboration "Vita D" biodosimeterSTCU Ukraine 01/04/2002- 01/04/2005Researcher
Photosensitive chiral liquid crystal phasesCRDF/GRD აშშ/საქართველო 25/02/2003-20/08/2004Researcher
Optically Switchable and Tunable Chiral Lasers based on cholesteric liquid crystals აშშ20/05/2005-20/11/2006 Researcher
Italy იტალია 09/24/2013 - 06/31/2017

Participation in a project / grant funded from the state budget

Liquid crystal laser for optical devices of cancer early diagnosticsGNSF 01/04/2008-31/03/2010Manager
Optical information recording in polymer stabilized photonic liquid crystals GNSF 01/04/2008-31/03/2010Researcher
Georgian Technical University 06/05/2011-31/12/2011
SRNSF 01/04/2012-01/04/2014Principal Investigator
SRNSF12/12/2016-12/12/2018Principal Investigator
Optical Information Recording Based on Photo-Modulation of Emission Property of Liquid CrystalSRNSF12/12/2016- 12/12/2019Coordinator

Patent authorship

102018000009886ITR.Barberi, M. P. De Santo, M. Lungo Bruno, G. PetriashviliMICRO-FINGERPRINT FOTONICHE COME DISPOSITIVI ANTICONTRAFFAZIONE2018
AP 2012 012607Patent of GeorgiaGEB.Partsvania, G.Petriashvili2012
(10) AP 2011 10990 A #1 (317)Patent of GeorgiaGE2011
CS2009A000003Brevetto italianoITPetriashvili G, Matranga MA, De Santo MP, Barberi R, Desiderio G, Abate S, Lombardo G Laser senza specchio accordabile a tre strati2009
CS2004A00007Patent of ItalyITR.Barberi, R.Bartolino, G.Chilaya, A.Chanishvili, G.PetriashviliPhotoluminescent liquid crystal display 2004

Membership of the Georgian National Academy of Science or Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Membership of an international professional organization

Membership of the Conference Organizing / Program Committee

National Award / Sectoral Award, Order, Medal, etc.

Honorary title



Research articles in high impact factor and local Scientific Journals

Phototunable lasing in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals, AIP Publishimg, Appl.Phys.Lett., 2003, V83, N 26, pp.5353-5355Contract

In this letter, we report the results of phototunable lasing in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals (DD–CLC). Photoexcitation of DD–CLC films gives rise to laser emission in the violet-UV range. Control of the structure of the chiral dopant driven by UV phototransformation is exploited in order to obtain a permanent variation of the cholesteric pitch. Laser emission wavelength tuning, by means of photoinduced shifting of the selective reflection band of the cholesteric liquid crystals is established. A tuning interval of about 35 nm, in the wavelength range of 385–415 nm, is observed.
Lasing in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals: two new strategies of tuning, Wiley-VCH, Adv. Mat., 2004, V.16, N9-10, pp. 791-795Contract

Tuning of a dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal mirrorless laser in the violet– ultraviolet wavelength range is achieved using two different strategies for controlling the periodicity of the cholesteric helical structures. Both methods are shown produce a shift of the lasing wavelength by 30–40 nm, and smooth variation of the helical pitch can be achieved.
Light induced effects in cholesteric mixtures with a photosensitive nematic host, Taylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.,2004, V.409, pp.209-218State Target Program

For the first time the photooptic effect in induced cholesteric mixtures using photosensitive nematic host has been observed. The changes of the pitch (color) and optical anisotropy (Δn) and also cholesteric-isotropic phase transition have been studied. Potential applications of these systems are color filters, UV image recording, UV sensors, and optical data processing systems.
Luminescent dichroic-dye-doped cholesteric liquid-crystal displays, SID Org, Jornal of the SID, 2004, V.12, N3, pp. 341-345Contract

LCDs based on a luminescent dichroic-dye-doped non-absorbing cholesteric LC with positive dielectric anisotropy is proposed. In the initial state, the orientation of the dye molecules provides effective light absorption and irradiation. By applying an electric field to the cell, the absorption and thus the luminescence is absent. A two-color luminescence could be achieved by sandwiching two cells: the upper cell consists of a cholesteric LC with two dyes (sensitizer and emitter) and is used with an applied voltage (active cell); the lower cell consists of a cholesteric LC doped with one dye and works without applying a voltage (passive cell). The performance characteristics of luminescent dye-doped cholesteric-LCDs were investigated.
Laser emission from a dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal pumped by another cholesteric liquid crystal laser, AIP Publishimg, Apl.Phys.Lett., 2004, V. 85, N.16, pp. 3378-3380Contract

We report the observation of laser emission from a luminescent dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) excited by another dye-doped CLC laser. The idea is based on the cascade of two CLC cells containing two different dyes where the emission band of the first overlaps the absorption band of the second. This system of low threshold mirrorless lasers emphasizes the main advantages of these organic materials for lasing applications and identifies a simple laser device. Preliminary characterizations of these CLC laser systems produce evidence of remarkable features that suggest fascinating developments. The main aspects are related to the wavelength tunability of the laser emission and to the miniaturization of the device.
Color change effect based on provitamin D phototransformation in cholesteric liquid crystalline mixtures, Taylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2004, V.420, pp.47-53Grant Project

It has been shown that UV radiation can produce observable color changes in induced cholesteric systems (nematic + optically active dopant) additionally doped with ergosterol (provitamin D2). The effect is based on the photoinduced conversion of ergosterol into vitamin D2, which has the opposite sign of its helical twisting power. The observed shifts of the selective reflection peaks (more then 100 nm after 10 min of UV irradiation) allow both instrumental and visual monitoring of biologically active UV radiation.
Widely fine-tuneable UV-Vis liquid crystal laser, AIP Publishimg, Apl. Phys. Lett., 2005, V86, p.051107Contract

Quasicontinuous tuning of a dye doped cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) mirrorless laser in the ultraviolet-visible wavelength range is demonstrated using a single original device based on CLC as resonator and several resonant dyes. The thought is to combine the CLC pitch gradient and the distribution of different dyes. In the same cell, six dyes are combined in order to nearly cover the whole wavelength range from ultraviolet (370 nm) to red (680 nm). Some of the used dyes work as emitter, while others work in the Förster regime to decouple the excitation and emission processes. The relevant aspect of the device is that a simple translation of the cell respect to the same pump beam enables fine tuning of the laser wavelength in almost all the visible range, up to the ultraviolet.
Trans-Cis Isomerization and the Blue Phases. APS, Phys. Rev. E, 2005, V.71, p.051705Grant Project

A new class of photoactive chiral liquid crystals based on a photoactive nematic host material and a photoinactive chiral dopant was utilized to investigate the behavior of the blues phases when trans-cis isomerization is induced. While the general behavior follows what has been observed in the cholesteric phase, the sensitivity of the blue phases to external parameters causes different behavior when these systems are exposed to UV radiation. The results for four different mixtures are reported and include (1) modulation of the blue phase selective reflection wavelength with low levels of UV and visible light, (2) conversion of one blue phase to another upon exposure to UV light, and (3) induction of blue phases due to UV irradiation when no blue phases are stable beforehand. It is also noted that the supercooled blue phase behaves differently from the other blue phases. All of these results can be understood qualitatively from the ratio of non-nematogenic cis isomers to nematogenic trans isomers and chiral molecules.
Provitamin D2 and Provitamin D3 Photo Transformations in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Mixtures Induced by UV Radiation Taylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2005, V.433, pp.73-85Grant Project

Shifts of selective reflection peaks under UV irradiation (which can be observed as color changes) are reported for induced cholesteric systems (nematic + optically active dopant) additionally doped with ergosterol (provitamin D2) or 7-dehydrocholesterol (provitamin D3). the effect is based on the photoinduced conversion of ergosterol into vitamin D2, and 7-dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3, with the vitamins and provitamins having opposite signs of their helical twisting power. The observed shifts of the selective reflection peaks (more than 190 nm after 45 min of UV irradiation) allow both instrumental and visual monitoring of biologically active UV radiation.
Cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures sensitive to different ranges of solar UV irradiation Taylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst, Vol. 434, pp. 25/[353]–38/[366], 2005Contract

Three photosensitive cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures have been investigated as UV sensors. Each of them is sensitive to a well definite part of the solar UV radiation spectrum, the UV A or the UV B or the UV C range, with suitable absorption spectra. The photosensitive elements in the mixtures are either photoisomerizable nematic hosts or photoisomerizable optically active dopants. The selective reflection peaks of these cholesteric mixtures are in the visible part of the light spectrum. The UV exposure changes the cholesteric pitch and hence the position of the selective reflection peak. The consequence is that the colour reflected by each mixture varies under influence of the UV and it can be used as an indicator of the UV exposure itself. We present the mechanisms of the observed effects and possible application features.
Lasing in an intermediate twisted phase between cholesteric and smectic A phase. AIP Publishimg, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, V.88, p.101105.Contract

This work describes the observation of lasing in an intermediate chiral phase of a dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal mixture. This intermediate phase exists between cholesteric and smectic A phase and it presents anomalous selective reflection properties. The lasing was observed at the long-wavelength edge of the photonic band gap.
Light Control of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Using Azoxy-Based Host Materials Taylor and Francis, Mol .Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2006, V.453, pp.123-140Grant Project

The characteristics of cholesteric liquid crystals can be controlled by light irradiation if conformationally photo-active molecules are present. Recently, control of the selective reflection band (spiral pitch) in nemato-chiral mixtures was demonstrated when photosensitive molecules, namely nematic azoxy-based compounds, were used as the host material. In this report, the investigation of light induced effects in cholesterics with azoxy-based host materials is continued to highlight the mechanisms of the response. Different non-photosensitive chiral materials were added to different azoxy-nematic liquid crystals and the pitch change caused by UV irradiation was investigated. A change in the pitch of 50–210 nm was observed depending on the exposure time and the intensity of the light. This effect is reversible: under illumination at wavelengths greater than 410 nm, the pitch shifts in the opposite direction. The dependence of the selective reflection band and the full-width-at-half-maximum of the band on the exposure time and the temperature dependence of the selective reflection band were investigated. The lowering of the phase transition temperature and narrowing of the width of the selective reflection band can be explained by a decrease in the orientational order parameter. The blue shift of the selective reflection band is due to a decrease in both the order parameter and the concentration of linear nematogenic molecules.
Enhancing cholesteric liquid crystal laser stability by cell rotation Optica Publishing Group, Optics Express, 2006, V.14, Issue 21, pp. 9939-9943Contract

Sufficient slackening of degradation of the planar CLC structure and the luminescent dye in the CLC lasers was achieved rotating the CLC cell. An increase of lasing stability was demonstrated. The operating time of the laser increases by several times if compared with the fixed cells. A rotational movement of the cell was used because of its easy implementation. Degradation of the material in this case occurs along a narrow ring while the most part of the cell area remains unused. Applying more complex movements to the cell with respect to the pumping beam, allows to use the entire area of the cell and to obtain, as a result, a longer operating time of the laser. The remaining lasing instability for a moving cell is mainly expressed by the laser fluctuations which, are due to the spatial homogeneity of the CLC structure.
Trans-cis isomerization of an azoxybenzene liquid crystal Taylor and Francis, Liquid Crystals, 2007, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp.707–718.Grant Project

Trans–cis isomerization was investigated in a room temperature liquid crystal mixture of two azoxybenzene compounds. Experiments were performed on isolated molecules in dilute solutions and on the liquid crystal phase composed of the pure compounds. The absorption spectra of the trans and cis isomers were found to be similar to those of azobenzene compounds, as were the birefringence and order parameter of the nematic liquid crystal phase. The photo‐optic properties were also similar in that irradiation by ultraviolet light caused the conversion from trans to cis isomers, while short wavelength visible light incident on these compounds resulted in the conversion from cis to trans isomers. The activation energy for thermal relaxation from the cis to trans isomer in the liquid crystal phase was determined to be (66±7) kJ/mole, which is less than for azobenzene in solution. While a photostationary state in a dilute solution with approximately equal numbers of trans and cis isomers was achieved, the nematic–isotropic transition of the mixture of the pure compounds decreased from 70°C to room temperature with a cis concentration of only about 12%. One unusual finding was that the photostationary concentration of trans and cis isomers due to irradiation with light of a specific visible wavelength depended on the starting concentrations of the two isomers, indicating that there may be a molecular conformation that is not photo‐responsive and relaxes only thermally.
Reversible tuning of lasing in cholesteric liquid crystals controlled by light emitting diodes Wiley-VCH, Adv. Mat., 2007, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 565-568Contract

The lasing wavelength of dye-doped cholesteric liquid-crystal lasers is optically tuned by the reversible photoisomerization of the azo- or azoxy- nematic components of the cholesteric mixture. The figure demonstrates that the laser can be tuned over a range of almost 70 nm. The nematic components are easily and reversibly isomerized by illumination from light-emitting diodes at 405 and 466 nm.
Single Mode Lasing in Multilayer Sandwiched Systems Consisting of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals and Dye Solution The international society for optics and photonics, Proc. of SPIE, 2007, Vol. 6637, 66370M-2Contract

We have investigated defect mode lasing when a cell containing a dye solution is sandwiched between two cholesteric liquid crystal cells. When the cholesteric pitch of both cells is equal, the dye emission generates the typical multi-mode lasing peaks inside the photonic stop band. We prepared two cholesteric mixtures whose pitches were shifted one respect to the other in such a way that only the edges of band gaps of the cholesteric liquid crystals layers overlapped. Using these mixtures we have observed single mode lasing. Moreover the divergence of the laser beam spot is considerably lower than the one observed in dye doped cholesteric liquid crystal lasers.
Lasing in Three Layer Systems Consisting of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals and Dye Solution Taylor and Francis, Mol.Cryst. Liq.Cryst.,Volume 495, 2008 - Issue 1 Pages 97/[449]-105/[457] Contract

We have investigated defect mode lasing in a multilayer system consisting of a dye doped isotropic solvent sandwiched between two cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) cells. In this case we can use dyes not soluble in liquid crystals and avoid the degradation of the CLC structure caused by the absorption of the pumping energy. When the CLC pitches of both cells are equal, the dye emission generates the typical multi-mode lasing peaks inside the photonic stop band. In CLC mixtures whose pitches were shifted one respect to the other in such a way that only the edges of band gaps of the CLC layers overlapped, we have observed single mode lasing. The divergence of the laser beam spot is considerably lower than the one observed in dye doped CLC.
Chiral Azobenzene Nematics Phototunable with a Green Laser Beam, Taylor and Francis, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2008, Vol. 488, pp. 42–55.Contract

Phototuning of Bragg reflection bandgap from green to blue and from red to green wavelengths was induced with a green (λ = 532 nm) laser beam in a cholesteric liquid crystal based on highly sensitive azobenzene nematic BEAM 1005 (BEAM Co.) and UV transparent non-photoisomerizable optically active dopant ZLI-6248 (R-2011) (Merck Ltd.). Optical switching between reflected and transmitted beams, as well as nonlinear transmission and reflection due to Bragg reflection band shift are studied in detail.
Wide band gap materials as a new tuning strategy for dye doped cholesteric liquid crystals laser, OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Optics Express Vol. 17, Issue 6, pp. 4553-4558 (2009)Grant Project

We present a novel design to obtain widely tunable mirror-less lasers, that combines the reflective selection properties of a broad band gap cholesteric and of a series of narrow band gap cholesterics both assembled in one system.The narrow band gap cholesterics can be obtained inducing in the same cell a variation of the helical pitch. Two strategies to vary the pitch, and then the position of the band gap are presented. The first strategy is based on the phototransformation of a photosensitive optically active dopant, while the second one relies on the variation of the concentration of a non photosensitive chiral compound. The two cholesteric layers, the one with the wide band gap material and the other one containing the narrow band gap materials, are placed at the opposite sides of a three layered cell sandwiching a mixture of isotropic solvent and a photoluminescent dye. When the pumping beam hits the cell a narrow band gap cholesteric is selected and lasing is obtained in the region where the gaps overlap. From this new device we have obtained for the first time a wider modulation of the laser emitted wavelength from 420 nm to 790 nm. With a proper dye, longer laser emission wavelengths could be achieved that would be optimal for applications in biomedicine and cosmetics.
Chiral luminescent compounds as a perspective for cholesteric liquid crystal lasers, ELSEVIER, Optical Materials 31, 1693–1696, 2009Grant Project

We present the synthesis and characterization of fluorene based materials for mirror less laser applications. Mirror less lasing is obtained from a cholesteric liquid crystals mixture, that acts as a resonator, doped with a photoluminescent dye, that acts as an active medium. We propose to use fluorene based compounds to combine two necessary properties to achieve laser emission: chirality and luminescence. Two different compounds, a trimer and an oligomer are synthesized. The trimer and the oligomer are both prepared with chiral moieties and, in addition, they are liquid crystalline compatible. More, oligofluorenes are good blue emitters and the emission quantum yield is around 0.8 in the violet–blue range. These fluorene based compounds are used in cholesteric liquid crystals mixtures as luminescent chiral dopants and a fine tuning of the laser emission is obtained. The dependence of lasing efficiency on concentration and the handedness of chiral luminescent dopants are investigated.
Novel UV Sensor Based on a Liquid Crystalline Mixture Containing a Photoluminescent Dye, Taylor and Francis, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2009, Vol. 500, pp. 82–90Contract

The Erythemal Response Spectrum is a scientific expression that describes the skin sensitivity to the ultraviolet radiation. A long exposure to UV radiation causes skin erythema once a threshold dose has been exceeded.

We present a sensor based on a liquid crystalline mixture, containing dye, that absorbs photons at UV wavelength and emits them in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. In particular the absorption spectrum of the mixture can be modulated to be similar to the Erythemal Response Spectrum. This system presents several innovative features: the absorption range of the mixture can be varied to be sensitive to different wavelengths, the luminescence intensity can be tuned, the system can be implemented on flexible devices, providing the possibility to create a dosimeter for ultraviolet radiation.
Lasing Stability Enhancement in Dye Doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystals, Taylor & Francis Group, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals,Volume 516, 2010 - Issue 1, pp 190–196.Contract

Lasing from dye doped cholesteric liquid crystal mixture was experimentally observed several years ago but in despite of all the efforts that have been done so far mirror less liquid crystals lasers are not yet suitable for practical applications. The main issues that have still to be addressed concern the efficiency, the stability and the tunability of the laser emission. This work has been aimed to obtain an improvement in lasing stability from dye doped chiral mixtures confined in glass cells. Stability problems are mainly related to the absorption of the powerful pumping beam from the mixture that leads to a deformation of the cholesteric texture and a bleaching of the dye. To solve these problems we have investigated different surface coatings and new system configurations.
Frequency Tunable Lasing in a Three Layer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Cell, Taylor&Francis, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ferroelectrics, 2010, vol. 395, pp. 1-11Contract

Novel combinations of liquid crystalline materials for liquid crystals lasers tuning are presented. The cell is based on a three layer system, with two cholesteric films sandwiching a third layer containing an isotropic mixture of a photoluminescent dye. One of the cholesteric films has a wide band gap and the other one presents a narrow band gap, allowing the laser emission tuning over a wide spectral range, from UV to near IR. Further, using mixtures containing cholesteryl esters, a temperature control can be achieved.
Liquid crystal bubbles forming a tunable micro-lenses array AIP Journal of Applied Physics, (2011) 110, 074902Grant Project

Cholesteric liquid crystals with long pitch confined in homeotropic cells can be used to generate stable but distorted and localized liquid crystal structures exhibiting spherulitic textures, known as “bubbles.” As these bubbles can be induced by an external electric field with a narrow range following the confinement ratio C=d/p ≈1 (d representing cell thickness and p representing cholesteric pitch), it is possible to obtain electrically controlled micro-lenses. Here we investigated the optical and electro-optical properties of such liquid crystal bubbles for creating an array of micro-lenses with electrically tunable focal length.
Different Approaches of Employing Cholesteric Liquid Crystals in Dye Lasers, Scientific Research Publishing, Materials Sciences and Applications, 2011, vol. 2, pp 116-129 Contract

Two ways of employing cholesteric liquid crystals in tunable dye lasers are considered: the cholesterics as distributed feedback medium and the cholesterics as resonator mirrors. In the dye doped distributed feedback cholesteric liquid crystal lasers the frequency tuning is achieved exploiting light induced effects or using a specially designed cell assembling a chiral dopant concentration gradient in combination with suitable distribution of different dyes. Another approach represents the lasing in a multilayer system consisting of a dye doped isotropic solvent sandwiched between two CLC layers. To summarize, we have demonstrated recent advances in obtain widely tunable lasing from ultraviolet wavelengths, through the visible range, to infrared wavelengths by employing cholesteric liquid crystals in dye lasers
Information recording in photosensitive photonic cholesteric liquid crystal ELSEVIER, Procedia Computer Science, 2011, N7, pp.139-141 State Target Program

In this paper we propose a new method of information recording based on the photo controllable shift of the selective reflection wavelength in photo sensitive cholesteric liquid crystals. In our experiments we used a cholesteric mixture of the nematic Zhk-440 (from NIOPIK, Moscow) and optically active dopant MLC-6248 (from Merck, Germany). ZhK-440 is an azoxy-component mixture of 2/3 p-n-butyl-p-methoxyazoxybenzene and of 1/3 p-nbutyl-p-heptonoiloxyazoxybenzene. It is enough transparent in the visible range of spectrum and absorbs in the UV part. Exposure to UV shifts the selective reflection band (color) from red to green. By means of a mask covering the pattern, gratings in these structures were recorded. The gratings represent interchanging color stripes. The difference between colors depends on the exposure time.
Electrically Controlled 1D and 2D Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Gratings Taylor & Francis, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2012, Vol. 553: pp. 97–102Grant Project

Electrically induced and controlled gratings in large pitch cholesteric liquid crystals were investigated. Specially selected surface anchoring conditions together with well defined properties of cholesterics allow the formation of a stable periodic structure in the presence of a suitable external electric field. Polarization properties of first diffraction orders have been investigated as a function of the angle between the laser linear polarization and the grating direction. We propose to use two 1D gratings to create a 2D electrically controllable diffraction pattern, suitable for application in 3D optical devices.
Thermal and electrical laser tuning in liquid crystal blue phase IRoyal Society of Chemistry, Soft Matter, 2012,8, 4882-4885Grant Project

Thermal and electrical tuning of laser emission from optically pumped blue phase I of dye-doped short pitch cholesteric mixtures have been achieved. Temperature changes or applied electric field to the liquid crystal cells induce structural changes in the blue phase configuration, producing a shift of the photonic band gap. The emission tunability in a structure that in addition allows multidirectional emission may herald a new age of multipurpose laser sources. Furthermore, the reversibility of the effect points out the potential applications of these soft photonic self-assembled materials.
Paper like cholesteric interferential mirror OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Optics Express, (2013), Vol. 21, Issue 18, pp. 20821-20830.Grant Project

We report on a novel technology to fabricate reflective CLC mirrors on flexible paper like substrates. The not encapsulated design and the peculiar architecture of the device significantly reduce the light scattering and provide a uniform reflection of the incident light. Depending on its thickness, the cover polymer film acts as half-wave or quarter-wave plate, which provides the desired state of polarization for the reflected light. Due to its low cost, light weight, flexibility, durability, easy technology and high reflectivity, the proposed paper based cholesteric mirror offers a novel engineering solution in applications such liquid crystals displays. As an example, they may be used as selective reflectors in guest host displays, where the guest-host system can contain a complementary colour with respect to the selective reflection of the cholesteric mirror. Additionally, the patterning of the reflector also opens up a way to make cheaper reflectors than the silver coated ones used nowadays in the display technology, with more flexibility, for any backlight or reflective display application [29]. Flexible mirrors may also find applications in optoelectronics, e-readers, smart credit cards and labels, adaptive optics, astronomy, medicine, defectoscopy, UV dosimetry.
A Novel Method of Increasing the Photosensitivity of Spiropyran-Containing Systems BULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2013, vol. 7, no. 3.Grant Project

Our assumption that micellization process in compositions containing spiropyrans of certain type would increase efficient photosensitivity was confirmed experimentally. The efficient photosensitivity of the cholesteric liquid crystal composition doped with long-radical spiropyrans to ultraviolet radiation exceeded that of the composition doped with short-radical ones. This is likely to be caused by the fact that, in the presence of the long alkyl radical at the nitrogen atom, the merocyanine form of the spiropyran molecule with a lyophilic zwitterionic head and a lyophobic nonpolar tail is amphiphilic. Under certain conditions, molecules of this kind self-organize into micelles, which disturb the thermodynamic equilibrium in the basic solution. For restoring the thermodynamic equilibrium, merocyanine molecules add to the photoinduced merocyanine ones, which eventually increases the number of absorption centers. By choosing the nematic-chiral liquid-crystal solvent possessing the properties contributing to the micellization allowed us to improve the efficient photosensitivity of long-radical spiropyrans. We observed this process in both the composition and the films obtained on their basis by microcapsulation.
Possibility of using near infrared irradiation for early cancer diagnosis Taylor & Francis, Electromagn Biology and Medicine, 2014; 33(1): pp 18–20State Target Program

Penetration of near infrared radiation (NIR) through biological tissues (human wrist, muscle and skin of hen, muscle of mollusk) was studied. The possibilities of visualizing various objects within biological tissues were examined. It is found that: (a) it is possible to see small objects with millimeter and sub-millimeter dimensions; and (b) by using NIR rays it is possible to distinguish different parts of small homogeneous biological tissues. NIR can be a possible tool in the near future to visualize millimeter size cancerous outgrowths located inside human body cavities. It will enable diagnosis of cancer at an early stage of development.
Cholesteric Liquid Crystal holographic Laser, OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Optics Letters, (2014), Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp. 1008-1010 State Target Program

A new type of lasing was obtained on the basis of a dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal laser with transversally distributed excitation. Two coherent beams of the pumping laser formed an interference pattern in the planar dye-doped cholesteric layer and provided laser generation in the separate narrow strips of the pumped area. Each of the strips demonstrated lasing along the cholesteric axis. But, due to the mutual coherence of the separate strips emission, the total picture of lasing represented an interference pattern. Thus, in contrast to the conventional lasers, the intensity distribution in the laser emission pattern had a periodical character similar to diffraction from an elementary dynamic hologram.
Visual micro-thermometers for nanoparticles photo-thermal conversion, OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Optics Express, (2014), Vol. 22, Issue 12, pp. 14705-14711Grant Project

We describe a new method that enables to evaluate the temperature of the medium surrounding silver NPs as a function of the exposure time to light radiation. This method relies on the optical properties of cholesteric liquid crystals, confined into microdroplets dispersed in the medium, and combines the advantages of high spatial resolution and good temperature accuracy with fast readout. This method can be used for any NPs, disregarding their size or shape, for instance silver or gold based, and it is useful to calibrate the local temperature increase due to laser irradiated NPs in a variety of materials including particles in an inorganic or organic matrix. It is worth noting that the CLC microdroplets can be obtained in a water based environment and with a size comparable to the one of living cells. Hence, the micron size droplets act as microthermometers, providing a local visualization of the temperature reached by the medium surrounding NPs. Moreover, the proposed technique overcomes the problem to suitably cap NPs with molecules necessary to improve their miscibility in liquid crystals. The NCE used for the experiments described in this work contains a cholesteric liquid crystal with a working temperature range around 28°C-49°C, which is well suitable for applications in the biological field. Nevertheless, the cholesteric liquid crystal optical properties can be tailored to change the temperature interval to suit other applications.
Anti-counterfeiting and identification solutions using soft matter,Springer, Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, (2015) 26 (Suppl 2):S255–S259 Grant Project

Advanced countries need simple, effective and affordable novel technical solutions for anti-counterfeiting, authentication, identification and traceability of goods for security, health, justice, logistics, and industry. Nanotechnologies, in particular soft materials and biomaterials, offer new possibilities of overt and covert layers for combating fraud and related corruption. Lasing, interferential reflection, light modulation, and photonic effects can be easily combined to give an amazing amount of possible solutions.
"Electrically controllable multicolor cholesteric laser"OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015, Vol. 23, Issue 17, pp. 22922-22927Grant Project

We presented a novel cell design to obtain multicolor lasing exploiting the selective reflection properties of cholesteric materials. This result is achieved using three cholesteric liquid crystal mirrors in combination with a photoluminescent layer. The three cholesteric mirrors are prepared so that their photonic band gaps have overlapping edges. Further, applying an electric field, one of the laser lines can be switched off. This is due to the electrically induced perturbation of the local cholesteric order in one of the CLC mixtures. Other laser lines can be added simply increasing the number of layers and choosing the proper dyes and they can, eventually, be switched off by applying an electric field. Therefore, this cell is the basic element of a single compact device able to produce and control several laser beams at the same time and along the same propagation direction with possible applications for instance in biology [19], medicine [20], data recording and storage [21] or advanced microscopy
Light-controllable linear dichroism in nematics OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Applied Optics, 2015, Vol. 54, Issue 28, pp. 8293-8297 Grant Project

We report a method to obtain a light-controllable dichroism. The main effect is achieved using spiropyran-doped (SP-doped) nematic liquid crystal mixtures. SP molecules exhibit a high solubility in the liquid crystal host, which can vary between 1% and 4% in weight, without destroying the liquid crystalline phase. Due to their elongated shape, SP molecules are oriented along the nematic liquid crystal director. The obtained linear dichroism was measured to be 1.08 with a dichroic ratio of 7.12. Further, a two-direction linear dichroism was obtained by adding a dichroic dye to the mixture. The angle between the two dichroic axes was found to be 11°. Two-direction linear dichroism is also light controllable and can be switched back to one-direction dichroism
Endothelial-like nitric oxide synthase immunolocalization by using gold nanoparticles and dyes, OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS,-(2015) Vol. 6, Issue 12, pp. 4738-4748 Grant Project

Surface plasmon field of metal nanoparticles, in particular of AuNPs, may be used for artificially manipulating fluorescence and, for instance, to improve biological imaging. In this paper, we used a combination of AuNPs and the fluorescence dye (FITC) for a cellular imaging of LSCM, where the skeletal muscle cells from lungfish Protopterus annectens were tested for the endothelial NOS localization. The Ar+ laser 458/488/496/514 nm was used as pump beam for the eNOS localization in sarcolemma. For each LSCM imaging, a single laser is used to irradiate the sample. The higher optical contrast between the autofluorescence and eNOS emitted signal is obtained when the AuNPs treated sample is irradiated with the laser beam at 496 nm and the emitted signal is detected in the 506-750 nm range, since this wavelength is within the SPR band of AuNPs and it is the closer one to the excitation peak of FITC (494nm). ESEM images provide more information about the AuNPs distribution in cells. The AuNPs are localized in the sarcoplasm and the vascular endothelium avoiding nuclei, which confirms the AuNPs attachment via hydrophilic forces. These AuNPs result to be ideal to skirt the overlap problem between the autofluorescence and the FITC emitted signal, since they are placed closely to FITC dyes bound to eNOS, which results to an enhancement of FITC fluorescence, providing higher optical contrast. To distinguish between eNOS localized in sarcolemma and eNOS localized in vascular endothelium, nuclei are counterstained with PI. For that, in addition to the PMT1 detecting the FITC emitted signal, the PMT2 was set to detect the PI emitted signal. Since there is an overlap between the fluorescence spectra of PI bound to nuclei and FITC-conjugated anti-rabbit polyclonal antibodies bound to eNOS, the PMTs detected ranges were set in order to minimize the maximum crosstalk between the two signals.
Detection of Gold Nanoparticles Aggregation Growth Induced by Nucleic Acid through Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, MDPI, Sensors 2016, 16(2), 258Grant Project

In this paper, FRET between GNPs (donors) and dyes (acceptors) is used for the detection of GNPs aggregation through LSCM. Moreover, DNA form Salmon tests was tested for the GNPs aggregation growth. The 514 nm was used as pump beam to irradiate the sample, since this wavelength is within the SPR of GNPs and the excitation bandwidth of the fluorescence dye (NB). Thus, the fluorescence was manipulated with the SPR through the FRET process. The fluorescence spectra and peak are, respectively, broadened and shifted, which allowed the detection of the GNPs aggregation. In the presence of DNA, the fluorescence spectrum is more redshifted due to the size increase of GNPs aggregation induced by DNA. This result is confirmed with ESEM images which also showed a GNPs assembly into denser clusters in the presence of DNA. Moreover, for a higher ESEM image magnification, GNPs are assembled in 3-D structures following the helical morphology of DNA. DNA induced GNPs aggregation growth due to the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between positively-charged head groups of cationic surfactants coating GNPs and negatively-charged DNA phosphate backbone. Furthermore, these results may be helpful in the world of nanobiotechnology (gene delivery, cancer therapy, etc) mainly that the DNA-binding NB molecules are not toxic [17,18] and aggregated GNPs were usually detected via light scattering techniques, which can present problems since several structures within biological tissues also scatter light strongly. Thus, FRET between GNPs and dyes detected through LSCM result to be ideal for further bio-applications to discriminate aggregated GNPs and complex structures of tissue and cells.
Rewritable Optical Storage with a Spiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Polymer Film Wiley, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2016, 37, 500−505 Grant Project

Rewritable optical storage has been obtained in a spiropyran doped liquid crystal polymer films. Pictures can be recorded on films upon irradiation with UV light passing through a grayscale mask and they can be rapidly erased using visible light. Films present improved photosensitivity and optical contrast, good resistance to photofatigue, and high spatial resolution. These photochromic films work as a multifunctional, dynamic photosensitive material with a real-time image recording feature.
Light Controlled Drug Delivery Containers Based on Spiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Micro Spheres, OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Biomedical Optics Express (2016) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 442-447Grant Project

In summary, we have demonstrated a novel, light controlled drug delivery system, based on SP doped NLC micro spheres. Experimental results have shown that upon exposure to UV/violet light, the photochromic molecules located inside the NLC spheres, experience an interconversion from the hydrophobic, oil soluble, non-polar SP state, to the hydrophilic, water soluble, highly polar MC state. Light induced photoisomerization destabilize NLC-water interface, stimulates the translocation of MC molecules across the NLC- water barrier and results their homogeneous distribution throughout in an aqueous environment. Proposed strategy can be considered as a new platform for the photostimulated drug delivery systems that offer the possibilities of the controlled delivery and release of a wide variety of drugs into the body, at the suitable time and desired site, to fight different kinds of diseases including cancer diseases.
Thermochromism, a perspective of light to heat conversion mediated by metal nanoparticles, (2017) 649:1, 38-44, Grant Project

Measuring temperatures at small scales, especially around nanoparticles, is a crucial step for a variety of applications in biomedicine and in optics. Here, we report on a novel method to map temperature in the medium surrounding silver nanoparticles dispersing them in a thermochromic mixture prepared using an organic dye and a polymer. When the nanocomposite is irradiated with visible light, nanoparticles convert light into heat and the nanocomposite changes its colour. The temperature around silver nanoparticles can be, then, easily evaluated from this colour variation. The proposed method can be implemented in temperature monitoring devices of the nanoparticles surrounding media.
A laser spectroscopy based method for the detection of acidic compounds in solution, ELSIVIER Science, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, June 2017, Volume 244, Pages 1098–1102Grant Project

In conclusion, we present a method based on laser spectroscopy to detect the presence of small amounts of acids. The system is based on the laser emission from a cuvette containing a Nile Red solution. The laser wavelength is sensitive to the chemical species and their concentration. This technique is precise and provides real time monitoring. Further, using other pH sensitive dyes, as Congo Red, more compact and cheap laser sources can be used to stimulate the laser emission from the pH sensitive mixture, as nitrogen lasers. We envisage versatile application in many fields of science and industry where the accuracy, rapidity and portability play an important role as in global and homeland security, medicine and food industry.
Microscale Temperature: Visualization in Silver Nanoparticle Doped Polymer Nanocomposite, Taylor& Francis, Apple Academic Press, Book Chemical Engineering of Polymers, 2017, Chapter 11|10 pagesState Target Program

The visualization and control of optical to thermal energy conversion in nano and microstructures is a key challenge in many fields of science with applications to areas as nanofluidics, nanocatalysis, photothermal cancer therapy, drug delivery, imaging and spectroscopy, information storage and processing, nanoscale patterning and solar energy harvesting. In the presented work a polymer nanocomposite incorporated with silver nanoparticles and organic luminescence dye has been fabricated, which exhibits thermo chromic properties. It was shown that this kind of composite dramatically changes its color when changes an environmental temperature and acts as a thermo chromic material with such improved parameters as temperature controlled fine-tuning of absorption. This combination of silver nanoparticles and organic luminescent dyes can find versatile application in the areas such as: fabrication thermo addressable luminescence displays and thermo optical printers, environmentally friendly thermo chromic clothes. In medicine: modeling, simulation and visualization of heat spreading to the surrounding biological medium, new possibilities for measuring the heat release at the nanoscale, fabricating nano sized storage media for quantum information devices, thermo controllable filters, windows and smart coatings, infrared image converters. A simple technology promises to fabricate thermo chromic material based cost-effective devices.
Mixed emulsion of liquid crystals microresonators: towards white laser systems, Royal Society of Chemistry, Soft Matter, 2017,13, 6227-6233Grant Project

Microdroplet systems have attracted great interest because of their wide range of applications, easiness in processing and handling, feasibility in developing miniaturized devices with high performances and large flexibility. In this study, a stable emulsion based on different dye-doped chiral liquid crystal droplets has been engineered in order to achieve simultaneous omnidirectional lasing at different wavelengths. To obtain the mixed emulsion of dye doped Bragg onion-type microresonators the twofold action, as a surfactant and a droplet stabilizer, of the polyvinyl alcohol dissolved in water has been exploited. Multiple wavelengths lasing in all directions around the mixed emulsion is demonstrated. By water evaporation, a plastic sheet including different types of chiral droplets is also obtained, retaining all the emission characteristic of the precursor emulsion. A relevant feature is the large flexibility of the preparation method that enables an easy and full control of the lasing spectrum addressing white laser systems. However, the simplicity of the procedure based on a single-step process as well as the high stability of the mixed emulsion is a relevant result, envisaging strong potentiality for developing easy and friendly technologies useful in the field of identification, sensing, imaging, coating and lab-on-a-chip architectures.
Photo-induced holographic recording in an optically active cholesteric liquid crystal layer, De Gruyter, Opt. Data Process. Storage, 2018, v. 4, n. 1 pp.1-7Grant Project

We have demonstrated the possibilityof grating recording in a7μm thick photosensitiveand purely optically active CLC layer, where no opticalanisotropy and selective reection are observed. There-fore, for the rst time, it is shown the possibility of gratingrecording in a few microns thick optically active layerwhere, at the same time, all the other optical properties,such as linear birefringence, absorption, reection andscattering, remain practically incidental. The process isbased on the photo-induced phase transition from the op-tically active CLC to the isotropic phase, which results inthe optical rotation angle change from 90 to 0 degrees,hence, to the change from maximum to zero optical trans-mission. Femtosecond pulses are also tested and shownto be compatible with the photo-induced changes of theoptical rotation in the CLC cell. Applications in thin grat-ings and optical information storage can be foreseen onthis basis, exploiting the unique properties of large opticalactivity of chiral liquid crystals.
Temperature-tunable lasing from dye-doped chiral microdroplets encapsulated in a thin polymeric film, Beilstein Institute for the Advancement of Chemical Sciences, 2018, 9, 379–383Grant Project

In the last decade, much interest has grown around the possibility to use liquid-crystal droplets as optical microcavities and lasers. In particular, 3D laser emission from dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals confined inside microdroplets paves the way for many applications in the field of sensors or tunable photonics. Several techniques can be used to obtain small microresonators as, for example, dispersing a liquid crystal inside an immiscible isotropic fluid to create an emulsion. Recently, the possibility to obtain a thin free-standing film starting from an emulsion having a mixture of water and polyvinyl alcohol as isotropic matrix has been reported. After the water evaporation, a polymeric film in which the microdroplets are encapsulated has been obtained. Bragg-type laser emission has been recorded from the emulsion as well as from the thin film. Here, we report on the possibility to tune the laser emission as a function of temperature. Using a chiral dopant with temperature dependent solubility, the emitted laser wavelength can be tuned in a range of 40 nm by a temperature variation of 18 °C. The proposed device can have applications in the field of sensors and for the development of anti-counterfeiting labels.
Spiropyran doped rewritable cholesteric liquid crystal polymer film for the generation of quick response codes, OPTICA PUBLISHUNG GROUP, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, 1 Dec 2018, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 3708-3716 Grant Project

In summary, for the first time is demonstrated the fabrication of a rewritable QRs, imprinted on SP doped polymer dispersed CLC films, suitable for anti-counterfeiting and security applications. By alternating UV and visible lights, images on the photochromic films can be written/erased up to 70 times, without compromising their readability. Low-cost, simple-to-fabricate, simple-to-operate and quick update feature of the films promise to produce high-quality visual QR codes that can be scanned and read out using conventional devices, such as smartphones. Furthermore, the stimuli-responsive luminescence switching properties of the proposed films may be widely acceptable to the development of novel functional materials based information storage holographic systems and devices suitable for the high-resolution spatiotemporal imaging in biological samples.
Development of In Vitro Prostate Cancer Biomarkers on the Basis of Gelatin Matrix Incorporated Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with Fluorescence Dye and Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019State Target Program

It’s known that prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is one of the most well established and highly specific prostate epithelial cell membrane antigens. PSMA is a type II transmembrane zinc metallopeptidase, belonging to the M28 peptidase family. It possesses hydrolyzing enzyme activities and is also known as FOLH1 (foliate hydrolase 1). The combination of a nanoparticle platform with targeting ligands for tumor cell-surface biomarkers is a promising architecture for achieving selective drug delivery and uptake into target cells. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are prone to be attached to many biological probes such as antibodies, enzymes, lectins, glycans, nucleic acids, and receptors. In this study as the prostate cancer (CaP) biomarker, we propose GNPs functionalized with PSMA and fluorescent dyes. We have investigated a possibility to obtain an increased 382fluorescence signal, gained from GNPs conjugated with fluorescent dye and PSMA. The electric charge on the GNPs, the distance between GNPs and luminescent dye molecules has a significant effect on the luminescence intensity, and this enhancement highly depends upon the excitation wavelength of pumping laser source. Charged antigen, such as PSMA, can absorb on GNPs via electrostatic interaction. As the in vitro platform, we have used a biotissue mimicking phantoms based on gelatin matrix. Gelatin-based materials are attractive due to their stable mechanical properties and ease of fabrication. Proposed method that is specific and reliable for detecting cancers at early stages and is easily accessible so that it can function as the first-line guidance is of utter importance. Further, the unique physical properties of developed nanoscale materials can be utilized to produce novel and effective sensors for cancer diagnosis, agents for tumor imaging, and therapeutics for treatment of cancer.
Direct measurements of structural forces and twist transitions in cholesteric liquid crystal films with a surface force apparatus, Royal Society of Chemistry, Soft Matter, 2019,15, 4905-4914Grant Project

Using a surface force apparatus, a cholesteric liquid crystal was confined between two crossed cylindrical surfaces that induced strong planar anchoring and normal alignment of the chiral helix. The film thickness and total twist angle of the chiral molecular structure were simultaneously measured using multiple-beam optical interference. As the film thickness was increased and the chiral structure deformed, the twist angle remained almost unchanged until discontinuous changes occurred at critical distances that were equally spaced by one cholesteric half-pitch length. Structural deformations generated oscillatory elastic forces with periodically spaced maxima corresponding to twist transitions. These findings were reproduced using an equilibrium model of cholesteric confinement and force generation. The analysis indicates that the strength of the azimuthal surface anchoring on mica is high, exceeding 0.2 mJ m−2.
Liquid crystal blue phases interconversions based real-time thermal imaging device Optica Publishing Group, Opt.Express, 2019, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 13526-13531. Grant Project

In this paper, we fabricated and described a thermal imaging apparatus, which combines the attributes of weak first-order phase transitions between BPI and BPII to the brilliant colors of BPI and BPII caused by the selective reflections. The presented thermal imaging device offers several advantages over traditional thermal imaging systems. First and foremost, it does not require the cooling systems and can operate at room temperature. Furthermore, due to the high spatial resolution, small size, lighter weight, low cost, and real-time operation capabilities the proposed device can be used successfully in many different fields, ranging from medicine to the artworks inspection.
Reversible LED controlled optical activity of a cholesteric liquid crystal layer, Taylor & Francis Online Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2019, VOL. 683:1,Pages 14-19Grant Project

A thin layer of the photosensitive cholesteric liquid crystal possessing a high value of the optical activity is studied. Reversible change in the optical activity controlled by two light emission diodes (LEDs) with different emission wavelengths is applied for information recording. The behavior of this structure under exposure to UV and blue light is investigated. A smooth decrease in optical activity caused by the UV light resulting in a change in the color of the structure between crossed polarizers is obtained. The reverse process occurs under exposure to the blue light. On the basis of the obtained results, two methods of optical information recording in such a layer have been demonstrated.
Acid mediated tunability of stimulated laser emission from dye doped chiral microdroplets,Taylor & Francis Online Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 2019, VOL. 684, NO. 1, pp 82–88. Contract

In the last decade, the possibility to use liquid crystal droplets as optical micro-cavities and lasers has attracted much attention since it paves the way for many applications in the field of sensors or tunable photonics. Several techniques can be used to obtain small micro-resonators as, for example, dispersing a cholesteric liquid crystal inside an immiscible isotropic fluid to create an emulsion. Since liquid crystals are extremely sensitive to external factors as temperature or external fields, laser tuning can be easily achieved. Here, we report on the possibility to tune the laser emission from dye doped cholesteric liquid crystals microdroplets dispersed in a glycerol matrix in presence of nitric acid molecules in the emulsion. Using a fluorescent dye with pH dependent optical properties, the emitted laser wavelength can be tuned in a range of 60 nm. This effect could find applications for the development of spectroscopy based sensors.
Temperature tunable omnidirectional lasing in liquid crystal blue phase microspheres, OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP, Osa Continuum (2019),Vol. 2, Issue 11, pp. 3337-3342.Grant Project

In conclusion, we have demonstrated an omnidirectional lasing from dye-doped liquid crystal BPII and BPI microspheres. Due to the temperature-dependent selective reflection of BPI, the temperature-controlled lasing tuning of about 55 nm was obtained. The temperature guided broad tuning range of BP lasers, coupled with their self-assembly behavior and microscopic sizes provides a number of applications of these materials in areas such as sensing, smart optical filters, diagnostics, thermo-addressable optical filters, displays and optical lenses
Electrically Controlled Lasing in Supercooled Liquid Crystal Blue Phase I Microdroplets, ACS PUBLICATIONS, Applied Electronic Materials 2020, 2, 6, 1724–1728Grant Project

We have prepared the liquid crystal blue phase (BP) microdroplets emulsified in the glycerol environment and investigated their electro-optical properties upon the applied electric field. We showed that the lasing from the supercooled luminescent dye-doped BPI microdroplets can be controlled electrically. When the electric field intensity is increased, the lasing intensity is increased too along with the linewidth that decreases from 6 to 2.5 nm. Besides, the laser lines were shifted toward the shorter wavelength by 11 nm. All effects were achieved via electric field-stimulated structural and symmetrical modification of BPI microdroplets, resulting in their optical anisotropy and birefringence. Luminescent dye-doped liquid crystal blue phase-based microdroplets can find applications as electrically controlled microlaser sources for microphotonics and environmental sensing.
Modeling of Calmodulin-mediated Processes in Tissues Using Calmodulin functionalized Gold Nanoparticles and Fluorescent Dyes, Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT), Materials and technology, 54 (2020) 2, pp 211–214.Grant Project

We prepared and investigated Nb, CaM and GNPs based nanomaterials and demonstrated that CaM conjugated with the Nb fluorescent dye and GNPs can increase its fluorescence intensity upon the excitation of a pumping laser source. The obtained results can be put forward as a useful modality for the in-vitro representation of nanoparticle-mediated cancer biomarkers, cell labelling and tracking in biological tissues through fluorescence. It opens new possibilities for plasmonic applications in nanobiology and nanomedicine.
Development and Testing of Nanoparticles for Treatment of Cancer Cells by Curie Temperature Controlled Magnetic Hyperthermia, BULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Human and Animal Physiology 2021Grant Project

A vast amount of nanoparticles has been developed and proposed for the local hyperthermia of cancer during the last decades, but only a few of them correspond to the mandatory requirements of

having therapeutic range Curie temperature (TC=41-450 C), high-rate crystallinity and “strong” magnetic properties, strictly controlled homogeneity and dispersion of the nanoparticles, good

biocompatibility and harmless decomposition products. Among them are the nickel-copper (Ni-Cu) and silver doped lanthanum manganite (AgxLa1-xMnO3) nanoparticles. The developed research

showed that the materials obtained at lower than usual temperatures using microwave enhanced synthesizes and annealing can be successfully used for local hyperthermia revealing high magnetic

properties. Behavioral toxicity testing of the developed nanoparticles was enhanced by blood oxygen saturation measurements using noninvasive oximetry in white rats. Both of the developed

nanomaterials revealed a lower toxicity level than the commercially available Fe2O3 nanoparticles
Microwave Synthesis, Characterization and Testing of Acute Toxicity of Boron Nitride Nanoparticles by Monitoring of Behavioral and Physiological Parameters, BULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2021, vol. 15, no. 2.Grant Project

Hexagonal boron nitride nanoparticles, nanosheets and nanotubes (BNNPs) are even more promising materials for biomedical application than carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and nanoparticles (CNPs) due

to their negligible cytotoxicity. The reported research yielded in development and testing of two distinctive microwaves enhanced comparatively low-temperature methods of synthesis of the

hexagonal boron nitride nanoparticles and nanosheets with reduced distortion of the crystal lattice, and an improved method of general toxicity testing of the developed nanomaterials utilizing

continuous observation of behavioral effects in white rats in combination with blood oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure and body temperature measurements in full agreement with the

4R principles of animal welfare in scientific research. The obtained results allow us to expect that the developed materials can be a good basis for developing highly effective modalities for anticancer (in

combination with chemotherapy, hyperthermia and radiotherapy) and antiviral (in combination with chemotherapy and hyperthermia) treatment.
Liquid Crystal Microspheres Based Light and pH Controlled Smart Drug Delivery Systems, Taylor & Francis Group, Apple Academic Press Advance Materials, Polymers, and Composites New Research on Properties, Techniques, and Applications, 2021State Target Program

The development of a smart microencapsulation system programmed to actively respond to environmental stimuli is gaining increasing importance compared to the traditional forms of drug administration. In this study, we introduce two new concepts of the drug delivery system, based on the light and pH-sensitive liquid crystal (LC) microspheres. The proposed system represents an emulsion formed by the immiscibility between the LC micro-spheres and a water environment.
Quercetin-Modified Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Based Medical Imaging Modality for the Monitoring of Therapeutic Drug Delivery, (2021),Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT), Materials and technology 55(4)477-481Grant Project

We prepared and investigated quercetin-modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles and demonstrated that the functionalization through the conjugation of fluorescent species and magnetic nanoparticles dramatically alters the nanocomposite optical parameters such as fluorescence intensity, spectral position and shape of fluorescence emission. The proposed image-guided drug-delivery system emerges as a promising tool for in-vivo tracking of fluorescent dye-labelled therapeutic drugs with functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles in a complicated and delicate biological environment, such as cancer cells and BBB.

The aim of the work was to determine the possibility of assessing the state of human health by the method of optical spectroscopy of skin and nail. To achieve this goal, Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy was used. A special probe was designed, which makes it possible to record differential spectra and, as a result, to compare the shapes of spectral fluorescence lines. In vivo spectra of LIF intensities of the human finger pad and nail were measured. These spectra can be used to determine and characterize the state of human health, and it’s also further monitoring in real time.When processing the spectra of different volunteers, it was found that the fluorescence spectra of the skin of physiologically healthy and pathological (in this case, type 1 and 2 diabetes) volunteers significantly differed from each other. Moreover, the analysis of these spectra makes it possible to assess the degree of pathology. It was also found that any of the three experimentally recorded fluorescence spectra is a superposition of the other two. A theoretical analysis of the multilayer model of human skin fluorescence has shown that this principle is always valid when the same chromophores are involved in fluorescence.
Cholesteric liquid crystal mirror-based imaging Stokes polarimeter, Optica Publishing Group, Applied Optics, 2021, Vol. 60, Issue 11, pp. 3187-3191State Target Program

We have developed a cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) mirror-based innovative model for detection and visualization of images in turbid media. Due to its unique optical-polarization properties, the CLC mirror is suggested as the basic element of the imaging Stokes polarimeter. The particular design of the proposed polarimeter, coupled with its distinguished operational simplicity, reliability, and real-time operational facilities, promises to fabricate a new generation of the imaging Stokes polarimeter, which can find applications in areas such as diagnostics, biology, astronomy, and remote sensing
Spiropyran Doped Liquid Crystal Film for the Monitoring of Human Ecology Upon Exposure to UV Radiation: An Environmentally Friendly Approach, Apple Academic Press, September 2023.State Target Program

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun and man-made sources. UV radiation can damage the DNA (genes) in cells, which in turn may lead to cancer. Most skin cancers are a result of exposure to UV rays in sunlight. We have developed a novel UV radiation dosimeter that allows a real-time estimation of the dose of harmful ultraviolet UV-A and UV-B radiations emitted by the sun and artificial sources. When exposed to UV radiation, our UV Dosimeter visibly change color from the starting yellow to blue to dark violet. The color change correlates to levels of accumulated UV radiation.

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